Wednesday 31 August 2022


 This blog today entitled LOTUS is about how we all can blossom like the beautiful 

LOTUS flower by going within ourselves and revealing or unveiling what lies deep

within us all. The beautiful LOTUS flower has its roots in the mud at the bottom of

the lake. This mud represents the ignorance that lies deep within us all, about the 

true nature of our being. The process of unveiling the immortal soul which lies 

within every human being, is what we have to learn while being incarnate here 

on Earth. We learn hopefully through our innumerable experiences of daily living

which sooner or later will cause us to examine what lies within you. This often

comes when we are confronted by a severe crisis in our lives. Crisis brings about

a "searching for answers" "what is the meaning of life?" When our backs are up 

against the wall, we often then hear a still small voice within us, whispering words

of comfort and reassurance , this still small voice is the voice of your INTUITION

if we think on this we can make a connection about what is the nature of this inner 

voice?  By doing this we will begin looking within ourselves for the nature of this 

inner voice. If we are wise when this occurs it will set of a CURIOSITY within us

that wants to know more about this inner voice. When that occurs we are then well 

on our way to revealing and unveiling that inner presence that dwells within us all,

which is your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL. At first by meditating we discover the

Higher Self , we contact our INTUITION and get flashes of insight. When we achieve

this  we are only a heartbeat away from contacting that Divine SOUL who is the REAL

YOU! Then like the lotus you will bloom , and your inner truth will lead you into a 

full and comprehensive understanding of who you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 30 August 2022


 This blog today entitled BORE is about how this relative duality based universe is

basically a "BUBBLE" contained WITHIN the ABSOLUTE EMBRACE of the

Eternal Source of ALL. This relative universe is "contained" within an "INFINITE

BUBBLE" of relativity, which means that relativity equates exactly with that of 

MOTION and vibratory  energy frequencies. Atomic motion what caused the motion

is INTENTIONAL THOUGHT Projected out of the Absolute consciousness of that of

BRAHMAN or GOD. Just like an infinite soap bubble the circular roundness of the 

bubble has a membrane  which holds it in stasis. This universe is exactly the same, 

we are separated from the Absolute stillness of the Absolute by less than an atom 

thick membrane, which contains relativity universally. BORE is about us realizing 

that this universe is a "MOTIONING BUBBLE" of vibratory expression in order

for "STILLNESS" to experience "MOTION" , STILLNESS equals SPIRIT, 

which is motionlessness. MOTION equals LIFE when spirit is MOVED by 

INTENTION to be able to experience tangibility and motional interactions.

The Bubble is infinite in its expression and will remain so until the INTENTION

thought is WITHDRAWN. Then the BUBBLE will burst and the universe will 

vanish without a trace. The original INTENTION WAVE is STILL OPERATIVE

after billions of years of elapsed "ILLUSIONAL" time (NOW). When the 

intention ceases so will this projected bubble also cease. The relative universe

is a ABSOLUTELY PERFECT CIRCLE of infinite proportions, but  it is only

an ATOM THICK a  film or membrane holds this universe in its tenuous embrace,.

"WE" are a "motioning bubble" of expression, moving atomic energy which is about

gathering experiences of tangibility and through those valuable experiences understand

who we really ARE.

warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 29 August 2022


 This blog entitled SEWN is about how Divine Spirit  is closer to us all than our

hands and feet, closer that your atoms and cells within your body, so close in FACT

that there is ZERO-DISTANCE from US. The Great Spirit -GOD or BRAHMAN

has not got to "TRAVEL" from "HEAVEN" or any other place within the infinite

universe, because it EXISTS within YOU  now reading this, it exists within your

heart CHAKRA. "WE" are SPIRIT first, SOUL second, and a biological machine 

third. The core of our being is pure absolute SPIRIT, this spirit is there within you,

all you have to do is to venture within your self and reveal this FACT for yourself.

This is not a THEORY about DIVINITY it is a FACTUAL REALITY that exists 

within EVERY HUMAN BEING. YOU can easily PROVE this FACT for yourself

just venture within yourself and meditate, seek out your INTUITION faculty and

enquire about the spirit within yourself, and see what answers you get,

We are all presented  into this planet Earth via three point of reference, which are 

the physical, mental, and spiritual, a three fold alignment which is our human 

makeup. The Spiritual dimension of our expression is often almost ATROPHIED

in many of us, as we are forever looking outwards and never within us.

To be in harmony with our presentation here on Earth we need to balance all three

fold expressions, we need to understand our physicality, use out minds and think 

positive thoughts, plus we need to look within and make contact with our spiritual

being, which lies within us. We can never be really ALONE or be abandoned  by 

SPIRIT. That power lies within us all, we just have to look within and make that 

contact with our inner TRUE SELF. Your body is just a vehicle a biological 

machine nothing more than that, the real YOU is NOT the physical vehicle,

the vehicle is only a COVERING for the SOUL, nothing more than that.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 28 August 2022


 This blog today entitled YAHWEH is about how "WE" that of humanity are all 

"HOLY" meaning "WHOLE" and that we all are and have wisdom of DIVINITY

enfolded within us, and all we have to do to find it is to MEDITATE and seek out 

this infinite wisdom that lies underneath our gross ignorance of reality. YAHWEH

is the ancient HEBREW name for GOD, the full name is "TETRAGRAMMATON",.

The physical body is a "TEMPLE" for the indwelling SPIRIT which is our 

immortal divine SOUL, which means that where ever you stand is "holy ground"

because you are SPIRIT INTERNALLY. HOLY means to BE-WHOLE-

COMPLETE, there is NO-THING missing from you, the whole of humanity

is COMPLETE-WHOLE its just that we are out of "synchronization" with our

true SELF the SOUL, that we fall foul in our ignorance to all manner of illness

and inner turmoil. We are out of alignment with natural law and therefore suffer

the consequences .Meditation and yoga can begin to address these imbalances 

within us and begin to realign ourselves into harmony with the life energy.

