Tuesday 18 February 2020

Omnipresent Creative Consciousness Unravels Life's Trajectory. O C C U L T Part Two.

What then is the trajectory that mankind is now occultly on? Our trajectory is that of ascension
through an upward incline in which we term as that of evolution. We are all gradually evolving
into what exactly?
What is the ultimate destiny of all mankind? The occult answer to this is indeed very simple
and straightforward. We are all upon a gradual sloping incline that has lead us from being just
inanimate star -dust, through varying forms of projected life,and up to this point, where we
have all arrived at being self-consciousness,self awareness, 'I AM consciousness. Who was this
BEING  in the Bible who said to Moses when he asked the question , "who shall I say sent me"
my LORD? And the LORD said ,"tell them that I AM sent you, I AM that I AM!  Well we also
are all that of being "I AM" presence does this not give you a clue  somewhat as to WHOM you
might eventually evolve into??
The SOLE reason for us being here is to FULLY AWAKEN and realise the inner Divinity that
dwells within each human being, our SOLE reason for being here is to reveal your SOUL!
That is the only reason we are all here upon this planet Earth, there is also however the
additional reason of having the need to discharge all of our Karma liabilities before we move
onto proverbial "greener pastures.".
Consciousness and life are indeed one of the same thing,you cannot have one without the other
spirit too is life, the very life of life itself,we can say that the essence of life is spirit, and consciousness emanates from within spirit, when it leaves its unexpressed state of Absoluteness
and enters into the Emotional state of being relatively expressed within a relative universe where
all is perpetual motion, and stillness is only found in the absolute state of absolute perfection.
As we gradually ascend into more inclusive states of consciousness and perception, we begin to
see and further understand that all name, shapes and forms eventually all dissolve back into the
one composite whole they all came from when the IDEA of relativity and a relative universe
was thought into BEING, by the Absolute intention of the ONE LIFE.
"WE" are ALL that ONE LIFE, presently fragmented and gradually reconnecting those missing
vital links, that will restore us into WHOLENESS AGAIN.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

1 comment:

  1. If any thoughts or questions arise when reading this blog today, then please let me know, and I will answer your questions, as best I can.
