Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Gravity Well Of Acceptance Part Two.

To try and add further  explanation to this theory, in  order for a force to emerge from a dimensionless state and manifest itself it needs a point of departure a point (singularity) is
dimensionless ,it has not yet emerged from "unity"but is necessary for manifestation, because a point
consists of only one single factor it bares within itself  the number of unity ,the  number one.
When the force whose first manifestation was a point emerges from the dimensionless state and is
effective for a period, the point moves and forms a line, now it is this line that comes into play when
the point zero is in evidence by this individual who has attained Samadhi, a state of  ataraxy when
this state is held resistance falls to zero point and at that precise moment there is a point made and a
line drawn down (gravity well) into the individual which results in a quantum jump of consciousness
a downward causation of transcendent consciousness.
In the individual quest and endeavour for alignment there is along the way degrees of acceptance
and resistance wavers between balance and disharmony, in mind ,body ,and soul the individual begins to see further  into the veil of form ,he  begins to understand that spirit is life, matter is resistance the law of spirit is radiation giving selflessly,the law of matter is drawing inward cooling
off," paralysis."
As man becomes more aligned, more in tune with the inner and outer harmonics ,he also  becomes more conductive to higher energies ,over a period of gradual unfoldment, and with the building of
one pointedness of focussed intent, resistance  begins to fall away ,this  shows itself to the man in
jumps in conscious awareness.
Total acceptance by the individual when perfected and the state of Samadhi  achieved then all
resistance falls away the man becomes super conductive and thereby ensues a massive inter-
dimensional download of universal cosmic consciousness.
That my friends is the end of part two of this little old idea of mine, please once again forgive my
indulgence I wrote this out 12 years ago and felt the need to put it out there.
I would welcome any comments positive or negative if you have the time and inclination.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Gravity Well Of Acceptance.

I would like to propose a theory idea of mine that may seem to be strange and rather odd, but I think
it has potential, you call it meta-physical of a sort .This  theory will link into what science calls a
"gravity well" and will explain how one's individual acceptance plays a central part in this theory.
It will link this in with  what is called the state of Samadhi which will also link into the "place"called
Nirvana ,which  means total unity. I will show that there is a link between a gravity well of acceptance ,and mental poise. One pointedness focussing of mind ,and also how this can fit in with
quantum non-locality. How the first law of thermodynamics ,which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed or interconverted from one pre-existing physical form into another is flawed.
It allows for no sub-state of existence. It cannot account for sub-quantum kinetics! Mind and intelligence are outside of the law of thermodynamics. This theory will show that all is interconnected and that synchronicity is the universes way of telling you that you are on the right track. There is I feel a connection a parallel between superconductivity and the "condition" or state
of Samadhi and that of the state of Nirvana. I would  like to further this theory in superconductivity.
The attempt to attain absolute zero point,where if attained the motion  of atoms would cease ,thereby
resistance would fall to zero point resulting in perfect conductivity with zero resistance. This is the
scientist trying to produce superconductivity by building equipment to meet the task..
Then there is I feel the parallel of a person who spending many years perfecting a meditation practice
culminating in finally reaching a state of  Samadhi, now here is where the parallel comes in, when this condition is "held" resistance falls to zero point (absolute acceptance) this zero point "creates" a
gravity well and as "nature abhors a vacuum" and  as there is absolutely no resistance there is down-flow of consciousness expanded to universal level, thus man can and indeed does when perfected become a superconductor of universal mind. When  zero point is reached in the individual and there
is absolutely no resistance, when the state of Samadhi is achieved and held ,this  point which is akin
to a singularity opens up an avenue where the down-flow of universal  mind or consciousness flows
through this down-flow from a "field" outside of our time and space continuum, when the individual
is in a total resistance-less state he is in effect superconductive and opens the doorway that allows the inflow of super-consciousness to effect entry into the individual, resulting in a state of Nirvana.
TBC part one,
regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Monday 27 February 2017

We Are Thought Expressed Reality =W.A.T.E.R.

How often have we thought about what is real? What is reality? And where can I find it? We can search the internet for answers,we can read many books,discuss these questions with our friends.
Many of us have looked for truth all our lives,and are still not satisfied,no matter how many answers
we obtain there always seems to be something missing from the final equation of what is truth and what is real.
It is written that the Buddha sat under a tree,picked up a leaf,studied it for many hours and finally
found enlightenment,what then did the Buddha find that lead to this vast expansion of consciousness
what the Buddha was able to do is make all the right connections,the leaf was connected to the tree,the tree was connected to the earth and all the other elements,and is so doing that then saw how he was also connected to the tree,and the air,fire,water,and earth and then further realized that the whole of manifested and unmanifested reality was all connected and interconnected.
When we look deeply into the mirror what do you see? We can be like the Buddha if we so choose
and realize that when we look at ourselves in the mirror,we are actually looking at the outer form of the inner reality,we all are basically and factually the very embodiment of truth and realness,and
within hidden away from our outer view awareness lies the unlimited wisdom and knowledge of
our higher self the soul.
As it has been written down for thousands of years,"that the truth is hidden in plain sight" and we see
it not,for we are blind.
The Buddha found his answer to life from a leaf lying there in plain sight,will you my friend reading
this do the same?
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Transform Transfigure Translate.

This blog here is a follow on from the one I did the other day, I wrote this blog over ten years ago, please  forgive my indulgence here.
There are three aspects of human evolution ,a theory maybe for most, for me though an absolute
fundamental reality. Three postulates I  propose are,1,transformation=alchemy,2 transfigure=fusion,
3 translation =dimensional unification.
This idea proposes that the ultimate evolution for mankind is total realization ,which  will result in a
quantum jump of consciousness and an expansion of awareness which can be called cosmic consciousness .This will cause an alchemy that will transform the denser course atoms into much finer hues, which will then transfigure the form by the process of perfect fusion ,and  will in turn translate the fused form ,enabling the process of dimensional unification to occur quite naturally
I would now like to touch on the subject of transfiguring to basically transform the being by way of metamorphosing to change from within, but instead of emerging as a butterfly,you would be re-born
as a being of much finer material. This process began with alchemy to attract the finer atoms and loose the denser ones. This is actioned by right living, right thinking ,and  right actions, and can take
as long as it takes for some, just one lifetime ,for  others many. By practising this discipline you are
in effect aligning yourself to natural law, and beginning to enter into and become influenced by the
great law of harmonics  ,which will be a partner in the exchange of denser (lower notes) to higher notes (finer atoms)this will begin the transfiguring  process ,as   this process continues over a period there will be a complete alteration of the inner being, and it will be emitting  a higher note on the harmonic scale ,and  this will end in the ultimate translation of matter-form into matter-fluid.
Perhaps translation of form-dense into form -fluid is the hardest to put over or explain. It involves
a long process which begins with the science of transforming reaches its peak in the transfiguration
and is exalted in the translation. There are some along the way who have realized  some or all of this science, for science it truly is ,the   science of right living ,of  being in harmony with all, attracting finer material and building a "lighted body" this  too is the way to achieve cold fusion within the being
which will in its ultimate crescendo translate a form (body) fluid and will bring into this dimension via this process,  And pure white light ,that  present day science says is impossible!
And yes this process will be harmless and will also obey all the natural laws of universal harmonics.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Intuititive Cognition Emerging =I.C.E.

I would like to start this blog with a quote from LAO TZU,"  If you would take, you must first give
this is the beginning of intelligence"unquote.
We can spend a lifetime looking for answers to the endless questions that arise from within us,
and in so doing we continually search far and wide for answers, reassurance and some idea that
will allow us to make sense of all this endless questioning and restlessness.
The first and biggest mistake we all make is in the false assumption that the answers to all our
innermost questioning and yearnings lie outside of us, in the exterior. The real truth of the matter
lies far closer, we need to look within ourselves for the answer therein lies the master of all
understanding, knowledge ,and  wisdom.
We each have our very own inner guru, that inner master of wisdom and knowledge is called the
higher self ,or soul.
When we turn within and avert our gaze from without we discover a new level of consciousness
that we had never in a thousand years ever dreamed existed, we gradually discover the source of
that "still small voice" within us that in times of pain or anguish called out a reassuring feeling
to arise from within us.
Intuition means literally "to be taught from within" and that inner teacher is your higher self the
soul, we need to fully understand and comprehend the very real FACT that the soul is absolutely
REAL and has existed for all time, it is NOT a theory please realize this ,accept  it, and move
on to beginning to realize this reality within yourself.
Test it out ,go within ,take up meditation practice it daily and then you will discover for your self
the master (you) who lives within.
If the soul had one lament to make it would be this ,I have been with you closer than your hands and feet, and you knew me not ,that  is a travesty that I hope these blogs can in some small way begin
to foster a change of direction from without to within.
with warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Sunday 26 February 2017

The Tenebrous Spiral Staircase Of The Self.

