Saturday 30 June 2018

What Is Reality Examining Definition. =W I R E D .

"There is no plurality in absolute reality" a quote from an older blog of mine. To start this blog of
the first thing needed to be said is, which actual reality are we talking about? Because there are
basically two perceptions of reality. One is relative reality, which is dual in nature, this is called
the relative physical universe, the one we all call home, and one that is full of opposites like male
and female, right and wrong, yes and no, this is the YIN and YANG universe, however this physical
universe which exists like an "outer field" from one that lies "beneath it", and this one is called
Absolute reality, and here there exists basically NOTHING -and EVERYTHING both at the same time,There is zero duality,there is NO MOTION WHATSOEVER, and as the relative universe can
be somewhat described in a manner that "seems" to make sense, in other words it is describable
the absolute universe of reality can seem to be totally indescribable, and all words seem to fail,
here I think the operative word is "seem" to fail, the ancient ones would leave it to the words that
it just "IS" if you move from the IDEA of what "IS" you fall into a minefield of basically meaningless words, which we need to understand is that all WORDS are relative! A  relative cannot
ever describe an Absolute, therefore all words fail miserably.  This will not however stop me using them!!  There is a parallel forming within the leading researchers in quantum physics and unified
field theory, with that of the ancient knowledge and wisdom contained within the Bhagavad Gita
This research is revealing that the wisdom of the past knew exactly what the universe was made of
and that ultimately it all RESOLVED INTO ONE! Way beyond duality! Way beyond such illusions
as time and space, and way beyond the very idea of such a THING as THINGS! In absolute reality
there is NO PLURAL of THING> THE additional letter "S" does not exist in absolute reality, it
only seems to exist in our level of reality.
If you look into the mirror, what do you actually see? You see a reflection of an outer form (your
body) veiling an inner reality, we only even see the outer reflection, we NEVER SEE the inner
reality! In that sense reality is always  hidden from our eyes, but not from our perceptual consciousness? Quantum physics and unified field theory have also left duality behind, some of
them, but not all of them!  They see a unified field of energy, some are even BOLD enough to
mention the word CONSCIOUSNESS as the unified field, ONE FIELD of energy consciousness
It does not then take a great leap of thought that perhaps even this consciousness field which is
by the way SUPER INTELLIGENT could also be called SPIRIT. Tomorrow will go deeper into
this vast and tiny subject and see what the COST actually is COST meaning Consciousness-Of
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome (never get any?) Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 29 June 2018

Stun The Egoic Mind. S T E M Part two.

The very point of no-sense is that it jars the logical mind (ego), that is what a Zen Koan is all about.
We need to be ever mindful that we are both logical and illogical beings, and that emotional logic
is often at odds with logical logic.
If we are at a point in our lives, where we may feel the need for some depth and perhaps some direction, then we have arrived at a point, where looking within us, and seeing what lies beneath
the surface of our being, seems like a good idea. There are many ways of looking within ourselves
and each of us finds their own way to this, there are many types of meditation and yoga that you can try, each method has its own values, you do the choosing. The easiest way I have always found is
just to sit quietly and just observe your breath, letting go of all thoughts and distractions. One thing
that often happens though,it that we reach what could be called a mental plateau, and are unable to
go any deeper into ourselves. when this occurs, and it very often does, we need some ammunition
to blast us past this plateau, and it comes by way of a koan, what you need then is no-sense that
will help you through the door that leads to wisdom and intuitive teaching. You have first got to
loose yourself, in order to find yourself!! Does that make any sense to you? Let go of yourself
in order to find yourself? Is that logical? Be still in order to move forward! What does that mean?
When we journey within ourselves we encounter a differing energy matrix, this matrix is very often
much more akin to your emotional self, your illogical self, intuition which we will encounter if we
venture within ourselves, will open up ideas and feelings within you, these are doorways to inner wisdom, which is not always  logical, and can make us feel very emotional, even bring us to tears
these tears that may at first be ones of sadness, as we remember lost opportunities presented to us
by this intuitive insight, but as we persevere with this venture within, those tears will be ones of
inner joy. We need to ignore the ego and the logical mind, because they both want us firmly in their
grasp, and fear that if we find out more about who we really are, they may well become redundant!
They both have their place to play in your life, but always remember that YOU ARE THE MASTER
Not the ego or mind. You are,or need to be Captain of your ship, You are a soul in human form, and
can rise above the dictates of the ego and mind, in truth you actually created both of them!! So look
at the use of koans, write some down for yourself, and see how very useful they can be.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Stun The Egoic Mind. S T E M

I did a couple of blogs some months back now about the principle behind ZEN Koans, and also
a few I made up as well. Well I think it is time to maybe re-look at this practice,as it is so important
in leading us into the right direction, if we are searching within us for the answers to what is life
all about, and why are we all here? The very essence of a Zen koan, is not to make any sense, its
ultimate purpose is to STUN the MIND, to make the mind reel and twist in trying to understand
its meaning. Its purpose is illogical and for a good reason. To give a comparison with knowledge
and wisdom, knowledge in essence divides, and is dry and dusty, devoid of moisture, whereas
wisdom unites, and is moist akin to the emotions. The logical mind separates and divides, the
illogical in the mind can "feel" that something is right,even though it cannot quite see why. That
is the difference. If we are trying to find out who we really, if we are serious in looking within
ourselves, there are some stumbling blocks that stand in your way, the first one is the ego, and the
second one is your mind, these two constructs of "yourself" are built up from your memory and
all your experiences up to this very day. The ego at first may appear very "keen" and helpful to
you, saying things like, this will really be very helpful to you, well done! But as you go deeper
into yourself, the ego feels threatened, and will then attempt to undermine all your efforts.
The surficial mind will sow doubts on your efforts as well, because it cannot understand what
you are endeavouring to do, it does not make sense to the logical mind. That is why we need some
illogical help along the way. This helps us to smash through barriers erected by the ego and logical
mind. This is where koans come to the rescue, because they are designed to stun the mind, make it
recoil, then an opening can be make through your emotional self, your emotional mind, and then
you can penetrate deeper into your inner being. Here is a koan I just made up for this blog;
"If you are going around in circles, will a square round of your day?" Now this does not make
any sense! And that is the VERY POINT it is meant to be SENSELESS! Illogical! Just like
this other one i have just made up, "will a fish that flies, open doors for me?" Now look at these
"koans" and what do you actually see THERE? NO-SENSE maybe, what's the point of all this
No_SENSE? All I want to do is find myself, you say! Well that's okay, but it is not as simple as
it may appear, as you will find out.
In part two will explore this deeper, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed,Facebook Soulrealization.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Spirals Of Life Examined. S O L E part Two.

In the first blog on this topic of spirals, I identified three main spirals that affect all our lives in differing ways, and to greater and lesser intensity, plus I mentioned that there were several variables
that radiate from these three main spirals, and affect us all in greater or lesser degrees.
We need to understand that we all our reflections of universal law and harmony, and that the primary
universal law is that all motion arises from complete stillness, and at the core matrix there is a point
from which all rotation arises. Our lives echo this basic universal law, we all our centered within
a point  of stillness, that point is our soul, or higher self, within this center there is stillness, away
from that center there is motion, and motion is subject to universal law, and universal dictates that
all motion  is rotational on its axis, for rotational, read, vortex, or spiral.all motion is basically
energy,this is why energy moves, in spiraling formations, and remember we are one hundred per
cent ENERGY!!
We can all move in basically three directions, with slight variations within these, we can spiral down
and incur  dis ease misery, madness and eventually death, or we can go round in endless horizontal
circles, stuck in a rut, and going no where fast! Or we can embrace the vertical spiral, that will lead
us into wholeness and peace of mind.
The choice is ours dear reader of this blog. If we decide to look within ourselves we are without knowing it aligning ourselves to universal natural law, by going within is the pathway and direction
of STILLNESS, within ourselves lies the HOME of STILLNESS, and from stillness comes clarity
and understanding, you spiritually, not physically, start ascending within a vertical spiral and this
spiral starts at a point within you and starts rotating in ever expanding circles, that exactly parallel
the level of your consciousness and awareness. As you get into the daily habit of looking within
and practicing either meditation or yoga, you inner life will begin to expand and you will begin
experiencing inner calm and relaxation, you will in effect be harmonizing your self with univeral
law, and expanding your levels of consciousness and perception. You will begin to find an inner
orbit of silence and stillness.
For those who are stuck in the downward spiral (as I was once) there can be hope, if we reach out and ask for help. I was only given three months to live forty three years ago now, am am still very much alive, because with lots of help, I was able to embrace the vertical spiral, and find soul realization in
the process, you too dear reader of this blog, can do the same thing. And for those of you who are
going around in endless circles,getting nowhere fast,you too can get of that MERRY GO ROUND
that you are on, and ask for help or counselling and reset your life, on a more positive direction.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback or questions welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Spirals Of Life Examined. S O L E .

