Wednesday 31 March 2021


 It is perhaps only a very few of us that can actually welcome a crisis when it arises within

our current living experience. Those select few seem to have some sort of insightful wisdom

that impinges upon their consciousness that they should welcome this crisis as a necessary 

reason for us to change something in our lives.

The rest of us usually do not think that way, until after the crisis has passed, and we have 

made some necessary changes in our life style or behaviour, which when reflected upon it

therefore dawns on us, just how much we really needed to make some major adjustments

within our lives.

Another function of crisis, that is not often highlighted or mentioned often, is that an arising

crisis within our life, can be our higher self, our inner divine immortal soul, that wants to

attract out attention, and what better way to do this, is to bring about a major crisis in our

lives. It seems that many of us simply refuse and dislike changing things in our lives, we 

like to have familiar things around us. This kind of inaction is ok for a while, but if left

unchecked, can lead to stagnation and neglect of our evolution role in life. Letting go of

our old worn out ideas and behaviours is not always easy for us, but is vitally necessary

if we our ever going to mature and reveal our true inner nature.

Often, but not always when we in in the throws of a life threatening crisis, we actually

make our FIRST CONTACT with our higher self, the immortal divine soul, this

usually comes in the form of a reassuring inner voice, that tells us that everything will

be alright, you are safe and not alone, this still small inner voice is our higher self

reaching out to us with comforting words of hope and reassurance. Wonders then can

arise within our awareness and consciousness, if we just take the time to reflect upon

what has just happened to us, if we then enquire within ourselves, who this mysterious

inner voice belongs to, we will then make a most wonderful insightful discovery.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 30 March 2021


 98.8% of our DNA is considered by science as "NONCODING" which means that it has no

obvious function, and therefore called by science as that of JUNK DNA.  To me this seems to

be utter and complete nonsense, and portrays a modicum of arrogance that seems to exist

within  the scientific community.

Quantum physics has already discovered that this whole universe, has all the hallmarks of

being INTELLIGENCE. And yet another branch of science, suggest that Infinite Intelligence

would actually be in the JUNK-MAKING-BUSINESS!!

If what science is saying about our DNA, and that we are only using less than 2% of it total

capacity, then look at far we have evolved with just 2% awake and aware, what does this

suggest for our future over hundreds or thousands of years?

The vision that Jacob had where he saw a ladder ascending into the heavens, with a heavenly

host attending those in ascension, directly points to our DNA and its coding references.

We are all on the ascending arc of what we call evolution, and evolution is being monitored 

and opening out within us, as we venture out into expression, with each incarnation here on

Earth, we tap a bit more into the sequencing chemicals that are produced within us by our 

DNA, this then has a gradual effect upon our thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

What this DNA and its ultimate reality for us ,seems to be that  we are all GODS in the

MAKING, walking this Earth today, awaiting to become FULLY AWAKE and to therefore

rightly claim our DIVINE HERITAGE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 29 March 2021


 Mankind  is on an ascension arc of becoming, climbing what is in fact that ladder that

Jacob saw in his vision long ago. Jacob's ladder is revealed within our DNA structure

which is still in its infancy of full understanding that what our DNA actually represents.

The idea what science calls much of our DNA as 'JUNK DNA'  reveals the level of 

ignorance that abounds within this discipline of science. They fail to understand or 

even realise that infinite intelligence with its perfection of infinite wisdom, does not

make JUNK DNA!!!.  When we finally realise and consciously awaken our full DNA

sequences, which will be within the near future, then verily GODS will again walk this

Earth, with full knowledge and understanding of their true and immortal identity.

All of our physical bodies are constructed out of what is actually that of light which

has undergone a momentous slowing down of its vibratory oscillations wherein it

actually begins to thicken and condense and congeal into what we see and understand

as that of a flesh and blood human being.

Science has discovered recently that our bodies actually emit light, they call this phenomena

that of BIO-PHOTONS, all light is energy and energy is the solo MOTIONEER of all 

that exists within this universe.

Effectively unbeknown to the vast majority of mankind, we are all daily ascending the rungs

of JACOB'S ladder, each experience that we enter into, brings about a modicum of change

and realisation within us. there minute changes gradually build up within us, and thereby 

causes us to make changes in the way we all think, act, say, and do, so by the time when we

are due to vacate our vehicles, and ascend into the astral realm for a rest and recuperation

we will have ascended another rung on the ladder of ascension.

When we then come back into this vale of tears, locked within our subconscious mind  will

be the progress we have already made, and this will relate to how we act and respond within

our new vehicle human body).

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 28 March 2021


 All life that is being expressed (which means it has motion) comes from the one placeless

place, which is the void. That placeless place, that makes our minds reel at the absolute

emptiness and desolation that lies therein this limitless expanse of no-thingness.

The  void  is totally devoid of all that we can comprehend or ever hope to understand

with using a rational mind. The void is totally devoid of everything we know of, it has

zero energy, zero atoms, zero light, zero darkness, zero space, zero expressed life,  zero

motion, absolute silence and motionlessness, total unimaginable emptiness and desolate.

Yet from this awesome unimaginable expanse of zero-ness all expressed life came from.

Without the void we would not have had existence, or ever had self aware consciousness.

The void transcends all of our understanding and reasoning ability, it seems an impossibility

that could not possibly exist because it is so irrational, and seemingly totally absurd idea.

Yet it is there, and has remained in place for an eternity, and will forever remain in its 

placeless place.

We as that of this thing called humanity have only become VIABLE  because of this void

because within this void, motion was born aloft within the primordial intention wave of

the Infinite absolute mind of that which is the SOURCE of all motion and LIFE  this 

Infinite MIND manifested motion from within motionlessness and this primordial motion

thought wave, brought about the birth of this relative universe, in which we all now live

and move and have our being within it.

Within our awareness we can perceive if we persist in looking deeper within ourselves that

this limitless void, is not far away from any of us, in fact it surrounds us all and encloses us

within its limitless embrace, its distance from any of us, is less than the expanse of ONE ATOM.

The void  exists within a dimensionless void that completely surrounds this entire universe,

In that way we are never  ever very far from HOME!

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thank you.

Saturday 27 March 2021


 We all live within a fully alive and intelligent universe, every atom, every star, every planet,

is fully alive and vibrant. Our planet Earth is fully alive, and is called by many as that of Gaia

or Mother Earth Goddess. The sun was worshipped  by the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt and seen

as a living god RA.