The word tenebrous basically means "shut of from the light" "hard to understand" the spiral
staircase in question is the very one we all enter at the moment of conception, we spiral down
a vortex and that physical energy that is to become you and me, is then when we are fully formed
physically, anchored within the crown chakra ,and  remains there until we die (exit the vehicle) we then leave within another vortex back to the etheric plane from which we came. We are born via
a centrifugal vortex spinning clockwise, and we exit this plane on a centripetal  vortex spinning
anti clockwise, such is the way of lawful entry and exit from this plane of expression.
As I have mentioned many times in these  blogs, we are Souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls
just think about this for a moment ,and  you will see the importance of this.
We come from a plane where energy is light, we are light a place where there is no shadows as the light from that plane of being comes from within the life form and all its expressions ,the  difference
here is that light comes from without, and therefore casts shadows.
When we are born our memories of previous lives and experiences are mostly wiped clean from our
waking consciousness, we cross over the mythical river Styxx ,the river of forgetfulness and
awake in a new world.
If we are fortunate and have a positive and caring upbringing then we have a good start at re finding
of that inner light, that will lead us to revealing again our true inner nature, if on the other hand we have a nightmare childhood then hope for us lies in the form of an arising crisis within our life
that causes us to ask for help, get support ,or  some form of counselling that will hopefully lead onto
the realization and inner urge to look within ,and  find that still small voice that dwells there your higher self the soul.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Meditation Transformation Transmutation Transfiguration.

If I may begin this little blog with a quote from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, Quote," The
personality is irradiated by the full light of the soul and the three personality vehicles are completely
transcended, they have become simply forms through which spiritual love may flow out into the world of men in the salvaging task of creation" end quote.  The master was there describing a man/
or woman in the process of being transfigured.
We all stand on a point of our own personal awareness ,and  hopefully we all understand what it is that we are now aware of .Some  of us will be happy on our point ,some  sad, some depressed,
and all the emotional levels above and below that.
Do we need to change? Do we want too? I know that for me change only came about when I was in great pain and at deaths door, it was a crisis that gave me the wonderful opportunity to change(although I was completely unaware of that at the time) do we all need a crisis to effect changes in our lives? The title of this present blog is meditation, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration,
four major initiations that are open and possible to us at this time in our evolution if we so chose to
embark upon this path. The first thing meditation is about placing your self in the position for the transformational pathway to open up within you ,I  have been on this pathway for the last forty three years and in that time have been traveling along the pathway of transformation ,when  we are serious
about what we are doing (but also having a sense of humour too) as time passes we begin to move
into the transmutation aspect of this evolving sequence that we are engaged in, this process is about
expansion of consciousness and awareness, which will as time passes and we begin to establish contact with our higher self the soul involve the process of atomic exchange ,the  gross physical
atoms will gradually be replaced by much finer etheric atoms and this process will continue for the rest of our lives, as long as we continue the practise of inner journeying.
The last part of this blog title that of transfiguration is very rarely mentioned and usually only
in the context of Jesus and his transfiguration, the reality though is that HE was not the only being
ever to be transfigured, many have also done so and will continue to do so ,perhaps  even one of you reading this little old blog may become transfigured ,it  is possible if you are one pointed and totally
focussed on that aim ,I  wish you God speed my friend.
What I have put before you  today, are  very real possibilities for you to aim at if you wish to,this
doorway that leads to enlightenment is open to anybody who is willing to make the prolonged and
earnest effort.
peace to you all ,regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Saturday 25 February 2017

Realities-Expression-Actually-Lives-Where-Our-Real-Truth-Harmonises=Real Worth.

What is our real worth? What do we really hold dear to our hearts ,do we really know? The word
Gnosis is derived from the Greek language and means knowledge of an intuitive nature, the
intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, Gnosis  is a knowledge that cannot  be arrived at through
books or lectures, but rather through ones own direct experience.
This knowledge or wisdom therefore is not found outside of us but from within ourselves and the
best way I know of achieving this is through the regular practice of meditation.
The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical ,that  of meditation.
The answers to all the riddles of life lie within us ,cosmic  consciousness lies within us ,all  we have to do is to set aside a small portion of each day, to relax ,sit  quietly go within and discover the truth
that is there ,as  opposed to the illusion that exists in the so called "real world", real value is that which has a timeless radiant inclusive nature, which you will discover by going within yourself.
We each have a radiant jewel within us, it pulsates within us like a beaconing  ray that flashes insights into our consciousness ,a  radiant light that casts no shadow and is divine by nature,that
radiant jewel within your heart is the higher self or soul.
And the REAL beauty of all this is that YOU can experience this reality truth for yourself, you do not have to take my word for it, or anyone else's try it and see ,put  it to the test ,and  if you do a whole new reality will open up for you, and you will in effect be born again, without having to enter the womb twice!!
warmest regards Michael
email me kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Enter The Mist.

The title of this blog spells out the following. Each-Number-That-Enters-Realize-That-Higher-Energy-Meditation-Is-Spiritually-Transforming which =Enter The Mist.
Meditation is a exact science based on real and tangible energies that are natural to human beings.
Meditation is a psychological technology it is a scientific method to harness and access the most
powerful areas of the human psyche.
The other mist is that one which blinds us from the reality that is within us ,we  have to penetrate that mist and miasma that surrounds the outer world ,that  is filled with glamour and tinsel sparkling
emptiness which is shallow and characterless, these are all hollow blinds that want to hold you prisoner in this outer world where you can be manipulated like a puppet by the media lies ,and 
the advertisers that need your attention focussed on themselves in order for you to buy their worthless
It seems though that many of us will not attempt to try meditation unless we are caught up in some form of crisis, where we have to evaluate what we are doing in our life today, and how do we get out of the mess we are in ,the   one that brought about this crisis! Thankfully I have began to notice that there are now many who are taking up meditation, without a crisis intervening, WOW that is real
progress ,long  may it continue.
I was one that had to have a major life threatening crisis in my life, where I was brought to my knees
which was not a bad place to be, as I was an arrogant s.o.b as well as being very ill.
The opportunity to engage in meditation presented itself to me via crisis ,and  I am eternally grateful
that I was able to grab this opportunity with both hands, I hope that anyone of you out there on this planet reading this and perhaps going through and major crisis in your life, can as I have done and turn within yourself embrace the regular practice of meditation and begin to find the real you, that soul that dwells within each of us, and is much more real than anything outside in this illusionary
world without, a inner friend and comforter that awaits your discovery.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Friday 24 February 2017

Reflections Of Being Expressed R.O.B.E.

A quote from Kahlil Gibran "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy
which does not laugh ,and  the greatness which does not bow before children" end quote.
Although we wear many masks and often dance in the ballroom of the masquerade waltz ,we  cannot
hide our inner state of  being ness from anybody who has an ounce of perceptive ability and is a wee
bit sensitive, what we are inside reveals itself in our eyes ,our  facial expressions ,the  way we hold ourselves ,are  we standing erect or have droopy shoulders, we may well say to our inquirer of how we are doing, oh I am fine thank you,, never  better ,the one observing you knows full well that you are lying or even worse so out of touch with yourself that you are hopelessly deluded.
Our outer life very much so mirrors our inner life ,if  we are fearful within ,then  we will act fearful
Many if not all of our inner and outer problems could be solved in a relative short space of time ,if  only we knew where to look.
If we have friends and can be honest and open with them, then perhaps if we are unhappy with our life ,and  are full of fear and anxiety, stressed  by all the outer pressures of conformity  and the pressures of advertisers who say we should be slim fit and eat their products ,and  we are over weight
this will add further stress into our life and will make us feel inferior .
Our main problem is that we need to be our self, and  be able to assert ourselves, to stand on our own two feet and be confident of our  ability   to overcome all these presented difficulties and stand tall free from all worry and stress, but therein  lies the very heart of our problem, we do not know ourselves, we do not know who we really are ,and  have never known all of our lives ,with  the exception of a few who know.
The reflection of who you really are is there if you look into the mirror and gaze deeply into your eyes, you will feel a sensation that reflects back that is more then you know of.
If you are serious about getting to know the real you ,the  soul within you ,then  the best way I know of
is to take up meditation and practice it daily and in so doing you will get to know the very best friend
you will ever have in your life ,and  one that loves you unconditionally ,you  very own higher self.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Burdened By Our Nescience.

