Saturday 29 February 2020

Positive Relatively Is Motion Exclusively Divine. P R I M E D ,

All motion is by the nature that it 'moves' is always exclusively relative in nature, in other words
motion is only ever relatively real, and never absolutely real.
Our relative universe is only really a 'backdrop' or maybe more appropriately a 'front drop' to that
which exists eternally, which is that of the Absolute.
No motion whatsoever exists at all within the Absolute, and the reason for this is really very
simple,when we understand the reality of what being ubiquitous really means, for when you are
both ubiquitous and omnipresent there can never arise any need whatsoever for motion at all
because you are present EVERYWHERE SIMULTANEOUSLY, therefore any thought of
motion or movement would be totally absurd and ridiculous.
If we look at what motion actually is, then we will have a clue as to why it 'seems' to exist
here this relative universe.
The primal mover behind all motion is that of Self Realisation and to achieve Self Realisation
you then have to produce the act of motion in order to obtain the very necessary experiences that
the mover (that's you dear reader)  need to experience in order to gain full self knowing.
This relative universe exists within the Absolute, in truth we are all completely surrounded by and within the Absolute, there is no such a thing existing as that of being OUTSIDE  of the WHOLE
all motion and that is all of humanity and everything else as well exists solely within that of the
Absolute Infinite Intelligent BEING,there is only ever inside, outside does not exist anywhere
in reality.
There are basically two aspects to all motion,one is the directional vector that propels the mover
along, and as it does so the mover experiences these experiences and gradually adjusts itself
accordingly, albeit unconsciously. That is the first aspect of motion, when you are unconscious
and therefore unknowing.The second aspect of motion,the one that in particular that whole of
humanity is within,has an added dimension to its spectrum which is added at the time when we became self aware,our "I AM Consciousness, when we all obtain this added dimension to motion
it then for us humanity it therefore becomes that of "E" MOTION e-motion is that God like
ingredient that sets us apart from unconscious life.
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 28 February 2020

Modicum Of True Humility. M O T H Part two.

I would like to start this blog of today with two quotes regarding the virtue of humility, the
first quote is this; "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing" Socrates" unquote,
And the second quote is this"Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping them up" Jesse
Jackson unquote, My own quote which I just made up is this,"humility keeps me on the surface
of life,false pride drowns me in sorrows" unquote.
The essence of humility I believe lies in the full knowing of who we really are, because when
we know ourselves , we also know that we are connected and interconnected to all other life
That we are firmly and deeply submerged within  an infinite ocean of expressed life, we then
recognise that we are a point of reference, a point of self aware consciousness, which is within
an infinite ocean of consciousness,within an unlimited amount of other points of self aware
consciousness,when we can fully see and understand this sequence of relative life being expressed
within a physical form and called by us as this collective term of humanity, we see that "WE" are
just one POINT of consciousness, within a numberless amount of other points , therefore we are
nothing special or anything to write home about.
Remaining teachable which i believe is a good guide in cultivating humility, is far easier to achieve
when we know like Socrates said that of nothing. Socrates has been known for countless centuries
as being as very wise and educated man, yet he had the insight and the humility to recognise his
own limitations and saw that in the infinite eternal scheme of things, he indeed knew nothing.
In this buy one get one free age, where the idea of waiting is frowned on, we seem to be
encouraged by advertisers to get it NOW? or even sooner if possible! Get 5 G get your messages
out faster than those on 4G , what next? Will there come a 10G where you can send a message
yesterday and remind your friend that they were late arriving tomorrow? What about a God forbid
a Humility app downloaded onto your smart ass phone, there could be a upbeat trendy slogan like
Get your humility to go app today,instant virtue downloaded today., and while your at it, if you are
lonely, download a "I AM YOU PAL" app as well , buy one get one free.
If we can laugh at ourselves, that to means we do not take ourselves to seriously, that has a modicum
of humility within it,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Modicum Of True Humility M O T H .

It was believed by the ancient alchemists that the dust or powder that covered a moths wings
contained the universal wisdom and brought enlightenment  revealing the hidden knowledge
and wisdom of the world.If they had TV and advertising in those days, you would be told that
"a moths wing a day, will keep ignorance at bay"!
I was told over four decades ago now by a wise old man, who looked me in the eye, and said
that I  needed to cultivate a modicum of humility every day, in order to stay well and balanced
within. I took note of his valuable advice and insight, and have since tried to cultivate a
modicum of humility every day.
When I looked into the meaning of the word humility,I first thought quite wrongly I discovered
later, that it meant a type of being that was depicted by the Dickens character called Uriah Heep
'very humble' pray lord hold me excused!
I then found two words that described humility very aptly one was to forever remain 'teachable'
and the other word was a honest appraisal of oneself warts and all.
To be able to see yourself as you really are, then when we can do that, if we find something within
us that is negative or unpleasant , we can make a decision to change that within us.
Meditation has helped me enormously over the years, and still does today, because by seeing
ourselves honestly and reflecting on this,we can begin to realise the depth of our ignorance of
Meditation also reveals the foolish notions than can arise within us,like that of false pride and
arrogance,and it will also take away the need to bullshit ourselves about who and what we could
really do or not do
In this modern world where MORE is seen as positive, the idea of a modicum of anything seems
negative, we want more and more, instant gratification, buy now get one free, this is the age we
live in today, the mindset of faster is better, slower is negative. if we could possibly get a
humility app on our smart phones we would all be downloading lots and lots of humility, and
perhaps even bragging to our friend, that my download of humility was faster than yours because
I have got 5G on my smart phone so there!!
In part two will delve deeper into this  warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 26 February 2020

All Sequence-Infinitely Transcendent-Intrinsic Source AS-IT-IS. Part Two.

Before the birth of the All Sequence there was no existence anywhere as we know it, there was
no universe,no space,no time,no matter,no energy,all was at Absolute Zero, no darkness, no
light, just an Absolute Infinite VOID of Infinite Potentiality, motionlessness was on the face
of the infinite DEEP.
The yet to be become universe was 'born aloft'upon a rising Intention within the Infinite
Consciousness of the Absolute, that Primal Intention thought wave gave birth to something
that was totally absent before,and that was MOTION, motion was born aloft upon the primal
intention of the Absolute, in order to manifest motion from eternal stillness, this to was the birth
of all relativity.
There was no big bang, such an idea is totally absurd, instead there was a 'big thought' this
thought wave still carries us all along today, as we all surf through this intentional wave
gathering experiences as we surf along.
We are all life that has been given expression, which basically means that we have the relative
ability of motion, (within the absolute state there is zero motion, because when you are both ubiquitous and omnipresent,there is nowhere you could possibly move to, where you were
already fully occupying) we can all move through our motions and in so doing are able to
gather experiences , that will one day culminate in your full and total knowing of just who and
what you really are.
We have all arisen from the face of the infinite deep,our eternal stillness was motioned and
marshalled into form and moved out or the realmless realm of the Absolute and we were in
effect and in fact 'cast out of Eden' and into the turmoil and chaos of a virgin universe,
wherein we all now still dwell aeons later.
Outwardly we are all relative beings, living within a physical vehicle we call mankind,outwardly
you are relative,inwardly beyond your five inner sheaths we are all Absolute and eternal being.
Our ultimate task is to go within ourselves and join up with our higher self the immortal soul
this is often referred to a the mystic marriage of the lower and higher self, seeking divine union
with our higher self,another name for yoga is union with the divinity that exists within all mankind.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

All Sequence-Infinitely Transcendent-Intrinsic Source-A S -I T -I S .

