Wednesday 26 February 2020

All Sequence-Infinitely Transcendent-Intrinsic Source AS-IT-IS. Part Two.

Before the birth of the All Sequence there was no existence anywhere as we know it, there was
no universe,no space,no time,no matter,no energy,all was at Absolute Zero, no darkness, no
light, just an Absolute Infinite VOID of Infinite Potentiality, motionlessness was on the face
of the infinite DEEP.
The yet to be become universe was 'born aloft'upon a rising Intention within the Infinite
Consciousness of the Absolute, that Primal Intention thought wave gave birth to something
that was totally absent before,and that was MOTION, motion was born aloft upon the primal
intention of the Absolute, in order to manifest motion from eternal stillness, this to was the birth
of all relativity.
There was no big bang, such an idea is totally absurd, instead there was a 'big thought' this
thought wave still carries us all along today, as we all surf through this intentional wave
gathering experiences as we surf along.
We are all life that has been given expression, which basically means that we have the relative
ability of motion, (within the absolute state there is zero motion, because when you are both ubiquitous and omnipresent,there is nowhere you could possibly move to, where you were
already fully occupying) we can all move through our motions and in so doing are able to
gather experiences , that will one day culminate in your full and total knowing of just who and
what you really are.
We have all arisen from the face of the infinite deep,our eternal stillness was motioned and
marshalled into form and moved out or the realmless realm of the Absolute and we were in
effect and in fact 'cast out of Eden' and into the turmoil and chaos of a virgin universe,
wherein we all now still dwell aeons later.
Outwardly we are all relative beings, living within a physical vehicle we call mankind,outwardly
you are relative,inwardly beyond your five inner sheaths we are all Absolute and eternal being.
Our ultimate task is to go within ourselves and join up with our higher self the immortal soul
this is often referred to a the mystic marriage of the lower and higher self, seeking divine union
with our higher self,another name for yoga is union with the divinity that exists within all mankind.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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