A mighty weight bears down on mankind and the full force of this weight is called  nescience  or
in more  common terms ignorance, and the leader of this ignorance is our complete and utter
unknowingness of who we really are.
We are souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls ,this  is a reality ,a  universal state of being ness
the only way a being can gain experience and learn what life is about, through experiencing it in
a physical body which is vastly cloaked down in vibrational frequency, a condensation of energy
formed into a physical body be the will of the higher self the soul.
Emotions are the stained glass windows of the soul, coloured glasses through which the soul looks at the world.
Each such glass assists in finding in the contemplated object the same or similar colours, but it also
prevents the finding of opposite ones,
Nothing gives one such a clear idea of things as the emotions, yet nothing deludes one so much.
We are fully emotional beings, we cannot live without emotion ,the ascetic who kills out all desires
and passions in himself ,kills them by the desire for salvation ,a  man renouncing all the pleasures of
the world ,renounces them because of the delight in sacrifice.
In reality in the soul of man nothing save emotion, emotion can only be mastered by another more
powerful emotion.
There are I guess many ways out of this ignorant state or nescience, the one way that I know for
sure does is the practice of meditation.
We all need to know who we really ARE and the sooner we know this the better it will be for us all
my sincere and hope is that anyone reading this little old blog will see the meaning laid out here and set about the task of looking within and finding the truth that is within this inner energy the soul.

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Thursday 23 February 2017

Lack Of Cognizance Is Our Lot.

We have no cognizance of who we truly are, the meaning of life, this is the eternal theme of human
meditation all philosophical systems, all religious teachings strive to find and give to mankind the
answer to this question.
The most powerful emotion in mankind is the yearning toward the unknown. Even in love the most
powerful of all attractions, to which everything is sacrificed, is this yearning toward the unknown
toward the new-curiosity!
The soul (higher self) is your essential divine nature plus experience, soul is a coherent, intentional
system, fulfilling it's nature, it is God individualized as you and carries your real ideals and commitments, and gives character to your conscience. This divine energy is formless, timeless,
and eternal.
The heart is the sacred temple of our inner master (the soul) the inner master speaks to us through
the intuition, feelings, perceptions, and hunches, this is the still  small voice within us all.
Intuition is the direct perception of the truth, without the depressing process of reasoning and
We do not have to live in ignorance of our true being, we can rectify this lack of cognizance
and we can start today if we are willing to do so.
Look within yourself dear reader of this blog and make a decision only you can make ,that  today
I will make a start at finding out who I really am ,and  will take up the practise of regular meditation
or yoga as a means of doing this.
You will then embark upon a journey of wonderful discoveries that will bring delight into your heart and being and you will find joy and peace of mind ,and  what's more it is absolutely free of charge!

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

We Are The Noumenon Within And Phenomena Without.

What kind of world do we live in? Some would say we live in a sort of  Dystopian society that is
characterized by the human misery and squalor that abounds in many countries, oppression ,disease
and overcrowding.
The phenomenon (us) is merely the reflection of a  noumenon  in our point of consciousness.
If we could know the noumena (us)we would know things as they "ARE" whereas to know the
phenomena is merely to know things as they "appear" and that appearance is in itself an illusion.
As an iceberg is 90% of its volume underwater ,with  just 10% exposed on the surface, we too as a human race are mostly submerged within the noumena (spirit or soul) with only a small portion exposed into view, which is of course the physical body.
We are mostly hidden from each other and even more sadly hidden from ourselves, and so many
go to their graves none the wiser as to whom they really are ,it  does not have to be this way though ,there  is a way out of this ignorant fearful lost-full-ness if we would just only embrace it.
The way that would seem the easiest to adhere to is that of meditation, which if practised over a long enough period will result in the revealing nature that lies hidden within us all.
This practice will begin to expand your consciousness and awareness ,your  perceptions will become
more sensitive and acute, you will be able to sense the mood and presence of anyone you are talking to, and it will be impossible for then to deceive or lie to you ,as  your new found awareness will see right through and façade they try to trick you with.
And as you endeavour more deeply within yourself ,you  will eventually make contact with he higher
self the soul ,or  the Noumenon existing there awaiting all these years to be "discovered" by you and then welcome you to your true home that Divine reality that exists behind the illusions cast over our eyes by our own ignorance and the maya that veils that what is,and therefore we only see what is not!
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Wednesday 22 February 2017

A-T-O-M- Alchemy Transformation Of Mankind.-A.T.O.M.

Alchemy is the ancient science whose real meaning has been truly lost in the mists and miasma
of the passing centuries.
Alchemy is not about transforming base metals into gold, but something much more nobler that of
transforming base physical mankind into bringing down into there waking consciousness the
reality of their true nature and then anchoring this inner Divinity within the crown chakra of the one
who had become realised (woken up to its true nature)
The so called "Philosopher's stone" that would add the "magic potion" to the mixture of base metals that would then magically transform into pure gold ,is  basically a myth and not the real meaning
of this ancient idea. The stone that the philosopher aka the alchemist was actually talking about was
the stone cold heart of mankind, and please bear in mind that we are talking about a time that existed
thousands of years ago ,hopefully  we have moved a bit forward by now.
The alchemist can be likened to a scientific holy man! A sort of priest or now days would be called a guru an enlightened being ,this  being would take a seeker of truth under his wing and teach him or her the way to freedom and boundless joy through self realization and soul awareness your inner
By going within and practising the spiritual science of meditation (and make no mistake my friends ,it  is a true science that is thousands of years old) and has stood the test of time ,and  has transformed and enlightened thousands of souls down through the ages.
The transformational sequence is engaged when the meditation is deep, steady and regular when this occurs the very atoms of your physical body are gradually transfigured into finer atoms ,the  dense physical atoms of your body and replaced by much finer etheric atoms and this will continue as.
long as you keep up the regular practise of meditation ,leading  to an expansion of consciousness and perception beyond your present comprehension.
Alchemy is basically an ancient science that can be brought up to date and used by anyone who is willing to put the effort into practising meditation on a daily basis ,be  honest with yourself and open,
then as you engage this new way of life, your heart will melt and turn into golden sunshine of inner joy and happiness.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Become-Empathic-As-Willingness-Arises-Knowingness-Enfolds BE AWAKE.

Millions of us slumber blissfully unaware of who we really are for the whole of our physical
incarnation here on earth, what do you think about that dear reader of this blog? Are you concerned
about this at all? Or do you care not one jot, and think that the whole idea of us having a soul and being spiritual and divine just a load of  horse manure, or not to be offensive to horses just good old plain bullshit.
Well that's what I thought for many years ,until   through several major crisis and a near death experience somewhat changed my mind ,I  was basically beaten to my knees and felt completely hopeless and helpless, it was at this point of utter desolation, fear, and foreboding that I fell to the floor and asked for help.
And it was given in the form of a still small voice within me saying awaken from your slumber and be restored to wholeness.
It was then that I took up meditation and began the journey within that leads to an expansion of consciousness and perception and an opening of the door to inner joy and peace.
I was thirty years old and began to realise that I had been asleep for the whole of my life,completely
unaware of who I was, what I was ,or   even where I was, that is a sad place to be at 30 years old.
I now realise even more acutely how many of my brothers and sisters (we are all related and have the same energy signature) Quantum physics will verify this reality, millions  of you are "out there" and
sound asleep as I was for thirty years, not realising that you are all souls with bodies and NOT bodies
with souls, there is a huge difference ,jus t think about it for a while.
The reality and please bear in mind that this is a reality it is Not a theory, we are all living souls.
and that is a fact, whether you know it or not, accept it or not that is the way it is what we think about it  is totally irrelevant .It  just is,
You dear reader of this blog (that's if you have got this far that is)hopefully you are not one of those people that the advertisers think have only a five second attention span ,a  tad more than a goldfish I believe! If you take up the practise of regular meditation and have the self discipline to do this on a daily basis, you will soon begin to discover everything that I have written here to be true ,and  then you will have experienced the wonder of soul contact as I have done ,and  when you do my friend
please pass it on to your neighbour as I have passed it on to you.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Involution Inexpression Leading To Expression.

