Saturday 30 September 2017

Changes Can Only Occur In The Surficial Aspects Of Evolution. Part Three.

Conscious re-connection with our higher self the soul, is the whole aim and point of our evolution,
though few of us are ever actually know or even realize this reality. We spend countless millions
of solar years trying to achieve this aim, that we do not even know we have?
We are all conscious entities, these entities are called living forms (shapes) every living thing that has
form is expressed within the shape that corresponds to the energy signature that is represented
within the enclosed form, we as humans all have our distinguished shape and form, we are all LIFE
and life is expressed within the following sequence, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy= LIFE.
So we are all basically energy packets, micro-encapsulated within a form called the physical body
and the basic purpose of this, is to finally one bright day, make all the right connections, join up
all the dots, and see and  reveal the final product of a fully realized  human being, consciiously
reconnected with there souls via telepathic communication, wholly atonement with all their seven
bodies of expression, achieving perfect harmonic resonance within the all sequence on all levels
of expression, and thereby actually transfiguring their form, raising their atomic vibration, loosing
all the dense physical atoms, ascending the atomic scale through the etheric atoms, on into astral
atoms, and coalescing within a spiritual vibration that at the moment is beyond our comprehension.
This is the ultimate destiny of us all, some have already achieved this, others are well on their way
we will all arrive there in our own time.
Ignorance is our biggest obstacle, and keeps millions of us chained firmly to Karma's wheel of
life, we all need to know firmly once and for all as to who we really ARE, you are a SOUL having
a human experience, you are an immortal soul, which means you and all of us are eternal beings,
dearth is an illusion, and cannot exist within reality, the appropriate word for death is CHANGE
we change our physical body and move into our astral body, that is the reality of natural law at
We are here to gather experience and make the connections arising from those experiences, and 
over many lifetimes we finally wake up and  actually KNOW WHO WE REALLY ARE!
Ijuust hope that any of you reading this blog, will think deeply about what is written here, and then
adjust yourself accordingly.
I am just sharing my experiences of life upon the path, and hope some of you can benefit from
what i have shared.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Friday 29 September 2017

Changes Can Only Occur In The Surficial Aspects Of Evolution. Part Two.

Changes can and only ever occur within the relative physical universe, in which we all live and move
and have our being, however we need to fully understand that although we are all firmly embedded
within the relative physical universe, where changes can and often occur, at our core of being where
we exist as spirit, that part of our reality is not within the physical universe but remains forever
Within the absolute beingness in the void of the eternal now, no changes ever occur, and what's more
could not ever appear as this would be an impossibility, because within perfection no-thing can
possibly ever "happen", for some-thing to"happen" implies that there needs an additional "some
-thing" to complete the already WHOLENESS, which as WHOLENESS is PERFECTION at this
level, the very idea of any thing being added is completely absurd.
We as human beings, are all on a road of self discovery, this discovering process takes countless
centuries, and spans an age beyond most comprehension, we journey to and fro between this dimension the lowest physical plane of existence, and into the astral plane, which is a plane or
dimension far different from this one, as different laws apply there, and there thoughts really are and
do become things that materialize as soon as we think them, here on earth it can take ages for a thought to materialize, but in the astral it happens in a blink of an eye.
We all live countless lives here,and have experienced the whole range of life  as beggars, thieves,
kings and queens, being born in every race of earth,and now we are conscious of being alive and awake in this life, and sat here reading this blog, yes you my friend, sat there now reading,how
many times have you been here, and what's more what have you learnt? Shakespeare was absolutely
right when he said,"the world is a stage, and we are the players" what part are  you playing today?
That of an international banker? A young unmarried mother of twins? A dustman? Or an
unemployed drug addict? We are all here to learn the lessons of life, to experience fully all the
experiences that occur within human life, to experience them, understand them, then move on and upwards.
We begin as selfish self centered beings, wrapped up in our cocoon of selfishness and exclusivity
and gradually open out to become less selfish and self possessed , to become more inclusive in our thinking and actions, we then need to reconnect with our higher selves the soul within us all.
Will go more deeply into this next in part three. warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Changes Can Only Occur In The Surficial Aspects Of Evolution.

Within absolute perfection, within the absolute universe , no-thing ever changes, and no-thing ever
happens, all is still, absolute motionlessness, a state beyond any cycles, beyond any laws, all that
exists here is ALL, a Timeless, Changeless, Absolute Reality, where motion does NOT EXIST, if
we look deeply into MOTION, what do we find? We find evolving things,caught up in a "seemingly"
endless cycle, evolving in perfection. the point of any cycle is to reach a climax eventually and
then make a quantum jump in conscious awareness and perception. Eventually the cycle will end
when all the experience gathered is fully understood, then at the end of the endless cycle, the leap
from motion to  motionlessness is made, and you move out of relative  space and time, and enter
an eternal, timeless realm of utter bliss.
If we look at what a human being actually is, say, you there now reading this little ole blog, what is
a human being? Basically a human being is the shape and form of a physical body, which is just a vehicle for a higher much more refined body, that of the soul, what we call human beings is
basically the form and shape of a physical body, that is animated  and controlled at times by the soul.
In truth what we actually are is souls having a human experience here on Earth, we are all FIRST
souls, with a physical body, we are NOT physical bodies with a soul, there is a universe wide difference between the two.
We exhibit ourselves in a trinity wise expression, that of being, physical, mental, and spiritual, that
is our outer nature, our deep inner nature exhibits itself in  a duality wise expression, that of the
soul, which is a vehicle (body) for that inner purity which is the spirit, the spirit is that timeless
and changeless reality that resides within the Absolute, beyond the relative universe.
We as souls with bodies, are all caught up in the living drama of life and we are all on the stage of
life playing our parts, what part are you playing today dear reader of this blog? Are you perhaps a poet and you don't know it? Are you a plumber, or a cab driver, maybe a housewife or a model
whatever you are, you are acting out your part in the cosmic drama of evolution and the expansion
of consciousness, perception,  and awareness.
At our core of being,that of spirit, we are all perfect, timeless, and changeless, and have never ventured into any cycle ever, we will all eventually coalesce and become one again, as it was in the
beginning of the end.
In part two will further explore this, warm regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Zen Koans I Just Made Up Part Three. Fresh out of Koans!

