Monday 31 October 2022



This blog today entitled KISS is about asking that deep question of what exactly is

a SOUL ?To answer this question we need an understanding of the presentation 

process that takes place in order for omnipresent ubiquitous intangible SPIRIT to

thereby become localized and tangible within a relative embodiment process.

Koshas or sheaths are dimensional covering layers of etheric energy that cover over

and protect the pure spirit from gross matter.

There are five layers of expression that make up ONE human being, these five layers

are all of differing densities and dimensionally divergent of each other. The physical

vehicle is the most dense. So if we look at the process the only "REAL THING" is the

underlying eternal unborn SPIRIT, that is the CORE ESSENCE of the life expression.

Being mindful  that there are literally billions of SOULS,  but just ONE SPIRIT.

The human body is a vehicle for the soul to occupy and experience tangible life here

on Earth, and the soul in its five expressions each one finer that the one below. 

The sequence is primal spirit  is the core reality, then there are five bodies or Koshas

covering over the spirit  in five varying expressing dimensions.. The soul is immortal 

in the sense that it can be in appearance  for thousands of years covering many incarnations

but the soul is NOT UNBORN, as is the spirit, immortal  yes, but not ETERNAL  in the

true sense of the meaning.

As we ascend in consciousness and awareness we begin to touch that deep inner core which

is pure spirit. When we do this we  start being fully aware of the higher Koshas expressions

until we reach the BLISS KOSHA, here then we can step out of relativity and into eternal

bliss, or we can decide to keep our soul embodiment and return again to incarnate back here

on Earth, but in full waking consciousness of just who and what we truly our, we will 

then chose our task of sharing this wisdom with all our other soul brothers and sisters.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 30 October 2022


This blog today entitled TOUCHES is about how this universe was brought out into

objectification by the arising of an Absolute thought wave within the mind of the 

Absolute SOURCE of ALL MOTION. In the beginning there was NO-THING 

present anywhere, before this universe was birthed by thought all that was present 

was Absolute motionlessness SPIRIT which is the eternal unborn non-dual singular

Absolute being-less being , Absolute unrealized potentiality,  lie in silent  uninterrupted

Bliss. Then at a point within the eternal NOW the absolute motioned in an arising 

thought wave which gave birth to all m motion from absolute motionlessness, this 

motioning thought wave was the beginning of relativity and the birth of a coming 

universe. The primal thought wave was the birth of what we call ENERGY which 

is basically motioned thought. This was the beginning of INVOLUTION where all

the about to become universal principles  were all "wrapped up" within the primal

thought wave as it rolled out this involution sequence. All the LAWS of the coming 

universe were wrapped up in this sequence. Involution rolled out gathering momentum

until it reached a point of equilibrium, here there ensued a  momentary pause, then the 

sequence reversed and became what we call evolution, the unrolling out of the wrapped

up principles of universal  LAW. This time was an energy MAELSTROM of total CHAOS

until balance began to enter in. Here life was motioned into being by the friction of energy

surges. Life has been evolving for countless billions of years . Humanity is at the ascension 

apex of the evolution spectrum , as we are all self aware beings. who are beginning to 

recognise our latent inner spirituality, here through insight and meditation we can understand

that we are all indeed immortal divine spirit, here to fully understand this truth and also gather

experience of what relative tangible life is really like.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Sol Realization.


Saturday 29 October 2022


 This blog today entitled EFFECTS is about how all human life is  basically effected

into sequence and deposited onto this planet Earth. We need first to realize that in essence

"WE" are ALL Spirit BEING. and are "all" arisen out of an Absolute Ocean of pure Spirit

where all is still  and motionlessness (zero atomic vibration). "WE" are all in essence 

omnipresent  and ubiquitous all non-locale BEING. In order to be born upon this planet

Earth we need to be first condensed and localized into a fixed point of self aware 

consciousness, this is done by our essence being placed within a Singularity vortex and

super contracted into a relative point of reference , we loose our omnipresent awareness

and become localized into this relative universe. We emerge as a point of reference, a sub

atomic point of intelligent life. This life force point is then contained and enveloped within

this planet Earths electromagnetic fields. This is an undulating double torus field of a 

doughnut shaped field of pure electromagnetic energy. This energy completely surrounds 

the physical being in a doughnut shaped torus field. The centre of the informed entity (YOU)

at the heart chakra is the middle point where the singularity will anchor you here for the 

rest of your life expression here on Earth. These powerful forces are completely invisible 

and mostly completely unknown  to the vast majority of human beings . Science can though

detect the electromagnetic fields that surround all life here on Earth with sensitive instruments.

But they have yet to discover the reality of the sub atomic singularity that holds us all here

in perfect coherence.

"WE" are all anchored here firmly by living energy, which holds us all in stasis so that we

can learn what tangible living and gather experience of this. The process of expression  is

run by Absolute Intelligence  and runs completely automatically without zero input from


Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 28 October 2022



This blog today entitled CLASP is about how Pure Spirit which is an absolute ocean

of eternal unborn reality, becomes "pressed" into "LIFE" (motion) by an intention

wave of consciousness which removes the still SOURCE of ALLNESS which is pure

spirit, and removes it from its omnipresent ubiquitous stateless state, and thereby 

localizes this spirit into a motioning energy, which then coalesces into what we call life.

All life "WE" are ALL LOCALIZED DROPS of the ONE eternal ocean of spirit.