All knowledge and wisdom is already vouchsafed within you put there by 

the Divine spirit that dwells deep within you. We all our a miniature universe 

within us , by seeking within ourselves we begin to make contact with that inner

spirit who is your true SELF.

Your physical body is only a vehicle a biological machine that acts as a covering

for the inner soul to use and seek out experiences here on Earth.

YAHWEH is about us all Recognising the Divinity that RESIDES WITHIN "YOU"

right NOW dear reader, YOU are YAHWEH on TWO LEGS, and you know it


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 27 August 2022


Consciousness equated with energy reveals that it is also SPIRIT  that has motion.

Divine Spirit which is that of DIVINITY in its ESSENCE is motionlessness and 

eternally still it has ZERO-VIBRATION. To gain vibration it has to become MOVED

by a FORCE of INTENTION, an Absolute THOUGHT that arises motion from 

INTENTION, arising all motion which is that of vibratory atomic motion.

Consciousness and awareness are both eternal principles which are immutable.

For Divinity to become motional which means to MOVE it has to leave that place

of STILLNESS and enter into MOTION. WHY divinity (spirit) opts to seek expression

(vibratory motion) can only be I think in order to understand TANGIBILITY. As pure

Spirit cannot interact with matter, unless it becomes condensed and localized within 

a compressive vortex which is a singularity vortex that super compresses universality

which is omnipresence into a relative point of essence, which will become a human being.

The essence of divinity (spirit) is thereby clothed by five layers of koshas which act as a 

"skin" that localize  the entity into five distinctive dimensions of expression . The physical

body being the most dense. CLIMBED is about how SPIRIT has CLIMBED into reality

leaving its Absolute ABODE of BLISS in order to understand MOTIONAL 

EXPRESSION LIFE. LIFE means SPIRIT in MOTION when there is zero-motion

then life CEASES  to be LIFE , it then becomes SPIRIT, spirit is always 

MOTIONLESSNESS. We that of humanity are all MOVED by LIFE to explore 

TANGIBILITY and experience what motional life is really like. WE are all DIVINE  


Warmest regards michael, an ny feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Friday 26 August 2022

Manifesting In Consciousness How Astral Entities Live M I C H A E L .

 This blog today entitled MICHAEL is about the ASTRAL REALMS a place where

we all go to when we die on this Earth, the word "DIE"  which is a very emotive word

actually means a (change of venues) from the Earth  plane to the Astral plane. Death 

is actually an illusion  which is fostered by our gross ignorance  of the eternal nature

of ALL LIFE. The astral realms are vast and infinite they consist of seven major levels

or dimensions of consciousness  expressions, plus forty two other sub-planes  making 

a total of forty nine planes of expression, and added to this are three other levels, which

are seen as three infinite oceans of expanded consciousness, these are highly evolved

spirit oceans of unified oneness, making a total of fifty two planes of dynamic expression.

The astral realms act very much like the saying of "birds of a feather flock together" when

we die (change venues) we gravitate to where "YOU" have an AFFINITY with, so that

you will feel at "HOME" when you arrive. This process is part of the natural law of 

attraction and affinities. What you are attracted to you will automatically gravitate to that

place. The astral realms are infinite in nature and have many shades of light, some very

low realms seem barren and  very grey looking in colour while other levels are bright and

cheerful, the astral reveal the real YOU which was hidden on earth by your physical body.

There is always help and guidance there you only have to THINK about help and it will

appear as a being who will communicate with you and and give you reassurance.

The astral realms are thoughts become things realms, whatever you focus on will therefore

materialize right in front of you, if you needed a new dress think of it and there it is. So

we need to mindful of what you think, and you cannot conceal thoughts here as all is 

known by the fact if you lie it shows in your auric field which is plainly seen by all there.

There are no hidden secrets in these realms, they only seem to exist in this super dense 

physical plane. The higher planes and the spiritual oceans those there can stay for 

centuries before coming back here, but all need to return here because the Earth plane

is where all TRUE GROWTH takes place, others of us who are on lower levels of 

expression incarnate much sooner, some of us have a choice about this, and others 

a certain level of evolution have no choice and their rebirth is automatic.

The whole point of being here is to know YOUR-SELF, once you know your SELF

as did SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI did, you go straight into the Absolute all of 

BLISS. and thereby totally TRANSCEND the ASTRAL REALMS with are by nature

still RELATIVE REALMS, they are NOT ABSOLUTE as REALITY IS. The astral 

realms will eventually EVAPORATE back into the ETHER from whence they came

long long ago. When the last life essence here on Earth is finally REALIZED.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 25 August 2022


 This blog today entitled JEWEL is about how the Absolute JEWEL of the Great 

SPIRIT who we call GOD or Brahman. Manifests from its own SPIRIT which is

motionlessness  Potential ENERGY, that which has motion (atomic vibration). The

motion that is manifested by the Absolute Jewel's INTENTION wave Thought, 

that transforms from spirit which is motionless into that which we call LIFE which

is MOTION manifested by THOUGHT from the Absolute consciousness of the ONE

Absolute JEWEL which GOD. JUBILANT is the expression that will carry 

potentiality into the realms of dimensional diversity and expand that original IDEA

of the ONE JEWEL exponentially into one unified wholeness of diverse infinity which

has expanded throughout this vast universe. Just on this one planet there is close to an

infinite amount of diverse life, and that has motion and all things are a part of the one

WHOLE. JEWEL is about understanding that we as that of humanity and just a part

of that original IDEA thought wave, which issued out of that JEWEL AEONS ago.

