Sunday 31 December 2023



This blog today entitled BALCONY is about us welcoming this fast approaching

new year, and may I wish you all dear readers of this blog a vey happy and hopeful

new year. May this year of 2024 bring an end to all the wars and bloodshed that 

is happening daily now. May the Spirit  of Peace and understanding bring these

conflicts to an END, Being mindful that while millions of us enjoy the midnight

fireworks  and joyful gatherings, there are also millions who are cowering in fear 

and dread for their lives. plus millions who are homeless and hungry. For those 

poor souls  new year will mean more suffering. BAKCONY is about us taking 

stock of our lives and being mindful of those souls who are in great danger and

sadness. We can maybe count our blessings for what we have  and live in a safe

warm home , with plenty of food in the kitchen.

We as the human race are all fully connected to each other by the LIFE PRINCIPLE

that animates all life. This principle is DIVINE SPIRIT INTELLIGENCE which is

the animator  of all life universally. The great SAGE and MASTER SRI RAMANA

MAHARSHI who died in India in 1950, was asked the question by a devotee. how

should I treat others masters? To which the master replied "THERE ARE NO OTHERS"

What could we possibly be OTHER from what? LIFEMAYBE! 

The truth is all ONE FAMILY of MANKIND  all connected and interconnected  to each

other. But because of our ignorance of our true immortal identity, we see "OTHERS"

rather than you brothers and sisters. There is only  ONE LIFE UNIVERSALLY and "WE"

are "IT" if we knew this fully there would be PEACE on EARTH and GOODWILL 


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks


soul realization: CONSCIOUSNESS OF ALL LOCALIZING EXPRESSION SEQUENC...:   This blog today entitled COALESCED presents a challenge into how to bring about the sequence of events that took place before PURE ABSOLUT...

Saturday 30 December 2023


soul realization: SELF ABSOLUTE BEINGLESS BEING ALMIGHTY TRANSC...:   This blog today entitled SABBATH is about  LIFE and what it is, and that the SELF, which is also called GOD is expressed infinitely in end...



This blog today entitled  RAPPING is about how Infinite Intelligence which is

that of Absolute Perfection meaning Absolute "WHOLENESS" manifests a 

sequence of motioning Intelligent Living Energy, which in essence is PURE

Perfection which is SPIRIT eternal. Rapping is the process of "UNWRAPPING"

the mystery of presenting LIFE in this relative universe.. The mystery of 

motioning atomic life universally , lies in the understanding of what is the

the root CAUSELESS CAUSE  that brought MOTION out from ETERNAL

MOTIONLESSNESS?  The answer to that question is that Infinite Intelligence


brought MOTION out from perpetual stillness. This was the birth of this relative

universe. This universe is a relative REFLECTION of Absolute Perfection meaning

WHOLENESS. Therefore all expressed life universally reflects on the outer physical

form a physical shadow of the inner LIGHT. We that of humanity are all the 

Personification of perfection which means "WHOLENESS". But because we do

not fully identify with this WHOLENESS due to our gross ignorance of our true

being. We then are in effect  "UN-WHOLE" not feeling complete because  our

ignorant unawareness of our true immortal Divine Eternal perfect nature.

Our neural gateways provide an opening to be able to reveal our true perfection of

being, by going within ourselves and meditating, by entering into the silence within

us, we will then open up many neural connections that will reveal to you your true

inner Divine SPIRIT nature. This will awaken you from a long slumber in the

shadowlands of ignorance, and into the the inner LIGHT of WHOLE-BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and  friends Thanks


soul realization: BEHOLD ONE ABSOLUTE SINGULAR TRUTH. B O A...:   This blog today entitled BOAST is about expressing that most ancient OCCULT MAXIM which states that "ALL IS SPIRIT-AND SPIRIT IS ALL&...

Friday 29 December 2023



This blog today entitled VORTICES is about how all life and Living 

Intelligent energies are all transformed and packaged within a singularity

vortex sequence which thereby coalesces and compresses ethereal elemental

spirit , into a condensed body of expressed physical life.

Here we need  to understand that all life universally is in essence that of PURE

SPIRIT(SELF-GOD) and for Spirit to become  able to gain purchase in this

relative duality based  universe. it needs to become covered over by dimensional

awareness sequencing energy, which we call KOSHIC SHEATHS. These KOSHIC

coverings are added into the singularity vortex by infinite intelligence and meld 

into and around the SPIRIT ATOM that seeks experience within this dense material

realm. This whole universe is one of perpetual motion everything within this universe 

moves with atomic vibration. This presents a problem for SPIRIT as spirit is 

absolute and motionlessness, omnipresent and ubiquitous . Which is far removed

from this motioning vibrating localized space time continuum.

So in order for spirit to be able to gain purchase here it needs to become LOCALIZED

into this relative universe, and become compressed within three dimensions of 

expression.  This is done by becoming covered over by five KOSHIC sheaths which

enfold the SPIRIT ATOM in a bond of mutual cohesion .

This then allows SPIRIT entry into this relative zone. All of us humans are SPIRIT

in ESSENCE, when we look  deeply within ourselves we will find SPIRIT there within

us right now,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

soul realization: ALL LIFE IS VIBRATORY EXPRESSED. ...

soul realization: ALL LIFE IS VIBRATORY EXPRESSED. ...:   This blog today which is called ALIVE, will explore what LIFE actually is, and that is not what we commonly think it is. This whole univer...

Thursday 28 December 2023


soul realization: KNOWING NOTHING EQUALS EVERYTHING LITERALLY. ...:   This blog today entitled KNEEL is about the basic premise of if we can fully know and understand what NOTHING actually is, then we will kn...



This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how the SELF which is that of 

Absolute Spirit (GOD) became relative  within its "IDEA of MOTION"

which is this universe, which resides within the Absolute Mind of the SELF.

Life arises from within  the motion  manifested from within Absolute Mind.

