Sunday 30 April 2017

Dark Energy Is Ectoplasm Reborn And Brought Up To Date.

I have just sent an email to professor Michael Duff at the Imperial College London, asking him to
hopefully consider this Idea that was downloaded into my being during meditation. Professor
Duff is a theoretical physicist, and I felt the need to ask him if he would look at my idea.
Back many years ago when I was in my early thirties I am now 72 years young, I discovered
through meditation that I had an acute sensitivity to paranormal activity, and this developed into
medium ship, which included clairvoyance and clairaudience, which is mental medium-ship
and also physical manifestations called transfigurations, now the reason I am mentioning all this
is because in the  physical  manifestations there would be a wispy fluid emanating from my ears,
nose, eyes, and mouth, it felt like a thousands spiders were spinning webs on my face, this vaporous
cloud that would gather all over my face and shoulders would take on a pinkish hue, and when I
sat in circles commonly called séances faces would appear and speak to those in the room, and often
they would recognise there family member who had passed over.
Now by the time I reached my late thirties, I stopped doing manifestations and psychic work, as I
considered that continuance with meditation and devote time to spiritual practices ,rather  than psychic ones. So now to mention dark energy, dark energy fills all space ,and  that means the space
around you and me, if you are sitting in your home right now, you are surrounded by dark energy,
dark energy is just a modern term for the etheric universe which is the background field that permits
all correspondences of energy exchanges to take place and is ubiquitous in nature.
Dark energy (ether/aether) exists I believe just out of phase with this continuum and is therefore
impossible to detect by any means yet known to science, it can only be ascertained by inference
and seeing its effect.
Now it gets interesting, I believe that dark energy (ectoplasm) can be made to materialize  in this
continuum by using a medium (me or you!) To act as a bridge between two dimensions, then the
fluid energy could pass from its dimension, through the medium and out into this physical realm
via the orifices of the engaged medium, this could be photographed using infra-red photography
White light damages dark energy and causes it to flash back into its dimension. It might even be possible to capture some of the dark energy by inventing a sort of anti magnetic force field that could contain the substance and hold it in stasis, when the experiment was finished.
Can you imagine what that would mean? dark energy captured in laboratory, read all about it.
Dark energy is not out there light years away, it exists in all our homes as well.
with warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome,face book soul realization.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Holding Patterns Of Humanity.

Our lives are very much akin to the holding patterns that are used to control aircraft and permit them
to land safely, they are what is called stacked up, that is an interesting word stacked up, because
it corresponds exactly to the events that unfold in our lives/
When the stack in our live is too heavy and we are running low on fuel, (nervous energy) we then open the door for an answer to solve our pattern, the answer comes in the form of a crisis, when crisis comes a calling, action is taken, help is offered, and hopefully a solution found.
Millions of us my friends my friends and forever circling in a holding pattern, going round in
endless circles getting no where fast, our main problem dear readers of this blog, is that unlike the
pilot was  in a holding pattern at least he was connected to the control tower and you are not.
The pilots just have to wait for the word, then they can land safely, but the rest of us have no control
tower so it seems that we are all up shit creek without a paddle.
Our biggest problem is that none of us know who we are, we know more about what Kim Kardashian
wears in bed, or what drinks she likes, than we do about who the hell are You! Is that not really some
sort of social sickness, what has happened to our reality and the world, you see a  news flash
children starving to death in Africa, other blown up by bombs, then wait for it we then told in breaking news seconds after those horrifying pictures that a "celebrity" like walnuts on her cheesecake!!!!! Is this not a cancerous soul sickness dear reader, how can you watch that and
not be moved!
The bottom line is this, we are all profoundly asleep and unless we crash and have a major crisis
blast us out of our ignorant complacency, we will all die asleep, and be recycled for another go
at waking up.
YOU reading this, if you have got this far, then you are to be congratulated, many with the two second attention span (this is what advertisers think we have ,that  why adverts flash at you) will have not gone beyond the first paragraph, then decided to look at their phone.
We are all immortal souls, this is not my opinion, nor is it something I read in a book ,I  discovered this reality within me, and have personally experienced the reality of being a living soul, and so can all of you reading this blog, don't take my word for it ,look   within your self ,and  you will find too that you are a living soul and so is all your family as well.
warmest regards Michael, any comments welcome,soul realization face book.

Earth School Of Experiencing.

This planet Earth is not your home, it never has been, nor ever will be, we are lead to believe this
utter nonsense because of our ignorance and the false assumptions gathered by us in our daily lives.
Our utter ignorance of who we actually are, is causing a tidal wave of destruction upon this planet
millions are being wiped out of physical existence by dis-ease and addictions, millions are full of gaping holes within their psyches festering sores that will not heal, dying in pain and agony,all
alone, desolate and barren, riddled with doubt and trembling fears, all this suffering has one major
root cause, that of complete ignorance as to who the hell YOU are! If we really knew who we are
none of this bullsh.. and lies being peddled and spewed out to us daily on the so called news would be accepted by us, we would see it for what it is crap.
This planet earth is a school nothing less and nothing more period, we are Souls Immortal
encapsulated within a physical vehicle, your body, that is all your body IS just a vehicle for
the soul to use and add weight (gravity) to anchor the soul on this dense physical plane of
existence to gather experience, that is all we are hear for, to learn about feeling separate from the Whole, and how that feels, and how to adjust to that, we are gathers of experiencing experiencers!
There is a beacon within each one of us, it rotates and flashes light into our being at certain times
along our pathway of experiencing our individual life journey, this pulsating rotating flashing light
deep within us (very similar to a lighthouse flashing beacon) will try and catch you attention, there
are three things we need to do, to wake up from our long slumber that is pay attention, pay attention,
and pay attention, that flashing light from the soul within your shell of a body comes a calling usually
in times of individual crisis, when you are in the middle of a crisis, a flash  of insight will dawn on your mind, that flash if  heeded and given attention, could lead you to getting to know the real you
and then discarding the outer cardboard cut out, the mask that we all wear until we wake up.
Ignorance is the slayer of the real, we need to let go of our ignorance and move into a place
of knowing, knowing who we really are, we all need to wake up, and ask some real questions,who am I, what is the purpose of my life? Why am I here? Ask yourself those questions, and see where they
lead you? This is not a theory my fiends it is an eternal fact, you are a divine immortal soul.
Using a physical body to gain experience. I hope and pray you all realize this truth and then act accordingly.
warmest regards Michael, comments or feedback welcome, soul realization face book.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Lost And Drowned Saved And Found.

Identification is a wonderful thing when you find it, without it you are lost and alone. That is exactly
how I was for the first thirty years of my life, zero identification with anyone, no real communication
with anybody ,I  thought that maybe I was born to be a loner, and just be an isolated unit within
society, now if I was happy and content with this state of being, then I guess I would not be writing this blog here! Never knew what I was looking for, but was frantic in searching for it, at 15 years
of age I found what I thought I had been looking for alcohol, suddenly I was no longer lost, I had been found by a new friend ( little did I realize that this friend would later bite my ass and almost wipe me off the face of this Earth) I found others like me ,lots  of them some seemed happy and others were crying in their beer, I almost drowned in an ocean of alcohol, and the isolation became
very intense, the only thing I was full of apart from alcohol was fear and panic, and an awesome
feeling of impending doom, every day I died a thousand deaths, and lived to die  every day without
rest or let up ,if  you dear reader identify with any of this, take hope from it for there is an answer and it will be forthcoming soon. I discovered that that are millions like me out there, addictions  take many forms from alcohol to drugs, both legal and not, food addictions, gambling ,all  these
addictions and many more are the result of a soul sickness. We are lost, with a gaping hole within
us, this hole we try and fill with the poison of our choice, we are committing suicide by instalments
 and we seem totally lost  and adrift within a sea of despair, going round in ever decreasing circles
spun out to dry by a negative vortex that is hell bent on destroying us. Each of us my friends reading
this either go insane or die, or we make a full recovery, by the grace of the Infinite spirit and a fellowship that helps addicts like me, I that was lost and desolate was actually found by others
like me that I could identify with and realize that these guys had the answer to my malady and
they spoke with confidence and also with laughter and humility. Bill W and Dr Bob were the co founders of the fellowship that I have been in for over forty three years, sober and well. You reading
this now, whatever your addiction there is hope for you, you can recover and get well.
I was not only lost and adrift but also just two dimensional, physical and mental, the spiritual aspect
of me was as yet unborn, it took me to fully realize that I was beaten and beyond human aid,then
when I fell to my knees  and asked the Great Spirit for help,I was immediately helped and was reborn
into a spiritual dimension, now I was back in the fold of humanity and was the a three fold human being, physical, mental, spiritual, I have attended thousands of meetings over the years, and continue
to do so today,Identification is paramount in recovery, so to is a power that is greater than YOU.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

The Eye Of The Soul Third Eye Of Shiva.