This blog is about the spirals of life, that occur within each of our experiences of living our
lives. These observations of mine are born out of over forty years of living and examining not
only my own life, but also the many others that I encountered in both a counselling role, and
also managing and living in several therapeutic  homes that were primarily for drug and alcohol
addictions. What I began to discover was that there seems to be three main spirals that affect our
lives, and that within these three spirals were several minor variations, that impacted upon us in greater or lesser degrees.
The first spiral was the most intense, and one that I encountered many times while working with
drug and alcohol dependents, this spiral seemed to taper downwards, and would be literally
sucking the vital energy out of its host.This spiral was loaded with fear and extreme anxiety
and also had the awful effect of speeding up the thought processes, at times to the point of
extreme agitation and mental and emotional breakdowns, their thought processing was like
that of "shooting the rapids" uncontrollable thinking. If this particular spiral is left unchecked
then the results are most dire, you will either die, go insane, or need hospital treatment for
several months.
The second spiral seems to circulate in a horizontal  orbit  around its particular host, sometimes
called a edifying vortex, this spiral is about replication, going round and around endlessly and
getting no where fast. Doing the same thing daily, and sometimes expecting different results,
this is sometimes called the definition of insanity! While we are caught in this backwater,
literally going round in endless circles, our actual lives are "on hold"  we are not growing, we
are not learning anything new,the ebb and flow of this second spiral can actually turn into the
first spiral if the rotation  of the spiral gets more intense, and we fail to see what is happening to us,
if we have some insight, and can ask for help and support from say a good friend or relative, we can
then slow down the flow of this motion that circles us, and just like stepping out of a hoop, we can
re-emerge ourselves back into the healthy flow of life.
We now come into the final spiral of life and living experience, this spiral opens up vertically and
as it does it literally pulls in vital force, which is vital energy, this spiral is ever expansive  and opens
us up to the living experience of becoming self aware of who we really are, and expands our levels
of consciousness and perceptions.
To be continued tomorrow. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 25 June 2018

Dance Of Creation Knowingness. D O C K Part Two.

The dance of life, which is our living experience that we all get  as we dance(motion) our way
from being born, childhood, teens, and adulthood.  each part of our life is expressed in differing
motions (dance steps), some hopefully, will be concordant and  have a natural rhythm showing
symmetry in motion, other times there will be stumbling and discordance, like when we are ill
or have mental and emotional disharmony in our lives.Why do you think we are here? Why are
you here on earth dear reader of this blog? If as this blog suggests, that life or creation is a dance
of knowingness, then what is it we really need to know? What is it that you could somehow know
that would benefit your life and your creation? Do you think that you were just born, to live four
score and ten years then die, and in between birth and death you went to school, got a job, got
married, had kids, then died, is that's what it is ALL ABOUT! Or is there perhaps another dimension
in this dance of life that you have never considered? When a ship docks in a harbor what does it do,
well it often unloads all its cargo, for cargo,( read old worn out ideas that you have carried all your life) to unload, get rid of this dead weight, and then take on fresh supplies, (new ideas) where can
then these new ideas come from? Well unlike the ship in dock whose supplies come from various
warehouses, your supplies can actually come from within YOU! The dance of creation is one of
awareness and consciousness expansion, life will teach you different steps as you venture deeper
into the matrix and womb of "living motion", we all our living motioning beings, dancing to the
tune of life as we understand it, now here the key word is our "understanding" of life. the more
we understand life the more symmetry and rhythm will be evidenced in our lives and experiences.
To find out the answer as to what is life? Just look and understand yourself, because you are
the very embodiment of that principle LIFE. You dear reader of this blog are not only a living
being, what you actually are, and maybe completely UNAWARE OF, is that you are also LIFE
and life is a PRINCIPLE, which means it is an IMMUTABLE ETERNAL CONSTANT! NOT
your physical body, because the physical body is NOT WHO YOU REALLY ARE, your body
is only a vehicle and is NOT A PRINCIPLE,  only your soul and spirit are LIFE and therefore
a principle. So look within yourself, we each have our very own inner GURU or master, and that
is your higher self, the soul. Look within yourself and DOCK tie-up, to that hidden harbor that
lies deep within you, then you will find yourself, you will find great peace and comfort,and harmony
and joy will suddenly befriend you, much to your astonishment.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization/

Sunday 24 June 2018

Dance.Of Creation Knowingness. D O C K

Dance and motion are one of the same,all is motion, all is expression, we are all movers and shakers
of a living melody, some of us are in-tune with the motion of wellness and wholeness, others are
out-of -tune and the discordant motion manifests illness in mind and body.We awaken here on earth
born out of the womb and into a blank canvas of un-knowingness , we will each be given memories
of all we experience from day one of birth. These experiences and memories  will shape us into what
we will become,we will construct an ego and have a thing called mind,the ego is a construct or mind
entity that emotionally attaches itself to ideas,creating an unreal identity, thus distancing itself further
and further from the "here and now"the ego is simply who we think we are.But what we think we are
and what we really are, are two different things! Energy has a wave particle nature and can exist as
a wave or particle, so does consciousness, consciousness has the ability to locate its awareness
anywhere it chooses to do so, similarly it has the power to seemingly create something out of
"no-thing-ness"! Yet as an energy, both consciousness and energy can become fixed and rigid
localized in a particular frozen form with little or no freedom of movement (like in the body you
now inhabit?)  Mind is a property of consciousness, and ego is only a construct of the mind  as to what the mind thinks it is, as long as we have memory we will hold onto the ego. The mind can
be seen as a particle of "localized consciousness" with a limited freedom of movement due to our
basic ignorance as to what we really are. This however, can be radically changed if we taken certain steps, that will lead us into further harmonic resonance with the dance of creative splendor and
radiant bliss.  If we go back to when you were born, the first thing you see is hopefully your mother
and you instinctively try and reach out to her, this is the beginning of forever "LOOKING OUTWARD" and many spend their entire lives doing only that, then die!  If we want to gain MORE
FREEDOM of MOVEMENT, we have to turn our gaze inwards. If we want to expand our localized
consciousness we have to look within ourselves, then our localized mind, can begin to merge with
non-localized consciousness,we can then DOCK LINKUP with our true eternal identity that of the
soul, when that begins to DOCK, then your DANCE within the living light will take many more
degrees of freedom, and the prison without bars that has confined you all your life,(without you ever
knowing or thinking you were in a prison) you will then begin the dance of life consciously.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome, facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Of Consciousness. -H A V O C Part Two.