Life equates EXACTLY with that of "Spirit In Motion". The motion that

manifested this universe  arose out of that Primordial thought intention wave 

from within the MIND of the SELF. Life all life including us of humanity is

that of Spirit in Essence being covered over by layers of dimensional awareness

we call KOSHIC SHEATHS. The essence of mankind is that of PURE SPIRIT

When we fully know ourselves we will all realize this fundamental reality.

We are all immortal eternal being, our essence has never been born or will it

ever die, in essence we are all UNBORN eternal Spirit.

"WE" are all human beings, which means that we are all biological machines,

with a biological computer which we call the brain. That is what we all are 

outwardly but deep within us at our core matrix of being we are all  Divine

immortal spirit. Our bodies are only vehicles that Divine Intelligence uses to

be able to gain purchase in this dense material realm of Earth.. Divine Intelligence

SELF decided to cause motion out from eternal motionlessness so that it could 

experience motional expression within a duality based universe which was 

manifested out from a thought wave intention. The Intangible NOUMENON

Divine Spirit sought out the experience of tangible livingness. That is why we are

all here today dear readers of this blog, living thoughts in a TRANSIT called LIFE.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: BEFORE LIFE ONLY GOD. B L O G .

soul realization: BEFORE LIFE ONLY GOD. B L O G .:   This blog today entitled BLOG is about LIFE. what is it? Before this universe  was born "I AM" was present. Who then is "I ...

Wednesday 27 December 2023



This blog today entitled SPARK is about how we can ignite that Divine SPARK

of the SELF within us, by venturing deeply within ourselves. This can be done by

either taking up the practice of meditation or yoga. The word SELF used here in

this blog means the  Divine Spirit  of this universe. in whom we all live move

and have our being within, this Divine SPARK is resident within every human 

being on this planet. But  it is often hidden away from our conscious awareness

by a deep layer of ignorance that blankets our vision of the SELF. To be able to

grasp and realize that inner knowing of the SELF PRESENCE within us, we need

to enter into the SILENCE  within us, when all thoughts are stilled . This can be

achieved by practicing meditation on a daily basis and begin to let go of all thoughts

with daily practice it will become easier, then when you re in deep inner silence 

we will automatically tune into our INTUITION  this will then lead onto hearing

a still small inner voice. This inner voice will be then seen as your Higher Self

which when we establish regular contact with this higher self . We will begin

also to become aware of an inner PRESENCE this inner PRESENCE is the SELF

the GOD within you. When you have established regular contact with this SELF

your awareness and perceptions  will become greatly magnified and become more

inclusive. Your level of consciousness will also become magnified so that you will

be able to tune into what is called  COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. In this exalted

state all questions you have will immediately answered by the Divine Wisdom you

are now tuned into. Now the SPARK within you will become a FLAME of Divine

inner KNOWING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Tuesday 26 December 2023



This blog today written on my 79 TH birthday which is on Boxing day, is

about us realizing that SLIM is the process that the SELF (God-Absolute Being)

engages in order to become present within its vibratory expressed  relative universe.

The SELF which is absolute and ubiquitous unborn eternal reality, has to become

localized into our relative space time continuum, which is duality based bt nature

and become condensed from being an omnipresent ubiquitous spirit medium ,

into an atomic vibrating condensed point of intelligent energy, which then becomes 

"clothed" in what we call KOSHIC SHEATHS , then it is presented within a 

singularity vortex and spun down into physical relative life . Which is then later

born as a human baby. The INSERTION process of the SELF matrix occurs in

the womb at the time of the "QUICKENNG" when the mother to be feels like

butterflies moving in her womb. SLIM is about exposing the way in which all of 

Humanity is being expressed  upon this planet Earth., "WE" are all PRIMARILY

and FACTUALLY that of Pure Spirit Being. that is what we ALL OUR in our 

Primal matrix of BEING, upon that bedrock of pure Spirit being is that of FIVE

KOSHIC sheaths that enable the full sequence of physical expression to become 

presented upon this planet. We all our cloaked down Divine Spirit made tangible 

by a condensing vortex  spin that super compresses ETHEREAL essence into dense

material  matter. We are all the Intangible spirit eternal being , made localized into

this physical universe in  order to experience TANGIBLE LIFE. Tangible life 

equates directly with that of MOTION , we are all MOVED through living expression.

Spirit in absolute state never moves , and is eternally motionlessness .When you are

omnipresent motion no longer exists for YOU.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Monday 25 December 2023


soul realization: ATOMS POINTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS A P ...:   This blog today entitled APOC is about how all ATOMS are in fact points of  consciousness. Each atom has its own point of awareness and it...



This blog today entitled HEED is about an attempt by me to DEFINE the process

which I believe will fully explain how that of Humanity is all fully connected and

interconnected  to each other. And that this connection is called by Quantum science

as that of Entanglement , quantum science teaches that particles can become entangled

even at a distance. Humanity is made up of countless Quadrillions of particles and each 

one of these particles interact with all the others. We are all hopelessly entangled with

each other. What does this imply to us? Well it implies if I cause harm to another human

being  I am also causing harm to myself , because we are all connected at the sub atomic

level . Our human bodies are made of countless trillions of sub atomic particles and they

all interact with each other. Humanity is a FAMILY of SELF AWARE Intelligent BEINGS

who are all ONE OCEAN of Intelligent ENERGY , which has COALESCED into 

eight billion biological machine bodies . So when we look at WARS what do we see?

Mankind  killing his brothers and sisters . Atomic energy formations being displaced

and failing to see the impact that it will rebound upon this killer of form, It is impossible

to escape the consequences of our actions , because all is regulated by COSMIC LAW

and order, we call this KARMA, what goes around, comes around. "WE" that of humanity

are all related into one FAMILY, so if we really understood this FACT could we still hurt or 

kill  our brother or sister? Knowing that if we do it will rebound upon us also. If we knew

we were all entangled with each other there would be PEACE upon this EARTH and 

goodwill to all mankind.

warmest  regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks


soul realization: THEATRE OF MOTION BECOMING SELF-AWARE. ...:   This whole relative universe is just ONE INFINITE  "THEATRE OF MOTION", and the motions (atomic vibration) which vibrate in perp...

