Friday 8 July 2022


 This blog today entitled POTAGE is about how all life universally and absolutely is 

a product of Absolute INTENTION which occurred within the Primordial Intention

Wave  that AROSE within the Absolute Source and became the BIRTH of all 

MOTION from Motionlessness. This Intentional Thought Wave was the Primal

Causeless Cause that brought about the manifestation of MOTION and motion became

known as that of ENERGY.

This was the birth of our universe as we know it. Life (motion)  issued out from that 

Primordial thought intention wave and became eventually all the diverse forms and shapes 

that we call life. We however fail to recognise that everything is ALIVE  (has motion, atomic

vibration), the mountains are alive , the planet is alive and called GAIA, the stone that you 

hold in your hand is alive, classed as in a state of "profound Lethargy" NO-THING  is 

dead within this universe, ALL is ALIVE meaning that it has ATOMIC VIBRATION (motion

=LIFE). The greatest power in this universe is INTENTION and WILL. the power of 

intention willed into BEINGNESS. Which amounts to SOMETHING from No-THING !

Humanity all 7.7 billion of us are all products of THOUGHT, and we use thought every

day. The GRACE that is bestowed upon us all is that we have conscious  life and are able

to live and gain experiences while exploring what it is like to be a human being.

When we begin looking within ourselves we find that we are what could be called 

"THOUGHTLETS" of the Divine Source. We are basically intangible thought (SPIRIT)

being expressed within a tangible vehicle we call a human being.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization 

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of being a thoughtlet. Thanks
