Friday 30 November 2018

Consciousness Opens Nothing Just Us Revealing Expression.=C O N J U R E .

The word conjure can mean several things, but for the purpose of this blog today  I intend to use
the word in the context of "bringing something about, by taking action". To conjure up the spirit
that dwells within us all (our immortal divine soul) by taking the action of going within ourselves
by either meditation or yoga and start the process of revealing the true dweller within our physical
form. In a sense although largely unknown by us, we as we live our daily lives, and each experience
that presents itself to us, is in fact gradually uncovering the real dweller within us all,albeit unconsciously so.
It seems that our experiences of every day living gradually wear away the veil that seems to separate
us from our true nature. Our experiences could seem to "cast a spell" upon us, and that spell opens
up inner doors within us.
To conjure then is to bring about the true nature of our indwelling spirit, our immortal divine soul
through the nature of motioning through experiences, which can cause us to rethink our understanding of life, and perhaps become inclined to look within ourselves for a change, rather
than forever looking out there for directions.
Science informs us that energy can never be destroyed only converted,which says quite clearly
that by that definition then, energy is an eternal force, therefore we are all energy, and are thereby
eternal also,we as life can never be destroyed, we are all eternal beings, that is a fact of nature,
and science says so!  We as living intelligent focused energy are all enclosed within a physical
shell or vehicle, and therefore the majority of us seem to think that this is wholly what we are,
a human being part of this thing called humanity. Unbeknown to us however, is an higher
intelligence at work, this higher intelligence is actually us, in our higher self role, which is the soul
this higher intelligence gradually beings about by the medium of experiences changes in our thinking
and emotional being, which in turn coupled with arising crisis in our lives, all cause us to stop and
perhaps rethink what we are doing, and the way we are living and thinking about things. This is an
extremely long process and spans many many life times, we have all been buried deeply into this
Earth, and the uncovering process takes many life times and vast amounts of experiences experienced
before we begin the conjuring process of gradually being reborn into a new level of consciousness
and awareness, and begin to "feel" that inner presence within us all. When we do that then the spell
of awakening has truly begun, and a new adventure awaits us.
In part two will explore this more.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Self And Consciousness Resonate Entwining Divinity. =S A C R E D Part Two.

Life flows like a liquid, energy which is life in motion flows exactly the same as a river on Earth
flows, except the river of energy  is invisible. We as living Intelligent Focused Energy which is LIFE
are also fluid in nature, our fluidity has been "frozen in form" the frozen form translates as the physical body, which is in truth made of congealed light, which is energy.
The saying "go with the flow"has a far deeper meaning than most of us ever realise.An ancient
maxim states that "reality is hidden in plain sight"what does that actually mean? What precisely
is being hidden from us in plain sight? The answer to that question is really very simple, provided
we can accept the premise "that all is energy" and energy is life! Everywhere you look there is
energy in one shape or another, many shapes and forms that are all energy, the air you breath is
energy, usually invisible to us,we are totally submerged and super-saturated within the energy
matrix,all is energy, all is life, all is consciousness,the whole universe is energy and vibrantly
alive, and we as self aware consciousness units, formed and shaped by infinite intelligence
and all experiencing the experience of being enclosed within a physical form, encapsulated
within a matrix of frozen light, and groping about in the twilight looking for the sun? We all
know that we know, and what we know will gradually expand our conscious awareness into
the understanding of who and what we precisely are, then we will know and understand that
indeed the very ground we all walk upon is sacred and is within itself a living presence.
The darkness that surrounds humanity is just simply ignorance of who we really are, light emerges
from within us, as we understand more about our true nature, we are ALL CONNECTED with
each other, and with every other energy that exists within the universe, there is no such thing as
being separated from the WHOLE which translates as the SOURCE of ALL LIFE, the very life
of  LIFE itself,we are forever connected to source, although through our feelings and emotions
and our ignorance of our true and lasting identity, it can indeed FEEL that you are isolated and
apart from the whole, and those feelings can and do feel VERY REAL, and we each need to experience this, in order to fully understand our nature, the truth though is that it is absolutely
IMPOSSIBLE EVER to be separated from the SOURCE of all life, it just FEELS that way at times.
Woven within the whole fabric of our being, and entwining our life is the Divinity of source.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Self And Consciousness Resonate Entwining Divinity.=S A C R E D .

Is it not said by ancient teachings, that our physical body is a temple for the indwelling spirit?
Implying indeed that our bodies were sacred places where divinity is expressed.
In our fast paced modern smart phone age, there seems little time or place for the accepting of
spirituality, let alone time to look within ourselves.We are so busy looking out there, scanning
our smart phones for "important"messages, like look where I am eating tonight? Far too  busy
trying to pay our mortgage, and get enough supplies in for Christmas, and maxing out the credit
card, far too busy to look within and see what dwells there.
While we in the west are spending a fortune on Christmas and buying presents for those who do not
actually need it,there are millions of others who will be starving to death and dying of thirst, with
no homes, zero prospects, and zero hope, will we be thinking of these poor souls over the festive
We being dual expressed within this physical vehicle, have two selves one lower, and one higher
the lower self which is basically the ego and its creation that thing we call a personality, which is
really a creation by us as the result of our experiences since birth, we each create this thing called
personality. We also have a higher self which is presented to us through the medium of our divine
immortal souls, out souls express the spirit which is the real SELF, and is absolute in its essence.
Our higher SELF which is expressed through the medium of our immortal souls linked within
and entwined with consciousness resonate throughout all of our expressions through several
dimensions of presence, and at times will impinge upon what could be termed our normal level
of usual conscious awareness. Usually in times of trial and crisis, when our ego's and personalities
are somewhat disengaged from their constant monitoring of our actions and thoughts, this distraction
which presents itself as a crisis, is really a blessing in disguise,for it provides an opportunity for that
real you the soul to make actual contact with your consciousness, either by using the medium of a
"still small reassuring voice" or by a great uplifting experience which enables you to feel a living
presence within you.
We all stand upon sacred ground, and we know it not.We are all blinded by our ignorance of reality
and how it presents itself within each and every one of us.
In part two will look into this more deeply. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Being Expressed As Motion Experience Delivers. =B E A M E D Part Two.

We are all being expressed as motion, within this principle called LIFE, which stands for Living-
Intelligent-Focused-Energy, we are all being expressed in this fashion for what reason? I believe
the sole reason that we are all expressed this way, is in order for us to gain experiences, why then
is experience so important that all life undergoes this motion knowingly like us,and unknowingly
like nature in general, and matter that undergoes great changes (experiences) from say vegetable
matter that changes into coal after millions of years of compression and heat.
All is motion there is no such thing as absolute stillness within this relative physical universe, stillness only really exists within the Absolute. Energy within us is constantly moving, within
many differing levels of expression, we have physical motion, emotional motion,thought and
thinking motion, and also spiritual motion, like when we meditate,or seek help from a higher
power in the act of praying.Our motions are all moving within differing dimensions of expression
each motion in itself is an experience. What then could we say that the nature of experiences
really is? What is its nature, if any? If we accept the premise that all life is basically intelligent
then what has this intelligence to say about the nature of experiences? And more importantly
why are they needed? Could we not all manage without them? What would be the outcome of
an zero experiences humanity? Many questions here, what are the answers? To me, the nature
of experiences act as pointers along this vast journey of evolution, as mentioned yesterday in
this blog called "beamed" I think experiences are in fact "direction locators" and the direction
they are locating is about bringing about an expansion of consciousness and perception, and in
order to to this we need to experience the contrasts of light and darkness, pain and suffering,joy
and laughter, the highs and lows in life, this is done over many many lifetimes, where we each
experience being male and  female, being rich and poor, sick  and healthy, a beggar and a thief
each motion through that experience brings each one of us closer to becoming and knowing that
we are WHOLE and not FRAGMENTED as so many of us have felt, and are feeling this very
day, we are indeed all connected within ONE WHOLE, but in order to learn this and eventually
know this to be true, we all have to walk the gauntlet of trial by fire, this gets rid of all the gross
parts of our individual makeups, to reveal the golden nugget that lies within all our hearts,to wear
away all the impurities and stains of selfishness pride and greed,to lose the grip of our ego's and
open up ourselves to that divine reality that dwells within us all., then we will realise the true and
lasting value of all the experiences we have experienced.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 26 November 2018

Being Expressed As Motion Experience Delivers.=B E A M E D .

