Tuesday 31 August 2021


 When we get "under our skin" and into our self aware I am consciousness , we enter into

another dimension of expression , a deeper less defined state of being. When we take up the

practice of yoga or meditation we begin to penetrate into an invisible world of many dimensions

and energy pulsations. We begin to find and realise an infinite expanse of inner space within us,

that we never knew existed before we took p the practice of meditation.

Soul knowing is the same as soul realization, by going deep within ourselves we begin to

realise that there is a higher aspect of ourselves that had remained hidden  from us all of our

adult life. 

It is only by recasting our gaze inwards that we can now see the truth that lies within us all.

This higher self that you will discover if you venture  inward and practice meditation, will 

awaken your inner intuition faculties, this intuition will become an inner voice of your 

higher self. Which will then lead onto your realising that this "still small inner voice", is

really the voice of your very own immortal divine soul, speaking to you, and encouraging

you to keep  pressing  forward within yourself.

By getting poetically "under our skin" we then begin in earnest the process of awakening

into higher and more inclusive states of consciousness and expanded awareness and 


Our inner "NUMEN" which is a Latin word for Divinity, and a divine presence, This 

Divine presence within us, becomes awakened and activated by our inner sensing which

is invoked by our practice of meditation.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 30 August 2021


 Ignorance is certainly not the ICING on the CAKE of abundant healthy life. Rather it is the

cause of all mental and emotional  and physical stress. It is the reason for all the wars and

bloodshed that are occurring all around this planet.

Because so many billions of us are completely and totally ignorant of our true nature, which

is a total connected united spiritual  living souls, all connected and fully interconnected to

each other.

Because we are ignorant of this universal fact of expressed spiritual life, we remain sick

and unaware of the Dis-ease we are all creating, our health  too suffers because we are

unaware of who we really are, therefore instead of being expressed in a three fold manner

of being a physical, mental, and spiritual, we are only being expressed two dimensionally

which is that of the physical and mental, the spiritual aspect of our true nature is in a state

of ATROPHY. Which results in emotional illness and emotional imbalance, plus physical

illnesses such as cancer and heart dis-ease, all developing  because of our lack of inner

harmonics. We lack the balance of our three fold nature , and therefore suffer the 

consequences of our ignorance.

Ignorance is NOT BLISS!!! This is utter Puerile nonsense, Ignorance causes dis-ease and

also fosters wars and hatred, bigotry, and suspicion.

We can change the vector of this inner negative gateway into a positive hopeful gateway

by simply going within ourselves, search out the connections we all have to each other, keep

an open mind, rather than a closed one,  seek out like minded souls, see what you have in

common with the rest of the human race, realise  we are all really ONE FAMILY of the 

Infinite Spirit. If you can do that little thing, your ignorance will lesson greatly, your health

and wellbeing will improve, you will gain a greater measure of emotional  balance, and joy 

will become your regular companion.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Sunday 29 August 2021


 The word sin is a concocted word made up by religion to keep believers of that religion 

in fear and trembling. The very idea that a mere insignificant speck of a human being, on

a tiny planet among trillions of other planets universally, could actually cause offence to

the Supreme God of the universe is totally and utterly absurd and total nonsense. The Fathers

of the religion used this word SIN to conjure up fear  and foreboding, and make their 

presence as important spokesperson for their GOD, and therefore they alone would 

interpret the word of their God, and glow with false pride and egotism.

SIN has nothing to do with Spirituality, and everything to do with MAN-MADE RELIGION

petty ideas to keep the flock in check and remain subservient  to the clergy.

Sin can also spell out the word SPIRIT-IS-NEGATED=SIN,  which is closer to the truth and

spirit of the words meaning.

We negate the spirit within us, and instead of being three fold beings, that of being a physical.

mental, and spiritual, we instead act and live within two degrees of freedom that of physical

and mental, the third degree or dimension that of the spiritual lies virtually dormant within 

millions of us, hidden away under a dense blanket of gross ignorance as to who and what we

really are.


we all ARE spiritual BEINGS, that is OUR divine NATURE and BIRHRIGHT, you 

cannot BECOME spiritual YOUR ARE spiritual that is our natural STATE.

The title of this blog spells out the word WISH, my wish is that you reading this now will

see the truth within these words and hope that the words resonate within your inner being

there are far too many two dimensional souls n this planet living just physically and mentally

with the third aspect of their expression upon this Earth plane lying dormant, my wish dear 

reader is that you are not one of those two dimensional souls.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 28 August 2021


 In essence 'WE' are all intangible pure energy, intangible life Intelligent and eternal being,

ever present and ubiquitous . Pure awareness and totally ONE  within the eternal NOW.

In this stateless state we are motionless and intangible aware consciousness in silent bliss and

unmoving BEINGNESS. To arrive here within the cloak of tangibility and thereby being

SHADOWCASTED within five layers of defining energy, which clads our essence in substance,

clothing for the spirit to get here on Earth, and in the state 'we' are all in, took many aeons to

accomplish. First 'we' were "cast out of EDEN" (perfect bliss) and into the maelstrom of the

primordial thought wave, then as this thought wave coalesced into denser energy , after a period

of expression , we were then RECAST into the shadows by becoming clad in dense matter .

Now after countless aeons of illusionary time we are awakened into our self conscious I AM


We can now begin the final uncovering of the essence that lies within us all. Our Divine 

immortal reality is calling out to us from within our hearts and emotions. Return HOME 

and look within is the silent message that echo's deep within  our being.

The mighty soundless sound of the OM vibrates within us , saying look within dear soul

and thereby find YOUR-SELF!


real difference between any of us, lies in our personal levels of awareness and perception 

as to what our real eternal nature penetrates into our waking consciousness state.

By going within ourselves and seeking the truth and thereby answering the question, who am

"I"?  By doing this we are then removing the density of our shadow covering, and this brings

within its train higher degrees of self illumination.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 27 August 2021


 All universal motion was born within the "WAKE" of the primordial intention wave of 

the causeless cause, the very first THOUGHT WAVE of the Absolute. Within that 

Intentional Thought Wave was the "IDEA" of a relative universe. That IDEA manifested

as first that of INVOLUTION, simply put, all the principles needed for an unfolded 

universe  were "wrapped up" within the primordial involution wave of the Absolute.