As a result of focussed thinking in the heart, the spiritual eye opens and becomes the directing
agent, employed consciously by the seeker, the soul is the heart of the system of the spiritual man,
it is the seat of the life and consciousness which animates the personality, and is the motivating
potency in every incarnation according to the experience conditioning the expression of the
spiritual man in any particular rebirth.
In the early stages of experience, the eye remains closed. There is present no capacity for thought
and no ability  to think in the heart,ie, from the soul levels, as the intellect develops and the power
to focus upon the mental plane grows, the fact of the souls existence becomes known, and the
goal of attention changes.
There follows the ability to focus in the soul consciousness and so fuse the soul and the mind
that an at-one-ment takes place, and a man begins to think in his heart then also the eye of
the soul opens, and energy from the soul levels, intelligently utilised become directed from
their levels and pour into what is now ambiguously called the third eye.
Immediately the personality begins to express itself as the soul upon the physical plane, and
will, and purpose and love begin to control.
Just as the Cyclops of ancient Greek legend had three eyes, one in the centre of his forehead
between the other two, the main difference is of course that while the Cyclops had three visible
eyes, and looked rather scary, we on the other hand have only two eyes visible, and look less
scary! Well most of us do! As we look within for our real selves, and practice such things as
yoga and meditation, we begin to raise our awareness and sensitivity to higher vibrations,thereby
opening the portal that leads to the inner monitor, the human soul.
The Eye of Shiva is the result of natural law and it opens when awareness and sensitivity reach
a tipping point in the unfolding sequence of the life form in question, when one becomes aware
of the inner planes of being and develops a correspondence with them, then access to such as
clairvoyance becomes possible.
The unfolding sequence of the eye opening is under universal cosmic law and can only occur
when the en-souling entity has reached that point in its level of awareness and sensitivity.
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome,soul realization face book page.

Religion Does Not Mean What You Think It Means.

The word religion comes from the Latin word,Religare, which means to bind, so a being belonging
to any religion is in effect bonded by it, and that by the way also includes those that are atheists by
choice, they too are bound by their belief in no God, as say the Christian is bound by his belief in
God, both are bound up! Who will untie them?
Religion is as inherent to life, as humidity is to water, we all seem to have a very real need to believe
in something, even if it just is ourselves! In times now past (well almost) a gentleman would say
"my word is my bond" he was bound by his word of honour, and would sooner die, than betray
that trust. He would be trusted, because he gave his word. Oh how times have changed.
Any belief is really something that binds you, ties you up, sometimes in knots! The whole planet
is full of religion, and all those practising it are bound by it, that is the way it is here on this speck
of dust called Earth. those that have addictions to whatever it is from porn to pop corn and
everything in between are all religious in the sense of the  root meaning of the word which is to
bind, the world has seven billion bounded people, who will untie them all?
Those that have no addictions! Are there any? Are you one of those rare beings dear reader?
What is the difference between an addiction and a habit? Who has no habits? Perhaps a defrocked
monk might qualify!
It has been said of old, and is written in the book of life, that any belief is by its very nature
binding, to become unbounded is to untangle the ragged cloth that has worn deep wounds
within our psyche over ages long past, we need to rip of this filthy rag that has caused us so much pain and heart ache, and toss it into the flaming furnace of experiences gathered and finally understood.
We need to leave the binding, suffocating, illusionary focus of believing, and move toward the
freedom of un-bound-less-ness that comes with the move into knowing rather that believing.
Believing is a future tense word, and that's where it will forever stay with you in the future, you
will have zilch today, unless it is in the now it will never arrive, if you lived a thousand years and
just kept believing, you would never know your god, because knowing always exists within the
eternal now.
We need to look within ourselves, and begin the journey of knowing yourself ,and  as you do so,
you will automatically unbind yourself from the tangles of ignorance.
Look within, take up yoga or meditation, cut that filthy cord that binds, and set your self free.
M ay the grace of knowing, manifest in all your lives.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Virtual Reality ( Hidden In Plain Sight)

Hidden  in plain sight is a phrase often used in the ancient teachings of wisdom, mankind not
realizing the reality of his being, invents a machine that creates V.R, he then marvels at how
real it really is, not realizing the bitter irony of it all.
We are in fact living the V.R. life, like an iceberg, there is only the tip of what we are ever showing,
nine tenths of what we are (energy) lies submerged and invisible.
Unlike the film the Matrix however we are not batteries for another alien life force, rather we are
in effect projected from an inner matrix to an outer physical one to bring about an unfoldment
of a living principle (us)
It would seem that a needle in a haystack would be easier to find than something hidden in
plain sight!
We are a biological V.R. machine and we know it not! So we invent a machine that mirrors
our reality to a point, one biological machine making an electronic machine to echo his real
Existence! That invisible part of whom we really are guides the biological machine in
experiencing the very things it needs to accomplish and attracts the right circumstances in
order for this to be realized.
So rather than waste your time on mechanical devices that simulate reality, why not just live
your own  VR life and see where it leads.
The higher self soul is the driver, the bulk of the iceberg, that uses the body as a vehicle to
express its will upon this facet of the inner-jewel that is being expressed in this life time
and ensuring it learns its lessons well.
We live in a virtual reality universe, all is an illusion, no-thing that is seen is real absolutely
real that is, all is relatively real ,temporal ,and  will fade like the mist before the rising sun.
A mass awakening is beginning to dawn upon mankind as to the reality of this V.R. life.
As we play with these machines of virtualality we will gradually begin to feel un easy
,there will be echo's cast within saying things like this is not that different from my life
when looked at from an angle of the observer!
Nothing will greatly change when this is realized, rather it will give a more accurate account
of what is what,and who is who, it will however highlight when understood the continuance
of life, and will show that death the ending of all,oblivion,is the greatest illusion of them all.
warmest regards Michael comment welcome,facebook soul realization.

Monday 24 April 2017

The Journey From I Me Mine To I Am That I Am Am I.

Evolution seems to happen all around us, and also within us, we are all evolving in our own particular
way. There is a saying which goes like this, "when I was a child, I thought like a child, and played like a child, when I was an adult, I put away childish things, and acted like an adult". this is evolution
in miniature which we all go through. As a child I thought that what's mine is mine, and what's your
should be mine too! If I don't get it I will cry and throw a wobbly.
When we are children, with a few exceptions, we are basically two dimensional, just physical and
mental, the spiritual dimension is as yet unborn, (again with a few exceptions) it is not until we attain
adulthood and usually after a intervening crisis, (again there are some exceptions to this) that the
spiritual dimension is born within our consciousness. the three aspects of the lower self which are
often referred to as "I" "Me" "Mine" all have one common and fundamental factor, they are all
exclusive levels of consciousness ,there  is no room for another in there! Many of us will stay at
this level for the rest of their lives, wrapped around the great big "I" if we imagine that "I" as a centre
point within us, then like a dog on a leash we will go round in endless circles following that "I"
that leads no where fast.
Some of us though will consider another way, usually though with a very hefty hint from an
arising crisis in our lives, this crisis is re-cognised as being a blessing in disguise, and with that
insightful flash, they turn their gaze inward, and seek to find the answer within themselves,
usually through meditation, or yoga,, this leads to after a while, to the discovery of an I that is
all embracing, all inclusive, all accepting, all loving, this newly discovered I is that of the higher
self, the soul. This is the discovery of what lies within ALL OF HUMANTY  that of inherit
Divinity, we are all Divine at our fundamental core being-ness. It is in only our outer physical
body, that leads us to think that is what we are ,if  you stop looking outward, and start looking
inward you will discover this truth for your self ,and  please do not make the mistake that so many have before, of thinking that this is a theory. It is not a theory that YOU reading this right now, are
a Divine immortal soul, and so is ALL of your family, that is a FACT, accept it, or reject it,that
is the way it is, it is universal law. If you denied gravity, and said it was all a hoax, look I will prove
it, I will walk of the edge of this cliff, and nothing will happen to me!!!!!!
warmest regards Michael any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Meditation Opens Doorway To The Soul Realization.