Sunday 24 December 2023

soul realization: SELF'S OFFICIAL NARRATIVE. S O N .

soul realization: SELF'S OFFICIAL NARRATIVE. S O N .:   This blog today entitled SON is about how the SELF which is the Higher level of awareness and consciousness within you, has its very own O...



This blog today entitled CHRIST is about how we can all COME-HOME into

the inner realization of just who and what we really are, beneath this FACADE of

FORM we call the human body vehicle. First we need to understand  to fully 

understand that the word  CHRIST REFERS TO a UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE

and NOT TO A PERSON. The CHRIST principle is a universal principle of Divine

Intelligence, and is resident within the whole of the human race . It is a Spiritual

Principle that will become activated when we begin the inner journey of self enquiry.

When that occurs and when we go deeper into our inner divine nature , we then become

"OVERSHADOWED" by this CHRIST Principle which will then guide us into full

SELF KNOWING of who an d what we really are. Millions of hum an beings have 

been "overshadowed" by this CHRIST principle the one that is more widely known 

is that of JESUS, who was also overshadowed  by this universal Divine Principle.

Coming Home is when we fully awaken into the Absolute full Knowing of who

and what we really are. We will know that we are all Eternal Immortal Divine Spirit

that our home  is within the HEART of FULL Knowing of your SELF. 

The CHRIST principle lies within us all , our inbuilt  INTUITION is a direct pathway

to this Divine Intelligent all wise and all knowing PRINCIPLE. All eight billion of

us on Earth have the CHRIST Principle within their inner matrix of being. All we need

to do is to venture within ourselves and thereby make contact with our INTUITION

this will then put us in touch with the CHRIST Principle , once that is done we are


warmest regards michael and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family  and friends Thanks.

soul realization: TENDRILS OF LIFE'S DIVERSITY. T O...

soul realization: TENDRILS OF LIFE'S DIVERSITY. T O...:   This blog today entitled TOLD is the story of LIFE a chapter of expression which spans countless billions of relative time years. To under...

Saturday 23 December 2023



This blog today  entitled OCCULT is about this time of the year which is Christmas 

and how our cheer can unite loving families and friends in a bond of love and 

respect for each other. it is also a time to be mindful of all those poor souls who

have no home to live in, and are sleeping out in the freezing cold, I always donate

money to the Salvation  Army who do a wonderful job feeding poor families and 

homeless souls. Then there are the children in war torn places like that of Palestine

who are in great fear for their little lives, our good cheer could send prayers of

hope for those innocent little ones, and pray for peace in our times.

The great SAGE SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI  was asked by a follower the question

of "how should I treat OTHERS" to which the maser replied THERE ARE NO OTHERS !

All of humanity are connected to the WHOLENESS of that great INTELLIGENCE

from which all life emerges from  within its infinite BOSOM. I have experienced almost

79 CHRISTMASES some have been great and others filled with fear and despair, I spent

one Christmas in 1973 in hospital drying out from chronic alcoholism, Christmas in the

MAD HOUSE I called it then.

Now many years and decades later I feel gratitude for what I have , and am very mindful

of the millions of souls who are all in desperate need of food, shelter, and support.

May this Christmas fill our heats with hope that there will  come a day where there is 


Warmest regards michael and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 22 December 2023



This blog today entitled EDIFYING is about seeing and understanding the nature

of the way we are expressed into relative material life, and becoming an aware

human  being. What are our bodies made of, and from where did all the materials

that make up our bodies come from ? To answer this question we need to realize

that to make a human body vehicle requires a cooperative merging of the five 

elementals, which are Earth-Air-Fire-Water and the Ethereal element. These five

elements supply the necessary ingredients to make one physical body, and the 

other four KOSHIC layers that make up the full profile of a human being.

Without the service and sacrifice of these elemental intelligences energy , expressed

life on planet Earth would be impossible. EDIFYING is outlining  the process that 

allows and permits PURE SPIRIT SELF to gain entry into this physical universe.

And to do so it requests the cooperation of the elements to supply the divergent 

dimensional energy  layers that form the outer coverings of the Purity of Spirit,.

Which we call KOSHIC sheaths , the physical body is the most dense Koshic 

sheath . The reality of LIFE universal lies in that life is SPIRIT in  MOTION

the motion is the atomic layers of KOSHIC sheaths that are supplied by the 

elemental Intelligences. YOU reading this now dear reader of this blog are primarily

SPIRIT that is  covered over by five layers of dimensional diversities that enable

awareness to function freely in differing levels of awareness . Our dense neural 

 gateways within the brain decipher the electromagnetic signals that 

interpenetrate the vehicle. and make sense to our peripheral consciousness.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: INCOMING NUMEN CLOSING ASTRAL REALM NOW APPROACHIN...:   This blog today entitled INCARNATED is about the many times "we" all venture back and forward to the Astral plane during our lon...

Thursday 21 December 2023



This blog today entitled MISCHIEF is about bringing out the sequence of how 

humanity and life in general are presented into this relative domain of the physical

universe. All life mankind included emerge from within that of PURE SPIRIT energy

spirit is the matrix core essence of all presented life in this universe. Now how is 

life presented upon the stage of physical expression? First we need to understand 

what life actually is,  when we know that we will be able to understand the process

of becoming embodied and IN-FORMED into physical shape. LIFE means that of

Living-Intelligent-Focused -Energy, this Focused Energy which is Intelligent  is that

of SPIRIT an Intangible Omnipresent BEING. The SELF that lies at the centre of 

mankind is that of PURE SPIRIT Eternal and UNBORN. For mankind to be presented

within the physical space time continuum, the ESSENCE of what will become a human

being, needs to become condensed into a shape and formation by entering  into  a 

singularity vortex  which super compresses fluid intelligent energy into tangible 

material  matter, which although will "appear" solid and that of flesh and blood

being, is in FACT a projected holographic image, all of humanity are holographic

images , but because we all vibrate at the same rate which is 1044 frames per second

we all appear to each other as solid images, but this is an ILLUSION , which Quantum

Science now realize as fact. MISCHIEF is about realizing who and what you really are

You are what is called mankind or humanity on the outer presented  holographic image

and inwardly at your core matrix of BEING you are the Divine SELF. immortal  eternal

Spirit-NO LESS!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 20 December 2023



This blog today entitled FROLIC is about the positive flow of the river of LIFE

affects us all whatever stage of life expression we are currently within.