The condensing of pure spirit needs to become "clothed"  in etheric energy this "clothing"

of the spirit is to protect its PURITY from coming into contact with gross matter, it is

called the "soul covering" the soul is made up from five koshas or sheaths of etheric 

substance . Which enfolds and encloses the spirit in an etheric blanket of expression .

Our full nature of expression is that of Spirit which is the primal and only reality, then

the soul which enfolds the spirit , which consists of five layers of differing densities 

which are expressed within five dimensional layers of  expression . The physical body 

being the most dense. We are spirit, soul, and physical vehicle, that is our sequence of 

being expressed. Humanity is basically localized relative absolute essence of spirit.

CLASP is about being able to GRASP  this presentation sequence and understand who

and what we really are.

Our souls are only vehicles for the spirit which is the absolute primal eternal unborn 

reality, the soul which we use can be very old and can span many lifetimes and incarnations

but when the time unfolds within the soul that it KNOWS its full inner SOURCE, then

the soul will EXIT its VEHICLE and thereby merge back into that Absolute Ocean it 

left countless AEONS AGO.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 27 October 2022



This blog today entitled TWAS is about how "we" are all the "THING" that so many

of us are always looking for, and that is the SOURCE or GOD. The Source or GOD is

not lost , it is often us who are the lost SOULS looking for the answer for something

that lies hidden within you.

All life is the very embodiment of the SOURCE of all life, beneath this FACADE of

form which is physical projectile which is pushed out into profile by that eternal life

force into an expression mode.

The answer to all questions of what you are looking for, lie deep within you now.

So many of us are only ever looking forever outward for the answer to our many 

questions, and so few of us seem to look within for the answer. We are all three fold 

expressions in life, which is physical, mental, and spiritual, most of us are all very 

familiar with the physical and mental parts, but fewer of us are acquainted with the 

spiritual dimension of our expression into life. We tend to ignore the spiritual at our

peril. We are spiritual beings, humanity is a relative being on the outside in the physical

body, and in our matrix core we are all Absolute SOURCE.

A great universal master was once asked by his devotee the question of what is the 

difference master between you and me? The master replied the difference between 

you and me is that "I AM GOD" and know that I AM, and you are GOD  but are 

completely unaware of this fact, that is the difference.

"WE" are all the SOURCE of life which is GOD/BRAHMAN  and we know it NOT!

So we go on searching "OUT THERE" for the answer to our questions, but it will never

be answered, only from within YOU will the answer to your hearts yearning be answered.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 26 October 2022


 This blog today entitled WOULD part two, is about following on from part one

where I laid out the parameters of what unconditional love seemed to me to be.

Following on from there I want to bring in the word AEON which stands for 

Absolute-Essence-Of-NO-THING, meaning that Absolute unconditional love  is

not a THING or NO-THING, rather it is that which is the eternal essence  of that 

which just  "IS" absolute and totally unknowable.

All expressed LIFE (motioned Intention) is anchored within the Absolute ocean of 

STILLNESS within its matrix, the expression which is motioned into relativity is

then moved into density and thereby clothed into matter.

"WE" that of humanity are all firmly anchored into the eternal still ocean of 

unconditional love at our matrix core of being, and our motioning expression 

(embodiment) is thereby "pushed pressured" into relativity. LIFE (expressed spirit)

rises up from the absolute ocean of unconditional love and is "pressed into shape"

(gain density) and further become clothed into matter.

This entire universe rose out of the Absolute ocean of unconditional love by the 

arising of an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE, Relativity is the "objectification"

by the ABSOLUTE of that of unconditional love into a motioning sequence of 

expression which brings about universal diversity of the ONE PRIMAL INTENTION

Thought Wave. All life is an expression of LOVE which  has condensed the PURITY

of unconditional love into tangible packets of intelligent energy, which we call  life.

Humanity is in essence  and in fact the product of unconditional love. condensed  and

shaped into a physical biological machine we call a human being. We are ALL the very


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 25 October 2022



This blog today which has the title of WOULD is about how we can understand 

the essence of LIFE which is unconditional love being expressed within embodied

forms (US). When we ask the question of "what is love"? We fail to realize that "we"

that of humanity are all the very embodiment of this love PRINCIPLE.

Unconditional love is an ETERNAL OCEAN of Absolute unified ONENESS an

infinite eternal ocean of unified oneness and "WE" are all "DISPLAYED" entities

within that ONENESS, within a physical form vehicle.

This blog WOULD is about how we can realize this eternal truth within ourselves

by turning our gaze inwards and seeking out that truth that lies within all humanity,

We can search for love and blindly fail to see that what we are all searching for is 

within us. That all life is the embodiment of unconditional love "CRYSTALLIZED"

into dense matter and expressed into a three dimensional format which in our case is

a human body.

Unconditional love is the absolute ocean of unity that we are all completely submerged

within. This eternal ocean  is the ESSENCE of the ABSOLUTE ONE from which ALL

emerges from. Unconditional love is the BACKDROP , the infinite ocean of which all

"displayed motioning" takes place . Displayed motioning is that which is LIFE being

expressed within  a relative format of this universe.

Unconditional love is ABSOLUTE and TRANCENDS this universe and is within it at

the same time. When we fully know our SELF we will see this truth most plainly.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 24 October 2022



This blog today entitled MEET-UP is about how one primal principle governs all

universal exchanges, and that primal principle is MOTION. Motion becomes energy

and energy becomes atomic vibration. When the fluidic nature of pure energy which is

that of THOUGHT manifested within the Absolute Mind of the SOURCE becomes 

congealed and condensed by the nature of contraction and condensation. The perpetual

nature of motion within this relative universe reflects the ongoing INTENTIONAL 

THOUGHT WAVE  of the Absolute, whose primal thought wave brought about the birth

of this universe is still "ONGOING" after being in presence for billions of aeons long

past. That primal thought wave is still currently operative . When the primal thought wave

ceases then this relative universe will blink out of existence immediately.

