Thursday 19 January 2017

Living Is Focused Energy L.I.F.E.

We are all energy enclosed in a vehicle (the physical body) which too is energy condensed in a much lower vibration than pure energy (spirit or consciousness).
We are first spirit,(pure intelligent energy) expressed in what we call human beings,part of humanity.
Life as we know it is focused energy pressing us ever forward into new experiences and situations and by using our innate intelligence to learn from these experiences and adjust ourselves accordingly.
Humanity is within a grave crisis,that if not solved will result in millions dying needlessly,the root of all this crisis lies within the self obsessed state that we are now in (the selfie stick,is the physical manifestation of this soul sickness) humanity as a whole has become almost totally self centered and selfishness reigns supreme.
We are ALL interconnected with one another,whether we like it or not,accept it or not,the fact is every human being on this planet is a brother and sister to each other,that is the reality,that is the WAY  it IS!
The agenda of those in power seems to be focused on keeping us all looking forever outward,like the way we spend hours looking at plastic screens,while the reality of living quietly passes us by.
The only way out of this sleep walking zombie state we are all in,the to WAKE UP from our soporific stupor and begin to practice looking within,and letting go of the habit of forever looking outward.
Meditation will be the science of tomorrow,and will be taught in all our schools within the next ten years or so,and along with this will be the established fact of the human immortal soul,quantum physics is now beginning to realize that all is energy and that it is also very intelligent and this will lead onto our inner dimensions and soul consciousness.
When more of us become focused on going within the old idea of exclusiveness (which is another word for selfishness) will fall away and will be replaced by the more positive nature and choice of inclusiveness.

regards michael.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Surface Tension Of Conscious Knowledge S.T.O.C.K.

I can see and visualise a direct parallel between the surface tension of water and what I call the surface tension of expanded consciousness.
We all experience and understand what I call normal and everyday consciousness, which we all have been using since birth ,we  are all familiar with the barrage of thoughts that seem to cross the threshold of our aware consciousness every day ,this  in effect seems to pass through us daily,
barely if ever do we think about this ,it  is as though we feel that this is the way it is.
And often this state of unawareness and habitual thinking inclinations stay with us all of our lives without ever being questioned,unless, there arises a crisis in our life, that causes us to think about what is my purpose here on Earth? What is the point of this life of joy and suffering?
It is in times of crisis and emotional upheaval that we are drawn deeper into the interior of our being ,and by so doing we break the "surface tension" of our everyday consciousness and awareness ,and  therefore begin a journey into the depths of our being and inner reality.
If we use the words of a jingle I have just created it goes like this "we take stock because of a knock (crisis)"
When we have accepted our crisis and began looking within ourselves, meditation  is a wonderful tool for expanding our consciousness and perceptive abilities and to penetrate deeper into our true being and dive deeper far below any level we have experienced before ,once  we have pierced the surface tension of consciousness there is no going back, we are then magnetically propelled  into the unknown beauty of our inner divinity and meeting up with our higher self the soul.

regards Michael.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Earthy Grasping Oddity =E.G.O.

Your ego loves you so much that it will deceive you at every turn in order to remain in control of you.
We are personalities the word is from the Latin word persona ,which  means a mask, we all wear masks and our most un-endearing mask is the ego.
While the ego is in full charge of us, there is little or no bother from it ,however  when we embark upon a new venture such as meditation, then the problems begin.
At first very craftily the ego remains still and sometimes even supportive of our new venture, until that is when we begin to ask ourselves some very deep and probing questions, such as, who are we?
can we live forever? Is death the end ,or  just the beginning? When we face these questions in meditation, it opens up within us a deeper and more penetrating level of consciousness, and with this
deeper level of consciousness comes in its train a more acute and searching level of awareness.
This is where the ego begins to attack our resolve at keeping on with the regular meditation ,by
trying to undermine what you are doing ,maybe  by bringing up negative thoughts such as ,"you  are wasting your time on this ,why  not go out and enjoy yourself" ,the  ego realises  that if you continue along this road of self discovery you will see exactly what the ego is, and  this it cannot permit to happen.
So with every trick in the book the ego will try and deflect you from going any further into your self exploration, just be prepared for this attack ,it  can be overcome ,millions  have already done it, and even more than that ,have  actually made a friend of the ego and assured it that it is safe ,however  though  it is no longer in charge of you, the ego has then been transcended and the higher self (soul) is now in charge.
regards Michael.

Monday 2 January 2017

Reality Is Hidden In Plain Sight And We Know It Not.

Reality means basically "As It Is" not what we think it is, or what we are told it is,  but what it actually IS, and that is basically energy,  which is just another word for consciousness, all is
consciousness and consciousness is all, that is the very basic and also very true equation of reality.
There is a saying found in many religious teachings around this world ,and  that is a statement made
about the word of God ,saying, "All names are mine" meaning that every word spoken on this planet is actually naming  God ,which   is energy(consciousness) words are just sounds ,that's  what names are sounds ,and  sounds are energy which is consciousness ,every  word spoken on this planet for thousands if not millions of years have all be calling out the name of God (energy) and have never realised this reality, imagine being an atheist all your life and seeing God and utter nonsense ,then  finding out that you have been calling out its name all your life ,and  you knew it not!
We are all packets of energy (consciousness) held in stasis by willed intent and formed (given a body) as we are actually formless energy in our true state of being ness, the body is loaned to us by the elements ,Earth ,Air ,Fire ,and Water, everything we see, hear ,touch ,taste and feel is exactly the same thing, energy=consciousness=God=relative and absolute being ,in  which we live and move and have our being in.
There is only ONE thing in this universe and ONE only ,that  ONE is Consciousness and that is expressed in the relative universe as energy.
You and I are just figments of our vivid imaginings ,we  do not really exist as we think we are ,that  is the illusion cast over our eyes ,all  there IS, IS Consciousness and consciousness is ALL.

regards Michael/