For me the word LIFE  stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE.

Humanity can be seen as being at the APEX POINT of life's evolutionary cycle;

and that many of us are acutely aware of an inner "Presence" that is seen as our 

spiritual centre. All life indeed does flow along just as a river does, and when a 

river reaches its end , it flows into the ocean and merges within that ocean,

We Humanity flow along from childhood to old age , then when we get  to the

ocean , unlike the river that merges with the water within that mighty ocean, WE

"die"  in the "LIFE" flow of life , and then merge within the Divine Ocean of SPIRIT

and then become ONE within that OCEAN of ETERNAL BEING.

Life is infinitely motioned throughout this vast universe, here on Earth there are

literally billions of varying life forms , all doing their own thing in their flow of

expression . When we can tune into the wisdom of the ancient ones we learn that

all life is equal none is superior or lesser than another, each life form has its own

living validity stamped upon  its inner matrix by divine Intelligence.

FROLIC is about how we can understand what the true inner purpose of life

really is. We are all moving through this motioning spectrum called LIFE , and

as we do we are gathering experiences of that living physical  life. Humanity being

at the apex point of evolution can inwardly feel the Divine Spiritual connection 

that is within us all, may we use this awakening WISELY.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 19 December 2023



This blog today entitled WAKES is about us waking up to the true NATURE

of OUR BEING. Every human being has five KOSHIC layers or SHEATHS

which completely surround the inner life force of the Spirit. The five Koshas

are, 1 the physical body Kosha, 2, is the life force Kosha, 3, the mental sheath,

4, the wisdom sheath, 5, the bliss body which is the highest expression the we

present in physicality. WAKES is about our understanding, our true inner ETERNAL

spirit nature, "WE" are all eternal being undergoing a relative life experience enclosed

within five layers of expression. These five layers are like dimensional layers that

permit pure spirit which is omnipresent and ubiquitous to become LOCALIZED  into

what we term as the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM. Without these dimensional 

layers spirit could not enter this dense material dimension.

All five layers of the KOSHIC sheaths are obtained from the Elemental forces  of 

Earth, Air, Fire, Water  Ethereal, who give of their energy force so that we can visit

this Earth plane and experience physical relative life. We are all eternal BEING, having

a relative localized experience here upon this Earth, we have never been born, and will

never die, death is an illusion , which the idea of death scares so many of us, when we 

realize that our physical bodies are only a vehicle, for the higher self  within, we will

understand that at what we call death is just a motional wave from the physical dimension

to the astral dimension in our astral bodies , where we then carry on living as we did before

we "died". Humanity is an IMMORTAL COLLECTION of eight billion KOSHIC

SHEATHS who are all busy collecting experiences of physical life.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you than please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: HUNGER OF WHOLENESS LOCATING SELF. H ...:   This blog today entitled HOWLS is about us that of Humanity, where unknown millions of us cry out and HOWL like the noble wolf, with the h...

Monday 18 December 2023



This blog today entitled THIS-IS is about how Humanity all eight billion of us

are in TRUTH all ONE SPIRIT being manifested within eight billion KOSHIC

Covered physical vehicles , and calling ourselves human beings. The phrase 

"INFORMING  SELF" used here in the title of this blog,  means that the physical

biological machine what we call the human body has been "IN-FORMED" by the

presence of Divine Spirit , which is the universal SELF or SOURCE of all life 

in this universe.

When we look deeply into the perspective of what we call humanity, we will see

that if we look deeply into the presentation sequence that enables a human vehicle

to enter into this physical dimension , we will clearly see and understand that what we

see on the surficial level of the physical body , is only a minute portion, the virtual

tip of the iceberg, what we do not see is the invisible energy of SPIRIT which animates

the entire vehicle.

We that are the body of which we call that of humanity are all enfolded within a 

dense blanket  of ignorance that hides our real Divine Spirit Heritage from our view.

It is only by venturing deeply within OUR SELF that we begin the UNCOVERING

PROCESS which will  reveal the TRUTH of who and what you really are. SELF 

TRUTH lies within each one of us,  all we need to do is to look deeply within OUR

SELF. The answer within you reading this now dear reader is and will BECOME

SELF EXPLANATORY to YOUR SELF , when you venture deeply into your true

NATURE, YOUR SELF will introduce you to your HIGHER SELF when you venture

deeply within your  BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 17 December 2023



In the beginning was the WORD and that word was MOTION, this blog today

entitled SOME is about how MOTION is SACRED because it was the Primordial

IDEATION that arose within the Absolute MIND  of Divine Intelligence. Before

motion was born aloft  within that Divine Intention thought wave , there was only

Absolute Motionlessness. Motion was NON-EXISTENT  in the Absolute omnipresent

stateless state. When you are omnipresent and ubiquitous  there is zero need of any

motion , where could you possibly go where you were not already there present?

The most SACRED thing in this universe is that of MOTION- ATOMIC VIBRATION

without this motion this universe could not exist. All motion within this universe arose

from that Primordial thought wave from within Absolute MIND. That intention thought

wave , which was the CAUSELESS CAUSE brought about the manifestation of this

ONE Motional Universe. This means that all LIFE is "MOTIONAL" IT MOVES.

