Monday 24 September 2018

Matter And Thought Reveal Illusional Xfactor. =M A T R I X Part Two.

The xfactor that matter and thought reveal is all of us!, The word U S  also stands for universal
souls, we are all universal immortal souls, having an experience of expressed motional life, here
on the Earth plane, one of countless others that we have all experienced, and will experience
when we get to that point of our expression.I used the word motional life intentionally, as only
expressed life has motion,unexpressed life, being absolute life,is total and complete
motionlessness,where all is eternally still. The living matrix in which we all are firmly plugged
into, animates all motion on infinite levels of dimensional variances simultaneously. We as this
thing called humanity, are all plugged into this matrix,operating on differing dimensional
frequencies, that cover our basic three dimensional expressions, that of physical, mental, and
spiritual beings, and also, ethereal and astral aspects of our more inner nature.
We intake energy through many levels, physically, we all have to eat food, drink plenty of liquids,
breathe in the physical life sustaining oxygen, sleep and rest,the sun also provides vitality.
We too have many inner needs, food and drink will help us to think clearly and make decisions etc,
We all know of these physical needs, but few of us are even aware of our inner needs,thank god
that they operate automatically, other wise we would all be dead, long ago!! If some of us decide
to look within us, and ask questions, about who we really are, and perhaps take up meditation or
even yoga, we will then begin to become sensitized to these inner energies, we will become aware
of our main seven energy centers, that are called chakras, there are five others as well, but will
ignore those for now.
The seven main chakras are energy vortexes that swirl energy around themselves, if we are attuned
to this energy, we can actually hear the roar of convergent eddies as the chakras are rotating this
energy in a spiral shaped configuration.
The ancient Greeks knew of this reality, that's why at the temple of Apollo in Delphi it is written
"MAN KNOW THYSELF"! For if we know ourselves, we then know, that we ALL OUR eternal
IMMORTAL SOULS!  That being eternal life, now being expressed as a thing called a human
being, we will see, know, and understand, that these physical bodies of ours, wonderful and marvelous as they are, that the body is a vehicle for the soul to use, and that YOU are THAT SOUL
dear reader of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook SoulRealization.

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