Before I begin this blog on involution, I would like to quote the words of Sri Aurobindo  born Aug 15th 1872 died Dec 5th 1950 born in India .Quote  "Involution is the process by which the Ominipresent Reality ie, the Absolute,Brahman extends itself to create a universe of separate forms from out of its own Force/Energy .The  reason for involution is delight, the delight of Being ,it throws
itself forward into multiplicity of forms, becoming lost in the inconscience of matter. And then through evolution it partakes in the delight of rediscovering the spirit which had been hidden in the
interim" end quote.
All we ever hear of in our lives here on Earth is about evolution that's it! But that is only one side of the reality of the process of becoming. Before evolution could begin the first part of the equation had to be firmly in place that of the  involutionary process.
The involutionary process began by the Absolute creating a mighty thought pattern of force and energy and casting this into the void of absolute no-thingness within this process was all the needed
force and energy to bring about the whole creative principle when fully realized at the end of the involutionary cycle.
Before anything can be removed from within its enclosed space it has to first be put in there,
involution was the putting in principle within a principle  in a great unrolling of force ,all  the yet to become universe(as while this process was unrolling the universe was as yet unborn) all these principles were to become  universal laws when involution has stopped.
This out rolling of primal force reached a point where there ensued a momentary pause,
then the involutionary cycle had ended and the evolutionary cycle had begun.
In a much smaller way we as human beings replicate this process of involution (being born in a dense physical body)and evolution by going within ourselves and discovering our hidden spirit deep within us all and when we find that hidden spirit soul of higher self we are often utterly delighted by what we find, which in a way echo's the very words that Sri Aurobindo said many years ago.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Monday 20 February 2017


Meditational experiences have brought me to many states of awareness I previously never knew existed ,and  opened the doorway to an inner world with no end of wonderful manifestations and colours that do not exist in the gross physical plane of existence .When  practiced for a number of years it activates all the chakras and brings online the according manifestations for that frequency output ,it  will open the eye of Shiva the third eye and that will then naturally produce the phenomena
known as clairvoyance and also clairaudient and also open up a wide range of perceptions that were completely unknown to you before the awakening process had begun.
You will then begin to see the truth of the ancient wisdom that states, reality is hidden in plain sight!
You will begin to see the truth behind the façade that many of us take to be real.
You will see yourself as you really are a soul being expressed within a physical body here to gain experience ,learn  from that experience and then move on to other experiences ,either  here again or to move onto other adventures farther afield.
You will see that you are basically an energy signature formless in its natural state of being ,but  having a vehicle here (the body) so that you have the necessary weight to gain and hold purchase on this level of existence.
You will understand that all is energy and energy is all, and this translates  as consciousness and light.
Our physical bodies are basically and factually made up of what could best be called condensed
light, liquid energy slowed down vastly to produce a form vehicle for us to use.
Meditation over four decades has shown me many things and wonders of beauty and radiance that are beyond description ,it  has shown me that we are all related in one divine family and that all of the universe is interconnected with us, our very atoms that make up our bodies were once within a star
By going within ourselves we begin the process of re-connection with universal reality and meditation is the tool that will set you upon the path of realization and expand your consciousness and perceptions beyond your wildest dreams ,I  pray that your journey will be as rewarding and joyous as mine has been so far.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

We Are Love =We-Each-Are-Really-Expressing-Living-Omnipotent-Virbrating-Energy.

Basically all there really is in this physical relative universe is energy, and this energy is intelligent and very much alive,it can also be called consciousness which is the infinite ocean of which are all firmly immersed in, and will remain in for eternity.
We are lead to believe by the way we are educated that there are many things in our lives that affect us, that there is multiple forces at large that impact upon us with either negative or positive consequences. This is very wrong and also very misleading ,as  when you buy into this type of fantasy you have then to look for ways of dealing with these fictional forces.
There is in reality just one force ,one  energy that eternally exists ,and  that is love.
All life wherever it is, is  the embodiment of the love energy ,and  that includes you and me ,this
love energy is also called consciousness ,they  are both exactly the same thing different words for the same force or energy matrix.
Light too is part of this energy matrix ,and  we are focussed into form (physical body) by the intentful will to be of the soul or higher self ,light plays a big part in our expressions upon this earth plane. for just as a glass prism splits light into the seven colours of the spectrum, we too are split by the point
of our evolutional position on the arc of our state of being ness.
We each have our own colour signature and all this is encompassed within the law of love.
It can be said that there are almost infinite degrees of love as it moves along a spectrum of living light
which we are the expressions of ,from  the utter depraved evil that exists on this earth to the complete
acceptance and unconditional love that some practice, we each live and move and have our being
within the limits of this spectrum of expression we call life.
We all though have free will ,and  can change the course of our life if we so choose to do ,I  chose forty three years ago to opt for change as my life was an utter mess and I was full of pain and fear.
I chose meditation as a way to grow mentally and spirituality and to make changes in my behaviour
that were negative and self seeking, and looked toward being more loving in nature and to be of some use in life rather than being useless and a parasite within the society in which I lived
I would be comforted to think that I have made some progress into realising this new way of life.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Living Words That Ignite The Flame Of Life.

Just over forty three years ago I stood in a room full of smoke with  people chatting and laughing. I was there shivering and shaking and full of extreme fear and panic, very ill and chronically addicted to alcohol. I had just been given three months to live by my doctor. A man approached me and said "my name is Don and I have the same problem as you". I  looked at him standing there in a Saville row suit which must have cost about three hundred guineas while I was there dressed in rags, unwashed for weeks. My shoes were stuffed full with cardboard to keep my feet dry in the rain. Don said to me the living words of life, which ignited a living flame within me. The words were simply, "Michael, I was like you once. Those six words that Don spoke to me opened up a whole new world that I never dreamed ever existed.
Over the past forty three years I have discovered a whole new inner world. I  started meditating in the winter of 1974 and have been daily doing so ever since.The life that I had lived before was like being caught up in a negative spiral that was constricting and strangulating me slowly and would have eventually killed me. By adopting this new sober life and getting support from others like me at regular meetings, and by the daily practice of meditation, my life started to open out and became expansive, ever opening wider as the years came and went.
I discovered that we each have a living flame within us, that  is called the soul or higher self. This living flame when contacted through the practice of meditation flows down into our consciousness and further ignites the conscience, which I found to be the inner monitor of my behaviour. Thinking practices would tell me if I was straying off the path of inner alignment and towards the negative
ways of selfishness, arrogance and false pride. It  was up to me to heed this inner warning from the monitor within. If  I ignored it I would pay the price, which usually meant further pain and suffering. The inner voice told me often that you have free will, but added to that was the reminder that there is a price to pay for all our actions. My  earnest wish is that anyone out there in cyber city reading this blog will receive the joy and happiness that I have found from going within and finding that inner fire, the soul. May  peace and joy be your constant companions.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Sunday 19 February 2017

We Are The Sum Total Of Our Experiences.

My first experience on being born ,so  I was told by my mother was to pee all over the midwife who
slapped my bum to bring life giving air into my new lungs, that was a great first experience.
From then on I encountered many unpleasant experiences ,spent  time in a children's home
when my mother was ill, that was a frightening experience for a 7 year old and one that stayed with me for many years .I  never met my father as my mother came to England when war broke out from here home in Ireland and joined the Waff's and I came onto the scene when my mother went to a dance at an American base and was given a pair of nylons and a carton of Lucky Strike cigarettes and
I was the Lucky Strike! When my mother reported her pregnancy the officer involved was immediately shipped overseas never to be seen again.
I had a very unhappy childhood ,and  when I was 9 my mother got a job as housekeeper to a man with two kids of his own, his wife had just died. I hated the place and the man there and had many
nasty experiences there right up till I left at fifteen when I left school.
From fifteen until I was twenty nine years old and working for dear old British rail as it was known as then, and got involved in a heavy drinking culture I took to this as I found that alcohol gave me all the things I lacked like confidence ,the  ability to chat with girls and I felt great with drink inside me.
However this honeymoon phase with the drink finished ,and  I began to find that I had to have it every day or I felt ill and scared to go out or to work.
By now my daily experiences were of one that was addicted to alcohol and fear and great unease became my constant companions.
By the time I was twenty nine my doctor had given me three months to live tops, on hearing that frightening prediction I did what any self respecting addict would do,I had a drink!
I did then ask for help, and joined a fellowship that offered unlimited support and a program of recovery .I  was riddled with fear and panic and my sanity was in a very sorry state ,I  asked for help from that great Spirit of the universe and it was immediately given, and this set me firmly on the road to complete recovery and the start of 43 year of regular meditation and self discovery,my
experiences then became positive and very meaningful opening up a vast new inner world of unknown delight and splendour  ,of  making contact with the higher self the soul and realising the reality of all our Divinity  that lies within each and every one of us. This in turn allowed me to leave the railway and embark upon a career of working with other who have had the same problems as I had ,and  was then able to put something back into life rather than taking ,and  this blog is about passing it on and hoping who ever reads this also experiences the rich blessings that life holds out if we are awake to see them ,may  great peace and joy be your experiences dear reader.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

What Do I Know ?