The All Sequence is about the birth of all motion from that of eternal motionlessness, the
Primordial Mover and stirrer-up of that eternal silence and stillness, into that force called
The all sequence is that causeless cause that ultimately gave rise to this relative virgin about
to be born universe. The all sequence was there at the very departure from absolute stillness
to that of motion being born on an arising thought wave of INTENTION from within the
Absolute Source.
Evolution was as yet unborn, and had to wait in an enfolded state until first involution rolled
out its prime directive to manifest motion from eternal stillness.All the yet to be born universal
laws were sequentially enfolded within a state of noble quintessence awaiting a point were they
would unroll and therefore become immutable universal laws.
Before this point NO LAW existed ,other than the SOURCE, which within its AWESOME
SELF transcends all laws and is indeed  THE LAW embodied within its formless form.
At this point in a timeless stateless state ,life was just that of the SOURCE, and the source
only existed in reality.(which in ultimate truth is still the same today).
As the all sequence progressed and involution reached a point of momentary pause,(in a rather
strange way, this momentary pause is reflected daily within our planets ocean, where between
the tides there is this thing called "slack water" where the tide is paused) then after this pause
the opening out of these enfolded principles (laws)began.
This was the beginning of what we now call evolution . The all sequence was now opening
out and allowing life to begin the journey of unconscious gathering of experiences, this process
that began in a time and place long ago, beyond our human comprehension,however our inner
higher self,does indeed and understand this process of motion from absolute motionlessness.
We have all been caught up within  the many motions of expressed life, and have been all over this
universe in our travels, much of it though unconsciously, although the experiences we gained in
those unconscious states have never be lost and have indeed added to our gathering experiences
that will someday bring us all into the full and total realisation of our true and lasting identity.
In part two will continue this.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,

Monday 24 February 2020

Ethereal Alignment Revealing This humanity. E A R T H . Part Two.

We are all basically and factually universal life that has become condensed and coalesced
then enfolded within a singularity field that has identified this universal life force as this
thing called  an 'I AM self aware field of consciousness. In a nutshell we have all localised
this field  of universal consciousness, which is that of LIFE manifesting within a physical
vehicle called by us a human being,.
The ALL Sequence the term I prefer rather than that of evolution, is basically a sequence
that will indeed reveal 'ALL when that time of full awakening dawns within your personal
Life as I have often mentioned in my other blogs stands for, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy
that is what life actually is living intelligent energy,another word for this is consciousness.
Our ethereal alignment is designed by Absolute Source to 'capture' this infinite nebulous ocean
of life, which by nature is ubiquitous and omnipresent and then cohere it into a vortex of
focused life force which then rotates with a rapidity beyond our normal comprehension to
manifest into a singularity point of reference,which we then call our I AM self aware 
consciousness field of I AM awareness.
Which we then perceive it to be localised here on this planet and somehow contained within
our physical body.
We all believe this story, until we begin the adventure of looking within ourselves and making
those most vital connections that will eventually begin to dawn upon us, that we are all far more
that just this thing called a human being.
If we can just look beyond the physical form, and try and imagine that absolute infinite universal
life force that pulsates through every cell and atom of your being, if you can begin to imagine
the infinite magnitude and immensity of this thing called life, and then further realise that you
yes you dear reader of this blog, and an INTRINSIC PART of this infinite WHOLE, without
you dear reader,none of this would be possible, believe this ancient truth, we all under value
ourselves because of our basic ignorance of reality, which includes an understanding of what
life actually is, one thing to remember though is that all life by its nature of BEING ALIVE is
therefore also by nature ETERNAL.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Ethereal Alignment Revealing This Humanity. E A R T H .

Why are we all here upon this planet called Earth ? There are most likely many answers to
this question of why. The answer i would like to portray here is one of transit, as all of us are
moving in a motioning aligned sequence of what I call the 'all sequence' others may also call
this sequence that of evolution. But I like the idea of the all sequence.
The all sequence is about the principle of life motioning through a myriad of endless experiences
and eventually reaching that most momentous point in all our experiences that one experience
that totally eclipses all other experiences , which is that of our awakening into our 'I AM'
consciousness',when we become self aware.
When we therefore become self aware, this planet Earth goes from being a place of location
within this universe, to that of becoming a school of education. And that education will finally
reveal to you your real SELF.
We are that eternal principle of life that is ubiquitous and omnipresent, that has now become
localised within an 'I AM consciousness' and finds itself encapsulated within a physical form
which we call the human body vehicle.
Although most of us as yet have not realised this truth, and therefore because we don't know
anything  different imagine that this body is the whole of what we are, just one physical body
among billions of other bodies.
The universal has become localised within a relative vehicle which calls itself I AM, life
which exists everywhere in this universe, and in all the other verses as well, now identifies
itself as this thing called ME, I AM ME, consciousness that is also universal and both being
relative and absolute simultaneously again seems to be 'captured' by our I AM field of self
awareness, we seem to be saying I am consciousness, isolating itself within the ethereal field
of this I AM presence, what we are in effect doing, is isolating and localising a universal field
which is living consciousness into our ego centred spiral of I AM consciousness.
Thankfully as our awakening sequence progresses we become much more self aware in the
understanding principle of inclusiveness , and therefore begin to see and realise that we all are
connected and interconnected with each other and all life in general.
In part two will explore this further,      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 22 February 2020