We are all life being expressed in motion, and that motion has carried us through billions of years
of experiences. Many billions of years passed with us all in an unconscious state, experiencing but
not knowing of the experience consciously,yet known to the energy that propelled the life force
forward. Aeons passed then we arrived at a major turning point within our evolutionary arc of
unfoldment, we had arrived at the threshold where the dawning of self aware consciousness broke
into our newly formed self aware state.
We had all been transmuted and transformed from completely unaware motioning energy, into
self aware motioning energy, life that actually knew it was alive, and what's more could actually
reflect upon that knowingness. Now we moved into the arena of remembering experiences  and
were thereby able to distinguish between positive and negative choices of action.
Experiences can be seen as "direction locators" each experience brings us one step closer to
knowing the hidden reality that dwells within us. There is really only one reason why we have
this thing called experiences, because experiences are in effect much like sandpaper and have
the same abrasive effect as sandpaper, each experience rubs a piece more of the veil that is
covering our aware consciousness, leading us step by step closer to fully knowing who we are.
All expressed life moves, and it is the moving that brings in its train that thing called experience
unexpressed life is motionless and thereby does not experience any experiences whatsoever, it
is eternally motionlessness it a state of infinite unrealised potentiality.
The term of "going through the motions" is about experiencing this movement through our
evolution and gaining insight from that motion(experience) and in so doing learn about which
direction in movement cause the least resistance? There is a time and place for us to offer up
massive resistance to change and direction, we need to "feel the heat" to experience the fire of
friction, then we can see the benefits of coolness and the sense of "going with the flow" we are
all here to learn, and the only way to learn is to move, motion through the river of life and thereby
experience the eddies,and whirlpools that exist there, plus the rapids  and the fast flowing thoughts.
The title of this blog spells out the word beamed, and that means that as we gain insight and experience more deeply on an emotional level, we begin to light up from within, beaming with an
inner light.
In part two will explore this more.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 25 November 2018

Way Of Manifestation Becoming. W O M B . Part Two.

Question, how can you become when you are eternal? To answer that question we need to go
the place where this becoming first stirred into motion. The primal thought wave that arose within
the infinite mind of the Absolute, this thought wave was the willed intent of the absolute to
manifest motion from within eternal stillness motionlessness,as the primal thought wave issued
forth from within the infinite mind of the absolute,  motion was born, and a virginal universe
was "motioned into being" by the willed intent of the absolute, the whole universe us included
is all the product of THOUGHT! And this primal thought wave is still very much in operation
the thought is still in the process of issuing its primal will, and this will continue as it has done
for billions of years, until the whole universe becomes fully self realised.
We need to understand that in reality we have never left the womb, the whole of the universe
is in fact an infinite womb of becoming, and that becoming is about knowing who and what you
really are, we are all absolute spirit at our core potential, there is no such thing as individuality
in the way we think we understand it, that individuality is born out of our ego's and what we term
so called personality, that idea is of a  temporal and transient nature, our true nature is that we are all
one reality, and that one reality is Absolute. What we actually really are is a thought within that
infinite mind, and when that thought finally fully realises this truth, then that thought will once
become absorbed within the absolute mind. There is but one LIFE within this entire universe, and
that one life is eternal and absolute, there is but one life upon this planet Earth, expressed in many
many ways, yet still ONE LIFE, there are over seven billion souls on this Earth, but only ONE SELF
that one self, is the absolute spirit that dwells within the heart of the whole of humanity, all we need
to do is to go within and find it.
Moving within motion and gathering experience is in fact a journey through the womb, the womb
is actually the experience you gather,  for as you gather experience, you begin to see the vital
connections that link you to everything else in the universe, the womb is really your journey through
experiences that will deliver to your consciousness a series of awakenings that will in fact cause you
to be born again into a deeper level of consciousness and  perceptive awareness.
In truth none of us has ever left the womb,if we had we would all not be here! The universe is one
infinite womb, in which we venture within it,searching through a thing called experiences and not
even realising that these "going through the motions" will one fine day give us the final experience
of full and lasting realisation of whom we really are!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization 

Saturday 24 November 2018

Way Of Manifestation Becoming. =W O M B .

How does anything actually become? From where does this yet to become arise? For a human
womb to become pregnant it needs a seed to be implanted within it. What does this imply to
all universal life? From whence did the primal life seed arise? That gave birth to all motion from
stillness, and manifested tangibility from the intangible?
These are some very deep and profound questions, from where can we find the answer to this
great mystery?  If we look into the ancient wisdom which was written down many thousands
of years ago, it can give us very clear and precise answers to these most profound questions
on what and where life came from.
We can also gain insight into these deep questions, by looking within ourselves, because within
us all lies the answer to all this,we need to understand that we all our the very embodiment of
what can be termed the life principle, we all are living conscious entities that each has vouchsafed
within their primal matrix the full and complete record of their complete journey from their first
issuing out from stillness into motion until this present day,the complete record exists within each
one of us, all we need to do is to go within and begin the journey of self discovery.
It may be a rather strange concept to accept, but this whole physical universe is actually a womb
and it is totally full of life that is undergoing constant shaping and refinement, each portion of
tangible or intangible life is undergoing constant change all leading ultimately to full and total
realisation of who and what it actually is,and this process, this manifestations will take in some
cases billions of years to become consciously perfected.
One primal womb has given birth to countless other wombs that each give focus and direction
to their particular link in the endless chain of becoming life. Like the human womb provides
access to souls that wish to incarnate here for the purpose of gathering experience. And all the
creatures of the earth give their wombs to allow access of their energy life force to manifest here.
If we look at life, which to me stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE , life then
presents itself in the singular, there is only one life in the whole universe, and the principle which
is life is also eternal and lies beyond the reaches of Alpha and Omega, life is the eternal constant
reality. In pert two will explore this far deeper, and look at the question of how can you become
when you are already eternal?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Friday 23 November 2018

We Are Space Suits Uniquely Presented.=W A S S U P Part Two.

What does the question wassup actually mean? To me it seems to imply that we are looking for
something, and that we often spend our entire life looking for this thing, looking for the right job,
the right partner,right kind of house, right car, the list seems endless, forever looking for something
and when we find what we are looking for, then after a short while, another want or need arises
within our mind,and then we start looking all over again, always looking, finding, then looking
again, never satisfied,it is as though we all have a restless urge to look for or find something
which we feel we need, and when we get the job, the partner, the house, and the car, is that then
the end of this looking for something? The answer to that question for the vast majority of us
is no,because we still feel that something is missing, something that we need to have, that will
make our life complete, the problem though, is that we do not seem to know exactly what this
thing we need actually is. And when we seem to have exhausted all the things that we thought
we needed, and have now got, there is still something missing in our life, what are we then going to
The answer to that question is within the title of this blog, "we are space suits uniquely presented"
which spells out WASSUP  our "space suits" are the physical body, which is called a human being
belonging to what we call humanity, the truth of this reality though, is far different than what you
actually see. The real YOU dwells within your body (which is only a vehicle) the whole physical
body, is a biological machine, with the brain acting as an biological computer, this bio computer
interfaces with the real host, which is the immortal divine soul, via electromagnetic transfers of
energy from one vibration to another lower vibration(the physical vehicle is on a far lower vibration
than that of the soul) and the brain interfaces with these points of connection that enter the physical
body through a vast number of channels. The real YOU is invisible and has never been seen with
your mortal eyes.
WASSUP is the question we all perhaps subconsciously ask ourselves, which presents itself in our
search for serenity, and when we acquire all that we think we need,that feeling of something missing
is in fact, a call from within yourself, to look within yourself, and then find out who you really are
complete and whole satisfaction will never be ours, until we find our TRUE and lasting IDENTITY
which is NOT that of a human being, rather it is that we are ALL IMMORTAL DIVINE SOULS.
Warmest regards Michael. all feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

Thursday 22 November 2018

We Are Space Suits Uniquely Presented.=W A S S U P !