Life and existence mean the same thing , Life=Motion Existence=Motion you cannot

have one without the other. We that of Humanity are all LIFE(motional) on the outside

and deep within us all we are STILL- motionlessness, which is that of SPIRIT. We are

all SPIRIT  motionless BEING in Essence, and outwardly we are a physical vehicle 

which is moved by atomic vibration. All MOTION is SACRED because it issued  out

from PURE SPIRIT BEING. Without this sacred motion there would be NO LIFE

or existence  or universe NO THING NESS. When you ADD the letter "E" to motion

it spells out EMOTION the E means EMBRACING LOVE.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: DIRECT REVELATION INTO LOVE'S LUCIDITY EMERGE...:   This blog today entitled DRILLED is about how we can begin to fully understand the full meaning of LOVE'S LUCIDITY  as it impinges upo...

Saturday 16 December 2023



This blog today entitled SPIRALS is about how the Absolute SELF which is that

of Absolute Intelligence propels the IDEAL resolution to enable the appearance 

of life to become motioned into BEINGNESS, by that of an Intention Thought

Wave from within the Absolute MIND of the SELF. Basically in the last analysis

all life universally is that of SPIRIT clad in KOSHIC SHEATHS, and presented 

within a relative universe as a motional "IDEA" which arose from perpetual

stillness, and was motioned into perpetual motion which is atomic vibration.

All life is presented in phenomenal expression as a relative "UNIT" which 

thereby occupies what we call SPACE. All life universally is all presented  in

this way, humanity included . All eight billion human beings are all phenomenal

occupiers of SPACE without the living field of SPACE we could not become 

presented here. SPIRALS is the living life energy , spirals that rotate all presentations

which coalesce the inner ETHEREAL dimension and into material presentation 

here on Earth. All life is a concurrent spiral ,  we spin into existence, and also spin

out of existence. All life universally is presented upon the STAGE  of phenomenal

existence within a spiralling vortex, which is an electromagnetic field of pulsating

dynamic energy that completely surrounds the presented life form (YOU), being 

completely invisible to our eyes we fail to notice this dynamic field of living energy

that completely surrounds each one of us here on Earth,

We are material life presented as the outer physical body, but within our inner matrix

we are all SPIRIT SELF. We are all PURE SPIRIT who have spiralled into what we

call LIFE , which means MOTION to gain experiences of motioning life here on EARTH.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 15 December 2023



This blog today entitled ME is about how that which is Eternal Being , that Absolute

SOURCE of all there is and will ever be, has brought ab out an infinite variety of

which we call that of "localized" Life. "ME" is everywhere you look on this planet

and know doubt the same all over this universe. All that  we see on this planet is

that of a "localized extremity" of a hidden source, which is an eternal Presence.

All we ever see of ME is that of what is called the "phenomenon" that which is

relative and visible. What we cannot see is that invisible NOUMENON which is

that Eternal Presence which is that of  Absolute Intelligence.

The ETERNAL is made visible to us by that of Localizing "FOREVER" within

a spectrum of condensed LIGHT , which we call relativity. All is alive in this

universe , all the stars and planets are fully alive , our human bodies are made up

from star dust that went Super Nova billions of years ago , and shared their essence

with us all ! If we ask the question to our self of "WHAT IS ME"? This could be

answered by saying that ME stands for Manifested Energy, that is what LIFE is that

of Intelligent Energy. Energy is the relative MOTION of that ETERNAL STILLNESS

the motion arises from a Primordial Intention Thought Wave that gave birth to the

Localization of the Eternal Stillness  into that of motioning relative LIFE. ME is about

understanding that which is "ME"  look within ME and find that  eternal connection

we all have to that ONE SOURCE, which is "ME"?

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 14 December 2023



This blog today entitled LOOSE is about us trying to fully understand that Infinite

ocean of SPIRIT which we call that of space, in which all expressed life swims 

within its infinite embrace. This whole entire universe is contained within the

MIND of the Absolute Intelligence of all which we call the SOURCE of all that

is. Life can be seen as that of phenomenal "drops" condensed out from this infinite

ocean of fluid spirit essence , which is that of pure Intelligence.

If we look at humanity  which is at the APEX POINT of its evolutionary cycle ,

we can see that behind the FACADE OF FORM which is the physical body there

lies within that form an ESSENCE a DROP of that pure spirit ocean, from which

all LIFE arises from within its infinite Divine Matrix.

We all our the "LIVING WATERS" of what we call life, the living water is that

"ESSENTIAL DROP" of SPIRIT that animates the physical vehicle body of 

the human being., "WE" are an "APPEARANCE" on the stage of relative being. 

A living THEATRE of MOTION , we are all "MOTIONEERS" being expressed

as human beings on this stage called life. This universe is an infinite ocean of Spirit

which we call space and within that infinite space  "WE" emerge out of this infinite

ocean  and thereby OCCUPY a portion of Space  by our Living Presence within it,

our occupation in space is that of the phenomenon  the visible tangible life force.

The invisible essence is the NOUMENON which is that limitless ocean of PURE

Divine Spirit. LOOSE is about waking up and seeing that you are indeed a VITAL

DROP of awareness within this ocean of infinity.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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soul realization: NOUMENON OF WISDOM. N O W .

soul realization: NOUMENON OF WISDOM. N O W .:   This blog today entitled NOW is about our understanding of this Absolute  principle of NOW. The NOW is what "WE" the "pheno...

Wednesday 13 December 2023



This blog today entitled TRICKY is about how we can learn the inner truth

about ourselves by going within and begin the practice of meditation or yoga.

We could begin this practice by asking the most basic question we could ever

ask ourselves which is the question of "WHO AM I REALLY"? If we ask 

ourselves this question , we can begin the process of finding out exactly who we

really are. We need first realize that there is a dense blanket of ignorance within 

each one of us, which hides the truth of our immortal Divine heritage.

