Wednesday 8 February 2017

We Are Fire-Focussed-Intelligence-Radiating-Energy =F.I.R.E.

What we are is basically a living flame that is consciousness wrapped up within a physical body which the living flame uses as a vehicle to express itself in this dense and dank realm called the Earth plane.
All life is a living flame ,that's  what energy is in its purest form and is really just another word for consciousness, energy has many names but the motion behind all of it is exactly the same.
We are a living flame that is smothered and barely flickering in some by our own ignorance and ego and self centred obsessions with me-isms (the  selfie  stick that is most popular now ,is  the very embodiment of this self obsessed soul sickness).
Selfishness and exclusivity are the major cause of this planetary sickness, cancer and the addictions illnesses are the results of living this sick and warped way.
There is a way out of this quagmire that many of us are in, where we can take charge of our lives ,take  stock of what needs to be done ,and  go about the task of igniting that inner flame within us, when we feel deep passions arise within us, this is the heat from that hidden inner fire suddenly flaring up as our passions arise
We can start by the practice of regular meditation ,getting  to know our real self, and not the pseudo .
pretender who we thought we were.
By doing this going within on a regular basis we begin to expand our conscious awareness and our perceptions grow deeper ,we  start to drop the old thought patterns ,and  adopt newer ones ,much  more positive and gradually becoming more inclusive and letting go of the old worn out thread bare exclusivity type thinking.
We begin to re-cognise the reality of us all being interconnected and part of one family each a brother and sister to each other,many flames together with a single purpose of lovingly restoring the family together, one flame at a time ,soon  become a blazing sun of focussed intent and passion,this can happen if we all do our little part ,one  step at a time, re-igniting one flame at a time and setting there feet upon the pathway to freedom and inner joy .Are  you game dear reader?

warmest regards Michael.

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