This planet is not our home, rather is is as William Shakespeare said in "As YOU LIKE IT, "All the
world is a stage, and men and women merely players , they have their exits,  and their entrances"
We exit at the point of change(death) and our entrances at birth. Not only is the Earth a stage for
us all to "perform on" it is also a school where we are able to learn (eventually) who we really are.
If  we follow the analogy of the world is a stage, then we are all actors then?  We each seem to have
our individual personality, personality comes from the Latin Persona, and seen by the world famous
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalysis  Carl Gustav Jung, as a (social facade) a pretense, acting!
You may be acting the "role" of a doctor, or an unemployed "actor", a bricklayer, or midwife, we
each act out a "role" which role are you acting in dear reader of this blog? We are all here to learn
and fully understand the reality that we are all ONE LIFE FORCE in ESSENCE and that essence
is SPIRIT, that is what we all ACTUALLY ARE!!! This planet is a school room and a stage-set
where souls (that is who you really are dear reader) all come to learn to go beyond their personality
their (social facade) to reach beyond their ego's, and self centredness and find the unity that exists
within us all, we are here to learn and understand the meaning of love and acceptance, to move from
being exclusive to include all within the principle of inclusiveness. We are hear to rent the shadow
the havoc of ignorance from our conceptual consciousness,to wake up from our "acting role" and see
the truth and the reality that lies beneath this bullshit social facade that we are all engaged in.
We are all at different levels of understanding, some of us have been here many times and have played out most of the roles available to play, others are newer on this stage of living expression
and have many roles awaiting them as they plough through the coming fields of experiences.
We are fortunate in this time of expression that we have the internet and GOOGLE so any questions
that arise within our minds, can be easily answered by a internet search. This was not available to
us all years ago. If you ask yourself the question, who am "I"  there are plenty of websites who will tell you, or you could read this blog, as you are now doing dear reader.Our true home is the whole
universe, we are all universal beings, that is what spirit actually is, a living universal intelligent
LIFE FORCE. Just in case any of you are somewhat uneasy about being an ubiquitous  formless
and shapeless universal energy called SPIRIT, be reassured that you will have your SOUL BODY
CONSCIOUSNESS, and that can have form and shape, if that;s what you want, but before you get there dear reader, you will experience the "GRADUAL UNFOLDING" of your inner reality, and
this will only move along at the speed you are able to grasp,on any given day, nothing in reality is
ever forced upon you, it is always a motion of inwardness by the echo of the outer curiosity that is
responded to.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome Facebook Soulrealization. 

Friday 22 June 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Of Consciousness. =H A V O C .

Humanity has and currently IS, creating HAVOC upon this planet, we are in the process of
total pollution of our oceans, destroying the tropical and temperate jungles and forests, from which
we get our oxygen from, plus, poisoning our crops and fields, our animals with all manner of
growth hormones, and unnatural foodstuff we are giving them.We are destroying the place and
planet we all live on, this is the nature of the word HAVOC, as we usually understand the
meaning of this word.
But this blog today is about another use for the word HAVOC which spells out the title of this
current blog, Humans-Are-Vehicles-Of-Consciousness =HAVOC.
The vast majority of us seem to have lost our way, we seem to misidentify the true nature of who
what we actually are. We fail to see that what we call humanity or mankind is NOT WHO  WE ARE,
rather mankind and humanity is in REALITY just a NAME for the VEHICLE you inhabit while
experiencing the experiences of being conscious upon a planet called Earth! Which in truth is no
bigger than a sub-atomic particle when compared to the infinity and absoluteness  of the universe.
We ARE ALL SPIRIT first, soul second, and space-suit/vehicle third, that is the order of our
expression, the car you drive to work in, is just a VEHICLE  the same as you ARE! We need to try
and get our heads around this reality, for reality it absolutely IS, the only REAL difference between
YOU and your CAR is that you have self aware consciousness, and have a much higher vibration
frequency than your car, the car has no self consciousness, but if examined under an electron
microscope you would see much intelligent activity within its atomic and sub-atomic spectrum
when you look deeply into any matter, intelligent consciousness awaits you!  Humanity and
mankind only exist within our planetary consciousness, at best it can be called a localized
relative reality within the confines of this microscopic planet, it is not an absolute reality
universally present, it is just present here! We need to further understand that this planet is
NOT YOUR HOME! WE, you, are here to learn and experience how to live within a "formal"
"shape" (the form and shape of the vehicle/body) enclosed consciously within a form is an
experience we all need to encounter. Spirit is formless consciousness, and is ubiquitous by
nature, that is what we all REALLY ARE!  Spirit is using a vehicle called the soul to give
"closure"? To itself and localize a universal energy within a POINT of expression, that point
is firstly called our higher self or soul, the second point is called the physical body.
Will develop this more later. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome. Facebook Soul Realization/

Thursday 21 June 2018

Spirit Opens Up Life Soul Emerges Triumphant. =S O U L S E T Part Two.

The "pivotal point" in our evolution was when the "I" was born. The beginning of self consciousness
and self awareness,the beginnings of the phase of "I" cognition, were very brutish and animal like
we were still very much one dimensional, that being just physical, with a rudimentary "I" level of
consciousness and awareness, we were very "cunning" rather than smart.As the centuries slipped
by, we gradually become more coherent and self aware, the true mental faculties that we have today
were  gradually formed. Birth and death were quickly repeated, reincarnation was almost instantaneous, back and forth we came, each time to further and different experiences.With the  birth
of the "I" there occurred an awakening of the soul, previous to this awakening the soul was completely unconscious and totally unaware of its existence, it was always alive, but was unable to
know this,it had no capacity for reflection or knowing that it was here! We know that we know, but
unconscious life is very much alive, but is completely unable to KNOW this!  Our souls are the
vehicle of the Spirit, just as our physical bodies are vehicles of the soul. We are basically expressed
in the universal theater like this. our innermost expression is spirit, second expression is the soul
and the third expression is the physical body.We all are expressed within this trinity like sequence
As mentioned yesterday there are over seven billion souls upon this earth, but there is only ONE
SELF, or SPIRIT, we need to understand what this really means. First thing to understand is that
EVERY soul on earth and elsewhere, has all "emerged from spirit" that is what we all basically are
and always have been. We with the development of the "I" also developed the ego and the mind
and the concept of individuality, the thought that we were separate from the whole., which is of
course impossible, when we go within ourselves and begin to discover who we REALLY ARE
rather than who we think we are, the picture will gradually become clearer. Meditation and Yoga
are wonderful ways to reveal your TRUE IDENTITY, and drop the pseudo personality that we all
exist behind. When we find our true SELF, we will also find everything else, and personality and
individuality will vanish from your consciousness, like mist before the rising sun.
Each time we are born here, we have opportunities presented to us, these are ways of determining
our course in the arc of evolution, will we take this opportunity to begin looking within us? Will
we actually take an active and conscious decision to open up ourselves up to inner change?
We all pay our money (choice) and takes our choice, what will you choose dear reader?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Spirit Opens Up Life Soul Emerges Triumphant. =S O U L -S E T .

"As a single sun illuminates the whole world, even so does ONE spirit illumine everybody"
Bhagavad Gita chaper X111.
Spirit is who you really are. Pure eternal spirit is your real SELF,your essential nature, and not an
individualized thing. There is not a different spirit  for each person, spirit is ONE and shines over
all,just as the One sun shines over everybody on this earth. My spirit is the same as your spirit, in
fact there is no such thing as "my spirit"  or "your spirit" because spirit knows no separateness
it is what Hinduism call the ATMAN the SELF. It is literally one and the same in essence and
identity as the Supreme Spirit, the Supreme SELF.
We need to distinguish between the words spirit and soul, the most fundamental difference is this;
there are just over seven billion souls on this planet, but there is only ONE SPIRIT, and that One
spirit is not actually upon this earth,rather it "hovers" above the planet in another dimension, as spirit
and gross matter do not mix. There are three stages in realization, that we all will eventually go
through, the first stage is human physical realization, which all of us are hopefully very familiar
with, then there comes soul-realization, the title of my blogs, then after we have realized that we are
all immortal souls, we enter the last realization that of spirit realization, where we then see clearly
that we are spirit with a soul, and that realization begins the dissolving process of things like personality, and egotism and self-centered thoughts and behaviors and of course exclusive ideas
as by the time you arrive at spiritual realization you will be seeing and thinking totally inclusively.
What then is the soul? We know what spirit is, it is ABSOLUTE LIFE,  it is everything in the universe and much more than that so!  Consciousness emerges from within absolute SPIRIT and
this universe is a product of consciousness, the ABSOLUTE thought a GREAT THOUGHT and
MOTION and the universe were born, from within the absolute, behind all "things" including YOU
reading this blog, lies a THOUGHT, all matter and energy within the universe is basically THOUGHT which is just another word for SPIRIT, the SOUL "EMERGED from WITHIN the
spirit"  and for countless aeons was just mindless unconscious force (spirit) we were emerged within
the mineral kingdom for countless aeons, then on through all the other kingdoms, billions of years passed by, and still we ventured on-wards still very much unconscious, alive but not knowing it?
Then eventually arrived at a pivotal point in our evolution where "I" was BORN!
To be continued tomorrow, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soulrealization 

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Absolute Elemental Thought Harmoniously Expressing Reality. =A E T H E R. Part Two.

