Tuesday 30 October 2018

Consciousness And Spontaneity Harmonise-Inviting Numinosity. = C A S H -I N .

Spontaneous forces operate within nature,but in society individuals possessing consciousness
and violation act in pursuit of certain goals, thereby loosing their spontaneity, these certain goals
are almost all ego driven and directed. We all loose our natural spontaneity due to the intervention
of our ego's, by the time our ego decides on the best for its purposeful action,all spontaneity
has long gone.
All animals act spontaneously because they have no ego's.Beyond the ego's reach spontaneity
exists still, within us lies the natural instinct of divine spontaneity.Our intuitive inclinations are
part of this inner reality that dwells within all mankind. All intuition comes from one central
matrix and this is the indwelling divine immortal soul, it is sometimes called by another name
that of the conscience that is pricked when we perceive that we have done something we should
not have done.
The title of this blog is to "CASH IN" and we can all CASH IN by going within ourselves
and revealing and discovering just who and what we really are. This discovery is by far the
most important thing you will ever do in your entire life, all other things pale into insignificance
by the absolute discovery of who you really are. We each within us have a "homing beacon"
that flashes intuitive messages to us, in particular in times of crisis and trial, this homing beacon
is very much like the search light that flashes out to sea from light houses, saving ships in peril
is its job, your inner beacon is guiding you home to your real and true identity.
If we can get beyond the ego, we can cash in on the reestablishment of some more spontaneous
actions that will begin to manifest within us, we will be able to show our feelings naturally without
having to spot check to see if its okay or not.
By going within ourselves we draw nearer to the matrix of all life, which is the spirit, which is life
itself,and by drawing closer to that which is real, we begin to tune into a new realm of reality, that
of the spiritual realm the home of numinosity,and also the home of where our true identity lies, there
within our heart chakra or matrix lies YOU the immortal divine soul.
Instead of expanding our waist lines like the explosion of obesity that is taking place today in the western world, we need to be expanding our consciousness and perceptive abilities, of which we will
explore more fully in part two tomorrow.  Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If anyone reading these blogs has any questions or something to say,please send an email would  be
great to hear from you.

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