MEET UP  is about our understanding of what exactly MOTION really is. Motion 

produces energy and energy moves, the primal MOVER though is THOUGHT

THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, and this relative universe is a THING which is a product

of THOUGHT. Without thought there is stillness which amounts to being motionless.

That is why meditation is about letting go of all thoughts and entering into the silence

within ourselves. When we do that we are  nearing the place of our birth! Our birth 

into motion began aeons ago within that primordial thought wave, now when we can still

our mind and enter into the silence therein, we are nearing the place where we began  to

become expressed, the word expression means to be moved into place. our motion was to be

moved from motionlessness into motion by that primal though wave that brought us all here

to MEET-UP today!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 23 October 2022


This blog today entitled SACRED is about us being able to recognise that our physical
bodies are SACRED as they are the TEMPLE of the SOUL who dwells within us all.
When we begin to wake up into the full realization of who we are , we begin to see and
understand that our physical bodies are just that, a temple for that Divine entity that lives
within us, which  is our Divine Immortal Soul.;
The ground we stand on becomes sacred because the temple of divine presence stands 
forth thereupon.
It can take up many incarnations before we begin to wake up to the realization that there
is a living divine presence that dwells within us all. When we begin to feel this inner 
presence, we then think about looking within ourselves and thereby revealing who this
inner presence really is.
Humanity is 8 billion physical bodies which amounts to 8 billion TEMPLES of the soul.
Sacred means being HOLY  which also  means being WHOLLY WHOLE and complete
when we thereby reconcile our three expressional components which are that of being a
physical, mental, and spiritual being, we then become a whole being, who is cognizant of
its inner divinity and soul being-ness. 
Knowing ourselves is the most fundamental requirement that any being can become aware 
of, all other knowing's pale into insignificance compared with SELF Knowing.
SACRED is about realizing this , you reading this now dear reader of this blog , is in truth
and in fact a SACRED SOUL.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 22 October 2022

Consciousness Hastens Realizing Inner Spirit Truth. C H R I S T .


This blog today entitled CHRIST is about how our consciousness coupled with our 

I am self awareness, will eventually lead us, provided we make the effort to look within

ourselves, to revealing that inner divine spirit that dwells within every human being.

The spelling out of the word CHRIST is also about us realizing that CHRIST is actually

a universal PRINCIPLE that is designed t link the searcher of truth to its eternal reality

of you being an eternal spirit being now clothed in human form, in order to engage in 

experiencing the experiences of tangibility. When we make the effort and go within 

ourselves, we then enter into that inner silence , here in that still void we encounter  our

intuition, that still small voice within us. By tuning into this inner voice we begin to wake

up into the realization that we are far more than just a physical body. If we persist our inner

quest and make progress into our deep inner self we will eventually become

"OVERSHADOWED" by the "CHRIST PRINCIPLE" which will reveal to your 

STARTLED self just who you really are, which is that of pure spirit , an eternal UNBORN

reality that is embodied within a mortal frame in order t experience tangibility.

Millions of human beings have all been "OVER SHADOWED" by the CHRIST 

principle, Jesus was the most well known being. In the east this over shadowing is 

called by another name of  ISHWARA  which over shadows  the seeker of inner truth.

Both these divine principles are there always waiting for a SEEKER to look within and

make contact with the Divine Principle.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook  Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 21 October 2022



This blog today entitled WOWS is about how all universal wisdom is found vouchsafed

within every human being , all we need to do to find it is to go within ourselves by taking

up meditation. When I began meditation way back in 1974 I had no idea of inner wisdom

or anything like that, all I was looking for was some peace of mind and a way to relax and

find some inner peace and serenity. But after meditating for over forty eight years now. I 

have discovered that humanity as a whole has a miniature universe within themselves that

is an exact replica of the outer universe, and that all the wisdom that has been around for 

ages long past, lies within each one of us, all we need to do is to enter into the inner silence

when all thoughts cease, here in that silent void we begin to gain access to our intuition and

begin revealing the reality of who and what you really are.

Meditation reveals to you that we are all enfolded within a thick blanket of ignorance , which

hides our true nature t our relative minds. By going deep within us we make contact with our

intuition which teaches us that we are beginning to "uncover" what lies beneath the veil of

ignorance, UNCOVERING what lies beneath our outer shell. All universal knowledge and 

wisdom EXISTS within  you right now, all you have to do is to go within and claim this

for yourself. Meditation is not about learning anything, rather it is abut UNCOVERING

what already lies buried deep within you NOW. WOWS is about making a decision to

look within yourself and find out the real everlasting nature of who you really are. Let go

of your ignorance and embrace the wisdom and inner knowledge within you instead.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmailcom any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 20 October 2022

Existence Means Becoming Energized Relatively Sequenced. E M B E R S


This blog today entitled EMBERS is about trying to relate and relay the IDEA that

the word existence means to be a relative expression of something that is motioned

into being , via an arising  IDEA within the Absolute Mind of the SOURCE. Before 

this universe was born aloft by a INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE of the Absolute

SOURCE, all that was present was the ABSOLUTE ALONE, which is PURE  SPIRIT

AWARENESS. This Pure Awareness is TRANSCENDENT of EXISTENCE, to exist

"means to stand out from a background" The Absolute is both the background and the

foreground simultaneously.  It is beyond LIFE and all that exists. EMBERS is about how

existence was born within an Intentional Thought wave which gave birth to ALL MOTION

from motionlessness. Motionlessness equals Absoluteness, Motion equals relativity.

