Saturday 26 October 2019

Luminous Infinite Fohat Expressed. L I F E Part Two.

"WE" have all been moved by the primordial thought wave of the Absolute, and MOTION
is the PRIME MOVER of all expressed Life. Without motion the relative universe would
not and could not exist. Force and motion are one of the same thing.
We are all Ethereal formless, shapeless, "E" motional Life/Spirit clothed within five
expressions of motion within five different dimensions of being. Our most dense vehicle
which is the physical body is composed primarily of solidified light,light that has congealed
and "set" into substance due to its very low vibration frequency.
All expressed life Moves and therefore has motion, but only that life that has the added "E"
has what then transforms  ordinary Motion into its transcendent state of BE-COMING
"E" motion, emotion is where the MOTION -LIFE becomes SELF AWARE, and has that
most vital added ingredient that of the "I AM" consciousness, I AM consciousness is the
aware FOHAT "divine inner luminosity" becoming a singularity a "point  of divine reference"
located within its point of reference , and pulling the ocean of infinite consciousness ,into
its singularity point of reference, and stabilising that self aware consciousness within that
point by the WILL of the overshadowing higher self the divine immortal soul.
Rather that being non-locale moving life energy and present everywhere, we awake within
as wondrous place of Being aware of Being aware!
Emotion lies with the consciousness of self awareness, without self awareness, without the
"I AM consciousness being present, life is unconscious and unaware that it knows that it
knows, we all know that we know, because we are self aware.
We are the living light energy of LIFE itself, at present be expressed within an encapsulated
form called the physical body, but because we have self awareness, we can therefore look
within ourselves, something that is impossible for other life without the added "E" vital
ingredient. And by having this most wonderful addition to our life energy matrix, we can
therefore look within ourselves and reveal the history of our long long journey from that
of just unconscious motion, to the wondrous point of waking up, and seeing at long last
just who and what we really are!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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