Dark energy and dark matter are in truth I feel two meaningless names to describe the indescribable
unknown universe, the universe seems to be a insoluble paradox, wrapped in an enigma!  But is this
really so? Science of today has much too learn from the ancient wisdom, written in Sanskrit and
called "AKASHA" the ancient ones knew EXACTLY what Akasha, which was much later called
the aether was, not only did they KNOW what it WAS, but they actually EXPERIENCED it as
well, in altered states of consciousness through the deep practice of yoga and meditation. They
knew that the universe was an absolute UNIFIED FIELD, and the principle that held this unified
field in eternal stasis was then called AKASHA, later called the Aether, this was KNOWN at least
ten thousand years AGO! Our present day science is just beginning to understand  this unified
field today. Whether our present day science will have the necessary humility to admit the the
ancient ones knew and understood this reality long long ago, remains to be seen.
The aether is PURE CONSCIOUNESS (an absolute MINDLESS reality) it is an infinite ocean
in which we all exist within it, all is connected to ALL, and all exist within this unified field
called the aether. If we can imagine this ocean, and see that we are "protrusions" (waves) within
this ocean, and on the "surface of this infinite ocean" there is always movement motion, at the
surface of this ocean lies the ROOT CAUSE of all MOTION, if we go into ourselves, go within
this actually means that we are "GOING BELOW THE SURFACE OF THIS OCEAN?? And
what ultimately lies beneath the surface? (STILLNESS) motionlessness. We are basically wavelets
upon the surface of the infinite ocean of consciousness or aether, all is consciousness all is alive
and all is eternal, death is an absurdity that has NEVER OCCURRED anywhere  in this universe
and is absolutely impossible, all energy (that is what we all are) Living Intelligent Focused Energy
=LIFE and life is ONE WITHIN the UNIFIED FIELD, no-thing can be overlooked, or forgotten,
all energy is equal within the whole, we all are eternally safe and sound!  Motion exists on the surface
the protrusion is the wave, we and everything else universally are protrusions from the ocean (waves)
The deeper you go within consciousness (aether) AKASHA. the stiller it gets, until you reach a point
where all motion ceases, then there is the motionlessness state, that exists outside of the relative
protrusional  universe, you are then in the absolute state, your true SELF which is Absolute LIFE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome. Facebook Soul realization.

Monday 18 June 2018

Absolute Elemental Thought Harmoniously Expressing Reality.=A E T H E R .

The element aether, called "AKASHA"  in Sanskrit is the first element, it comes first because it is
the most subtle of the elements, often referred to as "space" it is the essence of emptiness. It is the
"space" all the other elements "fill".The aether or the akasha  they are both the same thing, its just
that the name Luminiferous aether  is a more recent title for this "unified field" as its older name
that of akasha goes back thousands of years, long before our science popped up and started calling
this unified field, dark energy, and dark matter, to me these two names are meaningless they are
just speculations  about something that science does not yet understand. According to science
dark energy is 68% of the universe.and dark dark matter is 27% of the universe making the total
amount to 95%, which just leaves 5 % for the rest of the universe. If we were to use that percentage
and use the word aether instead of dark energy,or dark matter,then we would be much closer to
the reality of what the "UNIFIED FIELD" actually IS! The aether to me is basically an infinite
ocean  or field in which EVERY OCCURRENCE  that occurs within the universe ARISES from
within this absolute field. This Absolute Field that UNIFIES ALL MOTION is not  "out there"
light years "away" from this earth, far from it, we are all totally immersed within this field here
on earth. In fact if you were even more than an ATOM distance from the aether you would be
vaporized within a microsecond. This "FIELD" which is absolute and infinite enables motion
to actually move?  Without the aether no motion, no expressed life, no universe!  It is a "living
field" that is the core of consciousness that we all access here on earth. the main reason it is
difficult to detect is because its unified field is slightly "out of phase" with what we call the time
space continuum,  it can only be detected by science by what is called inference, they see effects
they believe it is causing, but cannot detect it directly.  But this unified can be felt by those who
go within themselves and expand their consciousness, because this aether field is one hundred
per cent PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, where NO MIND exists! All the great masters and YOGIS
down through the centuries have know and deeply penetrated  into this infinite ocean of energy.
For this universe to exist, it needs a unified field, where everything that "ARISES" within this FIELD
is CONNECTED and INTERCONNECTED to ALL, The is NO such thing as anything that is separated from the WHOLE, separation is totally and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!
Tomorrow will explore this further, warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Facebook Soul realization.

Sunday 17 June 2018

Vibration Of Impending Doom.=V O I D . (My Story) part Two.

It was the year 1966 and the day was Boxing day, the day of my twenty first birthday, and as usual
for me I  had been drinking very heavily for most of the day, as I usually did most days, ever since
I  was sixteen years old. What was different about this day was what happened to me on the way
home from the club I had been drinking in.It was about 10.45pm  when I was walking home, then
out of the blue, my left foot touched the pavement and I received what felt like an electric shock
which traveled up my left leg, and left me completely stunned, I could actually FEEL like a protrusion coming out from the pavement slab and stabbing me in the foot, but when I examined
the pavement, there was nothing there.I made my way home, and went to bed. Then the occurrance
Of something which become a daily happening to me AWOKE, Lying in the bed I felt as though
my heart was going to "burst out of my chest" and this very real feeling caused me intense fear
remember this was the year 1966, many year before the film ALIEN was shown!!  This was the beginning of a daily happening from 1966 until 1974. It seemed that by stepping on this invisible
electric buzzer on my twenty first birthday, set the whole syndrome of impending doom in
motion. The other regular experience was that my head was going to explode and my brains
(what was left of them) were going to splatter all over the wallpaper in my bedroom.,Every day
I felt as though I was going to die, not like ordinary people though,oh no! I would be found dead
with my heart exploded all over the wall, or on better days, it would just be my brains splattered
over the wallpaper!  Then the impending doom took another quirk, this time, on top of the heart
and head explosions, there would be soothing voices emanating from such place as my alarm
clock, would "counsel me"" then the radiator would say things like you are ill Micheal, you need
help! A swan swam up to me when I was drinking cheap sherry, lying by a local river where I
lived, and the swan kindly offered me counselling! Saying you need help!  From 1966 until 1973
this nightmare continued daily, getting progressively worse,each day I died a dozen times, and
it just continued, I had no fear of dying, I did that every day! It was living that scared the shit out
of me! By the time 1973 had arrived I was in dire straits, mentally, physically, emotionally, and every
other way totally washed up, and given three months to live by my doctor, I spent seven months in
hospital drying out,and having aversion therapy, and this was then the beginning of leaving the
impending doom syndrome, and beginning to embrace the impending HOPE syndrome, I discovered
that there were others like me,I thought I was the only one! And by hearing them share their experiences with me,i was able to identify with the fact that i had an illness called alcoholism
and that it could be arrested permanently one day at a time. There is hope for anyone out there if you want it,I have had nearly forty four years of being arrested! Not by the police, but by those who understand how to treat the illness of addiction, mine was alcohol, whats yours?
Warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome, facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Vibration Of Impending Doom =VOID (My Story)

It is written in the universal matrix that the number seven is a recurring principle that is expressed
within all life everywhere within this universe, and this planet Earth is no exception. We each have
embedded within us this septenate cycle which is a universal constant. My story within this cycle
really started in 1960 when I left school, I am deliberately leaving out the first  few years from
1944 when I was born until I left school in the Christmas period of the year 1959, these early years
were an unhappy time for me, but I want to focus on fear and the awful feelings of impending
doom, which really started for me in the year 1966. From the year  1960 until the year 1966 which
was my first septenate  cycle which was going to lead me into the coming realms of a living hell.
Little did I know that when I left school and started working with British Rail was lying in wait
for me. All seemed relatively well at first, I like my job, which was a fireman on the steam engines
and this job meant lots of travelling around the country with either passenger trains, of freight trains.
It also included lots of drinking alcohol, which later on was to cause me massive pain, emotional
bankruptcy, hospitalization and near death experience. But the beginning of this descent into
nightmare and fear, was pleasant enough, and I thought that I was a "real man" being able to drink
in pubs at sixteen years old,dressed in my railway uniform and looking much older. I was totally
blind to the insidious nature of addictions, mine being, that I finally discovered in 1974 was called
alcoholism. The first seven years of my drinking were "seemingly okay" but in hindsight it was
clear that there was a problem in the making, even though I was earning lots of money then, as
we got lots of overtime and extra money for working nights, in 1963/64, I could take home
about twenty pounds a week, which at that time, was a fortune, beer was only 5 pence a pint, or
a shilling for those who remember pounds,shillings, and pence, you could get legless on a pound!
But even though I  was earning big money,I was always broke! My first descent into misery was
financial,  the other miseries were soon to follow. Up and to my twenty first birthday there was
little fear in my life, this all changed in the year 1966 on December 26th 1966 almost exactly seven
years since I first started drinking, it was  10 45 pm  I had just left a drinking men's  club and was on
my way home, when all of a sudden a violent electric shock pulsated through my body, my left foot
felt as though it had trodden on an electric buzzer or button,I could actually feel the indentation it made through my shoe, I left up in the air and examined the paving slap i had just walked on,expecting to see some protrusion in the slab that could have accounted for this electric shock,
but there was nothing there whatsoever,yet I felt it, and can still remember it after fifty years.
This shocking experience that occurred on my twenty first birthday which is three cycles of seven
was the beginning of horrific feelings of impending doom, which actually started that very same night I put my foot on that invisible electric buzzer.
Will continue this tomorrow. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 15 June 2018