By beginning the daily if possible practice of meditation or yoga, we begin to

tap into our inner self . When we can still our thoughts and begin to enter into

the inner silence where all thoughts have ceased , we will then begin to gain access

to our inner teacher which is our INTUITION  faculty. Our Intuition which means

literally to "BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN"  our intuition will pave the way for

us to make contact with our higher SELF. We will begin to see that the lower self

which we are all very familiar with is that of our EGO and personality. It is the basic

lower mind state of the human body. The Higher Self is that who you really are. It is

your inner spiritual  connection to this universe and beyond. When we begin the contact

with our  Higher Self , we will also begin to receive insights and flashes of inspiring

truth of your true inner nature. You intuition will guide you gently into full self knowing

of your true Divine Being. You will with insight see that your physical body is just

a vehicle , being used by your Higher Self . You will then know that death is an

illusion , and that "YOU" are an IMMORTAL BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Tuesday 12 December 2023



This blog today entitled COLD spells out the cycles of love being infinitely 

diversified throughout this universe, another more familiar name for this cycle is

evolution. Divine Absolute Intelligence has arisen this cycle of diversity in order

to fully experience the infinite variations that can and do arise within this universe

and particularly here on Earth which we are all more familiar with, These cycles 

can be seen as that of life  or love depending on our awareness of the inner signature

of what life actually is, and the understanding of the Intelligence  behind it all.

If seen as LIFE this would mean Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy-or LOVE 

meaning  Limitless-Opportunities-VARIATIONAL -Experiences, both of these 

terms are valid in seeking out deeper understanding of why these cycles are in

sequence within this universe.

This whole universe is locked within a mighty cycle which spans countless 

billions of years in out limited understanding of time and space, which to deeper

insight do not really EXIST!

This universe is basically a" THEATRE  OF MOTIONAL IDEAS"  within the MIND

of the ABSOLUTE SELF. Humanity in question is at a point in its cycle where we have

I AM SELF AWARENESS. Humanity is gradually waking up to their true Divine inner

nature. Millions of human beings today understand this cycle and see that it has 

brought  them to the PRECIPICE of FULL SELF KNOWNG, where you wake up

and see an d know that you are a Divine Immortal Being, who has ARRIVED at nearing


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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soul realization: ALL LIFE IS VIBRATORY EXPRESSED. ...

soul realization: ALL LIFE IS VIBRATORY EXPRESSED. ...:   This blog today which is called ALIVE, will explore what LIFE actually is, and that is not what we commonly think it is. This whole univer...

Monday 11 December 2023



This blog today  entitled POEM is about this time of the year with Christmas on

the horizon  for the western world, and those other Christian countries, that this

time of the year our minds often go to that of peace on Earth and goodwill  to

all mankind. It seems that for ages long past there has been wars and rumours

of wars. Humanity killing each other over differences of belief and religion.

What a wonderful Christmas present it would be if a MIRACLE happened that

ceased all wars and bloodshed. Millions would weep with JOY at such a Miracle.

Could this possibly happen?  Supposing millions of us would all pray for peace 

on Earth this Christmas, millions of us would visualize peace and goodwill, if we

could do that I believe a miracle would occur. It just needs millions of focused

minds on peace and goodwill. Rather than spend, spend, spend, at Christmas , we

were to pray, pray. pray. Meditate on world peace , this would have an effect  on

all our wars going on in the world. We can all do our part by imagining peace 

within Earth meditation on global goodwill. If we can do that . look within our

hearts and feel the need for world peace and love to reign supreme, rather than

hatred and distrust. We will then INVOKE the BEN IGN Intelligence  within

this universe to cooperate with our mass intention of love and peace and goodwill

to all mankind.

A MIRACLE for CHRISTMAS is POSSIBLE if enough of us search our hearts

and seek and send out the NEED for PEACE and LOVE. THOUGHTS are THINGS

enough THOUGHTS can change and cancel out the THINGS Of WAR.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 10 December 2023



This blog today entitled LOUD is about the localization of universal diversity

upon this planer Earth, and how all life on this planet humanity included are all

localizations of an Intelligent Living Energy that pervades the whole of this 

Infinite universe. The word used here that of Localization means that upon

this planet Earth there are almost an infinite amount of living entities   here in

our oceans and on land which are all made  of an ENERGY of Living Intelligence

which by nature is that of being omnipresent and ubiquitous.

The human race seem to be at the APEX  point of its evolutionary cycle, and millions

of us are now beginning to wake up to the realization that there is more to us human

beings than meets the eye. Millions of human beings are realizing that there is a 

spiritual dimension within us all, which when looked deeply reveals that we are far

more than just four score and ten years, in fact many of us now recognise that we are

all immortal beings, and that the word DEATH is just a transition from one dimension

to another, where we carry on living as before we "DIED".

Universal Diversity has manifested within infinite MIND and became expressed universally.

Humanity is basically a localization of  Divinity focused within a narrow band of

singularity and thereby presented upon this planet. Our inner being matrix is omnipresent

and ubiquitous, while our physical vehicle is constricted within what we  term as time

and space continuum and further enfolded within five layers  of etheric awareness which


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Saturday 9 December 2023



This blog today entitled PUBLIC is about how we can make PUBLIC the

way that LIFE is presented to us here on Earth. And look at the meaning 

of the word  PRESENCE and what part it plays in all our lives. The PRESENCE

is the Infinite and Absolute FIELD in which this entire universe is "CONTAINED"

within its Loving Embrace. It is an Intelligent Field  which surfaces within our

consciousness  as that of being MIND. The Presence is the Infinite Ocean of

SPIRIT  which is regarding life as that of Intelligent Motion, meaning that this

presented universe which is a relative presentation of Absolute Intelligence which

vibrates in perpetual atomic vibration. Absolute Intelligence (Presence-GOD)  moves

out from stillness and into motion and atomic vibration (OM AUM) so that it can 

become ALIVE  with motioning vibration. Humanity which is at the APEX point

of its evolutional cycle , is now able to sense this PRESENCE  within their being.

