Sunday 31 July 2022

Meditation Is A Science Meaning Ascension. M I A S M A .

 This blog today entitled MIASMA is about the obscurity of our inner SELF. and how

the most ancient science of meditation can open up and throw some light on the fog 

or miasma that BESPOKES our ignorance of our true identity.

Meditation is that most ancient of sciences that goes back thousands of years and has

accumulated vast wisdom along the way. This science is about by going within ourselves

we can begin to understand just who and what we really are. 

This science means and leads to the phenomena of ascension, where through entering into

the inner silence we begin to tune into our inner intuition, which will gradually speak words

of wisdom to you. This with flashes of insight and downloads or up-welling's of information

will begin to awaken you into the realization that there is an INTELLIGENCE at work 

within you, which is giving you these flashes of insightful downloads of information and

wise ideas. Miasma  is about clearing away the miasmic fog which is our ignorance of

identity and using  this ancient science of meditation to do this.

We tap into an inner radiance of ethereal light that exists within us and impinges upon 

our consciousness when we have been deeply within that deep inner silence. Within this

inner silence wonderful things happen. Our vibration rate becomes more rapid and we

expand our awareness and perceptions, which then brings up into touching higher states

of consciousness where we then begin tapping into universal wisdom , which has laid 

dormant deep within you.

Meditation is also the science of UNCOVERING, UNCOVERING your ignorance and 

thereby truly revealing before your startled gaze  that reality of whom you really are which

is an Divine Immortal SOUL, when the MIASMIC FOG is cleared away you stand 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonages within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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