What exactly is mankind, that we are so mindful of him? What do we really think we are? Perhaps
we never consider the question as we are all so well used to being in this physical body, that what
possible "other thing"could we be! Other than what we are? The idea that we are all actually space
suits (vehicles) seems rather bizarre and ridiculous, and me presenting this idea here, may make me
as popular as a "fart in a spacesuit" which was one of Billy Connolly's the comedians jokes!
I truly believe that the most important thing we can ever know here on Earth, is who and what
we truly our, to me all other things pale into insignificance, the sole reason any of us are here is
to find out and reveal this most basic and fundamentally true nature of our being, all the
experiences we experience, are all ultimately designed to reveal to YOU who you actually ARE.
We may have a thousand and one ideas about why we are all here, but in truth there is but ONE
PURPOSE, and that is to find your TRUE and IMMORTAL SELF, the SOUL.
It may be hard to imagine and believe that what we call humanity and mankind are only vehicles
space suits for the true and real occupier the immortal soul. We all are uniquely presented vehicles
packaged up in a physical and biological computer and machine called the body,our problems arise
because we falsely identify with the physical body, as being who we are, which of course is incorrect
and coupled with this incorrect identification with the body, we then have the ego to content with
which along with the personality which we have created since our birth, present us with conflicting
ideas about our true nature.
As long as we remain focused outward our ego's are happy, because no threat to its status exists
out there it thinks, it is only we we start to look within ourselves, that the ego begins to feel uneasy
and eventually feels threatened. If we decide to take up say the practice of meditation or yoga at
first the ego may actually be encouraging you and saying positive things about how you are improving yourself, but as you persist in this practice and go deeper into yourself, and begin to
uncover some hidden truths, your ego will feel threatened, and will then try and distract you from
going any further.
We are all taught from birth to look forever outward,and in this modern world with the presence of
the smart phone, millions are helplessly glued to that little plastic screen, even walking in front of
a bus, so intent on looking into this plastic container, that even there own safety is overlooked.
Looking without is considered normal, looking within is often seen as a waste of time.
In part two will look more deeply into our true being.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Inside Dwells Our Life Source.=I D O L S Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog on this title of idols, was the question  or statement  posed
long ago by ancient scribes, the statement was this; "Many are called, but few are chosen" which
then poses the question as to whom is "calling"and to whom does the selection  for those chosen?
When I first came across this ancient statement over forty years ago now, the question intrigued
me enormously and seemed to imply that those "chosen" were a favoured few, that were selected
by God, and this to me implied  an unfair judgement upon us,why was one chosen and another
rejected? To me this question had to be answered, so I set about looking for answers, and took
up meditation as a way to find them.
Meditation slowly began to reveal the hidden truth that lies within us all,as the title of this blog
spells out that inside dwells our life source, which makes us all idols by implication.
I discovered by going within and daily practising  meditation over the last forty odd years that
"I" was not who I thought I was! In fact I discovered that the person who I thought was me  all of my life up to that point, was in fact just a vehicle for the real occupier that of my immortal divine soul
this realisation stunned my by then battered ego, the ego, my personality, the man I thought I was
came to be that of a vehicle, in order for the soul to gain purchase in this dense low vibration plane
here on Earth.The most amazing thing that followed this realisation was that I then discovered the
answer to that ancient statement made by those scribes centuries ago, That of, "many are called,
but few are chosen". Up to and beyond the point of "knowing" who we really are, that of divine
immortal souls,we live in a dual consciousness, which is largely set into ego personality mode, as
we are mostly completely unaware of the hidden reality within us,but within that mode of ego
consciousness, there arises times when we are very stressed or going through a crisis, at these
times we sometimes hear a "still small voice within us" that offers us a reassuring and comforting
word, this is directly issued out from our inner soul, trying to attract our attention, and hope we
take notice of this inner voice,and inquire from whence it came! This inner voice, some call their
conscience, is the voice of the real you,the divine immortal soul,it calls out to us, and encourages
us to search out from where it arises from, mostly the only chance it has of contacting us, is when
we are facing grave problems and crisis, when the ever vigilant ego is caught off guard by the
turmoil of the crisis, and the soul seeks this opportunity to make conscious contact with us. Our
soul is the one who "calls us" and it it us individually who do the choosing, if we chose to further
inquire about our true identity, then we discover our connection to the whole and our own divinity.
If we chose to ignore this offer of connection with your true self, then the door closes over, until
there is a fresh opportunity presented to you, most likely is the form of a severe crisis.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Inside Dwells Our Life Source. =I D O L S

The word idol comes from the Greek word "Eidolon" meaning reflection in water,or a mirror,
and we are all basically reflections of an inner life source, thereby we are by nature all idols
reflecting our inner "dweller"who is the actual life force. Also from the ancient Greek we get
the saying "Man know thyself" written over the portal on the temple of Apollo in Delphi, the
implication suggesting the importance of knowing ourselves,to me means that if we truly know
ourselves, this will bring about a great revelation in our consciousness, we will then know our
divine heritage, and thereby recognise our own inner divinity, presenting itself to us, in the manner
of our immortal divine soul.
We would then know and fully understand the futility of worshipping idols, as we would know and understand that we are all in fact living breathing idols ourselves! That we all our in fact reflections
of an hidden invisible reality, called our divine immortal soul.
In order to do this and find this inner reality, we need to look beyond our ego's and personalities
try and open our minds to this inner possibility, not too open that our brains fall out though! To
perhaps make a decision to for just once in our lives, we will change the vector of our gaze from
forever looking out ward to actually looking within ourselves, to perhaps engage in some
meditation or yoga, by changing the direction of our gaze from outer to inner we will in effect be
heading in a direction that will eventually reveal to our startled gaze the real identity of that
dweller who resides within each and everyone one of us here upon the Earth plane.
There is an ancient saying which says this,"many are called but few are chosen" what does this
really mean? Who or what does the calling, and who or what does the choosing? These are very deep
and very important questions, and we really all need to know the answer to this question, because it is
very important that we understand this, as it will play a vital and life changing experience within all
of our lives at some time or another, perhaps not in this current life time, but eventually the question
and the answer will need to be tackled, before we can move on into another level of consciousness
and perceptual awareness. Inside dwells our life force, and this life force is not your ego or personality, it is something far far greater and more wonderful than that.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face Book Soul Realization.

Monday 19 November 2018

Thoughts Realising Uncovering The Hidden.=T R U T H Part Two.

