Mankind is all on a journey that takes shape within what we call evolution or ascension.
We are each on differing levels of the spectrum of evolving life forms. This universe is
seen as 'MAYA' which means in Sanskrit 'dream; or 'illusion'. What moves this perpetual
motion of this MAYA universe is two forces of positive and negative, ISHWARA is the
male aspect, and SHAKTI is the female aspect, positive and negative poles that unite
Mankind is born within five koshas or sheaths, the physical body being the lowest. I see
that until we ascend and realize all these five koshas, we are still literally within the WOMB
of SHAKTI. and do not leave that womb until we fully realize the fifth kosha, then we are
fully born out of the WOMB of RELATIVITY and MAYA and back into the ABSOLUTE
All the time we are journeying back and fro from the Astral plane to the Earth plane, we are
still all firmly locked within SHAKTI WOMB.
We cannot become fully released from the bondage of expression until we fully wake up and
first realise our soul reality and divinity, then when we realize the soul, we make the next
realization that we are the SELF, which is GOD/BRAHMAN , which then takes us OUT
of RELATIVITY and motion, and back into the stillness of the ABSOLUTE.
All five koshas are differing levels of relativity, the lowest level of density is the physical and the
most refined kosha is the fifth. The astral planes are also relative and not absolute, and while
on the astral plane there is virtually no room for improvement, other than taking stock and
seeing what you could have done better. it is only here on the Earth plane that we can make
a big difference in our ascension process, incarnating here on earth is just occupying
vehicles in order to find out who you really are, we each have hundreds of differing
vehicles over thousands of years, the physical wombs we have all exited out of countless
times, do not count for that much, what really counts is the realization process and how
it engages you into deeper and deeper levels of awareness and consciousness, The ones that
count are our five births through the five koshas and that final BIRTH, where the GODDESS
Shakti bids you FAREWELL, and GOD SPEED into the SELF REALIZATION.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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