Sunday 30 September 2018

We Hover Over Relative Life.=W H O R L Part Two.

All life that is being expressed rotates, all expressed life spins on varying vortexial rotations
depending on its intentional direction.We all come into incarnation on a clockwise rotation or
spin, and when we die(exit the vehicle) in a counter-clockwise rotation or spin. We all spin
in and out of expressed life many times over many life times, all so that we can gather enough
experience, to know fully who and what we truly are.
Here it is best to mention the big difference between the term soul and spirit, and see how to
differentiate between the two.The primal and ONLY REAL LIFE FORCE is SPIRIT, the soul
is in essence just a vehicle for the spirit to use, until it becomes fully SELF realized, then it can
if it so wants to, shed its vehicle.Just like we all shed our physical vehicle, when we exit the vehicle
at the time of "death"(which really means change location). Our spirit, which is at the center of all
our lives, in absolute in nature, eternal absolute and infinite, our soul is relative, and is a garment
that the spirit needs to wear, in low vibration frequencies, its needs a sheath because the purity of
spirit can never be violated by contact with crude and base vibrations.
We as self conscious souls, have all been on a vast unimaginable journey, and we have all reached
the state of self consciousness, where we now know that we know, and are conscious of our
knowing. We are at at the next level of consciousness expansion, where we all know and are aware
of our humanity, and conscious of being human beings, the next leap up onto the evolution ladder
is to then recognise the reality that we are all souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls, there
is a vast difference! When we understand this truth about ourselves, our consciousness will become
much more expanded,and other energies that were not known to us before the awakening, will then
present themselves to you, a new spin or rotational vector will open up in your life, and your awareness will become much more sensitive and expanded.
We are all at the point of new self discoveries, you now reading this blog, stand on the threshold of
this new dawn that can awaken in your lives. My hope is that you all take this opportunity to look
within yourself, and find that soul who dwells there.
Warmest regards Michael. Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 29 September 2018

We Hover Over Relative Life.=W H O R L

"We" US, which stands for universal souls, hover over our vehicles of expression, the physical
body, which is, as I have said numerous times, is just, and ONLY a vehicle for the soul, so that
it can gather experience here on Earth. The soul  is magnetically and electrochemically connected
to the physical vehicle via the crown chaka, and the heart chakra.
 Plus also connected to the ethereal plane via our other five chakras, which are really energy centers
that convert energy into varying frequencies in order to maintain  harmonic resonance within the
We as souls cannot actually touch anything that is of a physical vibration density,in truth we have never actually touched the soil, or even smelt a fragrant rose, our physical vehicle do all these things
but we need always be mindful, that the vehicle, is N OT REALLY YOU!  It would be the same as
you identifying with your car, as being really you, if you did that, you would for a psychiatric
evaluation test!  All that we see,touch,taste, smell, hear, is manifested within the physical brain
and this in turn sends out energetic waves that interpret what impinges upon our consciousness
as either pleasant or unpleasant, we cannot however as souls breath the air, that enters our physical
lungs, because as being immortal divine souls, we never have any need of oxygen, or food,or anything else come to that, except, the one thing we all need, in order to finally leave the soul
vehicle, and become fully SELF REALIZED, and that is EXPERIENCE, that is the ONLY
THING that any soul upon this planet needs, is just EXPERIENCE, this physical Earth is
really just a school, where we all come to learn our lessons, and understand fully as to who and
WHAT we really ARE!  We are all at different stages of learning, some here are in kinder garden
some in primary school, some in secondary school, others are at college, and university.
We all could be called "professional experience gatherers" because in a way, that's exactly what
we all are. We all need these, which can seem endless at times. these manifold experiences, because
it is absolutely essential that we all eventually know exactly who we ARE! If you can excuse the
pun,that is the sole reason we are all here, to realize our souls!
Life as it is expressed, manifests itself in almost infinite combinations of whorls and vortexes
all rotating around a central axis, that is its primal matrix.
In part two will explore this further.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization

Friday 28 September 2018

Total Harmonic Emptiness-Vibrationless Omnipotent Infinite Dormancy. THE VOID. Part Two.

The void can also be likened to the word A U M  which stands for, Absolute-Unexpressed
-Motionlessness, or A U M  for short. The A U M  is really the same as the void, it is the
soundless sound of sleeping infinite potentiality. I am aware that the word A U M  is also
used in various meditation practices, as a variant spelling of the word O M, but in the context
of this blog, as given me in meditation,the word A U M  represents the void,zero absolute
infinite potentiality,unrealized.
The void will forever be "outside" of this physical relative universe, we will never reach its
place of absolute zero emptiness, infinite dormancy. We as an expanding universe, are all
expanding, within the absolute CARESS of the void. The void completely surrounds this
universe, totally and absolutely.
Here I would like to introduce the O M  which stands for omnipresent motion, and that
motion is the force of expansion, and expression. Before there was any beginning, there
had to arise within the absolute potentiality the arising thought wave, to the will to BE
as this intention arose within absolute consciousness, a point of departure, arose within
the void, this is what science calls the big bang theory, which to me seems like utter none-
sense,and in a vacuum there is no sound anyway? So no big bang! Instead I see a big
THOUGHT instead. The virginal relative universe, began as a point of departure, and a point
of infinite expansion,this point opened up within the void, and as we expand, the void is eternally
ahead of us at all TIMES. Space was manifested at the exact time that motion was born, motion
and space are locked together within an eternal embrace, much like Yin and Yang!
All expressed life began with a THOUGHT, there is NO other way possible, thoughts are THINGS
such as an ancient occult maxim states. The virgin universe pulsating with the throb of the OM
extended out from that primal thought wave, into what was first called INVOLUTION where
principle within principle were WRAPPED UP and awaiting the time of PAUSE, this is where
involution finished, the out-rolling of principles ceased, this pause is replicated daily upon this
earth in between the oceans tides, known as "slack water" after the momentary pause, involution
was finished, and therein began the process that we are much more familiar with, that of
evolution, as evolution opened up, these wrapped up principles, unrolled to become universal
laws, like cause and effect, gravity, etc, we as human beings, a a fair way along this path of
expansion, when we can all realize that we are all immortal souls, then the OM will resound within
our ears, with a deafening silence!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Total Harmonic Emptiness-Vibrationless Ominipotent Infinite Dormancy.= T H E -V O I D .

What then is the void? The void is in simplicity indescribable, way beyond our relative words
to express, however, I shall attempt the impossible and try and describe that which is the
indescribable void! The void "exists" outside of what we call this physical relative universe.
It is in fact way beyond our understanding of what existence actually means. The void, is NOT
"empty space", it is beyond space and all measure of time, and manifestation.  Space as we know
it within this physical relative universe, contains many things, like, gamma rays,cosmic rays,atoms,
gravity waves,energy,microwave background radiation, it is literally full of invisible energy that
fills that place we call infinite space. However, when we come to the void this stops DEAD! The
void is NOT empty space! It is beyond all space, the void has zero energy,zero radiation,zero
motion,zero vacuum,zero light, zero darkness, zero atoms,zero particles,  literally ALL is SET
at ABSOLUTE ZERO!  What then does this void contain? It contains NOTHING! However,
nothing can as does have infinite potentiality, this potentiality is as yet unrealized, asleep in
dormancy-awaiting an arising thought to arouse the awesome VOID!
Where then do we all fit into this existence of motional expression?We all exist within space
and not in the void, our space and our universe is physical dual, and relative,although we all
think of our universe as infinite and eternal,which it seems to be,there are though, some pointers
that might suggest otherwise, will look at these later.
I do not accept the so called big bang theory, rather I accept that universal intelligence runs this
universe, and always has and always will do so, therefore rather than a big bang, there instead
was the arising of a big silent thought! This thought was the primal thought wave, of the
absolute, this primal thought wave, an act of WILLED AWESOME INTENT, set in MOTION
which arose from within absolute stillness, motionlessness,this motion was the birth of a virgin
dawning relative physical universe,the very moment that motion was BORN, space too became
alive and ready to contain all it future charges? The was and is no such thing as creation, because
this universe, and every other universe, are all begotten not made, from within the body-less
body of the ABSOLUTE! We and everything within this universe, are basically made of the same
thing, and that is spirit, or consciousness.
Tomorrow in part two, will look at the word AUM and the word OM and see how they fit into this
blog on the VOID!  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Inner Notions Teach Us Insightful Thoughts Igniting Our Numinosity.=I N T U I T I O N Part Two.