My dear old mother,I always called her ma,used to say to me,son,what you know could be fitted onto the back of a postage stamp and there would still be room to write out the Lords prayer! How right
my old ma was.
Today many years later I realize that all I really know is the depth of my ignorance,and that is very deep indeed.
What do we actually know about what really matters like who the hell are we! Where have we come from and where will we go to,and what if any is the purpose of our life and existence.
It seems that modern education is about spewing out "facts and figures" much like a trained parrot
and the one with the best memory and cognitive skills gains the highest marks,most of which is most likely forgotten a few weeks after the exam,which many have crammed for,and filled their heads with what is most likely utter useless crap which in no way has prepared them for adult life and the responsibilities that go with adult life.
Zero education about who they really are,zero education about what is needed to cultivate a rounded whole person,one who is kind and thoughtful,helpful to those who are in need,the virtue of being selfless rather than selfish,and the practice of a natural humility rather than self conceited arrogance.
Very few if any are taught this,we seem to want conformity and have parrots rather than real people.
It is said in the hall of records that exists in another dimension that as we sow,so shall we reap,that in a nut shell is the law of Karma,cause and effect,if we sow dry and barren facts and figures,and hold that this is good,then we will consequently reap good parrots!
Whether we know it or not,accept it or not,we are all very firmly "locked" into universal natural law
and with this law you are the judge,jury,and executioner,there is no appeal,no lawyers,no fines,no probation or jail,we just get back what we put out in equal portion such is the law of life aka Karma.
Is that ever taught in our schools in the west?
We are souls with bodies,and NOT bodies with souls,there is a huge difference just think about that for a while.
We each have an higher self,soul,and this can be contacted by practicing meditation and going within
on a regular basis,again none of this is ever taught at schools or universities,because of our great depth of ignorance of this reality that we all live within and "KNOW IT NOT" this is an absolute
disgrace and betrayal of our young ones,how long must this travesty continue until we wake up put the parrot back in the tree where it belongs,and teach our children the reality of human life and what it is actually about.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Saturday 18 February 2017

What Is The Depth Of Our Superficiality ?

Our "newspapers" are full of advice about what we should eat and how much ,every  day there is a new diet and slimming advice offered by self absorbed gurus and "experts" on dietary advice, and yet
all the while millions are starving to death ,in  these countries  there are NO dietary advisors as there is no food to eat to advise on!
We are offered by the media which by the way is controlled by the advertisers "shows" and talent spotting programs ,where  you can actually watch a nobody desperately  trying to be come a somebody and see all their ego's jostle for top position ,while  yet again  millions are dying of disease
and starvation or are being bombed or blown up in a war torn country ,and  we sit comfortably in our armchairs watching this puerile bullshit posing as entertainment and the only thing we are bombarded with is adverts in the commercial breaks!
Is this an honest and decent way to live ,pull  up the ladder jack ,I  am ok!
Do you see many fashion shows in so called third world countries? I think not ,as there is no money to buy the clothes or the five thousand pound hand bag ,let  alone look for eye liner or after shave lotion.
The western world seems to be getting deeper into the superficial unreal world of plastic living and shallowness of character, where you can have five hundred friends on Facebook  and still die of loneliness, what would an old age pensioner sooner have ,ten  friends on Facebook ,or  just one that called round regular and had a cup of tea with?
If we have compassion in our hearts and love in our souls, then how can we sleep soundly at night with so much suffering going on in the world today ,with  children being blown up because of ego driven despots who want to retain power at any price ,the internet is a powerful tool that can get things done ,provided we stick together ,if millions who use the internet voiced their outrage at these
atrocities then eventually something better will arise, the question asked so long ago, am I my brothers keeper? The answer is yes we are.

warmest regards Michael.

The Actualization Of Actuality.

Do any of us know our full  potentiality ? I very much doubt it, many of us live in a world where we are not fully alive to the reality of what we really are ,many  of us our only two thirds alive that being physical and mental ,the  spiritual aspect of our being in asleep.
Self actualization is contemporaneous with the realization of our own potentiality and involves an understanding of our inner nature.
It is written in the ageless wisdom of the ancients that the beginning of wisdom starts with our re-cognition  of our ignorance.
Our actual potential is boundless if we but knew and understood this fact, one way out of this state of being "cloaked down" (our light hidden under a bushel?)  is to take up the regular practice of meditation of yoga ,as  this will facilitate an entrance into the interior of our being.
The illusory world that appears outside of you is actually a reversal of what really is within,
in the illusory outer world "real life" is reversed and this is called evil which is the reversal of live,
evil is without ,live  is within ,that  is how this expression of our being is.
That is why the outer world is rapidly getting shallower by the day ,and   this is expressed by the rampant self centeredness, the exclusivity of the  me-ism mentality ,which  by the way exclusivity is the way of expression in the outer unreal world, and inclusivity is the way of reality and universal natural law.
Our task if we are up to it ,is  to turn our face away from the bullshit shallowness that poses of substance out there and look within for help and guidance  out of this self created mess we are all
in.  If we can do this we will tune into the melody and rhythm of the inner energy consciousness.
We will grow from ignorance to understanding and wisdom learn to become selfless rather than selfish ,learn  to give something back to life ,rather  than always taking ,and  see the true value of integrity honesty with love in your heart rather than resentment, hatred, and being riddled with fear.

with warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Friday 17 February 2017

Life On The Ocean Wave.

Science is nearing the complete realization that all is consciousness and that is just another word for energy ,but  not energy that we ignorantly think it is ,but  rather living intelligent energy that very same energy that forms what we call a physical body.
Reality is basically dual in expression and inexpression reality is an ocean infinite, and eternal expression in the physical relative universe and unexpressed as infinite potential in the absoluteness
of unknowability.
We are living factually and actually on the crest of a wave ,here  the word wave can be expressed as this When-Awake-Value-Expression, The ocean of consciousness or energy forms a wavelet a crest that mounts up and is In-formed given shape and substance and then a process of gathering all the right amount of energy patterns needed to inform and being about a physical body, when this is done
you are then funnelled into a lower dimensional  frequency the   elements of earth air water and fire are summoned and loan this to be human being the correct energy patterns and frequency needed to exist upon the earth plane, your parents have already been selected and you hover over your to be parents and as soon as the egg of the mother has been fertilised by the sperm of the father you fall to earth in the factual and literal sense.
When we grow up and start to awaken to an inner sense of being ness and start to question life and its meaning it is at this point that we need to go within to find the answer to the apparent riddle of life.
If we take up the practice of meditation we will soon begin to find our way into revealing our true nature, we need to dive into the very depths of the ocean of life within us, there we will begin to find answers to the searching questions we ask ourselves and others, and even more reason for diving deep is that it offers us a place of safety from the illusion and shallowness of outer life, we discover a higher self our soul and in so doing align ourselves with the natural current and flow of the infinite ocean of we  are a part of.

warmet regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

I Am Closer Than Your Hands And Feet And You Know Me Not.!

It is written in a holy book in reply to an earnest question by a follower of a master soul ,I  am closer than your hands and feet and you know me not, what is this that is closer to us than our hands and feet? The answer is that this is the higher self, the soul that Divine spirit that lives within the core of our being ,and truly unknown by millions and millions of us.
There are millions of lonely and isolated people, millions suffering in utter silence, enduring pain
and anguish ,feeling  utterly isolated and desolate within.
If we could but draw closer to our inner self, we would receive all the comfort we could need ,because  so many of us do not know our selves and our true nature ,we  become hopelessly lost adrift and feel as though we have been abandoned by life itself.
So many take their own lives because of this utter ignorance of their true being and inner Divinity.
When I use the word Divinity I am using the word as it relates to the true nature of reality and how it is universally expressed ,the  word here I am using has absolutely  nothing to do with ANY religion
whatsoever ,I  follow no religion yet I respect them all ,as  within them is much wisdom and insight.
Our inner Divinity has nothing to do with faith or whether you accept it or not ,understand  it or not
all these things are totally irrelevant ,our  inner Divinity our soul of higher self is a fact of nature and
is the expression on natural universal law outworking itself within the several planes of being that we operate on ,it  is NOT a theory but a fact of life and its expression.
If we look within ourselves, make a daily practice of meditation we will begin to naturally tune into that still small voice within each and everyone of us.
If we persist in this healthy endeavour we will  never feel lonely again ,any  sense of being abandoned will evaporate, we will begin to feel the energy of life-full-ness surge through us like a mighty river of joy and peace, all sense of self harm will leave us, we will be reborn into a new level of consciousness and awareness. And the beauty of this is that it will not cost you one penny ,it  is free, so what have you to loose my friends?
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

Thursday 16 February 2017

Earth Air Fire Water Ether Elements That Make You A Physical Body.

