Tuesday 9 October 2018

Truly Realizing Evolutions Ascension Torque. =T R E A T .

All expressed life moves and spins on an axis from within its inner matrix, we as human beings
are no exception  this rule. If life could "torque" to us, and show us its motion, we would see
our future spiraling away into infinity. Evolution is a moving stage, and its motion is rotational
we are all within the moving stage called evolution, in which we all "perform" much like actors
on a theater stage, except ours is life in motion, and we are not getting "paid" to act. We are
all busy gathering experiences, and in so doing we are expanding our conscious awareness and
also refining our perceptions.
We have all been on an unimaginable long journey, our physical bodies, which are just vehicles
for the indwelling soul, were once within the center of a star, that had lived its life, over billions
of years,then burst open into a super nova and spewed out its contents of matter, of which now
makes up our physical body.
Our evolution takes place here on Earth, this is where impossibilities are permitted to occur,
when I say permitted to occur, I mean the natural law of the universe, and not some big man
in the sky saying NO to this action. To enlarge upon this truth even more, we need to look
outside the box, of our usual physical experiences, What universal natural law allows to occur
here, of Earth, cannot ever occur within the inner spiritual realms, here on Earth you could have
several people in one room, and say one of them could be say like a Hitler, the other say like
Gandhi, one a mass murderer, one a small child, all these polar opposites are permitted to occur
only on this Earth, not in the inner spiritual realms, like the vast Astral planes for instance.
It is here on earth, that through many experiences, through multiple life times, that we begin
to learn and understand the way that LIFE operates, we begin to weave an individual pattern
a tapestry that is amounting piece by piece, gradually beginning to reveal our true inner nature.
For many many life times we have solely  identified with just being a human being, nothing
more, but now as we are all in the age of the INTERNET and instant global communication
we are all made much more aware that ever before, of all the information  available on the
internet, teaching the reality of soul consciousness, and access to inner planes of spirituality
and much teaching about yoga and meditation practices.
In part two, will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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