Mankind is at the apex of the wheel or circle of evolution and is now able to recognise

the connection that we have to that ONE JEWEL, we are beginning to recognise that 

we are all souls with a body and that within us lives a DIVINE PRESENCE, this 

presence is your Divine immortal soul which will reach out to you if you just look 

within yourself an d see what is there. J OY and JUBILATION are the energy 

SIGNATURES of LIFE, they represent PURE SPIRIT JOY which is our own 

Divine Heritage  How many of us experience pure JOY?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 24 August 2022


 This  blog today entitled ESSENCE is about how eternal UNBORN spirit seeks 

expression(motional relative life) by becoming compressed from that of being 

universally conscious into an enfolded point of localized consciousness which is

then born into presence within a material physical vehicle body. The ESSENCE of

all life universally is that of eternal UNBORN SPIRIT , this too applies to that of 

mankind. We all our in ESSENCE pure spirit, but we are only self aware of the outer

covering ,  which is the physical body. This blog ESSENCE is about how we can look

within ourselves and begin tracing the descent into matter that took place aeons ago in

a time long past. By looking within ourselves we begin to uncover the real YOU that

hides within the FACADE of FORM that is the physical vehicle. So many of us live in

fear of death, because we fear it is the end of our life. We never realize that in "TRUTH"

we are all UNBORN ETERNAL SPIRIT. What we call death is really that of changing

VENUES  from the physical realm  into the ASTRAL REALM  within your ASTRAL

BODY which you have been living in all your life, completely unaware of its presence

within you .Every night of your life you have visited the astral realms and then promptly

forget all about it as you wake up . By looking within you begin to learn that you are 

presented upon this Earth plane through five koshas or sheaths of expression the physical

body it the most dense. Meditation will allow you to open up the reality that lies within

you, and will reveal that you are a Divine Soul being  who in ESSENCE is also an UNBORN

eternal SPIRIT.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 23 August 2022


 This blog today entitled SPIRALS is about how pure SPIRIT which is NON-LOCALE

and omnipresent becomes localized within a SPIRAL vortex which then condenses  this

point of consciousness from its universal all embracing infinity into a singular point 

of localized being. This localized SPIRIT is then "clothed" by five layers or sheaths 

that represent five densities of consciousness the lowest density is the physical body. 

The SOUL is formed within these five koshas and is thereby taking on the role of 

SPIRIT being condensed into formation of a tangible body. When the physical body

is born  on this planet it then through the birth of the ego at around two years old adds

another dimension to this mixture, that of the ego and personality. This I AM awareness

covers over the hidden SOUL that dwells within us. Spirals is about how we can begin

to unravel the spirals that keep  us from knowing who we really are. A clockwise spiral 

keeps us in stasis and permits us to live your physical life on Earth, (we cannot see these

spirals because they are all invisible electromagnetic energy) . By going within ourselves

we can engage another spiral that reaches out to touch the SOUL being that dwells within

our auric field of magnetic energy.

We  are all in essence NON LOCALE  Spirit energy which is universal INTELLIGENCE

or BRAHMAN or GOD for short.

Our destiny is to reveal your true nature which lies beneath the FACADE of FORM

we call our physical body. We are all beings of super condensed spiritual LIGHT light

is our SPIRAL NATURE, All matter is condensed LIGHT. light solidified by becoming

super compressed or congealed. YOUR true nature is a universal BEING omnipresent

and an UNBORN absolute REALITY. This you will find if you take the trouble to search

deep within yourself, and thereby reveal the REAL YOU!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 22 August 2022


  This blog today entitled ECHOS is about the perfect circle that which we call 

evolution actually is. Evolution "began" with the issuing out of that primordial 

Intention thought wave of the Great Spirit Brahman, which then produced 

motion from that which was motionlessness, the motion (thought wave)  was 

the birth of a virgin universe. and the "point of the circle" that commenced 

the evolutional cycle of circles which we now call evolution. The line of the 

circle was the point of INTENTION that went on to "draw" a perfect circle

which expressed life would all journey through. At first energy was plunged

into a downward spiral from the point of departure, and flowing downward 

into gross material energy. Mankind is now on the ascension angle of the circle

of expressed life. As we rise upwards into a fuller expression of SELF 

AWARENESS  and expanded consciousness OUR SOULS which have been

buried under a dense material matter energy, plus gross ignorance of the souls 

indwelling reality, are now beginning to rise within this ascension frequency .

Which is slowly building over the ages past, more and more of humanity are 

awaking to realize the divine soul within them.

ECHOS is about us awakening up and realizing that the distant ECHO  is

resounding within our hearts and we are awaking into the realization that we 

are indeed Spirit/SOULS  who have been on a aeon long journey through 

space and time to arrive here today and begin waking up into the realization 

of just who and what you really are. When we do that we will have gone the

full circle of expression.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 21 August 2022


 Todays blog entitled TASK is about the SEQUENCE that arises within the Absolute

BRAHMAN  which manifests the universe as we know it, and also manifests  motion

(atomic vibration) that arises out of motionlessness . There are two distinct aspects to

this NOUMENON which represents the Absolute Brahman/GOD, and the sequence 

which arises out of Brahman and then becomes a PHENOMENON  which represents 

the birth of a relative universe. TASK is about trying to clarify the presentation of 

MOTION that arises from within MOTIONLESSNESS.  All life universally is 

fully embraced within the ALL-SEQUENCE, our outer bodies which are vehicles 

are relative and have motion (atomic vibration) , but deep within our presentation lies

the "ALL" which is motionlessness. The distinctive factors of humanity are that on

the surface and within the five koshas or sheaths we are all part of the SEQUENCE,

which means  simply that we all have atomic motion which is vibration, but at the core

of our BEING we leave the SEQUENCE  which represents "MOTION" and are then

CENTRED DEEPLY within the "ALL" which is the ABSOLUTE or BRAHMAN/

GOD. When we know how we are all presented into this "life stream"  which is just

a TRIBUTARY of the Infinite Absolute OCEAN which is PURE SPIRIT.