It is through our thoughts and self realising that we gradually build up a picture of what we call
our personal reality. We as part of what is called the human race, have all got the facility of self
aware thinking, and with this we can work out many of our lives problems. We can work out
problems and solve them through the process of thinking thoughts and reflecting on what we know
as true,then acting accordingly to solve our difficulties. What then remains hidden from us?
Well what remains hidden from us, is the true identity of who we really are. The truth of our appearance here on Earth, and why we are all here. There is a purpose  which we all need to
understand, in this life or another. We need to see and understand that the word truth means
something really rather different than what we have ever imagined it to be. One hidden fact
about truth that is rarely if ever reported, is that there is but just ONE TRUTH, and that this
ONE TRUTH is expressed in an infinite number of ways, exactly the same and replicating that
of the ONE LIFE FORCE, one consciousness,one energy,one spirit,one reality. This truth is
actually staring you in the face when you look into the mirror, (albeit a shadow of it) when you
look at yourself in the mirror, you are actually seeing a reflection of an hidden truth that lies
behind the outer form, what we call the physical body,behind that reflection there lies the truth
there lies the life force, there lies the consciousness, all life, all truth, is by its nature invisible
and intangible, it is therefore formless and shapeless and also omnipresent ubiquitous.
There is only one real way to ever know truth, and that is to fully know yourself, when you fully
know yourself, you will then see that you are IT, which stands for INFINITE TRUTH!! We all
are the very embodiment of truth, how could it possibly be otherwise ? The implication of that
would mean that we are all not REAL! If that were so, where would we then stand? We would
all be facades playing in some intergalatic asylum where madness rules the roost.
We all live and move and have our being within an infinite ocean of life, intelligence, truth,
consciousness, energy, light, love,it is up to each and everyone of us, to reveal this hidden truth
that lies deeply within us all,we just need to look within ourselves and meditate upon who we
really are, we are all really immortal divine souls,but we each need to find this truth that lies
within us all.then when you find it, you will truly know who and what you actually are, then the
word truth will suddenly dawn into your consciousness and reveal that you are actually IT !!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation. 

Sunday 18 November 2018

Thoughts Realising Uncovering The Hidden.=T R U T H .

The big question that has puzzled philosophers down through the past centuries is the question
of "what is truth"? Can we ever actually know what truth really is? Well there is actually a very
simple answer to this most puzzling question,if you can just accept the following simple premise
and that is this. We are all the very embodiment of truth, made visible and manifested formed
into the shape of us and called humanity, in fact all of manifested life is the very embodiment
of truth,how could it possibly be otherwise? To say otherwise would be totally absurd and
ridiculous, we would then if fact be implying and suggesting that all life is untrue, which would mean that life does not actually exist, because it is untrue! We are all then just figments of our own collective imaginations, could you accept this premise dear reader?
The word truth and life, are in fact one of the same thing, you cannot have one without the other
for to do so, would be equally ridiculous and absurd. So if we can get a handle on what life actually
is, then by that idea truth should then appear from within it, as though by magic.
The first real clue about life, is that it is always presented in the singular, there is no plurality in
life, although life is and can be expressed in an infinite number of ways, it is still and forever
remains ONE LIFE, expressed in an infinite number of ways. This premise would then suggest
that there then is only ever ONE TRUTH, expressed in an infinite number of ways, exactly
the same as life one mirroring the other in a perfect tandem.
Our thoughts that eventually uncover the hidden within us, reveals that we are all life, that we all
are in fact Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE, and that this life is the truth made into shape
and form, become tangible and visible, and in our case in particular have a sense of self awareness
we all have ego's and a thing called personality, we all have access to this thing called consciousness
which permits us as being self aware beings the ability to think thoughts, and have ideas about what
is occurring within our individual lives.We are actually in a very privileged position in the fact that
we are all self aware life, much of life although being expressed like us, is however not self aware
like we are, we know that we know, we can reflect upon ourselves, and upon our thoughts, other
life forms cannot do this (yet),we can actually ask ourselves the question,what is life? And what is
truth? And further ask what is man? In part two we explore this more deeply.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Consciousness Reveals You. C R Y Part Two,

Consciousness does indeed reveal yourself to your personal awareness, through the operation
of your thought processes into the language of your mother tongue. The pertinent question though
is who and what it actually reveals? The vast majority of us have not got a clue as to who we
really are. We all think and imagine that perhaps the idea of anything but our egoic reality existing
within us, would be totally preposterous and absurd, how could anyone think of such a bizarre idea!
The truth is though dear reader of this blog, that this preposterous and bizarre idea that we could
all be immortal divine souls, rather that ego centric personalities, is actually the reality of who and
what mankind actually is. There is absolutely no need for you to take my word on this, or anyone
else's come to that, all you actually need to do, is to ask yourself this question, of who am I really?
Look within yourself, ask yourself the question,meditate upon it, and if you do this, you will then
know this truth for yourself.
We as we think of ourselves as human beings, and call ourselves collectively humanity think that
this really means something special, that this thing called humanity actually means something
that seems to mean some sort of sentimental endearment to this collective called humanity.
The reality however is somewhat different from our emotional ideas of what mankind actually
is,what mankind actually consists of is just over seven billion or so vehicles, that are all here to
enable the real and true immortal soul access to this dense and low vibrational plane, in order to
gain valuable experiences, and therefore learn from this.
We are all vehicles for the true host the soul, vehicles like the one you drive to work in, the only
real difference between you and your car, is that it is made out of pressed steel and you are made
out of pressed flesh and bone! Both are only just vehicles, nothing more than that.
Consciousness is so much more than we can imagine,within its embrace it holds this entire universe
into one collective wholeness,our thoughts are but a minuscule part of its range of unimaginable
power and energy. Yet we all have access to this power and energy, all we have to do is to look
within ourselves, and discover the limitless energy that abounds within that spaceless space.
It behoves all of us to know the truth of our being,it is our divine heritage that has been hidden from
us for ages past, it is now time for us all to wake up from our long slumber, and remember who we
actually are.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Consciousness Reveals You. C R Y.

We are mindful of ourselves, because we have the facility of consciousness at our disposal, and
when that operates what we call thought, we in effect think ourselves into existence! Like waking
up from a deep coma, first we see and hear as babies, then we make sounds and finally we begin
to think and in this thinking process we begin to discover who we think we are. This shows us
that we have this thing called a personality, and from this personality an ego is born and this builds
up an image of who and what we think we are.
Consciousness is an infinite ocean of life sustaining energy, in effect is is life in motion, and all
motion is life expressed, and life expressed is consciousness,we as human vehicles that house the
real occupier the divine immortal soul, use only mostly a very shallow aspect of this consciousness
energy,the reason for this is that we have mostly been indoctrinated since birth to see and feel in
a certain way, and the most important thing that is the main reason for this shallowness of
consciousness, is a total ignorance of our true and lasting stasis as that of immortal divine souls
because none of us are ever taught this reality, our schools, colleges, and universities all fail to
teach the reality of what a human being actually is, we are only ever encouraged to look forever
outwards, and never look within, the implication of this action seems to imply that there is nothing
within you worth looking at,and that truth and reality all lie out there, that there is nothing within
you, so don't waste your valuable time looking in there.
Sadly to say that many millions of us have bought into this false assumption of permanently
looking out there for all our lives problems, and therefore have no idea that there exists an inner
you, that has been sadly neglected all of your life, this can change if you choose do do something
about this, we all have choices to make in our lives, but unless we are made aware that another
choice exists, we will remain in ignorance of our real identity. I only found out about this other
choice after undergoing a major crisis, that almost cost me my life, it was the result of this major
crisis, that I became aware of an inner intelligence that resided within me, and that I had been
completely unaware and ignorant  of its presence, until I had been thoroughly shaken out of my
complacency by a major crisis. One of the reasons I  am writing this blog, is to hopefully reveal
that there is no need for you dear reader of this blog, to have to embrace a major crisis or life
threatening situation, instead you can save yourself from that pain and anguish, and just make the
choice to look within yourself, and begin a journey of real and lasting knowledge of who you truly
are,you will see for yourself, if you look within, and meditate upon the question who am "I" ?
This line of inner questioning will open up something within you that will fill your heart with joy.
In part two will explore this further,       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Vibration Of Universal Consciousness Housing Spirit And Focusing Expressed Divinity.VOUCHSAFED P 2