Igniting our numinosity, what does that actually mean ? Well the word numinosity comes from
the Latin word,numen, which means "arousing spiritual curiosity" or it can mean, to bow your head
in the presence of Divinity.So if we have an experience of hearing an inner voice within us, perhaps
because we may be in a crisis, or even emotional turmoil,if we hear that inner reassuring voice, that
helps us to feel safe, and cared for,maybe this inner voice, will arouse your own curiosity, and start
you thinking about from where does this inner small voice, come from? Is it the voice of God?
Some who have this experience do indeed think it is the voice of God! Others will think it is our
conscience, others will not bother thinking about it at all! Perhaps just think it was their mind
helping them, and nothing really special.
The word intuition literally means "to be taught from within" I mentioned this yesterday, if any of
us really think about what this actually MEANS? What are the implications of this meaning?
Should this not at least arouse a modicum of curiosity within us?  As to whom and what is this
teacher, that is teaching us from within ourselves? What is the identity of this inner teacher? Are
you at least a little bit curious to know? Unless something is actually brought to our attention, we
can spend our entire lives, not ever thinking about what say this word intuition actually and really
means.I am hoping that this blog will help focus the attention on that word intuition, and that those
dear readers of this blog, will give this word, some of their attention. And trust that my hopes are
not all in vain. My life was literally saved by this inner small voice, when at the age of twenty nine
I was so depressed and anguished by fears and horrific nightmares, that I was going to commit
suicide and drown myself, if it were not for that reassuring inner voice, I wold have been dead over
forty years ago, and most likely been recycled back into another nightmare here, to learn how to deal
with life and experiences. This inner voice that offers hope and reassurance comes by many names,
some of us call it our conscience, or our higher self, the inner voice of reason, it does not matter as
to what we call this inner voice,as long as we try and pay attention to it,and seek to get to know it
better. We all have this inner teacher within us, all seven billion or so of us,all we really need to do
is to look within ourselves, and perhaps ask ourselves that question of, "who am "I"? If we persist
with this line of questioning, we will all get an answer, and the answer will be, that you are an
immortal divine soul, just like the rest of humanity, sadly though, tens of millions of us, have yet to
discover,this most profound and wondrous truth.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Inner Notions Teach Us Insightful Thoughts Igniting Our Numinosity.=I NT U I T I O N .

What actually is intuition? What does it mean? Is the word insightful related to the word
intuition? Questions like these will always arise within an inquiring mind. Can we be tuned into
these inner aware moments? Can we follow the trail as from whence they emanate from?
Therein finding the truth of being? If we look at the word intuition and see what that word
actually means, it literally means "to be taught from within" if we then fully understand this
inner meaning of the word intuition,should we not then ask a very pertinent question, as to
whom and what is this teacher that is teaching me from within myself????? All of you dear
readers of this blog, chances are that you have had experience of intuition arising within YOU
did you then when this occurred,inquire as to who this inner teacher actually was? Did it even
occur to you, to do so? What about the word insightful? What does that mean? Literally it means
to gain sight from within yourself, some aspects of insight can be seen as remembered
experiences, and therefore suggesting a direction to take, as your next step along your path of
life, other insights can be somewhat likened to intuition, the subtle difference being that insight
seems to come from our conscious or subconscious mind, and that intuition  seems to be
likened to that "still small voice within us all" and SEEMS apart and distinct from us.
The operative word there is SEEMS apart and distinct from us, but of course in truth, it
is nothing of the sort,that inner intuitive teacher and inner voice, is really US ! A part of us
that tens of millions of us know absolutely nothing about.. That is why it is being mentioned
here in this blog today, because we all have been fully enclosed within a blanket of mass
ignorance, as to who and what we all really are.And it is time we all had the opportunity to
find out about the facts and truth as to who and what we really are.There is another aspect of
this intuitive voice that needs mentioning here, and that it is also the voice of that thing we all
call our conscience,an old saying goes, "let your conscience be your guide"very true if only we
all did that! Our conscience is the same thing as that still small voice that arises within us, often
in times of trial and crisis,a reassuring inner voice, that tells us we are safe, this inner voice can
be likened to a monitor, that watches out for us, and when tempted to do something we know we
should not do, will remind us, that this choice is unwise.
In part two, will look further into this.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 24 September 2018

Matter And Thought Reveal Illusional Xfactor. =M A T R I X Part Two.

The xfactor that matter and thought reveal is all of us!, The word U S  also stands for universal
souls, we are all universal immortal souls, having an experience of expressed motional life, here
on the Earth plane, one of countless others that we have all experienced, and will experience
when we get to that point of our expression.I used the word motional life intentionally, as only
expressed life has motion,unexpressed life, being absolute life,is total and complete
motionlessness,where all is eternally still. The living matrix in which we all are firmly plugged
into, animates all motion on infinite levels of dimensional variances simultaneously. We as this
thing called humanity, are all plugged into this matrix,operating on differing dimensional
frequencies, that cover our basic three dimensional expressions, that of physical, mental, and
spiritual beings, and also, ethereal and astral aspects of our more inner nature.
We intake energy through many levels, physically, we all have to eat food, drink plenty of liquids,
breathe in the physical life sustaining oxygen, sleep and rest,the sun also provides vitality.
We too have many inner needs, food and drink will help us to think clearly and make decisions etc,
We all know of these physical needs, but few of us are even aware of our inner needs,thank god
that they operate automatically, other wise we would all be dead, long ago!! If some of us decide
to look within us, and ask questions, about who we really are, and perhaps take up meditation or
even yoga, we will then begin to become sensitized to these inner energies, we will become aware
of our main seven energy centers, that are called chakras, there are five others as well, but will
ignore those for now.
The seven main chakras are energy vortexes that swirl energy around themselves, if we are attuned
to this energy, we can actually hear the roar of convergent eddies as the chakras are rotating this
energy in a spiral shaped configuration.
The ancient Greeks knew of this reality, that's why at the temple of Apollo in Delphi it is written
"MAN KNOW THYSELF"! For if we know ourselves, we then know, that we ALL OUR eternal
IMMORTAL SOULS!  That being eternal life, now being expressed as a thing called a human
being, we will see, know, and understand, that these physical bodies of ours, wonderful and marvelous as they are, that the body is a vehicle for the soul to use, and that YOU are THAT SOUL
dear reader of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook SoulRealization.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Matter And Thought Reveal Illusional Xfactor.= M A T R I X .

What then is this illusional xfactor, that matter and thought reveal?The simple answer is that
we all are this illusional xfactor!  Supposing you were to suggest to your friends or family,
that your new Ford car that you had just purchased, was really YOU? What do you think their
reaction would be? If you persisted in this claim, that your new Ford car, was really you, before
too long, men in long white coats would come and place you in protective care, in the local
mental health hospital, and while there, your treatment for your delusion, might well be E C T
treatment, which stands for electoconvulsive therapy, where two electrodes are placed on your temples, and then your brain gets an electric shock, not very pleasant, at least these days you
are given an injection which cause you to loose consciousness, for a few minutes while your
brain is shocked. Years ago you were awake when this happened, with a grip between your
teeth, to stop you biting of your tongue! Then you would most likely be given a cocktail of
drugs, that would then hopefully dissolve your delusion.
What then is the real difference between the man or woman who believed that their new Ford
car is really them, and the rest of us in this thing called humanity, all believing that our physical
bodies are actually who we really are? Should then the whole of humanity be given ETC
Treatment, to help it dissolve its very own delusion, and also be given a cocktail of drugs to
bring us all back to sanity!!!!
It might well sound absurd, that anybody would think that their car was really them, but if we
really look at what WE ALL are really doing, thinking that the biological computer called
a physical body,is actually and really who YOU ARE! Is  that delusion exactly the same as that
lead that poor soul, who thought he was his car, and was taken away for treatment??
Matter and thought are both woven into a form and shape, that will permit the immortal soul
access into this low vibration energy field, it needs a vehicle in order to have the weight and gravity
to hold it in place while experiencing life of Earth, that weight and gravity is PROVIDED by what
we call the physical body,in which we all mistakenly believe is US, when in truth the physical
body is just and only a VEHICLE, nothing MORE!  Life is the MATRIX where ALL MOTION
is BORN,When life is expressed it is in MOTION, when unexpressed, Absolute motionlessness.
In part two,will look more into this.  warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Open Up Reality-Living Intelligent Focused Energy.=O U R -L I F E . Part Two.