The ancient wisdom teaches that "Space is an ENTITY" and that we all occupy this entity

with out presence!

This entire universe is fully alive and pulsating with pure undulating ENERGY. Mainstream

science still scoffs at the idea that this universe is fully alive and consists of intelligent energy

that configures itself to manifest within numberless dimensions of expression. These scientists

who are abysmally ignorant of their own true identity, have the arrogance and the gall to say

that this magnificent universe is dead consciously, and is just energy automatically repeating

itself without a trace of intelligence.

Thankfully those at the cutting edge within quantum physics see the connections throughout

the universe, and can see all the very clear hallmarks of a superior intelligence at work.

This universe reverberates with the majestic tone of the mighty AUM, this master tone

underpins all universal motion, within every dimensional level of expression.

The mighty AUM is a homing beacon that calls out to all those souls in transit everywhere

in this universe, pulsating within the core of all beings, within us that of humanity is lies

there within our heart chakra, awaiting for us to become aware of its mighty presence,

and when we do, we therefore instinctively feel the need to look within ourselves and seek

out what therefore lies within us all. The AUM will then educate you into awakening up

from our long slumber, and begin the process of awakening into the full realisation of who

and what we actually are.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 26 March 2021


 It is written within the ageless wisdom that reality is "hidden from us in plain sight" and

we see it not! Reality stares at us every day, and we fail to make the necessary connections

that would automatically awaken us into a full and deeper understanding of life and how 

it is expressed and what the unified connection between all these "apparent" differing 

expressions, that when understood would expand our awareness and consciousness to

a far more inclusive and comprehensive recognition of the unity within all life.

Long ago the Buddha sat under a tree and stared at a leaf that had fallen from the tree

he looked deeply into this leaf, and began to make connections, the leaf was connected

to the tree, the tree was connected to the Earth, and its branches were connected to

the sky and the elements, sun and water. He then saw that he to was from this Earth

and also connected to everything else, this amazing discovery was the first and major

step in the BUDDHA's awakening process.

We as humanity are surrounded by reality every day, and we fail to connect all these 

apparent differing things into just one composite whole. we think we see thousands of

different things, when in truth everything we see, hear, taste, smell, or touch is basically

all the very same thing, which is ENERGY that has condensed from it natural fluidic

state, and become a solid material looking object/ Behind every solid looking thing 

including our physical body vehicles, lies that of pure energy plain and simple.

When we can make the connections, and also see and understand the interconnections

that exist within all apparent differing things, we will also realise that we are all fully

locked into a universal connective unified WHOLENESS.

There is in truth just ONE THING within this universe and that one thing is 

INTELLIGENT ENERGY, and this ONE THING is being EXPRESSED universally

within an INFINITE DIVERSE ways.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 25 March 2021


 Every human being on this planet is protected by an electromagnetic field of undulating

energy, this auric protects us and keeps  us balanced within a spectrum of coherent 

magnetic living light energy. This magnetic light energy reveals within it all the colours

of the rainbow plus a few more that  transcends the rainbows limitations. We each exhibit

our own unique colours, and these depend on whether we are healthy or not in mind, body,

and emotional balancing. If we are worried or depressed then our colours will be drab and

of a darkish hue, if we are happy and joyful filled with a robust zest for life, then our auras

will reflect this brightness in beautiful bright colours.

The word asp or asps as within the title of this blog today, represent also the serpent 

which is another name for asp. we each have within us a coiled serpent which lies

asleep within our root chakra. In times of spiritual awakening and also deep emotional

and moving experiences. this coiled serpent will begin awakening, and begin to slowly

ascend upwards within the spine, awakening and opening each chakra as it climbs upwards

towards the crown chakra.

This experience is called a KUNDALINI awakening, which is a form of energetic 

awakening that causes us to transform on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

KUNDALINI itself is a Sanskrit word that means "SHE WHO IS COILED" it refers to

the primordial life force energy contained at the base of the spine, that is often depicted

as a snake or asp,

We are all literally bathed in light outwardly by the electromagnetic light that illumines 

our auras, and inwardly by the light of the spiritual energy that for most of us, remains

dormant, asleep within our root chakra, the awakened KUNDALINI within us, fills the

inner body with magnetic spiritual light, that will  eventually burst forth out through

the crown chakra and complete the circuit of energies inner and outer, which are then called

being in a state of SAMADHI.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 24 March 2021


 I believe this relative universe is being motioned along by two infinite forces  which

are that of an INVOLUTIONARY cycle , and that of an EVOLUTIONARY cycle, and

that both are running simultaneously  with each other. We have all been led to believe

that the INVOLUTIONARY cycle ended billions of years ago, but I believe that this

is an incorrect assumption. Dark energy which makes up 70% of the universe, with

dark matter making up 25% of the universe,  which leave only 5% of which is all we

can see and try to measure.

The expansion of the universe is on the evolutionary cycle , the one we are all currently

on, and the energy or the force needed for this continued expansion, is supplied by 

way of dark matter, and dark energy. Both there energies matter and energy exist out

OF-PHASE with this relative universe, which is why they cannot be directly seen or

even noticed, it is only by inference and what is called gravity lensing that these forces

can be detected.

For this universe to continue to expand at the rate it is now doing, it needs the 95% of

the dark energy in order to do so. Within this INVOLUTIONARY undercurrent  running

this universe would begin to collapse inwards upon itself, after reaching a point which 

would ensue a momentary pause, then collapse inward back into a singularity point of

infinite density.

When we understand that our evolution cycle is only running at a mere 5% which means 

in effect that 95% of our universe has yet to be BORN, then we can begin to realise the

absolute Magnitude of what lies before us all. This universe has countless billions of 

aeons to go, before all the 95% of dark energy and matter are all used up.

When the INVOLUTIONARY cycle finally ends, and all the dark energy and dark matter

has been spent, what then will be LEFT?

As I understand it this will be when every atom within the universe has obtained  self aware


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 23 March 2021


 Life and energy are synonymous you cannot have one without the other. Life in its

essence is an invisible intangible intelligent force, which is what we all are , humanity

in essence is an invisible intangible intelligent living force. When we are being expressed

within  a physical vehicle, we are all tangible solid looking flesh  and blood beings.

