Wednesday 31 October 2018

Consciousness And Spontaneity Harmonise-Inviting Numinosity.=C A S H I N Part Two.

Consciousness and spontaneity go hand in hand with each other,they both reflect each other
perfectly when there is no obstruction present, the obstruction that is present within humanity
is the ego, and the ego is the "wedge" that divides consciousness from its reflection spontaneity,
because the vast majority of mankind are completely out of rhythm with the natural order of
universal law, we are all misaligned and therefore not being and acting spontaneously,due to
the presence of the all watchful ego. Nature devoid of any ego is therefore naturally spontaneous
much like the animal and insect life are.
To invite numinosity into our lives, which means to open ourselves up to the inner divine soul
that dwells within us all,we therefore need to go within and begin the act of reconnecting the
inner energy with our present level of consciousness and attempt to marry the two together.
Then we will be moving towards more spontaneous (therefore natural) actions and gradually
move away from the stifling interruptive interference of the ego.
We can never achieve a natural spontaneity by focusing our gaze outward and remaining
ego centred and therefore by implication being ever watchful of what we think,say, and do,
we can ever only achieve a natural spontaneity  by going within ourselves and embracing the
reality of our true and immortal heritage. By doing this one act of refocusing, we are then
beginning the process of becoming realigned with the natural universal order of things, and this
will set in motion an inner arising of higher energy that will naturally begin to coordinate your
life so that harmony and order will be fully restored, and you will feel and be more in tune with
the natural rhythm of life, which will express itself in a natural spontaneous  response to whatever
you interact with.
Our consciousness is in fact an infinite ocean of knowingness that  has infinite depth, we have but
to take a deep breath and dive into the depths of knowing which is the matrix of consciousness and
then see how we will all begin to naturally realign ourselves to all reality, because we ARE THE
EMBODIMENT of reality and therefore we act within this reflection principle which has within
its matrix core that of spontaneity! Spontaneity and consciousness are in truth one of the same thing.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Consciousness And Spontaneity Harmonise-Inviting Numinosity. = C A S H -I N .

Spontaneous forces operate within nature,but in society individuals possessing consciousness
and violation act in pursuit of certain goals, thereby loosing their spontaneity, these certain goals
are almost all ego driven and directed. We all loose our natural spontaneity due to the intervention
of our ego's, by the time our ego decides on the best for its purposeful action,all spontaneity
has long gone.
All animals act spontaneously because they have no ego's.Beyond the ego's reach spontaneity
exists still, within us lies the natural instinct of divine spontaneity.Our intuitive inclinations are
part of this inner reality that dwells within all mankind. All intuition comes from one central
matrix and this is the indwelling divine immortal soul, it is sometimes called by another name
that of the conscience that is pricked when we perceive that we have done something we should
not have done.
The title of this blog is to "CASH IN" and we can all CASH IN by going within ourselves
and revealing and discovering just who and what we really are. This discovery is by far the
most important thing you will ever do in your entire life, all other things pale into insignificance
by the absolute discovery of who you really are. We each within us have a "homing beacon"
that flashes intuitive messages to us, in particular in times of crisis and trial, this homing beacon
is very much like the search light that flashes out to sea from light houses, saving ships in peril
is its job, your inner beacon is guiding you home to your real and true identity.
If we can get beyond the ego, we can cash in on the reestablishment of some more spontaneous
actions that will begin to manifest within us, we will be able to show our feelings naturally without
having to spot check to see if its okay or not.
By going within ourselves we draw nearer to the matrix of all life, which is the spirit, which is life
itself,and by drawing closer to that which is real, we begin to tune into a new realm of reality, that
of the spiritual realm the home of numinosity,and also the home of where our true identity lies, there
within our heart chakra or matrix lies YOU the immortal divine soul.
Instead of expanding our waist lines like the explosion of obesity that is taking place today in the western world, we need to be expanding our consciousness and perceptive abilities, of which we will
explore more fully in part two tomorrow.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If anyone reading these blogs has any questions or something to say,please send an email would  be
great to hear from you.

Monday 29 October 2018

Omnipresent Motion-That;s Absolute Truth-Spirit Acquires Tone.=OM-TAT-SAT. Part Two,

All there is, is the literal meaning of om-tat-sat, all that there is within this universe, and it even
transcends that too, it is the absolute totality of absolutely ALL We are all fully contained within
the all of Brahman or the absolute.Motion was born within the act of the "will to become" which
arose from within the infinite absolute mind of Brahman, all motion was conceived within absolute
motionlessness, within the absolute mind of the ONE, as motion arose, and was cast out into the
infinite void, so too was sound born aloft within this infinite power and primal force.Spirit now
had acquired a voice (OM) and with its new found voice came light into the void.
Motion and emotion what is the difference between the two words? Motion was set into place
at that exact moment in the now of the primal thought wave of the absolutes "will to become"
a universe, and motion being first a thought within Brahmans mind then motion transforms
into energy and force. Motion within its matrix directive can only obey that directive and
nothing else.However (E(motion is a very different thing entirely,firstly emotion is only
ever "born" within individualised consciousness, (self awareness) and we differ greatly from
just common motion, because within our matrix directive is the added function of "self will"
which indeed can and does over ride the prime matrix directive,(with and at a cost though,
this is where karma steps in to balance the book so to speak) all other universal motion that
has not got this added function of self awareness, is what can be called without spot,only
us as human beings have acquired this added function called spot, which simply put, means
that we can by an act of self will (and self will run riot) chose to go against the directives of
natural universal law, and do the opposite thing, (which always incurs a penalty by the way)
No other life form except mankind can do this act of will full-ness  that is going against the
pressured direction of natural universal law. This is where the idea of sin came from, as man
was seen to have acquired spot,(sin) which really translates as "self will" other life forms do
not have self aware consciousness. The primal sound of the OM still vibrates throughout the
entire universe, it is a secret hidden from us that the OM has two missing letters which are
H and E and when all these letters are assembled in this sequence in spells out the word HOME
and HOME is the ultimate destination of us all. One final mention before closing this blog, is
that within each one of us, lies a HOMING BEACON and that homing beacon is your very own
divine immortal soul, which if contacted by going within yourself, will indeed guide you home
and complete the two missing letters of the OM that of the H and the E.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 28 October 2018

Omnipresent Motion-That's Absolute Truth-Spirit Acquires Tone, =O M -T A T -S A T.

OM-TAT-SAT, literally "ALL THERE IS" absolute reality being expressed within form, is
then activated into motion and in so doing acquires the sound of OM, which can be seen as
standing for "omnipresent motion". Brahman or the Absolute manifests  its awesome being
in sound (om) motion and light, forming the formless spirit into the shape of expression that
develops  and the great word om  manifests within the expression  of OM within this physical
relative universe of which we have but a vague and limited understanding.
OM-TAT-SAT  arise within the Infinite and absolute mind of Brahman, the primal MOTION
that arose within its awesome infinite mind, gave birth to a virginal universe, which was also
the birth of primal motion, the "first cause" that brought motion out of absolute motionlessness
and set in place by an act of absolute "WILL TO BE-COME" the very laws and principles that
govern all our lives today.
ALL REALITY, is basically a product of thought, a thought that began in the NOW which led
us all here to this place within the absolute embrace of the eternal now. All life is a product of
thought, there are NO exceptions to this universal law of motion arising within consciousness
which is in turn the LIFE FORCE of absolute intelligence, using motion as a means of carrying
out its divine and absolute INTENTIONS,we are all products of this intensive mindful will
to be-come,the human race being only really vehicles for the divine messenger within, that of
our very own immortal divine soul,by going within ourselves, and sounding that most *W)holy
sound of the OM, we are then if fact connecting to our true and only origin of our source , and
in that way we are setting in "motion" the act of will that will ultimately lead us back to the divine
state of "stillness".
All sound arises from within motion, no motion no sound,the trick in life is connecting to the sounds
that are healing and wholesome, rather than the disease based sounds that we humans often create
without most even realising  the damage that we are doing to our bodies and minds.
Rather than being fragmented and damaged by our life styles, we can all stop and think about
what we really need in our lives, and most of us want to feel safe loved and secure, and to have
some peace of mind and serenity, and hopefully be healthy and joyful.
In part two will explore this further.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Stranger Within Awaiting Discovery Divine Life Expressed.=S W A D D L E Part Two.