The Presence is what you really are when all MOTION and KOSHIC SHEATHS

are removed  from your physical presentation. When all is removed from your 

outer form all that remains is PRESENCE which is that of being an Eternal 

Intelligent  Spirit BEING.

PUBLIC is about knowing your true immortal  IDENTITY. Millions of us, you 

reading this now  dear reader  of this blog, have most likely felt this PRESENCE

within your SELF. Millions of us have. This blog is about revealing what this PRESENCE

actually IS.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 8 December 2023



This blog today entitled ORBIT is about the process of thought which

does not arise within  the physical brain , but rather is located in the 

infinite field  of the universal MIND. Thoughts are things that percolate 

this infinite field  of mind in which all life, in particular that of humanity 

which is fully and deeply immersed  within this field..

We need to understand  that when we talk of MIND , we are also realizing

that there is only ONE MIND in this universe. There is no such a thing as

"my mind" or "your mind" , only ONE MIND exists within eternity.

We all have separate brains , but the human brain is NOT the MIND.

All he brain is that of a biological computer that totally regulates the 

human body and keeps us well and healthy. ORBIT is ab out understanding 

that thoughts fill this mind field with their presence. We tune into this field

and attract those thoughts that we resonate with. This field is full of thoughts

that go back to early mankind. If we are positive we will attract positive 

thoughts, if we are feeling negative,  we will attract negative thoughts..

Mind is the field that we are all fully within it.  Its essence is Absolute and

transcendent , and also relative within this relative universe. We that of humanity

our on the surface relative within our physical vehicle, but we are also fully and

totally connected and interconnected to that ONE universal Absolute MIND.

We can never become LOST or FORGOTTEN  because our ESSENCE of BEING

is DIVINE MIND and we are therefore all immortal divine Beings,.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Thursday 7 December 2023



This blog today entitled ACCESS is about how the Great Spirit (SELF) 

localizes its ESSENCE in a singularity point of reference and thereby

becomes clothed in KOSHIC coverings, and then presents its SELF upon

the stage of physical life as a human being.

The term used here of SELF means Spirit-Eternal-Localized-Frequency, which

in simple terms means GOD-Absolute . coming to Earth as a human being.

Every human being on this planet is in ESSENCE the SELF,  but the knowledge

of  this universal truth lies hidden under a dense blanket of ignorance, that veils

this truth from surfacing into our regular awaking consciousness.

It is only by us going within ourselves and asking that most important question of

WHO AM I ? That we begin to uncover our true immortal identity, which lies 

hidden under this ignorance blanket. When we can venture deep within ourselves 

we will then begin to contact our intuition faculty which will then begin to open up

the inner realization of your true SELF.   Your intuition will gradually give you 

crystal clarity of your true divine inner nature.

The singularity is that sub-atomic point which connects you to that which "IS"

within the Absolute realm of the SELF.  

Humanity  consists of eight billion sub-atomic points of reference , which are all

singularities. When we can know  our SELF we will see then  with Absolute Crystal

Clarity who and what you actually are. You will SEE that you are expressed here

upon this planet Earth to gain valuable experiences of being a human  being and 

thereby experiencing the emotional interactions  that play out in human life.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 6 December 2023



This blog today entitled  OM-IT is about the understanding that there is only

ONE MIND in this universe and that this ONE MIND is also Infinitely 

Transcendent of this universe as well.  it is ONE MIND -INFINITE 

TRANSCENDENCE  OM-IT. The mind is the FIELD  which is both Absolute

and relative simultaneously. The word  MIND  can be broken down to spell

out Manifested-Infinite-Numen- Divinity -MIND,

We need to fully realize that there is only ONE MIND in this universe,  therefore

when we fully understand this profound nugget of Divine Reality, we will further

then realize that there is no such a thing as "MY MIND" or "YOUR MIND" .

This entire universe and all that is within it , is fully and absolutely Contained

within this ONE MIND. "MIND" is the "FIELD" and this field which is 

omnipresent and ubiquitous  is also known to many as that of the  PRESENCE

This PRESENCE  (MIND)  is everywhere and we as that of humanity are all

fully submerged and enfolded within this PRESENCE mind. Thoughts do not

come from your brain, but arise within the field of universal mind. Our brains are just biological 

computers that regulate the physical body and maintain balance and equilibrium.

Humanity consists of eight billion points of conscious awareness, we are all

localized SPIRIT clad within a material vehicle , because of our gross ignorance of

who we really are we then through  our false identification with our physical vehicle,

then imagine that we have our own PERSONAL MIND. Which is an entirely false

assumption, based on our lack of inner knowing who we really are.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: THEATRE OF MOTION BECOMING SELF-AWARE. ...:   This whole relative universe is just ONE INFINITE  "THEATRE OF MOTION", and the motions (atomic vibration) which vibrate in perp...

Tuesday 5 December 2023



This blog today entitled SIFT is about how this entire infinite universe consists

of limitless SPACE in which every star and planet and all else are fully contained 

within this limitless infinite SPACE. Thereby this space connects everything ,

within it to all other things which are all equally contained within space.

When we can realize that this whole universe is fully and totally connected and

interconnected to all other objects and non material energy, we can see that the very

idea of something being distant and apart from something else becomes ABSURD.

Stars and planets are not light years away from you the observer, they are connected 

to the ground you stand on  which you mistakenly think is 100 light years away from

that distant star.  Question, what is it distant  from?  SPACE? Your point of observation?

You the observer are at this moment occupying SPACE by your physical appearance

within it here on Earth, so in fact you are directly connected to that star which you think

is 100 light years away. Space is not only infinite but also as far as we know omnipresent

and ubiquitous ,  so when you occupy all space simultaneously , the very idea of distance and

apart from become totally ABSURD and NON APPLICABLE. 