In the last of this trilogy of made up Koans, I will finish off  with my last  seven made up Koans.
Koan one says, "the door to nowhere opens to all" this to me is the doorway within our consciousness  that we open in deep meditation and it leads finally to the understanding and awareness that all within this universe is inter-connected  and all is part of a magnificent WHOLE.
Koan two says, "a closed fist will pack a punch. in Karma's book of life". this means to me that what
we give out will surely return to us, without a shadow of a doubt. Therefore if we are wise and thoughtful, we will only give out what we would really enjoy getting back, such as love.
Koan three says, "let go of all, to become all" this is a difficult one to accomplish, as our ego's
always get in the way,  and say things like what about keeping something for me? All the time we
remain attached to things, we will always  therefore be bound by them also. What we can do is
slowly begin letting go of things, first the things that are not that important to us, then when we have
done that, we can tackle the other closer things to us, we need always to remember that the more we let go of, the more we actually keep?
Koan four says,"open  your heart, and shut of the mind" to open our heart to someone is to accept
them as they are fully and completely, the heart has a much more fuller awareness and wisdom than
the mind will ever have, the mind relies of logic which can often be very exclusive oriented, rather
than the more inclusive and all embracing heart consciousness, we need always remember that we
have a center of consciousness in the head, which is logic and exclusively based, and we also have
a seat of consciousness, that is centered within the heart chakra and is emotionally based and is
inclusive and all embracing by nature.

Koan five says, "wounding words, bounce back to bite us in the ass" (Karma)  I think most of us
are familiar with this idea, the saying what goes around, comes around,echo's this truth, what we
give out always returns back to sender, like that song by the King of rock Elvis Presley whose song
"Return to Sender"  whatever we give out returns to us, so be very aware and alert as to what you are
giving out.
Koan six says, "If you look for nothing,you will find all", this to me meand that if we expand our
consciousness through meditation and yoga, we wwill then begin to see that all in the universe is
connected to all, there is no gaps or empty spaces anywhere, when we can fully understand this truth
then we know that all is nothing, and nothing is all. here we needto understand that the word nothing
actually means  NO-THING-Present, because all things are basically onr thing =Absolute.
Koan seven says, Open your mind,but not so far that your brains fall out"! It is very well having a open mind, but we also need to be aware that we are not stupid in doing this, a balance and common
sense are needed also.
That is the end of mmy made up Koans, i hope you enjoyed them all/
warmest regards michael comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Zen Koans I Just Made Up Part Two.

Koans are there to jar our minds, to cause us to think out of the usual box we all think in, my first
Koan that i made up is this, "your past is always ahead of you" we can move towns, move countries
in the future even move to another planet, it really matters not where you go to, your past will be
always be there waiting for you.
My second Koan is "If your mind  is still,then you will move forward" stilling the mind as in the
practice of meditation or yoga, enables us to penetrate deeper into our spiritual nature, and in so
doing, gaining valuable insight into our true nature, and thereby progressing forward in
consciousness and perception.
My third Koan is, "the more you speak,the less you really say" we all seem to be strangers to
silence, and  are forever talking far too much and far too often,when two people meet in silence
much more can be communicated  in a few moments, than an hours talking.
My forth Koan is, "smugness is imagining more of your self, than what actually exists," when we
think we get the better of our neighbor, and think to ourselves, "that showed him! What are we
actually doing? Are we not belittling ourselves at the expense of our ego's? What real comfort is
there to be had at another's expense?
The fifth Koan is, " if you flush away the outer crap,the inner remains" If it were so easy to flush
away our guilt's and remorse as it is to flush away our bodily functions, then we would all be
in a heavenly clover field
My last Koan in this exciting saga is, "physical death removes the physical body, but not our
responsibilities" I learn't long ago that we can never escape our Karma and our responsibilties
the fact that we die (change bodies) makes absolutely no difference whatsoever, what we owe to
life must be paid in full, to the very last penny, and death makes no real difference to the matter.
Life for all of us is eternal, so we haveplanty of time to balance the books, and gain some expansion
of consciousness and awareness, and grow into a spiritually minded  being who learns how to
align themselves to natural universal laws and thereby stop making and producing negative Karma.
I hope you like these made up Koans they have all helped me greatly in my journey through what
is ofter called "the vale of tears" the earth plane.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Monday 25 September 2017

Zen Koans I Just Made Up.