We are all vibrations of life expressing divinity within our consciousness aware field or range
of awareness, yet the vast majority of us are completely unaware of this reality. We fail to see
that we all our divinity, which is spirit manifested within an encapsulated shell or body, called a
human being, in absolute reality there is no such thing as humanity, the mistaken idea only
persists within our collective ignorance and within the physical or relative universe, it is only
"relatively" real, within our collective illusional field it does not and cannot exist within the
absolute reality.
Humanity is basically a collection of seven or so billion vehicles, and each vehicle houses a
divine immortal soul, this divine immortal soul is YOU dear reader of this blog, that is what
you are, and that is what we all are on this planet. Through our collective ignorance and total
failure of our educational facilities  to teach this fundamental reality, we all have mistakenly
and falsely identified our vehicles as who we really are, it like you saying that your car in your
garage is really YOU! Imagine what your neighbours would say if you shared that thought with
This truth is vouchsafed within you, you do not have to take my word on that, or anyone else's
for that matter, all you need to do is to look within YOURSELF, meditate upon it, and if you
do that, YOU will see, feel, and become aware of this inner reality, that dwells deeply within
you, then you will know, beyond any doubt that you are indeed a divine immortal soul.
The vast majority of us, will in my experience fail to take this opportunity to look within
they will convince themselves they have no need of that kind of thing, I  was in this thought
bracket myself, instead will will ignore it and carry on as before, there are some though, who
will be inquisitive and also curious about this matter, and look within themselves out of curiosity
and therefore start a journey of self discovery, the rest of us like me, will wait for a major crisis
to arise within our life, before we are therefore forced by pressing circumstances to make major
changes in our way of doing this, or die because of this major crisis in our lives, I hope that anyone
reading this, will begin looking within themselves, our of curiosity rather than waiting for a crisis
to come a calling in our life.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Vibration-Of-Universal-Consciousness-Housing-Spirit-And- Focusing-Expressed-Divinity.=VOUCHSAFED.

From the English vocabulary archives, has come this limited understanding of the word
vouchsafed, quote,"Nature has vouchsafed innumerable benedictions on mankind" unquote,
What then is mankind, that we are mindful of him? What benedictions has nature bestowed
upon us all? If we are all vibrations of universal consciousness, which houses spirit and
focuses divinity, then how can we all know this to be so? So many questions, where can we look for answers to this puzzle?  Well one way would be to make a decision to just for once look within ourselves, instead of always focusing on looking outwards, if we did that, and then asked ourselves
the most pertinent question we could ever ask ourselves that of "who am "I"? The question of who
am I, sets of an inner inquiry, that if persisted with, will lead you eventually to a full and complete
understanding of your true and lasting inner nature.
All humanity is an expression of the life principle, which is an eternal and immutable law, our
expression is formed and shaped into the fashion that we call human beings,and being expressions
of the life principle, we need to inquire into the nature of what life actually is, what is life? One
simple and straight forward way of understanding this question of what is life, is by breaking it
down into its essence, which to me stand for, Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy=LIFE, that
is what we all basically are.Science then informs us that all energy cannot be destroyed, only
converted, therefore the very real implication to this fact is that we are all energy, and therefore
being so, we too cannot ever be destroyed, only converted.Science then tells in its own way, that
all of humanity is eternal by the very nature of the fact that we are all ENERGY, and that energy
was in fact LIFE,So when you die (become converted) you leave your physical shell the vehicle
and convert to living within your astral vehicle, and carry on living as before, except that you are
now being expressed within a different dimension, instead of the earth plane, you are now living
in the astral plane of life.
We all as human beings have vouchsafed within us the very essence of the life principle, which
is the spirit expressed as our divine immortal soul,this inner beckon of hope flashes out intuitive
pulsations into our self aware consciousness field, and is picked up by our thoughts as an inner
voice, which we often call our conscience, usually when a crisis arises within our life, this inner
voice tries to attract our attention, and get us to look within and find out where this inner voice
arose from? 
In part two will look further into this,    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Love Is Knowingly Expressing Divinity.=L I K E D Part Two.

What exactly is our conscience? Who is it that monitors our actions and behaviours?  To me our
conscience that monitors our actions and thought patterns is none other than our divine immortal
soul, this is the still small voice that whispers words of comfort and reassurance  to us when we
are in a crisis, or time of trial.
Many of you reading this blog now, have actually experienced "this still small voice" within
you, when you have indeed been in very difficult times, and struggling with a looming crisis
in your life,did you ever stop and consider where this voice was coming from? Did you not
perhaps wonder where this comforting inner voice was hailing from? Maybe we thought it
was the voice of God speaking through us.
That inner small voice, that whispers to us, our conscience that is pricked when we do or say something that we feel was wrong or inappropriate, these two aspects of our inner promptings
all arise from one inner matrix, and that is our very own divine immortal soul, this higher
energy life field, the soul contacts us through what we call conscience, and makes us feel that
what we have just done or said, was hurtful or unkind to another, and offers another way, if we
pay attention and listen. Our lives as human beings, vehicles for the inner occupier, are all about
making connections and gathering experiences. So when we have experiences of crisis or trial
and we receive that comforting reassurance, that still small voice that whispers to us,our inner
true being is actually trying to gain your full attention, and encouraging you to actively look
within yourself to find out the origin of this voice. Sadly though so many of us ignore this inner
voice, we are somewhat comforted by it at the time, and may even share this feeling and experience
with another, however, we seem to quickly forget about this, and get caught up in picking up the
pieces left from the past crisis. Love exists within the core of all of our being, that is basically
what humanity really is,seven billion souls, whose prime matrix is love, because love actually
melts into and is an expression of life, life is love expressed in shape and formed into whatever
mode of expression it chooses, we are expressed as human vehicles for the indwelling soul.
If we get to know who we really are, then the flow of life the love essence will become more
deeper and profound, we will feel more loving, because that is our true and divine nature.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 12 November 2018

Love Is Knowingly Expressing Divinity. =L I K E D .

As the title of this blog says, love is knowingly expressing divinity, how many of us then actually
do this? What actually is this thing called love? Many songs have been written about love, but
the majority of them are singing about what we term as romantic love, surely love by its nature
of being universal in its operation must mean much more and also be more inclusive  than just
romantic love.
To me love is an vibrant energy, much like that of life which also is a vibrant energy, this energy
that propels us all onward is called by various names depending on the way it is being expressed
if this energy is being used violently we call this energy anger and rage,if however it is being
used with kindness and compassion we call this love,but is this not all the same energy? Just being
called a different name, by the intention of the one using this energy?
If we say we like someone, it is the intention and the depth of feeling and meaning that we invest
in this liking thing, that denotes how much energy we give to the one liked!
We all have a vast storehouse of energy, it really is up to us how we use it, do we use this energy
with kindness and compassion,or do we use it in a hurtful and spiteful way, the choice is always
ours, however if we choose unwisely we incur the added debt of karmic liability, or cause and
effect,so if we knowingly harm another, this will rebound upon us with absolute certainty, so
not a wise thing to do, and if we fully understand that universal principle of law, we will all
refrain from harming anybody.
We are all the embodiment of life which is expressed as love, this is the energy that gives us all
the power of motion and movement, and its how we move within this infinite field of energy
which is expressed life, in our case expressed within a vehicle called a human body. By our
motions we are all known, how we live and move,is all recorded within each of our consciousness
and will often replay itself to you via what we call your conscience, your conscience is pricked
when you perceive that you have done something wrong, something that you feel you should not
have done, this is the life recording in playback mode? When we "kick against the pricks" this means
that we are battling with our conscience, and therefore trying to rationalise or excuse for our behaviour, justifying our actions, and therefore we were right do do this action!
In part two, will explore this more.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Self Knowing Is Paramount Supreme. =S K I P S . Part Two.