We all need to be born again ,before we are complete beings, our first physical birth is the
vehicle,the container or womb for the inner soul to be born again within your waking consciousness
when you have made all the connections through vast experiences and begin to see the "light"
literally. This starts up the awakening process of the descent of spirit into your physical consciousness, and awareness. The destiny of all human beings (vehicles) is to be born again
in this manner, to wake up eventually from a long slumber and finally realize the reality of the
swaddled child awaiting  birth within this physical realm.
We are all immortal divine souls without exception, and it is our natural heritage to awaken to
this most delightful fact.
To be clear on the matter of rebirth, the soul being immortal and therefore eternal is never born
or ever dies, what is born is the reality of its existence within our consciousness, and not that it
is actually a new born being within us.
On the idea of consciousness,we need to be aware that the center of consciousness is not in
our heads, as we might imagine it to be, but rather within the heart chakra which is situated
within the center of your chest, close by to the actual physical heart, this is sometimes called
the "cave of the heart" where the Christ is born, here we need to say, that Christ is in fact a
universal energy, and not a being, this energy which is universal in nature, is the "backbone"
of all spiritual energy within the relative universe. All souls immortal by nature are within the
energy matrix of the universal Christ energy.
The anointed one is the rebirth within the cave of our hearts of our immortal divine soul,here
anointed means being baptized  by the fire of our experiences through long ages past,we have all
literally sweated blood, sweat, and tears, through the agony of painful and joyous experiences,
culminating on the day we are reborn of the spirit,and awaken to our true identity that of being
all immortal divine souls.
To know who you truly are is the birthright of all beings, we all have a right to know just who and
what we really are, and I hope and trust that in some small way this blog can help bring about this
realization within the readers consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 26 October 2018

Stranger Within Awaiting Discovery Divine Life Expressed..=S W A D D L E

We each have a stranger within us, that is swaddled up so tightly that there is no movement
made within our waking consciousness, and we therefore remain completely unaware of this
sleeping stranger within us all.
As we make progress through many lives here on this earth plane, and in so doing, gather vast
amounts of experience. There comes a time when this tightly wrapped swaddled stranger begins
to stir, and when this occurs, we begin to get intuitive thoughts and ideas entering into our heads.
We begin to hear an inner small voice, that will whisper a comforting word when we are in times
of trial or crisis.
The birth of the soul into our waking consciousness has been within the long history of mankind,
and also the birth of many religions, the birth of our soul into our waking consciousness can be
likened to the birth of Jesus, the difference being that Jesus was supposed to be born in a stable
and our souls are born within our physical body, at least that appears to be, but of course the soul
does not actually have any physical properties that we would understand , because the soul is of
the spirit, rather than that of matter.
The biblical injunction of, "except yea be born again, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven"
We need to understand first that "heaven" is not a PLACE, but rather a state of mind, it means
literally harmony of mind and spirit,and to be born again means to literally wake up to the 
swaddled stranger within you, which is your Divine Immortal Soul. when you do that fully
then you are in fact literally born again of the spirit, that is the REAL YOU dear reader of this
blog, we are all Divine immortal souls, whether we accept it or not, reject it or not, what we all
think about this universal reality is totally and utterly irrelevant to the reality that it IS!
All we are as personalities and ego's are just vehicles, so that the real being which is the soul
can gain experience here on earth, we as just vehicles have no more reality than the car you drive
to work is real, it is a real vehicle, and provides a service like getting you to work on time, but
sooner or later in will end up in the scrap yard, and your vehicle will end up in  coffin, but your
soul will continue living, because it is immortal.
In part two will look deeper into this subject.   Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Follow Life Open Way.= F L O W Part Two.

Life is forever on the move,it cannot ever remain still, we are either going forwards, backwards
or in ever decreasing circles, but never still.
Life is basically energy, living-intelligent-focused- energy=LIFE, and we are all beings within
the flow of life, forever on the move, each new experience we experience brings us one step
closer to the point where we begin to start making connections, because that is the whole purpose
of life here upon the earth plane, and that is to make connections through experiences gathered
and in so doing gain insight into the inner workings of who you really are.
Knowing who you really are, is the sole purpose of your existence here, there is no other reason
although we may kid ourselves with fancy and noble ideas, the fact is that our sole purpose here
is to find the reality of our inner divine immortal soul. That's it! Nothing more! Then when we have
managed soul realization,we move onto the next phase of our evolution, that of SELF realization
where we then enter into the realm of ALL CONSCIOUSNESS, which is at the moment beyond
our present comprehension, the many become the few, then the few become the ONE!
Because so many of us live in a pseudo based false reality, we imagine all manner of things that
are "EXTREMELY" important and milestones to be appropriated  within our individual lifetime
and although many of these are indeed noble and grand accomplishments, they all pale into
INSIGNIFICANCE compared with the reality of knowing who you really are, that of being an
immortal divine soul, we need to be mindful of this, because that is why we are all here, to find
this inner reality within us.Of course each experience we encounter will indeed bring us all one
step closer to that grand day when we each realize the reality of our own inner soul. And also
all those grand and noble achievements that we have worked so hard for, will indeed help to
propel us further along the way towards soul realization, and no experience is ever wasted, nature
in very economical in her way, and no experience is ever wasted.
If we can but put aside the outer flow side of our  lives, and instead  turn our gaze inward and dive
into the inner flow of life, we will then begin to make those ever so important connections, that will
ultimately lead you to full soul realization.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Follow Life Open Way.=F L O W .

We are often told when experiencing difficulties in our lives,to "go with the flow", what exactly
does that mean? The flow of what precisely ? Does our life then flow like a river flows?  There
are several books called the river of life,and we all seem to be caught up in its flow.
If we are really going with the flow,then this implies that we are moving away from our present
state, that we are on the move, and this again can imply expansion of our consciousness,what
then if we are not then in the flow of life?  Well, it would seem that we could be stuck in an eddy,
and going around in endless circles, getting nowhere fast. Repeating the same patterns as before,
and therefore we are stuck in a rut.We can stay in this vortex of endlessly repeating worn out
and threadbare ideas and habits, and unless an arising crisis intervenes, to force us to change
direction,we can remain stuck in this rut until death releases us.
How do we ascertain the quality of our lives? Do we look for quality or are satisfied by our quantity
of life?
One thing is for certain, that if your life is fulfilling and all our needs are met,and we seem to be
fairly happy and content  with our lot, then we are very unlikely to want to "rock the boat" and
start making changes  in our life, like the repair manual says,"if its not broke,then leave it alone".
It is usually only in times of trial of crisis , that we ever consider the reason the change direction.
To try and reenter into the flow of life, if our lives are not expanding, then it is either constricting
and narrowing, of we are in an eddy going around in circles, life by its very nature of being aive
is always in motion, either expanding and flowing outwards gathering fresh insights and experiences
or it is going backwards, or in circles, it cannot ever be still and motionless.
Most likely dear readers of this blog, you are only reading it because you yourself have been in a crisis, and were therefore forced to make changes in your life,and because of that you are now reading this blog, and hopefully finding some identification within its contents,if you are all content
and happy wwith your lives, then you would find no attraction to reading this blog, There are very few of us who ever make any real changes in our lives, unless a crisis intervenes, I  was not one of those few, I only changed because I had to or I would die. Its not by virtue that I changes my
life, it was fear of dying, that caused the change to occur.
In part two will explore this further and deeper.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Consciousness Opens Numinous Vibration Expanding Realities Truth.=C O N V E R T Part Two.

Philosophers down through the centuries have pondered on the question-"what is truth"? And even
today we ask the same question, that has been asked  for thousands of years, what have we learnt
in that time? To me there is no great mystery in what is truth? I find it simply, that truth is reality
expressed in motion, it is that simple, and when when truth is not expressed in motion,then it
becomes absolute, and is forever motionlessness.
Our levels of consciousness will not begin engaging with higher states of consciousness, unless
we have a shift in our focus within our thought wave energy. Unless we have a shift in our focus of gazing direction, much will remain at that level until you die. It is only by deciding to look within
ourselves, either by making a conscious decision to do so, or we are forced to do so by a major
crisis arising within our life experience.
That is exactly what happened to me over forty four years ago, a major life threatening crises
arose within my experience, and nearly killed me off. Had this major life threatening crisis not
arisen within me, then I believe nothing would have changed, and I would certainly not be writing
these blogs, and thinking about spirituality and looking within myself, that would have not occurred
instead I would have remained the unaware person I was before,completely ignorant of spirituality
and spiritual principles, and would have never bother looking at that mumbo jumbo stuff like
meditation and yoga!
So I am ever so grateful for that crises in my life,because not only did it save my life, but it also opened up a new world of awareness and consciousness that has been beyond my wildest dreams.
I certainly  needed a crises in my life, because without it I would have remained the same, a defect
looking for character! Hopefully you dear reader of this blog, will have much more character than me
and will therefore make the decision to look within yourself, without have to wait for a visiting crisis
to arise in your life, and therefore force you to make a decision
We are all the very embodiment of truth and reality, to understand this fact all we need to do is to
look within ourselves,and by so doing the truth will start presenting itself to you, piece by piece
so that you are able to absorb it and therefore understand it also.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Consciousness Opens Numinous Vibrations Expanding Realities Truth..=C O N V E R T .