As involution rolled out principle within principle was wrapped around that INTENTIONAL

FIELD of PURE ENERGY (THOUGHT). As the rolling out sequence of involution

ceased, there ensued a momentary pause, then the unrolling opening out sequence began

which we then called evolution. The Principles which were to become universal laws began

unfolding and coming online. 

The perpetual motion that we all now experience began with that Primordial first THOUGHT

WAVE! The purity of all motion is that it emanates from the Absolute Source of all that is, was

and will ever be.

Motion was BORN so that expression could take place, expression means "to move forward"

motion through experiences, that will ultimately give you a clue to who you really are?

The POEM  spelt out in this blog, is in understanding the VERSE and how it is UNI  in 

regards that it is united in perpetual motion and finally releasing souls who are fully awakened

back into the stillness from whence they first came aeons long ago.

Stillness lies within us all if we can find it, motion lies outwards, stillness inwards, the silence

within us all, is just there awaiting to be heard??

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 26 August 2021


 PURE INTELLIGENT ENERGY, (PIE) which is expressed as Spirit or Life has never

been born nor will it ever die, because (PIE) is eternal, which means that LIFE universally

is UNBORN. We  as humanity are all UNBORN, we mistake  our entry into this world and

our exit out of this world as a childlike notion of a beginning (BORN)  and therefore a 

beginning implies an ending, the death word was coined to explain this illusion of death. We

do not seem to understand what out science says about energy. Science has proven that all

energy is eternal it cannot ever be destroyed only converted  into another form. If we looked 

into our science we would know that life(energy)  is eternal . LIFE/SPIRIT is ENERGY and that

can never be destroyed. When we die(change venues from earth to the astral realm) we exit the

physical shell and move seamlessly into our astral body where we then carry on living as before

the only difference is the location!! To get here on Earth. we as (PIE)  are covered over clothed in

five varying densities of material layers, each layer denser than the one before, until we reach the

most dense layer the physical body, we are super compressed and contracted within a singularity

vortex then expressed within this physical dimension within an undulating electromagnetic 

double torus field , these "fields of force" hold all the energy life structure in perfect cohesion,

What we all our in ESSENCE is the UNBORN GOD which is ABSOLUTE INFINITY 

ENCAPSULTED within FIVE KOSHAS of substance, experiencing RELATIVITY within

five varying densities of expression. If we recast our gaze inwards rather than looking 

perpetually outward, we will begin to unravel the apparent mystery of expression, we find

the answer to life by way of "going THROUGH THE MOTIONS" which means literally

and factually that of learning who and what you really are by undergoing multiple experiences

over many incarnation upon this planet.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 25 August 2021


 It is written in the Bible that "many were called, but few were chosen". are we one of those 

chosen few? Only you can answer this question. We are all called by the very experiences we

have in life, that try us and cause us despair. When we search for answers we are silently 

calling out for help and assistance. The few who are chosen are those who look within 

themselves and see that within them lies an unseen power that is greater than themselves.

I thought in my ignorance years ago when I first found this saying in the Bible , that it 

applied to a few chosen ones by GOD, and that the rest were left to stew in their own mess.

But know more, years later I understand that each one of us is the "CHOOSER" we make

the choice to look within  ourselves and discover an unexpected inner resource that lives 

deeply within us.

This Higher Power is divine in origin. The word given out by LIFE/SOURCE is to motion 

through experiences and by this act of motioning through varied experiences, you will find

out who you really are.

Our flesh and blood bodies are condensed and congealed divinity/LIGHT  set into condensation

and manifested as biological machines. By going within ourselves we begin to dissolve the outer

density. and by taking up meditation we effectively raise our vibration levels , and thereby 

actually begin to attract less dense physical atoms, and begin attracting higher vibrational 

ethereal atoms into our energy matrix.

When we consciously decide to do this, and maintain this practice on a regular basis, we are then

individually deciding and taking the necessary steps to make sure we are one of the FEW who

has consciously made the decision to become CHOSEN by our ACTIONS.

What we have chosen in effect is to FULLY WAKE UP and know who we really ARE!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 24 August 2021


 All life and that includes us humanity is a product of manifested energy. Energy also fills

infinite space and are basically the same thing. Space and energy are living intelligent

SPIRIT. Humanity is expressed by living energy which is space compressed and congealed

into physical matter so that the fluid nature of our true being which is NUMEN (numen is a 

Latin term for "Divinity" or a "Divine presence")  becomes encased within five layers of

congealed light which is fluid energy, and expressed within a dense physical vehicle.

Our current level of understanding the mechanics of energy and space are still very backward

and science is still very ignorant of the fact that energy is LIFE and has infinite intelligence.

Each one of us is a localized unit of divinity or NUMEN, our natural fluid nature in buried 

under several layers of material substance. Our purpose for being here is to find ourselves 

through uncovering these dense layers and finding that divine  fluid nature that lies deep

within us.

Until we find ourselves, until we realise just who we really are, we will remain lost, and are 

destined to go up and down into the Astral realm for a bit, then back here within another body

for more digging into ourselves to eventually find that golden nugget that lies within our 

heart chakra.

Our ESSENCE is DIVINITY, encapsulated within form and materiality. By gathering vast

amounts of experience , we begin to slowly penetrate into our divine interior

There we will find our true IMMORTAL SELF.

ME-ONLY is about YOU ONLY reading this blog now, you are a NUMEN BEING which

is COVERED UP by your HUMAN BEING??????????.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com and feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 23 August 2021


 Mankind is all on a journey that takes shape within what we call evolution or ascension.

We are each on differing levels of the spectrum of evolving life forms. This universe is 

seen as 'MAYA'  which means in Sanskrit 'dream; or 'illusion'. What moves this perpetual

motion of this MAYA universe is two forces of positive and negative, ISHWARA  is the 

male aspect, and SHAKTI is the female aspect, positive and negative poles that unite 


Mankind is born within five koshas or sheaths, the physical body being the lowest. I see 

that until we ascend and realize all these five koshas, we are still literally within the WOMB

of SHAKTI. and do not leave that womb until we fully realize the fifth kosha, then we are

fully born out of the WOMB of RELATIVITY and MAYA  and back into the ABSOLUTE


All the time we are journeying back and fro  from the Astral plane to the Earth plane, we are

still all firmly locked within SHAKTI WOMB.