We have all been crystallized into tangibility by the lowering of our vibratory 

oscillations  and therefore have condensed into a crystal like formation which in our

case is a physical body vehicle.

We are all energised though by this fluid like invisible energy which is the life force 

itself, this energised force that moves through us all, is that of EMOTION emotion

remains forever within a fluid state, it can never becomes crystallized like that of 

lower energy vibrations. The force that moves the EMOTIONAL ENERGY is always

invisible and intangible. Yet its effects upon us are very remarkably visible to each one

of us.

When we cry or have cried, we have actually performed a transmutation process that has

brought the essence of EMOTION which is intangible energy, and have condensed this

intangible invisible energy by a process called LIQUIFICATION into a flowing liquid

which we all commonly call tears.

Tears are the expression of divine love made visible within this relative physical state.

We are all ONE LIFE being expressed upon this tiny insignificant planet in order to

manifest through a vast variety of experiences a full and integral knowledge and 

understanding of just who and what we really are. We are all here to gain the full and

lasting realisation of our immortal identity. Then when we realise this truth, to pass

this understanding onto all your friends and family, so they too can gain the insight

and wisdom that comes from a full and comprehensive understanding of the inner


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 22 March 2021


 I well remember watching my favourite program on the TV which was Star Trek, and that

famous line that was said by the BORG  when about to capture some poor race, their line

was  "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, we are the BORG!" The vast majority of the human race

live their entire lives in a resistant mode. And therefore suffer the consequences  and emotional

baggage that comes with this resistance to that of life and its ongoing changes.

Instead of being FERRIED through life in calm waters, we resist change, which then activates

friction in our lives, which causes heat to arise within us, causing emotional upheavals and a 

stormy passage, rather than one of smooth sailing.

Instead of going with the flow, and taking the path of least resistance we instead take the opposite

uphill root, which in effect goes against the flow of the river of life, this then entails that we will

soon be struggling to stay afloat, this translates and that of mental and emotional crisis arising

in our lives. When that happens, if we are wise enough, we stop all what we are doing, and thereby

revaluate how we got into this mess, and then make some necessary changes into the 

next direction we then make.

Most of our aches and pains are caused by resistance to making necessary changes in our lives

and this friction causes heat to rise up in our bodies and bones, which then gives us aches

and pains.

We seem to think far too much about what we should do, or not do, rather than relaxing into

the natural flow of life. We seem to move away from the natural and thereby by being 

occupied by our smart phones and the like, with all the unwanted advice they spew out 24/7

it is no wonder our planet is in such a dreadful polluted state,

In we take the time to observe nature, we will see that nature is always contained within the

NOW, always in harmony with its environment, unlike that of mankind, who seems to ignore

what is natural, and instead embrace artificial plastic and concrete monstrosities.

If we really want inner peace and serenity in our lives, then we need to literally embrace life

and instead of resisting its flow, let ourselves instead go with the flow, take the path of least

resistance, and find inner peace within ourselves,

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 21 March 2021


 The first thing to remember about us that of Humanity, is that in truth we are all universal

beings, who are only temporally located upon planet Earth in order to gain some experience

of being what we term as human beings, embodied within a physical material body.

In truth we are all universal beings souls that are encapsulated within an intelligent 

material energy body. Our true home is everywhere and yet nowhere in particular.

What we really all our is eternal immortal life, we have never experienced a beginning

or will we ever experience an ending, that is what an eternal being is, everlasting  without

beginning or ending. What we call humanity does not really exist in reality, it only 'seems'

to exist here on Earth, where we need physical material to enclose the immortal soul, what 

we call our physical bodies is really just a vehicle to enclose the spirit, much like the car

you drive which is a mechanical vehicle, you and I are just physical flesh and blood 

vehicles, nothing more than that.

None of us exists in the universe outside of the earth and low astral planes , in dense material

bodies. instead we have lighted bodies that are like fluid ethereal gossamer like energy, this

is how we are in out natural mode of expression.

We are all USERS of FORM (BODIES) in order to gain experience of expressed life in 

varying guises.

We are all here on Earth to understand this reality about our true and immortal selves, which

we do by incarnating here many times, in order to fully understand this fact of being.

To fully understand who you really are dear reader of this blog, all you need to do is to look

within yourself, and there you will discover just who and what you really are, it is as simple

as that, look within find out who you are, then move onto to pastures greener,

Regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Saturday 20 March 2021


 We are all enfolded within the invisible embrace of unconditional love, and we are not even

aware of this occurring. Without this enfolding embrace we could not function or survive here

on Earth. We are all completely submerged and surrounded  engulfed within an infinite field of

electromagnetism  this energy is the GRACE of Infinite Intelligence that holds us all in perfect

coherence so that we can experience duality and physical life here on Earth.

To become enfolded in neutral grace, is to venture within ourselves, either by way of meditation

or that of yoga. When we do this. we gradually begin to align ourselves with the energy and

vibration that promotes inner peace and serenity. Grace is a state of inner peace, where all unease

and friction have ceased, and a deep relaxation emerges within you.

We in truth can never just be ourselves, until we fully know who we actually are, otherwise we

are just pretending to be something ,which we do not know ,or even understand.

Humanity on the whole spends most of its physical existence DOING rather than BEING, if

we could reverse that and spend less time dong things and more time just BEING, to go 

within ourselves and explore that infinity that lies within us all.

If we could do that, we would become enfolded consciously by the GRACE of infinite

intelligence, from which we have all emerged from long long ago.

Enfolded means literally to be wrapped up, embraced within a loving magnetism of

intelligent energy, which is in essence the very LIFE FORCE of the SOURCE of all LIFE

within this universe. Because of our insensitivity to this Loving cohesive force, we fail to

actually feel its sublime presence, our feelings are not aligned with this energy, but this can

be corrected, if we take the effort to venture within ourselves, and explore what therein us

lies. If we do that, we begin to retune our inner sensitivity and therefore gain access to higher

energies that completely surround us, with which we mostly are completely unaware of.

Warmest regards Michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 19 March 2021


 Through many experiences of being both male and female  over many lifetimes or 

incarnations, we gradually begin to melt from just being an exterior human being to

awakening from deep within us, to the realisation that there is an inner presence within

us, that has a wisdom and intelligence far beyond our mortal intelligence and earthly


This deeper understanding that grows from within us, is born out of the vast amount

of experiences that we each have lived through and felt the impacts of those experiences.