When we can know ourselves as that of a biological machine which houses the SOUL

in order to gather experiences of tangibility and to gather EMOTION which is that of

LOVE, which is universally still and motionless "moving love is called EMOTION"

Look within and FIND OUT what dwells therein?  We are the ALL SEQUENCE in


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 20 August 2022


 This blog today entitled FACETS is about how the Absolute JEWEL which is the 

Great Spirit known also as Brahman or GOD. Made the decision to become expressed

into MOTION by way of an INTENTION THOUGHT PROCESS which produced 

motion from motionlessness. When the Great Spirit expressed its ESSENCE into 

relativity which was born within the INTENTFUL THOUGHT WAVE the relative

space became clothed within energy (motion)  layers of compressed spirit  energy 

which then become a FACET  or FRACTAL holographic image of the great SPIRIT.

All life expressed universally is made of fractal holographic images these images are 

the compound life force that has form and shape/

Humanity all  eight billion of us are all fractal facets of the ONE living JEWEL which


We are on the outside a human physical body, which is an outer image of an inner reality.

The inner reality is the divine immortal soul which is a FINER IMAGE a holographic

representation of the SPIRIT force that lives within the SOUL. The outer body is a fractal

mage of the LIVING JEWEL, and the inner SOUL is the FACET of the ONE JEWEL

being that it is closer to the RADIANCE of the ABSOLUTE JEWEL that is the ALL

within the ALL of the one LIVING JEWEL.

Another name for expressed life could be that we are all JEWELETS atomic diadems 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Friday 19 August 2022


 This blog today entitled THEORY is about how "we" are all enfolded by "TRUTH" 

that has coalesced into two fundamental forces of that of  YIN-YANG. The meaning 

of YIN YANG is that the universe is governed by a cosmic duality sets of two opposing

and complementing principles or cosmic energies that can be observed in nature. Theory

is about how we all combine both these principles within ourselves. "WE" are "TRUTH"

which in its essence is fluid and intangible enfolding both principles of YIN and Yang

within its absolute infinite embrace, but for TRUTH to become expressed which means to

move (gain vibration status) it has to become compressed  as that of LIFE.

Humanity is truth expressed within a tangible flesh and bone vehicle. Which means that

humanity is the outward expression  of an inward invisible reality which is that of 

INTANGIBLE TRUTH which is the fluidity of YIN and YANG, which is the dual 

principle which regulates this relative universe.

Outwardly we are physical biological machines that collect DATA  and sequence  that 

internally to the higher self, via the experiencing of life in motion. But inwardly we are

fluid consciousness which is COJOINED  to the WHOLENESS of the ONE UNIFIED


When we look within ourselves we are connecting up with both YIN and YANG which

means balance  and inner harmony will arise within you,

When we venture within ourselves we tap into balance and silence which then reveals 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback  welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 18 August 2022


This blog today entitled WOW is about answering the question  of WHAT our "we"?

"WE" are LIFE we could say, well then what is LIFE? To me life stands for Living-

-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, so life by this definition is that of Living-Intelligent

Focused-Energy, we are then Energy that is alive and seems to be focused. What then is

Energy in its essence, this force that seems to contain all life within its infinite embrace?

Science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed only converted into another form, and 

therefore energy is eternal and infinite. What then is the NATURE of ENERGY? Well

all energy within this universe has one common denominator in that it VIBRATES and

has MOTION. What then lies within that which has NO-MOTION-ZERO Motion? It

cannot be ENERGY as energy has MOTION, so what is motionlessness or stillness 

called?  The answer to that riddle  is that of SPIRIT which is Absolute BRAHMAN or

GOD for short. SPIRIT is Absolute and motionlessness in its STILL STATELESS STATE

but when an INTENTION FLOWS from Absolute Consciousness  causing MOTION

to ARISE from within stillness the SPIRIT EXITS the Absolute and becomes 

RELATIVE which means it then gains MOTION and is no longer called SPIRIT  but

instead is now called Universal ENERGY..

So to answer the question of WOW  what our we? The answer is that "WE" are all absolute

motionless SPIRIT/GOD, being expressed and motioned into shape and form in order

to have the experience  of tangibility  living experiences. "WE" all our GOD moving

through the illusion of time and space as a RELATIVE BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 17 August 2022


 This blog today entitled NOWIST is about how we can all "BECOME NOWIST'S" by 

living in the eternal NOW. NO-THING can ever escape from being within the NOW, "WE"

are totally immersed within the infinite ocean which is the NOW. All other life with the 

exception of mankind  live with ease within the eternal embrace of the now. Mankind 

however has that added dimension of SELF AWARENESS, imagines quite mistakenly 

that there exists a past and a future. And many of us get gravely ill by living in the past  or

worrying about the future, and thereby ignoring the now. NOW within every human being

lies infinite wisdom and spiritual truth, it has always been there but we know it not. Eternity

exists RIGHT NOW we are all living and moving and having our being in the ETERNAL

NOW-NOW! The NOW never moves for where could it move to? It is already eternal 

infinitely omnipresent,  ubiquitous, there is NO-WHERE is existence where it is absent from.

To become a NOWIST is to become aware that the only thing we can really do is to live in 

this most precious moment, only by looking within ourselves can we find that place of 

stillness, which reverberates in an AFFINITY with the NOW, by entering into that 

inner stillness we become ONLINE with the eternal NOW and this opens up an inner

invisible doorway that reveals and uncovers  the TRUTH and WISDOM that lies deep

within every human being. All we have to do is to venture within ourselves , meditate 

and find that inner peace and stillness  when that occurs your LIFE FORCE begins to

resonate with the ETERNAL NOW and this resonation will begin to download into

you consciousness and awareness the ancient wisdom of universal intelligence. This 

reality awaits any human being who wishes to connect up with the infinite power that

lies silently within the NOW, become a NOWIST and seek it yourself.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 16 August 2022


 This blog today is about how we can better understand what exactly is LIFE? Expressed 

life which means that it is presented within a motioning vibratory field of energy. When 

we examine what the matrix of life is we will discover that of Infinite Intelligence, which 

is that of Divine Spirit. Life being presented is infinitely DIVERSE  in its expressions , but

the matrix remains the SAME always which is that of divinity being the core matrix. In 

this way we can see that ALL LIFE is SPIRITUAL weaning that it is at its centre being 

DIVINE SPIRIT. What we see is its outer covering which masks and covers the divinity

within it. Trees have wood covering but the essence of a tree is pure spirit. All animals 

are outwardly seen as diverse such as cats, doge, tigers etc, but inwardly they are all 

divine spirit. If we fully understood this reality what changes would it bring about??