We cannot become fully released from the bondage of expression until we fully wake up and 

first realise our soul reality and divinity, then when we realize the soul, we make the next 

realization that we are the SELF, which is GOD/BRAHMAN , which then takes us OUT 

of RELATIVITY and motion,  and back into the stillness of the ABSOLUTE.

All  five koshas are differing levels of relativity, the lowest level of density is the physical and the

most refined kosha is the fifth. The astral planes are also relative and not absolute, and while

on the astral plane there is virtually no room for improvement, other than taking stock and

seeing what you could have done better. it is only here on the Earth plane that we can make

a big difference in our ascension process, incarnating here on earth is just occupying 

vehicles in order to find out who you really are, we each have hundreds of differing 

vehicles over thousands of years, the physical wombs we have all exited out of countless

times, do not count for that much, what really counts is the realization process and how 

it engages you into deeper and deeper levels of awareness and consciousness, The ones that

count are our five births through the five koshas and that final BIRTH, where the GODDESS 

Shakti bids you FAREWELL, and GOD SPEED into the SELF REALIZATION.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 22 August 2021


 Meditation can indeed become the tool that enables you to redeem and awaken to the

reality of your own Divine immortal soul. The reason all of us are here is to awaken into

full conscious awareness of our true state of being, that is expressed within five koshas or

sheaths , underneath all these layers of expression lie the real immortal you.

We have lost our immortality and instead have put on the cloak of ignorance , that almost 

smothered our insight and awareness of our true nature.

When all our "veils of ISIS" the five koshas  are removed we then stand naked and pure,

which is SPIRIT, that infinite absolute ocean of ONENESS, which we all dissolve back into

at some point along the way of full INNER KNOWING.

We are all Spirit that has clothed its self in five sheaths/koshas of expression in order to 

experience five levels of tangibility simultaneously within five dimensional expressions

each level is a layer of fine energy that is a level of consciousness and awareness.

The physical level is the lowest and also the one we spend the most relative time within.

We all have many incarnations here on Earth, until we gather enough experiences to fully 

awaken our insight into our true inner nature.

Meditation going within ourselves is the tool that will unlock and open the key to full self

knowing and that of soul realization.

Within the name of that wonderful health giving herb Rosemary lies the answer to every 

human beings need to fully understand just who and what they really are, and that regular

daily meditation will remove the smothering blanket of ignorance that surrounds us and 

thereby enable you to become your very own SOUL REDEEMER.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 21 August 2021


 ISHWARA is the HINDU GOD, that is the only begotten  not made son of BRAHMAN

who is seen as that of the ABSOLUTE GOD of all that is was and will ever be, the absolute 

infinite eternal SOURCE of all universal life. BRAHMAN never does anything ever, remains

forever still and motionless. It is ISHWARA who issues out from Brahman that manifests this

universe out of its own spirit force.

ISHWARA is also known as the Lord of the universe, and master of NOTHING?  All relativity

issues out from him. 

Now we may wonder how such an exalted being would have any real meaning to us human 

beings. But in fact ISHWARA is within every atom of your body. The east sees ISHWARA, 

while the west see CHRIST principle as the mover and shaker of this universe. In truth 

ISHWARA and the CHRIST principle are one of the very same thing. We need to be mindful

that CHRIST is NOT a HUMAN BEING , rather CHRIST is an impersonal spiritual principle

which  operates omnipresent universally and is NOT CONFINED to this tiny speck of life on

planet earth.

ISHWARA  is the embodiment of consciousness and is fully present within all life universally

all at the very same time. Every human being is filled with trillions of atoms and each ATOM

has the signature of ISHWARA written within it.

Both  these universal forces can bring us into conscious awareness of their presence, if we 

take the trouble to look within ourselves.

Our very lives each one of us is totally submerged within these two magnificent principles

and we know it NOT! By recasting our gaze inwards, we will tune into our intuition which

then if followed up will eventually bring us in conscious contact with one of these universal

divine principles.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 20 August 2021


 Mankind can now begin to CLIMB out of the deep valley of ignorance and move onto the

PLATEAU of self knowing. Mankind is in the process of BECOMING , what will man become?

The answer is he/she will become the SELF. But first before that can occur man must make the 

connection with his/her higher self. Consciousness is a universal omnipresent reality. 

Consciousness is basically awareness in a reflective mode. remove the reflection and

consciousness vanishes, leaving only awareness in its wake. We as humanity tap into this

universal omnipresent consciousness, and in effect and in fact localize this infinite faculty.

Our minds which we all create are just a mixture of memories, ego, and experiences since

birth, without thought there would be no mind, mind is just a thought facilitator nothing

more than that. Consciousness awakens within us in this localized format  being squeezed

into our awareness and perception. 

This can and is expanded by our going within ourselves and taking up the practice of

meditation or yoga. Our incarnations here on Earth and the experiences gained through

these ventures on Earth begin to penetrate deeply within us. We then begin to sense

the proximity of the divine soul that lies within us.

When that occurs we are truly BECOMING AWAKE and aware of our true immortal


All life is in an ever present state of BECOMING, we call this state evolution or the more

new buzz word of ascension. Mankind is at the pinnacle of this arc of ascension, and is 

gradually one by one awakening into the full realization of just what he/she truly is, we

then see clearly that the biological machine, with the biological computer the brain are just

a vehicle supplied by infinite wisdom in order for you to gain a tangible experience from

what you really are which is an intangible intelligent spirit being.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 19 August 2021


 ISIS was an Egyptian Goddess whose name is shrouded in mystery. An ancient Egyptian

teaching said this," no mortal shall pierce the veil of ISIS", what then is this mystery

concerning the veil of ISIS? We can understand that now after a few thousand years have

past since she was regularly worshipped as a Goddess, we have more insight into those

words of the ancient ones. 'no mortal shall pierce the veil of ISIS'. We are not mortals

every human being is a divine immortal soul. So with this fact established we can then

look at how we can lift the veil of ISIS, and therefore reveal what lies beneath that 

mysterious veil of the Goddess? When we look deeply into ourselves we begin to see that

we are all presented into life through five sheaths (skins) Koshas, these are five layers of

energy (consciousness) which acts as differing levels of dimensional expression each layer

finer than the one under it, the physical body is the most gross layer. When you ascend to the

firth layer you are at the point of 'expressed conscious perfection' once you leave that fifth 

kosha you are no longer within relativity, here you will decide to either dissolve back into 

the all, that you left aeons ago, or take on other layers  remain in full consciousness at all 

times, and return to Earth to serve your brothers and sisters who still grope in the darkness

of ignorance of being.