Realization was completely absent within my life for the first thirty years of existing on this
planet, I used the word existing quite deliberately  as it was not living for me, just an existence
I endured for thirty years. I never realized anything in that time, instead I just felt. I felt anxious,
about existence, why was I here? What's the point to all this misery? Felt inadequate,  awkward,
uneasy about doing, or going anywhere, lost, alone, afraid, where was the joy? Where was the
carefree life, all I felt were feelings, and ninety nine per cent of those were negative .I  was addicted
to my feelings, addicted to the "I" that was "poor little old me" pray lord hold me excused for all
I think,say, and do, you would be messed up if you had a life like mine, I was sucked into a vortex
of ever narrowing spirals waiting to be spat out at the end in life termination, Hallelujah I would
then escape all this crap, and sink into oblivion!
It was not to be thankfully, for on top of the other addictions I had acquired, there was also another
one, (addictions you know are like grapes, they come in bunches) Alcohol was my friend for a few
years then it turned round and bit my ass with a furious bite, which made me sick in mind, body,
and soul, it took me to the point of insanity and bewildered fear, with just a half turn left on the
screw of the vortexes spiral, which equated with being given three months left to live by my doctor.
It was at this point, after a year in hospital getting what ,was left of my head straight, and getting
help for my alcohol addiction from others who were like me, but were now living sober and contented lives, I started attending groups and paying attention to what they shared from their hearts.
Meditation some how found me, and I felt immediately attracted to it, for the first time in thirty years
I turned my gaze away from what was out there, and looked within. I found  an opening into another
dimension of being, the little scared boy that was looking in from the outside, met the inner me who
was kind loving patient, and reassuring, This started a journey that I have been experiencing for well
over forty years now, and now I am realizing much more than ever before, and the feelings are more
positive and joyful now, meditation is a process of experiencing the journey from "I" to all, and also
experiencing the joy of soul realization and the knowingness that comes with this, as you feel and know that you are divine, because you personally experience it, I would sincerely wish all you who take the trouble to read this far, to take up meditation, learn to come alive ,be  born again in the joy
of just being alive and awake!
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Fascination-Axes-Conscious-Expression-Intuition-Terminated. =F.A.C.E. I.T.

If we did face it, we would all wake up from our long slumber. What is it that we need to face?
What we all need to face is that we are all asleep, we are all mesmerized by our fascinations of
almost all aspects of our lives, humanity as a whole is in a trance, and many will sleep there entire
time here on Earth, I did not use the word life because that is not what it is. The profound sleep
in which humanity lives is caused by fascination. The drunkard at the bar, fascinated by alcohol,
the vain woman in front of the mirror, fascinated by her own glamour, the rich avaricious person
is fascinated with money and possessions, the  labourer fascinated with his work, fascinated by
our children, fascinated by what  celebrities do, think, or say, fascinated by your phone and all
other gadgets, the list is endless.
When we are in this fascinated trance we do not remember our self, our consciousness and self
awareness is on pause mode and will often remain that way until death intervenes, even then it
will continue if the pause mode is not cancelled out by a flash of real self awareness!
Karl Marx said the "religion is the opium of the people" I would add that fascination is a far more
powerful opiate than religion. The world  in which we live in not fascinated, it is us that are in this
trance, how many of you reading this blog really know who you are? Yet how many of you could
tell what some celebrity did, or was wearing ,or  what they said, why are we some fascinated by
a person kicking a bag of wind (football) we will buy magazines all about their exciting lives.
The root cause of all this trance like zombie existence, which we mistakenly  call life, is in
our complete resistance to look within ourselves, we ARE SO fascinated by all the bull....
posing as a interesting item, a must have thing that we remain asleep as to who we really are.
It is immensely sad and a grave thing to ponder on, that we know all about who this celebrity
and who they sleep with ,what  clothes they buy, and are completely flummoxed by a very
simple question, who are you?
Can we all please turn our gaze within ,can  we all wake up from our long slumber, let go
of fascination, and embrace meditation instead, we have all been within a prison without
bars for far too long, our true self has been asleep, we have just been ego conscious and not
self  conscious, one is person-ality, the other is the real you.Let go of withoutness and embrace
withinness. then you will be born over again.
warmest regards Michael. face book soul realization..

Thursday 20 April 2017

When-Actions-Retaliate-Gone-Are-Meaningful-Existence-Soul-less-ness =W.A.R.G.A.M.E.S.

There is a game being played at this very moment, as I am writing this blog, that could easily result
in the death of thousands or even millions of us.
North Korea has threatened the United States that it has nuclear missiles  capable of reaching its
shores, and is at this moment ready to do this, if the Dear Leader so orders it. What then will the
response of the president? Can he, or will he, ignore this most provocative threat ?  Or will action
against North Korea be used? We need to remind ourselves very clearly what the immediate
counter actions will be deployed, first, South Korea will be destroyed, with thousands of deaths
within the first few hours of any conflict, and more that likely be attacked also by nerve gas and
other chemical weapons, look at the recent events in Syria with the gas attacks there, imagine
that magnified a thousand or more times! Then the next country to be attacked by North Korea
will be Japan, and again thousands will die there as well, with a combination of chemical
weapons and also high explosives.
Whatever America would throw at North Korea, it could NOT stop full retaliation by them to
attack those two countries, already tens of thousands of North Korean military are waiting at
the border to launch an attack ,Soul the capital of South Korea is only thirty five miles away
from  the North's border.
The only real option that would guarantee zero retaliation would be a pre-emptive  strike by
The American president using many nuclear bombs simultaneously raining down on North
Korea, can we actually imagine what that would be like! The whole country would be reduced
to a radioactive wasteland for thousands of years! And South Korea would be so contaminated
by the nuclear fallout, that their country would be also unliveable in. These are the very real
possibilities that are facing us all TODAY.
Our very existence lies in the hands of those leaders, who are lead by blind egotism and posturing
soulless and spiritually dead. We are all at there mercy, or are we?  The power of the mind focused
is unlimited, if millions of us join in and focus on peace and harmony ,we  can turn the tide, are you game dear reader? Focus, meditate on peace love, and goodwill ,we  can stop this war dead in its
tracks, by the power of love and focussed intent.
can we please turn our gaze away from the following of hollow famous personalities, and wake up. smell the roses, get of our asses while we still have one to get off!!! And turn our gaze inward, and imagine peace and good will flourishing and real brotherhood and sisterhood being born on a wave
of thoughtful  inspirations.
peace and goodwill to all Michael. any comments welcome.facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question.

The title of this blog is from the noble words and works of that master poet and bard William Shakespeare (1564/1616). The words are from Hamlet, who was basically talking about suicide, albeit in a very dramatic and poetic way. The question of to be or not to be begs another question - what is it just to be?  To be what, yourself? And who is that when it is at home?  How many of you reading this right now, know what it is to just be. The words of the bard are hundreds of years old now. How far have we come since then? Are not tens of millions of us committing suicide by instalments with all the addictions we have?  How many more millions need to die this way, not knowing that they are BE?  That is the real question! What is said by the sages of old? Be still, and know that I Am within you. The I am within you is your immortal soul, that links us all together in one family, united in the spirit or reality, expressed in form and given shape to experience that of living as though apart!

Because of gross ignorance of our true identity, millions upon millions die in agony and isolation
every year, all through ignorance of self.  Our inner reality is that we are souls with bodies (vehicles) and not bodies with souls. There is a vast difference! Instead of dancing with joy and moving with rhythmic splendour through our life, we are instead staggering from pillar to post in a drugged up or drunken stupor, filled with fear, anger, resentment, self pity, and all the other negative emotions that in fact eat us alive. We are being eaten alive by the sores and cankers of addictive living and acting. That's why cancer is eating its way through millions every year. It  has an insatiable appetite.

We need to know, and further to realize, who this BE actually is. 'Who am I' we need to ask and I
suggest that you ask it sooner rather than later. My reason for saying this is that so many of
us do absolutely nothing about removing our ignorance of who we are ness until we are
in a life threatening crisis!  I pray that you, dear reader of this blog, do not take that path.
When we Know who we are, that is divine souls with bodies, here to gather experience, understand
that we are all brother and sisters in the spirit, united  and connected by the infinite power
of love, then we are born again into a wholeness reality, rather than a holeness and soulless
reality that billions live in today. When we KNOW OURSELVES to be SOULS then wars
and hatreds will vanish like the mist before the rising sun. A new age of peace and global cooperation will flourish and mankind will enter again a golden age where love and humility flow like nectar from the fabled Ambrosia! The age of addiction and greed will be over.
warmest regards Michael. all comments welcome.

