Monday 27 February 2017

We Are Thought Expressed Reality =W.A.T.E.R.

How often have we thought about what is real? What is reality? And where can I find it? We can search the internet for answers,we can read many books,discuss these questions with our friends.
Many of us have looked for truth all our lives,and are still not satisfied,no matter how many answers
we obtain there always seems to be something missing from the final equation of what is truth and what is real.
It is written that the Buddha sat under a tree,picked up a leaf,studied it for many hours and finally
found enlightenment,what then did the Buddha find that lead to this vast expansion of consciousness
what the Buddha was able to do is make all the right connections,the leaf was connected to the tree,the tree was connected to the earth and all the other elements,and is so doing that then saw how he was also connected to the tree,and the air,fire,water,and earth and then further realized that the whole of manifested and unmanifested reality was all connected and interconnected.
When we look deeply into the mirror what do you see? We can be like the Buddha if we so choose
and realize that when we look at ourselves in the mirror,we are actually looking at the outer form of the inner reality,we all are basically and factually the very embodiment of truth and realness,and
within hidden away from our outer view awareness lies the unlimited wisdom and knowledge of
our higher self the soul.
As it has been written down for thousands of years,"that the truth is hidden in plain sight" and we see
it not,for we are blind.
The Buddha found his answer to life from a leaf lying there in plain sight,will you my friend reading
this do the same?
warmest regards Michael.

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