Saturday 27 October 2018

Stranger Within Awaiting Discovery Divine Life Expressed.=S W A D D L E Part Two.

We all need to be born again ,before we are complete beings, our first physical birth is the
vehicle,the container or womb for the inner soul to be born again within your waking consciousness
when you have made all the connections through vast experiences and begin to see the "light"
literally. This starts up the awakening process of the descent of spirit into your physical consciousness, and awareness. The destiny of all human beings (vehicles) is to be born again
in this manner, to wake up eventually from a long slumber and finally realize the reality of the
swaddled child awaiting  birth within this physical realm.
We are all immortal divine souls without exception, and it is our natural heritage to awaken to
this most delightful fact.
To be clear on the matter of rebirth, the soul being immortal and therefore eternal is never born
or ever dies, what is born is the reality of its existence within our consciousness, and not that it
is actually a new born being within us.
On the idea of consciousness,we need to be aware that the center of consciousness is not in
our heads, as we might imagine it to be, but rather within the heart chakra which is situated
within the center of your chest, close by to the actual physical heart, this is sometimes called
the "cave of the heart" where the Christ is born, here we need to say, that Christ is in fact a
universal energy, and not a being, this energy which is universal in nature, is the "backbone"
of all spiritual energy within the relative universe. All souls immortal by nature are within the
energy matrix of the universal Christ energy.
The anointed one is the rebirth within the cave of our hearts of our immortal divine soul,here
anointed means being baptized  by the fire of our experiences through long ages past,we have all
literally sweated blood, sweat, and tears, through the agony of painful and joyous experiences,
culminating on the day we are reborn of the spirit,and awaken to our true identity that of being
all immortal divine souls.
To know who you truly are is the birthright of all beings, we all have a right to know just who and
what we really are, and I hope and trust that in some small way this blog can help bring about this
realization within the readers consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

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