Tuesday 18 April 2017


We are spirit with a temporal form, we are soul with an outer body, we are punished  by what we
do, and not for what we do, having cleared that out of the way. What is our task as self aware beings?
As I see it we are impelled by an inner pressure soul force to discover our real and true heritage.
This takes aeons of time to bring us to the point where we come online so to speak, and begin to
make contact with our higher self the soul.
This has the effect of speeding up an awakening sequence and unlocking hidden knowledge.
We begin to make connections, it is at this point that our ego's use every trick in the book to
divert us from this quest, because the ego knows that at the end of this path lies its death!
We will have to resist frequently in order to overcome the divergent egoic  pressure.
Doubts as to our very reality assail us, am I really real? The mind will ask! Fear will often rear
its head, as we begin to feel unsure of what we are. Thankfully these thoughts and feelings are of
a temporal nature, much as is our outer form.
Our feelings at times seem to want to comfort us, reassure us that all will be well, and at times
suggest that we are special and perhaps unique, these feelings are proper until we reach a point
where this sort of reassurance begins to feel somewhat hollow. When this happens we have reached
a stage where we need to go deeper into the core of our being to discover that which until now was
hidden from us.
The belly of the beast grows exceedingly warm, the beast which lives in man and dwells, and
draws strength from his ignorance is being ousted by a new ray that sweeps across the
consciousness of humanity. This ray is one of enlightening energy and is a direct response to
the collective call of the many souls who now see through the false images  and re-cognise with
the inner reality of ONE that IS.
A great phase shift in conscious awareness is dawning upon mankind, many already feel it,
many more will soon. That which has remained hidden in plain sight, will once more stand
revealed. The Divinity that is man will be accepted and known to be valid.
As a flower unfolds before he rising sun, so do we unfold before arising consciousness, which
is as enlightening as the sun, only ours is from within, the flower without.
The pressure of the evolutional wave causes us unrest divine discontent this acts as a spur for
us to probe into the reason of being.
When we accept this subtle pressure  and align ourselves to it, the unfoldment begins in earnest.
We begin to intuitively know things that were previously hidden from us, by our own ignorance.
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome,

Human Animals Human Beings.

There are five billion humans on this planet, divided by states of awareness and evolutionary
unfoldment along the arc awakening. The basic difference between the two is consciousness
and inner awareness of personal reality. We can be human animals, or human beings. Human
animals are basically dead to the vibration of spiritual knowing and are two dimensional in
in physical and mental expressive. The spiritual aspect which makes the being is as
yet unborn. Mankind is expressed in a three fold manifestation, however, the third aspect, that
of the spiritual lies dormant in millions of us. So many of us are sleepwalking into oblivion and
are not even remotely aware of this fact.
The difference between a human being and a human animal is that of conscious awareness
and realization of inner Divinity. You actually feel it, and know it when you are a human
being through an awareness and real realization that you are a human soul. A human animal
has not got this awareness or level of consciousness and perception. That inner knowingness
is as yet unborn. We need to realize that this is a natural phenomena in complete accordance with
natural and universal law. This is not a derogatory statement towards anyone here on Earth, it is simply the way it is and  has been for millions of years. That is what evolution is and we are all travelling along the highway of evolution. The reality of this as it outworks itself in our individual experiences, is that some have had more experiences than others and are therefore further along the path than their neighbour. The point of awakening in so many of us, comes in the form of a major
crisis occurring in our lives, perhaps a life threatening one. Within the anguish and pain of crisis
we can often cry out in despair and it is often in this crying out, that we touch a
point within us that sparks an inner awakening to an energy and a level of consciousness
that we have never known before. What happens is that the crisis has opened up a doorway
within you which leads to you being reborn and awakened to this mighty energetic force that
lies within you. Before long you recognise that the still small voice that beckons you
onwards is your soul, the higher self.
To move from human animal to human being seems to require an intervening crisis to
occur. Although I am sure that the transition from one state to the other also occurs at times
without the crisis arising. We are all three dimensional beings in essence, it just that there are
millions of us who have not yet awakened to this reality.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,facebook page soul realization.

Monday 17 April 2017

Soul-Is-Negated-Narrowing-Expressed-Reality =S.I.N.N.E.R.

What is the nature of sin? What is a sinner?  The nature of sin is ignorance of  our true being. We do
NOT know who we are and therefore act accordingly! We are souls with bodies and not bodies with souls. The reality of who we are is negated by our ignorance of just what we actually are. If we all
knew and understood this reality, the world would change in a flash! A sin is not knowing who you
are. In that place of total ignorance all manner of unspeakable acts are inflicted upon us. This ignorance fosters bloated egotism, posturing, rampant selfishness and greed. In these and many more nasty traits that this ignorance fosters, there is very little evidence of those virtues that are often signs of an awakened being, that of humility, unconditional love and kindness. These virtues do indeed exist in these times, but are massively outweighed by the negative.

We are sinners, not because we have done something wrong or  have not obeyed some deity
that we worship, we are sinners because we do not know who the hell we are! We are all
immortal living souls - Spirit, Divine beings, here on Earth to gather experience, learn from
that experience and then move on. We are all brothers and sisters related to the One which is
Absolute divinity. We are that, and what's more, the radiant beauty of this reality is that you do
not have to take my word for it, or any other persons words for it. You can reveal this reality
within yourself. It is vouchsafed within the hearts of every human being on this planet. If you
look within yourself, dear reader of this blog, enter into the silence that lies within you, engage
in the regular practice of meditation or yoga, and ask your inner self, your higher self, the soul
'who am I really?' then you will find that still small voice, that all on this planet have. That voice that speaks to us in times of crisis and turmoil, is the voice of your own divine soul. Try it and see the truth within you.

 I am reminded at this time of the year of the story of Jesus and the woman who was accused
of adultery. The mob were ready to stone her to death when a rabbi asked Jesus what should they
do? Jesus answered with the wisdom of Solomon, saying, "ye who are without sin cast the first
stone!" Because of the power in the words of a fully realized being, the realisation of their own wrongs hit them all in the heart and solar plexus. They were thereby powerless to act, dropping their stones, and leaving. Jesus therefore said to the woman, "they have not condemned you and neither do I. Go and sin no more!"  The sin here mentioned two thousand years ago, is exactly the same today as millions of us on this planet have not got a clue to who the hell they really are! Ignorance reigns supremo, and because of this ignorance millions of our brothers and sisters die, in agony and fear. Millions die of hunger and thirst, while we in the west are bloated and getting obese! None of this could happen if we were awake to the realization of soul consciousness. When we all really know who we are, all this posturing and greed will vanish like a mist before the rising sun!
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome,facebook page soul realization.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Going-Over-Vacuous-Ideas-Reasoning-About-Life = G.O.V.I.R.A.L.

What is the magic ingredient that makes one happening stand out from the rest? I remember many
years ago when I was a much younger and more handsome man (I am currently working on ego
deflation!) It was at the time of the Vietnam war, and there was a full page spread of a little naked
girl who had just escaped from being burned alive from Napalm bombing by the Americans,
she was stood there is the road naked and in a state of total shock, I believe her village was
completely destroyed, that iconic photo was published throughout the planet. Everyone was
talking about it long before the word viral was ever associated with happenings like this.
What is it that can move so many? If a celebrity breaks wind at the Oscars it will be tweeted endlessly  and will spread much like a virus would spread. How can we equate a celebrity's
fart  the pain and anguish the wee girl felt after nearly being burned alive?
Is fickleness in our nature? Pictures of children who have been killed and had limbs blown off in Syria go viral around the world. They make us all think, and also feel so helpless to be
able to do anything. Then, a few minutes later, there is a 'news' flash. A famous actress was
"spotted" in a restaurant without wearing any under clothes! That too goes viral, the tweet
buttons are red hot! Thousands have sore thumbs as they are caught up in the frenzy of
excitement. The dead and dying children are forgotten. This is news! Many young girls
maybe imagining that we too should follow this trendy actress and not wear under clothes!
Our world, or rather us who are living in it, have become very sick. We, live in a world that
is morally bankrupt and hopelessly spiralling out of control, if war breaks out in North Korea
and the Americans and the Russians join in, will we be sending important tweets about some
other celebrity or a wanabee trying to be a somebody, while thousands or even millions are
dying in a war of egos.?
The VIRUS that is eating up millions on this planet is that we do not know who the F... we are
if we knew that ,none of this bloated bulls... would ever happen, it could not happen if we KNEW
who we really are, the VIRUS is ignorance of our TRUE IDENTITY , that is the root cause of
all the problems upon this planet, and always will be unless we WAKE up and smell the roses
and all look within us ,chuck  your piece of plastic garbage in the bin, give your finger a well earned
rest from tweeting, and take up meditation or yoga, find yourself first, then help you brother or
sister to find them self as well. Then peace will descend upon this planet, and goodwill will reign
warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome,soul realization facebook.

Awaken-Within-Express-Divinity= A.W.E.D.