What is it that we all need to convert to? Well the simple answer to that question, is that we all
need to convert from forever looking outwards, to begin looking inwards. Then we will begin
making connections and open up avenues of awareness and consciousness that were previously
unknown to us before. This positive conversion of focus will begin to reap dividends to us almost
immediately. The first thing we will begin noticing is that we will seem to acquire a quietness of
mind, and all those rapid thoughts we had before will start slowing down, and will stop altogether
if we practice hard enough. What is it that we need to practice then?  Well this can be either a form
of yoga, or a form of meditation, there are a great many types of both, pick one that suits you the
Once you have decided which method of yoga or meditation suits you best,then you are ready to
be "CONVERTED" from an outward looking human- towards a divine indwelling soul.
This choice that you make, will most likely be the most singularly important decision you will have
ever made in this present life time.
Your decision will dramatically change you whole life, and more importantly your understanding
of it.
We all need to be converted from outward looking to inward looking. before we are all "diverted"
into the abyss of utter oblivion, because that is where mankind is heading, if we do not change
our gaze from outer to inner.
Our consciousness will begin to become more expansive and further embracing concepts that were
entirely unknown to us before.When we focus outward all the time, we are enticed by so many
distractions, that we fail to see our very own inner spirituality, and are a stranger to our numinous
heritage, it is only by focusing within ourselves, that the distractions fall to nearly zero point
and then we can start making progress on understanding as just to who and what we really are.
So many of us are total strangers to who we really are, we think we know and understand others
but in truth we are all fooling ourselves, because if we do not even know who we are, how in God's
name would you possibly have a clue as to how your neighbors really are?
In part two will explore this idea further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 22 October 2018

Consciousness-Opens-Inner-Life-Expressing-Divinity-Kundalini-Is-Numinosities-Gateway.C O I L ED K I N G P 2

Humanity has never ever been alone or abandoned, it is just because we do not know that we are
all immortal divine souls, that all these problems like feeling alone or abandoned arise,all our illnesses and mental and emotional problems arise from solely this gross ignorance of self.
All addictive illnesses such as obesity, drug addiction, alcoholism, all arise from  this chasm
that hole or gash which tears into our core of being, and makes us feel empty inside and hungry
for something to feed it, and therein lies the addictions and insanity that follows.
If we all knew that we were immortal divine souls, this planet would now be bathing in the light
of what would be termed the "Golden age" of mankind, instead we are all uup to our necks in
filth and pollution ridden seas and land, where war and rampant egotism dominate the world.
If we all had full self awareness and knew who we really were, we wwould all feel the loving embrace of the kundalini coiled around our spines, and not only would we feel this loving embrace
we would be experiencing new and higher levels of consciousness and perception, as the energy of
the kundalini began slowly rising up our spinal column, activating fully all our chakras as it touched
them gently with its loving embrace.
By going within ourselves and meditating, perhaps asking ourselves the question, who am "I"? As
we go forward, this inner quietness and meditation, we automatically begin to open up previously
closed avenues of consciousness. And we will begin to activate the intuitive characteristics of the
indwelling soul  begins to make their presence known, and we therefore get direct help and guidance
from our true self the soul.
We do not need to go looking for any guru or master,  there is absolutely no need for this, unless of
course it takes your personal fancy. We all have a master residing within us, and that is our very
own immortal divine soul.
Your soul will help you along the way, and revealing to you step by step how to safely open up
your inner energy, and to slowly uncoil the kundalini in a safe and disciplined way. We cannot run
before we can walk, we are always automatically  protected from harming ourselves, by the universal
law that will not permit us access into areas of energy turbulence before we are able to understand and be able to balance them, and also be grounded within reality.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization. 

Sunday 21 October 2018

Consciousness-Opens-Inner-Life-Expressing-Divinity-Kundalini-Is-Numinosities-Gateway.=COILED KING.

Divinity holds all of mankind within the magnetic loving embrace of what is called the Kundalini
sometimes called the sleeping serpent,and often seen as depicting a King Cobra. This divine energy
is entwined (coiled) around our spines, and has its tail in our anal region and its head appears within
our crown chakra at the top of our head.
For the vast majority of mankind, the kundalini energy lies dormant within the bottom of our
spines, and remains there like a sleeping serpent dormant within us.Awaiting a stirring of inner
spiritual awareness or consciousness, when that occurs,the sleeping serpent begins to stir.
For most of us in the west, we are all completely unaware of the existence of such a force called
kundalini, let alone understand it. With the event of the internet however this fact of its existence
is widely mentioned on many internet sites. So that anyone of us with internet can find out all
about it.
Because of our vast ignorance of who and what we all actually are, its not surprising  that we all
know nothing about the reality of the kundalini. We do not even know or understand what we are
as human beings, let alone a coiled serpent around our spines! We are ALL divine immortal souls
expressed within a physical body, which in FACT is a VEHICLE for the indwelling soul, and
within this vehicle we are all "wrapped up within divinities loving embrace" We cannot ever
EVER be alone, because we are forever wrapped up within the loving embrace of the infinite
SPIRIT, sadly though, because of our complete ignorance of our true being, we imagine all
manner of frightful things, and feel that we are alone and forgotten, nobody cares about me!
I am cast adrift upon a sea of despair! If we only knew and what's more accepted the reality
of the fact that we are all immortal divine souls, this sadness  and utter loneliness could never
again befall unto us.We would all then be free to awaken this inner serpent , and begin exploring
avenues of awareness and consciousness, that we had previously never knew even existed, plus
we would all be fully embracing our inner divinity, and that would then directly impact upon the
way we all lived, and more importantly treated our other fellow humans.
We are all the very embodiment of divinity, it is part of all our heritage and is who we really are.
The kundalini is our connection directly to the Divine Source of all LIFE, the Absolute.
In part two will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Seek Explore Consciousness Reality Entwines Truth Spiritually..=S E C R E T S Part Two.

There is no need for us ever to look for the truth,because hidden from us all, and known for ages
past, by the ageless wisdom, is that we all are the very embodiment of truth, which therefore
translates  as reality. All life is basically the embodiment of truth, how could it ever be otherwise?
If we ever need to know the lost secrets of the ages,all we need to do is to look within ourselves
all life in its essence (which is spirit) is invisible, it only becomes visible and therefore tangible
when it takes form(becomes expressed and compressed in shape and form) and all form is
basically a vehicle for the life essence to enable it to become expressed in whatever dimension
it chooses to be expressed within.
We are all expressions of life, and are called collectively humanity, what then does humanity
consist of? It consists of over seven billion souls, who are all using a vehicle called the human
body, the human body is "solely" and "only" a VEHICLE, nothing more, nothing less, just a
vehicle, this vehicle is animated by the indwelling soul, which in turn, is further animated by
the indwelling spirit, and spirit is basically the life invisible ESSENCE.
Vouchsafed within the souls consciousness, is the entire and complete history of this universe
and the history of your journey along that vast journey that you and all of us have been on since
motion first stirred into movement.
All motion and actions are all available to any of us, if we take the time, and make the necessary
effort to look within us, everything is recorded and has been so for billions of years, long before
we ever invented primitive recording devices!
Our souls all have access to all knowledge and wisdom, all the so called secrets of the lost ages,
are all there within you, awaiting your probing consciousness to reveal itself to you. You do not
need to find a guru or a Tibetan master, we each have a living master within us all, and that is
your very own immortal divine soul, just look within yourself, listen to that still small voice,
that inner voice is your soul trying to catch your attention, and encouraging  you to look within
and trace the source  of this inner small voice.
Reality is actually entwined around you in a loving embrace, we all our literally being hugged by
the loving embrace of reality, which in its essence is really unconditional love. So open your heart
and open your mind, embrace this loving reality, and look within yourself, and find its essence.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 19 October 2018

Seek Explore Consciousness Reality Entwines Truth Spiritually.=S E C R E T S .

