Saturday 29 April 2017

Earth School Of Experiencing.

This planet Earth is not your home, it never has been, nor ever will be, we are lead to believe this
utter nonsense because of our ignorance and the false assumptions gathered by us in our daily lives.
Our utter ignorance of who we actually are, is causing a tidal wave of destruction upon this planet
millions are being wiped out of physical existence by dis-ease and addictions, millions are full of gaping holes within their psyches festering sores that will not heal, dying in pain and agony,all
alone, desolate and barren, riddled with doubt and trembling fears, all this suffering has one major
root cause, that of complete ignorance as to who the hell YOU are! If we really knew who we are
none of this bullsh.. and lies being peddled and spewed out to us daily on the so called news would be accepted by us, we would see it for what it is crap.
This planet earth is a school nothing less and nothing more period, we are Souls Immortal
encapsulated within a physical vehicle, your body, that is all your body IS just a vehicle for
the soul to use and add weight (gravity) to anchor the soul on this dense physical plane of
existence to gather experience, that is all we are hear for, to learn about feeling separate from the Whole, and how that feels, and how to adjust to that, we are gathers of experiencing experiencers!
There is a beacon within each one of us, it rotates and flashes light into our being at certain times
along our pathway of experiencing our individual life journey, this pulsating rotating flashing light
deep within us (very similar to a lighthouse flashing beacon) will try and catch you attention, there
are three things we need to do, to wake up from our long slumber that is pay attention, pay attention,
and pay attention, that flashing light from the soul within your shell of a body comes a calling usually
in times of individual crisis, when you are in the middle of a crisis, a flash  of insight will dawn on your mind, that flash if  heeded and given attention, could lead you to getting to know the real you
and then discarding the outer cardboard cut out, the mask that we all wear until we wake up.
Ignorance is the slayer of the real, we need to let go of our ignorance and move into a place
of knowing, knowing who we really are, we all need to wake up, and ask some real questions,who am I, what is the purpose of my life? Why am I here? Ask yourself those questions, and see where they
lead you? This is not a theory my fiends it is an eternal fact, you are a divine immortal soul.
Using a physical body to gain experience. I hope and pray you all realize this truth and then act accordingly.
warmest regards Michael, comments or feedback welcome, soul realization face book.

1 comment:

  1. my all regards for ur valuable contributions, keep on