The world is filled with hungry ghosts, forever craving and never finding satisfaction, lurching
from one thing then to another, following one fad, then another, isolated by electronic gadgets
and multiple distractions, all effecting us one way, forever looking outwards, never in.
We are human beings, not human doings! The emphasis needs to be on being, there is a great
sadness festering within humanity, and this is further compounded by the fact that most of us
are completely ignorant of this, this fact is that the majority of those alive today, are basically
dead to the reality of who ,and  what they really are. Millions of us are sleepwalking into
oblivion, and are completely unaware of this truth, for make no mistake dear reader, this is
the reality that presents itself today, millions if not billions of us are dead spiritually, we are
not even human beings, rather are human animals, the being is as yet unborn!
We are all strangers to silence, and wholly embrace noise and distractions, the more things
or distractions the better we like it. We are slaves to our thoughts and thinking, rather than
being master to them, our ego's manifest thoughts at a rapid pace, and it never stops ,for
most this occurs non stop from birth till death, the more we may resist this, the more it will
persist, resistance is utterly futile and can never win, letting go of all resistance is the only way.
Thoughts divide, silence unites, we all need silence in our lives, silence is reality the truth
speaking to you, the voice of silence is your soul crying out in the wilderness calling you
home to your true being, and not the shell that you borrow to express yourself on this earth
Many of you reading this will either ignore it, or maybe think it is some new age bull....
that means nothing to me, and a few of you will think and hopefully act upon it, usually
we will not effect changes within us, unless we are presented with a crisis! I hope that
some of you reading this, can effect a change, without having to invite crisis to come
a calling. Meditation and yoga are ways of going within us, by going within we find out
who we really are, we learn how to master our thoughts, rather than be a slave to them, we
access our higher self (soul) and in so doing raise our vibrational level, and enter the kingdom
of human being, and leaving the dimension of human animal, we become awake to reality
and are reborn into LIFE, rather that just existing as a ghost before, empty and hollow.
We are all Divine souls, that is the reality ,it  is NOT a theory  not wishful thinking, nor is it
bull...., it is the way it is, and has been for eternity. The absolute beauty and radiance about this
truth, and the way it will awaken you , and you will be AWED in its magnificence is that you
can prove it YOURSELF, just take up meditation or yoga, put it to the test, and find it for yourself.
Don't  take my word for it, put it to the test yourself, then you will KNOW and what's more you
will know that you know!
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realization.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Regain-Energy-Awaken-Look-Into-Truth-=YOU? =R.E.A.L.I.T.Y.

What is reality? Do we understand it? can we know it? From where does it spring from? And what
lies at the point of the spring, that reality emerged from? So many questions, where therein lies the
answer to these many questions?
The answer I suggest is very simple, and lies within us all, an ancient axiom states, "That reality
lies hidden in plain sight". If you look into a mirror, then you are looking at an outward representation of an inner more subtle reality. Basically we as human beings, are the living
embodiment of reality, that is what we are reality motioning on two legs! Of course we need
to further understand too, that every other thing that we see, hear, touch, taste, or smell is also
the embodiment of realty too, we are not special or favoured in any way.
Countless masters, yogis, avatars, and many sages and wise men, have all known this truth for
thousands of years, we just need to catch up with this long history, and make it happen for us
today. There is nothing complicated within reality, those who say different are perhaps trying
to sell you something? Reality equates to one thing and that one thing is energy we are energy
however we need to fully understand that this energy is also the embodiment of intelligence
it is NOT a mindless force like a nodding donkey at an oil well!  All life is the embodiment
of reality, and reality is energy, in order for reality to function in the physical universe that we
seem to live in, it splits into a dualistic manifestation, the Ying and Yang. One and Off, yes, and no
the birth of opposites that we are all painfully aware of. Energy can be called many names,
but it is paramount to remember that all the names given, mean exactly the same=energy.
spirit, mind, consciousness, soul, force, atomic, sub atomic, black holes, the list could go on,
all those mentioned relate to the one thing Energy. If you gaze deeply into the mirror, you
will feel a flash of inner knowingness, to build on that knowingness go within yourself and
take up meditation or yoga, look deeply within that infinite space that you are conscious of
and as you venture regularly within, connections will be made by your awareness and inner
perceptions, you will  see and know that there is no gap from where you are and everything
else is, you will see that you are seamlessly linked and attached to everything in the universe.
You then will become expanded to include ALL. Reality is BEING yourself and its absolute
depth, when we have left the shallowness and treachery of the surface self centred selfish world
we enter the place where peace and love dwell, which again is energy!
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, Facebook page soul realization.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Alchemy Of Transfiguration Through A Transformative Practice.

Alchemy of the human being, realizing that it is an immortal soul, is the science of tomorrow
that began yesterday!
Alchemy, a very ancient science indeed, one that is not often spoken about these days, the
philosophers stone that many have looked for, and even killed for, is really hidden in plain
sight, it is the mind! Strange as it might appear to many, the Buddha was a great alchemist
by teaching the art of right living, right thinking, right actions, this is the pathway to spiritual
alchemy. By doing these practices as laid down by the Buddha, you will attract finer and finer
material (atoms) this is the beginning of the transformation process, natural alchemy at work.
The denser atoms will be replaced by finer more etheric atoms, and so the process  will continue
to enlightenment, and beyond  to cosmic consciousness, which will then result in the transfiguring
of the form into a lighter material, and will finally result in translating completely by natural
fusion the ultimate in man. Alchemy will then have gone full circle.
Millions now stand at the portal of transforming, and discovering their inner Divinity, thousands
are now approaching the portal of  transfiguration, whereby they will be re clothed in the spirit
of understanding and inner awareness of true being.
A mere handful  are perhaps at the portal which leads to translation and dimensional unification
whereby you become a beacon that is exceedingly bright! Look within yourself dear reader don;t
you feel the transforming tingle upon you?
In closing, there are many and paths to achieve this end, Buddha was the first one I chose while
writing this blog, I hope that I have not caused  any offence to Buddhist reading this blog, it was
not my intention to do so, I love and respect the Buddha greatly.
warmest regards Michael. all comments welcome, Soul realization page Facebook.

Life Points To Knowingness Within Death Points To Destruction Without.

As our brother Sadhguru the mystic often  says, "the only way out is in" we have to go within
ourselves in order to clean up the mess we have made without. Life is what we are, we all are
life, the very embodiment of IT, how many of us actually realize what that means? Life as I
have mentioned many times before means that we and everything else around us is, living
intelligent energy, that is what YOU and "I" are made of, search into quantum physics and
there you will see that we are all basically "packets of energy" which is just ten per cent
visible, (the dense low vibrational physical body) and ninety per cent invisible, the rest of
us held in coherence by intelligent will. Looking without is basically going in reverse, and
instead of flowing towards cohesion and expansive consciousness, your pathway will end
in much pain and suffering, where hopefully a major crisis will arrive in your life, that will
force you to rethink the way you act and think, it will lead you inwards eventually.The
current world crisis between the super powers and also North Korea, all illuminate this
looking "without ness" to the point of  INSANITY that could cause WW3, the clash of
bloated egos that could result in the end of this world as we know IT!
Kids are being "branded" now, see brand Beckham, in todays news! This sickness that
is the direct result of us all looking out there for the answer, be told what to wear by a
nobody who exploits our vanity, this is the ego-centric behaviour that blinds us to reality
and leads us to the soulless sickening state where we are more interested in what a
celebrity wears ,thinks, or owns, then we are of actually knowing who the "hell we are!
Life is a pathway that leads us from ignorance to knowledge and on to gaining insight and
wisdom, but only if we look in the right direction, the right direction is within your being,
going within and exploring and gaining awareness of who you really are, beyond your name
and occupation, by doing this you will eventually discover that you are an immortal soul
related to all the other souls on earth, and that we are all here to gain experience and learn
from it, and now our experiences are all pointing to within us, as that is the direction that will
lead us all into soul-awareness, expansion of consciousness, and an understanding of real values
like love, acceptance, ego deflation, humility rather than bloated prideful egotism.
My sincere hope is that we can all turn within and live a joyful life, rather than looking
without and god forbid inviting WW3  to come home to roost!!
warmest regards Michael. all comments welcome,Facebook page soul realization.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Kaleidoscopic Patterns That Enfold Mankind.

Jacob had a coat of many colours, so we are told, we too are many coloured beings, often
unnoticed by us through our limited range or perception and sight. We are basically energy
formed into this shape called a body. We are light steeped down (cloaked) lowered in
vibrational rate and take on a density and solid looking form. Until the invention of Kirlian
photography, which shows clearly the electrical coronal discharges from objects, it was only
clairvoyants and certain sensitive people who could see the auras and the colours emanating
from that aura. We are beings of shifting colours depending on our moods and emotions
the stronger the emotion the deeper the colour is, if we are very angry, we will have vivid
red flashes of light shimmering across our background auric colours, that where the saying
comes from "red with rage" with envy the colour changes to a sickly "snotty green" if
we were sensitive we would see plainly this sickly colour emanating from the envies one.
Mankind is first spirit, second soul, and third a vehicle to contain the life essence in this
dense and heavy realm, our life essence is filtered through several expression, this one on
Earth the lowest and most dense.
The kaleidoscopic effect that we vibrate through, seven bodies of expression is called
prismatic lensing, our pure spiritual colour as it passes through seven stages of expression
is fragmented into seven basic colours just as the suns light is broken down through a prism
into the rainbow effect that we are all familiar with.
Surrounding our physical body there is a electrical "fire" called the etheric body, this body
is coloured electric blue and totally surrounds the body, we are in fact a living flame, now
any of you reading this might say that this is nonsense, I have never seen this blue light,
sounds like bull.... to me!  Well there is a simple way you can see this vivid electric blue
fire, to see this etheric fire that surrounds us, just do this, hold your thumb and forefinger
close together, almost touching, but not quite, then look between the gap of the two digits
focus your gaze on that gap between, soon you will see what looks like a misty sort of
cloud appearing, and if you continue to focus you will then see a bluish misty colour
appear, it is easier to see in subdued  lighting rather that outside on a bright sunny day
you may have to do it a few times, some can see it straight away, others it takes longer
but you will see it if you persist. When you have seen that, you will hopefully be
encouraged to explore deeper into the coloured matrix of mankind, and then will be able
to see the full aura around us all. Meditation and yoga are great tools to help that process
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,

Tuesday 11 April 2017

The Point Is Your Mind Part Two.