We all are actually not living a life, rather we are LIFE, having a experience within an enclosed
form and shape,that of something in which we call a human being, which in truth is really just
a vehicle for the indwelling soul. We all our LIFE being expressed in over seven billion "points"
of expression, all these "points" of the LIFE force, which in our case, all have attached to this
motioning life force, the facility of self aware consciousness, this allows us all the ability to be
able to know and be able to reflect upon that knowing, and perhaps even ask ourselves the
question, who am I really?
It would seem that we are all "points" within the LIFE field matrix, the purpose of these
points, each point represents one human being, we all seem to be within a huge collective
of so called individuals, who are all busy collecting experiences, and sharing these experiences
with their friends and family, ultimately  one by one of US, will have collected enough
experiences, to begin to realize, the so called bigger picture, they will begin to see, after
noticing the connections and interconnections within all life upon this planet, that we indeed
as this thing called humanity are all totally connected to each other, and will be very mindful
of the fact that there is only ONE LIFE FORCE, evident within this universe, having understood
this reality, for reality it most certainly is, they will then begin to see, that what happens to these
seven billion or so humans here on earth, if there is only really ONE LIFE??
We will all have to face this truth, at some time in our journey through and upon our evolutional
arc of ascension, the truth that literally and factually we are all ONE, posing as the ILLUSION
of the MANY!
We will not loose anything from this merging within the WHOLE, except perhaps our ego's
instead we will gain all that is possible to imagine, magnified a million times over.
All of humanity is related to each other, brother and sister, but because we cannot see this truth
we have wars and hatred, and all the other woes that befall mankind.
Can we wake up, and see that life is totally inclusive, and never exclusive, we are all in the same
boat let us all not rock our boat of LIFE, by hatred and fear, rather steady our boat by love and
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization. 

Friday 21 September 2018

Open Up Reality-Living Intelligent Focused Energy. = O U R -L I F E .

Reality presents itself to us in the guise of an extremity,which is the physical body,which is also
a vehicle, a vehicle for the indwelling soul, or higher self, this outer guise is only really a crude
reflection and a shadow of the invisible indwelling life force, that animates the outer extremity
the physical body.
Because we all seem to misidentify ourselves, as human being, that have life, we fail to see the real
message here, that we all carry within us, and is mostly completely unknown to the vast majority
of humanity. We are NOT human beings who have life, we are LIFE, expressed dually on the
outer extremity, and absolute within.The expression unfolds is a sequence of LIFE first,then the
spirit which is life in motion, then the vehicle for the life/spirit, which is the soul, then lastly we
come into the picture as a thing called humanity, which really means vehicles in which the
indwelling soul uses to gain its experiences here on earth.We can better understand this if we
are mindful of the fact, that ALL LIFE is only ever SINGULAR, there is only ONE LIFE
within this entire universe! There is NO such a thing a LIFE(S)!
There may well be over seven billion humans, or souls, on this earth, but there is only ever ONE
life force upon this planet, or any other planet anywhere in this universe.
If we look at the two words at the top of this blog, which say, "our life" what exactly does this mean?
Is there a difference between, our life, and say my life? Are we plural or singular? Is our life suggesting maybe that we all our inclusive, and part of a WHOLE? And perhaps maybe the term
my life, could be seen as maybe ego driven and perhaps suggesting exclusivity? We could ask the
very valid question of , who exactly is the ME that has something called MY LIFE? Do we then
claim ownership of this absolute infinite ever-present LIFE ENERGY? The  term our life implies
and includes all of us, we are all  awake and in MOTION within this absolute and infinite matrix
called LIFE!  Whereas my life seems to imply that your life is different from other lives, and perhaps
merits special attention, within an exclusive club?
We are consciousness and self aware life,the word life reveals actually what we all really are, and that
is Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE, that is what we all basically and fundamentally are,life
is expressed energy, and the focused part of it, comes from out inherit intelligence, life in our case
being expressed within a physical form, that is formed and shaped by this same intelligence that
guides our direction in our field of gathering experiences.
In part two will look further into this.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Triple Realization In Mankind's Experienced Destiny. =T R I M E D. Part Two.

All realizations are are vouchsafed within the matrix of the whole of mankind,from our primitive
beginnings to this present day more awakened state. All our gathered experiences are a gradual
awakening process, this is what experiences are, each experience represents a motion through
which you pass through, and its effect is imprinted upon your primary consciousness. We went
through the basic ego state in yesterdays blog, this self aware state of knowing that we are alive
and having the capacity to be able to reflect upon this truth.The vast majority of us are currently
within this ego state,some with reflective ego's and balanced, other with more rampant and
bloated ego's are running our countries, and are heads of state!
Many of us will stay in this egoic state all of our lives, seeing no real need to look any further
or deeper into life, that's fine, as long as our life delivers what we want, why would you want to
rock the boat, so to speak! A few though within this mindset, will make a move to look deeper
into life, because they feel an inner magnetism to search for answers as to why are we all here?
The majority of us, myself included, would not have made the effort to look within themselves
unless they were confronted with a major life changing of threatening crisis. The important thing
to be mindful of,is that we are all on a journey to soul realization, and ultimately to SELF
realization. although millions of us are completely unaware of this fact, we are still unconsciously
treading a path through multiple experiences, that will deliver us into the place where realization
will naturally occur, just when, really depends on us, this life time, or another, we have ALL the time
in the world, as we are all immortal divine souls.
If any of you reading this blog, yes YOU dear reader, pay attention to that inner voice within you
some will call this still small voice within themselves, the conscience, let the voice of your conscience speak to you, because this inner voice is your own immortal soul communicating to
you, any way it can get through to you. this inner intuitive voice, listen to what it says, ask this
inner voice to reveal itself to you, ask yourself the question who am "I", and await a answer, one will
come if you just PERSIST in your questioning. Then you will be on the roas to your own soul
realization. Lastly we get to SELF realization, this has already been achieved by some, I mentioned
one in yesterday's blog, not many of us are going to achieve this exalted state in this present lifetime
but it is I feel important to mention it, because this state is all of humanities ultimate DESTINY!
We need only be mindful that at the absolute core our matrix, we are all Absolute, we are all spirit
clothed in garments woven by our thoughts and consisting of woven light, disguised as a thing
called matter! Deep within us, we are all fully realized,  its just that we do not know how to just
BE that realized ONE,  in simple terms we have just got to do nothing at all, to realize this state
because we are already there, but fail to see this!  Humanity is basically relative on the outside
and absolute on the inside, the two faces of JANUS!
The biggest difference that I would like to mention here is this, in ego realization, there are seven
or more billion of us, living this reality, in soul realization there to will be seven of more billion
of us realizing this inner state, but with SELF REALIZATION  this number is JUST ONE!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Triple Realization In Mankind's Experienced Destiny.= T R I M E D