Mind Is matter Is Consciousness M I M I C Part two,

It would seem that we are all afraid to lose our minds because of our limited understanding
of what the mind actually is, we then think that if we were to lose our minds, then this seems
to imply a state of madness, or even insanity. We think that people who lose their minds are
locked away in a mental hospital. This way of thinking arises from our basic ignorance of
who we truly are.
We are not the mind! And never have been, but because we falsely identify with this thing
we call mind, which by the way you created! We think that "I AM" is the mind. which of
course you are not,rather you are the SELF, the soul which is an immortal being, a being
that transcends this paltry thing called the mind, the mind is a creation made by you because
of false identification , which is when your ego and personality imagine quite wrongly that
you are this thing called "my mind" the mind is contained in the matter which gave rise to
it,which is the physical brain, which is the home of the ego,personality,and the idea of this
thing called individuality,when you ego descends at around 2 years old, this gives birth to the
idea of mind, which coupled with all your experiences since birth, make up this mixture
which you call my mind.
Consciousness on the other hand is an eternal principle which transcends this relative
physical universe and is both Absolute and relative simultaneously.
We lose our minds and gain our true immortal SELF . This happens by going within ourselves
and discovering what therein lies. We discover that we are the principle (law) of LIFE which
is ETERNAL embodied within a physical vehicle in order to give you the opportunity to
realise this most basic truth about your very own Divine immortal identity, that of being a
soul which is the ultimate vehicle of the ultimate,which is the ABSOLUTE SELF.
The idea of loosing anything is completely erroneous ,indeed when we let go of the mind
we gain full consciousness and awareness of who and what we really are, we see that we are
universal immortal beings who belong to a vast family of divine immortal souls.We are then
literally born again into a fuller level of consciousness and perceptions, and that this rebirth
has not required reentry into the womb again!!
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization. 

Friday 21 February 2020

Mind Is Matter Is Consciousness. M I M I C .

Mind and consciousness are not the same thing, mind dwells solely within the relative universe
while consciousness , which is the unified field, is absolute and exists eternally in the absolute
state, and also temporally within the relative physical universe.
We as this thing called humanity are all ultimately destined to loose our minds, and finally
embrace our true eternal nature of the Absolute SELF. Consciousness will always exist for us
but not the mind,we will all eventually lose our minds, and will be grateful for its passing.
What then is this consciousness impostor the mind? Basically the mind is an impostor because
in its ignorance of true identity,it has localised the real thing, that being consciousness, and
hijacked it into a personality things, which consists of the EGO and also the false assumption
of this thing called an individuality.
What this localised consciousness, which we have renamed "our mind"as though we own this
infinite principle,(this arising of the ego, can be excused by the nature of our ignorance)
Because we all have this 'I AM Consciousness' effectively we have hijacked this absolute
infinite universal field of consciousness, and have therefore localised this infinite principle
into a relative bundle, which really is a spiralling vortex exiting out of a singularity point
of reference upon the Earth plane, and because this principle of consciousness has been
enfolded within a incarnate soul and therefore as a baby here on Earth,it is taught from birth
by its parents and others to identify itself as ME or I AM, this then leads naturally onto making
the assumption that the mind belongs to me, and it therefore separate and apart from other minds.
The reason why we will all eventually lose our minds, is because we will all wake up eventually
and therefore realise our true immortal identity, which is universal and ALL INCLUSIVE, no
thing real or imagined is outside of this inclusive all embracing reality.
The mimic here in this blog is that of the mind, which is really a creation of your experiences
since birth, the arising of the ego and personality, which then leads onto the idea that you are
this thing called an individual, whatever that means, this combination of internal energies shape
your perceptions into believing that you are the "owner of your mind" which of course you are not.
In part two will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Dissolve Into Nothingness Knowing Yourself. D I N K Y Part Two,

Life is an endless ocean of possibilities, an infinite ocean that contains the many within
the ONE ABSOLUTE WHOLE. Within the ocean of life therein exists many rivers of
expressed life. We as this thing called humanity are each expressed within five sheaths of
expression, each expression within a different dimension of expression . We are all 'within
the Absolute Infinite ocean of Absolute Life, but are each expressed within a singularity
point of reference, which exits within the physical earth plane, and is anchored twice via
the crown and heart chakra.
Each human being tapers down into a singularity point, this point holds your essence in a
coherent stasis while you are incarnate here upon the Earth
We literally flow downwards (and here downwards means lowering vibration levels) our
life anchor is always existing within the Absolute state, and the absolute state does NOT
EXIST within this physical relative universe, our life base signature transcends this relative
universe . All the known laws of physics  that science understands , do not exist here in
that which is Absolute, no laws exists here because simply put the Absolute is the LAW
and all relative universal laws emanate from WITHIN the Absolute.
We have in a way by becoming expressed life forms,and here expressed means motion
because absolute life is becoming expressed we have all been funnelled
out of the absolute ocean of unexpressed life, which is total stillness, and in a way can be
likened to a black hole , and we are all the singularity points, exiting into this other
universe which is relative, and become localised points of super compressed life held within
a biological container we call the human physical body.
If we can join up these points of reference and see that each point is directly and indirectly
connected to every other point on this planet, that we are all totally connected to each other
by that ONE DIVINE ABSOLUTE LIFE FORCE, we can then begin the process of going
within ourselves and start the process of gradually dissolving the outer shell that hides that
inner light which is the light of spiritual growth and an awakening into your true and eternal
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Dissolve Into Nothingness Knowing Yourself. D I N K Y .

We are all the ONE and also the MANY, the one Divine Diadem the Jewel of Absoluteness ,
the Divine crown of all expressed motion/life,hidden among the many lives this Jewel of
Divine Exquisiteness, which we all carry around with us,completely unaware of whom  and
what we really are.
The real mystery of life and what it really is,lies within all mankind. Until mankind really
knows who he/she really is, then the mystery of what life really is, will forever remain hidden
from view.
Just as a sugar cube remains separate and apart from the tea of coffee until it is dropped into
that steaming hot cup of coffee/tea, then suddenly the separate cube dissolves and therefore
becomes part of the whole brew, the cube is released from its rigidity and dissolves into
the whole and therefore is no longer separate or apart from the whole. If we use human beings
instead of sugar cubes, the process is exactly the same, the only real difference is that your
dissolvement will not take place in a cup of steaming hot liquid, rather it will be a gradual
process taking many incarnations to finally complete the cycle of your evolution into the
point of full and lasting SELF KNOWING, when that process occurs you then will have a
choice to make,you can either dissolve the last bubble of being expressed as a life form.
And therefore dissolve back into the ALL which you left aeons ago,or you can choose to
revisit this "vale of tears" and help your brothers and sisters along that same road that you have
just trod and mastered.
What is it we all have to dissolve and let go of? Remember that this process is a very long one
spanning an unimaginable amount of time, we may well all pride ourselves on things like our
individuality, our unique personality,our egos, eventually when we are mature enough and ready
to begin the process of letting go.We then in earnest begin the process of a gradual dissolving of
our outer crude physical vehicle, the human body.This is achieved by going within ourselves with
the practice of meditation or yoga, and gradually getting in touch with that inner sensitivity that
will then begin our dissolving process, beginning with the power of the ego over our daily lives
and beginning to lesson its effect upon us daily.
In part two will go further into this.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Omnipresent Creative Consciousness Unravels Life's Trajectory. O C C U L T Part Two.

