Saturday 12 October 2019

Consciousness All Sequence Entwined Spirally.-C A S E S Part Two.

"WE" are the ALL and the sequence is that of "motion from stillness" "WE" have all been
MOVED from eternal stillness-motionlessness into a spiraling rotation of life force, that has
been "cast out of EDEN" (eternal motionlessness) by the arising INTENTION of the
Absolute Infinite Mind, this intention caused motion to be born upon the rising thought wave
intention of the Absolute.
"WE" were all cast out of EDEN, and all flung into a vortexial chaotic maelstrom of
unconscious life energy. Aeons have now come to pass, and now we have all achieved self
awareness and that of our "I AM"consciousness, with the birth of our "I AM consciousness"
we have left the realm of non-locality and unconsciousness, and have been located within a
rotational vortex singularity that holds our "soul consciousness self aware state" within its
singularity point of reference.
We then are at a point of evolution where instead of being universal energy located everywhere
and therefore non-locale,we are instead focused within a narrow life stream of self aware
energy, which is the matrix of that which is spirit.
With our self awareness and then becoming conscious of leaving EDEN and long for that
utter peace and deep serenity that we begin to feel its PULSE surging through our energy
matrix in times of wonder and as loving emotions that well up from deep within our heart chakra.
"WE"  have all been in a very long slumber, billions of years we have been asleep and engaging
in automatic random experiences that have brought us all to the threshold of initiation into the
awakening and revealing of our true and eternal natural heritage, that of being divine immortal
souls, we are all  now standing on that threshold, each of us now need to take that final leap
of trust and faith, to look within ourselves, and reveal our true eternal immortal nature.
Looking within ourselves is opening the CASE, which represents the physical body vehicle and
looking within our hearts and finding that eternal fire or the spirit that burns within every living
soul. The FLAME (LIGHT) lies within you, ignite the touchpaper by opening your mind and ask
the question, who then am "I"?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization. 

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