We have gradually unfolded from within ourselves a deeper and more meaningful 

understanding of the meaning of expressed life, and the lessons that they teach us,

Through our many tears and pains, and joys and happiness, the ups and downs the highs

and lows of life, the contrasts that we all learn how to deal with, shape us into what we have


We gradually become aware of an inner small voice within us, that will offer up words of 

comfort and reassurance when we encounter a crisis in our lives. We gradually become 

accustomed to this inner voice of our intuition speaking to us, offering us insight into 

our inner nature, or suggesting a direction for us to follow, if we feel lost or uncertain 

about what to do next.

If we pay attention to the inner voice of our intuition, it will guide us into an eventual

understanding of our true and lasting immortal divine nature.

It will inform us all of our intimate connection we have not only to each other,  but to the

whole nature of expressed life on this planet. We will be lead into the understanding of the

connectivity of all life, we are all linked together and expressed as one composite whole.

Our vast amount of  accumulated experiences, have finally melted our physical ideas into

a somewhat more expressive idea of who we really all our,  we are all now as a whole within

humanity, beginning to awaken up to the realization that we are not bodies with a soul, rather

we are all souls being expressed within a physical body!!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If his blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 18 March 2021


 All expressed life ( which means all life that has motion, movement) is refracted through the 

PRISM of motional intention, which relates directly to that of universal Intelligence that

exists behind and also drives (moves) all life expressed within this universe.

Perfection reveals the I S M  which is within all of humanity in particular, which is that of

the "I" "SELF" and "ME" =I S M . The "I" and ME are the bedrock of the ego and lower

self, which is also the personality. The SELF is the part that belongs beyond the reaches

of the ego. which is the higher self the immortal soul.

Humanity is perfection revealing the lower self, which is our "FIRST CONTACT" with 

inner self awareness consciousness.

We begin with our egos and through countless experiences over very many incarnations, grow

and ascend into the next stage of awareness, which is actual awake and aware consciousness

of our higher self, the divine immortal soul.

The sad thing about us all, is that we look for and strive for perfection, to better ourselves

without ever realising that we are all the very embodiment of perfection, which is expressed

life, yet we all fail to understand and realise who and what we all really are, it is because of

our gross ignorance of our true immortal identity, that we fall into the mind trap of thinking

that we will never attain the believed impossibility of being perfect beings, thinking that only

God is perfect! Well who are we then? That are Divine immortal souls?

If we just remove all the coverings that hide our true being, then our true inner light will 

shine, and we will then know, that we have all passed through the PRISM of expressed

life, and now are refocused into the pure white light of awakened soul LIFE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 17 March 2021


 It is written in the Bible that, "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God" My

questions are these. first the beginning to me must mean the birth of this universe, and the 

second question is what exactly was this WORD?  I think the answer lies in the very words

contained in the Bible, if we have eyes to see them. The WORD arises from with the 

Primordial FIRST CAUSE which was the INTENTION of the Absolute BEING (GOD)

The INTENTION was the primordial THOUGHT WAVE that gave birth to this UNIVERSE

What is the ESSENCE of intention? What arises from intention? And what is the matrix the

very core of intention? The answer to that is what I fully believe and accept  that the WORD

that eventually became FLESH billions of years later was that of MOTION, this whole

relative universe is in fact an infinite motioning intelligent energy manifestation, that was

MOVED (MOTIONED) into a FLOWING STATE by the very first Primordial first

CAUSELESS CAUSE, which arose from within the INFINITE and Absolute MIND of


MOTION is the universal manifested energy source that permits the expression (movement,

motion) of all life, it permits energy to evolve into higher states of expression, which we 

commonly call evolution, the very matrix of evolution lies in the word MOTION, without

motion this universe could not exist, nor could evolution exist either.

We as this thing called humanity, are at the latter end of this motional sequence, where we

have the God like power of an "I" AM self aware consciousness, we all our the WORD 

which means MOTION, and we have all been motional along for billions of years, until

we finally ascended through trillions of motioning sequences, called experience gatherings

to be where we are now, as self aware mini-GODS! Our ascension has the signature of

GOD or Infinite Intelligence within it, this show in that magic ADDED DIMENSION 

that only humanity has got fully, and that is the added faculty of (E) MOTION!!!! 

EMOTION is the SIGNATURE WORD, That finally reveals who and what we really

are! At the end of all MOTION lies MOTIONLESSNESS, this is where we all arose from

countless aeons ago.

warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Tuesday 16 March 2021


 The signs of our times are that of the internet and how that has virtually exploded upon 

all of our lives in the last ten years or so. In particular the amount of spiritual topics available

there, there are hundreds of videos on just meditation alone, lots of sites solely about that of

ascension into new and higher levels of awareness and consciousness. Plus numerous sites

about awakening the inner soul, and achieving soul realization.

Silently then more and more of us, are becoming aware of our true immortal inner nature.

One positive thing about the internet is that all this information that was not available when

I was a child, there was zero internet, only the public library, where you could take out a book

to read for free, I wonder how many of us visit libraries today? The internet supplies all this

information for free, which is a good and positive thing about the net, from the comfort of

our home we can easily explore universal wisdom, and also find out who we really are.

There is no excuse these days nor not knowing the truth of our inner divine natures, we do

not even have to go outside our home or travel anywhere, just turn on your internet device

and bingo a whole new inner world opens up before your very eyes.

If we do not know our true inner nature, then all the other things we know are basically

useless, because without knowing  ourselves, we in effect know nothing. True WHOLENESS

can only be experienced when we are a self knowing composite wholeness, until that 

awakening occurs within us, there is a hole a chasm gash within us. Without an awareness

of our divine inner nature, we are in effect just two dimensional beings, physical and mental,

the spiritual aspect which is the soul, remains asleep within us.

We all have equal opportunities in the west to be able to explore and find out the true naure

of our being, if we so choose to. The choice is always ours, what will your choice be today

dear reader of this blog?

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Monday 15 March 2021


 All expressed life is encapsulated within the principle of LOVE. the energy of love transcends

the duality of this physical universe. We as that of humanity are all the very embodiment of 

that universal principle which is love.

