Thursday 31 October 2019

Define One Three Seven. D O T S

How can one define the indefinable? With great difficulty I expect.However I will attempt
to describe the indescribable, in the best way I can. The Fine Structure Constant known as
Alpha 1/137 which is a prime number in what is called quantum electromagnetism. Alpha
1/137 is also the thirty third prime number, 33 this number also equates with some very
interesting events over our history, 33 in the highest degree in freemasonry, is also the age
of Jesus when he was crucified, 33 also symbolises the highest spiritual consciousness
attainable by the human being.
In the Kabbalah this constant of 1/137 is seen as representing the physical world of the
(electron) desiring to couple up with the spiritual world light that of the (photon) an electron
absorbing a photon, or "desire connecting to light"
Another way of trying to break down this sequence into portions or packets of force would
be like this I think.
137 could be seen as a pointer to describe the out-workings of the Infinite Mind. The number
(1) could be seen as the Absolute Intention to manifest motion from intention(thought) that
would be the primal number(1) then the number three (3) could describe the trident of power
expressed as positive,neutral, negative, this then leaves the number seven (7) which can
represent the 7 colours of the spectrum, the seven root races of mankind, seven universal
laws. there are many more, but this will suffice for now.
So 137 broken down can reveal the aeonic journey of all life motioning through what we call
that of evolution,we as that of mankind have evolved into the realization of self awareness and
"I AM consciousness" this means that we can begin the transmutation of what those ancient
alchemist's called the power of raising the base metal lead (physical body) into that of GOLD
which represents the spiritual body,to be able to reflect this inner spiritual light, which equates
to the (photon) in quantum electromagnetism, out into this world and your neighbour.
By going within, letting go of the ego, we begin the process of transmutation from leaden
bodies into golden LIGHT bodies,the physical world electrons are transmuted into Photons
by the power of conscious (IN LIGHT) In closing this part one, with what I feel is the root
meaning of 137 which is a desire to connect with the LIGHT!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Space Is God No-Thing,-S I G N Part Two,

Space equates with absolute motionlessness which then further equates with that of a universal
PRESENCE. We all feel this presence within us in times of great awe and wonder,or deep
emotional or mental crises.
Space is absolute and is infinite intelligence, it is the ENTITY that the ancient occult teachings
mention in their eastern writings.Space never moves and is eternally still,what moves is that of
the occupiers of that space, which is that of  "MOTION",motion equates directly with that of
being "relative",all universal motion is relative, the equation is that "if it moves" then it must
be therefore relative.
"WE" and every other moving thing occupying space are all the relative out-workings of the
Infinite Absolute Mind.Universal motion is all relative and most of this motion is unconscious
and unaware, until we come to that enigma called Mankind. Mankind has that added dimension
to its motion or movement through space and that is the addition of the added "E" to that of
motion, which then becomes "E"MOTION, perhaps it would be better portrayed as the word
"I" MOTION, rather than emotion? Maybe "I" MOTION will become an accepted new word!
By us acquiring the addition of the "E" or the "I" to that of motion we then became SELF
AWARE and can actually begin to realise, that although outwardly we are all emotional relative
beings, we can also look beyond the confines of mere relativity, and begin to see that we are also
Absolute Being, that we are all in essence the PRESENCE, being PRESENTED in a relative
Mankind is the enigma or rather the primordial principle unwrapping its folded wings which were
wrapped up within the involution wave of infinite intention, prior to the beginning of the next
stage which was evolution. With our "I AM" consciousness locked firmly within our divine
energy matrix, we have all become awake to the dawning of the realising of our spiritual divine
heritage, we can then begin to perceive  the truth of what we truly are,we can begin to understand
that our physical bodies (vehicles) are just that vehicles that permit us to venture into relative
emotional occupation of that which stripped of all our expressions really are, which is that of all
actually being  that which we NOW OCCUPY which is SPACE=absolute=GOD=YOU!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Space Is God NO-Thing- S I G N .

In the "before" when motion was as yet unborn, space was unoccupied, and relativity as yet
did not exist. The universe as we know it also did not exist. NO-THING existed as a relative
thing, only the Absolute quintessence of unrealised Absolute Potentiality,lie in absolute
silence and motionlessness. There was zero light, and zero darkness, a space less space of
unoccupied nothingness.
The absolute is "SPACE" and "we" all occupy it because we are "ALL"inside the BEING,
Space is occupied by "relativity"(=motion) and we are all relative within this Absolute
Being, which we call SPACE.
The ENTITY that the ancient wisdom spoke of as being that of SPACE, is in truth the
Absolute omnipresent Life Force that we call GOD, the Infinite Intelligence.
Space is an IDEA that has become realised, the IDEA was the primordial intentional
wave that manifested motion from eternal stillness.
The intention wave became therefore relative and relativity equates exactly with that of
"ALL MOTION" universally.
Therefore "space" is the absolute motionless Being-less "ALL"and that which occupies this
"space" is the relative out-workings of the primal thought or intentional wave of the Absolute
Intentioner, God for short.
The intention becomes relative, the intentioner always remains Absolute.It is the occupier that
moves, space has "never moved" and never will, where could it possibly move to,that it did not
already occupy?
Space and that which we call the NOW are both the same thing, an eternal PRESENCE that
broods over all motion and provides the arena for life to move through the MOTIONS of
relativity, until as such its motioneering brings it unto a place where stillness abides?
If we can but read the SIGNS and learn how to interpret them, we will reveal within us, a
direction that will ultimately lead us into that place where silence and stillness reign, then
we will enter into a consciousness that reveals an inner peace,beyond all understanding.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 28 October 2019

Spirit Universal Becomes Located In Mankind Exalted.-S U B L I M E Part two.

"WE" are all "exalted" in mankind! What does this mean? Who is this "WE" that is exalted
within mankind? To answer that question we first need to accept that what we really are
underneath this "facade of form" is that of an eternal life force called spirit, or God, for
short. And further need to accept that "we" have all been experiencing experiences for aeons
of time, mostly as unconscious living energy, and that now "we" have all arrived at a point
in our evolution where we have "literally woken up" and have all became "self-Aware" "I
AM" consciousness, when and if we can accept this premise, which I do absolutely and feel
its authenticity within every fibre of my being. Then we can begin to see and realise what is
about to become "exalted"! Our consciousness begins to deepen and vector into previously
uncharted areas of inner reality
This is what is happening to mankind today,we are all within the process of waking up from
an aeonic slumber, where we have been unaware of our true nature for billions of years, now
we are becoming awake and beginning to see and feel a "great stirring" within our hearts and
We are all at differing levels of awakening, but the momentum is gradually speeding up, in
particular with the internet and all the information it contains about human and spiritual
development, and soul consciousness and awareness.
We need to awaken to the reality that the answer and the riddle of what life actually is,
cannot be solved by just looking one way, and that is outward only. We need to begin to
and realise that within us all and within the consciousness that envelops us all, lies an inner
infinity of unrealised truths, that can only be accessed by venturing into yourself, and finding
out what lies beyond the physical form of this biological machine called man!
Re focus our gaze to that of looking within ourselves,start meditating or take up yoga, begin
to realise and understand that you are far more that you could possible imagine, you, we, I, are
all eternal beings, "enjoying" a relative experience here on Earth.We are all universal beings who
have all become located and focused upon this school yard and playground called earth, reveal the
reason to YOURSELF why this IS, then YOU can MOVE ON, to somewhere better fitting your
further awakened more inclusive consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Spirit Universal Becomes Located In Mankind Exalted. -S U B L I M E .