The ageless wisdom of the ancients lies within the reaches of our consciousness, all we have to
do is to go within ourselves, through the practice of meditation or yoga, and sit still in the inner
silence and listen to that inner still voice, as it opens our minds to things unknown to us.
No truth or knowledge is ever denied the earnest seeker,if we just open our minds and our hearts
find out what is this thing called consciousness? Is consciousness and life the same thing, or are
they different?
If reality actually does entwine the truth,then how can we begin to unravel it, and glean some
nuggets of golden wisdom hidden in its tangled coils?
By going within ourselves and searching for the truth of expressed life, the very act of our intention
and inner searching, throws a light upon our path, consciousness itself is luminous, and by focusing
our intention of going within us, illuminates the angle that we are probing towards, all truth is by
nature self luminous, and as you approach its outer periphery it will self illumine and reveal to you
its presence. Secrets are only secrets as long as they remain hidden, in fact nothing in this universe
is hidden at all, it is just that we have not the eyes or ears to see and hear that which according to
the ageless wisdom, is "hidden in plain sight" It is just because we are so unaware and not switched
on to the inner realms of sensitivity that we all fail to see what is actually starring us all in the face.
Everything in this universe is made out of energy,and that everything is fully alive, there is no such
thing as a dead thing anywhere in existence within this universe, life is the only single reality any
where, all life is on a continuum and is singular in nature, there is no such a thing as a DEAD THING
anywhere universally, that would be totally and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!
We all have absolutely no need to go searching outside of ourselves for universal knowledge and
truth, all knowledge and truth lies within us all,  we need to be ever mindful of who and what we really are, all life by the nature of being ALIVE, is and has vouchsafed  within itself the very nature
of reality and truth, because that is exactly what we all are, we all are the very embodiment of
truth. That is WHY we all need to LOOK WITHIN OURSELVES, because that is where TRUTH
and REALITY LIVE and move and have its BEING!
In part two will explore this more,  Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Hiding Under Mask And Negating Spirituality. =H U M A N S Part Two.

Over seven billion personalities populate  this planet, seven billion personas, how many masks
are you wearing my friend? Are we the same persona when making polite conversation  at the
bus stop,than when we are sharing deeply our feelings with a loved one? There is a time and a place
to be all things,a parent,a spouse, a shop worker, office manager, but how often in a day,or even in
your lifetime, have you ever just been yourself, no masks present, just being who you really are?
We as humans are as this blog title says  "hiding under mask and negating spirituality" the sad and
tragic thing about this blog title, is that many many millions of us would be completely unaware
that they are negating any spirituality, as they do not even know or realize it is EVEN THERE!
In the first place, that is the tragedy and depth of our ignorance.
Another take on the word humans could be this; hung-up-mannequins-acting- negatively-sick=
humans, a mannequin is basically a dressed up doll, is the only difference that the mannequin
has zero personality, and that we have several? Think about it. No one on earth is really who they
think they are, except for a few, all humanity actually is, and consists of, is over seven billion
vehicles, all holding an unknown host, that of our immortal divine soul. Millions of us go to our
graves, without the slightest knowledge or any understanding as to who and what they actually
are..We are all just vehicles for our soul to gain experience through, nothing more whatsoever.
We invent through our ego's all manner of imaginary roles, like the butcher, baker, and candle
stick maker, bank manager, and doctor, all are just roles in a play, and the stage is planet Earth.
If our role as a butcher or baker enables us to find our who we really are, that of divine immortal
souls, then that role has served us well, and we can be grateful for becoming a soul realized baker
or butcher. If our role does not lead to our inner knowingness, then perhaps we should adopt a new
role to play.
All the direction indicators of this modern world point in only one direction, and that is forever outwards, never within, there is a good reason for this, because if you remain forever looking
outward, you will never find your real immortal soul, and that's what the media giants want you
to never find, as if you do, you will see through all the suficial crap and bullshit  they endlessly
peddle out.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail .com any comments welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Hiding Under Mask And Negating Spirituality. = H U M A N S .

Because the vast majority of humanity have not got a clue as to whom they really are, that of
immortal divine souls,and because of this vast and deep ignorance of who we really are , then
humanity in its ignorance invents personalities, and begins a dance of life that could be likened
to a global masquerade ball, where we all pretend to be something that we are not, you then get
the lunacy of one facade talking to another facade, and wonder why we get mixed up and have
emotional and mental breakdowns!
Like the words from the song,"nothing is real" we live in a facade driven fantasy, where bullshit
is seen to have substance, and is actually taken seriously, where the biggest liars on the planet
all seem to be in the global governments. Playing roles is part of expressing expanding life, a
mother with a young child, act differently with her child, that she would do in the boardroom,
this role adopting according to the presenting scene is normal and natural, and is not a facade.
The facade presents itself in the fact that because we do not know who we really are, we invent
masks, that is what a personality is, from the Latin word, Persona, which meant a mask, covering
the real identity of the presenting form. Nothing is real and cannot be, because we are  out of
alignment with reality, like the distortion you get in water, which bends an object, our
perspectives are all warped and bent out of shape, we do not see or even understand what life
actually is, and the MAIN REASON FOR THIS IS BECAUSE, NONE OF US ARE FULLY ALIVE! We are like icebergs floating within a facade driven sea, and we all fail to comprehend this
FACT. Like the iceberg the vast majority of our awareness and consciousness is submerged, we only
have access to about four per cent of our full capacity. but just that four per cent is enough, if we
take the trouble to look within ourselves for the answer, rather that the fantasy bullshit driven facade
that awaits all the unwary who dare to tread upon its folly laden  path.
We are all here for one reason only, to gather experience, and to finally assemble all this experience
into a pattern that leads to an inner awakening to reveal the real you behind the mask and the facade
of form (the physical body).
In part two, will explore this further.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Fackbook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Fire Of Loving Life Yields.=F O L L Y Part Two.

In this day and age we seem to know more about fashion trends, and designer "in" clothes to wear
than we know about just who we really are! There is an awesome gash in our psyche's , a
mammoth hole, that demands feeding, it has an insatiable appetite and we feed it with, food, drugs,
alcohol, which in turn leads to tens of millions of us dying long before our time.
On top of the addictive disorders, we also have all kinds of neurotic problems, plus millions also
with mental and emotional disorders. Then if this was not bad enough, we have also millions
dying from starvation and thirst, then a further number killed and maimed in warfare across the
Why is all this happening to us today? I believe the  FOLLY that befalls mankind today is caused
primarily by one paramount reason, and that is total IGNORANCE of our TRUE IDENTITY, if
we all knew who we actually were, this sickness and madness that destroys untold millions of us
every year, could not happen, it could not happen because we would then all be FULLY AWAKE
and AWARE of our personal  responsibilities, and totally recognize  our kinship with one another
we would know and fully understand what this kinship actually means, and with that total and full
understanding that we are all in FACT kindred souls, and that would automatically  awaken a warm
and loving response to all other souls.
As soon as we realize who we all really are, then at that moment  the gaping chasm that is
swallowing up millions of us, would immediately begin to seal over, as our latent divinity
would rise to the surface of our freshly awakened consciousness.
I firmly believe that by us all knowing our true identity,we would heal all of this planets sickness
in a blink of an eye, because by knowing our true and divine nature, that arising knowledge would
also update our consciousness levels, our perceptions would be widened far beyond our present
levels of conception, we would then be fully updated into just who and what we were, and what
this new reality actually means to us collectively and singularly, the power of love and compassion
would rise to the for,  and wars and madness would cease at once.
Our divine inner fires would be reignited and burst forth  with friendship love and respect, all the
rampant egotism, would be replaced by love,respect and humility.
Warmest regards Michael., any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Fire Of Loving Life Yields. =F O L L Y .

