Thursday 7 June 2018

Inspiration Opens Numinosity Spiritually. =I O N S Part Two.

The outer physical body of mankind (Divine immortal souls, having a "human" experience)
consists of countless trillions of atoms, and these atoms are all "HELD" in perfect coherance
by the immortal soul who is using the physical vehicle as a means to gain purchase within
this dense and very gross base level of vibration. The immortal soul who is the only reality
here, all we are, are vehicles for this indwelling soul to experience the experiences of earth
and to encounter and FEEL the very real (but also an illusion) feeling of being isolated and
apart from the whole, which of course is absolutely impossible to occur in reality, but when
you are anchored within a physical body and under the seemingly real occurrence of  duality
it  feels very real, and that feeling is what we are here to learn, and master by going within
and finding out who the hell you really ARE!
Our divine true being, that of our immortal soul, is anchored within our crown chakra, and
its LIFE FORCE runs down through all the other energy centers, exiting through our feet
into the earth, thereby electromagnetically "earthing us" to the planetary grid.
Contrary to what we are told and believe, that the word  radioactive and radioactivity, is
usually seen as something dangerous and lethal. The defination of radioactivity,"the
Phenomenon,exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously
emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element" (we are
the element in question?) When we take up the practice of yoga or meditation, the deeper we
penetrate into our core of being, we do in fact become radioactive, we radiate invisible energy
which can be seen by those who are sensitive and can see auras, this energy is LIGHT which
if one persisted with intense focus this light would eventually become visible to even those
who were not sensitive, that's why many saints and holy men are seen as lighted beings,they
have halos of light emanating from their heads and shoulders, that is radioactivity at work
and is completely harmless and is the destiny for all mankind, to radiate the pure light of
the indwelling soul. Our atomic nucleus at its lowest spectrum of radiation is very low level
of vibration "physical" atoms, your every day human being, this can be changed by us, simply
by adopting another way of living,if you start the daily practice of meditation or yoga, the deeper
you get into this, that daily action, will actually change you atomic radiation, as you raise in awareness and consciousness,so to running exactly parallel with this ascension, your physical
atoms, will automatically be raised to more ethereal atoms, and you will be on your way to
becoming harmlessly radioactive. And of course much less DENSE!
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome (I never get any!) Facebook
Soul realization.

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