Lifting the veil of ISIS is consciously revealing the true spirit SELF that abides deeply 

within us all.

Each layer of ISIS veil reveals a finer purer being therein. When we totally search into 

the VEIL OF ISIS we then reveal our true immortal identity, we see that ISIS reveals the

GOD within each one of us.

ISIS points the way for us to find  our true DIVINE SELF.

The VOID represents the ignorance we all have  which surrounds us like a dark 

INPENETRABLE  force, the only way to get through this outer void of darkness is to

recast our gaze inwards, and find that inner light that ISIS will bring.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 18 August 2021


 All is nothing and nothing is all, that is the truth of universal expression. All equals

no-thing, and no-thing equals all, how is this possible when we seem to be confronted by

an infinite amount of 'seemingly' different things. The answer lies in the word seemingly

the illusion of many has baffled minds for centuries, but when we can see clearly into all

expressions of life, we find that there is only one common denominator, and that is the word

ENERGY. The universal equation is simply that all is energy and energy is all. NO-THING

else exists within this universe EXCEPT ENERGY. is is a singular REALITY.

Energy is expressed in an infinite diverse ways, but however diverse it is and becomes, it

remains the very same thing, which is ENERGY.

Life is energy, Souls are energy, Spirit expressed is energy, unexpressed it remains that of

'potentiality' dormant for a period.

Within the umbrella of energy its inner matrix contains all that exists, consciousness is energy

all energy contains infinite wisdom, and infinite intelligence, the only thing that is not contained

within the universal matrix of energy is PURE-AWARENESS, pure awareness is ABSOLUTE

and totally transcends this relative universe, pure awareness is motionlessness and Absolute.

Pure awareness cast the shadow upon its reflection which is the eternal ever present NOW.

Energy exists as a solid, liquid,  gas, plasma, plus existing in the astral realms, and all the other

spiritual realms beyond our present day comprehension.

Energy exists in every dimension known and unknown to us, it is universally multi dimensional

multi faceted, energy in short is infinite intelligence in MOTION.

When we look into ourselves, we are looking through various layers of energy, each layer of

energy is like a skin surface that we peel back when searching within ourselves, each layer we

peel back reveals a more expansive inner you, this inner seeking will lead you to much finer

more ethereal levels of much more subtle energies.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 17 August 2021


 In  the big book (TOME) of life, we are still on the first page, we have all moved physically

and mentally, but spiritually still on the first paragraph of the first page.

Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the

Source of all. Darkness is disorder, Light is order. darkness transmuted is light, our purpose

in being is the transmutation of darkness into light.

For us the darkness represents our gross ignorance of our true immortal identity, and until we

can realise this truth for ourselves we in effect grope about in the darkness of our own ignorance.

Because we do not know ourselves, we fail to be aware of what we really need in order to be fully

whole and balanced.

Humanity is presented on this planet in a three fold manner, three dimensions of movement which 

are physical, mental, and spiritual. The vast majority of mankind live in only two dimensions of

freedom, that of physical and mental. The spiritual dimension of freedom  is almost in an 

Atrophied state because it is sadly neglected.

Having a spiritual dimension within you, is nothing to do with what you think or don't think

the spiritual dimension is WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!! We  all possess a spiritual dimension within

us, all 7.7 billion of us have this inbuilt reality within.

The majority of mankind is living a half-cocked life being only two dimensional, and not 

FULLY LOADED within a three dimensional presentation.

Until we can open our minds and our hearts to the truth of our spiritual nature we will remain 

in the darkness of ignorance, and thereby fail to enable the transmutation process to bring us

into the inner light of the divine immortal soul.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 16 August 2021


 For intangible life to become expressed within a tangible dimension, there needs to be a 

steeping down of the intangible life form (vastly lowering vibrational momentum) so that

it condenses and therefore becomes covered in dense layers of energy, which in effect 

completely cover the invisible intangible life form. You dear reader of this blog are one of those

intangible life forms , that wanted to incarnate here on Earth, so you have been through this 

process many times, but have completely forgotten  the action that condensed you into your

human body vehicle.

How do we get here on Earth? That is a good question. But first we need to be mindful that

souls are not HUMAN BEINGS! They are SPIRITUAL BEINGS born out of PURE SPIRIT!

The human equation exists only in the VEHICLES of EXPRESSION, which is the human

body biological machine. When we leave the physical body, we are intangible intelligent energy.

To get here on Earth we have to negotiate with the suppliers of the materials  needed, which 

consist  of earth-air-fire-and water, we then the SOUL ask the ELEMENTS to supply the 

materials  for us to incarnate here. Then, agree . then the soul descends into a vortex spiralling

down into a singularity point of reference, rotating in a clockwise spin, held in perfect cohesion

within the singularity point and overshadowed and totally embraced within an electromagnetic

double torus field. The clockwise rotation remains and holds the souls vehicle in perfect 

anchorage until it decides to die. Then immediately a counter-clockwise rotation  begins and 

lifts the soul energy life force out of the physical vehicle a ferries it into the Astral Plane, 

which is perfectly seamless as we have always had an Astral body, where we would visit 

the astral plane every night while asleep, then promptly forget we we awoke.

The physical body can seem like an separate isle amid billions of other islands, the illusion

of being separate and apart from life, we need to be mindful that this is an illusion and does 

NOT reflect the reality, that all life is connected and interconnected, we all are ONE LIFE

FORCE and all connected to each other, whether we like it or not!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 15 August 2021


 Life is a universal constant, omnipresent everywhere, all energy is alive and intelligent.