There is a quicksand running amok within humanity, and its effects are liquifying our brains and
scrambling our intelligence.Tens of millions of us are being sucked under the threshold of
sustainable life, by addictive habits, like obesity,drug addiction, and alcoholism, plus all manner
of mental and emotional illnesses, with the global suicide rate at one every forty seconds.
The fire of life which comes from within our spirit, is being damped down and is in danger of
being sealed over by rampant consumerism and self centered egotism, we are continually being
fed lies by the media outlets in the press and on the internet. The message is buy now "while stocks
last" they don;t tell they have enough stock to furnish half of China in there aircraft sized
warehouses.Our living essence, the vibrant fire of life, is being extinguished  by the way we live
and by the out right lies we are all fed daily by the media, the Pharma companies see us all as
"CUSTOMERS" not patients! And their INTENTION is to make SURE that the CUSTOMER
which could be YOU dear reader of this blog,is always SATISFIED by making SURE they
continue taking their drugs, for the rest of your life. Doctors are being paid millions of dollars
to prescribe their drugs to their unaware customers.
We are being fed utter lies, like that to have a good time, you need to get drunk take drugs and
spend all your money, then when that's all gone, well just max out your credit card, or even better
why not get a pay day loan, after all its only 65 per cent interest a month!
Nobody seems to know who they are, there are no real icons that we can look up to and follow,
all we have is empty headed celebrities full of their own self importance, and have opinions on
everything. We all are , or need to be, living fires of spiritual life. we are all here to gather experience
and learn from that experience, not keep on experiencing the same thing daily year after year, like
obesity, and drug and alcohol addictions, are we so thick or sick that we need to keep slopping food
down our guts, or getting drunk or drugged up every night? Because so many of us have a gaping
hole in our selves, we are all rushing to fill it with food, drugs, or alcohol. we have become hollow
and empty and therefore are rushing around like headless chickens seeking something, anything,
that will fill this vacuous hole within our souls. In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 15 October 2018

Consciousness Reels At Potential Unrealized Life Using Selfishness.=CRAPULOUS Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterday's blog, the word crapulous means basically to be intoxicated, with either
food, drugs, or alcohol, and literally tens of millions of us are living and dying in this intoxicated
mind destroyed way every year, and the numbers will soon double that amount.
We live in a world where celebrities and these so called "socialites" (whatever that is?) are
worshiped, instead of any spiritual principle or deity, and we follow their  vacuous shallow lives
with a rapt and trance like interest.
I would not be over surprised that any day now we will see the news headlines, "Breaking news"
A famous so and so admitted to reporters that she regularly "farts in the bath"and it is on News at Ten! Our levels of consciousness instead of being deep and abundantly perceptive, are instead
skimming on the surface level within the infinite ocean of consciousness, all direction towards
any depth, is stymied by an onslaught of media pulsations filling our heads with utter crapulous
nonsense, urging you to buy, spend money,  have a good time, get drunk, drugged up, and be
very trendy, like these celebrities do! We are all urged from birth till death, to always look out
there for the answer, or it you are stuck, "ask Goggle for gods sake"! never are we invited to look
within ourselves for any credible  answers, the message from the media, and from your smart phone,
is don't bother looking within your self, go shopping instead, give yourself a treat, max out your
credit card, you deserve a lifetime of mounting debt.
Our lives are going completely unrealized, and being wasted by bullshit promises from the corporate
media outlets, that have a big financial interest in keeping us all dumbed down and mesmerized
by  their corporate lies.
Egotism and selfishness are seen as  a kind of modern virtue, that gives you power and prestige
in you tread on a few others to get what you want, who gives a shit? Is the mentality of this mind
set.We are all three fold expressions of life, we are physical, mental, and spiritual beings, but the
vast majority of the seven or so billion souls that inhabit this planet, are only living in just two
dimensions, physical and mental, the spiritual dimension is for a vast majority  completely
unknown, and unrealized. This is why this planet, or more appropriately the human race is now
undergoing a major crisis, that shows no sign of letting up.
If we all can just take the time to switch of all our devices, including the smart phone, and take the
time to look within ourselves, ask yourself the question, "who am "I""? Then you will be upon a
path that leads to depth in consciousness and awareness, and move away from shallow suficial
bullshit, dressed up as something of value.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 14 October 2018

Consciousness Reels At Potential Unrealized Life Using Selfishness.=C R A P U L O U S.

Before I start this blog just a word about crapulous and what it actually means, which I feel is
very appropriate in this day and age, Crapulous comes from the Latin word Craulosus meaning
intoxication, the dictionary defines the word as thus; 1,marked by intemperance especially in
eating and drinking alcohol, 2,sick from excessive indulgence in liquor.The grammatical
rule of onomatopoea seems to apply here, as the word crapulous sounds like what it describes!
When we look at the millions who are dying every year through gross intoxication of food
alcohol, and drugs, we can begin to see the big picture here, where obesity is now running out
of control in many countries, like the USA, and Europe,drug addiction wipes out millions every
year, and alcoholism is running rampant world wide, and killing tens of millions every year.
On top of that you have a suicide committed every forty five seconds 24/7 year in year out.
Mental and emotional illnesses are increasing daily, and the world seems to be heading for
a major health and mental health epidemic.
The crapulous life style is indulged by the ten of millions, many of them will all be dead and buried
long before their pensions are due. The media and social outlets all seem to encourage heavy drinking
of alcohol, the message they put out is that you cannot "have a good time" unless you are drunk
and indulging in "recreational drugs". So many lives are run by media manipulators and we all seem
gullible to buy into the utter bullshit they peddle out to drunk and drugged up punters.
All our consciousness reels at the utter lack of our full potential ever having a chance in hell of
ever being realized., we are fed puerile bullshit by the media giants, that encourage selfishness
and greed, promising much and delivering heartache and sickness. we are bombarded by all these
wannabes who promise you "abundance" if only you send them the money, and so many of us must
send money to these lying toerags or else they would be out of business.. There is no such thing as something for nothing, it does not exist, ask your self the question, if these peddlers of abundance had
a fool proof way "TO FORCE THE UNIVERSE TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT, then why are these crap filled merchants, not sat on their luxury yacht sailing the south Pacific, instead of asking
you for fifty dollars to buy their worthless junk.?
We need to turn away from the bullshit and false and vain promises, and look into our hearts, while
it is still beating! Before we get consumed by our own greed and intoxication.
In part two will explore this further.   Warm regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 13 October 2018

Perspectives Of Underlying Reality.=P O U R Part Two.

In part one of this blog on perspectives underlying reality,I talked about the very idea of distance
was absurd and impossible, as all life is ubiquitous and ever present everywhere simultaneously.
That space and time were also illusions, conjured up by our very limited understanding  of
reality. They just "appear" to be relatively real, within a relative dual based universe.
Today I would like to look at the idea of dimensions, and that we all seem to fail at understanding
that we are all completely immersed within many dimensions, all occupying the same space, but
all vibrating at different frequency levels of expression.
Question, when we die what happens to us? The short answer is that all you really do, is change
dimensional frequencies. Leave the physical plane and emerge consciously upon the astral plane
the long tunnel that you seem to pass through, usually colored blue, is the dimensional connector
which links the two dimensions, the physical and astral plane.
The astral plane occupies the same space as the physical plane, just at a different higher vibration
frequency. When we die, the "silver chord" is severed, it snaps, and the moment that happens, you
are dead, and can no longer come back to physical life..
Where then have you actually gone? In many cases not that far,in fact you could be greeting passed
loved ones, in your new dimensional abode, the astral plane, while your family and friends are still
weeping over your empty shell,on the earth plane, all of you occupying the same space, but in very
different dimensions.
We need to be mindful at this point, that none of us. without exception are strangers to the astral
plane, we have all been visiting it nightly since we were born here, the fact that most of us do not
remember our nocturnal visits there, does not change the fact that we are all well acquainted with
the astral plane, you can make yourself remember your visits, by keeping a notebook and pen by
your bedside, and writing down the first thoughts you have upon awaking, if you do this long
enough, you will build up a picture of what you have been doing there.
Our travels into the astral plane at night are all the while connected to both our astral body and our
physical body,the silver chord can stretch infinitely in any direction, there are no limits to where you
can travel to, you could stand on a star a billion light years from here, and still be home in time for
breakfast! Another point to remember is that we do NOT suddenly acquire an astral body at death
we have always had one our entire physical life time, otherwise you could not astral travel at night
without having an astral body!
Warmests regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 12 October 2018

Perspectives Of Underlying Reality=P O U R

Our perspectives of what we think of as reality, and what it truly is, are often very different. We all
as science says, are made of energy, and energy again as science says is eternal, it cannot be destroyed only converted into energy. Energy as science again informs us, is everywhere,
ubiquitous in nature, why then are we, who are all made of energy, all located in one spot?
This I feel has to do with our sense of location, and our sense and present level of consciousness
and depth of awareness.  Our brains tell us we are here and now, and thereby could not possibly
be anywhere else! But if we look deeper into our perspectives of how we think things are, we
will be amazed as to just how different reality actually is,to what we all tend to think it is.
Take the notion of distance for instance. The whole notion of the very idea of such a thing as
distance, can really only arise if we are all living out of synchronization with reality.
The word distance implies that there is a place to move to where you are NOT presently located?
But if we are all energy, which we are ,as science tells us so,then we would be  present everywhere
simultaneously,therefore the idea of such a thing as distance to just energy would be totally absurd
and ridiculous. Where could we possibly go that you were already there at?
Time and space and distance are all illusions conjured up by a dualistic based mind set,there is no time, just the eternal now, there is no distance, just HERE and NOW, and there is no space, just an
unified field, that contains everything within the universe within its infinite embrace.We as a thing
called human beings, which in truth is really just vehicles for our indwelling soul.Our inner nature
is ubiquitous, which means that we are all eternal ubiquitous spirit inwardly, absolute in nature,
and outwardly we are all locked into a duality expressed relative universe, hence the confusion as
to what is real, and what is not, we have a relative reality, which changes and moves, and we have
an absolute reality, which never changes and is eternally motionlessness.
Our aware consciousness and perceptions can and do extend beyond the reaches of our physical
bodies, which by its nature in firmly anchored here and now, grounded upon the planets surface
we though in our minds  and in deep meditation can go in consciousness way beyond even our
solar system. In part two will explore the idea of dimensional travel, like when you die, is there
a distance that you travel to somewhere, or do you just manifest in another dimension, occupying
the same space as you were just in? But invisible to those in the other dimension, you just vacated?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, face book Soul Realization.