We know doubt have all heard of the sound of one hand clapping? The idea of a Zen Koan is to
jar the brain, to temporary stun us into looking at things in a different and deeper way.I have some
koans of my own making that I want to share here, the first one is that "we have to first die,in order
to become fully alive" to me this means quite simply that the old selfish, self centered me, had to die
and through an inner consciousness sought through meditation, found a way to embrace a more
spiritual pursuit, rather than self seeking, so the old us has to die, and we need to become reborn
into a new and higher level of consciousness.
Another Koan i just made up is this, "to open our minds, we must first shut our mouths" if any
of us are going to grow spiritually then we need to silence the speak, and learn to listen to that
still small voice within us, this voice can be found within us when we quietly practice meditation
and yoga.
Another Koan goes like this, " In order to awaken,we must first know we are asleep", this means
to me that awareness of self is important, to become aware that we have been basically sleepwalking
through our lives, being only operating in two dimensions, physical and mental, while the spiritual
and emotional aspects of our being, have asleep in our life.
A further Koan goes like this,"In order to understand, we must first know what we stand under"?
This to me means that we are all under the powerful universal laws of life and existence,we need to
be familiar with these laws, and when understood by us, focus our thoughts, and actions into making
our selves aligned to these laws, thereby not incurring negative responses from them.
The last Koan I want to share is this one,"before we can know wisdom,we first must recognise our
own ignorance." this means to me that we need to see the depth of our own ignorance, as this is
also good training for us in the ego-deflation scales, when we can truly admit to ourselves that we
are ignorant, and truly believe that this is so, then we have placed our feet firmly upon the road
that will truly lead us to  further knowledge and growing wisdom, plus further insight into who
we really are.
I hope dear readers of my blog that this one will be of some use to you, my life has been greatly
enhanced by these koans, I pray and hope it helps you too.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soulrealization.

Friday 22 September 2017

Death Is An Illusion Change Is A More Appropriate Word Part Three.

A great spiritual master was asked by a devotee, what is the difference between you and I? The
master replied, the difference between you and I is this, I am God and that I know that I am God,
you are God, and you do not know that you are God, that is the difference.
We are all on a journey of discovery, and will all ultimately realise the truth behind those words,
we are all Gods in truth, its just that we do not know that yet,or even realise this potential that
lies deep within us all.
All life is eternal, we are all eternal beings, death is an illusion and does not, and cannot exist
what occurs is change, we exit our physical body, and link into our astral body, and continue
to experience life encapsulated within form.
Carl Gustav Jung  in his writings on the Collected Unconsciousness  of mankind and its archetypes
saw quite clearly how we are all connected at a deep level within our psyches, and how this influences our lives and dream worlds,Jung also saw much evidence of the continuing of life
after death.
The astral realms are actually created by us over vast ages past, our collected consciousness has
created this realm of thoughts being things, and we gravitate to the place where we are in tune with
and vibrate on the same level.
All our dreams both pleasant and otherwise are within this place, we have to realise that THOUGHTS
really are THINGS,and are created by us. The astral realms are really holding stations for us in
between incarnations, the astral realm is our creation, man too is a creator, we need to fully understand this reality, we only stay on earth and the astral for as long as we need to upon our
evolutional pathway,when we have grown spiritually and expanded our consciousness to a cosmic
level, and have exhausted all our selfish natures, become totally inclusive and offer uncondional
love, then we can tack our leave of earth and the astral lane, and move on into a consciousness that
at present is beyond our understanding.
Coming back now down to earth, we can if we so choose, change the way we act and do things,
when we know that thoughts are actually very real things, and can take shape and form, think of
an architect who draws up plans for a building, first it exists within his mind (thoughts) he then
finishes his drawings, (thoughts) and then when approved gather all the materials and build a house.
Our thoughts if focused for long enough also take shape and form, so be careful what you think
my friends.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Death Is A Illusion Change Is A More Appropriate Word. Part Two.

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that we can ever experience, and all of us experience
it many times throughout our lives, love of course is its polar opposite, and we would all like to
experience this emotion much more than the other.
The fear of death, dying, causes many of us great fear, and we also feel a great loss when a loved one
passes on.
Much of the fear generated about death, is that we know very little if anything about it, we can feel
that it means the complete extinction of our loved on, or vanishing forever into oblivion, and that causes us to despair  and feel great sadness and grief.
Little if any is offered by those employed by religion, I recall many years ago, that a young mother
had just lost her baby to illness, and was begging the vicar for reassurance about her baby, what will
happen now to him she cried! The vicar said your child "is resting in the arms of Jesus" with that the
distraught mother said, Well he must have big bloody arms then, as thousands of babies die every
day!  It perhaps have been better if he had just been honest and said, I do not know.
The good news is that there is no such thing as death, as described above, what occurs is a thing
called change, we leave our physical body, and move into our astral body full time now, as at the
time of departure (death) the silver cord that connects us to the astral body is severed,and then
instead of just visiting the astral plane during sleep, we now enter that plane fully, as we have then
discarded our physical body (vehicle).
The astral planes are vast and endless, there are basically seven planes of expression within the astral
and each plane has seven sub planes or principles, making a total of forty nine planes of expression
each of us will manifest on one of these planes of expression, where you end up depends on your
evolutional point on the arc of ascendance , and what way you have been living in this life, the
saying that "birds of a feather stick together" applies very much here, as they say, like attracts like!
The big difference in the astral realms as opposed to the physical realms that on the earth plane
you can have  say Hitler and  a saint in the same room, that could not occur in the astral, as there
vibrational differences would make that meeting impossible.
This is a vast subject and i haved covered but little of it, in part three i will try and put it all
together as a sort of composite whole, warmest regards michael, comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Death Is An Illusion Change Is A More Appropriate Word.

