Monday 13 February 2017

Here Comes Eddy

Life is lived within  a river of undulating energy ,flowing  at varying speeds depending on our life experiences and where we actually are on the evolutionary arc, some are more experienced than other and have travelled further along the endless flow of life.
Some of us are shooting the rapids, where are thoughts are blasting through our brains at a dizzying speed, and we need pills and other medication to try and slow down the pace of thoughts.
Many of us as well are caught up in an eddy, and rapidly going no where fast, some of us can spend months or even years caught up this way ,for  most of us the only way out is to be drawn into a major crisis, where are backs are against the wall ,then and only then are we open to the notion of change.
And by changing the way we think or do things brought on by this crisis ,we  then  elbow our way out of the eddy and back into the flow of life.
There are many eddies that we will encounter during this physical expression of life ,each  one will be a lesson for us to learn, when we do so a minor or major crisis will arise to release us back into the flow.
Within this flowing river are varying  depths, we  will begin to learn from experience that danger lurks in the shallows of the river, these dangers in life's river are those of selfishness ,greed, ego centred behaviour, arrogance ,conceit, and dishonesty with others, and of course pride.
Safety lies in moving into the very deep and slowly moving part of the river, where we trust and have confidence that we will be safe and protected and become acquainted with humility and selflessness.

warm regards Michael.


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