What then is the trajectory that mankind is now occultly on? Our trajectory is that of ascension
through an upward incline in which we term as that of evolution. We are all gradually evolving
into what exactly?
What is the ultimate destiny of all mankind? The occult answer to this is indeed very simple
and straightforward. We are all upon a gradual sloping incline that has lead us from being just
inanimate star -dust, through varying forms of projected life,and up to this point, where we
have all arrived at being self-consciousness,self awareness, 'I AM consciousness. Who was this
BEING  in the Bible who said to Moses when he asked the question , "who shall I say sent me"
my LORD? And the LORD said ,"tell them that I AM sent you, I AM that I AM!  Well we also
are all that of being "I AM" presence does this not give you a clue  somewhat as to WHOM you
might eventually evolve into??
The SOLE reason for us being here is to FULLY AWAKEN and realise the inner Divinity that
dwells within each human being, our SOLE reason for being here is to reveal your SOUL!
That is the only reason we are all here upon this planet Earth, there is also however the
additional reason of having the need to discharge all of our Karma liabilities before we move
onto proverbial "greener pastures.".
Consciousness and life are indeed one of the same thing,you cannot have one without the other
spirit too is life, the very life of life itself,we can say that the essence of life is spirit, and consciousness emanates from within spirit, when it leaves its unexpressed state of Absoluteness
and enters into the Emotional state of being relatively expressed within a relative universe where
all is perpetual motion, and stillness is only found in the absolute state of absolute perfection.
As we gradually ascend into more inclusive states of consciousness and perception, we begin to
see and further understand that all name, shapes and forms eventually all dissolve back into the
one composite whole they all came from when the IDEA of relativity and a relative universe
was thought into BEING, by the Absolute intention of the ONE LIFE.
"WE" are ALL that ONE LIFE, presently fragmented and gradually reconnecting those missing
vital links, that will restore us into WHOLENESS AGAIN.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

Monday 17 February 2020

Omnipresent Creative Consciousness Unravels Life's Trajectory. O C C U L T .

The word occult means simply that which is hidden from us all, and is the secret of what life
actually is.
We can all see evidence of life everywhere around us here on Earth, but all we are really seeing
is the outer shell or body, that is animated by this invisible life force that we do not understand,
What life actually is lies hidden from us all. One thing that emerges from any investigation into
what life actually is, is that it seems to be a singular noumenon which is forever invisible to us
what we only ever see is life's outer form which is called the phenomena of life.
One life force that can become expressed within an infinite number of ways.
Life can be broken down into meaning Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE,consciousness
is another word for life, a creative intelligent consciousness, that manifests within an infinite
number of ways to show  itself, and we can assume that this process is acted and reacted out
throughout this physical universe.
We as human beings have the added advantage of self-knowing, we can actually do what other
life forms cannot do as yet, and that is to be able to reflect on just who and what we actually
are. No other life form that we currently know of can do this wondrous thing of self reflection
which finally leads to full self knowing.
What is occultly obscure to most of us is that of the invisible energy that seems to animate this
universal force we call life.We can all see its manifested visible state, but are completely in
the dark as to what actually is this invisible force we call life?
We can see a fish swim in the sea, and know that it is a living thing, and remains alive until
you catch it with your fishing rod, then bash it on the head and suddenly the life essence that
we called a fish, has vanished, where has it gone? Are we that mighty and powerful that we
can cancel out life by a quick bash on the head??
While the fish was swimming and alive you were looking at it alive as well, are you then
equal to that fish? The fish as far as we know has no facility for self reflection as we do, so we
differ there.Both of us are alive, before one gets a bash on the head, which removes the energy
from the form. We too if bashed hard enough on the head, will too vacate our vehicle and die
(change location) In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 16 February 2020

Regionless Eternal Void Occult Knowledgeless Enigma.R E V O K E Part Two.

This relative universe is basically a temporal phenomena enfolded within the noumenon which
is the void. The void is the placeless place or the stateless state where infinite potentiality lies
in permanent slumber awaiting a quickening stir from an arising thought wave intention from
within  the Infinite Mind of the Absolute.
We as this thing called humanity were all spawned out of this infinite reservoir which is the void
and were then cast out of EDEN into the maelstrom of chaotic space.
Here we all have been on an endless journey through this relative bubble of the temporal relative
Now aeons later we have all been reborn again and have each acquired that GOD-LIKE 
dimension of our "I AM Consciousness" we have all awoke into self-consciousness and direct
perception of ourselves.
This entire relative universe is contained and enfolded within the void, relativity is always
temporal and in perpetual motion,whereas the void is eternally motionlessness and desolate
without shape or form.We exist within several bubbles of expression, each bubble expression
has its own dimensional niche within the order of relative life expressions,and each level of
expression impacts upon the whole life form integrity each impact on its own dimensional
frequency, and displayed (albeit invisible to most humans) within the main seven chakras of
the physical human body.
The void which is absolute transcendence is in fact no distance from any of us, it does not exist
billions of light years away from this planet earth, we are in effect totally submerged within
the void,with just a bubble like film that separates us from that absolute vastness of the void,
As we ascend upon the arc of ascension we gradually begin bursting through some of these
bubbles, and each bubble we burst our awareness and consciousness expands accordingly.
We need to be ever mindful that by the time we begin to fully realise these truths and states of
beingness, we will also fully comprehend the fact that we are all immortal eternal beings, and
we can then exit this relative universe if we so wish to do so, and move onto other places of being
which are as yet beyond our comprehension. Or we can return into form and help those other ones
who may be struggling. Put very simply the VOID is absolute unrealised potentiality,Space is that
of Relativity and motion. Void=motionlessness,Space=motion and relativity.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 15 February 2020