All life which is motioned spirit covered over by layers of relative awareness we call Koshas.

Life becomes energized into motion by the Primordial thought wave, which is what we call

that of atomic vibration. Humanity is life outwardly expressed  within a vehicle we call 

a human being. Inwardly we are all Spirit  or rather souls covering over the inner

dwelling spirit. We all exist on the surface of our being, our existence is in our

MOTIONING within relativity within  an evolutionary cycle. But the core  of our 

being is beyond EXISTENCE we are all therefore ETERNAL UNBORN Spirit which

therefore transcends all of existence,  and just "IS" that which is Absolute BEING.

We are all the Living EMBERS glowing particles of the PURE FIRE of PURE

Spirit. We all glow with the spiritual light of the CENTRAL Spiritual SUN which is


Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 19 October 2022



This blog today entitled SECRET is about revealing the SECRET that has been

hidden within the expression of life for aeons long past. The secret of existence and

expression int what we call life, lies within consciousness. Consciousness is an 

expression which emanates from within PURE Spirit it is a "motional IDEA"

that arises within the Absolute mind of the Great Spirit   which we call GOD/

Brahman. Consciousness is a "motional force" that arises from within the Absolute

as an INTENTIONAL THOUGHT WAVE , this absolute thought wave is the birth

of all motion, from absolute stillness, Spirit  is motionless, the IDEA becomes all 

motion universally. The eternal truth is that all life which is a motioning force moving

through what we term as that of evolution.. Life began within a primordial IDEA of 

the Absolute consciousness arising out of spirit and becomes a relative universe an 

"ocean of motion" and the fluidic force which powers this ocean of motion, is that

of consciousness, which also equates with that of energy, energy and consciousness 

are one of the same, both reflect each other.

Pure Spirit is also pure awareness , where there is no need of consciousness  to arise

it lies dormant within pure spirit as an potentiality only.

We human beings have the use of consciousness and have self awareness, so we are able 

to look within ourselves and see that the core of our being is PURE SPIRIT  from which

our consciousness  arises within us. The  SECRET  truth is that all life is SPIRIT being

presented within an embodied state to become a relative being. We can discover this truth

by looking within ourselves today, WE are the SECRET portrayed as motional life.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Tuesday 18 October 2022



This blog today entitled PLEASE is about where LIFE emerges from and what is

the principle that regulates all life universally? All life universal emerges from the

SOURCE of all LIFE and that is SPIRIT or GOG/BRAHMAN.

LIFE is SPIRIT in MOTION clothed in awareness layers called Koshas. Spirit 

Absolute is forever motionless, it has no use of motion because spirit is omnipresent

and ubiquitous, present EVERYWHERE simultaneously. All expressed life is 

motionless spirit clothed within atomic vibration and layered over by sheaths of

awareness layers, which seal of pure spirit from coming into contact with gross matter.

We as human beings are all outwardly life covered over by five koshas or sheaths , and

inwardly we are all absolute spirit which is eternal and UNBORN.

What is "born" is the "vehicle" that spirit uses to gain a tangible foothold on this gross

material world. Stillness which is absolute spirit  gains MOTION by becoming expressed

or MOTIONED into LIFE. this is done so that the intangible SOURCE of all  LIFE  can

experience what tangibility is like, and also to be LOCALIZED as in our case being

a human being. Localized into a point of awareness contained within a vehicle , which 

is our human body. When we search within ourselves we then begin to see the bigger

picture of just who we all really are. Our inner being is Eternal and therefore UNBORN

only the vehicle that supplies a host station for the indwelling spirit  seems to be born

and fade away, the real  INNER YOU carries on FOREVER.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks,

Monday 17 October 2022


 This blog today is about how we all need to better understand exactly what is

the NOW, because by understanding the now it will reveal the way to fully 

understand who an d what you really are. This whole relative universe moves

through the NOW moment by moment, the motion we call atomic vibration,

infinite energy that is in perpetual motion.

But the NOW is Transcendent  of this universe and is absolute , not relative

plus the now is completely motionlessness. It is the intelligent energy that moves

and vibrates within this relative domain. Everything moves within this universe

EXCEPT the NOW, Human life are all "fixed points within the now" the fixed 

point is a singularity vortex point of reference , "WE" are all fixed points of 

reference within the motionless NOW. Life moves through the NOW in a progressive

arc which we call evolution. The NOW is NO-THING  whatsoever, but rather it is

the ALL that EMBRACES ALL MOTIONAL expressed life within its ABSOLUTE

BOSOM of stillness and motionlessness. The NOW is the Eternal Absolute Reality 

from which the relative universe emerges from within its BEING as an IDEA that 


The way that leads to a full understanding of who and what you really are  lies within 

you right NOW. When you go within we are contacting the silence within which ECHOS

out of the NOW. When we enter into stillness the NOW begins to reveal what it really IS.