Chromosomes Open Memory Expressing Timelapse. =C O M E T Part Two.

We each seem to have written within us, at a subatomic level, a sort of blueprint and certain
milestones we need to achieve within each human incarnation, sometimes these milestones
are ideas exchanged by "YOU" before you even incarnate here, exchanged ideas between you and
some wise mentors. then you "fall asleep" (loose consciousness of the plane you are currently on)
and pass over the "river of forgetfulness" the mythical river Styxx, where you are then reborn into
a physical baby, with your memories wiped clean. This is where the chromosomes come into the picture, in particular the two ethereal chromosomes that modern science have yet to discover,
these two additional chromosomes, along with the other forty six that science has found, hold
within their primal matrix the whole of you journey covering billions of earth time years. and
the last two chromosomes which exist within the forth dimension, the other forty six are all found
within the third dimension, what is called physicality. Although even these forty six chromosomes
seem to have an atomic physical "form" beneath that "form" is a sub atomic energy vortex that
is beyond our present consciousness .Deja vu  is a surfacing of a memory from another "time"
that has surfaced because a synchroncity has occurred, (a meaningful coincidence) within you
this happens because our chromosomes in particular the two ethereal ones, are also "memory
banks" when we are born here we are in effect "lapsed in a duality sequence" your memory
is wiped clean, and you start with a clean slate, in that physical brain, however at a deeper
level of our expression we are subject to such things as cause and effect Karma, and our past
errors of behaviors always permeates within this current expression, there are at times exceptions
to this.If any one of us open ourselves up to inner change, and take up the practice  of meditation
or yoga, by going within ourselves, we change our inner chemistry? And this change of chemistry
very much akin to the ancient science of alchemy, can and does bring about activation of our
chromosomes which then begins the gradual (and sometimes implosive) awakening as to who
we really are, and memories of maybe past lives will surface within your consciousness and then
you will begin the move to becoming a know-er of life, rather than a believer of life. Our chromosomes are like "time capsules" or more appropriately evolution memory monitors
That have charted our journey from that PRIMAL THOUGHT to this NOW today.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 14 June 2018

Chromosomes Open Memory Expressing Timelapse.= C O M E T.

Chromosomes are geometric images and patterns that describe the entire reality, not just in your
body,but everywhere in reality, from the most distant planet to the smallest planet and every single
atom. Materialistic science has only identified forty six chromosomes as related to physicality
(the three dimensional world,) modern science remains unaware of the vital or ethereal aspect
of our physiology (the forth dimension)in which there are two additional chromosomes making
the number the actual number forty eight. This corresponds to the forty eight laws of the
microcosm and hydrogen forty eight.
Each of us is on a long journey, this journey can be called evolution, we are each at differing
points within this ascending arc of spiritual expression, and locked within our signature primary
matrix is the memory of all our journeying up to this point within the eternal now. We are actually
reflections of the universe, we have the universe within us, and we know it not. We all have been
stars and COMETS like the title of this blog!  Hidden within the chromosome is the entire memory
of where and what we have been, and that includes all our previous lives here on Earth, getting
access to all this information is not easy, and could be seen as unwise, as it could cause an overload
of information and damage your point of balance. thankfully though this is taken care of by natural
law, which will only permit access to certain realities when we are able mentally and emotionally
 to accept this. We seem to have what I would call "memory atoms" that are attached to all of us
and seem to be housed within the chromosome, like this memory is lapsed in time and space and
at certain points in our life, will release information to us at a controlled rate, decided by our inner
monitor, our immortal soul, which is all wise. You may suddenly have a memory of a past life
appear within your consciousness, maybe triggered by you visiting a new place, and this will
like open the floodgates of a distant time in another life. This happened to me back in 1975 when
I went for the first time to Glastonbury in England, a town steeped in legend and stories, Joseph
of Aramathea  who was with Jesus at his death, and said to have come to Glastonbury and pushed
his blackthorn walking stick into the ground, and it grew into a tree, the birth of Christianity in
England, Plus King Arthur of the Round Table and Merlin were supposed to be there as well, I
had the experience of what I call a chromosome time lapse memory surface into my consciousness
there, and I recalled being a monk there and running a hostel for pilgrims visiting the town, this was in the year 1642, and I was called dawson.And even stranger sequence occurred without me knowing
at the time, was that for the first and ONLY TIME EVER I took a notebook and pen with me! So
that I could sit down there by the TOR and write down all the memories that came flooding in.
Will go into this more in part two, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization/

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Seed Thought Obeys Realities Mother-SHAKTI.=S T O R M S Part Two.

The first cause was manifested within the absolute consciousness of the Absolute, the first cause
arose from within that Absolute in the formless form of an "IDEA" a Divine will-to be, and from
that Absolute Divine Intention, came what we now call a physical universe, all else including us
all here on Earth, are effects of the effects of the effects, ad Infinitum .We too in the physical body
are effects of the indwelling soul who caused our incarnation to occur, we as human beings are
not a principle, only the indwelling soul or higher self is a principle, which means eternal, the physical body is temporal and decays at the end of its time incarnated.  The seed thought that
obeys realities mother, is Shakti, and without this feminine influence within our inner and outer
life, we will incur the wrath of dis-harmony, that is where the "STORMS" which is the name
spelled out  of letters making the title of this blog! Mental, emotional, and physical storms
will cause all manner of dis-eases, and illnesses that befall mankind, plus the added negative
that takes the shape of "longing" this longing feeling can become a HOLE within us , and we
feel empty, and then try and "FEED" this empty longing feeling. Hence the occurrence of
additive behavior  like Obesity, which is rising globally faster than a helium filled balloon!
Also drug addiction, alcoholism, and sex and porn addictions, all these conditions arise
because we do not know how to satisfy this LONGING FEELING!! And because we do not
know, we die in our tens of millions every year, of dis-ease and dis-pair, and much more
poignant dis-harmony. We all need to turn within ourselves, to find that divine mother SHAKTI
which dwells within our hearts, the longing feeling is a vibration echo that arises from within
your soul, your higher self, which has memory of divine bliss and total harmonic concordance
this echo vibration is a reminder of where we came from, and since being born here, have forgotten.
All that remains for most of us is the longing feeling, that we cannot seem to understand from whence
it arises. Well now you know! It arises from within your higher self, your very own immortal
soul,to satisfy this inner longing turn within yourself, meditate or take up yoga, embrace that divine
mother that is the feminine aspect of Divinity and if you do that long enough, and open up to be
changed from within,then you will find wholeness instead of fragmentation and disharmony.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Seed Thought Obeys Realities Mother SHAKTI. =S T O R M S.