Self knowing is of paramount supreme importance, because if you do not know who you really
are, if you totally fail to recognise the real dweller within you, then what do you actually know?
We all live in an age where we are continually being drip-fed information via our smart phones
and other devices like the  television screen, this goes on 24/7 we are all fed an endless stream
of mostly worthless advertising trash, but none of this endless stream of un-vital information
suggests anything about who the watcher or listener actually is, there is absolutely zero
information about what is your true and lasting identity. Knowing who you truly are, is the most
important thing you will ever learn in this life time, or any other. We have the situation where
a person is actually credited with the title of "The Worlds Foremost Authority" of there given
subject of expertise, yet ask them who they REALLY ARE, and most likely you would be
confronted with total silence, because they knew zero about their true identity.
We can easily find our way around this planet,we can use a sat-nav or even ask Goggle
we can know very quickly the way to anywhere on earth, yet we all seem to fall down on
knowing the way to reveal our true identity.
It took me thirty years and a lot of pain and anguish before I started even considering who
I really was,and that was because my back was up against the wall. and my life expectancy
was reduced to less than three months, then and only then, did I think about looking within
myself, to see who really lived there deep within me,hidden away from my outer mortal
frame,it was because of a life threatening crisis that arose within my life, that gave me the actual
"kick up the ass" I needed to take some positive action, and find out who actually lives within me?
I hope that any of you dear readers of this blog, do not have to wait until a life threatening crisis
arrives within your life, before you actually consider the prospect of looking within you, on the
exciting path of self and soul discovery, I hope you have more sense than I had, I was forced to
take action, or die, there is little virtue in that, and am aware of this. I hope you reading this will
see that there is a ring of truth said in this blog, and that will enable you to make the decision
to look within yourself, and really see if there is an immortal divine soul here inside you, after all
what have you got to loose? Except your old self!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Self Knowing Is Paramount Supreme.=S K I P S .

The word knowing can be described as , "the state of being aware, or informed" there can be
possibly an almost infinite number of things you can know, some of these knowings will be
useful to you,  others will not, to me though the most paramount thing to know, which I feel
is supremely more important than any other knowledge or knowing, is in the full knowing
of your true and lasting identity. To me all other knowing pales into insignificance when
compared to full self knowing and that of soul realisation.
In our modern world we are up against so many distractions, with our mobile smart phones, and
all manner of gadgets, plus the most important thing that fundamentally halts any knowing of
our true identity, that of a complete and entire lack of any education as to the real and lasting
truth of what the human race actually consists of! Our schools or colleges do not teach this fact
of our being, our universities do not teach who we are or issue any "degrees" in self knowing!
Our parents did not teach us, bless them all, because they were never told the truth of our identity
by their parents, so nobody is actually to blame for this mass ignorance of self knowing, we cannot
point fingers and any particular body, and say "why have you kept us all in the dark, about our
real selves"? Although some reading this today, might find a direction to point in!
There is a saying that "the truth will set you free" free to become who you truly are, because not
only will the truth set you free, it will also protect you from making grave errors in actions and
enable you to see how we are all connected to each other, within one vast infinite energy consciousness field. And because you will clearly see and feel these connections and how we are
all fully connected and interconnected to each other, the very idea of trying to harm another soul
would in the light of full self knowing,  be absolutely impossible  to do.Full self knowing would
end all our wars, we would fully understand the madness and ego driven greed, and feel the
repulsion of such selfish ego driven actions and thoughts. It would become impossible for us to
take a bite of food, if we were aware of millions starving to death, we would all rise up and take action, that fed all those hungry lonely and desperate souls, we all would feel deep compassion
and love for those who were not fully included into our way of having plenty of food and drink
and a decent level of comfort and dignity. Our primary focus would fundamentally shift from being
exclusive and basically selfish in nature, to becoming inclusive and selfless in nature.
In part two will explore this more.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 9 November 2018

Consciousness Opens Neuron Firing Upon Self Ignorance Of Numinosity.=C O N F U S I O N Part Two.

Confusion shows itself in the manner that this world is presently in, which is a mammoth crisis
ridden world, where wars rage,millions are dying of starvation and thirst, while we in the west
are bloated with gluttony and an epidemic of obesity, because we are so out of touch with reality
we are all running into a swirling vortex of absolute destruction, which is being fuelled by greed
and vast profits of the multi-nationals, who have no regards for others or quality of your life, just
fixated on their huge profits, at any cost. As mentioned yesterday the word confusion comes from
the Latin word Fundere,which literally means"to pour", well we are pouring out the results of
our combined ignorance as to our true identity, and the result of this is total and almost absolute
disharmony, whereas, if we all knew who we truly were, the results would be complete harmony
because we would know and  therefore fully understand  that we were all connected to one another
and all part of one composite wholeness, we would know and whats more "FEEL" that if we hurt
another, we are actually harming ourselves, therefore this practice would cease to be.
Our minds have countless neuron firings within our physical brain, which is really a biological
computer,but because of our lack of an inner connection to our real self, that which if connected
to would open up our link to the divinity that we are all connected too, the numinosity of our
primal matrix, which is SPIRIT.
Instead our consciousness field is only narrowly positioned between what we think is our
personality, and our ego centred mainly selfishly human being, with little or no connection
to our real self, the divine immortal soul.
We are globally "pouring out"selfishness as though it is a virtue,greed as a virtue also(because
it brings bonuses to the shareholders of multi-nationals) and that is seen as positive and good
no matter that is causes the total destruction of a rain forest, and the forcibly uprooting of the
indigenous people who have lived there for thousands of years. The mind set seems to say
"what does that matter, as long as we make a profit". We are so disconnected from our inner reality
that we are all in the process of destroying ourselves, either through total pollution of our oceans
and air and land,warfare, disease,that rages beyond control, like cancer and heart disease, diabetes
we fail to see that we are all totally connected to each  other, instead we see only disconnection
and therefore through this ignorance, selfishness and ego driven madness reign supreme.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 8 November 2018

Consciousness Opens Neuron Firing Upon Self Ignorance Of Numinosity.=C O N F U S I O N .

The root of the word confusion comes from the Latin word Fundere meaning "to pour", so
confusion in that context could well mean "pouring out"thoughts from a mind that does not
know its true  identity, therefore confusion follows in its wake,instead of clarity. The human
race then literally "pours out" confusion, due to its total ignorance of its primal matrix,that
of an immortal divine soul.
Consciousness is an infinite ocean,in which we are all fully submerged within,we quite literally
are consciousness shaped and formed by intention into what we all see and experience as a human
being.Consciousness in its essence in pure perfection, however when we in and at our stage of
evolution, tap into this vast infinite ocean of consciousness, because of things like our personalities
and more importantly our ego's, then the purity of the essence of consciousness becomes somewhat
clouded, and therein gives birth to what we call confusion.
Consciousness is perfect and WHOLE COMPLETE, so are WE, but we do not KNOW THAT
and therein lies the problem, all our thoughts are basically selfishly tinged by our ego's, and this
act by our selfish based wills, causes the infinite energy that is the ocean of consciousness, to become
polluted by our ego's and personalities, and this pollution therein causes a dilution in the purity of
pure consciousness, that you happen to be tapping or tuning into, and that results in further confusion
which then translates into the selfish greed of multinationals, wars, hatred, which cause hunger and
disease, fear and mayhem.
If we tried to make cement using only sand as an ingredient what do you think would happen to
our building? That missing ingredient makes all the difference, so what then is the missing
ingredient in humanity? This missing and MOST VITAL ingredient that is causing all the wars
and mayhem within our "family" is that of "ignorance of true identity" mankind is almost not
quite hopelessly lost in a sea of egotism type madness, and having not a clue about who is the
real animator and dweller within their form.
Until we each individually and collectively come to an understanding of who we really are, and
how we are all magnetically and spiritually connected to each other in one collective family,then
when and if we can all do that, then the confusion will give way to clarity.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Deconstruction Of Energy Singularity. =D O E S Part Two.

