Friday 28 September 2018

Total Harmonic Emptiness-Vibrationless Omnipotent Infinite Dormancy. THE VOID. Part Two.

The void can also be likened to the word A U M  which stands for, Absolute-Unexpressed
-Motionlessness, or A U M  for short. The A U M  is really the same as the void, it is the
soundless sound of sleeping infinite potentiality. I am aware that the word A U M  is also
used in various meditation practices, as a variant spelling of the word O M, but in the context
of this blog, as given me in meditation,the word A U M  represents the void,zero absolute
infinite potentiality,unrealized.
The void will forever be "outside" of this physical relative universe, we will never reach its
place of absolute zero emptiness, infinite dormancy. We as an expanding universe, are all
expanding, within the absolute CARESS of the void. The void completely surrounds this
universe, totally and absolutely.
Here I would like to introduce the O M  which stands for omnipresent motion, and that
motion is the force of expansion, and expression. Before there was any beginning, there
had to arise within the absolute potentiality the arising thought wave, to the will to BE
as this intention arose within absolute consciousness, a point of departure, arose within
the void, this is what science calls the big bang theory, which to me seems like utter none-
sense,and in a vacuum there is no sound anyway? So no big bang! Instead I see a big
THOUGHT instead. The virginal relative universe, began as a point of departure, and a point
of infinite expansion,this point opened up within the void, and as we expand, the void is eternally
ahead of us at all TIMES. Space was manifested at the exact time that motion was born, motion
and space are locked together within an eternal embrace, much like Yin and Yang!
All expressed life began with a THOUGHT, there is NO other way possible, thoughts are THINGS
such as an ancient occult maxim states. The virgin universe pulsating with the throb of the OM
extended out from that primal thought wave, into what was first called INVOLUTION where
principle within principle were WRAPPED UP and awaiting the time of PAUSE, this is where
involution finished, the out-rolling of principles ceased, this pause is replicated daily upon this
earth in between the oceans tides, known as "slack water" after the momentary pause, involution
was finished, and therein began the process that we are much more familiar with, that of
evolution, as evolution opened up, these wrapped up principles, unrolled to become universal
laws, like cause and effect, gravity, etc, we as human beings, a a fair way along this path of
expansion, when we can all realize that we are all immortal souls, then the OM will resound within
our ears, with a deafening silence!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.



  2. "Pranava (Om)
    is present in every living being The pranava mantra ranks, higher than all this music. It is all-pervasive and ever-present. There cannot be a single moment when we are not listening to this pranava. Nor can we dispense with it even for a second. The Pranava is present in every living being. The Pranava is the primordial sound on which all sounds are based. The Pranava has been equated with the Brahman (the
    Cosmic Self). The Gita has declared Om as the monosyllable representing Brahman. Even as Om is all-ervasive, the Brahman is also all-pervasive. The Vedic dictum, Ayam Atma Brahma (This' Atma is
    Brahman) points out that Atma and Brahman are one and the same. Hence Om, Brahman and Atma
    signify the same entity." BABA