In my life time, at least one man has achieved full SELF realization, and that man was, Ramana
Maharshi, born in 1879, Tiruchuli India, and died April 14th, 1950, at his the ashram named after
him, called Sri Ramana ashram, Tiruvannamalai India. He achieved full realization of the SELF
and was known as a living master.
By the time we have all arrived at the portal that leads to full SELF realization and the unimaginable
expansiveness of consciousness that comes with this exalted state.We will have all long ago left our
ego's and personalities behind, we will be fully aware and conscious that ego and personality are
all illusions of the lower self, and will further realize that even that thing that gave us a certain
amount of pride and esteem our individuality, also had been surrendered on the alter of our full
realization of our SELF, as being the ONE!
Full SELF realization, is the ultimate stare that any of us can ever attain, and for most of us, this
day lies hundreds if not thousands of years away, yet a few may even realize this exalted state
within this present life time, it really depends on how much you are prepared to let go off, and
just BE?
I mention this high exalted because it is ALL OUR DESTINY to finally reach it, when you do
really depends on you.
As mentioned yesterday in the last blog, mankind goes through what could be termed as three
distinct realizations, the vast majority of us, are all still very deeply embedded within the first
realization, the of the lower self, the ego, personality, and the awareness of our individuality,
we spend many life times exploring all the potentialities of our humanity, and experiencing
many arising crisis, eventually these arising crisis, will cause us to at long last, to look within
us for the answer, when we do this, we will then have commenced upon a direction that will
eventually lead us into the second realization, that of soul realization.This present day, there are
very many, who have actually made contact, "with that still small voice within themselves" that
being their own immortal soul, and yearly these numbers are growing, long may it continue.
Three distinct phases lie before us all, three realizations  that we all will take to finally achieve full
and absolute consciousness of whom we actually are, which in short is ABSOLUTE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 11 October 2018


What exactly is the SELF? Do we all have one? And how many are there? This big difference
between the word soul and self, are vast literally poles apart. There are well over seven billion
souls upon this Earth plane, but there is ever and only one SELF!
Realizing the SELF is the ultimate destiny of the whole of mankind, regardless of how long
it takes, for time is an illusion and we are all eternal beings in essence,so we all have literally
"all the time in the world" to complete this destiny.
In order to help us understand this process, we need first to understand what we as human
beings are actually made of. What lies at the essence of our expression of this life form?
Well the essence of all humanity consists of just one thing, and that thing is spirit. We are all
spirit clothed in a vehicle called the soul, and then further clothed in a physical body and called
a human being. The human body is just another vehicle grosser that the other sheath, and houses
the soul, while it gathers experience here.
We as human beings exist within at least seven dimensions of expression or freedom of movement
we are all basically, physical,mental, emotional, and spiritual beings, at our basic physical level
of freedom of motion, we are what we would call personalities,we all have ego's, and what we call
our individuality,we see ourselves as a person , this can be likened to our "lower self" the ego, this
so called individual. This is where we begin to explore as to who and what we really are. The lower
self wants to know as mush as it can, this begins in childhood, where children ask endless amounts
of questions, they want answers to why and what are we all doing here!
Millions of us do not know who we really are,further tens of millions of us, do not know, or even
accept, that at our core of being we are ALL SPIRIT , we deny our real existence as immortal
spirit beings, and instead just distract ourselves with looking at our smart phones and gadgets,
maybe Google will tell us who we really are? We as a so called modern race seem to deny reality
and rather embrace the bullshit that masks as a pseudo reality, like what we see on our smart phones
if we were really smart, we would look into the mirror, and ask who is this image looking at me?
In part two will look at the journey  from the lower self to the higher self, and soul discovery along
the way.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Truly Realizing Evolutions Ascension Torque.=T R E A T Part Two.

Life seems to parallel that Sixties song, "Let's Twist Again!" By Chubby Checker,as all life that
is expanding outwards does so in a rotational manner, the torque is the energy of the life force
pushing forward and twisting as it does so.
Some might say, or even argue that, why do we need evolution at all? Well the answer to that is
that LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, does have absolutely no need
foe evolution at all. Because LIFE  is an Absolute and Infinite Principle, it is and always has been
Absolutely Perfect, and has been for an eternity. So do we then fit into this equation? Well we as
human beings, are all forms of self aware consciousness, that is wholly animated by the principle
of LIFE. Life needs absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER, because life as an eternal immutable
principle. stands ALONE as absolute PERFECTION!
We as human beings are all on a journey that will eventually culminate in our fully understanding as to what we all REALLY ARE!  At the moment we are all being expressed in seven major points
and each point is actually an anchor point where we can relate to within each of the seven dimensions
that we are all expressed within. Because of our vast and very deep ignorance of who and what we really are,we barely seem to understand the physical dimension, let alone the ethereal and astral
planes, plus five other dimensions beyond those two.
Simply put, we all need this temporal thing called for want of a better word evolution, in order to
experience the depths of "motional life" and understand what these experiences actually mean, and
more importantly, where they POINT TO?
The very basic order of our expression is this, first we all our spirit, (and in truth and in reality, there is but ONE SPIRIT) second we all have a soul, which acts as a vehicle for the spirit, as spirit can never touch or interact directly with gross matter, and thirdly we have this fraternity called humanity
and humanity is just really a POSH name for what we all really are , and that is vehicles for the
indwelling soul, or space suits. There are four other expressions and dimensional connections, but
this will suffice for now.There are basically three things you have to learn fully, and this is why we
all have many thousands of life's over countless ages past,in order to first know yourself physically,
and mentally,emotionally, and spiritually, then when you know that, you more into higher realms
of consciousness, where you became acquainted with your indwelling soul , then after you have
explored this, and built up regular and daily telepathic communication with your soul, you can then
enter the final phase of your evolutional  journey, whereas you then begin to get the dawning of the
ultimate truth of who you really are, which is the SELF, and when you fully realize that TRUTH
you as a PERSON will no longer exist, all that will be left is the ABSOLUTE.or GOD for short!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Truly Realizing Evolutions Ascension Torque. =T R E A T .

All expressed life moves and spins on an axis from within its inner matrix, we as human beings
are no exception  this rule. If life could "torque" to us, and show us its motion, we would see
our future spiraling away into infinity. Evolution is a moving stage, and its motion is rotational
we are all within the moving stage called evolution, in which we all "perform" much like actors
on a theater stage, except ours is life in motion, and we are not getting "paid" to act. We are
all busy gathering experiences, and in so doing we are expanding our conscious awareness and
also refining our perceptions.
We have all been on an unimaginable long journey, our physical bodies, which are just vehicles
for the indwelling soul, were once within the center of a star, that had lived its life, over billions
of years,then burst open into a super nova and spewed out its contents of matter, of which now
makes up our physical body.
Our evolution takes place here on Earth, this is where impossibilities are permitted to occur,
when I say permitted to occur, I mean the natural law of the universe, and not some big man
in the sky saying NO to this action. To enlarge upon this truth even more, we need to look
outside the box, of our usual physical experiences, What universal natural law allows to occur
here, of Earth, cannot ever occur within the inner spiritual realms, here on Earth you could have
several people in one room, and say one of them could be say like a Hitler, the other say like
Gandhi, one a mass murderer, one a small child, all these polar opposites are permitted to occur
only on this Earth, not in the inner spiritual realms, like the vast Astral planes for instance.
It is here on earth, that through many experiences, through multiple life times, that we begin
to learn and understand the way that LIFE operates, we begin to weave an individual pattern
a tapestry that is amounting piece by piece, gradually beginning to reveal our true inner nature.
For many many life times we have solely  identified with just being a human being, nothing
more, but now as we are all in the age of the INTERNET and instant global communication
we are all made much more aware that ever before, of all the information  available on the
internet, teaching the reality of soul consciousness, and access to inner planes of spirituality
and much teaching about yoga and meditation practices.
In part two, will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 8 October 2018

Ideational Duality Enthralls Negates Truth Implying Token You. I D E N T I T Y Part Two.