A human architect has an idea (thought) about a building he would like to have built, he then
from that original thought, draws a diagram, and from that diagram draws the form and shape
of the building he wants constructed, it could be a skyscraper that will stand before you, and this
impressively tall and massive building, all began as a thought in the architects mind.
I maintain that this universe that we all dwell within too started of as a THOUGHT within the
Absolute Infinite Mind of the Absolute. If a human architect can do this, then who is to say that
the Divine Architect of this universe, could not therefore replicate this on a infinite sized scale?
Thought arises from within the infinite field or ocean of consciousness, thoughts manifest as
motion  within the infinite ocean of consciousness, and motion manifest energy, all energy
primarily has been manifested as a product of thought, the thought is the matrix of all energy.
We need always be mindful that we as human beings are all anchored within this infinite
ocean of consciousness, by each having a central point of reference, that is basically our anchor
without this weight we would all be hopelessly adrift within an infinite ocean. This anchor
reference point is our immortal soul, which is the reality point and central THOUGHT,
emanating from within the soul matrix.
Energy as we are all told by science cannot ever be destroyed only converted, they never actually
seem to fully explain what energy is actually converted into! I firmly think that there is only one
thing energy could be possibly converted into, and that to me means THOUGHT.
The singularity that is postulated to lie at the bottom of a black hole, to me is the final SHREDDER
that releases energy back into its primal  matrix that of thought.
Energy then is really just compressed thought, as matter is really just compressed light, light in the
process of congealment, the harder the matter the denser the light becomes.
Black holes then are a natural universal deconstruction points, that draw in energy, and super
compress it, that by the time it arrives at the singularity point, it "totally surrenders" itself back
into its original formless form, then all motion ceases, and the absolute stillness of the infinite
ocean of potential fall into deep silence, until the next time.
Potentiality realised therefore becomes thought which then becomes energy,unrealised potentiality
remains silent and is nothing. Consciousness without thought is stillness, energy is absent,thoughts
cause motion and motion gives birth to energy.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Deconstruction Of Energy Singularity. =D O E S .

Black holes and their postulated idea of a singularity lying at the bottom of this vast force called
a gravity well, can be seen as a natural balancer of force,keeping this universe in a harmonious
rhythm of melodic tones. Before however we go into this idea, it is best first to consider how
this all came to become a universe.For me there is only one conclusion that makes any real
sense, and that is that this universe was THOUGHT into BECOMING by an ABSOLUTE
INTELLIGENCE, who WILLED  this beginning of all MOTION from  absolute motionlessness
to Be-COME by awesome willed intention the birth of a virginal UNIVERSE. Motion was then
the first sheath that was to overlay the primal thought wave.
In my groundwork explanation all motion that gave birth to this universe came through the primal
thought wave, the first CAUSE, which was an act of "willed intent"by the absolute. This universe
began as a virginal expanse of beingness becoming motion from the original thought wave of the
absolute. This means that all energy within this universe, and that also includes all of us in
humanity as well,are in fact super compressed THOUGHT. We are all super compressed thought waves, fashioned and shaped into the form we now call human beings,in order to finally fulfil
the original thought wave, of SELF KNOWING. That original thought wave began billions of
years ago and is still outworking its absolute INTENTION.
Science is absolutely correct in stating that energy cannot be destroyed only converted, the bone
of contention lies in what energy is actually converted into? Science at presence will not agree
with my premise that what all energy is converted into is basically very simply THOUGHT! There
is to me no possible other explanation that would make any sense.
Another word for gravity would or could be called unconditional love, that is the attractive force
within gravity, and this becomes super concentrated within the gravity well that occurs within a
black hole as it rotates at warp speed into that point which we call the singularity.
Long before mankind came up with the idea of recycling our waste, nature was aeons ahead of
us, black holes recycle energy back into its original form that of thought.
In part two will explore this idea further, Warmest regards Michael. any comments or feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Consciousness Expresses Liquid Life Using Light As Reflector.=C E L L U L A R Part Two.

We can be seen perhaps as points of consciousness within an infinite ocean of life. Where does
our centre of consciousness lie? Is it within our brain, or our heart? Does it dwell outside of our
physical body? So many questions, and too few answers, it seems. The term "liquid life"is used
here because we are all basically living-intelligent-focused-energy, which spells out LIFE, we
are all intelligent energy, and energy being life flows as though it is in liquid form, life is
sometimes equated with the term of the "river of life" which flows through all of us,
As we saw in yesterday's blog, we all have countless trillions of cells within our bodies, and all
these cells have a level of consciousness and intelligence  inbuilt within each one, and can and
indeed do, communicate with each other through chemical interactions. They seem to have what
could be called a sort of "hive mind"that functions without our understanding of what is actually
happening, seemingly totally automatically and without any conscious input from us whatsoever.
The conscious part we all can play, is to try and lead a healthy and balanced life, being careful
of not overeating, or indulging in too much liquor or drugs, get exorcise and try being positive
in our thoughts, words, and deeds, in that way our cells will remain healthy, and will not mutate
into rogue and cancerous cells.
The main purpose and constant unrelenting pressure of evolution and life is to ultimately bring
about a level of consciousness that transcends just self awareness and egocentric consciousness
into an awareness of the true and lasting identity of the one encased within a physical body and
called a human being.
The evolution of humanity ceases when you no longer identify with the vehicle you inhabit and
consciously realise and fully understand that you are and have always been, an immortal divine
soul, you long and arduous journey over many life times as a human being have all been experienced
by you to finally bring you to this ultimate conclusion  and full understanding and realisation of
your true and lasting identity.
The light as a reflector which has relentlessly shone onto your consciousness, "highlighting" your
many experiences, and leading you gently over vast ages of experience gathering to this final point
in your cellular lifetime, that awakens to the reality that dwells within you,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 5 November 2018

Consciousness Expresses Liquid Life Using Light As Reflector. =C E L L U L A R .

We are each filled with approx 37.2 trillion cells, and within each cell there is approx 100
trillion atoms, that is in one human being! If you then add up and times that by 7.5 billion
humans on this planet, then the numbers really do become meaningless and mind boggling.
Everyone of those cells is intelligent and can communicate with all the other cells, by
exchanging chemical messages. And all this goes on without you knowing anything about it
at all.It is estimated that there are at least 800 billion more cells in your body, than there are
galaxies in our known universe.
There is a universal symphony being orchestrated by an intelligence way beyond our human
comprehension, and that every cell and atom, and sub atomic particle are all dancing to this
harmonic note of "living motion", which is the sound of the OM.
Size, form, and shape, do they really matter at all? What size are you dear reader of this blog?
If we look beyond the shape and form, and look into the central core of your being, that central
part of you, your "integrity matrix" what size is that? Perhaps not much more that the size of
an atom? Has consciousness got any size? We all our expressions of consciousness, liquid
life, flowing through a myriad of experiences over countless expressed physical lifetimes
gathering up and understanding the connections we make, until we make the final connection
and understand fully who we are.
Do cells have a master cell that shapes their destiny? Could the atomic soul, be the master cell
that governs the trillions of individual cells that make up our body? Who is in charge? Who
makes the decisions that say cause dis-ease within the cells? Where do our responsibilities begin
and end? So many questions arising,do we ever consider them? Or even know of the question
to ask? Our cells collectively express how we are, whether we are fit and healthy, or ill and
stressed out, it will show on our exterior, our faces and demeanour will reflect the health of
our cells.All life has a harmonic note, a tune that will reflect by its tone, just how the host
is, either in harmony with its life note, of basically out of harmony with it, and therefore the
consequences of being out of tune with your life note, is varying shades of illness, or out of
tuneness? In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 4 November 2018

Soul Weeps Expression Postponed Temporarily. =S W E P T . Part Two.