Regionless Eternal Void Occult Knowledgeless Enigma. R E V O K E

There lies within the void infinite and absolute unrealised potentiality and actuality, there in
a wombless womb of infinite potentialities, motionless,devoid of any energy, zero activity of
any kind , dimensionlessness, beyond light and darkness, these two opposites are as yet unborn
here.This state of absolute void is the absolute state of the absolute  infinite mind , when it is
in a state of infinite quintessence without the flow of any intentional arising whatsoever.
Absolute silence,stillness, non-existence as we very limitedly understand that term.
We as that of being human beings are all encoded from the void, and were all evicted from
our place of eternal slumber by an arising thought wave intention emanating from within the
Absolute,which then in turn gave birth to what was then a virgin about to be born universe.
Being cast out of EDEN is the story handed down from ages long past, It is the story of
unrealised infinite potentiality,becoming aroused from its endless slumber, and being cast
out of this total silence and ever peaceful state, and being flung out into a maelstrom of
turbulent chaos, and we have all been there ever since, thankfully now we have all again
awakened into our self conscious self aware "I AM consciousness".
We can be mindful that this infinite absolute void is in truth and in essence, no distance from
us whatsoever, we are all actually within the void right now,manifesting within a bubble of
what we term as that of relativity. We all have our outer being, within a bubble of relative time
and space. the WHOLE of this relative universe is actually a bubble within the void.
Relativity exists solely as a TEMPORAL PHENOMENA, enfolded within the NOUMENON
which is the VOID.
Stillness has the hallmark of the void,embedded within its spaceless space.Motion has the
hallmark of relativity, and only exists within this dimension of motion bases vibrations.
The void has zero vibration,no-thing exists here, just that of infinite and absolute potentiality.
We are all expressed basically within five bubbles of expression, each expression has its own
dimension marker, the physical body is the lowest marker, and also the most important marker
of all, because it is this physical dimension that we finally realise who and what we really are.
In part two will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 14 February 2020

Spirit Is Mankind Presence Located Everywhere. S I M P L E Part Two,

We are all the ONE Absolute Infinite Spirit masquerading as the many, and being presented as
the presence located within a biological vehicle , in which we call a human being,
The ONE masquerading as the many, this is the way that Divinity seems to work, One Composite
Absolute Infinite Jewel singular in its Absolute Essence,and 'we' all our 'facets' of this one
Infinite Jewel.
The Infinite Mind of this Infinite Spirit, which is also that of Absolute LIFE. Although we all
seem to be separate and distinct from one another, this is most surely an illusion. An illusion
that we are all in physical form in order to solve this apparent discrepancy We then discover
over many incursions into this "vale of tears" the earth that rather than actually being separate
and apart from one another, we discover the very polar opposite of this illusion, that we are
all connected and interconnected with one another, and also with all other life around us.
We all live and move within the Infinite Mind of the ONE LIFE SOURCE, we are in effect
tangible effects of a Primordial Intentional Thought Wave, an intangible motion manifested
within the Infinite Mind of the ONE-LIFE/SPIRIT, then with the added momentum of intention
the intangible wave gradually became tangible and ultimately coalesced into a human being
billions of centuries later after also gathering some star-dust as added weight in order to produce
a physical body.
If we were to look very deeply into the energy signature of mankind we would find an Absolute
force masquerading as a relative ENTITY! We would find in fact that we each are in essence
the PRESENCE made manifest and becoming outwardly RELATIVE, but inwardly ABSOLUTE
We each can our own way look for things like guidance looking for God, yet failing to realise that
what you are looking for outside of yourself , actually lies within you, closer than your hands or feet.
We fail to recognise the REALITY that LIES WITHIN us ALL!
This is why you dear reader of this blog today, are here on the Earth plane to discover and understand, the answer to ALL QUESTIONS ABSOLUTELY lies within yourselves, do not take
my word for it,  look within yourself and discover this reality yourself today.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Faceebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Spirit Is Mankind Presence Located Everywhere. S I M P L E .

Simply put mankind is spirit/life condensed and coalesced into an encapsulated physical form
in which we call a human being. The encapsulated outer form the physical body is therefore
relative and is located in just one point which is here on the planet Earth.
The presence that emanates from within the spirit though is not localised anywhere whatsoever
and is indeed ubiquitous and universal and is both relative and absolute simultaneously.
'We'  exist within several dimensions of expression each ascending dimension less gross than
the previous one.
We each have an inbuilt "unexpected inner resource" this unexpected inner resource is the
soul or spiritual higher self.
This inner intelligence is that which gives a voice to that very still small inner voice, that often
whispers comforting words of reassurance when we are in a crisis or in times of trial.
The voice of the presence, that unexpected inner resource,is indeed the voice of your higher
self, that divine spirit that dwells within your heart,
We need to fully realise that this divine ubiquitous  PRESENCE is actually closer to us than
our hands and feet, in truth there is ZERO-DISTANCE from YOU and IT! We are all completely
enfolded within the divine presence, super saturated within its loving embrace, and because of
our basic ignorance of reality and just who we all really are, we fail to notice this divine loving
presence that completely surrounds and engulfs us all!
We each have three directions that we can follow, they are consciousness, perception, and awareness,
each of these three direction finders will lead you into new areas of knowledge and wisdom, by
looking within yourself by the practice of yoga of meditation, you will plunge into greater depths
of conscious levels and awareness, which in turn will reveal to you knowledge and insights that
were completely unknown to you before you started looking within yourself.
We are all here in order to fully awaken our inner resources and to reveal to ourselves the true and
divine nature of who we really are beneath this facade of form, which is just the physical vehicle
we need to give us purchase and gravity within this planet so we can experience the necessary
experiences that will fully awaken us to our immortal identity.
In part two will examine this further,       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Seeking Incarnation Souls Take Entrance River Styx. S I S T E R S Part two,

Int the second part of this blog on reincarnation and rebirth here on earth, i would like to
mention two words that 'seem; to affect and frighten many souls. These two words are
punishment and sin, the first thing about these two words are that in truth they are just
meaningless drivel. The first word punishment, implies that there is a being who punishes
which  we may think of as some divine Deity,the one who dishes out the punishment if you
sin! The first thing to realise here is that there is NO-PUNISHER other than yourself! And
that we receive the "impact" of what we do, BY what we do! and NOT FOR what we do
there is a big difference. The impacts we are subject to occur when we err within natural
law, and this incurs a reaction from the universal law of cause and effect,or Karma in other
words.If you put your hand in the fire and get burnt fingers, you caused this, not some Deity.
The other word SIN  which stands for SPIRIT-IS-NEGATED  and the reason  we negate it
is because of our ignorance nothing more. We are NEVER JUDGED or punished by any GOD
 or Deity, this is utter nonsense and completely fallacious.Punishment and Sin do not exist
within reality period.
These terms were concocted and invented by the various leaders of religions ,who wished to
keep control  and exert power over their flocks.
We will all eventually understand and also recognise the real reason we are all here upon the Earth
plane, the sole reason we are all here upon this Earth plane, is to finally realise the reality of our
own immortal SOUL, that is why we are all here, there is no other reason other than this, except
for the discharging of our Karmic Liabilities.
It is so easy these days with the many distractions that we are presented with, our smart phones.
social media, selfie taking obsessive behaviours to name a few, we seem to be compelled by an
invisible force to forever look out wards, and God forbid ever to venture within ourselves. Yet
in order to make first contact ? We need to look within ourselves, and make a start at getting
to know that inner being, that lies beneath the facade of the biological machine,the physical
body, when we can begin doing this, and further making it a regular practice, we will then be on
our way to finding and realising just who we really are.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Seeking Incarnation Souls Take Entrance River Styx. S I S T E R S .