In  order for us to be able to exist upon this dense physical plane there needs to be a lot of cooperation going on behind the scenes ,the  majority of which very few actually know about and is certainly not mentioned  in any books or media that we read or listen to.
Our physical bodies are made up of the elements earth ,air ,water, fire and ether these elements are loaned to us by the services rendered by these elements which by the way are living intelligent energy with consciousness and our on a differing evolutionary arc than we are.
When a soul wishes to be born upon this planet it needs a body in order to be able to do so. and that's where the elements come into play ,the  soul asks the elements for their services and can they supply
the energy required when that is done the energy patterns of the elements combine and simultaneously bring about the necessary energy to provide the incoming soul with a body of expression that is in synchronisation with this Earth plane.
The Elements are silent servers of life here on earth ,and  never get a mention nor do they need or want credit for their services rendered ,they  are far more in tune with natural universal law and
are the essence of universal love and humility.
That is why I have expressed this blog ,to  say thank you  for the elements for my body here on Earth
and also to draw your attention to the reality of life on Earth that very few will ever know about. let alone mention.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Wednesday 15 February 2017

The Now Is Eternal Stillness It Is We Who Move.

We live in a dual reality not though as we usually assume, this dual reality is expressed in a physical reality which is called the relative physical universe in which we all live and have our being in ,and  then there is the absolute universe which lies at the back of all relative phenomenization of which
we know very little about.
Trendy cool websites and self help books plus many self absorbed gurus of new age thinking call out loudly for you to buy their course or book that says things like to live in the now, and be free from the stresses of this modern life.
What they do not tell you however is that it is absolutely impossible to live in the now ,and  the reason is very obvious if you really think about it.
The NOW has never moved in the last trillion or so years and never will do, why? Quite simply the now is ubiquitous eternally present everywhere in the universe all at the same now point ,it  is absolutely impossible for it to move, the basic underlying law of expression is that if you are ubiquitous and eternally present everywhere all at the same point in that now then that point will remain motionless forever.
We however are not on that point, our outer expressions of which we have seven the physical body being the lowest expression and lowest vibrational frequency are all on an evolutionary arc which will eventually lead us to become expressed at a much higher atomic state which at the moment is beyond most folks comprehension, instead  of being dense physical beings we will discover the reality of our higher self and gradually build within our selves a lighted body whose dense physical atoms will be replaced by much finer etheric atoms and our true form will begin to radiate that divine inner light.
We need to realize that we are moving at a fixed rate ,while  the now is forever motionless ,the  moment you try to capture the now you have moved past it, and you are always moving away from it, try  and talk of the now in the now, you cannot do it as you are always talking in the past tense.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Tuesday 14 February 2017

We Hold On To Nothing Except Our Imagination.

Light and darkness are two phenomena of the same noumenon  which is unknowable profound
and inconceivable to the reasoning mind.
If we think or imagine we really have a grip on life ,we  need  to think again, for what we actually hold onto is basically nothing ,it  is a phantasmagoria of illusions flashing up before our eyes then vanishing without a trace.
Modern thought would have us believe that the only reality is in the now, and that past and future do not exist, well the reality is also that now does not exist either! Have you ever tried to be in the now?
Try it and you will see that the very micro-second you say or imagine you are in the now is gone ,it  has past you by yet again, it is impossible to live in the now ,the  past ,or   the present, we can only exist moment by moment in our imaginations and we all basically live within a collective illusion
and most of us are completely unaware of this reality for the whole of our excursion here on this Earth plane.
When we encounter crisis in our lives, it provides for us an opportunity for change ,crisis  occur as the result of our higher self the soul placing us in a very difficult situation whether it be illness, or mental breakdown, some great emotional  upheaval in our life, maybe the death of a dear one,
whatever the crisis is ,it  is placed there by the soul to give us an opportunity to change direction and think again about our life.
If we pay attention to the inner prompting of the soul then this will lead us to become more aware of ourselves and our actions and will make us look more deeply into the meaning and purpose of life.
If we pay attention to this and act accordingly we can rise above our trials and tribulations and just like the mythical Phoenix bird step out of the ashes of our old life and begin anew.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

We Are Shadows Of An Inner Light.

An inner light that casts no shadow upon the ground - we are that living shadow of the inner reality within. Unlike our physical sun that casts its shadow upon the ground, we are children of the inner light and it is only in a state of blissful rapture that our inner light becomes visible to others. Also when a person is sensitive and psychic or has mediumistic qualities this inner light shows itself.

We all have an aura around our bodies. It is like an electromagnetic field that engulfs the entire physical body, changing colour and shades of luminosity depending upon our mental and physical state of being, and of course, whether we are living a positive or negative life. By going within ourselves and using the regular practise of meditation we are able, after a while of persistent and patient effort, to begin to make contact with this inner radiance, which is of course our
soul or higher self.

The whole idea of meditation (which is most often hidden from us) is to bring down this inner light and so bring light into a darkened vessel, our  physical bodies. By opening ourselves up to change and establishing actual and real contact with our higher selves or the soul within us, we all begin to attract finer and less dross laden atoms to our bodies. We begin the gradual transformation from a dense, heavy physical body into something much lighter and more etheric. We begin to wake up to the real nature of our spiritual body and, along with this, a gradual opening up of our inner senses. We expand into vast new areas of consciousness that we had never realized ever existed. We see the reality with our own eyes and  know it to be true. It is no longer a theory or a matter of belief. We know the truth because we are, this very day, experiencing it for ourselves. We see that we are all Divine by nature, all of one family, connected and interconnected for the whole of eternity. By being of the one absolute, who is the embodiment of energy absolute and to which all power belongs and arises from, we are all within that great light of LIFE-Absolute. May we each in our turn become beacons of light and hope for those lost souls who dwell in a darkened place and are riddled with fear and dis-ease.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Monday 13 February 2017

Here Comes Eddy

Life is lived within  a river of undulating energy ,flowing  at varying speeds depending on our life experiences and where we actually are on the evolutionary arc, some are more experienced than other and have travelled further along the endless flow of life.
Some of us are shooting the rapids, where are thoughts are blasting through our brains at a dizzying speed, and we need pills and other medication to try and slow down the pace of thoughts.
Many of us as well are caught up in an eddy, and rapidly going no where fast, some of us can spend months or even years caught up this way ,for  most of us the only way out is to be drawn into a major crisis, where are backs are against the wall ,then and only then are we open to the notion of change.
And by changing the way we think or do things brought on by this crisis ,we  then  elbow our way out of the eddy and back into the flow of life.
There are many eddies that we will encounter during this physical expression of life ,each  one will be a lesson for us to learn, when we do so a minor or major crisis will arise to release us back into the flow.
Within this flowing river are varying  depths, we  will begin to learn from experience that danger lurks in the shallows of the river, these dangers in life's river are those of selfishness ,greed, ego centred behaviour, arrogance ,conceit, and dishonesty with others, and of course pride.
Safety lies in moving into the very deep and slowly moving part of the river, where we trust and have confidence that we will be safe and protected and become acquainted with humility and selflessness.

warm regards Michael.

email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

The Collective Illusion Of Our Insubstantiality.

Modern science now suggests that we are about 99.9999999999999 per cent of us is empty space ,there  is nothing there of any substance actually, even if it was just an atom in size that was left science further states that even an atom is mostly empty space.
It is said that an empty vessel makes the most noise, well with the noise of our collective humanity that kinds of proves the matter somewhat.
We live within a world where things are never what they seem to be, that which seems solid is actually full of space, and  that so called empty space is full of energy which acts much like a liquid does it flows, it can  form in an eddy and this can indeed reflect within our lives ,as  many of us are caught in an eddy and busy going nowhere fast, ,just circling the same spot, does that ring any bells at all?
Actually the only reality that persists within us and follows us forever is energy ,nothing  else exists or ever has done, we are energy first ,last ,and always, living intelligent energy is what we are ,and  our signature expression reveals itself in the form of consciousness and in our case self aware consciousness.
By going within ourselves we reach a point of inner radiance, this is our true nature that of energy expressed as living light-radiance, we are in fact all radio reactive but not of the type that makes clicking sounds as with a Geiger counter.

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

Sunday 12 February 2017

We Are-Dawning-Inner-Vibrational-Insights-Nebulosity-Evaporates=D.I.V.I.N.E.

The ancient wisdom informs us that we are first Divine beings that inhabit a physical body
to allow the inner spirit purchase on this very low and dense vibrational world, not  that we are human beings who happen to have a divine soul.Many of us spend our entire lifetime completely unaware of this basic reality, and think that they are just human beings no more. This is a sad fact for so many, and I hope and wish that this little blog here might just make a difference, if there is just one soul who reads this and makes an effort to see if this is true then  I have carried a useful message to at least one soul.
I spent the first 30 years of my life completely unaware of this inner reality. I  was too busy thinking about me all the time, and trying to have a good time, which  usually meant getting drunk and almost legless. It was not until I was beaten to my knees and nearly died as the result of this that I became open to the need of help and support.
Through this major crisis in my life, and  a realization of utter despair and helplessness, I had an awakening from within my being. An  inner voice spoke to me and said 'at last, you are ready to listen.'
This was my first introduction to that still small voice within me (that we all have). It was the voice of the soul (the higher self), that inner Divinity which dwells within us all and we know it not!
I realised that there was no need to 'look for God', it was not lost, I  was the lost one, that we indeed all have a Divine monitor within us ,and  we can find this higher power within by just sitting quietly and engaging in regular meditation. Or if, when in a major crisis, ask for help from within you.
Anyone of you reading this do not have to take my word for this, there are many con men out there waiting to take you for a ride and charge you for the privilege. I   am not one of them ,and  all this here is free to all.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

Saturday 11 February 2017

Will This Go V.I.R.A.L Viewing-Inner-Reality-Accentuates-Life=VIRAL.