The SEED THOUGHT that arose within the consciousness of the Absolute  was the birth of motion
from absolute motionlessness, to the arising IDEA of expressing motion and manifesting energy
from within ITSELF, this was the "first male seed thought" the seed thought was the semen
that then impregnated the creative impulse aspect of the absolute, the feminine pole of the ONE
this divine Goddess that emanates from within the Absolute, is the mover and shaker part of
Divinity. This Divine and absolute Goddess is called in Hinduism  SHAKTI, which is seen as the
Primordial Cosmic Energy, The Great Mother and creator of the universe. Much like Christianity
has the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, other faiths and beliefs also tend to accept the principle of
a Divine Mother.The primal IDEA of creating a universe from within its SELF was  a  "male" seed
thought, but the actual DOING of it, the manifesting act of bringing "Spirit (energy)  on-line was
down to SHAKTI. and to this day nothing has really changed? All manifesting is made by the
Feminine, the "doer of the primal thought" that of Shakti. Here a point can be made about the word
"creation" in absolute reality there is no such thing as creation! How could something be created
that was absolute and eternal? We are all at our core level (spirit) thereby eternal by nature of
being absolute. there is no such thing as a "created universe" nothing in truth has EVER been
"created", manifested from within source, absolutely, but never created. This whole universe which
is governed by the SHAKTI energy emanated from within the absolute, that is why everything
that is a principle,or a natural law, has within it embedded and encoded the absolute signature.
We are all connected to the divine mother and the divine father, both are really ONE, but in order
to manifest the illusion of duailty, YIN and YANG are manifested, Yin being the female, (the
one that does all the work!) and Yang being the male, the one with Bright IDEAS! It suggests
in Hinduism that we need to open our hearts to the mother principle that of Shakti, rather than
the Father, as in our natural lives (mostly that is) the mother plays the most important part in the
child's  early life, the father often is in the background for support if needed. And as an ancient
occult law says AS Above so Below, and as below so above, if we go to the mother within we
will then later after we have built up a rapport with her, we then can access the father who is also
within us, and called the SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. feedback welcome,facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 11 June 2018

Conscious Harmony Opens Realities Door. =C H O R D Part two.

The "music of the spheres" is a universal tonal rhapsody that dances form (us) and energy with
exquisite motioning splendour. We all dance to the soundless sound of tonal rhythm, the whole
of life expressed, is expressed in tonal frequencies,(music) its pitch (sound) is mostly, but not
always, below our capacity to hear.
The word discordance is an interesting word, if one pays attention to its inner meaning, and
how it connects to tonal phasing whether it be phasing in the negative spectrum, or the positive
spectrum, (disc(h)ordant  notes, or concordant notes, according to Merriam Webster, the definition
of the word discordance is "lack of agreement or harmony,the state of an instance of being
discordant"if we looked at that word with musical tones in mind, bearing in mind that the
dictionary definition used the word "harmony" and if that was absent within a musical
rhapsody, what would it sound like? If the word was spelled like this; dis-chordance
the added "H" which then gives what I believe the word real inner meaning as to what we
all really are, and that is living harmonics, we all are a symphony of motioning forms )bodies)
dancing to the tune of "expressed life" in a myriad of expressing ways,depending upon our
point within the evolutionary arc, we all need to understand that sickness and disease are all
symptoms of us being out of tune, with a concordant and healthy note. When we are sick or
have any major disturbance within us, such as mental and emotional upheavals, or we are
constantly negative in thought, word, and deed, if we have this condition arising within us
this is called a vibrational-crisis, which basically spells out that you are in a major crisis because
you have brought about knowingly or unknowingly "jarring musical tones" which when acted upon
your physical body, you quickly get out of tune,which is commonly known as sickness. We can
dance  or stumble through life, the choice is ours, the more in harmony we can be with life, then
the more complete we will become, and our tonal signature  or note will play out a harmonic tone
which means we will be fit and healthy.It is well to remember that we are all basically vehicles
for the indwelling soul, and our vehicles (bodies) are not that much different from those other
vehicles you drive to work in, your car, have you ever had to get your car "tuned up" (musical note)
well your physical body is no different that your car, they both need to by playing the same tune or
your car will break down, and so will you my friend, if you are out of tune!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome. Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Conscious Harmony Opens Realities Door.=C H O R D .

The whole of the universe runs on what could be called Divine harmonics, sometimes called the music of the spheres, one vast infinite orchestral symphony of motioning melodies, all dancing in
perfect sequence in multiple dimensions simultaneously.
When we still our minds and sit quietly, we can begin the process of "tuning in" to these divine
harmonics, we often completely fail to see the scale that all of our existence manifests to musical
notes, these "notes" are in what is called  "tonal phasing"which automatically adjusts itself in
accordance to the way we live, think, eat, and do, the lower notes the denser and sicker we are,
the higher notes depict a healthier and more balanced being.
If I can mention a passage from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 12.6. "Remember him before the silver
cord  is snapped, and the golden bowl is crushed, before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and
the wheel is broken at the well. Before the dust returns to the ground from which it came, and the
spirit returns to God who gave it life".
One thing is certain that we will all meet sooner or later death, then the "tone" (musical note) will
change frequency, and the "life force"(spirit) will withdraw from the physical vehicle (body) then
after a momentary pause, decay will begin its process of dissolution. Now I would like to mention
why I mentioned a passage from the Bible in particular the mention of the word "CORD" the
"silver cord is snapped" I would venture to suggest that this term "cord" is incorrect, and that the
correct word would be "CHORD" as in a musical chord, not like a piece of rope like cord, we are
connected to our silver chord, which is a tonal energy connection between the vehicle and the indwelling soul, the golden bowl that is crushed is the physical body, when the "life force" spirit
withdraws its presence, and the musical note that animated that body,no longer plays "that tune".
Our silver chords can stretch into infinity if it needs to, we all travel in the astral realms at night
when we are asleep, and if you wanted to go to anywhere in the universe your chord would NOT
snap. as it is a note that plays between you and the soul, and while you are traveling at night your
physical body remains on the bed, and its your astral body that travels, and the "note" is within it.
When we die (change venues) what happens is not so much as a chord being snapped, rather more
akin to a chord "no longer playing" the musician and the orchestra have moved into another dimension.
In part two will develop this further. Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome Facebook Soul realization. 

Saturday 9 June 2018

Absolute Thought Omnipresent Motion Spirit. A T O M S Part Two.

What is force? And what is Motion? Which comes first? It is written within the ageless wisdom
that from absolute motionlessness came motion, how is this possibly? How can absolute stillness
give birth to motion? That is a good question, imagine that you are sitting absolutely still, your
mind and center of consciousness is absolutely devoid of any thoughts whatsoever, all within the
orbit of your consciousness was absolutely quintessence, ignore the fact that you have a physical
body, with blood circulating around and other motions of the body, just try and imagine that you
are just a point of consciousness, and nothing more than that. Then a "MOTION" arises (thought)
within the center of your consciousness, this motion is if you were the ABSOLUTE would be the
IDEA that motioned in a virginal universe, therefore "force" manifests within the consciousness
of  IDEATION  "away from self"? Force is simply the passage of one state of "motion" into
another state of  of the same, of electricity into heat and to light, and light into sound. But behind
all this where modern science has not yet ever trodden, is that you can have motion that does not
MOVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER! The secret of this motionless motion lies within the
point of consciousness that exists within the Absolute. All relativity within the relative duality
of the physical universe we think we know about, (but in reality what we know could fit on a
postage stamp, as to what actually IS) within this relative universe we just "SEE" force and
motion,and of course atoms, lots of them, trillions upon trillions of them,but what we do not
see, is the PRIMAL IDEA that gave the "formation of formlessness" (spirit)  and gave the
eternally still motion!  That exists behind the illusion of form and matter, it exists within the
abode-less abode of the Absolute, or God for short. Thought is motion that moves nothing?
What then does this imply? We are used to seeing only one level of what we call reality,
which in fact is an illusion, science will soon realize this truth. Behind what we can see, feel,
or understand lies that which is ONE and ALL, and we who have no actual personal reality
whatsoever, are part of this collective consciousness that is the mover of all stillness, all
atoms are points of consciousness and their motion arises from within an absolute thought
that was thought in the time that is NOW TODAY.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, facebook Soul realization.