Consciously or unconsciously we are each ferried across the river Styx , which is also called
the river of  forgetfulness back into incarnation upon this Earth plane into physical form.
Whether we do this consciously or unconsciously really depends upon our evolution state
of progress, and how long we have been self conscious. Below a certain level of development
incarnation is automatic, and we have no say in the matter whatsoever.Above this level we are
given the ability to make choices about our next incarnation here on earth, and even to select
our future parents.
We gradually begin to understand and comprehend that the only way we can make any REAL
progress, is to return to this Earth plane in physical  form again, and thereby by doing so
forget what we knew before, although we do consciously forget our past experiences,
subconsciously we do remember some of this, and this shows up in the way we are attracted
to one thing and recoiled by another, even so we do not consciously know or understand why
this is.
The astral realms are in truth just holding stations,or planes, somewhere for us to move into
when we exit our physical bodies (die)  and to rest there before venturing back here, we cannot
make any real progress there in these astral realms, only here on Earth with its apparent illusion
of separateness from the wholeness of life, can we actually learn the true and lasting reality of
our immortal divine identity, this is only made possible here upon this physical plane.
The astral planes and there are seven main dimensional planes plus forty two other sub
dimensional planes are still within the relative dimension and just higher vibration super
physical realms, not truly spiritual realms at all.
When each of us makes enough progress within our own evolutionary arc of ascension, will
will transcend the astral planes as though they never really existed for you, which of course
they do not, they are relatively real planes of expression, but are NOT ABSOLUTE planes
of expression.
It might be worth noting here about the word Karma and cause and effect, universal laws are
absolute and perfect in operation, we are NEVER punished for what we do, rather we are affected
BY what we do.That is the law.
In part two will delve deeper into this.         warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 10 February 2020

Reflective Harmonics Align Power Seeking Open Dimension Invoking Soul. RHAPSODIES, Part Two.

All life is orchestrated into a dynamic flow of harmonic tones. Life dances to that particular
tone that in inbuilt within its expression mode. If we look at the root meaning of the word
dance, we will get the corresponding word motion/movement,all life expressed  is in motion
and all motion dances to the inbuilt tone of its particular tonal expression.
We as self aware,self conscious human beings, each have our own set of motions to take,
depending on our emotional and mental states of balance or imbalance.
We all dance to the tune that we all create by our moving through the steps of our emotional
When we are in harmony within our lives, then our dance becomes a rhapsody of gliding
grace, and we receive within this graceful motioning steps sequences of arising coincidental
and synchronicities that begin to impinge upon our waking consciousness.
If however we are motioning through mental and emotional turmoil,we will then be the
opposite of graceful steps, and instead of gliding we will rather stagger and stumble along
in a very haphazard fashion.
It will then become as though we are caught up within an eddy, and are therefore spiralling
around in endless circles getting no where fast!
We all need to fully understand that we and we alone, create the steps we dance to, we are all
personally responsible for our own lives, so we need all to become captain of our own ship,
Every time we make any excuse about the state of our life, we are abdicating responsibility
for ourselves.It can seem so easy to blame 'others' for the state of our own lives, but in the
long run, this state of blame will turn to ashes in our mouth
If we feel that we are 'out of step' in our life, and there in no harmony, then just become still,
sit quietly and access your life,do this as honestly as you can, if need be seek out help and
support from a friend, or from a counselling service of some sort,Do not let fear and negativity
ruin your life, take and exorcise some control, if you do this, and perhaps look within yourself
and seek counsel from your higher self,you will then be taking very important steps that will
improve the quality of your life, and make your dance begin to glide rather than stumble.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realisation.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Reflective Harmonics Align Power Seeking Open Dimension Invoking Expressed Soul,RHAPSODIES.

The music or melody of the spheres is the way this relative universe works, a divine rhapsody
of super defined tones of melodic majesty that completely orchestrate and organise all
expressed life(all that moves within motion) into one composite dance of sequential ascension
upon an intone of gradually rising notes and vibrational perfection.
Each life expression emits to and dances to its own unique tone of expression. This whole
relative universe is basically one vast and infinitely complex, yet also very simple motioning
momentum of living intelligence, and each dancing to its particular vibration tone and degrees
of evolved expression.
We as this combined entity called mankind have all arrived within what could be termed as
our very own "Bohemian Rhapsody"we have all journeyed far into multitudes of melodies
stretching far far back into the vaporous mists of a long forgotten time,as the saying goes
'many a good tune played on an old fiddle' well we have all been fiddling a tune for aeons
long past, we are as could be termed "well noted" and are at the nearing end of a Divine
Melodic Masterpiece, which was arrived at when we all came on line, and awoke into an
I AM CONSCIOUSNESS frame of self awareness.
We are all now in a position that places up a dimensional degree above other life expressions
and this is our added dimension of self awareness, we are all now in a position in which we
can actually made a conscious effort to increase the rate of our ascension into higher levels
of consciousness and perception.
We can all do this consciously by going within ourselves and taking up the practise of yoga
or meditation, by doing this we are consciously interacting and connecting to inner energies
of higher vibration that will enable us to connect with higher frequencies of vibration that
will then enable us to discover that inner resource of intuition and insight that lie within us
all. this will then gradually lead us into a higher dimensional degree of insight and
understanding, that will begin to align our ascension dance and our own rhapsody tango
into a higher more refined and perfected melodic tone.
In part two will look further into this.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 8 February 2020

Enfolded Notions Of Universal Gracious Harmonics E N O U G H Part Two.

We are all basically enfolded notions of living energy,packets of condensed consciousness and
spirit essence. The infinite Absolute Life  spirit force condensed and coalesced into a packet
of intelligent living energy, that has wrapped up within its matrix, that added Divine dimension
of "I AM" consciousness which is awareness of SELF.
We are all SELF-AWARE ,mankind has that GOD-LIKE principle of self-awareness. We have
super-condensed the universal field of consciousness  into a singularity point of reference,(we
each are that particular point of reference) and have awoken into an I AM consciousness state.
It has taken Infinite Power to super condense  a universal  force that is ubiquitous and
omnipresent into a singularity and express this dimensionless point into a time and space
relative reference point which then exits here on planet Earth.
If we could just realise the POWER that has gone into our just becoming coherent
formalised beings, we would all fall to our knees  in complete dismay, and be filled with
an awesome wonder.
Life is a dance, that evolves though the many motions of expression, the eternal underlying
tone to this dance of life, is that homing beacon, that beats away silently within our heart and
this is the soundless sound of the OM.
Just like a flower is enfolded within the bud, and needs sunshine to bring in to blossom, so
to do we need the outer sunshine of our physical sun, and we also need the inner light that
comes from within the spiritual sun, which lies within us all, and by going within ourselves
our consciousness levels become deeper, and begin to shed the inner ray of the inner spiritual
sun, which is blue, unlike our physical sun which seems golden.
When we can balance the harmonics within the dance of life, we feel good within ourselves
and joy and happiness rises to the surface of our being. finding a balance is often most difficult
for many of us,we just need to persevere and do the best we can in any given day, we can do no
more than that.
May the joy of balance and the peace of mind enfold your being this day dear reader.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.