There are three major realizations that all of man kind will eventually experience, this will take
many life times, and maybe a few thousand years to finely absorb the last ones into the WHOLE
One could ask the question, and quite rightly so, that if this triple realization process takes so
long, what is the point of mentioning it now? As we will all be long dead, many times over by the
time we arrive at the last realization!! That is a very valid question, the answer is that there is one
soul who has already achieved this triple realization, his name was Sri Ramana Maharishi, he
fully realized back in the beginning of the 1900's and died in 1950. So what one has done we can
also do, it really depends on our efforts and focus.
The three major realizations we all will take, are these, first there is the egoic realization, the state
of being identified with the ego,the power which seeks to defend and glorify the separate and separated self,an unhealthy autonomy,or dogged independence, and sometimes works to obscure
the inner divine self, also known as just the ego, or lower self. with ego centered consciousness
we can fully understand our physical state, and to a large extent, we can understand our mental
and emotional state,being that mankind is expressed in a three fold expression, that of physical
mental, and spiritual, the emotional aspect is tied in with the spiritual aspect of our expression.
The egoic state is very wary of the spiritual aspect of our being, and the reason for this, is very clear
if you try and explore into your own spirituality, at first your ego may be very supportive of your
most noble endeavors, but as soon as you begin to realize and make contact with the higher energy
that dwells deep within us all, then the ego becomes and feels threatened,and will then try every
trick in its large arsenal to deter you from going any further, it will try and make you focus on something different, something that will not threaten it.
The second aspect of this triple realization, is that of soul realization, there are in fact many minor
realizations that we all must take along the way of expansion and achieving full unification within
the whole. But for the purpose of this blog am really focusing on just three, that's more than enough
for now. Soul realization can take the form of a long drawn out process, where we gradually begin
to see deeper into the consciousness matrix, and are given insights and intuitive messages that open
up more and more of your awareness, or some can have like a spontaneous realization of their soul
it was much like that with me, I realized the reality of my soul back in 1975, it has taken me the last
forty odd years to fully understand the full implications of this state.
In part two, will carry on with soul realization, then tackle SELF realization.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback MOST welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening True Experience. S K A T E.

After going through a devastating crisis, that left my life in the balance,I was then after a short
while beginning to recuperate from my crisis, recovering from an addictive illness called
alcoholism, there was help offered to me, and began to identify with others, who had the same
problem as me, hope was beckoning to me, from a brighter horizon and felt that recovery was
something within my grasp,just when hope was beckoning me, doubts began to set in, and fear
began to envelop me again, it was in this place of feeling lost and empty inside, that I looked
within myself and ask the spirit of the universe to help me.
There was utter silence for a while, then there seemed to be energy rising up within me, it felt
like unlimited force building up as it rose up my body, I had the feeling  of having and
experiencing limitless potentiality, these experiences lasted over several days, gradually building
in power and consciousness, which too seemed limitless, any thought that entered my head was
answered before the question  was finished asking.I could actually "see" into my own brain, and
was shown areas of damaged cells, these were being healed as I watched in amazement, great
shafts of electric blue light, not unlike lasers, were healing all the damaged brain cells. After about
three days of this energy building, I became aware of a roaring sound coming from within me,
this I found out later were the roaring sound of great tidal eddies that were all forming around
the chakra centers in my body.It felt like a huge force of what seemed to be liquid light that was
being sucked in through my lower orifice, rushing up my spine, and then bursting out through
my crown chakra into great shafts or rods of  illuminated light of varying colors, mostly that of
gold, white and blue, but in an intensity that is not seen in earthly physical colors.
Every sense i had was intensified many fold, this though began to wane after a few days, and
so did this experience, which I later found out was a spontaneous kundalini awakening, what it
left me with was a feeling of great awe and wonder, I was not the same person as I was prior to
this experience, everything within me was changed, this all happened over forty years ago now
but it is not something that you would forget in a hurry,I have had many other experiences since
that time, and some remarkable ones at that, though that I would share this experience today in
case there are others out there in blogger land, who may have had experiences like this,, and just to
say that you are not going mad, or having a psychotic episode, or mental breakdown, instead you
are experiencing an expansion of perception and aware consciousness, that is perfectly aligned with
natural universal, that when your time is right, it will happen for you, as it did for me.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 17 September 2018

Experiences Are Real Truth Honestly Even Dreams. = E A R T H E D . Part Two.

Dreams, what are they actually? What purpose do they serve,if any? Before getting into what
dreams are, first we need to look at what sleep actually is? There is an ancient axiom which states
that, "sleep is the first cousin of death" its inner meaning reveals that nature (life) does not want
to shock us, at the time of our death, as we loose consciousness, and fade out of this reality,so
therefore we "PRACTICE" dying every night when we go to sleep! So that by the time the real
grim reaper pays us a visit, we will be very well practiced at loosing consciousness every night.
We all live in at least two different worlds daily, the waking state, and the sleep state,if you never
woke up from a dream, you would never even realize it, as that state you were in the dream state
would be your only reality! It ONLY WHEN we awake, and compare, that we know it was a dream,
some would even argue, that our awake state, is really the false one, and that sleep state is real!
Sleep can be seen as it really is, that of a WINDOW into another avenue in which experiences my
be collected. And also a window into our being able to resolve conflicts and problems that arise in
our waking day, this rem sleep, rapid eye movement, is about our dealing with issues and feelings
that without this rem sleep opportunity, we would suffer in our waking state, with various emotional
and mental health issues, rem sleep, is like a guardian of our well being.
The next aspect of our sleep state, which is at a far deeper level of consciousness, is not in fact
actual dreaming, rather it is more appropriate to call it by its real name, and that is Astral Travelling
where we all actually leave our physical body, and move into the astral realm, within your astral
body, we all have one, all seven billion or so of us, its just that many fail  to see this part of their
nature, and therefore it does not impinge upon their waking consciousness. Some of you reading this
will have experienced seeing your body lying there on the bed, and you looking down on it, and
maybe wondering, as I did when first experiencing this out of the body phenomena, "how do I get
back into my own body?? And as soon as you think that, you are back, safe and sound. Although
many of us can remember our dreams, very few of us ever remember our astral travel adventures
but there is a way, that you can address this, and that is by having a note book and pen by your bed
and immediately upon awakening even before you rush to the loo for a pee, write down every thought that is in your mind at that very moment, there is only a window of no more than five minutes,
before the curtain comes down, and you forget all. If you practice this daily, you will begin to build
up a picture of what you are doing, and who you are communicating with while there.
We all need experience in all three aspects of our expression, there are four more above this but will
not enter into that here today, we need experience of the waking state, the dream state, and the astral
state, this trinity of experiences enables us all to see and find our true potential, eventually.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul realization.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Experiences Are Real Truth Honestly Even Dreams. E A R T H E D .

How can we really say that we know what truth is, unless we actually experience it? We can all
be told all manner of things, that are taken to be true, but until you actually experience it, it is
really just hearsay for you! Maybe very reliable hearsay, nevertheless until you actually experience
it,you do not really KNOW!
Some could say that God is real, but unless you personally experience God in your life, even this
is just hearsay for you, without the all important and more basic ingredient  that of  personal
experience, all you have at best, is a belief, and belief is NOT KNOWING, only experience leads
to the fullness of knowing.
Believing in something is not the same as knowing, many of us may well believe in Father
Christmas, but never will any of us actually ever experience the REAL father Christmas, unless you
are five years old and think the man in the department store with the white beard and red clothes, is really him!
We are all EARTHED upon this EARTH, for ONE REASON ONLY, and that reason is to gather
experience, we could all be termed as "professional experience seekers" for that is what we truly all
are. Truth can only be born within your consciousness by experiencing an experience, and then
recollecting what that meant to you, truth in its naked entirety is basically a direction, a point that
is centered within your innermost being, a fixed point, from which you venture inwards, or outwards
into making the "venture" an "adventure, the adventure is basically and fundamentally about discovering all manner of experiences, and when you have discovered these experiences and understood the message it contained, that then becomes vouchsafed into your innermost being
and therefore becomes true and truth to you.
Another name for the earth, is ground? And what happens when we ground or maybe grind down
something? We can say take a solid thing, and ground or grind it into powder, it is then less bulky
and much finer, and more refined than before, this process has a direct parallel to what actually
occurs within our human life, and experiences here upon this planet Earth. Experiences can be seen
as they are, cleverly disguised  as gross and unrefined  soul adjusters! Experiences are events that
occur upon a  pathway of expanded consciousness, and are designed to chip away all the rough and
unrefined edges of your life path expression.
In part two will explore this deeper, and bring in dreams.  Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed, (never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Life Omitting Needs Guarantees Inner Negative Grief.=L O N G I N G . Part Two.