Mankind could easily be seen as that of going from the "sublime to the ridiculous", from
moving from an Absolute state of Divine Perfection which was universal and ubiquitous
to then becoming a vehicle called mankind, and instead of being a universal BEING of
Absoluteness, instead has fragmented itself  into billions of facets of the one JEWEL,
and has become "relative" and "localised" on what is no more than an "ATOM" to itself!
That of planet Earth.
We have all become "localised" upon the planet Earth in order to undergo experiences that
will eventually lead us out of this valley of ignorance and place us upon the mountain top
of full "self Knowing", this is achieved by us gathering and becoming aware of that inner
reality that dwells within us all.
This facet (you and me) needs ultimately to rejoin consciously the ONE JEWEL of exquisite
delight, which is the VERY LIFE of ALL LIFE, that of the Absolute LIVING JEWEL. 
Mankind has many names for this Absolute Living Jewel, that of God, Brahman, Jehovah,
Allah, Great White Spirit, plus many more other names, for the ONE that is ALL NAMES.
We are all having a relative experience here upon Earth, which it is a rather novel experience
for us, as we are all absolute BEING, who have all been condensed and been given or rather
acquired substance(our true state is spirit, which is insubstantial and absolute) our rate of
frequency has slowed down by trillions of times, and would appear to an absolute onlooker
as that of an almost motionless snail pace of existence.
Outwardly we are very condensed fluid flowing light energy made into a solid looking shape
and form, a biological machine in which the higher self uses to guide us in ways that will
about the eventual change of directional focus from that of forever looking OUT THERE
which will only lead you in endless circles of self repeating episodes of pain and pleasure
sickness and health, joy and depression.
When we change our focus from outward looking into inward looking, we will then begin the
long process of inner alignment with the inner forces of reality, that we have all evaded for so
long, due to our great level of ignorance as to who and what we really all are!
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Luminous Infinite Fohat Expressed. L I F E Part Two.

"WE" have all been moved by the primordial thought wave of the Absolute, and MOTION
is the PRIME MOVER of all expressed Life. Without motion the relative universe would
not and could not exist. Force and motion are one of the same thing.
We are all Ethereal formless, shapeless, "E" motional Life/Spirit clothed within five
expressions of motion within five different dimensions of being. Our most dense vehicle
which is the physical body is composed primarily of solidified light,light that has congealed
and "set" into substance due to its very low vibration frequency.
All expressed life Moves and therefore has motion, but only that life that has the added "E"
has what then transforms  ordinary Motion into its transcendent state of BE-COMING
"E" motion, emotion is where the MOTION -LIFE becomes SELF AWARE, and has that
most vital added ingredient that of the "I AM" consciousness, I AM consciousness is the
aware FOHAT "divine inner luminosity" becoming a singularity a "point  of divine reference"
located within its point of reference , and pulling the ocean of infinite consciousness ,into
its singularity point of reference, and stabilising that self aware consciousness within that
point by the WILL of the overshadowing higher self the divine immortal soul.
Rather that being non-locale moving life energy and present everywhere, we awake within
as wondrous place of Being aware of Being aware!
Emotion lies with the consciousness of self awareness, without self awareness, without the
"I AM consciousness being present, life is unconscious and unaware that it knows that it
knows, we all know that we know, because we are self aware.
We are the living light energy of LIFE itself, at present be expressed within an encapsulated
form called the physical body, but because we have self awareness, we can therefore look
within ourselves, something that is impossible for other life without the added "E" vital
ingredient. And by having this most wonderful addition to our life energy matrix, we can
therefore look within ourselves and reveal the history of our long long journey from that
of just unconscious motion, to the wondrous point of waking up, and seeing at long last
just who and what we really are!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 25 October 2019

Luminous Infinite Fohat Expressed. L I F E

We are all expressions of that ONE THING called LI F E , humanity amounts to just  over
seven and a half billion souls, and everyone of those seven  and a half billion souls is expressing
just ONE THING that of LIFE. There is not seven and a half billion LIFE'S being expressed
just ONE! What then do you conclude about this phenomena?
Usually I describe life as that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, which it most
certainly is. But for this blog thought I would look from another angle at this thing called
The eternal wisdom is a transcendent reality which cannot be poured into a mould, preserved
and then worshipped as a fetish. The moment its expression becomes static and is treated as a
creed to be religiously and followed piously, it has become DEAD! Though it might still
continue to inspire and help some people in a very limited way.
Life in its essence is that of an Absolute  Transcendent Reality, NO-THING other than that
THING=LIFE exists anywhere in this universe. In FACT this relative universe EMANATES
from WITHIN the Absolute LIFE FORCE , LIFE transcends  this universe Absolutely!
That which "emanates" from "within" the absolute is called  Life-In-Motion, and life in
motion then immediately becomes RELATIVE, no longer absolute,when life is not being
expressed,life then becomes motionlessness and thereby returns to its Absolute Infinite
unrealised Potentiality.
We as this thing called humanity have each vouchsafed within us, the key that will unlock
our fullest unrealised potentiality, that of realising the SELF that lies within each human
being, this great gift we all have which is beyond any earthly price, is the gift of our "I AM"
Consciousness, this self aware consciousness state, is one of unlimited potentiality in which
your consciousness can expand without any limits, the only limits are those imposed by your
own ignorance.
We can all begin to understand that we are all LIFE, and begin to see what this actually MEANS?
We are far far more than just a "bag of bones" we are all immortal beings, living often in fear that
we will all die and vanish into this place called oblivion! In ;part two will explore this further and
see that really we are all living LIGHT in congealed state.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Life Is SELF Taking Expressed Numenosity. L I S T E N Part Two.

This blog spells out the word LISTEN which then spells out the sentence,"LIFE" is SELF
(absolute life/spirit/GOD) taking expression (becoming motioned,from absolute stillness)
and the "numenosity" is the "appearance" of many relative forms of beings (you and me)
which all are in effect "facets" of the ONE LIFE formless Absolute Intelligence, the living
JEWEL,of which we are all facets of.
Listening we are told is an "ART" which spells out ALL-REALITY-THEREIN=ART!
If we all can stop and listen to that inner voice, we will begin the process of "SELF 
KNOWING" this will then lead us all out of ignorance, and into self knowledge and
inner wisdom.
How then can we tune into this inner voice without waiting for an arising crisis to gain
access to this inner intelligence?
We first need to take time, and go within ourselves, to begin exploring that infinite realm
that lies within us all.
Your "conscience is your guide"if you are attuned to its "still small voice", usually this inner
voice only seems to respond when we are in a crisis, but we can also learn to establish contact
with this inner intelligence if we but make and continue to make an effort to link up with our
higher self, the divine soul.
Due to our vast ignorance the majority of mankind does not understand or even know what
"tools they have on board" their vehicles of expression (human body)
Every human being has an "inbuilt conscience" and this conscience can also be called a
"Divine inner monitor"this is our Divine inner spirit, that we all have on board,but rarely if
ever use it, because our own ignorance stands in our way of doing so!
If you can just believe in yourself dear reader, believe that you are that rare radiant being of a
divine immortal soul, covered up by a physical vehicle that shuts out most of your inner light
but there is an endless supply of that light within you, this inner luminosity will help evaporate
all the mists and miasmas that surround our ignorant outer shells, and reveal your true and eternal
identity. What have you got to lose dear reader of this blog???
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Life Is SELF Taking Expressed Numenosity. L I S T E N,