Imagine if you will, that you are looking up from a point that you are standing on, and what you
see is, on one side of the point you see a line that has tapered down from a massive circle way
above you, you then see another line going vertically up to the massive circle, it too has tapered
down into a point, it looks very much like an ice cream cone. The circle represents the Source
from which all life emerged from, and the two tapering lines, represent our journey through
evolution to emerge at this point in which we are not at. The downward part of the V shaped
line represents our long descent into matter and our evolution from star-dust-to star-men !
The other vertical tapering line represent our ascent, our conscious journey back to where we
came from the Source.
We need to be cognizant of what we really are, and then this  "idea" will make more sense,
what we actually ARE is energy, living intelligent energy, and that energy that is you and
me, is manifested and held within a point and anchored within the crown chakra.
This point is akin to what quantum physics call a singularity although they usually associate
this term for a black hole phenomena, where they postulate that all the known laws of physics
break down? We are that point, existing in a dimension that has the speed of a slug on steroids!
our vibrational levels and this density are heavy and tiring. From source to us, there are seven
levels of expression, this being the slowest.
Philosophers down through the centuries have been asking, what is mind? Today we continue
to ask what is mind, the answer to this conundrum lies in seeing the point, we are the point,
that anchor that weighs us down is the mind, another name that will elucidate this idea is
to see the mind as a "gather of experiences" we are basically gatherers, mind is the point
within a infinite ocean of consciousness,  consciousness is not mind, rather mind is just a
sub atomic point of reference, to permit expressions of life at their varying levels of
expression to cognize and collate their experiences, and learn from them.
All five billion or so of us, are points of reference, each of us is living energy, we are all
gathering experiences, some pleasant others a  nightmare , we are all in the ascendance
sequence of our evolutionary adventures, seeing the connections, joining up the dots.
Let you higher self be your guide back to source, and may meditation or yoga help you on
that wonderful journey, may joy visit you often.
warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome.soul realization Facebook.

Mind Is A "POINT" Within Life's Ocean.

What is the point of life? What is mind? Mind is the point, and we are all points within the ocean
of life. A point can be described as a singularity. Human life on earth is basically seven billion
or so points or singularities, each going about its business of gathering experience.
The mind is basically a reference point anchored within the ocean of life or spirit. We all have
seven bodies of expression and there is a point within each one.
Seven bodies on the descent, each body lower in vibrational rate than the one above it, each having
a mind (point) of reference to explore that dimension. Then we have the ascent from gross physical
matter through the seven planes (or dimensions) until we finally emerge (many weeks from now !!)
back at SOURCE. When all of us arrive there we literally "lose our minds points" of reference.
All points (singularities), i.e. us, are connected by the universal etheric field. At this time in our
awareness we imagine (quite wrongly) that we are all separated from each other. This illusion
of separateness allows us gather experience, collate that experience, and hopefully learn from it.
This universe is an infinite ocean of vibrant energy (life). We are all totally and absolutely
immersed and super-saturated within it. Our emergence upon this Earth plane is basically fixed
and anchored within a point. We, all seven billion or so of us, are that point, which is a
singularity held in coherence by absolute intent, and is basically unconditional love
mistakenly called gravity?
So what then is mind? Mind is just a point of reference for an expression to cognize its
surroundings. The mind could be likened to a "scanner of clues" that lead it back to Source.
We figuratively have left Source aeons ago when the universe was thought into being by
infinite being, and we descended, eventually to appear here on Earth. That descent has now ceased
and we are on the ascent, journeying home. Quantum physics has unknowingly postulated the
idea of the singularity, not realizing that each one of us here on earth are all singularities, and
that point which is the singularity is also what our minds actually are, just points of reference
within an infinite ocean of Divine Life.
Our ultimate outcome as we reach full evolutionary expression, and merge within the ALL is to
LOSE our minds, and just BE.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,soul realization page Face book.

Monday 10 April 2017

Experiences-Gathered-Opens-Self. E.G.O.S.

What are we basically ? I would respectfully suggest that all we really are is "gatherers of experiences" nothing more. What then is the need of us to gain experience, for what reason?
To really answer that question fully, we need to know what this "gatherer of experiences" really
is. What is man? And what is it that is mindful of him? Again I would respectfully suggest that
mankind, (us) are actually living within a L.I.E. which stands for Living-Intelligent-Energy, we
are energy formed and shaped into a physical body, which acts as a vehicle for a still higher
energy within us called the soul, or higher self.
What then is the purpose of all this experience? Again to fully understand the nature of this
question, we need to look at the process of life expressed all around us, what has it been doing
for the last million or so years, it has been evolving of an evolutionary arc, as we so to are doing.
We stand at the apex of this evolutionary arc of expansion, we have indeed unfolded through
the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, and the animal kingdom, we are now within the human
kingdom, already our experiences are almost beyond our comprehension, and spanning billions
of years, how much experience does a man really need??
We exist within a living fire of energies, that percolate in and through us, swirling eddies and
vortexes, ebbing and flowing within and around us, if we had but eyes to see,we would be amazed
at what we really are, energy flowing in and through us, some of the energy very dense and very
low frequency, that is our physical body ,then  we have more energetic energy (higher frequency)
that is more like a gaseous flow of coloured light, those that are clairvoyant and sensitive see this
energy signature that is us, we are living light, and our experiences within the human kingdom
are leading us ever so gently to the awakening of our inner nature and an implosion of expanded
consciousness, perception, and awareness, millions  of us are in the transformational  stage of
awakening, and beginning to glimpse that inner higher self, that dwells within, that still small
voice within us, that calls out, and beckons us to go within. The ego which is really no more
than the sum total of our experiences, and memories, tries to deflect any contact within ,as
it fears it will loose its vice like grip it has on us.
By going within, and regularly practicing either meditation or yoga, we begin the process of
"knowing" rather than just believing, Knowing grows, believing fades into dust!  With practice
we gain understanding of our true nature, which is divine, we wake up, we are reborn into a
universal consciousness, with focussed intent learned through much experience of the inner light
we are able to bring our energy signature into coherence and move away from scattered being
we become coherent light focussed like a laser beam, that will reveal any  crap posing as real
to us!
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, soul realization  facebook page.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Faith Is Not Belief It Is Knowing Through Experience.

Faith means to know, belief means that you do not know!  Faith actually means truth,knowledge
from experience, something that we have confirmed through our experience that it is true, that
is what faith actually means.
Those who have true faith do not need to believe, this is because genuine faith is living knowledge
exact cognition and direct experience.
Faith is living knowledge, in reality faith is same as how we use the Greek word Gnosis ,it means
truth, knowledge  from experience, something we have confirmed through our experience that
it is true, that is what faith means.
Through our experiences  we learn, this is how we become convinced through experiences, not
through theories, not through beliefs, faith is drawn from experience.
If you just believe in God, or an infinite Being, then that is all you will ever have, a belief you will
 never KNOW, belief will not reveal the truth of divinity, only faith will and that is in Knowing
that it is so, through your own personal experience of that knowingness!
Belief implies uncertainty, (never knowing) faith is experiencing the reality that lies within us,
and thereby we "know that we Know" as it is vouchsafed within our hearts, our soul, and  our
whole being.
I do not believe in a Supreme  Being, the creator of this universe, I have faith that it is so because
I have experienced it, I know that I know, it is a living reality that dwells within me, and every
one else on this planet, it just that many have not yet woken up to this living reality.
We do not need to go and see anyone about this, we all have a master within us, turn to that
master within you, rather than seeking out another person who has an ego that masks its true face
we need not trust our innermost self to any other ego centred  being, who ever they may be, the
one who is within, the one who is closer than your hands and feet, the one who has been with you
since before you were ever born, that is the one to trust, turn within, practice meditation,  open
your mind, and then you will experience that divinity that is within you, then you will know, and
you will be faith-ful!!
warm regards Michael.

