Thursday 25 October 2018

Follow Life Open Way.=F L O W .

We are often told when experiencing difficulties in our lives,to "go with the flow", what exactly
does that mean? The flow of what precisely ? Does our life then flow like a river flows?  There
are several books called the river of life,and we all seem to be caught up in its flow.
If we are really going with the flow,then this implies that we are moving away from our present
state, that we are on the move, and this again can imply expansion of our consciousness,what
then if we are not then in the flow of life?  Well, it would seem that we could be stuck in an eddy,
and going around in endless circles, getting nowhere fast. Repeating the same patterns as before,
and therefore we are stuck in a rut.We can stay in this vortex of endlessly repeating worn out
and threadbare ideas and habits, and unless an arising crisis intervenes, to force us to change
direction,we can remain stuck in this rut until death releases us.
How do we ascertain the quality of our lives? Do we look for quality or are satisfied by our quantity
of life?
One thing is for certain, that if your life is fulfilling and all our needs are met,and we seem to be
fairly happy and content  with our lot, then we are very unlikely to want to "rock the boat" and
start making changes  in our life, like the repair manual says,"if its not broke,then leave it alone".
It is usually only in times of trial of crisis , that we ever consider the reason the change direction.
To try and reenter into the flow of life, if our lives are not expanding, then it is either constricting
and narrowing, of we are in an eddy going around in circles, life by its very nature of being aive
is always in motion, either expanding and flowing outwards gathering fresh insights and experiences
or it is going backwards, or in circles, it cannot ever be still and motionless.
Most likely dear readers of this blog, you are only reading it because you yourself have been in a crisis, and were therefore forced to make changes in your life,and because of that you are now reading this blog, and hopefully finding some identification within its contents,if you are all content
and happy wwith your lives, then you would find no attraction to reading this blog, There are very few of us who ever make any real changes in our lives, unless a crisis intervenes, I  was not one of those few, I only changed because I had to or I would die. Its not by virtue that I changes my
life, it was fear of dying, that caused the change to occur.
In part two will explore this further and deeper.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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