The energy that is basically that of Divinity or Spirit in MOTION is the Spirit or GOD or 

SOURCE, becoming ON-LINE ,  which means being MOVED (MOTION) by the power of

UNCONDITIONAL-LOVE to ANIMATE (bring living motion)  this physical universe  with its


The power of love in its essence is always neutral and unconditional, but humanity in its

ignorance of its true immortal identity, therefore by virtue of its indwelling ego minded

personality, by the very nature of this selfish oriented ego, imposes conditions upon the

principle of love ,I will love you if, you do this or that for me!  The nearest thing to pure

unconditional love is demonstrated by a mothers love for her child, who would readily

sacrifice their own life to protect their child.

What we so often fail to see or even recognise is that we seem to go about our lives 

searching for love, and failing to understand that each one of us, is the very embodiment 

of what we are all searching for! If we only took the time and made the effort to look within

ourselves, we would then realise that what we actually ARE, is what we have all been 

searching for all of our lives.

The essence of LOVE is that of the SOURCE of all LIFE, we all are that ESSENCE which


(the physical body) lies that of PURE ENERGY, which is Divine Spirit or that of the SOURCE.

That is who you are dear reader of this blog today, wake up and claim your rightful Divine


Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 14 March 2021


 The meaning of the word UNHOLY  being used in this blog today, has nothing to do

with any religious connotations whatsoever. The meaning I am using here for the word

UNHOLY , is that of not  WHOLE, fragmented by gross ignorance of the true and

immortal being residing deep within the interior of the human vehicle.

A fundamental state of duality exists within each human being, there is the lower based

ego personality lower self, which is dominated and controlled by the ego, then there is

the higher self, which is dominated by the immortal soul. The vast majority of the human

race seem to be totally locked into this lower dimensional state of the ego personality

based understanding, and have about zero awareness of the higher self that lives within

them. This is where the word UNHOLY comes into play.

Because we are not even aware of this higher self, let alone being aligned  with it, so

we are in effect not firing on all cylinders, and thereby fragmented, which means that

we each have a gaping chasm  within us, a HOLE exists within us, we are incomplete

and are therefore unbalanced and also completely unaware of who we actually are.

Ask the average person the question, who are you? What do you think the answer  would

be? Their name, job, and little else, zero information about who they really are, and why 

they are here on Earth for.

Our ego's have covered us up with many layers of false assumptions that bare no relation

to the truth of your being. Sadly it is only when a major crisis enters our life, that we are

then forced by circumstances to actually look within ourselves for an answer to our crisis.

By refocusing our gaze inward, and searching within us for an answer, we are actually

beginning to defragment ourselves, and begin the closure of our inner UNHOLY NESS

and begin the reconnection to our true and eternal immortal higher self the Divine Soul.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 13 March 2021


 You are not the ego, or the personality,  you are not even your mind, the mind, personality,

ego, the idea of individuality, all these words are conjured up out of our ignorance of our

true and immortal reality. Our ego's mind, personality, are all self made constructs which

were all activated at around the age of two years old, The "terrible twos" syndrome is about

the awakening of the child into it "I" am self aware consciousness, the ego, mind, and 

personality, are all manifested through experiences, memory, interactions by family and

friends, the birth of I WANT this or that RIGHT NOW! The real YOU has nothing to do

with this construction of mind and personality, the ego is NOT who you are, although

millions think it is. The real YOU, has never been born or will ever know the illusion

of death, the real you is the SELF, and the SELF is a emanation from within the SOURCE

of ALL LIFE. When you ask the question WHO AM "I"?  the answer is that you are the

SELF, and eternal being undergoing and experiencing relative duality within and on this

planet Earth. The illusion of the many, all dissolve back into the ONE from whence they

came long long ago. There are 7.7 billion souls upon this Earth, but there is ONLY EVER

ONE SELF. there is not 7.7 billion selves, only just the ONE.

When we take the action to look within ourselves, and ask the question, who am I ? 

REALLY! When we do this we unknowingly invoke the the PRESENCE to overshadow

us, this presence is the living energy and intelligence of the infinite SELF, of which we all

our within its infinite and absolute being.

We all owe it to our highest awareness to find out and understand exactly who and what we

really are. We are all Divine beings having what could be termed as a HUMAN 

EXPERIENCE, here on Earth, It is this very practice of gathering experiences over many

many life times, that we begin to uncover the truth of our being, we begin to see through

the sham of the ego and constructed mind, which is forever full of mostly worthless 

repetitive thoughts, we live our lives in a seemingly perpetual life of mental masturbation.

Stilling the mind and the thoughts that endlessly arise within it, we begin to access deeper

levels of awareness and consciousness, this then opens the door, that will lead you into full

and unlimited access to your higher self , the immortal soul.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 12 March 2021


 For this blog I would like to present a case for what I believe to be a direct correlation

between the ethereal fluid of SPACE and the phenomena known as that of ectoplasm

which denotes a substance or spiritual energy 'EXTERIOIZED' by a physical medium.

Now I am fully aware of all the fraudulent mediums that seemed to abound in the early

19th century, however I am also aware that this substance known as ectoplasm does

really exist. Because I have personal experience of feeling it materialize all over my

face ,feeling like cobwebs coming out of my mouth ,nose, ears, and eyes back in the

1970s I was involved in Spiritualism and was indeed a physical medium, and was

used to demonstrate what is called in Spiritualism as that of a transfiguration medium

where your face and sometimes a large part of your body changes into and reveals to

the onlooker someone who they knew before they died, this can be either male or

female short or long hair ,beard or no beard, the substance that produced this 

phenomena was called ectoplasm, which oozed out of my body and formed an image 

of a loved one ,or sometimes a spirit guide who reveal their presence and face.

I have long given up the practice of mediumship, and turned to meditation and writing

to express my internal findings. However for the past four decades I have been very

interested in seeing the link and correlation between the fluidic nature of infinite space

and that of ectoplasm, fluidic space in quantum science speak is classed as non-locale

in other words it is present everywhere in the universe all at the same time, whereas

to me ectoplasm is the same thing but being focus by the prism of a physical body which

thereby acts as a localizing agent for this universal etheric fluid which is SPACE.

The other fact of SPACE is that the ancient wisdom describe space as AN ENTITY.

