Wednesday 25 August 2021


 It is written in the Bible that "many were called, but few were chosen". are we one of those 

chosen few? Only you can answer this question. We are all called by the very experiences we

have in life, that try us and cause us despair. When we search for answers we are silently 

calling out for help and assistance. The few who are chosen are those who look within 

themselves and see that within them lies an unseen power that is greater than themselves.

I thought in my ignorance years ago when I first found this saying in the Bible , that it 

applied to a few chosen ones by GOD, and that the rest were left to stew in their own mess.

But know more, years later I understand that each one of us is the "CHOOSER" we make

the choice to look within  ourselves and discover an unexpected inner resource that lives 

deeply within us.

This Higher Power is divine in origin. The word given out by LIFE/SOURCE is to motion 

through experiences and by this act of motioning through varied experiences, you will find

out who you really are.

Our flesh and blood bodies are condensed and congealed divinity/LIGHT  set into condensation

and manifested as biological machines. By going within ourselves we begin to dissolve the outer

density. and by taking up meditation we effectively raise our vibration levels , and thereby 

actually begin to attract less dense physical atoms, and begin attracting higher vibrational 

ethereal atoms into our energy matrix.

When we consciously decide to do this, and maintain this practice on a regular basis, we are then

individually deciding and taking the necessary steps to make sure we are one of the FEW who

has consciously made the decision to become CHOSEN by our ACTIONS.

What we have chosen in effect is to FULLY WAKE UP and know who we really ARE!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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