We as this thing  called humanity, are all being expressed in what we would call human
form and shape. Life in its essence is formless, shapeless, and invisible. The word numen
comes from the Latin word "NUMIN" meaning to "bow the head" "divine" "almighty spirit"
In the east,particularly in India,bowing the head and bringing the two palms together as if in
prayer,is a usual way of greeting someone, showing mutual respect for each other, and for
the divine life force that animates the two.
We are represented as formal beings that of having shape and substance on the surface of our
being.but beneath this "facade of form" lies and eternal living invisible life force, that is soul,
spirit,and ultimately the SELF-Absolute.
We ALL OUR AN absolute Life Force, having what could be termed as a RELATIVE
EXPERIENCE, here upon the planet Earth.
If we could all BUT LISTEN to that still small voice within us,we would now all be on our way
to revealing that inner light, that numenosity that glows with a divine radiance of golden, blue,
and white light, that on higher dimensional frequencies flows like a liquid jewel of radiant
splendour. We all our that liquid JEWEL of divine light/life essence, that is what we ALL OUR
Without any EXCEPTION, when the outer dross and masks we all wear are dropped and let go of.
We can seem to waste vast amounts of time and effort, looking out there, for the answer to life
which can only ever be found IN THERE, deep within your heart and emotions,all your
experiences, will always eventually lead you back to the point of going within yourself to find
out who and what you really are.
Many of us only begin the process of looking within ourselves, after we have faced an crisis that
has forced us to stop what we are doing, and to rethink our lives, it often seems that we will not
effect major changes in our lives, unless we actually have to  by a perhaps life threatening crisis
of major illness, breakup of our family, loss of job and earnings etc,it seems that very few of us
are ever willing to change our thinking, or habits etc, unless we are virtually forced into it.
Are you one of those souls dear reader of this blog?
Take comfort if you are, that you are not alone in this habit of reluctance to change.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@{ any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Force Of Hidden Twilight. F O H A T Part Two.

Without  the fire and the electrifying principle of FOHAT life would remain as yet UNBORN
unmoved, motionlessness,and Absolute, relativity and this universe could not exist without
Fohat. An ancient occult maxim states that "fohat is the steed, and thought is the rider"
fohat  is cosmic energy, the primordial light. It is acting among the electrons of an atom
and among the atoms themselves, as it is among the suns within the universe.
Divine alchemy is a process of where you literally "play with fire"the flame of life is that
of which burns away the dross (outer shell) and eventually reveals the inner purity of the
divine spirit within that of the SELF,or the realised soul.
By going within  ourselves, and practising either yoga, or meditation , we are "lighting" the
internal "thermal fuse" that will begin the divine alchemy of burning the gross physical form
(by raising its atomic structure from gross physical atoms, and replacing them with less dense
ethereal atoms) this process acts automatically and does not need any action on our part to
oversee its direction, all we need to do,is open our hearts and minds, let go of all the dross we
have held onto, sit quietly on a daily basis, let our consciousness and perceptions expand, to
listen intently to that "still small voice within us all" this will open the door to intuitional
downloads of expanded consciousness and divine wisdom.
The hidden twilight is that of the physical shadow (US) we all our the physical shadows of the
indwelling soul,(something that science has yet to recognise) that of the solid physical shadow!
We have often lost our way in this journey through living within the experience of gathering
experiences, we look for things that we have already got within us, yet we fail to know what we
actually have ON BOARD our inner divine selves, for instance we look for the light, and fail to
understand or even perceive that WE ARE the very EMBODIMENT of LIGHT ITSELF! The
human body is made of 100 per cent congealed light, frozen light, we are all SOULY/SOLELY
that of light. We are in fact that of the primordial light FOHAT made into FLESH and BONE.
We can all turn on our inner radiance, by going within ourselves, and beginning a journey that
will reveal who and what you really are, then all doubt and fears will subside from you, and an inner
glow will begin to warm you and embrace you into the inner fold of expanded consciousness and
SELF understanding.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 21 October 2019

Force Of Hidden Aether Twilight.-F O H A T .

Fohat is a term from the ancient Tibetan language meaning basically the "fire of life" it is the
animating principle "electrifying" every atom  into LIFE, fohat is the link between spirit and
matter, subject and object.
Fohat can be seen as that of a cosmic electricity, that charges all atoms in life,and runs through
all life vivifying and galvanising it into action and motion.
Light and fire are aspects of fohat and make up our atomic physical bodies. We are all filled
with light, cosmic universal light,yet we all fail to see it,touch it,or even taste it, we do however
feel it  when our passions are aroused, we feel the heat(light) arise within us, this is where the
atoms of life's fire, become more excited by the influx of extra energy caused by our aroused
passion elevation.
We do not see the "fire of life" which is fohat, which is cosmic electricity flowing in and through
us all,in colours of electromagnetic waves which is our AURA, most of us are not sensitive
enough to register this "Aurora Borealis that emanates in and through every human being upon
this planet.
We all our a living flame/fire of life yet we do not understand this truth. We see ourselves as mere
mortals, rather than the immortals that we truly are,therefore we see that we are thereby destined
to live four score and ten years,then we are then finished,dead, kaput,game over!
Rather than seeing ourselves as immortal souls of living light energy, sons and daughters of the
living fire and eternal flame of FOHAT.
The force that emanates from every atom of your being, the aether that dawns in the twilight
of our awaking consciousness is fohat which links your physical matter body with that of  the
spirit body that is within you, by going within yourself you begin the process of what could be
termed as fire and flame alchemy, the lower fire which exists within the physical atomic plane
begins to percolate vertically with the higher vibration fire atoms of the ethereal less dross kind
 and the alchemy opens up your consciousness and perceptional abilities to such an extent that
you gradually begin the process of being born again into a different level  of FOHAT awareness.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Distortion And Torsion Expressing Divinity. D A T E D Part Two.

Mankind is expressed within a standing wave distortional field of rotating force, that blinks
in and out of existence 1044 times per second. We are all basically "point of reference" the
"point" in question is that of a singularity point (which is a torsion field) in which our "I AM"
consciousness is contained therein.
We are all basically being "held" (cohered) here in stasis via a gravity well that has opened
up by the force of our rotation downwards (lower vibration frequency), we are like that of a
tornado which funnels downward from a larger opening at the top then descends into a
narrowing field of expression, the narrower the funnel gets the faster the rotation spins.
The same principle applies to that of a black hole in space, this tapers down into a singularity
point as well, which the rotation at the point approaching that of light speed at its point of
We are all these torsion fields points of reference, nature replicates itself eternally,black
holes,hurricanes,tornado's,waterspouts, and human beings as well!
When we incarnate back on Earth the force is a distortion force field, it literally pulls us
out of the dimension of the astral plane(we then "vanish" die, change venues) after we have
fallen into a very deep slumber (lost consciousness) and the rotation of the distortion field
opens up a dimensional tunnel (worm hole?) in which descent into the physical dimension
becomes possible for a moment.
We have all taken this journey backwards from the Earth to the astral and back again countless
times, most of us fail to remember anything about these other lives, but some indeed do,
I remember several of mine past lives, so do many others, eventually we will all remember and
then will piece together the reason we are all here in the first place.
We all need to fully understand that NONE OF US are human beings! We all need to understand
that the TERM human being,actually and ONLY refers to that of a VEHICLE, and NOTHING
MORE THAN THAT!! What we all our is immortal souls, which is then that of SPIRIT and
spirit is NOT HUMAN!!!!!  When we can fully understand this absolute divine principle we will
all be well on our way of the need to keep turning up here on Earth, We can then move onto more
interesting journeys within this infinite cosmos.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Distortion And Torsion Expressing Divinity. D A T E D .