And that revelation will make your head spin, because who we really are is the NOW

within AWARENESS added. Awareness pure is the same as the NOW, which when 

fully understood reveals PURE SPIRIT or BRAHMAN/GOD.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Sunday 16 October 2022


 This blog is about  how PURE SPIRIT which is intangible Absolute Eternal 

Omnipresent Singular NON DUAL BEING, which we call GOD or Brahman

brings about the manifestation of a universe which becomes relative, and then

from within its Absolute SELF bring about MOTION from STILLNESS and

manifest a sequence that will condense Absolute wholeness into a relative 

point of reference. Which is a singularity vortex which removes the "universality"

of the essence of spirit. and condenses it into a relative localized point of reference.

Which then becomes an expressed point of what  we term as LIFE. In our case a 

human being, is manifested out of pure energy by super compression  sequence

"WE" humanity are all in essence the NOUMENON (GOD Brahman)  and are all

expressed as the phenomenon which is the physical visible vision of an invisible

inner being which is pure spirit. "WE" are all LOCKED into the Sequence of 

expression, each one of us is a reference point , somewhat like that of an ATOM

within the invisible wholeness that surrounds us all invisibly. "WE" are "sequenced"

fractal images, facets of the ONE WHOLENESS which is where we are.

Outwardly we remain a phenomenal image of what we call Mankind, But within

you lies the Absolute essence of your being. We are all basically the Absolute Source

being condensed and localized into a material form in order to become a Motional

being (have atomic vibration), so that the NOUMENON  can experience the phenomenal

experiences of being a TANGIBLE UNIT within the wholeness of expressed LIFE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 15 October 2022


 WILT which spells out the title of this blog today asks the question of "what is

life truly"? The following words will attempt to provide an answer to this question.

The word LIFE is broken down into what I firmly believe to be the matrix of what


represents "SPIRIT", the intelligent part is consciousness, the focused part is mind,

and the energy part is that of atomic vibration. This makes life out to be comprised 

of four major ingredients which go to make up a composite WHOLENESS that then

becomes expressed into this relative realm and becomes animated by atomic vibration.

Humanity WILTS under the lash of gross ignorance about who and what we all really are.

We seem to understand the phenomenon  of the physical body and recognise this FACADE

Of FORM, but we know zero about the NOUMENON which is the invisible matrix which

is the inner reality of what is an outer expression of, which is the visible body. We know 

nothing about the invisible essence of what we all TRULY ARE!

We  are all LIFE, which means that we are all LIVING, we are all INTELLIGENT, we are

FOCUSED in mind, and we are energy , which means we all have atomic vibration.

Four components make up one expressed FORM which is YOU reading this NOW.

The living part is the inner you which is that of SPIRIT. YOU are a SPIRIT which has

consciousness and a focus with your mind and moves through this ocean of expressed 

life with atomic vibration. The answer to who you are lies within you now. We can NEVER

find the ANSWER OUT THERE! ONLY WITHIN YOUR-SELF can you reveal who and

what you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 14 October 2022


 This blog today entitled SELF is about US understanding the vast difference between

what is the lower self and what is the higher SELF. This blog will hopefully clarify the

vast difference between these two aspects of being. Humanity all eight billion of us

are only about 99% knowing who the lower self is, and barely 1% having any real 

knowledge of the higher SELF, which  is absolute, while the lower self is purely

relative. The lower self consists basically of the ego ,mind, personality. which all seem

to combine into what we term as our individuality. Which amounts to our physical body

vehicle which is seen as really being who we are, the lower self is the human body and 

all the IDEAS that arise from this understanding, ego-mind-personality equals the lower

self. The higher SELF is THAT which we "ALL ARE" in ESSENCE, the SELF is the 


SPIRIT which m any would call GOD or BRAHMAN. This ESSENCE is WHO all of 

US really are. The SELF has this entire universe within its AWESOME EMBRACE.

We are in essence expressed within a THREE pronged TRIDENT expression where 

1, is PURE SPIRIT. 2, the soul which is spirit cloaked down by five koshas and 3, is

the physical body vehicle, which holds these two forces in coherence within the field

of electromagnetic expression which is a double torus doughnut field of undulating 

energy, In essence to keep it simple,  we are all GOD/BRAHMAN having a relative 

expression here on Earth in order to gather experiences of tangible existence, Simply

put our lower self is the moving part (atomic vibration) of this expression, while 

the higher SELF remains absolutely motionless and still.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Thursday 13 October 2022


 This blog today entitled PRISMATIC is about the process that operates so that PURE

Spirit can become clothed into matter and therefore become what we term as life. We

need to be mindful that life applies only to MOTION which equates to atomic vibration.

Spirit in its PURITY transcends that of life, and even existence, because Spirit is 

motionlessness and eternally UNBORN and STILL. PRISMATIC is about how the 

infinite variations of expressed life are all packaged into chromatic sequences of 

dimensional variations. We that of humanity are all points of reference contained 

within a singularity vortex, the vortex removes your omnipresent signature, and 

replaces it with a relative localizing of your Divine energy.

This then opens up for mankind as an "I" AM SELF AWARE being. We are all SELF

conscious, but completely ignorant of what this SELF actually "IS"! The answer to

this question is played out by us over many incarnations looking for the answer to 

who or what is this SELF that calls itself "ME"! The word ME means MANIFESTED

ENERGY that is what all of humanity , ME really are, we are all manifested energy.

This energy is INTELLIGENT and has within its matrix all universal  wisdom , we can 

tune into this by going within ourselves. When we can tap into our energy consciousness

which is within us all  we can then begin to search for the answer of your true identity.

Answer the question of who and what is this SELF that calls itself ME?