Will this blog become VIRAL well that depends on you dear readers of these words inner reality
is where we truly belong ,it  is where inclusivity and compassion reign supreme as opposed to the physical outer semblance of pseudo reality where selfishness and greed and exclusivity reign supreme.
By going within our selves with the practise of regular meditation we discover a whole new world ,universe awaiting discovery ,a  wonderful  and joyful experience lies ahead of you.
You begin to realize things that seem to beyond your comprehension and yet it feels so right and valid, it dawns on you slowly that you have been here before, it like that feeling that makes you shudder and say it felt like someone has walked on my grave?
You awaken to the higher self within you (the soul) which is who you really are, you are NOT your
physical body ,that  is just a vehicle  for your soul to use and anchor itself in this dense dank realm ,and  just like the car vehicle when it has done its job, you exit the vehicle (die) and move onto
to other adventures.
You begin to see that what you are is Living Intelligent Energy basically consciousness made manifest in physical form.
We are here to gather experiences and learn from them, work of karma and try not to make any more.
And if along the way we can help a brother or sister we do so gladly and have gratitude in our hearts for the opportunity to be of some use at last.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Live Life =Expansion opposite Evil =Constriction Death.

Evil is the polar opposite of live to be alive, when we are in tune with life and are positive we open up to opportunities grow and blossom, when we turn our faces the other way and become negative which is just another word for evil our life slowly becomes snagged and snared by arising conflicts born out of our thinking behaviour, resulting in our gradual strangulation and loss of the healing power that comes with a healthy balanced mind.
If we persist in the daily use of negativity we will gradually fall ill to all manner of ailments that come with the territory of prolonged negativity, the longer this goes on the worse we become ,culminating  in a serious threat to our life continuity ,at this point on our journey of self destruction when major crisis is staring us in the face, we suddenly become open to suggestion and are ready to accept a change in attitude and thinking ,it  seems we mostly have to be presented with a major crisis before we have the necessary  willingness to change ,I  wonder why that is so often the case?
When we embrace life with a healthy attitude and positive manner we are automatically aligning our selves to the natural laws of life ,which  by nature are expansive and all inclusive,where as negativity
being the polar opposite is constrictive and exclusive by nature.
We need to wake up from our long slumber and begin to realize out true nature that of positive divine beings ,spiritual by being part of the Absolute which created this intelligent universe ,that  we are consciousness (energy) incarnate, here to gather experience and learn and grow from that ,and  in so doing help our kin folk our brothers and sisters to also find their way along the pathway of living expression.

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Friday 10 February 2017

A Master Lives Within Us And We Know It Not.

This blog is a follow on from the guru within ,it  is written in the holy books of   life that we have
a temple within us ,and  that there is no need to build  these places we each have our own inbuilt
temple within us, but how many of us are actually aware of this fact ,and  make no mistake dear reader this is not a theory it is an actual fact of living reality I know this from my own personal experience of contacting this master within us all, and many  thousands of others have had the same experiences.
It seems though and certainly in my experience that I had to hit a major life threatening crisis to blast me out of my resistance and bring me to my knees before I could even come close to accepting the reality of this master within us all.
It was only are years of going through what is commonly called the dark night of the soul ,that  I actually became ready through pain and anguish to accept this reality within me and ask for its help ,which  was immediately given, and this master within has been my constant companion for the last forty three years.
What then is the master within us that lives within the cave of our hearts ,it  is no other that our higher self  the divine soul that we each have with us ,and  is the very embodiment of love and total
unconditional  acceptance we are loved so deeply ,yet  often many of us live our entire life completely unaware of this magnificent jewel within our hearts.
Each one of you reading this blog can put this to the test, you do not have to take my word for it,try it for yourself and find that master that lives within you.
Meditation is a wonderful tool to explore our inner self and introduce our self  to the master within it may take a while for contact to be established but it will happen if you are honest in your endeavour and patient and practise some humility and recognise your own ignorance.
Try it for a while, what have you got to loose ? Just your old self that is.

warmest regards Michael,
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com 

What Would Life Say To Us Today?

Supposing we imagined life as a vast intelligent energy and that we could communicate with it and ask questions.
What would we ask I wonder? What shall I do with my life? Life says what do you want to do in your life?
I want to be successful and happy you say, then do so says life. We get in a crisis and ask life for help, how can I help you says life ,I am in pain and feel full of fear you say ,life  says let go of the pain and fear, you say Its not that easy to do ,well  keep hold of it then says life ,but  keeping hold of it hurts me you bleat out in anguish ,well  then let go of it life says again rather loudly.
Have any of you dear readers been in this position before, wanting help and when it was offered resisted it?
It is only in crisis that we are open to suggestions that may include changing the way we do things ,or  think about things  ,why  is it that we seem very resistant to change? Is it  because of what the old adage says "better the devil you know than the one you don't"
Life is actually a mirror held in front of you and reflecting back to you exactly what you give out, this is not by the way any pet theory of mine it is an absolute fact the other name for this mirror reflective principle is Karma or cause and effect.
Once we know for sure that this principle is very valid and real, we begin to adjust our lives accordingly trying through practises like meditation and yoga to align our selves with natural law and thereby drastically reducing the amount of karma we collect unto ourselves.
We begin to understand that love and kindness,patience and tolerance are positive assets to acquire  and by being honest and open in our dealings with others, this way we grow as spiritual beings and leave the gross animal behaviours behind us.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Thursday 9 February 2017

Pass It On.

It would seem that very few of us if any would bother changing anything in our lives unless we had to ,or  most often when crisis comes a calling ,then  we have to change as we are in pain and discomfort.
I have been well acquainted with pain and anguish along with a crushing crisis that almost took my life ,and  realized  by the nature of my pain which was physical ,mental ,emotional, and also in a state of spiritual bankruptcy that I seemed beyond human aid.
Although never a great believer in God or great spirit I nevertheless fell to my knees and asked this infinite power for help and guidance out of the mess I was in, I felt a tremendous surge of energy flow through me and an inner voice said to me," what do you know" I tried to answer with things I knew and a great pressure began to crush me," what  do you know" this voice said again ,I  went to answer and the pressure upon me became unbearable ,I  thought my ribs would be crushed ,and  my skull seemed as though it was going to crack as well ,I  shouted out loudly that I knew absolutely nothing ,and  that I was most ignorant at once the pressure stopped and a feeling of great peace descended  all around me ,the  voice said I will rebuild you from within and make your life anew.
That experience happened well over forty years ago now ,and  I have never forgotten it, I have spent the last forty or so years passing on what I have so freely been given, hence the title of this blog pass it on.
Without the help and support I have received over all these years my life would have been empty and pointless ,it  has been the sharing of each others experiences that we grow and prosper.
Meditation has been a life saver for so many years and opening the  inner doorway to endless joy and happiness plus expanding the conscious awareness and perceptions to a depth unimagined before.
When crisis calls it is often the soul within us bringing us the opportunity to change and grow a little more and find that inner Divinity that resides within each and everyone of us here on Earth.

warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Wednesday 8 February 2017

We Are Fire-Focussed-Intelligence-Radiating-Energy =F.I.R.E.

What we are is basically a living flame that is consciousness wrapped up within a physical body which the living flame uses as a vehicle to express itself in this dense and dank realm called the Earth plane.
All life is a living flame ,that's  what energy is in its purest form and is really just another word for consciousness, energy has many names but the motion behind all of it is exactly the same.
We are a living flame that is smothered and barely flickering in some by our own ignorance and ego and self centred obsessions with me-isms (the  selfie  stick that is most popular now ,is  the very embodiment of this self obsessed soul sickness).
Selfishness and exclusivity are the major cause of this planetary sickness, cancer and the addictions illnesses are the results of living this sick and warped way.
There is a way out of this quagmire that many of us are in, where we can take charge of our lives ,take  stock of what needs to be done ,and  go about the task of igniting that inner flame within us, when we feel deep passions arise within us, this is the heat from that hidden inner fire suddenly flaring up as our passions arise
We can start by the practice of regular meditation ,getting  to know our real self, and not the pseudo .
pretender who we thought we were.
By doing this going within on a regular basis we begin to expand our conscious awareness and our perceptions grow deeper ,we  start to drop the old thought patterns ,and  adopt newer ones ,much  more positive and gradually becoming more inclusive and letting go of the old worn out thread bare exclusivity type thinking.
We begin to re-cognise the reality of us all being interconnected and part of one family each a brother and sister to each other,many flames together with a single purpose of lovingly restoring the family together, one flame at a time ,soon  become a blazing sun of focussed intent and passion,this can happen if we all do our little part ,one  step at a time, re-igniting one flame at a time and setting there feet upon the pathway to freedom and inner joy .Are  you game dear reader?

