Thursday 20 February 2020

Dissolve Into Nothingness Knowing Yourself. D I N K Y Part Two,

Life is an endless ocean of possibilities, an infinite ocean that contains the many within
the ONE ABSOLUTE WHOLE. Within the ocean of life therein exists many rivers of
expressed life. We as this thing called humanity are each expressed within five sheaths of
expression, each expression within a different dimension of expression . We are all 'within
the Absolute Infinite ocean of Absolute Life, but are each expressed within a singularity
point of reference, which exits within the physical earth plane, and is anchored twice via
the crown and heart chakra.
Each human being tapers down into a singularity point, this point holds your essence in a
coherent stasis while you are incarnate here upon the Earth
We literally flow downwards (and here downwards means lowering vibration levels) our
life anchor is always existing within the Absolute state, and the absolute state does NOT
EXIST within this physical relative universe, our life base signature transcends this relative
universe . All the known laws of physics  that science understands , do not exist here in
that which is Absolute, no laws exists here because simply put the Absolute is the LAW
and all relative universal laws emanate from WITHIN the Absolute.
We have in a way by becoming expressed life forms,and here expressed means motion
because absolute life is becoming expressed we have all been funnelled
out of the absolute ocean of unexpressed life, which is total stillness, and in a way can be
likened to a black hole , and we are all the singularity points, exiting into this other
universe which is relative, and become localised points of super compressed life held within
a biological container we call the human physical body.
If we can join up these points of reference and see that each point is directly and indirectly
connected to every other point on this planet, that we are all totally connected to each other
by that ONE DIVINE ABSOLUTE LIFE FORCE, we can then begin the process of going
within ourselves and start the process of gradually dissolving the outer shell that hides that
inner light which is the light of spiritual growth and an awakening into your true and eternal
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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