All life occupies space by its PRESENCE WITHIN IT, all life is connected to all life by

its PRESENCE WITHIN IT. We  are as close to life a million light years away, as we are to

our next door neighbour. Time and distance only "SEEM" to exist within our very limited

understanding  of presenting reality upon the stage of the THEATRE of SPACE.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Monday 4 December 2023



This blog today entitled BAITS is about how I see the true inner nature of what

BLACK HOLES actually are. Black Holes are intention thought shredders, that

strip all matter and mass back into its ESSENCE which is Divine Intention. The

Singularity vortex  recycles  mass and matter back into its SOURCE, which

is Absolute Intelligence. Black holes are perfect FEED BACK LOOPS  recycling

all mass and matter back into Divine Mind from whence it came.

We need to understand that this entire universe is wholly a product of THOUGHT,

These Thoughts then BECAME THINGS, the things are what this universe IS.

Absolute Intelligence thought this IDEA of Motion and Space and then condensed

this Ideation motion into Pure Energy, which was then further condensed  into matter

and mass.

Life is basically an IDEA set into MOTION  by the WILL to BECOME in the 

Absolute Mind  of the ONE SOURCE.

The EVENT HORIZON within the black hole is where all mass and matter disappear

from this relative universe and return back into Absolute motionlessness, within  the

MIND  of the ONE. That Intention Motion Wave that brought about this universe from

within Divine Mind is "STILL ONGONG" . The Intention is current  and has been

for billions of years. Black holes are the Divine Vortexes that create a PERFECT FEED

BACK LOOP. The Intention gains mass and density  does its movements through time

and space , then re-enters the vortex and returns HOME back into Divine Mind, just like

we all do when we have SPENT all our motioning experiences.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 3 December 2023



This blog today entitled PONDER is about how we can all find that POINT

that lies between those two polarities which are that of Positive and Negative,

that middle way  which is that of Neutrality.

The middle way was taught by the BUDDHA to walk the path between two 

extremes that of the positive and negative polarities. This point of neutrality can

be seen as that of a Divine Marriage of polarities. where you are in a perfect balanced

equillibrium  between those two twin poles of positive and negative, and also the

balance between the feminine and the masculine.

If we can reach a point of balanced neutrality in our everyday lives, we will also reap

the benefits that such a neutral relaxed state would being,  which is peace of mind, bliss,

joy, happiness, and an acceptance of how things are. If we ponder on this idea we will

hopefully begin to realize where we fit into this idea of neutrality! Are we neutral, are

we too negative  or positive? If we can look within ourselves and see how our life is

going . Maybe asking is there anything in my life that is out of balance? If we can

recognise a difficulty in our every day lives that we have control over , then we can 

make changes in our lives. With Christmas looking on the horizon and the pressure to

spend ,spend, spend , we can ask ourselves am I happy and content with my life today?

If not what can I do about this? We all need a balance in our lives , for our own peace

of mind. May this blog cause you dear reader  to PONDER on your life TODAY. Am

I balanced and content with my life today?

warmest regards michael  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 2 December 2023


This blog today entitled BISCUIT is about how it can be seen that this entire

universe is basically a product of THOUGHT. "THOUGHTS  BECOME  THINGS"

as we think then so we become. An architect thinks of a house to build, then draws

up plans, the house then gets built to his original IDEA (thought). So if a mere architect

can have a house built from his IDEA, imagine what an Absolute Architect could

accomplish? BISCUIT is about how this entire universe is a product of thought that

has been made into THINGS and these things are basically you and me! 

Just think for a moment what mankind  has built all from his thoughts. The Pyramids

of Giza for instance, the thousands of wonderful temples. mosques, and cathedrals that

mankind has built all from an IDEA a thought form that took shape and formed within

a human mind. So is it so much a stretch of our imagination to propose that an 

Absolute Intelligence could also think a profound THOUGHT FORM and therefore 

produce what we call the universe?

Thoughts are indeed THINGS, look around you, and imagine that all that you see is

a product of thought, your home you live in, was once a thought in some architects 

mind. The car you drive to work in was also a product of thought in the designers mind,

so that tree  or forest you walk in was too a thought in a grand DESIGNERS mind.

When we look at the power that we all have in our minds and how THOUGHTS 

design  our lives day by day, it is therefore if we ponder on this marvel, that thought

is the very nature of our being. We are all thoughts that have become THINGS , our

thing we have become is called a Human BEING?

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates  within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Friday 1 December 2023



This blog today entitled SPIRAL is about how SPIRIT pervades our inner reality

and that the outer reality becomes what we call that of LIFE.

The spiral of life comes from that invisible NUMEN force which is the very essence

of all life. The word LIFE broken down spells out that of Living-Intelligent-Focused

-Energy, that is what LIFE actually IS, that of intelligent focused energy , and this 

intelligent energy is that of Divine Spirit. SPIRIT pure and simple  cannot come 

into contact with gross matter. So in order for it to do so it provides endless amounts

of expressions universally, so that it can partake of the experiences of motional

being-ness. Divine Intelligent Energy DIE, is that of intangible absolute potentiality

to become whatsoever it chooses. The Absolute Divine Intelligence cannot experience

anything within ITSELF  as it is Absolute Motionlessness Eternally SO , but it

can move an Intention Wave  and being about motion within an IDEA and become 

a pervading force within that motioning intention thought wave.

Humanity is at the APEX zone of waking up into the realization of just what the

eternal SPIRAL actually means. We are within a three fold expression sequence 

which is that of being physical-mental-and spiritual beings. Many of us are becoming

acutely aware of being spiritual  beings, which means literally being  of the SPIRIT.

Many human beings now know that they are spirit beings clothed in a flesh and blood

vehicle. Knowing that we are all eternal beings, having a spiritual experience as a 

human being on Earth. This awakening process is gaining momentum year by year.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: WE ARE REALLY EXPRESSED DIVINITY. W A R...:   This blog today entitled WARED is about how all Life universally, Humanity included is really just an expression of Divinity, which is bas...