The whole of this universe is made out of pure-energy , and pure energy translates into

pure intelligent SPIRIT. "ALL IS ALIVE" as the ancient wisdom states. The word death 

is totally meaningless when we fully understand what that term means to us. Death means

change of vibration or location. When a human being dies  what happens? What is it that actually

is said to die? The body? What is that?  A vehicle made out of the four elements of earth, air, fire,

and water, the body is not the being who has "departed" not died , but departed into another 

dimension of LIFE  within the Astral realm, leaving behind the empty physical shell. Which 

then dissolves back into the four elements that it came from, which is earth, air, fire, and water.

The physical body returns back its energy loaned to the indwelling departed soul, so that it could

incarnate here on Earth.

Death meaning total annihilation meaning oblivion non existent vanishing from this universe

forever, is a total illusion and meaningless phrase, it does not reflect reality, but only illusion

and falsehood. What occurs is CHANGE, energy as science informs us is eternal and infinite 

in cannot EVER be destroyed,  only change, when we die we CHANGE VENUES from the

Earth plane to the ASTRAL PLANE! Then carry on living as before!

The equation is that ENERGY is LIFE-LIFE is ENERGY.

Informed divinity here in this blogs title refers to the embodiment of spirit being enclosed

and encapsulated within a physical expression which is our vehicle we use on earth.

Lucidity arises within us when we go within ourselves and meditate within the silence

there when all  is silent and still, that small voice within us, which we often call our intuition

begins to impress upon our conscious awareness ideas and insights that go onto clarify things

that have baffled us before. Answers to many questions we have, will arise within these quiet

times of meditation.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 14 August 2021


Without a act of SERVICE no life  could become expressed (have motion, become relative)

We as humanity would not and could not exist without acts of service that make it possible

for us to gain purchase into this dense physical realm.

Mankind has an almost complete  and total ignorance of the debt it owes to the services 

provided by the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, without the necessary ingredients

of these four elements , combining in a cooperative union to provide us with a physical body,

without their cooperation we could NOT EXIST here on earth, and the reason for that would

be that we lacked the DENSITY provided by the elements, which then gave us the anchorage

to gain a foothold here on Earth

Our spiritual soul/spirit could not reach this dense physical level without the services rendered

by the four elements. The fifth element is spirit, and it is the spiritual soul  who asks the elements

for their permission to service us with the matter  necessary  for us to incarnate here on earth.

What we need to understand is that these elements of Earth-Air-Fire-Water are all intelligent 

conscious life forms, they are ethereal beings that have awareness and consciousness, its just

that they are on a differing ascension path than we are that's all. 

The elements can span several dimensional levels by lowering or consciously raising their 

vibratory rate.

We often hear about the SOURCE / GOD and that flowing out from the CENTRAL SUN 

is unconditional love, and unconditional acceptance, what we seldom here is that on top

of these unconditional attributes, there stands one ABOVE them ALL, and that is unconditional

SERVICE. Absolute service is rendered to all expressed LIFE, 24/7  we  are all enfolded 

within this arc of relativity.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks, 

Friday 13 August 2021


 Pure Life is a HOLY (WHOLE) FLAME of PURE LIQUID LIGHT, a radiant golden blaze

that would make our solar system sun seem  like a cheap November firework, a burning fire

that consumes NO-THING and yet holds all in its grasp-less grasp. It is a cold flame of liquid

brilliance beyond mortal comprehension.

This liquid spirit light does not exist in our physical dimension, and it can only penetrate as far 

as the highest planes within the astral belt of expression. Beyond that it has to undergo rapid 

deceleration and condensation becoming varying degrees of tangibility., until it reaches the most

gross level of physicality.

'WE' as humanity are all beings of this infinite eternal living light, but we are all heavily 

steeped down in vibration and density.  What appears as a human being is actually the 

solidification of LIGHT into a solid looking physical mass, we then call the physical body.

As we grow into more inclusive knowledge and wisdom, start looking into ourselves for

answers, we begin the process of linking up to higher energies that exist within us.

We begin to reach into ourselves and begin to become aware of an inner radiance that lies within

our consciousness and awareness.

This inner radiance is the living light of spirit, beginning to make itself known to you, if we 

pay attention to this inner divine radiance, it will guide us  safely into higher states of awareness

and perception, it will expand exponentially our levels of consciousness, so that we become 

much more inclusive in all our dealings with life.

This inner guidance will eventually bring us to the portal of initiation where we will fully

realize the divine presence of the SOUL within us, we will then in effect and in fact have 


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 12 August 2021


 Each soul has a hidden abyss, untouched by time and space. Each human being is a Divine

Soul. all 7.7 billion of us are all souls in the process of 'realizing' through experiences.

Its just that billions of us have no real idea about the reality or comprehension of what this

really means to you. Inherent within every human being is a Divine Principle. whose nature

is pure love, and will eventually become unconditional love when the realization reaches its

peak of comprehension and full alignment.

The main problem that faces humanity is that of ignorance of our true inner nature. We are not

informed as to the reason why you are here. Why we are born on this planet. We fail to 

understand that this planet Earth is a teaching place for souls to awaken  into the full realization

of what they are internally.

We are all born here to wake up and smell the roses. We do that by gathering vast amounts

of experiences , which leas us to confront difficult decisions, and in so doing force us to dig 

deep within ourselves to find answers to the questions that arise within us.

We are all clothed in flesh and blood  vehicles and anchored here on earth to awaken  via 

experiencing life and within the illusion of separateness.

When we smile at another soul we are drawing up energy from deep within us, the smile is

a visual signal that represents the invisible nature of pure love, the more we smile the more

essence of our inner self, rises up and greets another wandering soul.

One way we can help to accelerate our pathway within evolution, is to go within ourselves

and take up either yoga or meditation, by doing this we will begin to align ourselves with 

our inner true nature, and this will bring about positive changes within you, that would not

have arisen had you not started looking within yourself.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 11 August 2021


 "WE" that of humanity are all occupiers of space, we occupy it by our 'presence' form and 

shape of presentation.