What is the true nature of the SELF? When you reveal this, you will then see who and

what you really are .PRISMATIC is about finding your true chromatic colour in this

your current expression sequence.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you  then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 12 October 2022


 This blog today entitled POOLS is about understanding the principle that operates

within our expression here upon this planet Earth. What are these points of observation?

And how have they become points? Points of what exactly? To answer these questions

we need to begin with the understanding of what is consciousness? Consciousness is an

Absolute Infinite Ocean of Fluidic wisdom energy. Consciousness is omnipresent and 

ubiquitous, to become a "point of reference" , consciousness has to become super

compressed and contracted  within a singularity vortex, which super condenses the

infinite ocean of fluidic awareness into one single "localized point of observation,

which in our case becomes a human being. The essence of all of humanity is a 

localized point of OBSERVATION which means that Intangible OCEANIC 

consciousness became TANGIBLE and encapsulated within a physical vehicle body.

When we look out through our eyes we are observing tangibility and internally

relaying this message of experience back inwardly to our SOURCE reference POINT

which is the ocean of awareness consciousness.

Eight billion souls are all busy reporting back to this Intelligent Ocean  of Being-ness

all the experiences we are undergoing . All these experiences which amount to billions

daily, are all simultaneously fed back into the ocean of Intelligent Life which we have

all emerged from. Each point of reference, which is YOU dear reader of this blog is an

OCEAN of BEING temporally encapsulated within a vehicle to gather valuable 

experiences of being a TANGIBLE PHYSICAL BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 11 October 2022


 This blog today entitled IGLOO is about how our INTUITION when better understood

can free us all from ignorance and go onto revealing the true and lasting identity of who

we all really are. What lies within the matrix of our intuition is that of a GURU who will

if made contact with, will reveal to us the hidden truth of all the wisdom we all have within

us , awaiting to be discovered.

IGLOO is about waking up to the true nature of our intuition realizing what INTUITION

really means ? Which is "to be taught from within" that is what intuition actually means.

That when we make conscious contact with it, it will then begin to teach us about who and

what we really are. INTUITION is the infinite OCEAN of inner knowing that lies within

every human being, and the GURU is that inner voice that rises out of this infinite ocean

of inner knowing and speaks to jus directly.

We all have this faculty on board, all we need to do is to go within ourselves and make 

conscious contact with our own inner divine teacher which is your intuition and linked 

to that inner guru who will whisper words of encouragement and comfort on your journey

inwards. All the questions that present themselves to you can and will be answered by your

inner guru. Meditation is the best way to open up this inner doorway that leads to contact

with our intuition. Start to make meditation  a daily discipline in your life, and you will not

be disappointed by what you find within you,

That inner GURU will levitate you over all obstacles that seem to be insurmountable to

you alone, but with this inner intuition guru  you will overcome all set backs and go onto

knowing your DIVINE INNER NATURE, you will realize your own SOUL 

REALIZATION, and true eternal nature.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 10 October 2022


 Consciousness is a universal omnipresent Intelligent energy, which is an infinite ocean

of vibrant energy. This blog today entitled CLUES, is about how the SOURCE of ALL

there IS, brings about a "localizing sequence" of infinite consciousness , by super 

compressing this ocean into a singularity point of reference, this super condenses 

the universal omnipresent intelligent energy into a relative super compressed point

of self awareness, which then manifests as a human being, being born upon this planet.

"WE"  are all our super compressed fluid intelligent ENERGY. Consciousness is 

basically "spirit in motion", consciousness is a infinite ocean which "contains" this

entire universe within its eternal infinite shores. Our planet is a "beach" wherein 

expressed life can utilise the sequence of evolution within a contained class room

(planet Earth). We are all points of localized consciousness, but we can tap into this 

fluidic ocean of consciousness by going within ourselves and practicing meditation.

Unbeknown to most of us, we are all actually totally immersed within this universal

ocean of liquid consciousness, we all move through it every day, completely unaware

of its invisible all embracing presence .Consciousness is akin in ways to that of 

electromagnetism , this energy has us all within its super magnetic embrace.

Meditation is a science that opens up our inner awareness of our true immortal nature

by going within we are tuning into that infinite ocean of Eternal wisdom.

Humanity is solid intelligent spiritual energy, that is what we all are consciousness

condensed into a physical shape to gather tangible experiences of what expressed

motional physical life is really like.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 9 October 2022


 This blog today entitled WHAT-IF  is about how within us all lies the eternal 

wisdom of this universe, and that to tune into this infinite storehouse of wisdom

we need to look deep  within ourselves. WHAT IF, is about the question of is it

true that all universal wisdom is now resident within me, and all I have to do  is

to look within myself and find it? Well in order to fully know the  answer to that

question, you will have to enquire within yourself and find out the answer personally.

Humanity is covered over by a blanket of ignorance that veils us from knowing our

true inner nature. Human beings are each a miniature universe within themselves.

There lies an infinity within YOU now reading this blog. An infinite expanse, an

INTERNITY that lies within you that contains all the wisdom and all the knowledge

that exists within this relative universe. All you have to do is to practice meditation

go within, enter into that inner silence, and then tune into this infinite storehouse of

divine wisdom.

This process is NOT about you LEARNING ANYTHING, but RATHER you 

UNCOVERING  what already lies within YOUR infinite inner being.

We are all that of Humanity LOCALIZED embodied universal wisdom and

Spirit, "WRAPPED UP" within five KOSHAS of expression. All Knowledge

all wisdom, is VOUCHSAFED within  every human being . All we need to tap

into this infinite storehouse of wisdom is to inwardly go within ourselves and seek

out this Divine TRUTH that lies HIDDEN WITHIN YOU RIGHT NOW !