We all know ourselves fairly well, say, physically and mentally, and to a fair degree emotionally,
but what about other aspects of our earthly incarnation? Like etherically,psychically, and
spiritually? What about our electromagnetic field that emanates all around our physical and etheric
bodies? Which has at least seven well known energy centres within the body, called chakras?
Also there are five other lesser known chakras, and lastly what do we know about our true and
real identity, of each of us being immortal divine souls?
The price we all pay for our ignorance of a true and complete understanding of just WHO and WHAT we are- is suffering, either,physically, mentally, emotionally, and every other which way
that will befall us individually and collectively. The longing feeling that we all get, yes you dear reader of this blog, you too have this inner longing, we all have, without exception.  This longing
feeling is a signal coming from our higher self, the immortal divine soul, flashing on and off, very
much like and akin to, a lighthouse at sea, that flashes out to safeguard ships from imminent
peril, our higher self, want to protect us from imminent peril, that's why it gives us this longing
feeling,coaxing us gently into looking within ourselves, to find out the source of this inner
prompting, and in so doing gain confidence in this intuitive prompting , and begin to venture
deeper into your being, and then finally revealing and at last actually knowing just who and what
you are.
None of us are to blame for this gross ignorance of what mankind actually and really consists of
none of us were ever taught this at school, college, or university, our parents bless them all, they
did not know who they really were, so how could they possibly teach us about it?
I remember a young mother years ago, whose baby had suddenly died, and she asked her local
priest about what happened to her baby, he replied that her baby was "resting in the arms of Jesus"
to which she angrily replied, he must have bloody big arms then! And stormed out of the church!
I hope that we can all address our inner longings, and find our way into a more comprehensive way
of understanding and realizing our true and immortal nature.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 14 September 2018

Life Omitting Needs Guarantees Inner Negative Grief. = L O N G I N G .

Humanity as a whole, has much in common with each other, and the most common phenomena
that occurs within mankind is a longing feeling. A feeling that there is something missing in our
lives, but we cannot quite put our finger on what it actually is.
In forty odd years of thinking about this phenomena, and meditating on its cause, as to why do we
all feel this inner longing, I have come to the conclusion that all this inner longing, stems from just
one primal urge, and that is for us to feel total "UNIFICATION within the WHOLE" we all have
it seems to me, a primal urge for UNITY, and this is where this longing stems from. Because so
many of us, are so out of touch with our true identity, we fail to look within for the answer to this
longing, instead we search vainly outside of ourselves for the answer to this inner urge.
What is actually happening at a subliminal level within our subconsciousness is that a beckon
is flashing messages towards your consciousness, inviting you to look within and find out where
this message is coming from. The message is coming from your higher self, the soul, trying to
get your attention, by giving you this longing feeling, and wanting you to stop for ever looking
outward, and inviting you to look within, and find out who YOU really ARE!
When we persistently ignore these invitations, the longing feeling then mutates into another more
intense phase in order to get your attention. This is when the longing, becomes a hunger and we
begin to feel empty within us, and this empty feeling, further mutates into the very real need to
satisfy this hunger, we then enter the realm of various addictions, like food and obesity, drugs
and alcohol addictions, sex and porn, and other arising maladies such as mental and emotional
illnesses. All these various dis-orders are caused by our failure to turn inward and seek the cause
of this inner longing.
Because we omit to deal with our inner needs, we then invite grief and illness, into our lives, of
course none of us do this consciously, it is our "out of TOUCH-NESS" with our true self, that causes
this to happen. None of us know that we are really immortal divine souls, which is our true and lasting identity, it last long after we leave this physical vehicle the body. I hope that these blogs will
at least begin to address major problems that afflicts millions around the world, and tens of millions die every year, never having a clue about who they are and how they could have turned their life
around, if they had paid attention and looked within themselves.
In part two will look deeper into this.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Just About None Understand SELF.= J A N U S Part Two.

Many of us within humanity, barely fully understand who we are as human beings, let alone the
SELF,and as many if not the same number know nothing about the indwelling soul, let alone
the nebulous Self! One could even ask, why bother mentioning it here? As it seems way beyond
our present comprehension. I mention it here because all this above, is who we all really ARE!
We might not realize this full potential within us,for many more life times to come, perhaps in
a thousand years from now, or even in this YOUR present lifetime expression.
Full SELF realization can and has been done before, Sri Ramana Maharshi, born Dec 1879,
died April 14th 1950, he achieved full SELF REALIZATION at a very early age, and spent
his entire life, giving aid to thousands of devotees helping them to find their SELF.
Today we are all expressed in this manner, first is the human body, which its only purpose is
to provide a vehicle, for the real owner the indwelling soul, to use a pun here, the sole purpose
of the physical body is to be able to provide a vehicle for the real soul! Second expression is the
soul,that needs the physical anchor, to enable the soul to gain purchase here in the dense low vibration field. Third we have the SELF, which is universal Spirit, and is absolute in nature,
the self needs a vehicle in order to express itself, and that is what the soul actually is, a vehicle
for the indwelling SPIRIT, this is how we are all expressed here on earth, today.
We are expressed in our everyday form, as an ego and a personality, this is most what we all think
we all are, nothing more,this personality, ego, individuality, can be seen as the lower self, this is
what the majority of mankind identifies with, our lower self, will over a period of time, eventually
propel us forward into  the ultimate realization, that of the higher SELF, when that will be really
depends on YOU, and the effort you put into it.
One point to mention here ,is that at present over seven billion souls on this earth, but there is only
ONE SELF! This idea scares many of us, where will we all go? Well the truth is that we will not
go anywhere, we will instead BE EVERYWHERE! The great sage Ramana Maharshi was asked
by one of his devotees, how should we treat others, master? The master replied, THERE ARE
NO OTHERS!  By the time we have ascended through many levels of consciousness, and left
our egos and selfish desires far behind us, we will then know, and feel, the reality of just being ONE
we are all immortal beings here on earth, its just that we fail to recognize this reality at this time
we we all do realize this truth, then we will all see that we are basically and fundamentally GOD
incarnated and fragmented into the illusion OF THE MANY!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Just About None Understand.Self. = J A N U S.

The ancient Roman God Janus, had two faces looking at the future and the past all at the same time
embodying a binary. He was also the god of  Doorways, that all lead to endless possibilities. Mankind
also has two faces, much like that of the god Janus,  the difference is just that the two faces of Janus
were back to back so to speak, or head to head! Whereas our two faces are of one looking outward
into the relative life we live as embodied human beings, or more correctly embodied (vehicles)
and another inward face, that looks into the infinity that lies within us.
There is an almighty imbalance within these two faces of man, and really this imbalance, is the
main cause of all our earthly woes, like, wars, greed, sickness, rampant egotism,hunger, thirst,
we are being polluted at all levels of expression, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually
the food we eat is polluted with dangerous chemical concoctions, and all this is lead by testosterone
fueled selfish greedy grasping heads of state, we all know who they are!
The dual face of mankind, has all but been extinguished, and exhibits just one face, that one that
forever looks  OUT THERE. and is distracted by all number of "FASCINATING" things to watch
like your smart phone, many are actually using these phone to take SELFIES in war zones, "look at me MA I am in a war zone" I get plenty of likes on face book with these war photos. That's how sick
we have become.
The internal face hardly gets a look in, there is hope though, one good thing about this internet, is
that it has been able to spread the word about things such as meditation, yoga, teachings about our
divine soul, and I am sure that many of these sites have been able to help any soul inquiring about
there spiritual place within life.
When we look within ourselves, we are looking into infinity, we are looking at a direction that if we
followed it would lead us into such expansions of consciousness, that we would be stunned into
total silence. Within this inner doorway, that Janus (YOU) have opened, leads to all knowledge,
all wisdom, all understanding of your other journeys through many many lifetimes, the further
you press inwards, the more inclusive you become, you then instinctively know and see all the
connections, you see and know that you are part of ONE WHOLE, you are related to everyone on
this planet, just like brother and sister, keep pushing further within, and then you will see, that you
are SELF.
In part two will look further into this,  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook oul Realization.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Soul Is Love Literally YOU! S I L L Y Part Two.