Space is an infinite ocean of living ESSENCE of the Absolute Brahman /God. Space is the

BLOOD FLUID  of the Absolute  made Relative  by becoming a "quickening vibratory force"

that echoes of the silent thunder of the mighty OM. The Absolute within absoluteness  has 

zero-vibration all is motionlessness. Space which is the life blood of the ONE vibrates with 

extreme intensity 1044 times per second.

We awaken upon this earth , and as we grow in awareness and consciousness, we can begin 

asking certain questions , like who are we really? We need to know just who and what this 

OCCUPIER of this piece of space (YOU)  really is!

Transcendence spreads out all around us, if we have but eyes to see, and ears to hear, we are

all the embodiment of transcendence super compressed within a biological machine, we call

the human body.

When we go within ourselves and begin meditating , we begin the process of expansion of 

our awareness, and perceptions.

We fail miserably to cognise the reality that lies within our physical form. We fail to comprehend

the absolute reality and full meaning of the word LIFE.

Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE that is what we are, and ALL LIFE is ETERNAL

without QUESTION,  All we see is the physical body shell, and gravely mistake this shell for

the real YOU, this grave error is one of the most prominent causes of the many woes that beset


Transcendence lives within YOU dear reader of this blog, you can transcend your little physical

shell and awaken your immortal soul and inner spirit, then you can rise out of your shell and

ascend into a much grander state of awareness and consciousness, you will then no longer need

to occupy space , you will have become the ocean and at ONENESS with ALL!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Consciousness Of Atoms Liberating Enfolded Soul Causing Expression. C O A L E S C E .

 For a human being to incarnate into this dimension of physicality, there needs to be an intelligent

response to be made in order for our spirit self  to become clothed in matter.  The elements of 

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water need to combine in an intelligent partnership in order for one soul to

gain entry here on Earth. the fifth element which is spirit, that's the part we bring into the equation

that permits entry into this planet Earth.

Each atom is a centre of consciousness and possesses an awareness of affinities, attractions, and 

repulsions, each human being is made up of countless trillions of atoms, each one playing an important

part in our overall expression here on Earth. All the atoms act  as one composite wholeness, and the

miracle of all this is that each one of us has the very exact number of atoms to fully complete the

sequence of physical expression . NOT ONE ATOM too many or one less EXACT AMOUNT!

That amounts to infinite Intelligence. 

All the countless trillions of atoms hold our essence in perfect cohesion and harmonic resonance.

The wonder of expressed life is truly astounding , countless trillions of little lives all together

holding a soul in one expressed piece, long enough for it to gather enough experience  in order

to find out more about who you really are, and then move back into the astral realm, for a rest

and a period of reflection, before your next incarnation here on Earth.

So many points of energy and intelligence all come together and  COALESCE into one whole

in order for ONE SOUL to be given the opportunity to AWAKEN from its AEONIC 

SLUMBER, and be able to achieve soul and self realisation.

We all fail to cognise the sacrifice that the elements and those countless little lives of the atoms

make in order for us to GAIN ENTRY into the physical realm. We  need to be ever mindful

that we the whole of humanity are not PHYSICAL BEINGS, the physicality you see is just 

the VEHICLE that carries the incorporeal intangible spirit life force, that is what you really are.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 9 August 2021


 This entire universe is made out of the very same stuff, which is energy. Only energy exists 

within this universe, nothing else exists within the infinite space-less space of what we term

as the universe. What is our understanding of energy? Do we know exactly what it is? Do we

realise that energy has infinite intelligence? And that it is omnipresent filling the entire supposed

vacuum with its presence. So much so that there is not one atom distance within this universe

where energy is not present.

Life being expressed is energy, so then is energy actually life? Yes it is and more so, consciousness

is energy, thoughts are energy, spirit when expressed is energy, when not expressed and is 

motionlessness it is frozen energy, an infinite potentiality awaiting a quickening intention to

activate its potentiality.

When we look deeply into what we call energy, we will see that it expands outwards exponentially

and encompasses all "THINGS TOTALLY" There is no-thing in existence that is devoid of

energy, zero thing. We have so many names for this ONE singular essence, which is the only

reality universally. The equation reads that, "all is energy and energy is ALL"!  No other 


A singular unified reality, that is both relative when expressed (in perpetual motion)  and 

Absolute  when not expressed , a universal singularity of FORCE that has NO EQUAL in


Humanity is basically 7.7 billion intelligent units of ENERGY enfolded within five layers or

Koshas or sheaths, which is energy wrapped around energy wrapped around energy, all NAMES

that exist on this planet dissolve back into ONE SINGULAR NAME which is ENERGY.


Spirit is energy, Soul is energy, God is energy, Brahman is energy, Let us then embrace Energy.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 8 August 2021


 The word ATMAN is a SANSKRIT word meaning "inner self, spirit, or soul". The ATMAN

is what we all really are, we all have an "inner self" and we all our both spirit and soul. Question,

what is an idea? An idea is a being incorporeal, which has no subsistence by itself, but gives

figure and form onto shapeless matter, and becomes the causing of manifestation. We are all chock

full of ideas, our whole life is spent churning out millions of ideas and thoughts about this and that.

We are all on a pathway within what we call either ascension or evolution. Evolution is a 

continually accelerating march of all particles of the universe which lead, then simultaneously

by the path sown with destruction, but uninterrupted and unpausing, from the material atom to

that universal consciousness, in which omnipotence and omniscience are realized in a word, to

the full realization of the absolute GOD/BRAHMAN. When we eventually arrive there, all

evolution for us will cease, once and for all.

If we pay attention to the idea of going within ourselves, to look for the answer as to who we

really are, then that IDEA  will flow from "words of many" to the wordless place of inner 

silence. Here in the silence we will contact with the infinite wisdom that dwells within the


Entering into the silence within us, when all thoughts are stilled, this takes practice, but if we

persevere, then gradually those thoughts will begin to peter out, then the true silence becomes

intense, and within that intensity we are then able to have full access to our inbuilt INTUITION

which will then flash all manner of concepts and reveal piece by piece our true immortal

Divine nature.