The word "Supercalifragilsticexpialidocious" is a nonsensical word made up for the movie
"Mary Poppins", the other nonsensical word is that of death, (meaning complete extinction,
oblivion) the very word in utterly meaningless, nothing has ever died in the entire universe
covering a span of countless billions of years. In fact death as i have described it above is
totally impossible, and just could not ever occur, the correct word for that of death is CHANGE
science informs us that energy cannot ever be destroyed, and we are all energy one hundred
per cent! So there you have it, science now agrees with the ancients that life or energy is eternal.
Science continues to support the ides that live continues after the grave, Dr Friedberk, a German
physicist,at Munich's Max Planck institute, has extensively studied after life phenomena, and
states, "The consciousness -or soul of man lives beyond the body,the body is a tool that
consciousness uses". Max Planck founder of quantum physics said,"spirit is the original basis
of all matter, reality, true existence". And lastly non other that Albert Einstein said, "everyone who
is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the
laws of the universe".
Our physical bodies are nothing more than just a vehicle, a tool, so that the real you, the soul,
can gain purchase in this low vibrational field or realm, just as you use a car, and when it has had its day, you trade in in for another model, when we reach the end  of our life span in this particular
incarnation, we "exit the vehicle" and move on to another expression in the astral realm, where
we are all very familiar with, as we have been visiting this realm all our lives while asleep at night
it just that most of us cannot remember our journeying when we wake up. We need to become
aware that we live in two universes every day of our life here on earth, by day we are conscious
and awake within the physical realm, and asleep, unconscious of the astral realm, by night we
exit the physical, and become awakened consciousness upon the astral realm, and we have all been
doing this quite automatically and in strict alignment with universal law every day of our life here.
We are all three fold expressions of reality, that of physical, mental, and spiritual, we are mostly
acquainted with the first two, physical, and mental, but the spiritual dimension of our being is
largely unknown to most of us. that is where we all need tp focus on and pat attention to.
In part two will go further into this.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

We Are Shadow Dancers Of The Inner Light,

We are all overshadowed by the "shell suit" or even "space suit" that we wear, usually called the
physical body, our physical bodies are just vehicles for the spirit (soul) to enable it to gain
purchase in this ultra low vibrational frequency of the earth plane, our souls need a heavy anchor
to weigh us down from our usual ultra high frequency levels that occur within the soul realm.
So by cloaking our self down with gravity, in the shape of a physical body, we can function in
this alien low frequency plane of expression.
We dance in the shadows of our (formal display) the physical body, within our dance we are all
gaining experience, and hopefully learning from them as well. Many of you reading this will be
unable to accept this shadow dance as reality, that;s fine, we are all here to learn and understand
exactly who and what we truly are, if you think you know that, great, perhaps you could pass this on to others, and share your experiences, just like i am sharing mine here with you all.
We have an inner light within us all, and this light does not cast any shadow, unlike the physical
light that we see every day here on earth. Our inner light, is not physical, and it comes from within
the centre of consciousness that is awake to its soul presence. It is spiritual light, emitted from the
We are all souls having a human experience, we are souls first, souls with a physical vehicle, and
NOT physical vehicles with a soul, there is a vast  difference, souls always are first.
Our human experiences are for us to recognise our inner light, make telepathic contact with our
higher self, the soul, and slowly move out of the shadow lands that we have lived in for thousands
of years, to move away from the shadow dance, and move into the dance of the inner light.
By going within ourselves, we can raise our vibrations increase our frequency and become
more in tune with the natural laws of life and positive expansion of consciousness and perception.
That is what we are here for, to learn how to dance from the negative two step, to take on the
positive two step, to move away from the dance of death and waltz into the dance of life everlasting.
Our evolution is all about expansion,and raising our vibrational frequencies  so that our consciousness and perceptions begin to take on a more inclusive and all embracing expression.
We need to come out of the shadows and stop hiding our inner light under a bushel! We need to let
our inner light shine forth, and when we are gathered up from within, we cast our gaze unto our
brother or sister who is still dancing in the shadow, and invite them to come this way, and
LIGHTEN your load.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Monday 18 September 2017

Prismatic Refraction Of Humanity. Part Two.

