Friday 7 April 2017


The dance begins in a time long past, countless aeons ago, when we left Source, we were then (BE)
as we emerged into an embryonic universe, we "lost" (BE) and were then on a course of  "coming"
the beginning of a journey that would take us countless aeons before we surfaced from out of  the
primordial ooze here on earth, then further billions of years, before we be-came consciously aware
and were in effect reborn into an "I" realization, self aware mankind had arrived!
The evolution of man could easily be expressed as this; BE the Source (Before the universe was born, all there was Absolute,(GOD) we were all within that, Becoming was the journey of aeons past that
we all travelled,(our physical bodies are outer markers of whom we once were, STARS, our bodies
are made of star dust) Be-come this is where man is today, self aware, self conscious, and re-cognising that divinity or soul within. The next stage will take you back to the beginning and then
you will again be reborn into the aware-consciousness of that you are (BE) the incarnation of the
spirit, infinite, and eternal at one with all.
We are basically "gatherers of experience" our whole and ONLY reason for being here is to gather
experience, learn from that experience, and then move to further experiences, we will though feel
the need through the pulsating energy of loves expressions, to share what we have learned, to
our brothers and sisters along the journey of the dawning light.
The countless lives that we all have lived, can be seen as "our going through the motions" but
unlike the good gentleman who works at the sewage treatment plant, our "motions  are that
which have "shaped" us to what we are today, The Great Conductor in the dance of life
causes motion to be born, motion is the "creator of experience" and experiences are what
will eventually bring us back to the realization of who we really are (Spirit) soul.
A great master once said, when asked by one of his followers, "master what is the difference
between you and me? The Master replied; "I am God, and that I know that I am God, you are
God, but you do not know that you are god, that is the difference"!
warmest regards Michael. on facebook soul realization page, any comments welcome.

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