This blog today entitled EDIFYING is about seeing and understanding the nature
of the way we are expressed into relative material life, and becoming an aware
human being. What are our bodies made of, and from where did all the materials
that make up our bodies come from ? To answer this question we need to realize
that to make a human body vehicle requires a cooperative merging of the five
elementals, which are Earth-Air-Fire-Water and the Ethereal element. These five
elements supply the necessary ingredients to make one physical body, and the
other four KOSHIC layers that make up the full profile of a human being.
Without the service and sacrifice of these elemental intelligences energy , expressed
life on planet Earth would be impossible. EDIFYING is outlining the process that
allows and permits PURE SPIRIT SELF to gain entry into this physical universe.
And to do so it requests the cooperation of the elements to supply the divergent
dimensional energy layers that form the outer coverings of the Purity of Spirit,.
Which we call KOSHIC sheaths , the physical body is the most dense Koshic
sheath . The reality of LIFE universal lies in that life is SPIRIT in MOTION
the motion is the atomic layers of KOSHIC sheaths that are supplied by the
elemental Intelligences. YOU reading this now dear reader of this blog are primarily
SPIRIT that is covered over by five layers of dimensional diversities that enable
awareness to function freely in differing levels of awareness . Our dense neural
gateways within the brain decipher the electromagnetic signals that
interpenetrate the vehicle. and make sense to our peripheral consciousness.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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