Energy is light, we are all made up from light, blood is congealed light, increasingly science agrees
with the poetry of direct human experience ,we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies,but beings of light as well,Bio-photons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell to cell
communication and DNA.
Light can be expressed in three ways, solid, wave like, and liquid, much the same as water can,
all expressions of reality unfold in this trinity fold way.
Light expressed as matter is congealed,solidified, and is expressed in its lowest vibrational
frequency, when it is expressed as waves, the frequency increases depending on its expression,
whether it is a blue light ray, or a microwave,and when it is expressed as liquid, it flows exactly the
same as water flows, very few ever see this phenomena as it usually does not flow in the physical
vibration, rather more in the upper astral realms, but can be seen there when we leave our bodies
at night when sleeping,where we all then visit the astral realm, although the vast majority of us
promptly forget these nightly visitations as soon as we wake up. We can though if interested keep
a pen and notebook by your bedside, and as soon as yiou wake up,write as quickly as you can what you remember in your mind, you have to be quick as the memory of your visits there fades very fast
on awakening. If you practice this over time you will build up a picture of what and where you have been.
The refraction process that we are all on is designed to give us the experience we need to fully
know ourselves, the prism that we are being refracted and reflected through is the physical body
which encloses us all in what must seem to our souls (our higher selves) as a suffocating cloak
of super dense light, in our soul body we are one with all, but here in our physical body we think
and feel that we are very much apart from the WHOLE, and this is one of the lessons we have to
experience, that of being apart from, and separate from the whole, and feel and experience what that
is like, and feel the utter loneliness that comes in its wake. These feelings of separation and being apart from the whole, although they feel very REAL TO US, are in fact just illusions, in truth it is
utterly impossible to be separate from the WHOLE.
We are all designed to self correct,eventually we all align ourselves to the inner light, and eventually
become one with it, thereby being soul conscious and aware, then the scattered rays of your light
signature will become more coherent and focused, one pointed and laser like.
Warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Prismatic Refraction Of Humanity.

Sunlight passed through a glass prism will refract split the white light from the sun into seven
basic colours, the rainbow effect, we see this every time sunlight passes through a rain shower, it
is a natural phenomena.
Science tells us that all is energy, and that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted, another name
for energy is light, and we all our energetic light rays all responding to the full spectrum breakdown
of white light passing through a prism, our particular prism is not made out of glass however, rather
we our differing rays and colours depending on our evolutionary place of the upward arc of
expression.The Source from whence we came, was a absolute pure white light, of which science
cannot accept or understand as yet, they will eventually understand this as real.
This white light was not the same as sunlight, which can be broken down by a prism, the light of
the absolute however is absolutely pure white light, and impossible to be fragmented,  Humanity
was basically split into seven families, each corresponding to a colour, and we all our part of that
mix of colours.
our evolutionary journey is about uniting the colours through  many differing experiences, through
many different lives, in all the many races on Earth, and eventually ascending in expansive
consciousness and perception into a much higher exalted state than we are now, we we will become
literally beacons of expressed light, whereas now we all have colourful auras, but they are invisible
to the vast majority of us, with the exceptions of those sensitives who have clairvoyant vision.
When a man or woman attains full enlightenment, there bodies, forms, will be transfigured into
pure light visible to all onlookers, because their bodies will be vibrating at such an accelerated rate
the atoms within their bodies will become super excited and will therefore give of visible radiation
which is light.
We all are made of light, we all have a signature tune (colour) you can find your colour or ray type
if you take the trouble to enquire, ask Google! I am sure you will find some clues as to what colour
you are.
Our physical bodies are made out of congealed light, slowed down so much it becomes tangible and
visible to the naked eye,we also have an etheric body,which completely surrounds the physical body
this etheric body is coloured "electric blue", and the we have an astral body. wherein the aura radiates
from, and this can be a mixture of all the colours some bright and bold, and other dark and dismal
depending on our emotions ans whether we are positive or negative by nature,
Will go into this more in part two.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Soul Evolution Of Mankind.

Everyone on Earth shares the goal of soul evolution whether they realise it or not. We have
reincarnated because we desire to evolve spiritually, by rising above all our fear based emotions,
and in so doing learning how to express unconditional love, we raise our vibrational rate, and move
closer to a state of harmony. Even where it appears that we are not evolving we are in reality making
progress. We learn through pain of our disharmonious acts,which can be viewed as our mistakes.
According  to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are in reality spiritual beings on a human
journey, we reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls.
Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individuals expressions of
All That Is.
It is a long journey,but that's okay because the soul is eternal.
The souls journey is really a process of evolving. This means growing in consciousness, steadily
progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness.
How do we grow in consciousness? Through taking on challenging experiences in physical form.
These cause us to make important "soul searching" choices and call upon us to discover our
inner resources.
But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being decide to inhabit the
physical realm with all of its limitations and difficulties?
It is precisely so that we can experience the state of what it feels like to be totally separate from
others and from the rest of reality.
Only by going into this physically separated human form can we know ourselves as beings in
our own right, and not just as ...well...undifferentiated blobs of energy!
Being physical throws our experiences, and choices into extremely sharp relief in a way that is
not possible otherwise.
This is how we learn who we are and to become all that we are.
Choice and the ramifications of choice provide the essential lessons of life, in a very real sense.
You choose to be here in order to make choices.
Warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Friday 15 September 2017

The Universal Law Of Gender. Mutable.