Mankind could be described as just that of a ripple within the fabric of the continuum
of expressed life, upon an atom sized planet called Earth.
One universal law that has been a source of great wonder to me, is that all energy within
this universe without exception "moves" perpetual motion,and all this infinite energy spins
and this spinning motion is one of what is called "torsion fields", we have literally "a field
within a field within a field ad infinitum.
All life is a torsion field, our human bodies (vehicles) are standing wave torsional fields, its
just that we all fail to see this reality because we all blink in and out of existence 1044 times
per second, far too fast for our brains to comprehend.
I would like to bring in what I feel is important about the title of this blog today, which is
"Distortion and Torsion Expressing Divinity", for what I see and feel is this. When we
incarnate upon this planet a "distortion field opens up which rotates in a clockwise motion
this distortion field holds your "I AM Consciousness" self awareness  and then combined
with your souls intention to incarnate manifests a further directional burst of Life Force
which then forces downwards (= lower vibrations),the living vibrating distortion field
and literally pulls it downwards, out of the astral plane and into this dense physical plane,
whereby the living pulsating life force is anchored within the physical pre-born child
within its crown and heart chakra.
When we reach the end of our experience gathering mission, and are ready to move back
to our other dimension of expression, that of the astral realm, when we are therefore ready
to leave this Earth plane die(change venues) when this occurs, the soul withdraws its
anchoring energy,which then opens up automatically a torsion field  which now rotates
in an anti clockwise rotation, and then draws up the life energy into and back to the astral
plane of existence.Then the physical body which belongs to this planet, it duly returned
back from whence it came, we cannot take one atom of this Earth with us when we leave.
In part two will explore more deeply into the difference between torsion fields and distortion
fields.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 18 October 2019

Points Harnessed And Seeking Experiences.-Spirit Harmonises Inner Frequency Torsion. Phase Shift. 2

Humanity is the lowest expression of the Torsion field of life being, "spun out into eddies "
(tidal pools of force) of living experience gathering. The highest expression called by some
as the "bliss body" is the highest torsion field of our expression. We are all within five varying
fields of phase shifting sequences, each sequence is in its own dimensional frame of reference.
We here on the Earth plane, being the lowest level of expression, we have all become very
condensed physical slow moving torsion fields of compressed consciousness and light.
Science is now confirming that torsion fields are "waves of time" causing ripples in gravity,
and believe that electromagnetism, gravity, and torsion waves are all members of the same
family,they are just different forms of ether vibrations. Science also state that torsion fields
are the missing link in the completion of the Theory Of Everything.
The new science of biophotons and torsion fields, say that torsion fields are the LIFE FORCE
being EXPRESSED. Also that the human aura is also a torsion field, and that torsion fields
can explain telepathy and PK phenomena.
The task that presents itself to mankind is to be put very simply as that of being able to ascend
the frequencies (torsion fields)gradually releasing the dense physical body, which in itself is
a condensed torsion field,and so doing elevate the atomic substance of your being. This can
and has been achieved by many before us,by going within ourselves and practising meditation
and yoga,reaching deeply within yourself, and by doing so, you will gradually "release" the
dense physical atoms that hold you in this gross dense state, and your efforts to raise your
consciousness and perception levels, will result in your attracting finer ether atoms into your
now less dense physical body matrix.
Our ultimate destiny is to transcend ALL the Torsion Fields of expression , reaching the BLISS
BODY, then EXITING (if you so want to do,that is) that last expression of RELATIVITY and
then enter the TORSION-LESS FIELD of the ABSOLUTE.
That is the journey we all will make,some will get there before others, it matters not one JOT,
we need ever be mindful of the FACT that we are ALL ETERNAL BEING, there is no plural
to being at this level, as there is only ever ONE BEING in residence ETERNALLY SO. YOU and
"I" are all that ONE BEING. When that truth is fully realised, then all the torsion fields become
immediately slacker, and less TENSE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Point Harnessed And Seeking Experience.-Spirit harmonises Inner Frequency Torsion. Phase-Shift.

A phase shift occurs when a universal life force which is absolute in nature, triangulates its
energy signature into a three fold dimensional traversing flow of divine life force. This
tridental splitting of forces is essential in order for relativity to be manifested within a
backdrop of the Absolute motionlessness state from which all MOTION arose from
This blog is about how "WE" all motioned out of absolute stillness and became relative
energy, within  a dual based tridental expressed physical universe.
The "point that is harnessed" is YOU" and "ME" locked within a singularity point of
reference, and held in stasis and coherence by the intentional wave of the overshadowing
divine soul/spirit.
The reason we are all "appointed" here upon the Earth plane, is to gather what we need to
open the inner door to full and universal consciousness, and that is only obtained by vast
numbers of experiences, over many life times,that will one bright and sunny day result in
you becoming a FULLY REALISED SELF.
Then you will no longer be a relative human being, but will rather dissolve all your outer
clothes (vehicles/bodies) and melt back into the ALL of ABSOLUTE ALL-NESS
But until that day arrives, and believe me dear reader,it will eventually arrive for everyone
even if it takes another billion years, for what is time and its meaning within the backdrop
of the ETERNAL?
We can all take the decision to look within ourselves for the answer to who and what we really
are,we can also seek out alliances with other like minded souls, so that we can pool our
experiences, and therefore grow more productively into that of finally realising the true and
eternal SELF, you truly are.
We are all held here in a point of reference, the reference point is the singularity that holds
that most precious child your self aware "I AM consciousness, this child has to be able to
learn and grow into an adult and find out its true identity.
In part two will explore this further.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realzation.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Vortexial Energy Holding Inner Consciousness Life Enfolded. V E H I C L E Part Two.

Mankind seems bewildered and deluded by the "facade of form" (the human called physical body)
We are often coerced by our parents (unbeknownst) and friends to believe that the physical body
is really who you are. If you took this to its logical conclusion, then when you died you no longer
existed-extinct, vanished from this universe! This is why so many of us fear death-extinction of
being!  We see ourselves as temporal beings, four score years and ten,then we are either made
extinct from reality, or if we are religious, then we may go to some place called Heaven,
wherever that is!
When the human race fully understands who they really are,then we can really begin living
in the fullness of knowledge and wisdom,rather than fear and ignorance.
We do not imagine that our cars (vehicles) are anything more than just a convenience to get us
from A to B in comfort, and unless we have a mental health problem, we do not identify our
cars as being who we really are!
Yet billions of us do this very thing with our physical bodies (vehicles), perhaps humanity is
either ignorant of who they are, or are having maybe mental health problems!
Our living life essence is enfolded within a downward spiraling vortex that coheres our "I AM"
self aware consciousness, that wraps up the living life stream and exits within a singularity
point of reference, and anchors this point in two dual streams of intelligent energy force one
located within the crown chakra (sahaswara) and the other in the heart chakra (anahata) these
two forces of living energy are the point that exists in order for physical incarnation to be
permitted entry into that realm of very slow frequency vibration.
Outwardly we all seem to be very stable and very still, but as the saying goes, looks can really
be deceptively deceptive, it truth we are all a whirlpool of rotating life essence, that the vast
majority of the motion within the life force,is held out of this dimension visibly, but those of a
sensitive and clairvoyant nature,can actually see clouds of billowing colored auras emanating
within those they look very closely at, this electromagnetic clouds of life energy are always
invisible to the many, but seen by the few. Science now has machines that can detect these emanations from human beings.
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Vortexial Energy Holding Inner Consciousness Life Enfolded.-V E H I C L E .