So many of us seem to all misidentify with our cardboard cutout model, which is in FACT and
in TRUTH a very remarkable and wonderful biological computer and machine, BUT that
remarkable machine, wonderful and marvelous as it may be, is NOT who you really are, all
it actually is, is a VEHICLE, nothing more than that! Our physical bodies are complex and
wonderful vehicles, manifested within this Earth plane, in order for the rightful life force
which is the immortal divine soul, to gain valuable experience here on Earth.
Because of our falsely identifying with the physical body, and believing that this physical
form is actually who we really are, we live our lives from birth until death, and never ever
knowing who we really are. This abysmal collective ignorance of our true nature and being
has and needs to be fully addressed on a global scale, this small blog I hope and trust will
play a infinitesimal part in helping to bring this about.
We all have a divine right, to fully know and fully understand who we all truly are, we have all
been spoon fed nonsense and lies about our true identity for most of our lives, we cannot in truth
point the finger and anything  or anyone in particular, there is just a massive void of global
ignorance, and false assumptions, and of course there is the internet filled with pseudo spirituality
and enlightenment at a cost in many dollars.They will tell you what you are for a hundred dollars
I will tell you who and what you are for NOTHING! They say you pays your money, and makes your choice! Therefore choose wisely.
Duality by its very nature implies a choice, this, or that,and because we are presented with multiple
choices we can and do become confused, try going into a coffee shop and just asking for a plain
cup of coffee, if you do that you will quickly see how confusion arises.Because we all misidentify
with the duality based vehicle, we therefore imagine that we being dual have endless choices to
make, and therefore get confused as to which one shall I opt for? If you know who you really are,
you then realize that you are NOT a dual based reality, rather, you are a eternal, immortal divine
soul, and therefore are absolute in your essence, and way beyond the feeble reach of duality.
YOU are ALL LIFE eternally SO, death is an ILLUSION, and you will see  and know this truth
when you know who you truly ARE, and it is not the CARDBOARD CUTOUT!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 7 October 2018

Ideational Duality Enthralls Negates Truth Implying Token You..=I D E N T I T Y .

What is your true identity, dear reader of this blog? Do you really know who you are? If you do
not know your true self, then would you really like to know fully who you are?
Duality plays an important part in our journey of self discovery, this physical relative universe
is dual by nature, and this presents itself to us in a multitude of opposites, like, on or off, yes,or no,
right and wrong, left and right, there is an endless list of "opposing" opposites, while they do
indeed all seem to be opposite, they are all in effect one end of the same continuum, and all
opposites are rectified within the absolute reality, that lies beneath the facade of duality.
The "token" YOU is the cardboard cutout, which we all identify,(quite wrongly) as being the
real "person" you the physical man or woman, which in truth is totally wrong and incorrectly
misidentified. The real you is invisible within this dimension, and consists of a spirit wrapped
up in a vehicle, called the human soul, that human divine spirit, wrapped within the cloth of
the soul, is the real immortal you, and NOT the cardboard cut out that you previously had
thought was you.
Because we live outwardly within this duality based relative reality,we are all blinkered in
our vision and our senses are all blunted as well, therefore we see at any one time half of the
full picture, therefore we all have a greatly distorted view on what we imagine reality actually
What we identify with is in a way a kind of madness, just toned down and called a much more
respectable term as just being ignorant! As said in a previous blog, if your husband or wife came
home after buying a new car, and proceeded in telling you that "THEY" were really that CAR!
How long do you think it would be, until the men in "white coats" arrived to take you away for treatment? Now this may sound laughable, but is this not what we all do, when we misidentify
and think that our physical bodies, is actually who we really are? Our physical bodies are just
and ONLY VEHICLES in which our true identity the soul, uses to express itself upon this dense
and very low vibration field.
We all become enthralled and mesmerized by the idea of duality, that we fail to see the real being
at the back of our expression, because of our duality based vision, we loose sight of the big picture
and instead cast our lot into the cardboard cutout and therefore buy into the little picture.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 6 October 2018

Negative Insincere Clinging Emotions. =N I C E Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog on the word, NICE, the roots of that word are far from being nice!
The archaic French word for nice meant, foolish, or stupid, senseless, and the Latin word which
nice has come from is Nescius, meaning ignorant, unaware,literally "not knowing", is that a
description that you would like to be associated with, if you were seen as nice? How have we become
to now think that we can use this word nice, and imagine that all nice people are seen as good and
friendly? When the real meaning is that they are all stupid, ignorant,and not knowing!
The word "people pleaser" seems to fit very snugly with the term "nice person". both seem to go
hand in hand,and behind the mask of the people pleaser, lies seething resentment, and negativity.
Look at what "I" do for YOU! They bellow! And are you grateful, not one bit, don't know why "I"
bother! Ever heard that refrain dear reader of this blog.This word nice conjures up to my mind
clinging,clawing, sickly false sentimental bullshit, dressed up as an "offer you cannot refuse"!
I would sooner have ONE real FRIEND, than a thousand "nice" ones, real friends tell you how
it is,nice friends tell you how they would like it to be. Many years ago when I was desperately
ill, and only given three months too live, it was real folks who saved my life, those that told me
Michael, you either better shape up real fast, or be shipped out in a coffin!, A nice person would
have offered me a cup of tea, and said something like, there there, don't worry, drink your tea!
Real people are aligned with life, and life affirming principles, whilst, nice people are aligned
with a pseudo, sham, facade, dressed up as a loving caring person, and are not life affirming.
rather they are life denying,(albeit ignorantly unknown to their consciousness).
Nice people see obligations  that do not exist in reality, and then struggle to meet these false
assumptions and obligations, and in so doing are filled with resentment and self pity.
If we all can open our minds and hearts, embrace the realness of life, and let go of the clinging
bullshit filled false obligations and assumptions that go with it, stop pleasing others at the cost
of us getting resentful and self pitying, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG in DOING
SOMETHING kind and thoughtful for another soul, as long as we are doing it, without expecting
something BACK!!!!  I am not a nice person, never have been one, I am a real person though, and all
my friends are real also, otherwise they would not be my friend.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 5 October 2018

Negative Insincere Clinging Emotions =N I C E .

The word nice originates from two sources, one from the old French, meaning, foolish,stupid,
senseless, and the other from the Latin word Nescius, meaning ignorant,unaware,literally "not
knowing", not exactly a word we would want to be associated with then. Over the years it original
meaning has been "dressed up" to mean something different.
If we study the word "affection" and see its true meaning, affection is not love. It is that desire
which we express through an exertion of the astral body(albeit mostly unknown by us) and this
activity affects our contacts. It is not the spontaneous desirelessness of the soul which asks nothing
for the separated self. This glamour of sentiment imprisons and bewilders all the nice people in
the world, imposing upon them obligations which do not exist, and producing a glamour which
must eventually be dissipated by the pouring in of true and selfless love.
Those of us who "people please" are within this orbit of niceness, bending over backwards to please
our wife or husband, or boss at work,yet seething with resentment within us, we have a false smile
on our faces, and anger within our hearts.When we do this thing, we are being nice, but baring in mind that the old French meaning of that word, meant foolish or stupid!
I am not a nice person, real but not nice, a real person, will tell you the truth about perhaps some
thing that you are doing that is damaging your health, even though it might cost you your
friendship with this person, a nice person would keep their mouth shut, and not fear upsetting
you. Real can stand for,relating-embracing-all-life, accepting all things as they are, and not trying
to change anything, except yourself.
To me the difference between nice and real are this, reality being real shows you exactly how things
are, without any dressing up or covering up, that which stands before you, whereas nice want to cover
up the naked truth, with a colorful cloth. Life gives back to you what is real, if my life is in a mess
and I need to change, a real person would say, get of your ass and sort yourself out, before its too late,
a nice person would say, have a cup of tea, you will feel better then!!!
I have many real friends around this world, but have not any nice friends,real friends tell you how it is, if you step over the line with them, they will tell you straight to your face, back off buddy, a nice
friend would ignore this, and therefore give me no check on my behavior, therefore am likely to be
an asshole again, with a true real friend, it would stop that instant, and I would respect their response
for my behavior .
In part two will explore this further,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Variant Inner Rogue Upsetting Signals.=V I R U S Part Two.

