Monday 8 October 2018

Ideational Duality Enthralls Negates Truth Implying Token You. I D E N T I T Y Part Two.

So many of us seem to all misidentify with our cardboard cutout model, which is in FACT and
in TRUTH a very remarkable and wonderful biological computer and machine, BUT that
remarkable machine, wonderful and marvelous as it may be, is NOT who you really are, all
it actually is, is a VEHICLE, nothing more than that! Our physical bodies are complex and
wonderful vehicles, manifested within this Earth plane, in order for the rightful life force
which is the immortal divine soul, to gain valuable experience here on Earth.
Because of our falsely identifying with the physical body, and believing that this physical
form is actually who we really are, we live our lives from birth until death, and never ever
knowing who we really are. This abysmal collective ignorance of our true nature and being
has and needs to be fully addressed on a global scale, this small blog I hope and trust will
play a infinitesimal part in helping to bring this about.
We all have a divine right, to fully know and fully understand who we all truly are, we have all
been spoon fed nonsense and lies about our true identity for most of our lives, we cannot in truth
point the finger and anything  or anyone in particular, there is just a massive void of global
ignorance, and false assumptions, and of course there is the internet filled with pseudo spirituality
and enlightenment at a cost in many dollars.They will tell you what you are for a hundred dollars
I will tell you who and what you are for NOTHING! They say you pays your money, and makes your choice! Therefore choose wisely.
Duality by its very nature implies a choice, this, or that,and because we are presented with multiple
choices we can and do become confused, try going into a coffee shop and just asking for a plain
cup of coffee, if you do that you will quickly see how confusion arises.Because we all misidentify
with the duality based vehicle, we therefore imagine that we being dual have endless choices to
make, and therefore get confused as to which one shall I opt for? If you know who you really are,
you then realize that you are NOT a dual based reality, rather, you are a eternal, immortal divine
soul, and therefore are absolute in your essence, and way beyond the feeble reach of duality.
YOU are ALL LIFE eternally SO, death is an ILLUSION, and you will see  and know this truth
when you know who you truly ARE, and it is not the CARDBOARD CUTOUT!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

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