Fruit and veg are all the same in essence which is Spirit, we never see the invisible 

NOUMENON which is the LIFE FORCE ENERGY, we only ever see the presented

PHENOMENON which is a cabbage  or potato, but it has an invisible life force  within

it. Within divine wisdom ALL LIFE is EQUAL to each other, how do we feel about that?

Would you feel that you are superior to a cabbage? Most of us I guess would think we are.

But universal wisdom would see that we are all equal . Balance and intelligence are the 

IDEAL to adopt here we as human beings have all got to eat in order to live. What we eat

depends on our way of life and our habits of old, do we give thanks for our food? Are we 

grateful for what we receive from this mother Earth? Or do we take all and think it is our

Divine right to eat and kill animals because we are somehow entitled to do so? These are

questions only we can answer for ourselves, and within our own conscience. What is your

IDEAL dear reader of this blog.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Monday 15 August 2022


 This blog today entitled USER is about how Absolute Spirit motions into expression 

(vibration) so that it can BECOME a USER of motional energy in order to experience

tangibility . It is only when the Absolute SPIRIT /GOD/BRAHMAN, becomes relative

that it can experience the motioning rush of expressed life. Spirit within its Absolute

stateless state is UNMOVED and absolute motionlessness with zero vibration,

In this stateless state it is PURE SPIRIT unmoved, when spirit becomes expressed

that means to become relative and have vibratory atomic motion , it then is called

LIFE,  which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy  LIFE means literally

"spirit in motion" and clothed within five koshas of energy layers that keep the 

PURE Spirit from coming into contact with gross matter.

Humanity is in truth 7.7 billion USER'S of energy which is atomic vibratory energy

in order to experience tangible expression upon this planet. "WE" have become "LOST"

within this energy "MATRIX" and have forgotten who and what we really are.

Every human being is in ESSENCE PURE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT clothed in five koshas

or layers of dimensional densities that cloak and cover the PURE SPIRIT that wishes to

partake in tangible relative experiences.

These cloaks or koshas are what we call the SOUL, which is the vehicle  for the pure

SPIRIT to use. USERS is about understanding how we use ENERGY-MOTION  in 

order to experience TANGIBILITY, and also to interact with ENERGIES and to feel

the varying emotions that arise within the interactions within human relationships.

To feel the emotion of being ALONE and APART from a WHOLENESS although 

these are illusions and we can never in truth be apart from the whole, nevertheless 

these illusions feel very real to those souls caught up in them..

Warmest regards m michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 14 August 2022


 This blog  today entitled POLE is about the PALINDROME that arises within these

two  words of LIVE  and EVIL, POLE is about an infinite pole that acts like that of

a spectrum which reveals by colour the degree that the particular life force (YOU) is

pulling from and using from either the evil end of the spectrum which can be seen as

negative , or rather pulling from the live end of the spectrum which is positive.

The evil end of the spectrum would be black, brown, grey depending on the intensity

of  the actions of the user. At the other end of the spectrum which is live we would have

gold, pink, yellow, blue and green, in between these are infinite shades of colour from 

both ends of this spectrum. Where are you dear reader of this blog , which end of the

spectrum are you pulling from? We each have a choice depending on our circumstances

and state of mind, as to which end of this POLE we are on. At one end we have extreme 

love and kindness, selfless service of others, humility and joy,  while at the other end  we

have all sorts or abuse and fear, anger and rage, murder and mayhem, madness and ego

mania, and a lust for power and control of others, then we have "NORMAL balanced" 

humanity which seem to be rather near the centre of the POLE, which is a good thing

for the very centre of this POLE denotes NEUTRALITY, neither positive or negative

but the MIDDLE ROAD just like the BUDDHA, If we can keep in the middle path

away from the two extremes we will LIVE a balanced and contented life. When we 

awaken into who we really are we will be moving into the area of POLAR 

WHOLENESS. Where then neutrality will coalesce into that of Divine LOVE.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 13 August 2022


 This blog today entitled KNEW  is about how "we" would react if we truly "KNEW!

what was resident deep within us? What is this POWER of No-THING-NESS ?  And 

how can we use this power to enhance our lives and propel us into the awareness of 

full SELF KNOWING of who we really are. NO-THING is an infinite power of the

SPIRIT which according to our learned scientists of today declares that this force does

not exist!  Yet this "non-existent" force lies resident within everyone of the 7.7 billion 

souls that reside upon this planet. If we knew of this power we would all change our 

experiences of what we thought was reality. We would  feel an inner stirring of this 

latent energy that exists within our core of being .By taking up meditation we can access

this spiritual energy which can then propel you into another level of awareness and 

consciousness, al you have to do is t go within yourself and make contact with this resident

infinite energy that  lives within you right now." WE" are all SPIRIT having a relative 

experience here upon Earth. We our here to gather experiences and to explore our true 

infinite immortal nature. Within us all lies a vast ocean of limitless energy, this Spirit-ual

energy is available to all human souls if we look for it within ourselves. If you can make 

the effort to go within yourself you will find this energy. 

Science is ignorant of this reality , but it exists within you right NOW! You do not have to

take my word on this, rather look within yourself and see what you find. You can easily 

prove these words here by going within yourself and experiencing this energy for yourself.