The last of the seven universal laws tells that "Gender is in everything,everything has its masculine
and feminine principles" This mutable universal law is evident throughout creation in the so-called
opposite sexes found not only in human beings, but also in plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic
poles, to name but a few.
Everything and everyone contains both masculine and feminine elements. Among the outward
expressions of feminine qualities are love,patience,intuition,and gentleness, and of masculine
qualities are energy, self reliance, logic and intellect.
Know that within every woman lie all the latent qualities of a man, and within every man those of
a woman,
When you know this you will know what it means to be complete.
The law of attraction and repulsion are also interwoven within this law, how we are attracted to
some, and repelled by another.
Ying and Yang too are locked firmly within this law.
The law of Gender is the last of the seven universal laws, all of which operate perfectly, the biggest
difference in all the universal laws, and the laws made by mankind, is that man made laws can be
cheated, bribed, and circumvented by a clever wordsmith lawyer, and if you have lots of money you
can escape the consequences of your actions, with natural universal laws this is impossible, and we
always reap the effects of our actions.
I have enjoyed doing these last seven blogs on the universal laws , we rarely if ever hear about them
and yet we are affected by them every day of our life, so i thought this was a good time to bring them out and give them an airing.
Warmest regards michael, comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Universal Law Of Cause And Effect, (Mutable)

Nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws, every action has a reaction or consequence
"we reap what we sow" Ralph Waldo Emerson, said the law of cause and effect is the "Law of Laws"
The most important lesson involving human conduct and interaction is seen in the Cosmic Law of
Cause and Effect. For every action there is an equal and a opposite reaction, every human thought
word, and deed is a cause that sets of a wave of energy throughout the universe which in turn
creates the effect, whether desirable or undesirable. The law states the effect must be a physical
manifestation, this is why good thoughts, words, emotions and deeds are essential for a better world
for all, and create good effects.
With every thought of intention action and emotion that is transmitted from you, a person sets into motion unseen chain of effects which vibrate from the mental plane through the entire cellular
structure of the body out into the environment and finally into the cosmos,eventually the vibration
energy returns to the original source upon the swing of the pendulum.
I would like to bring in here another name for this law of cause and effect, one that is mostly used
in the east, India being a good example, here it is called the law of Karma, and cause and effect are
basically the same thing, the only real difference is that in the east the law of reincarnation is often
associated with it,whereas here in the west we focus mainly on the effects of us in the here and now.
Karma, cause and effect, is universal and all penetrating.
The true meaning of the law of Karma is devastating to the mind, the true activity of this law, the
reality of this law,is something that the mind cannot contain, because the law of Karma is real,it is
the very fabric of this entire existence around you and within you,in a way you yourself are
Karma, and everything you think,feel, and do is Karma.
You may think you can grasp this,you may think Yes, I understand  that Karma is the law of cause
and effect, and if I do something bad then something bad will happen to me.
That is true if you hurt someone, then you will be hurt,it is the function of the law to balance all
action, the law of karma is the law of the scale.
But the true depth of this law, the profound reach of this law, is something that none of us truly
What would happen if we really understood that everything we think,say, and do, creates Karma.
Every single thought!
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Universal Law Of Rhythm (Mutable)

The fifth law of the seven universal laws. tells us that "everything flows," out and in, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall, the pendulum swing manifests in everything,the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left,rhythm compensates, it is the second of the mutable
and transcendable universal laws, and means that the pendulum swings in everything.
This principle can be seen in operation in the waves of the ocean,in the rise and fall of  the greatest
empires, in business, in the swaying of your thoughts from being positive to negative, and in your
personal successes and failures.
In accordance with this law,when anything reaches a point of culmination, then the backward swing begins almost unnoticeably until such time that the forward movement has been totally reversed,then
the forward movement begins again and the process is repeated.
To transcend the swing of the pendulum, you must become aware of the subtle start of the backward movement in any of your endeavours, whether it be to improve your health, your finances,your
relationships,or any goal you may set in motion.
When you feel the law start to draw you back,do not become fearful or discouraged, instead, knowing
that you are one with the Omnipotent Universal Mind for which nothing is impossible,keep your
thoughts focused on your outcome,and fight to remain positive no matter how far back this
transitory law pulls you. Even if your efforts meet with failure, find comfort that by virtue of this
very same law,the upward motion must start again,in time, your perseverance will be rewarded, as the backward movements become less negative relative to your previous backwards swings and you raise
yourself higher.
Everything in the universe, the Earth,and your life are effected by cycles, which continue tp repeat
themselves, until you reach an understanding as to what these cycles are trying to show (teach) you.
Understanding of the dynamics of this principle makes it possible to mitigate some of the more
extreme effects. We can recognise that fatigue followed by rest leads to renewed energy, anger
gives way to remorse and pain succumbs to release, by being aware of the rhythm, one is less
likely to resist the flow. thereby reducing the build up of extremes.
As with all duality and also within this law of rhythm, there is a forward and backward motion, but
also we need to understand that there is also a third option here which can present itself to us, if we
can see and align ourselves to it, that is the option of being still, being neutral, in the very centre of
these movements is motionlessness, this occurs very naturally on earth every day between the rise
and fall of the tides, there is a point called "slack water" where there is no tidal flow at all,niether
going out or coming in, stillness, like the middle way in Buddhism, at the centre of two poles all
is quiet, so we too in our lives, can for a while, stand still and take stock of our self, we will then be
in a place at the centre of all swing and will be not moving forward or backwards, just being still.
warmest regards michael comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Universal Law Of Polarity. (Mutable)

