Friday 18 October 2019

Points Harnessed And Seeking Experiences.-Spirit Harmonises Inner Frequency Torsion. Phase Shift. 2

Humanity is the lowest expression of the Torsion field of life being, "spun out into eddies "
(tidal pools of force) of living experience gathering. The highest expression called by some
as the "bliss body" is the highest torsion field of our expression. We are all within five varying
fields of phase shifting sequences, each sequence is in its own dimensional frame of reference.
We here on the Earth plane, being the lowest level of expression, we have all become very
condensed physical slow moving torsion fields of compressed consciousness and light.
Science is now confirming that torsion fields are "waves of time" causing ripples in gravity,
and believe that electromagnetism, gravity, and torsion waves are all members of the same
family,they are just different forms of ether vibrations. Science also state that torsion fields
are the missing link in the completion of the Theory Of Everything.
The new science of biophotons and torsion fields, say that torsion fields are the LIFE FORCE
being EXPRESSED. Also that the human aura is also a torsion field, and that torsion fields
can explain telepathy and PK phenomena.
The task that presents itself to mankind is to be put very simply as that of being able to ascend
the frequencies (torsion fields)gradually releasing the dense physical body, which in itself is
a condensed torsion field,and so doing elevate the atomic substance of your being. This can
and has been achieved by many before us,by going within ourselves and practising meditation
and yoga,reaching deeply within yourself, and by doing so, you will gradually "release" the
dense physical atoms that hold you in this gross dense state, and your efforts to raise your
consciousness and perception levels, will result in your attracting finer ether atoms into your
now less dense physical body matrix.
Our ultimate destiny is to transcend ALL the Torsion Fields of expression , reaching the BLISS
BODY, then EXITING (if you so want to do,that is) that last expression of RELATIVITY and
then enter the TORSION-LESS FIELD of the ABSOLUTE.
That is the journey we all will make,some will get there before others, it matters not one JOT,
we need ever be mindful of the FACT that we are ALL ETERNAL BEING, there is no plural
to being at this level, as there is only ever ONE BEING in residence ETERNALLY SO. YOU and
"I" are all that ONE BEING. When that truth is fully realised, then all the torsion fields become
immediately slacker, and less TENSE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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