What Is Spirit Can We Become Mindful Of It ?

The goal of realization for man is consciousness of the nature of the soul, the medium through
which the spirit aspect ever works. More it is not possible for him to do. Having learnt to function
as the soul ,detached from the three worlds, man then becomes a conscious corporate active
part of the soul which permeates and pervades all that is in manifestation.
Then, and only then, the pure light of spirit per-se becomes visible to him, through a just
appreciation of the Jewel hidden at the heart of his own being, then only does he become aware
of the greater Jewel that lies within and back of all manifestation.
What is this ubiquitous animator of life? Can we ever know it? I think the answer is NO!
But as we begin to know ourselves, to look within and to meditate, to make contact with our
inner-monitor, the soul, we begin to realize that is an inner aspect even to the soul, there
is an inner animator that gives "life" to the soul! This can be called spirit, or the life force itself!
The further we punch into the nature of reality, we begin to encounter an impossibility of
words to describe that which beneath and within all forms. Until we arrive at the point where
we can bow our heads in respect for this awesome Being and declare that we just cannot ,or
go any further, the Life Essence is then like a darkened FLAME,UNKNOWABLE?
The life essence is as a darkened flame (black light) in our present state of awareness, we use
words like spirit, but fail to comprehend  its meaning, life, spirit are one of the same, we can
penetrate so far into the "life force" then we reach a point  where comprehension breaks down
and we acknowledge that we can go no further, a darkened flame is a symbol and a cypher
of that very point.
We can though understand our soul, or at least make a start along that long road of
The soul is the "plastic outer covering" and the spirit or life essence is the "copper wire" within
the cable!
We can be aware of it, and know that it is there, but we cannot understand it, and while we remain
human beings, we never will!
warmest regards Michael. Facebook page soul realization,any comments most welcome.

Saturday 8 April 2017

The Grim Reaper A "Hole" Person Sweeper ?

To begin this blog, a poem I just wrote:-

The grim reaper calls out to millions of souls
who cannot adjust and are shot full of holes,
His scythe cuts them down and they lose their frown,
gasp out in pain, and are recycled to be born again.

This poem is a lament in memory of the millions who have died, and are dying at this very
moment. I was very nearly one of them. The "glint" that caught my eye from the reaper's
scythe saved my life! The reaper could also be called the sweeper of souls, as they are swept
off their feet by the violent eddies caused by addictions. The common denominator in all these
addictions, whether it be alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling or the many others, is
that within each one of those beings is a gaping chasm, a hole that cannot be filled. They vainly
try and fill it with their addiction of choice. As time goes on, this "hole" within will start to
remove things from your life, like your family, your job, your friends and eventually it will
remove your life. The "hole" is a remover cycle, and it can only be arrested and finally filled
by heeding a major crisis that is guaranteed  to make an appearance within your life.

The other common denominator that coexists with this condition is the complete absence
of the letter "W". When the letter W is added to the word hole, you then get the completed
sequence that spells out WHOLE, which then leads to, if certain life changes are adhered to,
the full sequence being expressed which is WHOLENESS. Wholeness is born within us when we get help for our condition, look within, and take up something like meditation or yoga. This will eventually lead you to the discovery that you are an immortal soul within a physical vehicle (body). As you go within yourself that yawning chasm that caused you so much pain and anguish begins to seal itself up, and finally close.You are then, in effect, and in fact, reborn into a new life of conscious expansion, joy, and serenity. Inner peace will become your companion along the highway of living
warmest regards Michael. welcome any feedback, soul realization page Facebook.

Friday 7 April 2017

There Is No Plurality In Absolute Reality !

Duality resides solely within the physical universe, it is the  "outer expression" of  a absolute
reality that exists eternally in the "void" back of all expressions. We as human beings live
simultaneously within both. In our physical vehicle we are anchored within the illusion of
dualism, and are "surrounded" by a multitude of "things". In our inner being, the etheric and
astral expressions, these bodies are within another dimension from the dense physical one
and are not subject to the physical laws of this plane.
Man has consciousness, with the added bonus of intelligent insight and awareness, and down
through the ages, certain great minds stood out, the Buddha was one of these, what he did
basically was to make connections, from studying a leaf, he became enlightened.
Modern man today is making the connections, quantum physics say that all is energy.
What that means then, if we really meditate upon this is that duality is about to be seen
and proved by science as an illusion, and further it will reveal that there are not things
in the universe, only thing! Plurality does not exist! And has never existed, in absolute
reality ,it  only "seems" to exist in what we experience as relativity, where we imagine
that we are within are three dimensional world, and live and have our being in. That is
the outer and false reality, expressed solely for us to gain experience, learn from that,feel
the depths of emotion ,and  the pain of separation, then transcend that illusion by  an
awakening of our consciousness to a higher level of awareness and perception, gaining
insight, wisdom, and soul contact.
When science "fully locks onto" monism (doctrine of unity) there will be an implosion
of awakenings, and the full understanding that the whole of life is ONE, we are all related
to the same source. just to clear one thing up, all the names we use are really the same thing
only a different shape or colour, Consciousness, light, energy, electricity, force, toothbrush,
planets, suns, billy goats, and uncle tom Cobbly and all, these names, things, are all the same
thing, I call it Energy, whatever you call it makes no difference, there is BUT ONE THING.
There is no S on the end!
warmest regards Michael. any comments would be welcomed.facebook page soul realization


The dance begins in a time long past, countless aeons ago, when we left Source, we were then (BE)
as we emerged into an embryonic universe, we "lost" (BE) and were then on a course of  "coming"
the beginning of a journey that would take us countless aeons before we surfaced from out of  the
primordial ooze here on earth, then further billions of years, before we be-came consciously aware
and were in effect reborn into an "I" realization, self aware mankind had arrived!
The evolution of man could easily be expressed as this; BE the Source (Before the universe was born, all there was Absolute,(GOD) we were all within that, Becoming was the journey of aeons past that
we all travelled,(our physical bodies are outer markers of whom we once were, STARS, our bodies
are made of star dust) Be-come this is where man is today, self aware, self conscious, and re-cognising that divinity or soul within. The next stage will take you back to the beginning and then
you will again be reborn into the aware-consciousness of that you are (BE) the incarnation of the
spirit, infinite, and eternal at one with all.
We are basically "gatherers of experience" our whole and ONLY reason for being here is to gather
experience, learn from that experience, and then move to further experiences, we will though feel
the need through the pulsating energy of loves expressions, to share what we have learned, to
our brothers and sisters along the journey of the dawning light.
The countless lives that we all have lived, can be seen as "our going through the motions" but
unlike the good gentleman who works at the sewage treatment plant, our "motions  are that
which have "shaped" us to what we are today, The Great Conductor in the dance of life
causes motion to be born, motion is the "creator of experience" and experiences are what
will eventually bring us back to the realization of who we really are (Spirit) soul.
A great master once said, when asked by one of his followers, "master what is the difference
between you and me? The Master replied; "I am God, and that I know that I am God, you are
God, but you do not know that you are god, that is the difference"!
warmest regards Michael. on facebook soul realization page, any comments welcome.

Thursday 6 April 2017

A Consuming Fire Are You Hungry ?

The teachings of the ageless wisdom say that all is fire, another word for light, we are made of
light (fire) in solid form, as is all phenomenal matter. The more stimulus you apply (heat) the
more the object will radiate. Now the mind lensed through form can produce heat, some monks
in the high mountains of Tibet, can dry out wet blankets on their naked bodies, as part of a deep
meditation process, which includes imagining a fire within, a  furnace of intense heat, this
discipline enables them to do, what would kill you or I, as it is often way below zero when they
do this.
There is a fire within us all, we can access this by focus and mental discipline, much like the
suns rays focussed through a magnifying glass, which will start a fire, so the mind is the same,
the principle is the same! Focussed intention will produce heat and flame. The mind is a lens
and can focus like a prism. Balance and poise, an equilibrium of mind, body, and soul, when
this is achieved then the fires of creation will percolate in a flameful harmony, the elements
of air, fire, water, earth (solid fire) will burn steadily and the man will become  transformed
(from within) his whole form will be irradiated and will be filled with much "finer atoms" as
the dross is burnt away.
Is this some fanciful idea, maybe a fantasy? Science fiction, or even lunacy! Some will no
doubt think so. But these actions are real, they do happen, and have happened for thousands
of years. If you are willing to "walk the walk" so to speak, you can prove this to be so, just
practice the principles of meditation, harmlessness, in thought, word, and deed, detachment
with love from all, ego deflation at depth, acceptance of what is, plus humility, and do this
with all your mind, body, and soul, say for about twenty to thirty years, then if you do all
that, then you will be the very embodiment of this fire of life, and you will KNOW!
I have gathered these "ideas" from all over the world, much from India, a land with a great
depth of spirituality, the noble teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita, it is interesting that there
is no Sanskrit word that is equivalent to the word "religion" instead Hinduism sees itself
as an approach to understanding our place in the  universe .We  all need to find our way home.
I have also learned much from the orient, from Europe, and from our brothers the north
American Indians, who have a profound wisdom, that is in danger of being lost.
The living fires of creation burn away the dross, to reveal that "Jewel" that is within, a gem
that is liquid fire. To look within it's flame, one has first to die of selfishness.
warmest regards Michael. Soul realization page on facebook,welcome any feedback.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Distance Is An Absurdity If You Are Ubiquitous.

