Saturday 8 September 2018

Aware -Memory-Invokes-A-Loving-oneness-numinously-Expressed. AM-"I"-ALONE ? Part Two.

Feeling alone, or even abandoned by everyone,can stir up intense fear within us all,I know this only
too well, at one time in my life, back in the year 1974, I was suffering intense fear and panic, I  had
developed both claustrophobia and agoraphobia  simultaneously, and found myself in the impossible
situation of opening my front door and putting one foot outside, and one foot inside, and was frozen
on the spot,I was intensely afraid to go out, and to go back in! There was literally nowhere for me to
go, except to disappear up into my own orifice, where then I would land proverbially speaking in
deep s***!
The question posed in this blog, is that of "am "I" alone" well there are two basic answers to this
most important question, and both answers are correct, the first answer is yes, we are totally alone
in this universe, and the reason for that is, that at our core based reality we are all SPIRIT, and in
Absolute reality, there is only ONE SPIRIT, that is the ABSOLUTE, of which YOU reading this
now dear reader, are totally locked into this reality, at the core of YOUR BEING! But we seldom
if ever are fully conscious of this reality, we have more experiences to experience before we
fully understand this reality. It is really very simple, but difficult to accept, because we all have ego's
that tell us were are apart from the others in life.Like that there are seven billion souls on this earth
but ONLY ONE SELF! Basically all souls are relative, and SELF is ABSOLUTE.
The other answer to the question, "am "I" alone" is no of course not, we can never really be alone
while our consciousness remains in a relative phase, even if we were physically alone on some remote island somewhere, we would still have our divine counselor there within us, that being your
divine immortal soul. We need to remember though that you are NOT the PHYSICAL BODY  that
is JUST and ONLY a vehicle for your inner soul reality, to use as a vehicle to provide the gravity
and weight, so that it can gain purchase in this dense low vibration realm. Although the physical
body is a fantastic biological machine, divinely engineered  and manifested, it is still only a vehicle
for the soul to inhabit here on earth.
We will never be really alone at any time in our collection of experiences, we will have friends, family, our individual faiths and religions, and of course our constant inner companion your very
own best friend, one that loves and accepts you unconditionally always, your immortal divine SOUL!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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