The forth of the seven universal laws, tells us that "everything is dual" everything has poles,
everything has its pair of opposites.
Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. It is also the first of the mutable or
transcendable universal laws, it means that there are two sides to everything,things that appear
as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing.
For instance, heat and cold,may appear to be opposites at first glance,but in truth they are simply
varying degrees of the same thing.
The same applies to love and hate, peace and war,positive and negative, good and evil, yes and no,
light and darkness, energy and matter, you can transform  your thoughts from hate to love, from
fear to courage by consciously raising your vibrations .
This is what in the ancient Hermetic Teachings is called the Art of Polarisation.
The principle of duality may appear to be very real in your life, but it operates only in the physical
and mental realms, not in the spiritual realms, where all is one.
As it says in the Bhagavad Gita "God is above all opposites".
Appearances can be very deceptive, and we can easily become fooled by them, we just need to look behind what we see, to get a better perspective of what actually is real.
Although this law is dual in nature, there are still three aspects to it, for instance you can have
yes and no, plus a neutral "maybe" you can have forwards, and backwards, and neither of these
but be neutral. We can do something, or we can do nothing, or we can just "BE" neither one or the other.
The opposites exist in doing things, if we just BE as in meditation then we are not on or off we are
in a neutral state, and any of us can achieve this state of being if we take the action and practice it.
As this law is mutable, then the implication is that we all have it within us to be able to transcend
this law, and become its master, we just need to go within, expand our beingness into all embracing
and all encompassing  consciousness, then wewill be masters of this law, until to manage to do that
we are all affected by its vector of positiveness or negativeness , if we are wise we will choose the
option that is the most healthy and uplifting to us all.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome  face book soul realization.

Monday 11 September 2017

Universal Law Of Vibration. ( Immutable.)

This law states that, nothing rests,everything moves, everything vibrates, this third  and last of the
immutable laws tells us that the whole universe is but vibration,science has confirmed that everything
in the universe, including you,is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies, the axiom, that like
energy attracts like energy, upon which the law of attraction is based,has its foundation in this law.
Everything that we experience with our five physical senses, is conveyed through vibrations.
The same applies to the mental realm, your thoughts are vibrations,all your emotions are vibrations
where "unconditional love" (in the sense of love for another)is the highest and most subtle of the
emotional vibrations, and "hate" is the densest and most base,you can learn to control your mental
vibrations at will, this is true thought power.
Everything is energy,including everything about you, and when you understand energy and learn
how to control and apply it,you will learn how to control and apply it,you will then learn what true
freedom really means.
We all are part of the Absolute, (God) you are part of the creator and the creator works through you.
Everything you experience in your life is a creation of the same Universal Mind which you are an
intrinsic part of, your mind literally creates your reality,what reality you choose is up to you.
Nikola Tesla,was quoted as saying that,"To understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of , energy, frequency, and vibration" unquote,.
We all pulsate and throb with the ebb and flow of energy that flows in and through us every second
of every day we live on this planet.
Energy, much like water has three stages of expression,as with water of which we are all too
familiar with, that of ice, liquid, and steam, energy can be solid looking, dense, like our bodies,
liquid like that of light and heat, and gas like in thoughts and consciousness. Three expression of
the same thing at different levels of vibration, solid looking being the slowest vibration, and thought
and consciousness being the faster vibration.
We each have within us the ability to master these laws, and be in perfect harmony with them, if
we so choose to do so, and exercise the necessary discipline and focus to do so. The choice is
always ours, do nothing and suffer the consequences, or do something that will eventually align
your self with the universal laws of expression, and find that inner peace and joy, that so many of
us would dearly like to experience.We can have peace ,love, and inner contentment and joy, or we can
stay the way we are, and just put up with the crap as it comes our way! The choice is yours dear reader, may wisdom guide your choice.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Sunday 10 September 2017

The Universal Law Of Correspondence. Immutable.

The ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great law of correspondence
in its inscription "Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the universe".
This great law also states, as above so below, as below so above, harmony among all realms,
physical, mental, and spiritual, we are all part of this harmony and can never remove ourselves
from it. There is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the physical, mental, and
spiritual realms, there is no separation since everything in the universe, including you, originates
from the One Source.
The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest
star, and vice versa, All is one.
This law states that your outer world reflects your inner world,simply stated,you are destined to
experience what you think about, your world reflects this to you every day,if you want to change
external circumstances in your life, you must change your inner world first.
Those who seek inner peace and clarity, find that their daily lives and routines flow more easily
and harmoniously.
They are better able to cope with life's little upheavals and carry on. Those stuck in anger and
resentment and other self sabotaging emotions and beliefs, find that they tend to draw more chaos
into their lives- and they don't realise they are doing it!
The law of correspondence basically puts us in the drivers seat of our own lives, our outer world
is a direct reflection of out inner world, therefore, we need to accept full responsibility for our
own lives.
This great law also connects to the other great law, that of cause and effect, sometimes called the law
of Karma by some, all the laws connect with each other seamlessly, so as with the law of
correspondence, as you give out, you will also receive back in equal measure, which parallels the
law of cause and effect.
By learning these mighty noble laws of life and expression, we will come to understand that their is
no Mighty Being called God judging us, we are our own judge, jury and executioner , we need to remember and understand that it is by what we do, and not for what we do, that we either get positive
results or negative results, it is the universal law that operates through our actions and reactions, their
is NO BEING that judges us, it is just the law that operates, if we are wise, we align ourselves to it
and thereby invite love, warmth, peace and joy into our life, or if we go against the law, we open ourselves to pain,fear, sickness, and torment, the choice is always ours to make, You pay your money
and you takes your choice!
warmest regards michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

Saturday 9 September 2017

The Universal Law Of Mentalism.