We can at times seem and feel hopelessly lost by our ignorance and therefore misdirection, and
then can wake up and become found by the arising crisis, that after reflection then correct our
chosen direction.
We all can and often do no doubt, reflect about why we are all here upon this earth plane,and
most likely come up with all sorts of fanciful ideas and speculations as to why we are all here.
Actually there is only one basic reason that we are all here, and that is to know who you really
ARE! There is no other reason than that. And the way we find out who we are, is to live within
the limits of this earth plane, where our consciousness levels are severely restricted by being
enclosed within a physical capsule called the human body. We then through many many lives
of trials and tribulations, where we each experience the fullest limits of the extremes of emotions
through love, hate, envy, jealousy, joy, pain and extreme sadness and heartache, all these varied
experiences are for the purpose of you looking within yourself, and eventually after countless
excursions within this "vale of tears"to finally one bright day, the "penny drops" and you make
that most vital and fundamental connection within yourself, when you experience the PRESENCE
of that divine immortal soul, that is the real YOU!
When that momentous day dawns within your consciousness, you will automatically become
re-born, (without having to enter the womb twice!) and then you will finally know who you really are.
It is very difficult in our modern age of the "five second attention flash" that's how long advertisers
can hold your attention, that's why all advertising is flashed on the screens in rapid fashion, to keep
you hooked on their product, and hopefully buy their worthless trash. We are all bombarded with
so called vital "flashes" of needed things to buy, that we are forever looking outwards, never do we seem to have the time to look within ourselves and see who really lives there! None of us can really
be blamed for this sad state of affairs, because we were never ever taught to look within us, rather
the very opposite, as soon as a baby is born, we can;t wait to dangle hanging things above their
little heads and then encourage the little ones to keep looking at these bits of hanging plastic????
Our schools or colleges never teach looking within, so we have no basic guidance other than our
instincts and the pains of our experiences and many crisis,  thankfully though at least the internet
has a vast amount of information about getting to know the real you,so we can at least find out more
about who really resides within us? My hope dear readers of this blog, that you will find the time to
look within yourself, ask the question, who am I? And when you know that you will be overjoyed
with happiness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Soul Weeps Expression Postponed Temporarily. =S W E P T .

How many opportunities do we fail to recognise who we truly are? How many lives do we live
and fail to reconnect with our inner dweller? Deep and difficult questions to answer, and sadly
to so many of us, never asked, because there is no aware consciousness, of such a thing as a soul
let alone actually dwelling within us! Perish the thought, some might exclaim.
We are all here in order to gather experience, and hopefully learn from that experience, and
therefore adjust ourselves to arising conditions and learn from these experiences how to deal
with them more wisely. We can often get swept away by raging emotional storms that play
havoc with our mental and physiological welfare, but can at times, provide a widow to look
within ourselves, these opportunities arise in a crisis, like a huge emotional storm that can
rock and shake the very foundations of our life, and dash our hopes of ever finding love, peace,
or happiness and joy, and when all this realisation sinks in, and we feel very down and low,
then something quite wonderful can happen, we hear a "still small voice" within us, that offers
us loving  kind and reassuring words of hope, and lets us know that we are not all alone.
This still small inner voice, is that of our own immortal divine soul, reaching out to us, and able
to establish contact because of this crisis, that let our defences down, and also lowered the scope
of the ego's hold on us, long enough to open a channel and let you hear for maybe the very first
time the voice of your higher self, the soul.
If only we paid attention to this inner reassuring inner voice,and thought about what it was, and where did it come from, was it the voice of God? Sadly though for a great many of us, after the
crisis has passed, we forget all about that inner voice, and therefore get caught up in our every day
activities of gathering experience.
Because of this act of forgetting the inner voice, which after all apart from trying to help you in
a time of trial, is also trying to attract your attention to the fact that there is something within you
that you have failed to notice, and therefore it needed a crisis to hope to get your attention and take
heed of its message.If we fail to heed this message and pay attention to it,and make inquiries as to
what is really is, then we inadvertently set the scene for another arising crisis to come storming into
our lives, that when this happens again, this time we might just get the message therein.
In part two will explore this further,    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

Friday 2 November 2018

Shadows Within Infinite Mind. =S W I M Part Two.

The shadow is our vehicle the human body,this is cast by the inner light of our Divine
immortal soul, that dwells within us all. We exist within a pseudo dual based relative
reality, and therefore we all think that the insubstantial shadow has really got substance
and that what's more, it is who you really are! Is it not a wonder then, that this world we
all live in, is a right mess?
Humanity is an expression of life and the word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused
-Energy, that is what WE all ARE, living intelligent focused energy, the focused energy
part is our self aware consciousness, we are self aware energy expressed within a vehicle
called a human physical body.
Our physical bodies are actually  a scientific impossibility at their present level of knowledge
and understanding of universal law and expression, as what we actually represent is a "shadow"
that has the appearance of  being substantial, what we would normally refer to as a solid body,
we all see a shadow  as something that think is real and solid! Is it really then not surprising
that if we all see shadows as reality, that humanity has got itself hopelessly lost in a jungle
where illusions are seen as real,and reality if even seen at all, is seen as mumbo jumbo or
We can all choose to either swim through the crap-laden bullshit dished out by the media and
all its other grasping subsidiaries that are all primarily focused on keeping you looking outward
and stay mesmerised and continue to spend you cash on their products, which has the base effect
on the shadow, as it causes it to darken into ever more blacker shades. Or we can take the
opportunity to recast our gaze inwards, towards that inner light of the soul, which if we take this
positive direction, our very own shadow, begins to lighten into a more pleasant hue.
By going within ourselves, we are taking the first steps toward realising who we really are, that
of being an immortal divine soul. We are then heading in the right direction at last,a direction that
will lead you to a full and complete discovery of your true identity, at last you will finally know
who you are, all doubts and fears will vanish before you, like the mist does in the rising morning
sun, your outer shadow, your vehicle will lighten and become less gross and dense, your dense
physical atoms, will be replaced by finer and less dense ethereal atoms, you will move from the
ignorance of self, to the understanding of self, and will then know that your shadow is NOT WHO
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation

Thursday 1 November 2018

Shadows Within Infinite Mind. =S W I M .

We are all basically shadows within the infinite mind of the absolute.The shadow is whom we all
think we are, shadows cast by the inner light of our real being, which is the absolute. Because of
our vast and deep ignorance of our true and eternal nature, we see shadows as the source of light
and darkness where the real light dwells, which is within our inner consciousness.
The true light of the spirit lies within us all,we just need to go within and seek it out. When you
go into the sunlight, your physical form casts a shadow on the ground below you, this is your form
blocking out the rays of the sun, therefore casting a shadow,here then we have the phenomena of
two shadows one out and one within,but we only see but ONE shadow!
All reality as we know it, and what we are all unaware of as well is a product of thought within
the infinite mind of the absolute, there can be no other reality than this, otherwise you would have
the utter absurdity of two realities running in tandem! Life can be either unexpressed and still
absolute motionlessness, absolute potentiality awaiting a arising thought wave, or life can be
expressed, and in full motion, manifesting the full potentiality of itself, and expressing relativity
and duality, the Yin and Yang that manifests everywhere within the relative universe. Within this
relative reality of this universe, we all awaken and start to stir within our self aware consciousness.
And what does this self aware consciousness tell us about who we are? Well bar a few exceptions,
we know nothing about who and what we really are,we are completely unaware that we are all
products of the primal thought wave, that gave birth to this universe, the Absolute willed it to be
and the result of that will to become thought wave of the absolute  is this relative physical universe
we all call home.
We all cling to our personalities and ego's like grim death,because we so wrongly identify with
the form, the physical body (the vehicle) the SHADOW, which hides the true and eternal inner
Divine light. We cling onto the shadow and turn away from the radiance of our inner light.
We turn away (albeit ignorantly) from the inner light, and instead embrace the darkened SHADOW!
Because we have all rather misguidedly been taught to always look out wards and never taught anything about looking inwards.
In part two, will explore this more deeply.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.
I would really like to here from any readers,if you have the time to spare, send an email.