A great sadness befalls the human race, because millions upon millions of us, all go about looking
for love, and never realizing that they themselves are the very embodiment of that to which they
all seek! Perhaps we think of love as a feeling, an emotion? Which it most certainly is, however it
is also so much more than this, our physical bodies, which I  refer to as a vehicle for the soul,are a
direct manifestation of unconditional love, being "conditioned" forged and shaped by Divine intent
into the physical body we inhabit,  the whole planet upon which we live is forged out of love, this
earth, which is really a "school for souls to experience the experience" of having a dense physical
body, which "conjures" up the illusion of being apart and separate from the whole.
The whole physical universe is only visible to us, because the unconditional love has been
conditioned and shaped and fashioned into visible form and expression, the Absolute invisible
Great Spirit,manifested motion from within its AWESOME unfathomable stillness, and at this
birth of what we all call relativity, YIN and YANG were born,opposites appeared in this relative
space, called the physical universe. If we can picture and imagine, that EVERY ATOM, every
sub atomic particle/wave,in this relative universe, consists of just ONE THING, and that thing
is called LOVE,there is only ONE SINGULARITY  in this universe, and that is LOVE, while we are in formed within a physical shape, and called something called a human being, and living
within a dual based relative universe, we will then experience love in two aspects, that of outwardly
being relative love, and deeply locked within us, that of Absolute unconditional love.
Being SILLY as this blog is called, is simply about getting to" know who you really are" outwardly
you are called a human being, and have most likely thought that  this was the "whole story" name,
rank , and serial  number, what more could there be? YOU, dear reader of this blog, are a relative
being on the outside, and our an immortal soul on the inside, all you need to do, to marry up these
two aspects of your reality, is to take the time and effort to look within yourself, ask YOU the
question, who am "I" really? If you persist with this line of internal inquiry you will be rewarded
with the contact of your true being, that of your indwelling higher self, the immortal soul.
Then you will fully understand that of being SILLY?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 10 September 2018

Silence Undermines Inner Confidence Inviting Depression ESCAPE.=SUICIDE.

Today is WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY, and as I became aware of this day, and reading
some of the very sad facts about this; In the UK 84 men die every week by suicide, I guess its much the same for women as well, but no figures were given,the World health Organisation stated that
there is a suicide happening every  forty seconds, of every day. I felt moved by reading this great
sadness, and indictment on out modern age, to write and dedicate this blog to all those who are in
that turmoil and say that there is hope, and that life can really be worth living, HONESTLY!
I stood on the brink of the abyss  back in the year 1974, where after being diagnosed  with chronic
alcoholism, and only given three months to live, I found myself stepping up onto the edge of a
bridge, where below was a fast moving current of a tidal estuary, I was about to drown myself,
I  thought, that i had nearly drowned in alcohol, why not go the whole hog, and drown in water
this time! Just as I was about to make a move to jump, a very clear and distinct  said to me,
Michael, if you jump into that raging torrent below, what do you think will happen to you? I
found myself saying that I would die, and that would be the end of it, no more suffering,the
voice, then said to me, that all the problems you have at this very moment, will still be there
after you drown, plus you will have the additional problem of being minus a physical body,
and as this voice said that, a vision appeared in my mind of me running home to my mother
and asking her to please help me, BUT, she could not even see me, even though I was standing
right in front of her, all I got, was that she shivered and said it felt like someone had walked over her grave!! All this happened in like a compressed sequence of events, it seemed to go on for ages, but
in fact was only seconds, I climbed down and went home and hugged my mother very tightly, she
looked surprised and did not understand why I did that. That direct voice saved my life, and I went
on to go working with others who had my same alcohol addictions, I was counselling for many decades after this, and talked to dozens who were intent on taking there own life.I also got involved
in what was called rescue circles or seances, where many of those who passed through suicide would
come dazed and confused as to what the hell was going on? I thought I would be DEAD, but here I
am talking to you lot! Can you help me? I found that this great act of service of which it is, was too
emotionally jarring for me, as each one that came through would bring with them the mental anguish
that they felt prior to taking there life, and that would momentarily be transmitted into you! I left doing that very noble work, and there are thousands operating unknown behind the scenes helping
those who take their lives. I went on helping those still physically here, and felt that this was a useful
thing to do. The last thing I want to say about this, is that because of our vast ignorance about who
the hell we really ARE. and that is divine immortal souls, if we all KNEW THIS, SUICIDE would NEVER OCCUR, because we would know that it would be an UTTER WASTE
OF TIME, because we are all eternal beings, which means spelled out graphically means that you
CANNOT KILL SOMETHING THAT IS IMMORTAL!!PERIOD!! All we do by committing suicide
is ADd ANOTHER PROBLEM to are already loaded up problems that of EJECTING OURSELVES out of our VEHICLE, ie, the physical body. What we can all do if faced with this problem is to ask for help, and talk it though, silence about the turmoil  in your head is deadly, open
your heart and share how desperate you really feel, the only way of ESCAPE is to face up squarely
to your issues within, and share them and ask for help, see your doctor, or social worker, clergyman
whoever you think might help, you can even send me an email if you want, and I will respond with
a prompt reply.
My deepest wish and prayer is that this little old blog, can be of some use to any poor soul who
is in the deepest despair and suffering in silence, bless you all.
Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17 any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul realization.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Soul Is Love Literally YOU ! =S I L L Y .

We can and do look for love, that we seem to think exists somewhere outside of us. Sadly we so
often fail to realize the truth that we are all  our really, the very embodiment of love itself.
We are all looking for something out there, that exists deeply within our very own body! Because
we tend think of love as something that we will find, if we are fortunate  enough, we fail to make
the connection that we are formed and shaped by the very power we all seem to be looking for!
Every atom, every cell, every hair on your body, is formed shaped and dispatched by that absolute
all cohesive embrace of LOVE, in truth no-thing else exists within this universe except this ABSOLUTE IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLE of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, You could look for a
thousand lifetimes to find something else, and in the end you would FAIL! Love exists upon an
infinite spectrum of varying vibrations, HATE is at the lowest vibration level, unconditional
love is at its highest possible frequency.
Because we do not know ourselves, we tend to imagine all manner of things about us, that have
really no baring on reality. None of us are at fault, particularly in the western world, including
all of Europe, USA and Canada,Australia, and New Zealand, plus many other smaller western
countries,  our basic education system does not include any teachings about who and WHAT humanity actually IS! No one is taught at school, college, or university, that ALL of HUMANITY
are each immortal divine souls, and that the physical body, great as it surely is, is just acting as
a vehicle, for the real indwelling reality, your immortal soul.And because we were never taught
this truth, we mostly then spent the rest of our lives completely ignorant as to who we really ARE.
I know that I did, never had a clue about who I was, and most likely never would have, unless a
life threatening crisis had not arrived on my door step! This crisis literally opened my eyes and mind
to the fact that there was much more to life, than I had ever imagined.
Love is whom we ARE, but because of our failure to comprehend this reality, due to the fact that
nobody had ever told us about this, we go searching far and wide looking for something that we
already have locked within our hearts.
In part two will explore this further.  warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization 

Saturday 8 September 2018

Aware -Memory-Invokes-A-Loving-oneness-numinously-Expressed. AM-"I"-ALONE ? Part Two.