NO-THING actually becomes the ALL and ONLY THING that really EXISTS.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Friday 12 August 2022


 This blog today entitled WOMB is about how the wisdom of motion (expression Vibration)

take us all "living Intelligent Energy" through a long series of expressions that takes 

aeons of relative time, and gradually through the interactions of  the motioning 

experiences  "WE" (wandering eternals) become more refined and coherent. "WE" are

still very much in the womb of expression and are not yet fully born into FULL SELF

KNOWING. Humanity although being at the APEX of life expressed here on planet Earth

are STILL CONTAINED  within the WOMB of expressed life. Humanity is not yet 

fully born into "KNOWINGNESS" of its true ETERNAL UNBORN NATURE. Evolving

or rather ascending is the womb that "holds all LIFE within its infinite loving embrace.

Evolutional ascension means MOTION(vibration)and all vibration exists ONLY in the

WOMB of expressed life. To become fully born and thereby enter into STILLNESS we

need to fully know ourselves as that of the ETERNAL UNBORN SELF. when full  SELF

knowing is fully UNCOVERED  within you , then you are "baptised" into that of PURE

BEING which is SPIRIT eternal, Brahman/God  here all motion vibration ceases and 

you enter back into the Eternal motionlessness of Absolute BEING, YOU EXIT the

WOMB of wisdom motioning and become Absolute within the stillness of the ALL.

This outlines the future of mankind ONE AT A TIME. We remain in the womb of 

expression until we transcend that expression by becoming STILL, BE STILL and

KNOW THAT "I" AM, is the words that  will finally RELEASE "YOU" from the

WOMB of expressed MOTIONING.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Thursday 11 August 2022


 This blog today entitled WARPS is about how "we" are all presented here upon this

physical plane of reference. To arrive here from the Astral realm we need to become 

"funnelled down" from the astral realms ,which are infinite and has many inner 

dimensions, and sub planes within its limitless reach, but these planes are still relative

yet much more fluid and expansive than the dense more constricted Earth plane.

"OUR" life essence (spirit), which is intelligent energy has to be presented within a 

vortex singularity that holds this living energy and condenses its energy signature into

a singularity. The "I AM SELF AWARE being, which will arise in the being when it 

reaches about two years old, this essence is compressed within this vortex and takes 

two years to begin its waking up process..

This is the birth of the ego and the I am aware syndrome. The singularity vortex 

coheres the life form spirit and takes it into a relative dimension of expression, which

then is expressed as a baby born of its mother. What we do not see is that "we" are all

"held" in this vortex for the whole of your expressed life on Earth.

We need to understand  that behind the "presented form vehicle" which is the physical

body, lies an invisible "LIFE ESSENCE"  that is within the physical body  but just

out of phase with this dense dimension and is invisible to our mortal eyes.

The connection is made by the TOROIDAL FIELD  that is generated around the 

physical body, which is a massive electromagnetic field of undulating fluid energy

which is a form of LIGHT RADIATION. The life force "YOU" stand at the centre 

of your chest area. and is completely surrounded by a massive field of electromagnetic

energy. This force remains within you unto you die (change venues), Then the vortex 

collapses , and reopens another upwards vortex that carries the life energy back to the 

Astral plane, all this is invisible to the naked eye, but mediums and sensitive souls do

witness this arising out of the physical body and ascending into the Astral plane.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 10 August 2022


 This blog today entitled MASK is about how we can remove the MASK of ignorance

that abides within us all, by taking up the practice of that most ancient science which is

that of meditation.

Meditation is the ancient science of "SELF-KNOWING" it dates back well over twenty

thousand years, and most likely much longer than that.

By venturing within ourselves, we are then going in a direction which will if we persist 

reveal the true nature of what and who you really are. I have been meditating daily for the 

past forty eight years  and what I have discovered is being shared here in this blog today;

The wisdom that arises within meditation has been shared with many down through the 

ages. It is a science that will reveal your true immortal nature, if you persist with it.

It is not a science of LEARNING anything, rather it is a science of UNCOVERING

what already lies "within you" but is VEILED  by a MASK of deep seated ignorance.

The ignorance is about really that we have no real IDEA of who you "really are". You

may think you know yourself ,  but what you know is about the VEHICLE that the real

YOU indwells within, and not who you really are beneath the FACADE of Form which

is the human body vehicle.

If we take up the daily practice of meditation , we will begin to discover our INTUITION

that inner small voice that speaks to you when you are in a crisis situation..

Your intuition is the GATEWAY that will lead you to your higher-self  and when you 

have found your higher self, the lower self is the EGO, when you find your higher self 

you are only a hairs-breath away from discovering your very own Immortal Divine Soul.

May this most important realization become a reality in your life dear reader.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks..

Tuesday 9 August 2022


 This blog today entitled CIRCLE is about how that phrase of "What goes around, comes

around" enters into all our lives, often without our knowing. Life which stands for 

Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy, is perpetually being recycled in one form or 

another, we as that of humanity are born and die within these cycles of ascension or

that of evolution. Reincarnation is a cycle that CIRCLES all expressed life and keeps

expressing it in physical formations until the cycle is complete, which can take millions

of years of relative illusionary time.

When life completes the "FULL CIRCLE" of expression which means MOTION 

(vibration) and chooses to enter into STILLNESS and INTANGIBILITY where then

the "URGE" to become EXPRESSED is "FULLY EXHAUSTED" and the cycle is then

finished. Life being expressed is in a CIRCLE  and all life is within that "circle of expression"

humanity is at the APEX of this circle and is beginning to ascend into the realms of 

full self knowing and realizing the reality of expression and why it is in MOTION.

Motion and stillness are the ALPHA and OMEGA of living expressed tangible life.

We human beings are recycled regularly between the ASTRAL realm and back here to

Earth plane. Each cycle of reincarnation brings you one step closer to reaching this 

FULL CIRCLE CYCLE of SELF KNOWING, and one step closer to being able to

step of the WHEEL of Expressional MOTION and into that of STILLNESS and


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends,Thanks.