My hope and wish would to be able to prove the very real existence of ectoplasm and

the etheric fluid of space, by being able to bring this semi intangible fabric of space

into this physical dimension, and to be able to hold it here long enough for science

to be able to analyse it structure and accept its reality. This would be a huge step forward

for mankind, and would also reveal the reality of everlasting eternal life, it would remove

the sting and fear of death altogether. .Maybe the Institute of Psychic Research would be

interested in taking up the challenge?

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 11 March 2021


 Space is indeed the cradle that rocks all life (motioning forms) within this universe. The

Hand that rocks this cradle is that of the Infinite Absolute Source  of all motion and  life


This blog called MOMMIES is about how SPACE is the MANIFESTOR  of an infinite 

variety of shapes and physical forms that flow into expression universally. 

We as human beings are formed or rather in-formed into a material that we call flesh and

blood physical bodies.

The seed that formed our idea arose within the infinite mind of the ONE Source, this can

be seen as the seed (male) part of the being yet to come, the egg (female) is constructed

within the fabric of space, which is the feminine aspect of the SOURCE called in the east

that of SHAKTI the goddess of all motion and expressions of life universally.

SPACE is the playing field in which all expressed life becomes in-formed which really

means formed into a shape and expressed into being to experience what it feels like to be

that expression. Humanity is just one of an infinite numberless number of life forms 

universally, the sole and only reason any of us is here, is to finally after many many life

times of incarnations we finally make all the necessary connections and join up all the

dots to finally reveal the true and immortal image of who you really are.

When we finally do that, we are then left with a choice, we can return back here in the

full knowledge of who we are, and help those other souls who have not yet made that most

vital connection, in effect serving and helping in some role or another. or we can decide that

we have had enough physical expression, return all our physicality back to SPACE which

is SHAKTI the Goddess of all motion universally, and remain a conscious intangible 

Spirit soul, who resides in blissful union, until curiosity arouses the idea of adventure.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 10 March 2021


 Little did we know that outwardly we are all living fossils, the burnt out remains of dead 

stars and super nova explosions, that occurred billions of years ago, our physical bodies

are the remnants of these stellar events.  Humanity is therefore clothed in stardust which

we call our physical body.

Inwardly we are the essence of life being expressed within a physical motioning vehicle

our essence which is PURE LIFE is within and from the SOURCE of all Life universally.

The fabric of space which the ancient wisdom says that Space is an entity, is in which we

all occupy by our physical presence within this space time continuum, we are occupying

the space with the lower much more dense vibrations which emerge into physicality as

material matter.

We are all physically made up from matter that was vibrating long before even our solar

system was born, let alone the planet Earth, what then is this miracle that now today we 

all as humanity have a ready made planet available for us to be born upon its holy soil.!

SPACE is the Living Medium that provides the backdrop for all life on Earth to grow and 

mature, it is a giant studio film lot, that allows all the actors and actresses  to play their various

roles that will play a big part in the overall big picture that will emerge at the time when we 

have collected enough experiences to begin to see the big picture of just who and what we 

really all are.

By that time the fabric of space will have gently supported us through many incarnations here

in this vale of tears, space will have given us all the room we needed to be able to join up all

those many dots, and finally reveal our true immortal divine nature. Space is the best friend any

immortal could ever wish for?

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 9 March 2021


 What is the code of life?  If others do not exist, as I am told they do not, then who are these

7.7 billions humans that I encounter daily? The great master RAMANA MAHARSHI was once asked

by a devotee the question of how should I treat others master? To which the master replied

"there are no others". So then what are we presented with when we come across another 

human being? The first thing to realise is that collectively we are all LIFE living and moving

being expressed as a human being, and that there are 7.7 billion human beings on Earth, but

that 7.7 billion human beings, all condense down into just ONE LIFE ,being expressed 7,7

billion times. The ONE LIFE FORCE call it GOD or SOURCE is being expressed within

humanity. We are all fractal facets of the ONE LIFE, we each reflect each other replicating

differing aspects of the ONE IMAGELESS LIFE FORCE. ONE BEING being replicated

7.7 billion times. How could anyone be an OTHER? other than what exactly? Other that

the human race? Other than everyone else on the planet? When you think deeply upon this

word "OTHERS" you will see how absurd the idea really is, others do not and have not ever

existed upon this planet, it is just our gross ignorance of our true Divine Heritage  that leads

us down a blind alley, that causes us to feel separate and apart from each other, which then

leads to wars, bloodshed, fear and suspicion. We are all ONE LIFE united in ONE FAMILY

we are all directed enfolded within the Divine SOURCE of all LIFE, the very LIFE of LIFE


We are all physical reflections facets of the one SOURCE, infinite being having a relative

experience here on Earth. When we make some real progress into understanding just who

and what we really are, we will clearly see and fully understand how we are all tightly

connected and interconnected to each one of us, it truth as science is beginning to discover

in particular quantum physics, is that every human being on this planet is connected to

every other being on this planet, so tightly so, that there is not even AN ATOMS 

DISTANCE that separates where your life energy ends and another one begins.

Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 8 March 2021


 You cannot have one without the other, motion cannot exist without the counter-balance

of stillness, and stillness cannot exist without the force of motion. these twins make up what

is called a universal equilibrium.

The sole purpose of all motion is to find eternal rest. at the end of its journey and that is 

stillness, and the sole purpose of stillness is to arise from within its motionless bliss, and

essentially find itself within the immortal soul after billions of passed now's of motioning

experiences. The equation is to arise from motionlessness enter the maelstrom of perpetual

motion, and with this the sole aim in aeons yet to come is to fully realise the immortal

SOUL, within and enclosed within  a physical human vehicle we call a human being.

The master tone which is the OM pulsates throughout the relative universe and there

is a three pronged trident expression which is motion=on. stillness=off. and the third

part of the Divine equation which is Neutrality, which is neither on or off.

