Saturday 25 February 2017

Realities-Expression-Actually-Lives-Where-Our-Real-Truth-Harmonises=Real Worth.

What is our real worth? What do we really hold dear to our hearts ,do we really know? The word
Gnosis is derived from the Greek language and means knowledge of an intuitive nature, the
intuitive apprehension of spiritual truths, Gnosis  is a knowledge that cannot  be arrived at through
books or lectures, but rather through ones own direct experience.
This knowledge or wisdom therefore is not found outside of us but from within ourselves and the
best way I know of achieving this is through the regular practice of meditation.
The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical ,that  of meditation.
The answers to all the riddles of life lie within us ,cosmic  consciousness lies within us ,all  we have to do is to set aside a small portion of each day, to relax ,sit  quietly go within and discover the truth
that is there ,as  opposed to the illusion that exists in the so called "real world", real value is that which has a timeless radiant inclusive nature, which you will discover by going within yourself.
We each have a radiant jewel within us, it pulsates within us like a beaconing  ray that flashes insights into our consciousness ,a  radiant light that casts no shadow and is divine by nature,that
radiant jewel within your heart is the higher self or soul.
And the REAL beauty of all this is that YOU can experience this reality truth for yourself, you do not have to take my word for it, or anyone else's try it and see ,put  it to the test ,and  if you do a whole new reality will open up for you, and you will in effect be born again, without having to enter the womb twice!!
warmest regards Michael
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