How many vehicles have you entered and exited dear read of this blog? Mankind can be seen
as that of "spinners of fame and fortune , through experience gathering".
We literally spin in and out of expressed physical life, a clockwise rotational spin  into
incarnation, and a counter clock wise rotation out at the point of changing dimensions (DEATH)
The sadness that befalls so many of us humans is that of the overwhelming ignorance of
THEIR reality within the spectrum of expressed life. Because countless millions of us all
fail to understand our absolute and INVIOLATE connectivity to EACH-OTHER , we are all
ONE FAMILY, that is the reality of the situation, whether you accept it or not. reject it or not,
is absolutely totally irrelevant to that which just is a FACT of expressed human life.
The whole of humanity MINUS their five vehicles of expression, resolve and DISSOLVE
into ONE ABSOLUTE LIFE,Absolute Intelligence,(GOD)
Because so many millions of us fail to see or even understand this reality that we are all engaged
in at various levels of conscious awareness and perception. We therefore become LOST within a QUAGMIRE and quicksand that is literally sucking the life blood out of mankind. Instead of
us being loving and accepting of our fellow kin folk, we instead are wrapped up in greed and
selfishness, wars and famines, where millions of our brothers and sisters die of hunger and disease
while we in the west are fast becoming the obese gluttonous center the world, where millions of
us are addicted to pieces of PLASTIC called smart-ass phones,where instead of helping out our
brother or sister, we  are far too busy taking selfies of ourselves, then posting these works of "art"
to their "virtual friends", we have become morally and spiritually blind, many SELF POSERS would make NARCISSUS look like a victim of self neglect!
We all need to understand and not look for what life can do for us, but rather understand that we each
are the very embodiment of that eternal principle called LIFE, we are LIFE, and now we are all
moving through the experiences of this particular  life, each encased within a vehicle which we call
the physical body.
In part two will explore this further.            warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 14 October 2019

Harmony Entwines Living Inner Xeno. -H E L I X . part Two.

There is NO-ZERO -Authority anywhere  in this universe, that has AUTHORITY over
writing your life expression program, for evolving expressed life, that includes,GOD, ALLAH,
Brahman, Jehovah,and any other deity you care to mention. The SOLE and ONLY authority
that can write your script to be played out and expressed within physical formation is YOU
and just YOU only.
We cannot blame or point the finger at any one thing, that includes GODS as well,blaming
others for our results in our life, which are not very wholesome or painful, or addictions,
is just childish nonsense, and we all need to grow up, and accept full responsibility for our
entire life.
Our DNA and Karmic liabilities are inextricably bound together, these are woven together
and forged by our actions, thoughts, habits,over each life time.
The helix of expressed life is much like the expression from the book of Ezekiel in the Bible
where Ezekiel talks of a "wheel within a wheel,turning upon itself" a spinning rotation of
living spirit being condensed into shape and formation into that of a human being. Our physical
bodies (vehicles) are the end result of a dimensional straddling wave of rotating life force that
holds into a cohesive place and locates the "I AM" consciousness" field of the self aware being.
We are all twisted downwards (=lower vibration) by the rotation of a very powerful vortex that
condenses the soul into a point of reference(singularity) and provides a location for that which is by nature universal and ubiquitous, the actual location of the soul though is not found within the
physical realm,it lies outside of the actual physical dimension, but is fully interconnected with
the physical vehicle via electromagnetic waves that impact upon the physical biological machine
and computer the human brain. It to is connected by electrochemical processes that interact with
the brain and the glandular system within the body.
When we can fully recognize that we are all personally responsible for our lives and whatever we
do within that life, we can then consciously change our patterns and methods of behaving, in
particular if it is causing us pain and discomfort. We can begin building a better life for ourselves,
and in so doing, rewrite our DNA atoms, and lesson our Karmic liabilities.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 13 October 2019

Harmony Entwines Living Inner Xeno.-H E L I X

This blog is about how expressed life is totally entwined in multiple helix's from the sub-
atomic realm into and through the atomic and cellular range of all expressed life,humanity
included. The word xeno relates to that of a "foreigner, or other,different in origin"when we
understand that humanity is just a collection of vehicles, biological machines, that house an
eternal spirit life form, then the word xeno is and becomes very apt in referring to humanity
as a XENO "race of VEHICLES!!!
The DNA molecule is formed as two intertwined helices, and  many proteins have helical
substructures known as alpha helices. The word helix come from the Greek and means twisted
or curved.
Our DNA patterning is encoded with "directional rotations"that will orient the vehicle into
particular experiences aligned with and allied with Karmic liabilities carried over from previous
lives, here on Earth.
These are chemical secretions that will issue out of various glands when the harmonic signature
aligns with the inner higher self intention,this can be seen as a chromosome time  lapse signal,
that was preset by the higher self , and when certain conditions were met, and experiences
obtained,the sequence would then "come online"and we would become aware of some inner
change,whether it be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual, it might also be the new found
WILL, to let go of some habit, like smoking, or drinking to excess.
Although we are all pre programmed by our DNA, it does not mean that we are stuck with that
program, we can all change the positioning and the directional pointers within our codes, by
going within ourselves, and therefore gaining insight as to what we really all our.By going
within, and expanding our conscious awareness, we will receive insightful messages from our
inner higher self, the word intuition means literally to be taught from within, and we each have our
very own guru  on board that of our higher self.
We all write our own programs, this may shock some of you, but never the less it is absolutely true
we need to fully understand that their is NO AUTHORITY anywhere in the UNIVERSE that has the authority to WRITE YOUR PROGRAM, the only exception to this universal law is "YOU"
dear reader of this blog. We are all our own script writers, when you know and understand this
reality, you can then consciously write your own script with a happy ending.1
In part two will examine this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.      

Saturday 12 October 2019

Consciousness All Sequence Entwined Spirally.-C A S E S Part Two.

"WE" are the ALL and the sequence is that of "motion from stillness" "WE" have all been
MOVED from eternal stillness-motionlessness into a spiraling rotation of life force, that has
been "cast out of EDEN" (eternal motionlessness) by the arising INTENTION of the
Absolute Infinite Mind, this intention caused motion to be born upon the rising thought wave
intention of the Absolute.
"WE" were all cast out of EDEN, and all flung into a vortexial chaotic maelstrom of
unconscious life energy. Aeons have now come to pass, and now we have all achieved self
awareness and that of our "I AM"consciousness, with the birth of our "I AM consciousness"
we have left the realm of non-locality and unconsciousness, and have been located within a
rotational vortex singularity that holds our "soul consciousness self aware state" within its
singularity point of reference.
We then are at a point of evolution where instead of being universal energy located everywhere
and therefore non-locale,we are instead focused within a narrow life stream of self aware
energy, which is the matrix of that which is spirit.
With our self awareness and then becoming conscious of leaving EDEN and long for that
utter peace and deep serenity that we begin to feel its PULSE surging through our energy
matrix in times of wonder and as loving emotions that well up from deep within our heart chakra.
"WE"  have all been in a very long slumber, billions of years we have been asleep and engaging
in automatic random experiences that have brought us all to the threshold of initiation into the
awakening and revealing of our true and eternal natural heritage, that of being divine immortal
souls, we are all  now standing on that threshold, each of us now need to take that final leap
of trust and faith, to look within ourselves, and reveal our true eternal immortal nature.
Looking within ourselves is opening the CASE, which represents the physical body vehicle and
looking within our hearts and finding that eternal fire or the spirit that burns within every living
soul. The FLAME (LIGHT) lies within you, ignite the touchpaper by opening your mind and ask
the question, who then am "I"?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization. 