Monday 8 August 2022


 This blog today entitled SOLE is about how "WE" are the "SOLE" SOURCE of all

"SOULS" expressed in physical form upon the planet Earth.

This blog will detail how this wondrous event takes place, and also the reason why it

happens at all.

The Source of all life expressed (motioned) is of course the Absolute ONE BRAHMAN

GOD, this Source is Absolute SPIRIT, ONE BEING-LESS  BEING, a singular non-dual 

absolute reality, from which all else in existence arises from. Absolute Spirit is

INTANGIBLE and cannot therefore interact with the relative universe that is within its

Absolute Bosom. So in order for this absolute ONE PURE SPIRIT  to interact with tangible

expressed life, it has to become  "clothed" in energy layers which act as a Koshas or sheath

which allows and permits SPIRIT  to VENTURE into DENSITY.

There is only ONE SPIRIT that is ABSOLUTE, there are NO SPIRIT"S" only SPIRIT

in the singular, plurals do not exist in absolute reality.

So "WE" which is pure spirit are the SOLE -SOURCE of all that is was and will ever be.

To move from SOLE to SOUL "we" need to become fractal facets of that one absolute

JEWEL. From the SOLE SOURCE BRAHMAN /GOD comes the 7.7 billion SOULS

who make up the human race. Each SOUL on this planet arises from ONE SOLE

SPIRIT, which is BRAHAM/ or GOD for short..

Our destiny while here is to experience tangible life as a relative being, and send these

experiences back to SOURCE via your consciousness to the SOURCE through the soul

body which indwells within you. this way the ABSOLUTE SPIRIT BRAHMAN  is

able to receive 7.7 billion experiences of tangibility simultaneously.

YOUR task dear soul is to know yourself as an immortal divine soul and then when you

fully understand what this means to you, you will then be able to see that you have gotten

to know yourself, realize the truth of your being-ness and will then clearly see the 

progression of being the SOLE BEING flowing out into the ONE becoming the MANY.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Sunday 7 August 2022


 This blog today is about the understanding of the word NOW and what that word 

breaks down into, "NO-THING OMNIPRESENT WINDOW" which spells out

NOW. It is a NO-THING OMNIPRESENT WINDOW of endless opportunities.

The eternal now is motionlessness, it has NEVER MOVED in an eternity. What then

is it that moves?  And the now being eternal and motionlessness is also an "ANOMELY"

a unique no-thing within this relative universe, as it is the ONLY NO-THING that has

"ZERO VIBRATION" and is eternally still.

We have our whole life within this NOW and never ever leave its absolute presence. 

Now is absolute and we in our physical vehicles are all relative beings, within motion

our motion is that of vibration. We all move and vibrate within an absolute infinite ocean

of motionlessness which is the NOW. There is zero past and zero future all that is REAL

is NOW! You cannot ever escape its Absolute Presence, only in dreams and fantasies.

Expressed life which means something that has MOTION (vibration)is what we all our

within a "motional conveyor belt"  which we call EVOLUTION.

We therefore move through  the eternal still NOW and think we are moving in a direction

that leads to more self knowing.

Life moves in this expression MODE but the ESSENCE of life which is PURE SPIRIT

remains always WITHIN the motionless NOW. Now is a point that "seems" to exist 

within your consciousness awareness, you are a moving point of awareness within an

ocean of absolute motionlessness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 6 August 2022


 This blog today entitled WHILE will try and answer that most important question  of

what exactly is LOVE? Does anyone really know? We use the word so very loosely 

talking about loving a burger and chips, and then saying you love your partner in life.

What is the difference between a burger and chips and your wife or husband ? Do you 

love them both equally? This blog is about looking at another more realistic name for

love which is that of ENERGY, love is a form of energy and its intensity depends on

the energy you put into that meaning. It takes energy to eat a burger and chips, and also

energy to love your children wife or husband, but there is a greater degree of energy

(love) used with your children or partner, than for eating a burger and chips!

Love and energy are one of the same thing, the only thing that exists in this relative

universe is ENERGY, which is omnipresent and infinite which love is also.

LOVE/ENERGY is the cement or rather the cohesion that holds life together in its

awesome embrace. Without the embrace  of cohesive energy (LOVE) and atomic 

cohesion which is also energy, life could not exist. Humanity is that of pure energy

(love) manifested within a vehicle called the human body, and is held in place by

the cohesive force(vortex) of energy unified within a field of expression and held in a 

point of reference. We are all reference points(singularities)  of pure energy (LOVE)

being expressed here as a human being, in order to fully understand who you really are

which is that of Divine Intelligent ENERGY, which equates to that of Divine Love.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 5 August 2022


 This blog today entitled INSIDE is about what does lie INSIDE all of us, and what

do we need  to know about our true immortal identity! These are questions that can 

only be answered by going within ourselves. To fully know ourselves is really our 

primary objective, because if you do not know who you really are, what will you base 

your life on and the decisions you make? If you do not know who you really are, then 

you will be missing one important ingredient which is who are you really?  This 

NESCIENCE about our true selves is the cause of all the wars and hatred that abound

upon this planet, if we only knew that we are all connected and interconnected to each

other by a bond of Spiritual Love and connectivity, all brothers and sisters from the 

ONE-SOURCE only all equal and all connected. If we really knew ourselves wars

and hatred ,famines and hunger would vanish from this planet. Because of our gross

NESCIENCE we are all imagining that we are separate beings and not connected to

the wholeness of life, this is a blatant lie that causes all the global woes and wars,

thinking that we are apart from and different.

Inside is about looking inside ourselves and seeing and feeling the connection we have

with one another. We are all 7.7 billion vehicles who are all here to learn and know who

you really are and to gain experience and to let go of the ignorance and embrace the inner

knowledge and wisdom that will arise within you when you search into your heart and

inner being to reveal that soul/ spirit that dwells deeply within you and everyone else 

upon this planet Earth.