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

The Guru Within Us.

Within the ancient wisdom of times long ago, there is an axiom  which says "that when the pupil is ready the master appears" It took me many years to finally understand what that axiom actually meant.
I thought at first rather foolishly that this was a very elitist type of selection process given only to the very favoured few I am glad to have discovered that this was not the case ,and  that indeed the master who calls us, resides within.
We all without exception have our own inner guru and that this guru is also known as your higher self or soul.
We have no need of looking for a master or teacher to show us the way to freedom and to expel all of our karma ,we  have no need to pay for their services rendered for a price ,we  have no need to spend a fortune on courses that promise you enlightenment for a price, even over the weekend if you pay extra, these courses are basically peddlers of bullshit and  deception, all  that you will gain from them
is a realization that you have been well and truly duped.
It is worth noting also that any real master and enlightened being would first cut of their arm rather than charge you for that which is so freely given  by the Absolute one.
By going within ourselves ,practising regular and if possible daily meditation we will begin to gain an awareness of that still small voice within us (the soul) or inner guru, and with practise patience and perseverance will begin the wonderful process of contact with this guru within us.
The beauty of this reality and make no mistake about this dear reader of this blog ,this  is a reality I am talking about and NOT a theory ,if  you doubt these words which of course you are absolutely entitled to do, then just try it yourself, meditate regularly for a while open your mind and wait for your inner guru to introduce itself.

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Tuesday 7 February 2017

We Have Never Known Reality In All Of Our Lives.

How do you feel about that ,could  this be true that we have never known reality ,or is this blog just a load of bullshit trying to pass off as real?
It is said in the ancient wisdom that reality lies "hidden in plain sight" and we see it not, if only we had eyes to see, and ears to hear then what would present itself to us?
The basic reality and truth of the matter is that we know absolutely nothing about reality and what it actually is.
There is also two aspects of reality ,that  of relative reality  ,and  that of absolute reality ,of  relative reality of which this physical universe we know a few things and with the new science of quantum physics this is steadily growing year by year, of absolute reality we know nothing.
We can imagine though that absolute reality ,no -thing ever happens or occurs and that it is complete motionlessness and ubiquitous ,and  when you are  present everywhere all at the same time, then where would there be to go that you were already there at?
What then is this manifestation called relative reality of which we are fully immersed in ? And is hidden from us in plain sight, first we need to accept and understand a basic and very real principle
that we only "ever see the outer image of an underlying reality "that  applies to our physical body, which by the way is the lowest and most dense in vibrational frequency followed by six other "bodies" or expressions each one finer than the one below ascending a spectrum of colour and sound
much like musical notes.
That which is hidden from us in plain sight is simply energy-Living Intelligent Energy or it can be called another word or sound, that of consciousness.
Everything within this relative physical universe is made of exactly the very same thing, all is energy
and energy is consciousness.
We are that energy you and me,gatherers of experiences voyaging through many lives and learning the lessons along the way ,and  as we learn from our experiences our duty is to pass it on to our kin folk so they too can find their way to a safe and tried pathway to freedom and a blissful life.
warmest regards Michael
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Monday 6 February 2017

Do You Really Know Who You Are ??

In my younger days when I lived the life of a part time hippie ,I  was often confronted with the words
"who the hell do you think you are!" this was usually because of my arrogant and self centred nature.
Years later we I grew up rather fast due to a prolonged and painful crisis ,I  began to ask myself that very question, who the hell am I.
I began to realize rather sadly that millions of us in this world knew absolutely nothing about the reality of who and what they really were.
If you honestly ask yourself dear reader of this blog, what will you say to that question, who are you then? Many of us will state our names ,I  am Joe Bloggs, or Mary Poppins and add a few more scant details and that will be it.
All that reveals is your name, that your parents gave you at birth and the job or vocation you are currently engaged with, you might add what birth sign you are, and what hobbies or interests that you enjoy ,all  this says a bit about what you do, but nothing about who you really are.
When I started meditating and began to slowly still the brain and thought patterns ,it became very apparent to me that I was completely ignorant of who and what I really was, and millions more were all in the same boat.
I did a lot of reading and studying the ancient wisdom of times long past ,and  spent much time daily in meditation and asking myself the question who am I?
Slowly the answers became to come, the first intuitive encounter I had with my higher self (soul) said that first I was a Soul with a body, and Not a body with a soul ,there  is a big difference, and this was followed by the reality of our being ness,  I was informed by this still small voice within the soul that
we are actually Living Intelligent Energy condensed into physical  form, a slowing down of our vibrational rate and held in stasis by the intention or will to be of the Soul ,and  that the reason we are here is to gather experience and grow into a fully realized soul, and thereby living in harmony with natural laws ,and   then cease to make any more karmic debts.
So what we are is living intelligent energy (spirit) or consciousness, that death is actually an illusion (albeit a very persistent one) as Einstein once remarked ,that  we are all eternal souls, and that death is just us "exiting the  vehicle" and moving on to our next adventure in life's rich  wonderful   realm.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com

Sunday 5 February 2017

Find The Reality Within Not Without.

Science and quantum physics are gradually beginning to realize what the ancients have known for thousands of years ,that  all is energy and that energy is another word for consciousness.
We are factually and actually made up of living intelligent energy which we call life.
L.I.F.E stands for living intelligent focussed energy which is basically us you and me and everything
The focus comes from our incarnations by the intent of our higher self'  the soul, who wills our being
into physical expression by an act of focussed intent (a will to be) we are then anchored in this physical realm within the crown chakra.
These excursions that we have here are solely for the purpose of gaining experience and to realize our true divine nature and thereby adjust ourselves accordingly and live and align ourselves to harmonise our being to be in tune with natural law ,and thereby incurring no more karma ,we  then escape the wheel of physical incarnations ,and  move onto finer things.
All this written here is from my personal experience ,not something I read in a book ,we  can all find this truth within ourselves ,you  do not have to take my word for it, put  it to the test, and try it yourself ,take  up meditation ,look  deeply within yourself continue to do this for a few years ,try  and make it a daily practise ,and  if you are persistent and patient you will see this reality open up before your very eyes, and then YOU will know this truth also and know its not some bullshit made up to
try and seduce you with false promises.

warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com  

Soul Realization Is Our Natural Birthright And Heritage.

Soul realization is most assuredly our natural heritage and birth right ,however though very few of us ever have the chance to realize this without an intervening crisis arising within our life time.
For me the crisis reached its peak around my twenty ninth birthday after several years of mental and emotional pain and distress ,to  the point that I was given just three months to live unless I made a dramatic and one hundred per cent change in my lifestyle and habits.
This persistent and pressuring crisis that had been occurring to me for about 8 years and culminating
in me being hospitalised  in a mental hospital for almost a year brought me to my kness ,and that I was ready to do anything in order to get well and become healthy and balanced again.
It was at this time I became aware of the idea of meditation and how it can help the process of healing
and relaxing and calming down the thought processes.
I began a daily meditation program which I started in 1974 and am still doing it today forty three years later.
At first all I could manage was about five minutes at a time ,but  gradually over time was able to
increase this to thirty minutes or more.
One of the first fruits I began to notice was that of becoming much more relaxed and feeling heavy and sometimes sleepy as well.
I too began to notice the slowing down of the thoughts passing through the brain,the constant chatter that had be there for years, suddenly shut up!
I also became aware of a conscious expansion of awareness and perception ,the  consciousness that I had known before gradually vanished and was replaced by a much  more expansive and deeper level of awareness.
By going within myself I began to discover and identify that we are all related and of one divine family ,that  all things within the universe are interconnected and all "made" of the very same thing, that of Living Intelligent Energy.
I discovered my true self ,the higher self (soul) which is that "still small voice within us) of which we
all have access to and can contact if we work at it.
I found that  I have gained access to cosmic consciousness by being able to make direct telepathic contact with my soul (higher self) and this opened the door to inner wisdom and insight into  the reality of living that I was totally unaware of before.

Warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com