WHAT-IF you dear reader of this blog today, actually chose to do that very THING?

Warmest regards michael/  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 8 October 2022


 This  blog today entitled D N A  is about the very real need we all have to WAKE UP

into the full knowledge and understanding of who and what we all truly are.

Today the world sits on the real fear of a nuclear war breaking out, blackouts due to

power supply shortages, there has never been a better time for global peace and

unity than right now in 2022.

DNA is about how we all can wake up within ourselves and see the ancient but 

long forgotten truth that we are all connected and interconnected to each other by an

invisible electromagnetic energy field that encircles this entire planet. We each have 

within us DNA which consists of coded messages that reveal our true inner universal 

nature. DNA is activated within us as the opening up of memories within our 

consciousness stream of inner energy. When we make the conscious effort to start 

meditation  and entering into the inner silence , we then begin to tap into our DNA

code frequencies. The DNA code is written in chemical secretions , plus also in the

etheric template associated  with your particular expression upon this planet.

By the practice of meditation we can begin the waking up process which will 

ultimately lead us into the reality of a "Divine Unified Wholeness" our DNA 

will become activated by our going within ourselves. All your history going back

AEONS of elapsed time is written within your DNA, you can awaken into the full 

and complete realization of who you really are by tuning into your DNA through

meditation and inner silence.

When you have and experience the full intensity of this full awakening into your 

Divine universal heritage. you will then fully realize that the whole of humanity

are one UNITED FAMILY a unified wholeness of Divine SPIRIT being expressed

within a human body vehicle, in order to experience tangible motional life, we are

all brothers and sisters within the Absolute EMBRACE of unconditional LOVE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 7 October 2022


 This blog today entitled SEAL is about how all expressed life (has motion)  has

enfolded within its matrix the NOUMENON which is Pure Spirit, and at its entrance

into the physical domain , we then have the PHENOMENON which is that of expressed

life in what ever shape it appears as.

All expressed life is "locked and SEALED" into that which is Spirit Essence. Humanity

is no exception, outwardly we are all presented as the ;phenomenon , but inwardly we are

all the invisible NOUMENON which is pure spirit , or GOD or short. SEAL is about that

of knowing ourselves, and revealing the Divine Intelligent Energy  that arises fro deep within

ourselves. To break the "SEAL"  is about awakening into the realization of just how deep is

our ignorance of who and what we really are. To break this proverbial SEAL we have to 

venture deeply within ourselves, by taking up meditation or yoga and seeking out the 

answer to that most fundamental question of "WHO AM "I"? When you ask this question 

within ourselves, we set of a chain of mental and emotional energy that will penetrate 

deeply within ourselves, and open up our inbuilt INTUITION faculty, our intuition

which is a divine monitor our own personal GURU, will begin giving you insightful

ideas about who you really are. Keep up this daily practice of meditation and you will

soon make that realization of your true Divine Immortal IDENTITY.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Thursday 6 October 2022


 "WE ARE US!! What does this mean? This blog today entitled US is about who 

and what "WE" all are. Humanity is presented upon this planet Earth as a physical

vehicle, we call a human being. But what exactly is a human being in essence? We

know what the periphery vehicle is, which is a flesh and blood biological machine,

which has a biological computer on board called the brain. But what exactly lies 

beneath this "FACADE OF FORM"  we call a human being?  "WE"  are all presented

"within" five Koshas of expression, five sheaths that hold the "life essence" within

five levels of awareness that are different layers of density, the physical layer which is

the most dense. The "LIFE" essence is the SELF which stands for SPIRIT-ETERNAL


Absolute Spirit of ALL that IS. Another name for this Singular Absolute reality is 


of all there "IS" universally. This relative universe resides WITHIN its  Absolute 


Humanity that which is "WE" are all "US" in essence. The ESSENCE of life is 

INTANGIBLE  PURE INTELLIGENCE and this pure intelligence has a CURIOISTY

about what tangible expression (motion) would be like to experience. And in order to do

that this Absolute Intelligence brought about MOTION from MOTIONLESSNESS

by an INTENTION thought wave and manifested a relative universe where TANGIBILTY

could be made manifested. "WE" humanity plus all other tangible life are all the ONE

expression of the SELF becoming INFINITELY DIVERSIFIED into multiple LIFE


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Humanity are Souls Truthfully Expressed. H A S T E .

 This blog today entitled HASTE is about exposing the reality of what we all are

which is immortal divine souls, and moving from a vague feeling or notion that

we might be souls, to moving into a place of full knowing that we are indeed all

immortal divine souls. Belief and knowing are worlds apart. belief implies the

possibility of  a doubt, but knowing through personal experience removes all

doubt, because you have personally experienced this reality of your own immortal

divine soul within YOUR-SELF.

I discovered the reality of my own soul by the practice of meditation , I realized 

my soul back in 1975  and have spent the last forty odd years sharing this reality

experience with as many souls as I could.

You too dear reader of this blog can move from a hope or belief that you might 

be a soul, to actually knowing you are by taking up the practice  of meditation

and entering into that silence within  yourself. 

The realization of your own immortal divine soul is the birth right of humanity,

we all need to fully know who and what we really are.

You are not just a physical body which lives for fur score and ten years then dies

and disappears into oblivion. We are all eternal beings who are here to learn and

understand our true immortal divine nature,

Meditation is the KEY and what will turn that key is your INTUITION when you

make contact with your intuition and ask it the most important question you will ever 

ask in your life, which is that of "who am "I"?  Your intuition will guide you to

where that answer will present itself to you, as your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL..