Our Intuition is what is termed as our higher self, or our soul, both are the same thing, the 

inner voice, which is the exact "still small voice" that whispers words of reassurance and

comfort when we are in a crisis situation. By going within ourselves and meditating we can

make contact with this inner voice, without the need of an arising crisis!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 7 August 2021


 The word NUMEN is a Latin word meaning the "presence of Divinity" , a Divine presence  that

is what the whole of mankind is upon this planet Earth. All 7.7 billion of us are all Divine Presences

here on Earth. The difficulty arises because almost all of the 7.7 billion human beings "Know Not"

who they really are, and therefore billions of us are being consumed by our gross ignorance of our

true immortal identity.

Our "minds" are created by us through memory, experiences and interactions from birth between

parents and family, friends, these collective memories coalesce at around two years old, and begin

surfacing as this "self awareness" the "I" is "born" which is the birth of the EGO which could 

stand for EASE-GOD (divinity) OUT, our minds are created so that thoughts have a space to 

inform us of their presence?

Our minds are a self created illusion, born out of the ego , self aware "I" arising of which we call

our personality, and the added baggage of memories.

Consciousness is not the mind, the mind is relative, consciousness is infinite and eternal.

The mind has to eventually become dissolved , in other words we all have to LOSE our 

MINDS, in order to fully find our SELF, which is an immortal divine SOUL.

We are all defined within the invisible presence that resides within us all, energy living

life intelligent energy is invisible to the human eye, what we actually see, which is the 

physical biological vehicle, we refer to as the human being, is only less than 1% of what 

you truly are, 99% of your true immortal reality lies hidden from your gaze.

It is only by refocusing your gaze from almost perpetual outward looking, and refocus 

your gaze inwards, here you will eventually make contact with the inner guru that resides

within all of us, this is called your INTUITION ,to enable your outer self to become 

teachable by your inner self , which is the higher self or SOUL, the intuition faculty that

we all possess is the gateway and inner portal that guides you into the realization of your

true and everlasting divine inner nature.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Friday 6 August 2021


 Out of the mists of a timeless time long, long, past there is a clue as to what manifested

this universe. Where did it come from? How was it brought into being?  This clue lies at 

the centre of ourselves, inner selves, in fact it lies within our minds, and the things that occupies

our minds 24/7  which is THOUGHT. It says in the ancient wisdom that "THOUGHTS are

THINGS" and these things are manifested all around  us everywhere. If we look at a building, and

imagine how it came into being, we will plainly see if we think deeply that the building you are

looking at began as a concept within the mind of the architect . The thought within the architects

mind was then transferred onto a drawing . Then the drawing was detailed out , and plans made

which then went into drawing up all the materials to build this IDEA  from the architects mind.

When we can fully understand the sequence, we will then  see that this universe was not so

different than this building, only on a FAR FAR GRANDER SCALE!

The Divine ARCHITECT  which is the SELF ABSOLUTE, manifested the SEED 

intentional thought wave sequence, which then set into MOTION from absolute 

motionlessness, the motion was the causeless cause that arose within the primordial thought

wave, and went issuing outwards into what was fast becoming the virgin about to be born


All life is the product of THOUGHT  without exception, without the primordial thought wave

zero life would be in existence, only the Absolute infinite potentiality of life would be within 

the void-less void, slumbering within the bosom of the ABSOLUTE ONE in perfect silent


We humanity are all the product of thought encapsulated within five sheaths or Koshas that

are wrapped tightly around the purity of soul and spirit, as we expand in realization and awareness

as our consciousness becomes more inclusive and awakened gradually the wrapping dissolves

away revealing a finer purer self . 

Eventually the seed thought particle that you identify with will dissolve back into the primordial

THINKER, by then all thought will no longer exist for you, YOU will become a


Warmest regards michael.

kirpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 5 August 2021


 The Tower of BABEL mentioned in the Bible is a interesting story, that has been interpreted 

in many ways. And has similar stories mentioned by many other cultures around the world.

The word BABEL is an ancient Babylonian word which means  two words, BAB means GATE,

and EL means GOD, so that the Tower of BABEL really means the GATEWAY TO GOD.

The language problem mentioned in the story of BABEL was caused by incoming travellers

from far of lands, causing confusion and unrest.

There is I feel a deeper meaning to this story relating to a language that is understood by all,

and that universal language  is the language of the HEART. The GATEWAY  to GOD  lies 

within the TOWER of your personal TEMPLE (which is your physical body) . 

We all our the tower of BABEL  represented by our physical body vehicles. When we go within

ourselves, tune into the heart chakra, pen our selves to the inner silence, we then are beginning

to open the GATE that leads to the INFINITE SOURCE of all life which is GOD/BRAHMAN

ALLAH, or any other names you prefer that means the ABSOLUTE ONE.

BABEL lies within us, the language of the heart melts away the dross and ignorance that

surrounds us all, and penetrates into the silence where all wisdom and wholeness dwells.

If we communicate from our hearts rather than our heads, sharing with each other honestly

sharing our common experiences, rather than sharing our opinions and ego inflated ideas,

we will then open that inner door in our own tower of BABEL which is your personal TEMPLE

of the SPIRIT, which is of course your physical body.

Our personal GATEWAY to WHOLENESS and ATONENESS lies within each and everyone

of us. We each are the TEMPLES in motion upon this planet each TEMPLE each tower of 

BABEL  HOUSES a divine visitor which is of course your immortal SOUL, to reach this

HOLY visitor you need to venture within YOUR-SELF!!!!!!!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 4 August 2021


 To experience motion while in total stillness, we need to go within ourselves and practice

meditation. Here we will find the answer to motion from stillness. The greatest thing that any

male or female can ever experience is the full realization of who they really are, that full 

completeness , that feeling of WHOLENESS that comes from the awakening of your true

immortal SELF/SOUL,  is beyond your mortal frame of reference, it lies in the wondrous

comprehension  and expansion of your awareness and consciousness, beyond your wildest


We can be put off at times, by what we hear about meditation and Samadhi , with reference 

to things like the "gateless gate"  and the "pathless path" these statements seem so unreal

that it can put some of us from ever trying to meditate. Simplicity comes to the rescue of the

puzzled soul.  The "pathless path" is the path each one of us treads daily in our experiences 

we each "CREATE OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL PATH" by moving through our 

experiences EACH DAY.  Each path is unique to that individual" YOU! So you are the 

WALKER walking and simultaneously creating YOUR path as you go!

