Thursday, 4 March 2021


 Now is the hour of our discontent or ascension, will you be bold enough to take the

direction, that will enable to to ascend? Or will continue in the valley of shadows

and the birthplace of discontent?

Each and every day we are confronted with seemingly endless choices, which ones will

we make? Is there a pattern in our choosing? That depends on how we are feeling at 

that moment in time? Are we feeling more discontent than contentment?    Many of us

human beings, out of habit and upbringing, imagine that there is only one way to look

and that is forever outwards. rarely if ever do we look within ourselves for an answer

we seem to rather ask GOGGLE to answer our question, that to ask our inner self.

By forever looking outward, we are without knowing or realising it, neglecting 

ourselves, and worst still ignoring our selves, trusting our smart phone or GOGGLE

to answer our many questions, do we value ourselves so little, that we put our faith 

in your phone or Goggle, what kind of self respect is that then?

If only we knew accepted, and understood that within each one of us, lies infinite knowledge

and infinite wisdom, what we each have got vouchsafed within us, would make your smart

phone or Goggle appear as an ignorant moron.

NOW, can be the hour that you awaken to the power and wisdom that lies within each and 

every human being upon this planet earth, will you take that leap of faith, will you really

believe in yourself, will you trust yourself?  If you do that, and set aside a small fraction 

of your busy day, to sit quietly, relax and look within yourself, begin to see really who you

are, trust yourself and you instincts, meditate upon the direction you have been going in,

was it healthy and wholesome? Seek out and ask questions within yourself, by kind and

loving towards yourself and others. If you make a habit of this ,you will discover things

about yourself, that will really surprise you. Do not be a stranger to whom you really

are, you owe it to your highest good, to fully KNOW who you have been living with all

these years!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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