Friday 8 June 2018

Absolute Thought Omnipresent Motion Spirit. =A T O M S

The atom is the most metaphysical object in creation, no atom is ever "created" for the atom is
eternal within the bosom of the ONE ATOM !  "the atom of atoms". Every atom in the universe
has the potentiality of self-consciousness in it, and is like the "Monads of Leibnitz, a universe
in itself, and for itself, it is an atom, and an angel?
No one has ever seen ,smelt,heard,touched, or tasted an "atom"the atom belongs wholly to the
domain of metaphysics. It is an "entified abstraction" for physical science.
In this modern age, the atomic age, scientists have discovered the force, the power of material
atoms. But they have not yet known what is the force of a spiritual atom?  We ARE spiritual
atoms. The spiritual atom is smaller than the material atom.
Carbon atoms contain universal symbols,demonstrates that matter is a manifestation of the same
divine consciousness experienced by the saints and sages of all history, matter is innately spiritual.
This universe does not exist separately from the universal consciousness, it is a direct expression
of it. The carbon atom the electrons occupy four tear drop shaped clouds in a tetrahedron  like
arrangement, in each drop there are four signs that of the "Swasttika" "Aumkara" and Alpha and
omega, these "signs" that clearly show up in the carbon atom, were known about over ten
thousand years ago, long before this atomic age! How did those sages and Yogis actually know
what was present in the carbon atom? The Swastika for instance was known and drawn by
Yogis in India, thousands of years ago, How could a Yogi know the symbolism exhibited 
within a carbon atom, thousands of years ago, and just "discovered" a few years ago?
And what about the signs of Alpha and Omega? Also found in the carbon atom, and known
by the ancient wise of long centuries ago?  They knew these things, because they were in tune
with the inner reality of what life Actually IS! In meditation DEEP, they SAW and felt the roar
of the energy tidal forces as it surged through their Chakras up and down their spine, they saw
that they indeed were an ATOM, a spiritual atom, which resides within our heart chakra, and
is much smaller than the gross material atom. That is what we all actually ARE, a spiritual atom
"held down" and surrounded by trillions of material atoms, which act as an ANCHOR to weigh
down and keep in stasis and coherence  the spiritual atom (you and me) in order for us to experience
the experiences of physical expression in time and space, which of course are non-existent in the
realm of spirit.
In part two will delve deeper into this, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 7 June 2018

Inspiration Opens Numinosity Spiritually. =I O N S Part Two.

The outer physical body of mankind (Divine immortal souls, having a "human" experience)
consists of countless trillions of atoms, and these atoms are all "HELD" in perfect coherance
by the immortal soul who is using the physical vehicle as a means to gain purchase within
this dense and very gross base level of vibration. The immortal soul who is the only reality
here, all we are, are vehicles for this indwelling soul to experience the experiences of earth
and to encounter and FEEL the very real (but also an illusion) feeling of being isolated and
apart from the whole, which of course is absolutely impossible to occur in reality, but when
you are anchored within a physical body and under the seemingly real occurrence of  duality
it  feels very real, and that feeling is what we are here to learn, and master by going within
and finding out who the hell you really ARE!
Our divine true being, that of our immortal soul, is anchored within our crown chakra, and
its LIFE FORCE runs down through all the other energy centers, exiting through our feet
into the earth, thereby electromagnetically "earthing us" to the planetary grid.
Contrary to what we are told and believe, that the word  radioactive and radioactivity, is
usually seen as something dangerous and lethal. The defination of radioactivity,"the
Phenomenon,exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously
emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element" (we are
the element in question?) When we take up the practice of yoga or meditation, the deeper we
penetrate into our core of being, we do in fact become radioactive, we radiate invisible energy
which can be seen by those who are sensitive and can see auras, this energy is LIGHT which
if one persisted with intense focus this light would eventually become visible to even those
who were not sensitive, that's why many saints and holy men are seen as lighted beings,they
have halos of light emanating from their heads and shoulders, that is radioactivity at work
and is completely harmless and is the destiny for all mankind, to radiate the pure light of
the indwelling soul. Our atomic nucleus at its lowest spectrum of radiation is very low level
of vibration "physical" atoms, your every day human being, this can be changed by us, simply
by adopting another way of living,if you start the daily practice of meditation or yoga, the deeper
you get into this, that daily action, will actually change you atomic radiation, as you raise in awareness and consciousness,so to running exactly parallel with this ascension, your physical
atoms, will automatically be raised to more ethereal atoms, and you will be on your way to
becoming harmlessly radioactive. And of course much less DENSE!
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome (I never get any!) Facebook
Soul realization.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Inspiration Opens Numinosity Spiritually. -I O N S.

The ion (which comes from the Greek word for going) are electrically charged atoms
and if we use the practice of say meditation, where we are stilling the active brain, where are we
(going) "ion" with this? We need to begin to understand what atoms actually are. Basically they
are just "packets of intense energy" orbiting around a nucleus, the nucleus could be seen as a sub-atomic singularity (black hole?) Atoms exist in many dimensional levels, this physical level being
the lowest that we exist on, when in a self-aware mode. When we are "going" we are if effect
ionizing through motion,or emotion? If we take up the practice of say meditation or yoga, what
are we actually doing? Where are we (going?) what will be the ionizing effect upon our bodies?
And our consciousness? Atoms come in the formless form of energy packets starting at a gross
dense physical level and elevating into unknown levels of cosmic consciousness, and beyond even
When we take up the regular  practice of yoga or meditation, by going within ourselves, and
gradually stilling the chattering monkey mind, we begin a slow process of transformation and
transmutation of a dense physical form of congealed light (the physical body) and this process
is automatically set into motion when you the practitioner align yourself  with the stillness
that lies within the center of your being, through sitting quietly and just observing your breath
without any thought or naming distinctions, just observation and nothing more.
If we do this practice daily we will begin the process of change, first things will be the sensitivity
will become more expanded and more inclusive, then your intuitiveness will become fired up,
and flashes of inspired ideas and thoughts will flood into your consciousness with an ebb and flow
like pulse. then you will begin the process of "atomic exchange" which means literally to "exchange
your physical atoms" to higher more ethereal atoms, this will have an ionizing  radiation effect
upon your whole countenance , you will glow with healthy vitality, and as you begin the embracing
sequence of accepting these "higher energies, powers" your levels of consciousness will expand
exponentially, and you will by then have made the acquaintance of that indwelling source of all
your previous insights, and inspirations, that "still small voice within you" your own immortal
In part two will look further into this,warmest regards Michael any comments welcome,Facebook Soul realization. 

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Divinity Reigning Earthwards Alert Mode. =D R E A M . Part Two.

This particular blog is the direct result of an experience I encountered while doing my morning
daily meditation two days ago. I "saw" in my meditation two lines of force falling earthwards
one line was positive and the other negative, which I took also to mean Yin and Yang , these
two lines of force formed a V shaped inverted triangle and at the point where they touched the
earth both lines were convergent into a point, and at the point of convergence a soul was being
born! This then caused me to look up the global numbers of souls being born, and the number
passing away each year, and there are 131.4 million births per year,and only 55.3 million deaths
per year, which means there are seventy six million more souls being born each year than there are
dying. What then can we make of this? I feel that i was shown this for a reason, i am not entirely
sure as to what it all actually means, if anything! But this world is in no doubt in a crisis mode!
Our oceans are polluted, our rivers are drying up and polluted as well. palm oil is destroying all
the planets forests and jungles, along with soy bean plantations which forests are being cut down
in order to feed animals thousands of miles away, so we can eat beef fed on soy bean. This planet
or rather the human race are heading for major-major catastrophes unless something very drastic
is done very-very soon. It is interesting that we are called the human race, for here the "operative"
word is "RACE" we are all literally RACING head-long in oblivion, unless the powers to be can
somehow unite and bring about fundamental urgent changes like TODAY!
I would to think that the reason so many more souls are being born than dying, is because infinite
intelligence in the formless form of the Absolute, has and currently IS anchoring more divine souls
upon this planet in order for major changes to occur, when this will actually happen is anyone's
guess, but at best we only have about thirty to forty years left, after that we will all be suffocated
by lack of any oxygen to breathe as all the rain forests that currently produce our oxygen will have
been turned into soy and palm oil plantations that will cover thousands of miles, and will be so big
that you will have to fly from one field to another! If we look on the bright side, we will have plenty
of soy bean to eat as we all gasp for air!!!!!!  I only hope and pray that Divine intelligence will not
allow us to continue this utter folly of greed and lust for power., and will set in place, awakened souls
who will rally many to support major changes, and force the multinational greedy pigs, to collapse
into the shit pile they have all created, we can all refuse to buy their crap and force change and collapse them at the stock exchange, as their investors loose billions.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soulrealization.

