Tuesday 15 October 2019

Vortexial Energy Holding Inner Consciousness Life Enfolded.-V E H I C L E .

How many vehicles have you entered and exited dear read of this blog? Mankind can be seen
as that of "spinners of fame and fortune , through experience gathering".
We literally spin in and out of expressed physical life, a clockwise rotational spin  into
incarnation, and a counter clock wise rotation out at the point of changing dimensions (DEATH)
The sadness that befalls so many of us humans is that of the overwhelming ignorance of
THEIR reality within the spectrum of expressed life. Because countless millions of us all
fail to understand our absolute and INVIOLATE connectivity to EACH-OTHER , we are all
ONE FAMILY, that is the reality of the situation, whether you accept it or not. reject it or not,
is absolutely totally irrelevant to that which just is a FACT of expressed human life.
The whole of humanity MINUS their five vehicles of expression, resolve and DISSOLVE
into ONE ABSOLUTE LIFE,Absolute Intelligence,(GOD)
Because so many millions of us fail to see or even understand this reality that we are all engaged
in at various levels of conscious awareness and perception. We therefore become LOST within a QUAGMIRE and quicksand that is literally sucking the life blood out of mankind. Instead of
us being loving and accepting of our fellow kin folk, we instead are wrapped up in greed and
selfishness, wars and famines, where millions of our brothers and sisters die of hunger and disease
while we in the west are fast becoming the obese gluttonous center the world, where millions of
us are addicted to pieces of PLASTIC called smart-ass phones,where instead of helping out our
brother or sister, we  are far too busy taking selfies of ourselves, then posting these works of "art"
to their "virtual friends", we have become morally and spiritually blind, many SELF POSERS would make NARCISSUS look like a victim of self neglect!
We all need to understand and not look for what life can do for us, but rather understand that we each
are the very embodiment of that eternal principle called LIFE, we are LIFE, and now we are all
moving through the experiences of this particular  life, each encased within a vehicle which we call
the physical body.
In part two will explore this further.            warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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