Friday 11 October 2019

Consciousness All Sequence Entwined Spirally.-C A S E S .

We all as living spiritual energy, are all entwined spirally around a central matrix, or singularity
point, and we are all further encased within a physical vehicle in order for the numen (a spiritual
force) (YOU!) to be able to gain access to this dense and very slow vibration dimension.
Consciousness is the ALL SEQUENCE, the universal "UNIFIED FIELD" that permits
all actions and interactions to take place. Without this field there would be an absolute
motionlessness void of absolute potentiality awaiting a stirring INTENTION, to call it into
MOTION from eternal stillness.
Consciousness is the all-sequence and the infinite field is the PRESENCE that permeates all
motion within the universe.
We all as numen points of reference (spirit points of awareness) spiraled into and woven into
an atomic physical multi-cellular biological machine which we all then call a human being.
We only exist here on this stage set called Earth. The Earth is in truth much like a "film lot
location" this planet is a school room for evolving life forms to be used as a BACKDROP
for gathering experiences and interacting on the STAGE, which will eventually enable us to
realize that we are not, and have never really been a "HUMAN BEING" we have eternally
only ever been SPIRIT/LIFE moving through expressed LIFE (motion/moving) that is what
being expressed is=MOVING through EXPERIENCES!
When we have had enough experiences we will then drop THE PROPS=human body, and
return to the formless intelligence that we all have eternally been.
But until that glorious wonderful day arrives, we all need to "GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS"
there is here a rather coarse comparison here of the man working in the sewerage water
treatment plant,who cleans up the shit then flushes out the clean water out into the ocean or
river, and us gathering endless experiences, and finally waking up to our true spiritual nature
by clearing out all the crap accumulated over our life time.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Dance Of The Eternal Sequence. D O T E S Part Two.

"WE" have all came from unrealized Absolute Potentiality, lying in Eternal Motionlessness
Absolute stillness. An Eternity of unexpressed unrealized LIFE, an infinite OCEAN of
wave-less waves and Infinite Depth. The DANCE of life was as yet UNBORN!
Then an "INTENTION" arose within the infinite mind of the Absolute, this INTENTION
was the FIRST CAUSE that ever arose within the YET to be BORN unmanifested universe.
We are all realizing the effects of that first cause, in our every day dance of life.
The primal "thought wave intention" of the Absolute, caused MOTION to be born upon
that first wave of primal thought. That thought wave that manifested this now physical
universe is still in "MOTION" and will continue in motion until the INTENTION is
WITHDRAWN, then the universe will return to its absolute motionlessness phase, and
await a further thought wave in the next CYCLE of MOTION from STILLNESS.
The eternal sequence , what to me is the "ALL SEQUENCE" is an "unrecognized intelligent
agent" that has our best will at heart. Which is of course our higher self the immortal divine
soul. The higher self arranges experiences for us by our very actions, and we dance to the chorus
of expressed life. We begin to join up the dots that will eventually lead us to full SELF
We are all expressed in motion and the act of MOVING opens up endless possibilities that can
interact within our awareness and perhaps cause us to think about why we are here, and what is
the purpose of our LIFE?
The answer to that question, what is the purpose of life, is very simple and elementary to answer
the purpose of  expressed life is to KNOW WHO the HELL YOU really ARE!!! That is the
SOLE and only purpose that life has or ever will have, FULL SELF KNOWING,MEANS that
you have mastered all the dance steps of expressed life, and can now rest awhile before another
adventure arises within your extended spectrum of expression, or you can help out a friend or
neighbor who may still be struggling with their dance steps of expressed life, by sharing your
experiences with them.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Dance Of The Eternal Sequence. D O T E S .

The dance of life only ever stops, when we fully enter into the Absolute Motionlessness of
Unexpressed Life. When we enter that place of Absolute Infinite Potentiality,the dance of
life ceases and all motion stops absolutely. Expressed life, (expressed life equals motion)
though is a universal harmonic rhapsody of orchestrated perfection, fooling us into believing
that this perfect dance and harmonic rhythm is actually that of chaos.
How blind is man to imagine that from perfection could come anything less than perfection.
Life is the spirit energy  that condenses into shape and form, and uses vehicles, much like
our physical bodies, and perform its dance within the vehicle, enticing the vehicle to guess
the tune it dances to? Follow me! Follow me! The life energy suggests, where I lead, you can
follow, and if you follow long enough, you will recognize me in this dance of LIFE.
Life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is WHAT "I AM"? Living intelligent
focused energy, DANCING a DUET with my SHADOW-SELF? Do I know my steps? Can my
ear hear the silent harmonies as they play within my heart CHAKRA?
The SPIRIT of LIFE, dotes upon its chosen vehicles, its love is unconditional and all embracing
Our form,shape/ body/ is totally accepted by the formless spirit , it is not biased by our density!
Our task, our dance, the divine sequence of marrying up the gross dense physical form,into a
dance where we spin around so fast upon the dance floor of expressing life that the rotation of
our rapid turns within this "bohemian rhapsody" will actually slough off some of the dense
dross that we have all been carrying far too long.
This rapid motion, this Boston Two step, will allow us to begin letting go of our conditional
love and feelings, and gradually rise up from the egocentric lower self,and begin to embrace
the unconditional  love and acceptance of our higher self. the divine immortal soul.
That is the whole and only reason we are all here, there is NO OTHER! We are all here to learn
the rhythm and motion that plays out in the dance sequence of ALL EXPRESSED LIFE.
In part two will explore this more.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Directing Energy Algorithm Transferring Host. -D E A T H . Part two.

Death is an illusion pseudo fallacy that billions of us have all bought into over countless
thousands of years. The sad fact is that if we all fully understood  what LIFE actually is,
then this nonsense regarding the illusion of death would have never arisen.
As seen in the wording of this blog today, DEATH, stands for Directing-Energy-Algorithm
-Transferring-Host, so when you or your mum, or father,or wife,or husband,or child, or friend
"dies" what really happens to them? Well the TRUTH of what happens to them when they "DIE"
(CHANGE VENUES) is that they "EXIT" their VEHICLE"(physical body) that has been
host to the real indwelling "LIFE FORCE" the divine immortal soul, and after exiting that
vehicle, they then seamlessly and automatically move into their ASTRAL BODY, and carry on
living as before , albeit in another dimension of expression.We all have an astral body, and we all
visit the astral realms thousands of times while asleep at night, but when we awake,a curtain comes
down after a few minutes, and we therefore forget our adventures there, but our subconscious mind
remembers everything, and when we change venues (die) the silver cord that was attached so we could visit this realm at night snaps off, and we then can no longer enter that physical now empty
shell. Sleep is called the first cousin of death, and nature and divine will make sure we rehearse
this ritual of dying each night we sleep and lose consciousness? So that when the REAL THING
occurs, we will not fear the loosing of consciousness, as we pass through that worm hole tunnel
from this dimension into the next dimension, that of the astral plane. Many have reported a blue
worm hole tunnel with a white light at the end, this is the gateway door into the astral realm.
When we fully understand this "principle" and this principle is an immutable law of this universe
we will no longer mourn and weep over loosing our loved ones, rather we can bless them and
let go of our attachments to them,and allow them to move on in their journey of life expansion
of consciousness.
We are all eternal beings, but because of our ignorance of our true immortal identity, we tremble
in fear at times because we are going to DIE, and disappear totally from reality forever! Well SCARE
NO MORE dear reader, for this has never happened to any ONE BEING anywhere in this universe
We are ALL HERE FOR THE LONG HAUL, in the eternal,so just get used to it, and relax.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 7 October 2019

Directing Energy Algorithm Transferring Host. D E A T H .