Imagine that you are indeed a ubiquitous being, then the whole idea of travel or distance
would, or could not exist for you! The very mention of it would be absurd and ludicrous.
How could you possibly "go" anywhere that you were not already present at?  You would
be the everywhere-nowhere man! Or quantum non local being!
When there is distance (away from here) could not distance really be just an illusion? If
the universe is really connected and interconnected by an etheric web, then all apparent
forms, stars, planets, etc, are all touching one another, and further there is no space at all
in between each and everyone. I think we all seem to share a collective illusion, fooled by
our senses, and hindered by the spiel of our limited understanding.
Journey to where? What are the real implications of motioning? Going somewhere perhaps
if we really examine the need to transverse and cover distance, we will find that we are
already there! It is only when we use our limited understanding of reality, that "think" we
see a way to travel. As we turn our gaze within, and refocus our perceptions, we begin to
see the connections to all apparent things. And that  a star that science says is ten million
light years away, is in reality, no further than the shoes on your feet! This is possible because
"distance" the space between here and there is basically false, and is an illusion.
When we are submerged and deeply embedded into this relative universe, it is well nigh
impossible to not be directly and indirectly involved in the concept of distance, each day
we find the need to go somewhere, whether it be to work, or just to the local store. As long
as we focus outside of ourselves, we will remain within this relative illusion, now while we
are in physical form we have to abide by the relative laws of this realm ,but  when we go
within and begin to discover our true being, and our universal nature, we can begin to see that
the relative universe is only a projection of the real universe back of all this "formalization"
(embodiment) then when this realization takes place within our consciousness, we see that
indeed there is no need to travel, you are there already?
Motion, like the other two imposters, time, and space, are relative illusions, that cast a shadow
and hide the inner stillness.
Becoming is the way of evolution, we are unfolding and opening up just as the flower does before
the morning sun. Becoming implies the need for motion, and motion is the way of unfoldment
and expansion of consciousness. At our innerness we are Being, at the outer we are becoming,
when the two meet there is a quantum shift in consciousness and awareness. At the inner level we
are ubiquitous and distance is completely unknown to us, at the outer level  it seems very real?
warmest regards Michael. My facebook page is soul realization,any feedback welcome.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

The Disambiguation Of The Primal Matrix.

Disambiguation basically means "to make clear" "narrow down meaning" that is what I am attempting to do here in respect of mankind, from his primal matrix, that of spirit, to its
emergence upon the physical plane.
The words of the song "I can see clearly now the pain has gone" reminds me of the fact that
few of us will ever venture far into our inner being, unless we are confronted by crisis, often
more than one! Clarity can be seen as crystal clear, obvious, self explaining, however with
mankind its expression is filtered through a prism and broken down into seven basic rays
which makes understanding ourselves fully, difficult due to the shading effect and lensing
At birth only a third part of the divine nature of man temporarily dissociates itself from its
own immortality and takes upon itself the "dream" of physical birth and existence, animating
with its own celestial enthusiasm a vehicle composed of material elements, part of and bound
to the material sphere.
At death the incarnated part awakens from the dream of physical existence and reunites
itself once more with its eternal condition.
Man is a little world a microcosm inside the great universe like a foetus he is suspended
by his spirit in the matrix of the macrocosm, and while his terrestrial body is in constant
sympathy with its parent earth, his astral soul lives in unison with the sidereal anima
mundi. He is in it, as it in him, for the world pervading element fills all space, and is space
itself, only shoreless and infinite.
Man is triune he has his objective, physical body, his vitalizing astral body,(or soul)  the
real man, and these two are brooded over, and illuminated by the third- the sovereign, the
immortal spirit.
When the real man succeeds in merging himself with the latter, he becomes an immortal
entity. Man is composed of three men- man of dust, of thought, of light, he is a body, soul,
and spirit.
With or without a crisis intervening, we need to look within ourselves, to embark upon
a journey that will lead us from the darkness and decay of ignorance, into the light and
joyful experience of conscious contact with our higher self and the opening of the door
that leads us towards knowledge and inclusive wisdom. May your journey be blessed and
warmest regards Michael.
email am on Facebook page soul realization.

Monday 3 April 2017


How mindful are we all today?  Within that word lies the potential, awaiting realization within
everyone of us. How many of us will ever realize it, I guess that most likely only those who
become "desperate" enough and have endured many crisis points in their life, and as a last
resort, turn within and ask for help.
What a wonderful world it would be if we could all recognize rising problems and take
steps to correct them, before a crisis arises, where we would all be self aware and know
our inner most self, and through self examination correct rising issues within before any
problem becomes evident, that would indeed be a wonderful world.
If we could but realize our true nature, and see that we are indeed souls with bodies,and
not bodies with souls, that we are consciousness being expressed within a physical vehicle
(our body) that we are all related to one another by virtue of our heritage which is Divine.
We are all three fold beings, Spirit, Soul, and body, this body is expressed in seven
dimensions, this earth expression is the lowest vibration of them all.
Mind is the locater within the infinite ocean of consciousness, an ancient axiom states
"that all is mind, and mind is all" and a rider to that is this, "as  you think ,then  so you
become". Many of us are like the iceberg, ninety per cent of us is asleep (dead) only ten
per cent awake and alive, and how many of us within that ten per cent range actually
know what their true heritage really is?
We need to be able to go within, hopefully without the need of a crisis forcing us into it
to take up the practice of meditation or yoga and start the journey within to find your
higher self the soul, which is the garment expressing the spirit within it. By doing this
you will create a reaction within you where you will be "born again" without ever going
near another womb!!
warmest regards Michael.
email am on facebook page soul realization.

The Dance Of The Lesser Death And The Rise To Fuller Life.

It can be said that we are the sum total of all our experiences. In this blog my experiences are
related as a journey from fear and despair to faith and to hope. These experiences are
replicated in the lives of millions as it will become evident.
At the age of fifteen, after a unhappy and fearful childhood with no friendships, I was a loner lacking confidence and self esteem. I entered the workplace and found alcohol. All my
workmates seemed to drink a lot, and I had found what I thought was my best friend, alcohol.
That empty feeling that had been with me all my life seemed to be filled by this new found elixir. It seemed to be a magic liquid, that gave me confidence, soaring  self esteem, and the ability to chat with girls!
Little did I know that I had started a sequence of events that would almost kill me fourteen
years later. I became hopelessly addicted to alcohol. It is said that alcohol is a great remover
of stains and blemishes but it will also remove you in the end! Addictions run deep within
humanity. Mine was alcohol but there are dozens of others, all equally devastating which kill
millions every year. An addiction like mine is one of constriction. It is an ever narrowing malignant vortex, that screws ever tighter on its victim until, if unchecked, will terminate life as the vortex reaches it narrowest point (your death). It will first, however, remove everything else that you hold dear, as it did to me. The addictive soul, who like me feels empty inside, has a gaping hole that they hope their addiction will fill. It never does. We are "hole" people and not "whole" people. I nearly died of my addiction and, at the end of it, I was desolate, numb, completely lost and full of nightmarish phantoms that caused me to cower and freeze in panic.
There is a solution to all addictions if we face up to it. I was beyond human aid. Although I have had immense help and aid over the years from others. who like me had this addiction and were recovering through a self help group, I also needed help from a power greater than me. I fell to my knees and asked for release from this binding illness that was literally choking me to death in a negative spiral of constrictive energy that "squeezes out"" the life force, and leaves you  either dead, or insane (brain dead).
I had an awakening after falling to the ground and asking the Great Spirit of the universe for help. I completely surrendered to that mighty being, and as I did this a great weight came upon me and  I could hear my bones and sinews crunching under the pressure. Then a voice said to me, "what do you know?" I went to say what I thought I knew and immediately the weight got heavier. Again the voice said, "what do you know?" This time I said nothing at all! With that, the weight lifted off me and the voice said, "now you are teachable my friend". From that day, over forty three years ago now, I have been well, sober and free. This blog is about sharing that you too, my friend reading this, can recover as well, find peace and inner contentment, and fill that "hole" by becoming WHOLE. May peace and serenity capture your hearts this day.
warmest regards Michael.
email am on Facebook page called soul realization.