Monday 4 June 2018

Divinity Reigning Earthwards Alert Mode.=D R E A M .

The total number of souls born every year on earth is 131.4 million, the total number of deaths  per
year globally is 55.3 million, this works out at four births per second  every second of the day, and
two people die each second  of every day. The numbers clearly show that the birth rate far outweighs
the death rate, there are in fact over fifty per cent more births  each year than there are deaths.
Much has been mentioned over the last few years about this planet reaching a "tipping point" where
once reached, events and major global problems would increase exponentially.
The year 2012 was a year when many things were going to happen, some thought that this would
signal the end of the world, well we are still all here! And that was several years ago now, so what
if anything is happening today? Well the facts are that over fifty five per cent more people are being
born each year, than there are dying, so many millions more of us are here than those passing away.
Could this be taken as a message that something is about to happen? It seems to me that many more
souls are clamoring to get here, because they have a purpose and a destiny to fulfil, what could that
be I wonder?  If we look at what a human being actually consists of, then the picture will become
somewhat clearer,human beings are basically vehicles for the Divine soul to incarnate within and
gather experience upon this plane of opportunity. So the fact we have so many more souls here than
ever before on the known history of this planet (there is an unknown one as well?) seems to suggest
that things are about to happen, or are gradually happening, that will bring about major changes upon
all on this planet., each human being is an anchor-point for the indwelling Divinity, whether they
know it or not,accept it or not, what ones thinks,says, and does, is really irrelevant to what actually
IS!  It would seem that Divinity wants many more anchors here, which will awaken to their true
nature, that of being an immortal divine soul, and that level of awakened consciousness anchored
upon this earth plane will gradually or even more quickly bring about major changes, and this will
cause a rise in global consciousness, that will send at first ripples out across the planet, then these
ripples will become much more impacting and grow into a global tsunami that will wash out all
the crap that lingers, and leave a freshened hope of joyful consciousness in its wake.
In part two will explore this more,warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Sting Of Death Annulled. =S O D A Part Two.

The sting of death is in the unknowing of what actually happens when this "event" actually occurs
millions fear this event, because we all know, (but do not want to talk about) that everyone who
is born also dies, and when we are very young, this seems so far away that we are not that bothered
by it (yet)! But when we get much older the idea pops up, sometimes very often, and the question
what is death and what will happen to me? Some think that death means total extinction, to vanish
forever into utter oblivion, finished, gone, annihilated, if that were true, which it most certainly is
NOT, then i guess that would cause a certain amount of unease! Some think that they will go to a place called heaven, the word heaven actually means HARMONY, and it is not a place,rather it is
a dimension or realm, that has eternal and infinite scope for expansion of consciousness and
perception that follows a long path of evolution, cause when we get there in this other realm. we
will also need to revisit this so called "vale of tears" to progress further in our evolutionary path.
The word death is actually totally meaningless, it has NO PLACE in the reality of life eternal, it
is a fallacy, an illusion conjured up by those ego-centered creators of world religions so that they
would have authority and power over their ignorant followers, do as we say, or God will send you to hell! They themselves mostly knew that all life was eternal, and it mattered not whether you belived
it or not, they knew it was a universal law, that all life was eternal-period!
The more correct word for what we call death is CHANGE, when we change (DIE) we leave or
rather rise up out of the physical body (vehicle,spacesuit) and move wholly into our astral body
the silver chord is severed by the soul, and at that moment decay sets into the now empty shell
or vehicle, the real owner has moved onto fresh pastures and further adventures, and of course
still being VERY  MUCH ALIVE. You often hear people say this phrase, "NO one has ever come back from the dead, to tell us about it" Really?  This old chestnut of a phrase is utter nonsense and has been proved wrong thousands of times over the years, just  goggle and ask has the dead ever spoken, and see what you get back! I have personally spoken to dozens of so called "dead" people
and all of them were much more ALIVE that us listening to them! Let us all arise out of the ignorance about this utter illusion of death, and embrace and rejoice in the FACT that all life is
eternal, and being eternal has always been alive! We are all immortal divine souls, living within a
vehicle called the physical body, and having what could be termed as a Human Experience.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Sting Of Death Annulled. =S O D A .

From Corinthians 15; 55-57 " O' death, where is thy sting? O'grave, where is thy victory? The
sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin in the law" What do these words mean to us today?
That were written many centuries ago. The sting of death , is in not knowing or comprehending
the reality that the word death is totally meaningless. The correct word that comes to mind, to use when the physical vehicle (human body) has completed its cycle here, is the word CHANGE, we
change out of our physical vehicle when the earth cycle is completed, (this is always decided by
the soul)  and move onto the Astral realm with your astral body, and then carry on living as before.
It is worth mentioning here that we have always had an astral body, it does not miraculously
appear when we "die"(change)here, all of our physical lives, you have been using your astral
body and travelling to many levels or dimensions there, all this happened while you were
sleeping, its just that most of us do not remember where we have been, because as soon as we
wake up, our conscious minds engage, and the memory fades away in a few moments, but you
can train yourself to remember where you have been while sleeping,I have done this myself in
past, and so have others that I have known, all you need to do is to keep a note book and pen by
your bedside, and as soon as you awake, even before you run to the loo to pee! Write down as fast
as you can all thoughts and feelings you feel, you only have a very narrow window of opportunity
before the conscious waking mind seals of the memories.
O'grave, where is thy victory? Well the answer to this is that there is no victory as YOU are NOT
present in that grave! All that remains in the grave is the rotting remains of the vehicle or
(spacesuit) that YOU the SOUL used to experience this earth plane, you are living on as before
minus your physical vehicle, in your astral body, in that other dimension.
"The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law"What does this actually mean? Well the
worn sin as meaning doing something against God, and being punished for it, is purely a religeous
point of view, it has no actual baring on reality! The word SIN to me stands for this; SPIRIT-IS
NEGATED=SIN, and we negate this spiritual reality of what and who we really are, by our total
IGNORANCE of who we really are! And because billions of us have not got a clue as to who actually lives inside of the body they inhabit, we suffer dearly for our profound ignorance, that's where all the wars and cruelty spring from, plus all the dis-eases that wipe out millions of us every
year, if we all knew that we were each immortal divine souls, and all related together and totally
connected into ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE, then the energy of LOVE and compassion would
prevail globally.
In part two will look deeper into this, Warmest regards  Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 1 June 2018

Become Love Open gateway.=B L O G Part Two.

It is said that "love makes the world go round" can we identify with this saying? Many I think
would argue this matter, and point to all the wars and famine that abounds here on earth and say
where is the love there? Yet if we stand back a little, and ask the question, what actually is love?
To me the most direct and simple answer would be that love is actually energy! Now I am aware
that many would say that love is emotions, feelings, the love for a child by its mother,this is seen
as different from the love between say a husband and wife, but all these aspects of what we call
love, have all one connecting factor, and that is energy. Mankind is basically a collection of
physical biological machines, which in turn are just vehicles or (space suits) as I call them, in
which the true identity dwells that of our immortal divine soul. Now the "GATEWAY" that I
mention here in this blog title, is the portal that will connect you to who you really are , that being
a divine immortal soul, having what could be called, a human experience here on earth.  To open
this gateway, you need to look within yourself in order to find yourself, there is really absolutely
no need for anyone to actually look for LOVE, love is not lost, you are! If we could only begin to
know who we really are, we would then realize that we were the actual embodiment of that greatest
principle within this universe, that of LOVE, all human beings, without exception,are divine, and
all  are the embodiment of that  absolute principle,(which also means immutable law) that of love.
Now love is just another word for energy, and we are full of energy, if we are healthy that is.
The basic and fundamental truth is this; if you could just BE YOURSELF, you would radiate
this absolute principle in a three hundred and sixty degree circle of unconditional love. Very
simple but very hard to achieve, so what we can then aim for is by looking within ourselves, taking
up practices of yoga and meditation , we can begin connecting to that sacred principle of love bit by
bit we can add degrees to our radiation to others of this principle, and gradually get to know our
true and immortal self, that of the soul. Love is the energy that holds all of our vehicles aka the physical body is a coherent wholeness, without that embrace of love we would all literally fall
apart,and our atoms would loose their integrity and life would be absent as we know it.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.