Saturday 18 February 2017

What Is The Depth Of Our Superficiality ?

Our "newspapers" are full of advice about what we should eat and how much ,every  day there is a new diet and slimming advice offered by self absorbed gurus and "experts" on dietary advice, and yet
all the while millions are starving to death ,in  these countries  there are NO dietary advisors as there is no food to eat to advise on!
We are offered by the media which by the way is controlled by the advertisers "shows" and talent spotting programs ,where  you can actually watch a nobody desperately  trying to be come a somebody and see all their ego's jostle for top position ,while  yet again  millions are dying of disease
and starvation or are being bombed or blown up in a war torn country ,and  we sit comfortably in our armchairs watching this puerile bullshit posing as entertainment and the only thing we are bombarded with is adverts in the commercial breaks!
Is this an honest and decent way to live ,pull  up the ladder jack ,I  am ok!
Do you see many fashion shows in so called third world countries? I think not ,as there is no money to buy the clothes or the five thousand pound hand bag ,let  alone look for eye liner or after shave lotion.
The western world seems to be getting deeper into the superficial unreal world of plastic living and shallowness of character, where you can have five hundred friends on Facebook  and still die of loneliness, what would an old age pensioner sooner have ,ten  friends on Facebook ,or  just one that called round regular and had a cup of tea with?
If we have compassion in our hearts and love in our souls, then how can we sleep soundly at night with so much suffering going on in the world today ,with  children being blown up because of ego driven despots who want to retain power at any price ,the internet is a powerful tool that can get things done ,provided we stick together ,if millions who use the internet voiced their outrage at these
atrocities then eventually something better will arise, the question asked so long ago, am I my brothers keeper? The answer is yes we are.

warmest regards Michael.

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