This blog today is about removing the fear and foreboding that is often associated with the
word death, and as the name is the title of this blog broken down into what I call the "ALL
SEQUENCE". The all stands for Absolute Living Light, sequence of expression . The
absolute immutable law of LIFE being expressed , and here we need to understand that
any LIFE being Expressed , is by that very NATURE become RELATIVE. Because
LIFE in its Absolute state is totally still and motionlessness, it NEVER MOVES! When
life "MOVES" and has "momentum" which translates as having a "vibrational signature"
that varies according to the life energy being expressed, and in what particular dimension
it is being expressed within.
The "ALL SEQUENCE" translates from what we call the word DEATH, which in truth
stand for "Directing Energy Algorithm Transferring Host"=DEATH. The "Director" of this
ALGORITHM is that of Infinite Intelligence which is ABSOLUTE , and an IMMUTABLE
law of LIFE.
The root meaning of the word death is CHANGE,change is the relative universal signature
tune,this tonal signature is played universally and the tonal signature varies in frequency
depending upon the vibrational and dimensional location of the living expression being
expressed.The word death is meaningless and has no relevance anywhere in this universe.
By definition I use the meaning of the word death to mean,"total and absolute annihilation of
the life force, that was existing prior to this fictional  illusion of what we call death. Total
oblivion, cease to exist anywhere in this universe, that is the definition that I hold it to
mean with the word death, and that never and can never occur within REALITY and TRUTH!
When a human being "dies" (changes venues) it exits its physical vehicle, and reenters its astral
vehicle and continues living as before the CHANGE of venues and dimensions  took place.
We have ALL DONE THIS CHANGE, thousands of times in thousands of past lives, it just that
each time we are reborn again on the earth plane, we all cross over the river STYX which is
called the river of forgetfulness, a veil descends with us and wipes the memory slate clean. But
as we progress in our personal evolution, we will gradually begin to see and understand the patterns
and our memories will begin to stir.
In part two will explore this more.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Life And Death Living Enigmatically. L A D L E . Part Two.

To begin this blog today,I would like to make what I believe to be a most basic and
fundamental point about a word that sends fear and dread, and a feeling of foreboding
within millions of us, and that word is DEATH. Death is and always has been an illusion
an illusion born out of our fear and ignorance of the reality that really occurs, at the time
we call death.The only reality that EXISTS is LIFE, and there are zero opposites to LIFE
because LIFE is an Eternal Constant Immutable Reality. NO_THING EVER has died within
this entire universe, because the word death should be replaced with the word CHANGE of
VENUES, or dimensions, and therefore being UN REAL cannot ever have occurred anywhere
There is as science informs us the exact same amount of energy in the universe as there always
has been, it cannot ever change because energy like US is eternal.When we fully realize that
what we think is us, is in truth just a biological machine and your brain is just a biological
computer, both of these machines are NOT who you really OUR.We are all eternal spirit,
having a human life experience upon the planet Earth.
in its HIGHEST EXPRESSION, and RELATIVE at its lowest expression.
We often come unstuck because we think that there are distinctions in visible and invisible
matter,we can clearly see that we are all alive, we see that all animals are alive, plants and tress
we also see as alive, but what we don't see is that the mountains are alive, all the sand in all the
deserts upon the Earth is alive, all the oceans are alive,the planet we live on is alive, and called Gaia
by many, all the stars in the universe are alive.Our physical sun is alive, and what more performs
an act of SERVICE (consciously) of which permits us all to be able to gather the necessary
experiences we all need to finally reveal OUR true eternal identity. And also provide light and warmth to allow us to thrive here.
We all are eternal beings, when we fully realize this truth and fully understand all the implications
that arise from that total understanding, we will then decide on further experiences we wish to be
enabled within our being, or we might just rest a while and consider what next to do, if anything.!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Life And Death Living Enigmatically. L A D L E .

We all live a physical life,then die (change venues) and continue living in another dimension
(Astral realm or plane). We are like the contents of a ladle that dispenses soup to the hungry
diner, except instead of being soup we are living spiritual energy, being ladled out each
incarnation, then after a spell here, get re-ladled back into another place to wait for the next
incarnation or ladling back to the Earth plane.
We are all living enigmatically, the word enigmatic comes from the early Greek word that of
"Ainissesthai" which means literally "to speak in riddles". So that we all live and die
(change venues) within the matrix of a living riddle or an enigma.
Does life speak to us in riddles? To answer this question, we perhaps need to re-look at what
we all think we know about life! What exactly is life? What is energy? What does the word
death mean? If anything at all! Who do we all think we really are? Who are you? Yes YOU
now reading this blog, do you really KNOW who you ARE? If yes,than what are you then?
The RIDDLE the ENIGMA of what occurs to us within this school playground we commonly
call humanity, or mankind is hidden within the word LIFE, the word life when spelled out to
its full potentiality reveals what we really are, and that is LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED
ENERGY=L I F E . Being living intelligent energy, we then recall that SCIENCE has formally
stated that energy CANNOT EVER BE DESTROYED, in other words science has stated what
the ancient wisdom stated thousands of years ago, that all life was ETERNAL, and now science
states the same thing, that all energy is ETERNAL, it CANNOT EVER be destroyed only CONVERTED into another dimension or state. So this realization stated by our science and
therefore accepted by science as a proven FACT, reveals the mystery of the word DEATH, it
reveals the REALITY that DEATH  does NOT and whats more cannot EXIST! It is an
illusion cast over our bewildered vision of gross ignorance of the reality of what all life really
is, and that is ETERNAL.When you DIE (change venues) you are then CONVERTED from
physical energy embodiment, into ASTRAL energy embodiment, then you carry on living
as before, the only thing that has changed is your dimensional location, which is no longer
physical embodiment, you have then vacated that now empty shell that was your physical
body vehicle, and you are now very much still alive, within your astral dimensional body.
In part two will look further into this.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 4 October 2019

Spirit Eternal Life Frequency. S E L F . Part Two.