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 4 August 2022


 This blog today entitled COPE is about how we all "COPE" with our understanding of

expressed life, while being encapsulated within a physical vehicle body. Planet Earth is

a "schooling planet" meaning that Divine Intelligence has designated this planet for life

to become expressed within an evolutionary cycle which will ultimately lead to the full

realization of SELF AWARENESS, and the birth of the "I AM" self aware consciousness.

"WE" are all in school our lessons are taught  to us by our experiences of every day living.

Our individual experiences and how we "COPE" with them are our "TEACHERS".

All life expressed by absolute intelligence is about moving through cycles, we call evolution

or ascension. All life is ascending towards what we now call SELF I AM awareness, we are 

at the APEX of this cycle being human beings, but at the extreme end of this cycle is the 

"humble earthworm"! This worm will one day become conscious like "YOU ARE NOW".

We think we are special and above the humble earthworm, but in truth we are both one thing

which is LIFE,  which stands for living-intelligent-focused-energy (LIFE) . The earthworm

is life like you only different in evolutionary development.

Evolution upon this planet school spans billions of years, You reading this were once 

crawling along the ground. Our job is to realize the divinity within us, realize the long

journey we have all been on, and see that we have learnt our lessons of what is LIFE

EXPRESSED?  When you know that you can leave school, and move onto other spheres

in other parts of this infinite universe, mankind is currently being expressed in four stages

of evolutionary understanding, which are the primary stage, the secondary stage, then the

college stage, and then lastly those of us who have graduated from the university stage.

What stage are you COPING in dear reader of this blog?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 3 August 2022


 This blog today entitled FOSTER is about how we can foster meaning "to promote", 

"nurture" care for ourselves in order to FOSTER a closer bond with that inner being

that dwells within each one of us. The "Father of stillness transcendent " which is our

eternal reality lies within the core of your being.

By going within ourselves and taking up meditation we are then beginning to enter into

that inner silence when all thoughts cease. The inner silence is the stillness that lies back 

of all motion(vibration).

All life is expressed via the passage of MOTION, this motion is ENERGY and energy is

vibration. "WE" are all outwardly  motioned by the vibration of energy being expressed

means to be "MOVED" motion. When we are unexpressed there is NO-MOTION and 

here "we" are no longer relative  but are Absolute. Unexpressed LIFE is motionlessness

and no longer called LIFE. but rather becomes then PURE-SPIRIT, pure spirit is what is

called the "Father of stillness" which is the Absolute, Source, Brahman, God,  which

ever name suits you best.

All motion (vibration) is born out of absolute motionlessness from STILLNESS comes

MOTION in the formless form of INTENTION-THOUGHT. thought gave birth to all

MOTION UNIVERSALLY. Humanity is vibration on the outside and within  the five

koshas or sheaths, but beyond these "expressions" there lies the vibration-less SPIRIT

which is eternally still and UN-MOVED by anything.

FOSTER is a way of loving ourselves enough to venture inwards and penetrate that 

wall of ignorance that blots out the rising inner sun that is within you and all of humanity.

We all our SPIRIT in essence the very embodiment of stillness, but outwardly we are all

movers and shakers of expressed life. look within and reveal that inner stillness, which

is what you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 2 August 2022


 This blog today entitled TOILS is about how INFINITY can be Transcended when 

we better understand what that word actually means, and what infinity will be 

portrayed as in this blog today. I propose that the word infinity is a product of our

minds, a thought trying to explain that which appears limitless and unbounded.

So infinity is a word produced by a thought, and thoughts by their nature are all

relative to each other, thoughts are NOT ABSOLUTE or ETERNAL. So if thoughts

can be transcended then so can the "IDEA" of infinity. When we see this universe 

which is endless space, what is the main property of this space? Well it is ENERGY

and energy means MOTION or rather VIBRATION . What we call infinity is really

just the MOTIONING of ENERGY within an apparent endless GULF of SPACE.

Infinity being that of motion based which is vibration is therefore RELATIVE and 

not Absolute. Infinity is relative and has motion and this "infinity"  is Embraced by

the ABSOLUTE SELF,  which is BRAHMAN or GOD or SOURCE,  the Eternal


HOLDS all of "INFINITY" (MOTION) within its Absolute BOSOM.

This whole universe is a relative product of Absolute THOUGHT projected upon a 

screen of relative motioning, behind all the motion (ENERGY) and vibration lies 

Absolute motionlessness.

We as human beings are all products of the one SELF fragmented into 7.7 billion

fractal images of the ONE GREAT SPIRIT. We all transcend infinity because we are all

unbound eternal UNBORN BEINGS, who are absolute is essence and are therefor  

transcendent of all relativity.

Warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Monday 1 August 2022


 This blog today entitled BEE is about how our outer appearance beguiles the true

nature of who we really are. We as eternal entities are hidden or rather beguiled behind

a FACADE of form which is our physical vehicle the human body.

Outwardly we are all relative physical beings with a limited time of existence upon

this planet. But inwardly we are all eternal entities who have never experienced death

and are in fact UNBORN BEING.

Knowing ourselves is the greatest thing that any human being can know, all other things

pale into insignificance compared to knowing who and what you truly are. This is the only

reason YOU are here! To find out who you are by engaging in numerous experiences of

being both male and female, being parents, feeling both love and hatred both sides of the

same coin. It is through many experiences over many lives that eventually we make the 

decision to recast our gaze from forever outward to inwards, here we start looking into 

the nature of who we truly are.

By doing this we are beginning to realize that there is an INTELLIGENCE within us 

that seems to dwell deep within our being. When we realize this inner truth of our 

Indwelling SOUL we can through meditation move towards further understanding 

that this inner Intelligence is really WHO YOU ARE! Beneath this FACADE  of form.

When this realization dawns upon us, we then begin to realize that deep within us we are

all really IMMORTALDIVINE BEINGS, which means that we all our Eternal Entities

having a relative experience upon this planet Earth.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.