Friday 7 February 2020

Enfolded Notions Of Universal Gracious Harmonics. E N O U G H .

To start of this blog today, i want to share a poem I just made up regarding this post today.
'We are all the stuff that
is more than enough,that
is true, I do not bluff.
We are all much more than enough,to find out our true purpose of being here upon this Earth
We as who are termed as human beings  are basically the product of notions rising aeons ago
from within the Infinite Mind of the Absolute, in whom  'we' all live and have our being within
this infinite embrace of the ONE. The Primordial intentional thought wave is still rolling out
and as yet has not completed its cycle.
'We' are all still in transit towards a destination and a destiny that will finally unlock that primal
thought wave within our awakened consciousness and ultimately will reveal our fully realised
state of BEING.
We have all been orchestrated within a universal symphony of Divine Harmonics, and have
progressed through most of the tones and sub tones within this dance of Life, now we are in the
centre stage and some can sense the nearness of the Divine Conductor of this most Perfect
We all have on board and within us more than ENOUGH to fully realise our true and eternal
identity, no one being is short of enough tools to uncover his or hers mystery of life, we are all
fully locked and loaded with all the inner tools that will finally bring about within our waking
consciousness, the full and lasting reality of who you really are, and it is not Joe Blogs or Mary
Poppins who works in the shop, you are far far more than that,
Our energy life signature is enfolded in and through several dimensions of expressed levels
of conscious awareness and perceptions,each dimensional configuration enfolds seamlessly
within a coherent wholeness of presentation.
As we begin venturing within ourselves we begin to connect with these inner dimensions and
this then opens us up to deeper and deeper levels of consciousness.
In part two will look more into this nature of ENOUGH.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Meditation Of The Higher Energy Realms. M O T H E R Part Two.

While in meditation we can tune into the 'mother frequency' which is the soundless sound of
the sacred 'OM'.  This primordial soundless sound is often in the east associated with the
Hindu Goddess Shakti, she is MOTHER of all universal motion, and carries the soundless
sound of the OM in her bosom, delivering this sacred frequency to all ardent seekers of inner
knowing,SHE carries this primordial tone, straight from the inner core of the Absolute Source
of all life the Absolute-Infinite Intelligence.
The OM is a universal pulsation, a homing beacon that when felt within the heart chakra,it
will stir feelings deep within you, and can best be described as that of divine discontent, this
inner sound of the OM  causes us to become restless and inspires us to seek deeper and further
into ourselves, in order to ascertain the path of return back to our original home in which we
all left countless aeons ago.
Meditation can best be described as the 'science of inner knowing' our two physical eyes are
there in order so that we can navigate the external would of relativity, and to move about safely
and with confidence. We also have a third eye, which is an inner eye, that is there for us to
safely navigate the inner world, where our outer eyes are of no use here.This inner eye
which is activated by the pineal gland is sometimes also called the eye of SHIVA or AJNA
when regularly practising meditation this inner eye will naturally become sensitised by your
inner activity, and will begin to guide you on your quest for inner knowing and understanding
your divine family heritage.
Prior to your beginning to meditate, your consciousness can be likened to that of being on the
surface of an infinite ocean of consciousness, a surficial level of consciousness,so to speak,
but as you begin to practice meditation,it can be likened to that of diving under the water, and
reaching therefore deeper levels of consciousness, and then running parallel with this deeper
levels of consciousness, will also arise a greater depth of awareness and perception. The
opening of the third eye will become your trusted guide of your journey within that infinite
ocean of consciousness.
We then enter the realm of gradual awakening into the full and lasting realisation of our true
immortal divine identity.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Meditation Of The Higher Energy Realms. M O T H E R .

Life universally is basically one Unified Field of motioning energy. This relative universe is in
perpetual motion, no absolute stillness exists within this relative universe, absolute stillness can
only exist within the Absolute. Life is ONE, and this one is expressed in an infinite number of
ways, we as human beings are just a minute expression of the totality of all life.
Motioning energy is life and this energy vibrates at what could be seen as an infinite degrees
of frequency and oscillations. The higher the vibration the purer  the energy becomes and
its harmonic signature gradually becomes more inclusive  and all embracing.
When we begin the practice of meditation or yoga. we then venture within ourselves and
therefore begin  and connect with higher frequencies and harmonics .
We can then begin to tune into the "mother frequency" which is the 'OM' this frequency
reverberates across the entire universe and is the calling card  that emanates from within
the SOURCE of all LIFE which is that of the Absolute Infinite Intelligence from which
this relative universe emanates from its inner being.
OM is the mother sound that is calling all its expressions giving them a direction that will
ultimately lead that expression of life back into the fold from whence it came from long long
ago. This OM frequency also connects directly to our higher self, which is our immortal
divine soul.The soul will and does reissue this OM frequency within us, and gains our
attention by presenting us with an arising crisis or two.When this happens and we feel our
backs are up against the wall.we will instinctively look within ourselves for a soul-ution?
to our problem. When this happens within us, the indwelling soul flashes out a beacon of
hope to us, suddenly we get a flash of insightful ideas that will help us overcome our present
crisis,and this inner intuitive flashes of insightful ideas, will start us wondering as to where
these inner thoughts came from?
When this occurs within our life, we are well on the road to the place where higher energies
dwell, which is from within ourselves and in another dimension of expression.Once we have
made some sort of inner contact with our higher self, we will be encouraged to venture deeper
into ourselves,and reveal more insightful wisdom.
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Relative Experiencing Delivers Emotional Empathy Materialising Soul. R E D E E M S Part Two.