We all our the SELF, and one day within that NOW that for us has not yet arrived,we will
all dissolve back into the ALL of the ALL, and then "we" will all be back from whence
"we" all originally came from aeons ago.
There is no-thing to worry about, or even be concerned about, all this will happen at a pace
dictated by YOU, and "NONE OTHER" there will be no pressure, no coercion, all will occur
by the pace YOU set. If the idea of what you now think of as "yourself" your individuality
fills you with fear or dread, no worries, remember we all have an eternity to live, and there is
ZERO RUSH. You can pause the evolutionary arc, any time you want to, you can stay as you
are for a million years if you really want to, the choice is always YOURS, but remember that
the choices always include, everything  that we each all say, do, and act in our daily living
and all are imprinted upon our soul energy matrix, as Karma, or cause and effect.
Behind the words humanity,human beings, mankind, lies the eternal reality  of what "we"
all our. I put the word "we" in brackets because the word WE  does not really EXIST  within
However though within this relative universe "we" all "SEEM" to exist as separate beings, and
we each work out our own destinies by trial and error, which is our way of learning through
the process of experiencing a vast number of varying experiences.
This will ultimately lead us into the conscious awareness of full SELF KNOWING, this
will occur  within all our lives within the NOW that has yet to arrive within the threshold
of your now aware consciousness.
"WE" each have embarked upon a journey of gathering experiences, that has taken us through
many many life times many incarnations here upon this Earth plane, we have all played many roles
and "acted" our many scenes upon this stage called Earth. We have all been the rich man, the
beggar man,the thief, the prince and princess, the queen and the king, we have all been killed and
robbed, we all have known great joy, and great sadness, been healthy, and diseased. we have all done
it all and got the T shirt!  Now we are all heading back HOME, some will arrive there soon, others
well just take your time, there is a lot of it to SPARE!!
Warmest regards Michael.  any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Spirit Eternal Life Frequency. S E L F .

What exactly is the SELF? In the context of this blog here today the SELF equates totally
with the Absolute Infinite Intelligence, called by some as that of GOD, ALLAH, 
BRAHMAN.or JEHOVAH, the name matters not one jot, as there is but ONE Absolute
Infinite Intelligence, within this universe , or any other universe come to that.
So the SELF is the universe and everything that is within  the universe, and that also includes
the whole of humanity.
This universe emanates from within the SELF, and therefore the SELF Transcends this universe
and everything contained within it.
We as human beings are all basically spirit cloaked within a vehicle called the soul,and then
further cloaked within a physical body vehicle, which houses the soul.
We each have five bodies of expression, although most of humanity only ever know of the last
two expressions which are the lowest in vibration frequency that of the physical dimension, and
that of the ethereal astral dimension.
We all have two aspects of being as well, these are the lower self, and the higher SELF, of
which very few know about, and even fewer realize this reality while still in physical form.
The lower self, this is the low level frequency energy of the ego/personality where mind and
the idea of individuality are born,this is the location where we begin the identification of our
physical bodies, as being who we really are, which in truth is totally incorrect, and really absurd
if you really think this all through.
Many of us become uneasy when we begin to penetrate beyond the veil of form and
physicality, we begin to feel an unease about the idea of "what happens to ME"? When we
consider the fact that their are seven and a half billion souls on Earth, yet there is only ONE
LIFE FORCE, ONE Infinite Intelligent BEING, the question inevitably arises as to where do
"I" fit into this equation? The simple yet most profound answer to that question is that YOU
yes YOU dear reader of this blog are that "I" AM" consciousness, and by the time you
FULLY REALIZE this  most profound TRUTH, you will have transcended all those little fears
of loosing your identity, and will then see that you have lost your lower self, and Gained the
universal SELF, where the whole universe is your home and also who you ARE!
In part Two will explored this more,    Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Rotating Energy Vortexes Of Life Vibrationally Expressed. R E V O L V E . Part Two.

Self aware "I AM" consciousness expressed life in physical form, that of a human being
incarnating upon this planet, is a simple yet complex procedure that involves intelligent
energy operating through what is commonly called universal law, which is immutable
in its highest resolve, but mutable in lower dimensional incursions.The one who is about
to incarnate here upon the earth plane is fully resolved and stable within its astral vehicle
and consciously conscious and fully aware. Then when the incarnation process begins, the
astral body with its occupant within falls into a deep and profound slumber, looses all
consciousness, and exits the astral body vehicle, leaving just the sub-atomic particle that is
the soul energy and the location of the "I AM"consciousness spiritual ATOM, a vortex opens
up and a "downward rotation begins" in a clockwise spin into this physical dimension.
The soul is then "attached electromagnetically" and also "electrochemically" to the physical
vehicle,and remains asleep for around two years, before reclaiming its "I AM consciousness.
The life force then remains in a stable and resolved state, until the time of death draws near,
then an anti-clockwise rotation opens up and the true occupant of the vehicle spins out of
physical existence and reemerges back into the astral realm, from whence it came years before.
The astral body then stabilizes and is resolved back into equilibrium and balance within that
A point to remember is that the astral realms though vast and seemingly infinite  in dimension
are in truth just an illusion, much like this Earth plane is. The reality of Earth is that it is just a
STAGE, a school for emerging self aware, self identifying souls awakening from a long slumber.
We are here on Earth to "play roles" and act upon the stage of expression which is EARTH, in
order to bring about full realization of who you are by EXPERIENCING  the EXPERIENCES
in  varying roles, that will ultimately lead you to FULL SELF KNOWING.
And the astral is only there for you to use while you go through the process of full realization that
you are an ABSOLUTE BEING, and NOT a relative vehicle learning about what it really is.
We the collective of humanity created the astral realms which are the reflections of our collective
unconsciousness manifested over millions of years,and one day the astral realms will vanish from
existence, as we will no longer need its services.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Rotating Energy Vortexes Of Life Vibraionally Expressed.R E V O L V E .

The cycle of human expression located upon this planet Earth, can be seen and known as the
system of reincarnation or the less familiar name of metempsychosis. Mankind or humanity
needs many incursions here upon the Earth plane, before he or she finally realizes their true
immortal spiritual identity.
The word "revolve" comes from the Latin word "VOLVERE" which means to "TURN" so
the word revolve literally means to "turn again" which then translates in this context of
incarnation as being "born again" within the localized spin of expressed physical life.
We "each" are "held" within the slip stream of rapid rotating life energy, that tapers
downwards into a gravity well that manifests within the singularity point that finally exits
into this physical dimension. To incarnate here and acquire  a vehicle physical body, means
that you have to descend into a much grosser lower vibration physical dimension, we each
have to literally cross over the mythical river STYX which is also called the "river of
forgetfullness, because the descent from the astral dimension into the much more gross
physical dimension, causes us to loose our self aware consciousness, and effectively become
unconscious, and thereby flow downwards into the physical realm and become "localized"
within you newly acquired vehicle (human body). Your self aware consciousness will then be
on hold,until you reach the age of around two years old, then you will effectively begin to
"come online" and begin the "I AM" here, and "I WANT" stage.We mostly are all given a
blank slate at birth,but hidden away in our genetic codes lies the directions we will take later
in life, and also our likes and dislikes, attractions and repulsion's are all encoded within us.
The evolution of our particular self aware life stream, is the indicator of what is presented
before us, within each life expressed incarnation here on Earth. Some have asked the question
as to can we choose when we return to Earth, or is it automatic and we have no choice? The
answer to that question really depends on your particular point within your evolutionary arc
of ascendance, if you have reached a certain level of self aware consciousness, then you will
decide yourself as to whether you again incarnate or not, or choose to wait for centuries to pass
before before you return, if however you have not yet reached this level of self aware
consciousness, you will not be able to chose, and will automatically return to Earth when the next
suitable parents or parent is located for you.We need to understand that this is not any judgement
that is made by some capricious deity as to whether who comes back immediately without any
choice, and who can decide when they come back themselves, it is your particular point on the
ladder of awakening that decides, you decide by your level of aware consciousness, like
children in kinder garden and those at university, and some at primary school, no judgement made
just our perceptual awareness degrees,nothing more.
Will continue this in part two.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.