This blog today entitled STUFF is about the way life becomes expressed (motioned)
within a series of Torsion Fields which are singularity vortexes which act as condensing
agents for pure energy to become steeped down into dense matter energy. The STUFF we
are made of is intangible spirit which "amounts" to NO-THING. so to get SOMETHING
from NO-THING you need a field of Torsion waves that can SPIN pure energy which is
intangible spirit into SOMETHING that becomes relative . This is done by the force of
a singularity torsion spin wave vortex which super condenses pure energy into what we
call matter.
All life that is visible to us is condensed in this way. What we do not see is the NOUMENON
that exists within the torsion field invisible to our eyes, we only see the outer phenomenon
which is visible, we cannot see the invisible field of electromagnetic vortex torus field that
completely surrounds the visible life presentation.
Humanity for instance is visible as a phenomena we can see the form and shape of the
being, but what we cannot see is the invisible energy that envelops this life form, which
is the NOUMENON the essence of life expressed all we see is the phenomena this
physical form.
The STUFF we are made of is NOTHING that becomes SOMETHING through
condensing and contracting, putting pure intelligent energy (spirit) into a singularity
vortex torsion field that spins at the speed of light and super compresses and condenses
pure energy (spirit) and also localizes the omnipresent energy into this time and space
continuum within this relative universe.
"WE" are all the STUFF that INTENTION made us, spun into SHAPE and presented
as a human BEING.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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Thanks for the insight