Our physical expression upon this planet earth is about us gathering experiences and

when enough experiences have been gathered over very many lifetimes, we begin to

join up all the dots, and thereby reveal our true and lasting immortal identity. Life 

can be seen as an infinite ocean of expressed living energy, we as this expression called

humanity are 7.7 billions LIFE-WAVES swimming (motioning) through its infinite 

ocean upon this planet, when our life-wave collapses (we die) and then journey into

another ethereal ocean different from the physical liquid water ocean,  that of the Astral


The master tone the OM pulsates silently within us all. it is a homing beacon that will 

eventually entice all of humanity to begin the journey inward that leads to salvation and

the destruction of the ignorance that has blinded us for centuries long past to the truth of

our immortal divine inner nature.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Sunday 7 March 2021


 The journey inward does not begin until we have exhausted most if not all the possibilities

that seem to exist 'out there'. this usually will not be contemplated until we have fully

experienced many many incarnations here in this 'vale of tears' and have had experiences

being both male and female, then when we have pushed up and reckoned with these exchanges

of sex and the interplays that arise from within there interactions, forever all the time looking

outward, we then arrive at a point within our evolution, where we feel a need to change our

gaze from forever outward, to that of beginning to look inward.

Sometimes instinctively there will arise within us the feeling that there is much more to this

life than we had previously imagined, we feel the urge and the need to search within ourselves

for the reason and purpose we are all here for.

We begin to think about why we are all here on Earth, we feel there is a far deeper reason than

we could of ever imagined, and that by looking inward, we are heading in the right direction to

find out the answer, as to why we are all here in the first place.

By refocusing our gaze from outward to inward we are setting into motion a sequence that 

will ultimately lead us into the full realisation of our true and immortal identity.

We will slowly begin to realise and understand that the sole and only reason any of us are 

really here for, is to reveal our inner true identity, to know ourselves who we really are ,beyond

the physical body personality ego centred self, which is dominated by a mind that is directly

attached to the ego and personality, and appears as a thing called an individuality.

We begin to see and sense our immortal true inner soul identity, we see that we are part of a 

whole sequence called LIFE, and that we are all an integral part of this INFINITE 


When we have reached this momentous part in our evolution, we will have made our mark

upon this world, and will then see the reason for all those many experiences, over many many

incarnations, that have allowed us the wonderful opportunity to awaken into the full 

knowledge and understanding of our true and immortal inner nature, now as we have woken 

up, we can then please help our other brothers and sisters who are still asleep to this wonderful

realisation, we can thereby pass this on as an act of love and service to them.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

Saturday 6 March 2021


 On our journey through life, and we have all had many journeys  over many incarnations

here on Earth. Somewhere  along the timeline of any particular life, maybe this one you

who are now reading this blog, will yield to that subtle pressure that arises within us at 

times, and say YES to beginning to look within ourselves to find out the answers to those

silent  inner questions we have all asked ourselves at times, like, who am I really? Why

am I here? Always with growth and ascension the timing always comes and presents us

with an opportunity to grow and ascend into a deeper level of self understanding, this can

arise within us in various ways, through a curiosity about our real identity, or through a 

life threatening crisis arising in our life, that causes us to stop and think about our life

and what does this all mean? Because so many of us fail to recognise our true being  we

just feel that all we are is a human being, and nothing else, and with that assumption 

focused within our minds, we are not inclined therefore to pay much if any attention 

to that which is within us, and look inward for any answers. Rather we will stay with 

what we have be taught since birth, and that is to always focus your gaze outwards.

If we are in that critical period of our lives when we feel the very real need for answers

to questions that keep on nagging at us for answers. Then we are in the correct time life

frame to enact a change of direction in our lives, we make the decision to look inward 

for a change, and see what lies within us .When we do this we are setting in motion a

change that will alter the whole way we see things. By taking up the discipline of yoga

or meditation, we begin the journey inwards, and shortly after doing this, we have the

intuitive insight or feeling of a PRESENCE within us, this presence within you, will 

eventually reveal to your startled self, its true identity as that of your very own Immortal

Divine Soul.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you, then plese pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 5 March 2021


 My bone of contention here in this blog title, is with the word nothing and that of BEFORE

the ONE, meaning GOD or Absolute Infinite Intelligence. Before 'IT' became known to our

conscious awareness that GOD  was ONE without any other. What seems to be missing in

this equation of the ONE, is that the number ONE is the beginning of a sequence of addition

that could be extended infinitely, but what is to me been overlooked by this assumption is

that the number ONE is a BEGINNING SEQUENCE, and thereby the Absolute or God

being ETERNAL and INFINITE has never HAD a beginning or will ever have an ending

SO by that understanding the Absolute is totally TRANSCENDANT of any number, and

has therefore never had a beginning. The other word which seems to be misunderstood is

that of the word NOTHING, In the ancient wisdom GOD is referred to as the 'one about

whom nought can be said', Because this (IS) thing is in FACT a NO-THING  because it

actually is the ALL-THING, there is no other THING is existence EXCEPT the ALL-

THING. Our minds and awareness become very confused because we all seem to be 

confronted by billions of separate things, yet all these billions of apparently differing

things, are in ESSENCE all the very SAME THING, which is ENERGY=GOD.

That which just (IS) is ALL THERE IS, anywhere in reality universally, and also 

transcendent of this universe, which EXISTS within that which (IS). We as human beings

are all facets, holograms, mirror images of this that just (IS). There is no such a thing as

humanity in truth we only SEEM to EXIST, like looking through smoke and mirrors.

All 7.7 billion of us here on earth will all eventually dissolve back into the placeless 

place we all left long long ago, as we ventured out into tangibility and set aside our 

true fluid intangible nature, and become embodied within a material form, as we are

now all being presented in our human physical bodies.

We are all being expressed through five sheaths or dimensions of expression, the physical

being the lowest, as we evolve ascend into higher levels of consciousness, we begin to see

and understand the variant  dimensions of consciousness that impinge upon our awareness

and through these connections being made, we thereby further understand our place within

the scheme of things, the outworking's of each human being as it gathers experience, which

will eventually lead that soul into the full realization of just who and what it really (IS) ??

Warmest regards Michael.. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 4 March 2021


 Now is the hour of our discontent or ascension, will you be bold enough to take the

direction, that will enable to to ascend? Or will continue in the valley of shadows

and the birthplace of discontent?

Each and every day we are confronted with seemingly endless choices, which ones will

we make? Is there a pattern in our choosing? That depends on how we are feeling at 

that moment in time? Are we feeling more discontent than contentment?    Many of us

human beings, out of habit and upbringing, imagine that there is only one way to look

and that is forever outwards. rarely if ever do we look within ourselves for an answer

we seem to rather ask GOGGLE to answer our question, that to ask our inner self.