The "gateless gate" exists within YOU the one venturing within yourself, as you are able to

lesson the thought processes within your mind,  and begin to motion deeper into the infinite

silence , you find that the silence equals that of profound wisdom.

And with much practice you can penetrate deeply into the Infinite silence and there you will

pass the "GATELESS GATE"  without even knowing that you have.

Here you will see , feel, and know that the centre of life is nowhere and everywhere all at

the same timeless time.

Our motion through total stillness, reveals itself to be that of expansion, our awareness and

consciousness expand EXPONENENTIALLY from within our singularity point of reference

which is our anchor point within the physical universe. WE are expanding into infinite 

consciousness perception and awareness, which gives us the illusion of rapid motion through

the eternal stillness.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 3 August 2021


 Universal law condenses informing intelligent living energy with the cloth of matter,

humanity is basically the principle  of life condensed into a singularity  point and presented

into this physical dimension  as a flesh and blood being. In the 'SHAPE' of things soon to

BECOME, man will realise that  he or she is the PRESENCE they have been looking for all

their life. The presence is GOD the SELF condensed into matter, that is in TRUTH, the 

FACT of the MATTER!!!!!

We so often search for contact with GOD/ALLAH/BRAHMAN or some other Higher Power,

not realising that WE are WHAT WE are SEEKING!! 

Universal laws condense into matter, and unfold into various shapes and sizes .  Humanity is

at the apex of unfoldment (beginning to blossom) . We have Self-awareness , I  AM SELF 

AWARE Consciousness. However billions of us have NOT MADE the FULL CONNECTION

as to what this realisation actually and really MEANS!

What did God say to MOSES at the burning bush episode in the Bible? When Moses asked God

who shall I say sent me? God answered him and said,  tell them that I AM THAT I AM sent

you. If we fully understand what it means , when we say "I AM,JOHN SMITH, or I AM

MARY ADAMS, we will then realise that "I AM" =The PRIMAL PRINCIPLE which


for they are all the very SAME THING, as the bard Shakespeare once said, "A rose by any

other name would smell as sweet".

'WE' are all the ABSOLUTE BEINGLESS BEING experiencing REATIVITY and all 

being clothed within a biological machine which expresses the ABSOLUTE perfectly

within a RELATIVE TEMPORAL framework of reference.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this  blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 2 August 2021


 Try and imagine this entire solar system including the star we call the sun, being infinitely

compressed into a point so small that it would actually be sub-sub-atomic infinitesimal in

size, beyond our mental comprehension totally. Well this is the size-less size of a sub-sub

atomic singularity point of reference. And this point of reference becomes YOU and ME

now reading this blog!!!!! 'WE' are all absolute spirit  which is omnipresent and ubiquitous

present everywhere simultaneously, all at the same time.  So literally you are present 

everywhere so that the very idea of any motion being needed  would become completely

absurd. Each one of 'us' in essence  is that which is Absolute and omnipresent. This Absolute

Infinite Ocean of SPIRIT,  has become super-compressed and condensed into a singularity

point of reference. 

Which then enters into relativity via the singularity, which then in turn presents us within a 

double toroidal field of electromagnetic energy which further coalesces our energy signature

into that which eventually becomes a flesh and blood human being.

If we could just try and imagine the force necessary to condense infinity into ONE-POINT

of  reference to present one human being into this physical dimension , if we could fully 

realize this miracle of compression and cohesion, we would all fall to our knees  in total

awe and wonder at the perfect majesty and beauty of such a wonderful opportunity to become

TANGIBLE  and feeling within a limited arena. To be able to see, hear, touch, taste, feel,

to experience a wide range of emotions. in our pure essence state we are INTANGIBLE and

infinite and absolute ,with zero motion and perfect bliss. Only pure absolute SILENCE

abodes therein. WE are here to experience EXPERIENCES and FEEL the FEELINGS

that arise from those experiences.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 1 August 2021


 Humanity is a Whole Collective  of 7.7 billion souls, and each soul seems to identify itself

as being a human being. The Life force that animates mankind issues out from the SOURCE

of all life, which is SPIRIT, known also as, GOD,  BRAHMAN, ALLAH, plus many other

names , all describing the ONE eternal truth  of ONE infinite Absolute Being-less BEING.

We are all SPIRIT, masquerading  as that of being human beings. This disguise is so perfect

that hundreds of millions of us are completely unaware, of this inner Divine reality, that lies 

within the matrix of YOUR expression here on Earth.

We do not realise this inner reality because nobody teaches us this truth, our education 

facilities are totally devoid of any instruction as to who and what you really are!

Because of this lack of any real information as regards to your Divine immortal identity

tens of millions of us remain totally ignorant of our true and eternal nature. No one tells

you that you are a soul with a physical body, and not a physical body with a soul, the soul

is the primal principle, the human body is NOT a principle.

We are not taught that when we die (change venues) we carry on living as before, even

more so, in our astral body, the astral body each one of the 7.7 billion souls possesses  a 

astral body, we all use this astral body every night of our Earthly existence, whenever 

we sleep at night, we leave our physical body shell, and travel in our astral body, when

we awake in the morning, we forget where we have been, your subconscious remembers

but your conscious mind forgets within about two minutes of awakening.

Sleep is known as the first cousin of death, LIFE in its infinite wisdom takes us out of

our physical bodies every night, so that we are all used to this practice, the only difference

at death is that we leave the body as we have all done thousands of times before, but when we

die, the silver cord that connects us to the physical body is severed so that return is impossible

we than move into the place we have all been to countless times before, but fail to remember

it, however your sub-consciousness remembers and at the time of death you know what is

happening to you, some often see long passed friends and family there waiting to greet them.

Our biggest enemy and source of most of our fears is ignorance, fear melts away when 

replaced by knowledge and understanding.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and  friends Thanks.