From where can mankind find redemption? How can we redeem ourselves? What is this thing
that we all need redemption from? The answer to that question is really very simple, what
mankind needs redemption from is his ignorance of whom he really is. Mankind has been
looking for redemption for thousands of years. This is where the idea of the word SIN arose
from and religions came online so to speak.and were fostered by the elders(those who could
read and write) who needed to keep power over their flock, so they spewed out this false
nonsense, that we had somehow caused offence to this almighty ubiquitous presence, and
would therefore be in its debt for life, but if we did as the elders said we may be eventually
forgiven and thereby get a bonus of lodgings in a place called Heaven. SIN means basically
that SPIRIT-IS-NEGATED  and  the spirit is negated by our basic ignorance of who we
really are. that's it nothing more to it, that's that! No Deity or GOD  has been offended by us
the very idea is laughable as though we would EVER have the POWER  to offend Infinite
Consciousness that manifests us all from within its infinite SELF, we will see that this be total
and absolute absurd nonsense.
We can all begin the process of 'redemption' (release from ignorance) by going within
ourselves and seeking out that still small voice that resides within us all.
Those flashes of insight that we have received over the passing years, that intuition flash
that suddenly appeared within our consciousness, these flashes of insight and intuition are
all messages from our higher self the soul, trying to capture our attention, and therefore
hoping that we will then look within ourselves to inquire from whence this inner voice
hails from!
In order to get out of our ignorance, we need to go within to get out of the physical mindset
and look toward the higher spiritual aspects that dwell within us all, we just need to look
within in order to make for what could well be, the most important connection you will
ever make within this present life time, and that is to connect and reconnect with your higher
self, which is your immortal divine higher self the soul.
May you all dear readers of this blog, make that most essential connection within yourself.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 3 February 2020

Relative Experiencing Delivers Emotional Empathy Materialising Soul. R E D E E M S .

The universal law of reincarnation ensues that we each receive the exact amount of experiences
being  both male and female over many incursions here upon the Earth plane. So that finally
one bright and sunny day, we will fully realise our true immortal identity, and when that
momentous time arises we can then get of the reoccurring wheel of Karma and incarnations
and then decide what we will do next.
Our redemption comes in the form of experiences gained over very many life times, each life
time incarnation brings us one step closer to the truth of who and what we truly are. Redemption
really means Waking Up it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the word SIN, SIN spelled
out means SPIRIT-IS NEGATED=SIN We negate the spirit by virtue of our ignorance of being.
That is the reason we are all incarnating here on Earth,to wake up from our ignorant slumber and
find out our true and lasting immortal identity.
The word sin was concocted up by medieval scribes to keep followers in fear, and for them to keep the reigns of power over their flocks (sheep)?
Living out our lives here as best we can,assures us that we are each chipping away at our ignorance
of being, and gradually gaining insight into a fuller understanding of our inner true nature.
As we venture out each day living our lives and experiencing that which occurs to us, we are
beginning to learn that which is valuable to us, and that which we need to drop. When a crisis
arises within our life, this is often a prompting from within our inner self, that a change in your
life is needed to occur.Each crisis we encounter brings about the wind of change in our lives.
If we are fortunate enough to be able to hear that "still small voice within us" we will then know
that this inner voice, that whispers kind words of comfort and reassurance to us in times of trial
and crisis , is that sweet inner voice of our higher self the immortal divine soul.
If we are indeed fortunate enough to hear this inner voice, we can then make the conscious effort
to seek out this inner voice within us, and be able to do so, without the need of any crisis intervening
this will be our first conscious step up the ladder of realising your true immortal self. Many of
you will already be at this most vital point in your expanding conscious state of being. In part
two will explore this idea further.    warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Reaslisation.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Super Compressed Int Etheric New Conscious Entity. S C I E N C E Part Two.

The great infinite ocean of life/spirit is super condensed  and compressed into  physical form
and presented in a thee dimensional context , as that of an I AM self aware field of consciousness
which is what and who we all are.
This thing called humanity, absolute infinite consciousness , that is universally presented
everywhere all at the same time,omnipresent and ubiquitous has therefore become localised
and presented within mankind.
We all have infinite and absolute potential residing within each and everyone of us here on
Earth. Do any of us fully realise the implications of this infinite power that resides within
us all?
We are our the immortals who walk this Earth, and we know it not! The majority of mankind
is completely oblivious and totally ignorant of his/her true immortal heritage, I hope this blog
can go a small way to lift the lid  of our ignorance  of our true and lasting immortal identity.
Humanity has taken a giant step or leap forward on the evolutionary arc of ascension, because
of our self-aware I AM consciousness, we are now aware of ourselves, we have that immortal
power of self-reflection, insight, and self-conscious inner knowing, that all other life expressions
does not as yet possess
The absolute being or God for short walks this Earth through the varied expressions that are
exhibited  within mankind.Each human being is a facet within the complete JEWEL that
Divine Diadem that presides over and within ALL motioning expressions within this relative
backdrop which is like a blanket a relative blanket over the absolute reality that lies on the
other side of the relative veil.
When we all fully know ourselves, then we will all thereby know GOD, because that is what
"WE" all are in the final ANALYSIS, this is not a theory, rather it is the final reality of whom
we all are, as we ascend the arc of evolution, we will then begin loosing our humanity and
start gaining our Divinity and as the ascension sequence continues "WE" begin the process
of dissolving back into the ALL, which we all left aeons ago, when we were all cast out of
EDEN and into the maelstrom of motioning life,which was stirred out from eternal stillness.
By the time we arrive here,we will have got of the wheel of return which is reincarnation, and
will have total control of what we do or not do, we can therefore choose to dissolve back into
the ALL, or stay as an expression and find other adventures to partake in.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 1 February 2020

Super Compressed Into Etheric New Conscious Entity. S C I E N C E .

Perhaps we could take a look at the fantastic way that mankind is expressed and take a look
behind the visible forms of the physical body, and see what magnitude of force is marshalled
in order for us to exist here on Earth and express ourselves in gathering experiences and finding
out about our true nature.
The first thing we encounter is this state of super-compression, where Absolute Infinite life or
spirit becomes super-compressed and then becomes dimensionally localised upon this planet
Earth. It is like imagining compressing the Pacific ocean into a single body, and weighing
only 90 kilos!
Each human being is an Eternal Infinite Absolute being, compressed with unimaginable force
and flushed out into a physical body here on Earth, where is suddenly becomes a relative life
form. The Eternal compressed into a relative dimension.
This universal immaterial incorporeal spirit life has become super-condensed and formed and
shaped into a physical body, this is truly a miraculous work of art , and magnificent beyond
our present comprehension.
Yet we seldom ever realise the invisible forces that have been marshalled  to enable us to live
out our lives here on Earth.
Each and every human being upon this planet today is a singularity point of reference within
the multiple  life streams that each have their particular reference point within the whole
presentation of physical life here on Earth,
If we could imagine compressing say mount Everest so that it would entirely fit into a thimble
we would then be well on our way of understanding the super condensation of ethereal energy
into physical form.Our physical bodies are basically made out of LIGHT super condensed and
with a vastly slowed down sluggish rate of vibration.
Universal consciousness has become localised within us, and this localisation of consciousness
is called by us as our I AM self-aware consciousness, the universal field of omnipresent
ubiquitous consciousness, has become entangled within our localised life stream, and is presented
by us as being that of whom I AM?
In part two will look further into this.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.