As mentioned yesterday in this blog on viruses, we could all be seen as an infection upon this
planet, Gaia could easily see us all as serious infections, as we pollute our oceans, and cut down
millions of acres of pristine rain forests, just to grow palm oil, and in so doing, destroy and make extinct thousands of animals and plants, in particular the last of the great apes the Orangutan, which
will be extinct in the wild within the next couple of years. We exhibit all the hallmarks  of a most
virulent virus, that has caused Gaia, perhaps, to bring about natural disasters, and violent weather
patterns, that will gradually get rid of our infectious presence.
Do viruses have a tonal signature? Can they be recognized by their harmonic tone?  It seems indeed
that we can and do listen in to the particular tone, which is different to each virus. We each as human
hosts, have within us all, trillions of viruses, and they are not all bad! A virus is just a microorganism
that can only reproduce if its in a living organism, you for instance!
If we are healthy, and live a balanced mainly positive state, then the viruses within us, will not cause
us any real harm, they will just replicate themselves as and when needed, and feel no need to mass
produce themselves. However if we live and think mainly negatively, eat junk food, and become obese, then the loaded gun that we all carry within us, will begin firing up, and mass producing
itself, and in the process infecting healthy cells, with replicated malignant cells, which is left unchecked, will result in your termination.
I have an insightful idea that the virus, is not just a phenomena found upon this planet, I think
that they are universal  and play an important part of the realm of that they take "corrective measures"
when the host deviates from the harmonious tone of healthy expressed life, in this way they could be
seen as universal-corrective-agents, UCA for short. We may not see or even understand to musical
tones that each virus emits, we may also fail to gather in the reality, that these mircroorganisms  are
actually very intelligent, and all have a center of consciousness, differing from us certainly , but we
should not be too arrogant and fail to see their intelligence.
The virus plays an important part in our evolution, without them, we would not be here,it is wise of
us to ponder this fact, if the virus was not essential to our heritage, then it would not be here present
within us all. We could in fact say they we are all surviving within a symbiotic  relationship between
us as human beings and the humble virus?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Variant Inner Rogue Upsetting Signals. =V I R U S

What actually is a virus? Is there evidence of intelligence, within a virus? Could we as a race called
humanity, be considered as a virus by Gaia, for the way we are all infecting and polluting the
planet, which hosts our race?
Science explains a virus this way, "An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid
molecule in a protean coat, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.
A piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such
as corrupting the system,or destroying data."that is how science refers to the virus.
As mentioned before, we as a race seem to fulfil all the needed criteria to be deemed as a virus
by Gaia, she is  our host, and we are polluting our host, and raping the planet of all its vital
assets, and  making many species of life extinct in this ego greed driven lust for monetary gain.
Maybe we could better understand the nature of a virus by looking into the mirror and revealing
that which is reflecting back at you?
It seems to me, that a virus to exist at all, must be in fact universal in nature, I cannot accept that
this insignificant ball of energy, called the planet Earth, is the sole home of this phenomena
we call a virus, a virus by nature has energy, and also has by implication intelligence, it can
replicate itself. seemingly endlessly, as long as it has a host, that is.You or I could not even
replicate one copy of ourselves, let alone millions like the virus, and that makes  it intelligent.
After all, we can all be considered a virus by our host planet Gaia, and are we not all intelligent?
Is it possible that Absolute intelligence manifested the virus, to act on its behalf as a universal
corrective agent or UCA, so that any expressed life anywhere in this infinite universe would
always be monitored by these self correcting agents? Perhaps the virus is also a pointer, that
manifests when the host is out of alignment with natural universal law?  Look at the way we
are all eating chemically polluted and poisoned food, saturated with so called fertilizers that
are known to damage our health and negatively alter our DNA!  Farmed fish that are crawling
with lice and bacteria. Is it any wonder that we are regularly visited by the virus? When the food
and water we all drink is filled with chemical additives! This variant inner rogue upsetting signals
within us, may well be a harbinger of worse to come, unless we all change our ways, and fast!!!!!
In part two, will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Powerful Energy Rotates Finishing Exact Conscious Thought. =P E R F E C T Part Two.

The whole of nature is perfect, except it seems with us humans, why is this? I will come to this
point later on,first I want to say, that nature expresses a perfect synchronization in its mode of
expression, look at termites and ants for instance, termites even have functioning air conditioning
within their mounds, and are able to increase or lower the temperature as and when needed,and
like their cousins the ants, all work together as a coordinate team, within a collective mind based
on chemical reactions upon their antennae.Birds too are perfect,just look at the weaver bird for
instance, which can build a complicated woven nest from grass stems, just by using its beak, do
you think any of us could construct such a marvel, using only your mouth?
Fish are perfect, for swimming through a liquid environment, and flowers know how to produce
the exact scent needed for their species, and also how to attract bees, butterflies, and even moths
to pollinate their flowers, and all without a brain!!!!!
Mankind is the only species that has evolved full self aware consciousness, is that then,seeing
the state that the world is currently in, an asset, or a liability??
It could well be taken as a major liability, other life, left alone, not interfered with by us,will
find enough food and water to survive, you never see millions of animals dying from lack of
food and water, while others are bloated and obese, except in the human race!
What then is the root cause of all our misery and pain, and also total lack of consciousness as to
who and what we are, and the absurd belief that we are all imperfect??
How can we honestly proclaim the perfection of nature, being completely surrounded by this perfection, and all look upon ourselves and have the audacity to say, we are different from the rest
and are then by definition imperfect??? Science and physics proclaim that all is energy, we are all
expressions of energy, and energy science and physics say,is perfect, and also ADD eternal in
nature, that it cannot ever be destroyed, only converted!  So if that is the case, which it most certainly
is, what then are we all doing about realizing this fact of nature? Is it not a LAW that states, as you
think, then so shall you become? So if we all think we are imperfect, then that is exactly what we will
all become, imperfect shivering denizens of this mad realm? Much like what  the world is today.
Instead of having a balanced cooperative collective world, where we see and know, that we all are
related and bonded within ONE DIVINE PERFECT FAMILY, where rampant egos are hastily
deflated,and peace and love rule the day.We have this selfish egotism coupled with greed and lust
for power,  where everyone believes they are imperfect, and therefore all act out this delusional
madness. We ALL our LIFE which stands fore LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED-ENERGY.
And all that ENERGY is PERFECT, which means you are too dear reader of this blog!!
Warmest Regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 1 October 2018

Powerful Energy Rotates Finishing.Exact Conscious Thought.= P E R F E C T .

What is perfection? What does that word perfection actually mean? Can it ever be attained? Is it
possible that we all our actually perfect, and all fail to understand what it actually means? Could
our education and upbringing be responsible, for our total ignorance of who and what we really
are? Could the word perfect and perfection just really be a state of consciousness? There is a saying
that says, "you are what you think!" So therefore if you think perfectly, would you then not become
what you thought you were? Have we not all come from absolute perfection,that being the Absolute
Great Spirit of which ALL LIFE EMANATES FROM, begotten not MADE, by that Absolute LIFE
If we all have come from this PERFECTION, how come we all think otherwise? All thinking and
believing that we all are imperfect, why do we all seem to believe this false and unwise
assumption?  The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, is not then LIFE
perfect by nature? We never seem to discuss imperfect life, rather we seem to assume that life
is perfect, therefore then,what is the matter with us all, are we not all LIFE?? And therefore
perfect by implication?  There seems to be a central global thought, that no human being has
ever been perfect,except maybe, Jesus, Buddha, and the Prophet Mohammed.were all close or
were perfect, the rest of us "forget about it!
If we get to the driving force that gives us motion, and propels us all along a trajectory that leads
us all along the arc of human evolution, we will find that, that force is INTELLIGENT ENERGY
OTHERWISE! Because of our vast and deep indoctrinated ignorance over many life times of
experience here on earth, we all think and act out of ignorance, we lack true knowledge and
understanding of what we all truly are, which is eternal, immortal, divine SOULS, that is what
every human being is on this planet, a divine immortal SOUL.  You dear reader of this blog are
ONE OF THOSE SOULS!  Ask yourself the question, am I alive, or dead? If I am alive, then by
that very implication, I am THEREFORE LIFE, and LIFE IS PERFECTION. If you are dead
then that is the absence of life, is that what you are dear reader?
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. Any comments welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.