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 4 October 2022


 This blog today entitled KEY is about finding that KEY, that KEY that leads 

to all knowing that lies within your INTUITION. The key to all SELF knowing 

lies within the home of all universal wisdom , which is your INTUITION that

inner GURU that lies within the centre of your being. We each have an inner 

GURU and that guru teacher is your INTUITION, which we can all access by

going  within ourselves and taking up meditation, and entering into that inner

silence that will arise within you when all thoughts are stilled. The word intuition

means literally to "be taught from within", by tuning into our inner being , we 

TUNE into that inner GURU who is there to open up from unknowing who we

really are, to removing our ignorance and revealing that Divine inner being is 

the REAL YOU. To find that KEY that will unlock your ignorance and open 

you up to that of Divine Wisdom within you, you need to enter into meditation 

and take up the daily practice of looking deeply within yourself. When you can 

slow down and eventually with much practice stop all thoughts from arising

within you. Then you enter into that inn er silence. This inner silence is the 

KEY that opens you up to tune into your INTUITION  which is that DIVINE

MONITOR that exists WITHIN all of HUMANITY.

Once you make conscious contact with your intuition  you will quickly see that 

the inner doorway that has opened within you, now leads to your HIGHER SELF

when you ARRIVE HERE you are only a short space away from realizing that 

this HIGHER SELF is really your very own IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL.

May this blog give you the KEY dear reader to reveal YOUR TRUE SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 3 October 2022


 This blog today  entitled WILD is about how we can understand what exactly  is

LOVE? And how we can divine this essence into our conscious understanding.

Love emerges into our consciousness from its SOURCE which is unconditional

undifferentiated love which is then filtered through our awareness and conscious

understanding, into what is often seen as that of "conditional" love. Love is not

am emotion or a feeling, its essence transcends all these limited understandings

of what just "IS". LOVE in essence is an infinite ocean of ABSOLUTE 

WHOLENESS. When we embrace someone we love we feel that we are ONE

yet we are frustrated by the barrier of a body, which will not allow full and 

complete emerging into ONE WHOLENESS. "love is the complete absence of

separation", unconditional love embraces all without any absence of separation.

Our love is conditional because we are unable to let go of apparent differences 

between us and others, WILD is about understanding  how we as human beings,

are really love  embodied within a formed vehicle. Pure energy merges and enfolds

all that it encounters,  we as human beings are not yet able to do this, and we 

therefore erect conditions on our views of what love means to us.  If we truly knew

that in fact we were the very embodiment of love in a flesh and blood body ,then

we would be more open to accepting that we are all apparent separate beings within

a WHOLENESS and completeness that is invisible to us in our present state of

awareness and awakening.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 2 October 2022


 The womb which all Life comes from is absolute motionlessness, and here in that 

placeless place which is the Absolute VOID life has yet not been born in MOTION.

MOTIONAL BEING means that you have an atomic vibration and a frequency that

oscillates within a particular pulsation depending on that living entities frequency 

signature Within the WOMB  of PURE SPIRIT  "LIFE" emerges into motional

expression and becomes engaged within an evolutionary cycle of gradual ascension

over aeons of temporal time.

Humanity has been ascending for aeons of relative time, and has now reached a 

point of self awareness. Here at this point in our ascension we can look within 

ourselves and begin to realize that within us all lies a PRESENCE that dwells 

within us all. This presence is SPIRIT or SOUL. Outwardly we are all motioning

beings, but at our inner matrix the core of our being we our motionless spirit or

soul. This is the SELF that is UNBORN and ETERNAL our HIGHER-SELF

which indwells within us all. Our birth right is our Divine Heritage  that lies deep

within us all. By taking up the practice of meditation or yoga we can begin to make

contact with our INTUITION  which is the inner doorway  that leads to SELF

REALIZATION . Once we can make regular contact with our INTUITION we 

are well on our way to KNOWING our true IMMORTAL SELF. Our real inner


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 1 October 2022


 This blog today entitled TRACK is about how "we" can all become transfigured by

spiritual radiance if we go within ourselves and practice mediation. Transfiguration.

is the ART of moving form (physical body)  into the radiance, that lies deep within 

you. Humanity goes through three basic stages of inner development, the first stage is

that  of Transformation, which will last over multiple incarnations, then gradually as

we become more SELF aware, we move into the second stage of development which

is that of the Transmutation phase, where we gradually begin to look within ourselves 

and perhaps take up meditation. When we do this we are slowly transmuting our 

bodies from gross materiality and loosing our dense material ATOMS which are 

being replaced by less dense ethereal ATOMS. When we begin doing this we are 

then gradually developing into stage three which is that of Transfiguration. This 

can arise when the soul has had experience of transmutation within itself and in 

this current particular life time it begins to go deeper into the SELF.

Within us all lies a central sun which is our inner spirit this inner RADIANCE

will arise within us when we go deeply into the SELF. Conscious knowing arises

within us when we make conscious contact with this INTERNAL SUN, the Divine

LUMINOSITY exists within your heart chakra. The deeper we dive into the inner

divine SELF, the more radiance will even begin to shine through your skin and whole

being. This Divine RADIANCE becomes visible to any onlooker who is witnessing

this grand awakening process. A pure WHITE LIGHT that arises from the core of


of HUMANITY, and is NOT JUST the SOLE experience of one SOUL called


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.