Feeling alone, or even abandoned by everyone,can stir up intense fear within us all,I know this only
too well, at one time in my life, back in the year 1974, I was suffering intense fear and panic, I  had
developed both claustrophobia and agoraphobia  simultaneously, and found myself in the impossible
situation of opening my front door and putting one foot outside, and one foot inside, and was frozen
on the spot,I was intensely afraid to go out, and to go back in! There was literally nowhere for me to
go, except to disappear up into my own orifice, where then I would land proverbially speaking in
deep s***!
The question posed in this blog, is that of "am "I" alone" well there are two basic answers to this
most important question, and both answers are correct, the first answer is yes, we are totally alone
in this universe, and the reason for that is, that at our core based reality we are all SPIRIT, and in
Absolute reality, there is only ONE SPIRIT, that is the ABSOLUTE, of which YOU reading this
now dear reader, are totally locked into this reality, at the core of YOUR BEING! But we seldom
if ever are fully conscious of this reality, we have more experiences to experience before we
fully understand this reality. It is really very simple, but difficult to accept, because we all have ego's
that tell us were are apart from the others in life.Like that there are seven billion souls on this earth
but ONLY ONE SELF! Basically all souls are relative, and SELF is ABSOLUTE.
The other answer to the question, "am "I" alone" is no of course not, we can never really be alone
while our consciousness remains in a relative phase, even if we were physically alone on some remote island somewhere, we would still have our divine counselor there within us, that being your
divine immortal soul. We need to remember though that you are NOT the PHYSICAL BODY  that
is JUST and ONLY a vehicle for your inner soul reality, to use as a vehicle to provide the gravity
and weight, so that it can gain purchase in this dense low vibration realm. Although the physical
body is a fantastic biological machine, divinely engineered  and manifested, it is still only a vehicle
for the soul to inhabit here on earth.
We will never be really alone at any time in our collection of experiences, we will have friends, family, our individual faiths and religions, and of course our constant inner companion your very
own best friend, one that loves and accepts you unconditionally always, your immortal divine SOUL!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 7 September 2018

Aware Memory Invokes A Loving Oneness Numinously Expressed.= AM-"I"-ALONE?.

The question arises  within  all our minds at some time or another in our life, that of, "am I alone?
Often followed by the words, "is this all there is"? And often added as well the question, what is the
point, of my life? All these questions need an answer, but where will we find it? Well there are a
variety of places to look for answers, friends, family,a counselor perhaps, or you could meditate
within yourself, and ask yourself those questions, and see what happens.
We will at some point in our lives recognize the difference between knowing and feeling, like we
can know that we are not, say alone in the house, but we "feel" alone, and its this feeling that can
give us the thoughts of being alone, even when in a huge crowd.
Life itself, is a counselor, that lives within us call, if we pay attention to our innermost thoughts and
feelings, we could learn a great deal, the trouble is that in this modern age, where everyone has access
to all manor of electrical gadgets, the smart phone being the biggest culprit by far. We are so transfixed on that little plastic screen, that we never take the trouble to look within ourselves.
LIFE, which is a universal constant, and present everywhere, is also infinitely intelligent and all
embracing, we as human beings are within this LIFE matrix, firmly embedded within it, and because
we are all LIFE, we are totally protected by this LOVING COMPASSIONATE  life FORCE that
surges through our bodies. Our biggest difficulty is that so many millions of us, are completely
unaware of it existence. Therefore millions of us suffer in ignorance, little realizing that within
themselves lies an infinitely intelligent  loving counselor, who can answer all the question that
trouble you. The truth is that we can never ever be truly alone, because ALL LIFE is totally
connected and interconnected with all its parts,but what we can feel, is that we are alone, in a vast universe, and this can be very scary indeed.Even if we know, say, that there is a God, if we do  not
feel that truth, then we will still feel alone and isolated.
LIFE, being of absolute intelligence, appoints to each of its charges here on earth, a counselor, a
counselor that lives within you, and in its truest sense, is YOU!  This counselor is none other than
your own immortal soul, which is always available to you,  if you just take the trouble to look 
within yourself, and ask this inner counselor the questions that burn deeply in your heart.
In part two will explore this more,   warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization,

Thursday 6 September 2018

Can Language Of The Heart Inspire Numinosties Grace ? C L O T H I N G Part Two.

In the Christian Bible there is a story which talks about Jesus walking through a busy market
place, when suddenly he stopped, and the story says that Jesus felt "virtue" leave his body,
because a woman had just touched "the hem of his garment",Jesus felt this virtue leave his body
and was transmitted into her body, and this soul was healed. What then is this virtue, that left Jesus
aware that he had been touched by this woman? This virtue is basically the "life force" which is
just another name for SPIRIT. The reason I am mentioning this here is to bring a point of awareness
to this most vital force spirit, that exists within us ALL.We may not have the degree of sensitivity
that Jesus had, but we all have the same potential that lies within us. As mentioned in yesterdays
blog, our bodies are made out of congealed light, which is just another name for spirit.
If we could even begin to realize what this actually MEANS,you would attain cosmic consciousness
in a flash of illuminated wisdom! Supposed you just touched your arm, which is your earthly
garment,and then started making the connections, as to what this arm is actually made of? It is
made out of Condensed light (spirit), as is the rest of your body, if you began making all the
connections as to what this ultimately means to YOU, as the DWELLER WITHIN and  of this
body, your life and conscious awareness would change faster than you could blink your eye!!
Can the language of the heart inspire and open numinosities grace? Yes absolutely, The language of
the heart is emotional communication as is by nature cohesive and inclusive, in other words loving
in nature. The language of head which is reason driven and egoic by nature, and divides by logic
which at its core is exclusive.
The mind can be seen as logical, and reason, and the heart as illogical and emotion, to become a
balanced being, we somehow have to unite these two into one composite whole.By bringing the
head center down into the heart center and marrying these two forces of intelligence into one.
The language of the heart is far more powerful than the head, it is also the center that connects you
directly to your higher self the soul. We often tend to think of  our center of consciousness as existing
between our ears, but the reality is that our consciousness is really within our hearts, by feeling the
emotion of love, our heart centered consciousness expands and becomes even more inclusive and embracing, if we can all turn within ourselves, focus on our heart centered consciousness, we will then be actively bridging  the gap between you as a physical body, and you as the indwelling immortal divine soul, that you are, dear reader.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Can Language Of The Heart Inspire Numinosities Grace? =C L O T H I N G

We are all clothed within a physical body, which is really just the outer expression of an inner reality
our physical bodies although absolutely amazing physical and biological machines,are really just
vehicles for the indwelling immortal soul, which uses this amazing biological computer and machine
to gather valuable experiences here upon the Earth plane.
The physical body although very gross compared to the radiant soul that dwells within, is still very
much connected to all the inner spheres of expression, via its etheric body also known as the health body, this body is an electromagnetic field  of energy that completely surrounds the physical, and can
be seen by any of us simply by holding your thumb and forefinger very close together  so they almost
touch, then look very intently at the "space" between those two digits, you will see at first like a
misty cloud like vapors between then you will begin to notice an electric blue flame like color that
emanates from the skin, that electic blue light is your etheric body.
The other two connections we have are within the heart chakra, and within the brain, the brain is
basically a most wonderful biological computer, and is connected to the consciousness that fills
this entire universe, via electrochemical and electomagnetic waves of information.
This "clothing" that we are all wearing, which we call the physical body, is very sensitive to touch
and affected by our inner thoughts, if we could just begin to realize the wonder of this vehicle we
all inhabit, we would achieve instant enlightenment and soul realization! We only ever "see" what
we have been taught to see, by our parents and family and friends, all they see is a physical body.
but what is that body actually made of? It is made out of energy, held in a coherent state by an act
of willed INTENT by an intelligent invisible source, if its intent even wavered by one micro-second
you and me would literally fly apart at the seams! Another name for energy is LIGHT we all are
lighted bodies, only dimmed because of our ignorance and total lack of insight, into this most wonderful thing.We are all connected to each and every one on this planet, and all the rest within
the universe, a total and absolute coherent connection to ALL there IS within this cosmos.
We are all made out of congealed or solid looking light, have you ever thought about this? Light
flows like a liquid, is solid like ice, and is gaseous like spirit, just like water which has three expressions liquid, ice, or steam, light is exactly the same as water in this context.
In part two will look at the language of the heart and the head, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Matter Is Spirit Condensed Hidden Inside Each Form.=M I S C H I E F . Part Two.

