Saturday 29 April 2017

Holding Patterns Of Humanity.

Our lives are very much akin to the holding patterns that are used to control aircraft and permit them
to land safely, they are what is called stacked up, that is an interesting word stacked up, because
it corresponds exactly to the events that unfold in our lives/
When the stack in our live is too heavy and we are running low on fuel, (nervous energy) we then open the door for an answer to solve our pattern, the answer comes in the form of a crisis, when crisis comes a calling, action is taken, help is offered, and hopefully a solution found.
Millions of us my friends my friends and forever circling in a holding pattern, going round in
endless circles getting no where fast, our main problem dear readers of this blog, is that unlike the
pilot was  in a holding pattern at least he was connected to the control tower and you are not.
The pilots just have to wait for the word, then they can land safely, but the rest of us have no control
tower so it seems that we are all up shit creek without a paddle.
Our biggest problem is that none of us know who we are, we know more about what Kim Kardashian
wears in bed, or what drinks she likes, than we do about who the hell are You! Is that not really some
sort of social sickness, what has happened to our reality and the world, you see a  news flash
children starving to death in Africa, other blown up by bombs, then wait for it we then told in breaking news seconds after those horrifying pictures that a "celebrity" like walnuts on her cheesecake!!!!! Is this not a cancerous soul sickness dear reader, how can you watch that and
not be moved!
The bottom line is this, we are all profoundly asleep and unless we crash and have a major crisis
blast us out of our ignorant complacency, we will all die asleep, and be recycled for another go
at waking up.
YOU reading this, if you have got this far, then you are to be congratulated, many with the two second attention span (this is what advertisers think we have ,that  why adverts flash at you) will have not gone beyond the first paragraph, then decided to look at their phone.
We are all immortal souls, this is not my opinion, nor is it something I read in a book ,I  discovered this reality within me, and have personally experienced the reality of being a living soul, and so can all of you reading this blog, don't take my word for it ,look   within your self ,and  you will find too that you are a living soul and so is all your family as well.
warmest regards Michael, any comments welcome,soul realization face book.

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