By forever looking outward, we are without knowing or realising it, neglecting 

ourselves, and worst still ignoring our selves, trusting our smart phone or GOGGLE

to answer our many questions, do we value ourselves so little, that we put our faith 

in your phone or Goggle, what kind of self respect is that then?

If only we knew accepted, and understood that within each one of us, lies infinite knowledge

and infinite wisdom, what we each have got vouchsafed within us, would make your smart

phone or Goggle appear as an ignorant moron.

NOW, can be the hour that you awaken to the power and wisdom that lies within each and 

every human being upon this planet earth, will you take that leap of faith, will you really

believe in yourself, will you trust yourself?  If you do that, and set aside a small fraction 

of your busy day, to sit quietly, relax and look within yourself, begin to see really who you

are, trust yourself and you instincts, meditate upon the direction you have been going in,

was it healthy and wholesome? Seek out and ask questions within yourself, by kind and

loving towards yourself and others. If you make a habit of this ,you will discover things

about yourself, that will really surprise you. Do not be a stranger to whom you really

are, you owe it to your highest good, to fully KNOW who you have been living with all

these years!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Beneath Exterior-Seek Out -Underlying-Life-Force B E -S O U L .

 Beneath the exterior of our physical body, lies the real immortal you, hidden away from

view. Many of us can spend our entire life here on Earth, and never know what lies beneath

the exterior of their physical body. Sometimes we may have a feeling that there is more to us

than meets the eye, but few of us venture any deeper  into this inner domain.

Of all the almost infinite number of things we need to know in this lifetime, the one and only

most important thing we really all need to know is OUR TRUE SELF.

If we do not know who we really are, then in truth we know nothing, the whole reason  any

of us are here on Earth is to gather experience, and reveal our true identity.

Beneath our FACADE of form lies the real and lasting immortal identity  of the indwelling

soul, it is there for all of us to awaken to. Will this day be your awakening dear reader of

this blog? 

We all know our lower self, which is the ego, mind, and personality, and knowing this much

of our lower self, many of us imagine that is all there is to know about who we really are.

Not so many of us have any experience or knowledge of our higher self, the divine immortal

soul. Unless we have an instinctive urge to look within ourselves, most of us will not bother

until we are confronted with a life threatening crisis, then with our back up against the wall

we feel the need to pay some attention within ourselves, and often as our crisis deepens, we

hear this "still small voice" within us, whispering words of comfort  and reassurance to us

this gentle inner voice calms up down, and we feel somehow safe again, this inner voice is

your first encounter with your immortal divine soul. If you pay attention to this upwelling

this inner voice, it will lead you into a new and fuller and deeper understanding of just who

and what you really are.

If we can understand that the integrity of expressed life is to reveal its inner matrix to the 

outer expression you and me, to know yourself truly is the greatest and most valuable thing

you will ever possess.

warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 2 March 2021


 We all live and move and have our being within a singular reality and imagine that we are

among countless different things. In fact there is only ONE-THING that actually EXISTS

within this relative duality based universe, and that one thing is ENERGY, energy alone 

exists, NO-THING ELSE whatsoever. All LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-

Focused-Energy, is manifested as INTELLIGENT ENERGY, that is what the human

race consists of, Pure living intelligent energy= YOU and ME!  The sole reason why this

whole universe is totally and absolutely INCLUSIVE, is simply because everything that

is contained within and occupied by in the universe, is all made of the very same STUFF!

And this STUFF is PURE-ENERGY. Consciousness is energy, our physical bodies are made

out of condensed light which is energy, energy that has condensed and taken on the appearance

of solidity dense and hard. There is only ONE ENERGY/SOURCE but this one ENERGY 

SOURCE can manifest into an infinite amount of shapes and forms, it can be a gas, a liquid,

a plasma, or a solid, or even a human being like you dear reader, reading this right now!

The word NOTHING, which if expressed as NO_THING sums up what energy actually is

It is the ALL-THING which is EVERYTHING, NO-THING actually means that the ONE

and ONLY thing that EXISTS universally is ENERGY, and that ENERGY is NO THING rather

it is EVERYTHING that exists.

The ionization of energy is expressed in the diverse way it acts upon itself when in different

dimensions and densities of whatever form and shape it is being expressed as at that moment

within the now reality.

Science has long now decreed that energy cannot ever be destroyed only converted into another

shape or formlessness, science therefore has declared that energy is eternal, ever lasting ,so if we

accept this premise that science tells us is totally true, then if we look at ourselves and realise

that we are all totally made out of energy, then by that fact, we too must all be eternal beings!

So that when we die(change venues) we are converted from our physical bodies, into our

Astral bodies, and continue living as before in another dimension of expression, the Astral 


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 1 March 2021

Meditation Opens Our Divine Self. M O O D S .

 To really know who we are which goes beyond the very surficial understanding of your

name  place of birth, and what you do for a living, your basic personal information tells

nothing about who you really are, all it reveals is your name, place of birth, your sex and

your occupation, and not much else, there is nothing about who you really are, just a few

words about what you do, and zero information about who the hell you really are.

In order to to know ourselves more deeply, we have to look within ourselves and take up

the practice of yoga or meditation.

There are literally tens of millions of us, who know absolutely nothing about who they

really are, if someone asked you dear reader of this blog, who exactly are you? What and

how would you answer? Would you just say your name, and occupation? Both of which say

nothing about who your really are. Imagine lying on your deathbed after 80 odd years of 

life, and still not having a clue as to who you really are, as the grim reaper calls your name

you leave here not knowing much more about yourself, than  when you were born.

We all have much more access to information today, and the internet is awash with methods

of meditation and yoga practices, many are now waking up to the realisation that there is far

more to life than we have ever imagined, and by exploring within ourselves by meditation

or yoga, we begin to uncover a whole new well of information about our true and lasting 

identity. We begin to tune into areas of consciousness and awareness, that we never knew

existed before we started looking within our selves.

A whole new inner world awaits the adventurer who embarks upon the inner path that will

ultimately bring about liberation knowledge and wisdom, and a release from the ignorance

that kept us all bounded by the binds of unknowing.

Our MOODS will all LIGHTEN UP when we make that final connection and realise just

who and WHAT your really ARE!

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization..

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.