We are all condensed spirit manifesting within what we call a human physical body,if we were
all aware of this most  basic and fundamental reality, then life on Earth would be vastly different
than it is today. Instead of being filled with egotistic selfishness and rampant greed and
materialism, where total disharmony rules the lives of tens of millions of us, we would have what
has been called the "golden age" here on Earth. Where brotherhood and sisterhood  prevailed,
cooperation with each other, and between all countries would become the norm, there would be no
hunger or thirst, no wars and violence between each other, because deep inner peace and harmony
would reign supreme,love and acceptance would be the new norm,there would be no raping of the
land, or each other come to that!  Instead there would be love peace, humility, and an intuitive and
inner deep knowingness that we were ALL part of a composite WHOLE, a DIVINE FAMILY
of universal ENERGY, that is spirit, that flows like Liquid Light, and is totally universal in its
expression, this small insignificant globe called Earth, is just only really a  SCHOOL for "matter
made beings" US to experience the experiences of "apparent" Separation from the whole", and
then use these experiences over many life times here at school, to begin to piece together just who
you really are! One point about this Earth being a school is that it includes many levels of understanding within the seven or so billion souls here on Earth, just as we as earth children
start of at nursery school, then primary school, college and then university, so too do we as souls
progress through the levels of understanding and inner awareness and perception, as our experiences
become more insightful, then our consciousness deepens and taps into new dimensions of perception
and understanding.
It can be so easy to "mis/ the Chief" that dwells within us all, there are so many distractions within
this modern age, where we are all coerced to constantly look outside of ourselves, and smart phones
are one of the biggest offenders of this fixation we have of forever looking OUT THERE,  out there
is the source of all pain and anguish globally, yet we KNOW IT NOT!  If we take the time, and make
the effort to look within ourselves, we will find the reality that we have all been looking for  over
many life times,staring back at us and saying welcome  HOME! ALL our inner longing feelings are
a direct flash intuitively placed in our minds by the soul, inviting you to look within, sadly though
millions of us are so utterly distracted by so many "things" that they fail to read the message, or even
understand it,let us hope that you dear reader of this blog, will not be one of those.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 3 September 2018

Matter Is Spirit Condensed Hidden Inside Each Form.=M I S C H I E F .

The word mischief in this blog today, means something very basic, in which we all mostly
fail to ever see, or even understand. The word mischief actually means two words, that are
vital in our understanding of our own reality, these two words are MIS-CHIEF, which when
understood in the light of our inner intuition,means that we literally MISS- the -CHIEF within
us, which is our own immortal divine soul, because we are so fascinated and enthralled by our
material world and material physical bodies, and all the myriad distractions like smart phones
and the like, that we all fail to see the living reality which dwells within us!
We and all life within this universe are expressed in varying density levels of vibration, the courser
and denser that expression is, the lower will be its vibration frequency, so are is not that high at
the moment! We who are called human beings, which  only really means a (vehicle) for the soul,
In absolute reality, there is NO SUCH THING AS HUMANITY! Humanity only exist within
our present level of consciousness, and is a "collective experience of seven billion or so vehicles"
Humanity has never really existed, we MADE UP THIS NAME,  because we were fooled by
our material bodies, and even more important, lied to by our egos, in order to have power and
dominance over those less able to defend themselves. The important thing to remember here is
that at our core of being, that being our immortal divine soul, we are all eternal beings and being
spirit, we live at the center of that reality, which is ABSOLUTE, we are absolute spirit, clothed
by a vehicle that will rot and decay, and is RELATIVE in nature. This whole physical universe
is relative, and in truth is just like a MIRAGE that one sees in the desert, it looks real but the
only thing about this relative universe is that it is a real ILLUSION! The only thing real is what
lies behind the facade of the relative universe, and that is the Absolute, of which WE ARE ALL
 FIRMLY EMBEDDED WITHIN IT, its just that we don't know or even understand that reality
just yet.
Matter is really the same thing as light, light can be condensed, basically we are all made out of condensed set and congealed light, woven into a pattern and form that is called a human, we all
have more than one body of expression, in fact we have seven basic expressions this physical
body in the lowest level of vibration.
In part two will explore this further.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most wwelcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Meditation Is Simple Truth About Knowing Existing Numinosity. M I S T A K E N Part Two.

The word meditation comes from the Latin word MEDI meaning center, or middle,and the other
part of the word which is TATION there is no real understanding as to what that word tation actually
means, I searched the web and found nothing there, therefore, I propose to ascribe the meaning of
tation, to mean POINT, so that then the act of meditation, would begin within the "CENTER POINT"
of our being, and to me that is the heart center,or heart chakra.
Without a major life threatening crisis in my life back in the year 1974, I would most likely never
found out about meditation, or even had any interest in looking within myself, now I am most
grateful for that crisis, as it has enhanced my life beyond measure. My sincere wish is that you
dear reader of this blog,do not have to wait for a crisis to come calling on you,before you decide
to venture within yourself through the practice of meditation.
We all our "CENTER POINTS" anchoring numinosity within our physical bodies here on this
Earth plane, numinosity just really means spirit, or soul, and for any of those two to be able to be
expressed here on Earth, it needs a vehicle (ANCHOR weight) and that's WHERE WE come into
the PICTURE, because ALL OF US HERE ON EARTH, are basically anchors and the physical
human body is that very weight that enables the soul (YOU AND ME) to gain purchase in this
dark dense low vibration world.
By going within  ourselves, in the practice of meditation, we open up the inner door within
our heart chakra that begins to reveal the truth about who you really are.Your imagination will
be fired up, as you begin to see and experience new and wonderful insights that will befall your
startled gaze. This spiritual reality that we, ALL LIVE WITHIN, but millions are blind to this reality
simply because their GAZE  is fundamentally always focused by looking out there! And never
looking within them selves. It seems to me that with the exception of a very few of us, who will
feel the need to look within them selves, without having to be confronted by a crisis, the rest of us
me most certainly would have never taken up meditation, and discovered the living divine soul within
me, unless I was confronted with the choice LIVE OR DIE! I thankfully chose to live. I hope dear
reader you are one of the few, who can discover your true identity by looking within yourself, without
having to be prompted by an arising crisis.
There are many "experts" in this world, and some are hailed as a "world's foremost authority on
their given subject,but ask them who they REALLY ARE, and there is SILENCE, because they do
not know, who they are! Its a really odd world where millions of us are almost queuing up to be
educated, in a vast range of subjects with the EXCEPTION of ONE THING, none of those millions
have any interest about knowing the identity of the being that resides WITHIN THEM! Mostly
because so many millions of us think we know who we are, Joe bloggs, student, lives at so and so address,etc etc, zero content about the reality of the life form within them.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realizatiion/

Saturday 1 September 2018

Meditation Is Simple Truth About Knowing Existing Numinosity, = M I S T A K E N

I am now aware that before I took up meditation, I was filled with many mistaken ideas about
what I thought life was all about, There was a complete lack of insight present within me, and
basically was just getting by each day with no real comprehension as to where I was actually
Meditation is a simple way to unravel what are to us at first, great mysteries,  that lie within the
depths of our being.No one can actually tell you the truth, that is impossible, we can only experience
truth within ourselves, as and when its presents itself to you. You may well think that you could be told the truth by someone, and they may well believe that what they are telling you is truth, but the
fact of the matter is that unless YOU experience the truth for your self,  it is just hearsay and nothing more to you.
Meditation is really an ancient science, that is designed if practiced to reveal the true form of the one
who is meditating, it will reveal the facade of the ego and the outer form, it will present you with the
most amazing revelation, that all life is connected by an invisible field of numinous energy, and that
this numinous energy activates your whole expression here on Earth, you will discover this quite
simply, because that is what you are.
We are each daily presented with numerous choices, what we choose will shape our life and also the
quality of it,we each have so many choices and so many distractions, especially in this age of the
so called "smart phone" which is consuming millions every day, literally clued to watching a piece
of electronic plastic! Babies are crying, young kids are totally ignored by parents talking on facebook
or some other media outlet,their phone is in charge of them!!!
 Many millions of us are all searching for something, and I can tell you most certainly you will not
find the answer to your heart felt searching on Facebook or any other media outlet, there is more
depth in a Sahara desert puddle, that in all those media outlets.
I had no interest in meditation for the first twenty nine years of my life, I was far too busy getting
all I could out of life, if you had met me at twenty years old and mentioned meditation, I would have
laughed and said something like, "who needs any of that eastern Mumbo jumbo? And maybe some
of you reading this, might well think the same, I certainly did.  What changed my mind happened
when I was twenty nine years old, and by then I was seriously ill and given only three months to
live. It was this life threatening experience, that led up to me becoming interested in meditation.
In part two will go deeper into this.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.