In the next seven coming blogs, i will be writing about the seven basic universal laws that govern
all universal manifestations of energy formations, this first one is on the universal law of mentalism.
The seven laws are these; 1, Mentalism, 2,Correspondence,3,Vibration, 4,Polarity, 5 Rhythm,
6,Cause and effect, 7, Law of Gender, these are the seven laws that i shall write about over the next seven days.
Very little is ever written about these laws that govern all our lives, and many are most likely completely unaware of their existence. So i thought that i would write about them here, and i hope'
it will be of some interest to you all.
The law of mentalism, which is immutable, says that all is mind, that the universe is mental,
everything we see and experience in our physical world, has its origin in the invisible mental
realm. There is a single universal consciousness -the universal mind, from which all things
manifest.All energy and matter at all levels is created by and is subordinate to the omnipresent
universal mind.
Your mind is part of the universal mind, the same, with the only difference being one of degree.
Your reality is a manifestation of your mind, this is true mind power. Albert Einstein said that
"everything is energy" how right he was.
The nature of the universal mind is omnisience (all knowing) omnipotence (all powerful)
omnificence (all creative)  and ominipresence ,(always present)  this too is our nature, you have
access to all knowledge, known, and unknown,you have access to infinite power for which nothing is
impossible,you have access to the limitless creativity of the one creator, all this is present within you
at all times, in potential form.
All we have to do, is realise this potential and make it a reality within our life.We all have limitless
energy at our disposal, if we know how to summon it, and also align ourselves to the fundamental
laws of reality.
What we all think, actually creates our reality,so we need to be very careful as to what our dominate
thoughts actually are,we materialise our reality, and that is a fact, many of you may well argue about that, and say stuff like, who in their right mind would   wish to have a life like mine? The reason this
happens is because of our very basic ignorance of any of these fundamental universal laws, that
operate through our lives, whether we know about them or not, if we knew how our thoughts and actions actually impacted upon our lives, we would all adjust ourselves accordingly. If we are wise
and want to be in harmony with the laws of expression , which will then impact upon us in a positive
way, where we will be healthy, in mind and body, feel positive and joyful,and feel and give out loving
feelings, then our lives will be blissful, rather than sick, lonely, and miserable.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

Friday 8 September 2017

P.E.R.F.E,C.T.I.O.N. Part Three.

-Numinosity, that is what perfection is when broken down into its ten expressions into wholeness.
If we we all in positive alignment with all of our seven expressions, then we would all express that
perfection here on earth. Because we are all out of alignment we do not ever express our full potential
and are therefore always running way under par.
In essence we are all perfect, it is just in out outer expressions that we fail to align ourselves to the
natural laws of life, and the main reason for that is our ignorance of even the existence of these
universal laws.
None of us have ever lived up to our full potential, with a few exceptions along the way, that show
it can be done if we align ourselves to life fully, like the Buddha, and Jesus, we all seem to fail to make the grade, why is this i wonder? Perhaps it lies in our psyche the suggestion that we can never
attain perfection, we all seem to sell our selves short,we do not believe that we are capable of ever
achieving perfection, not ever realising that we all already are perfect, (in the sense that the infinite
intelligence from which we all emerge from, does not make rubbish!)  We may well feel like rubbish
at times, and our life may be full of pain and hardship, but at our core we are all whole and perfect.
We are made of energy, we all our energy, living, intelligent, focused, energy, which spells out LIFE
that is what we really are LIFE, we are living beings, running way under par, mainly due to our
ignorance of our true identity, and also the unhealthy way we all  live, and eating processed and
junk food,
We can all take steps though to alter this, we can all change what we do,think, eat, and act,if we take
the trouble to do so, like i said at our core of being we have always been perfect, its just that we are so out of touch with our inner reality, that we all our basically lost unto who we really are, and know
nothing about alignment, or even what it means.
If we live right physically, that means we take regular exercise, eat healthy wholesome food, keep
our weight down to a healthy level, avoid smoking, drink less alcohol,or none at all, get plenty of sleep, and talk and share with our friends regularly, if we do that,chances are we will be physically
healthy, and well. perfectly fit so to speak? Then mentally, if we practise positive thinking, and positive acting, be optimistic rather than the opposite state,try and look on the bright side, rather than
the dark side, accept things as they are, and only change the things you can (which is usually yourself) if you do all this, then mentally you will become mentally balanced, and free of fear and
anxiety, you will then be what could be called perfectly mentally balanced and centred.
If then you took up yoga or meditation, and made thia a daily practice, you would reduce greatly
and deflate the ego, you would look more kindly towards others, you would begin to cultivate things
like humility, gratitude, joy, and peacefulness within,which would greatly improve your spiritual
life and well being, and you would be well on your way toward aligning yourself up with the laws
of universal life and expression, and in so doing, you would reveal an ever present loving energy
that would be welling up from you central core,and within that up-welling you would be expressing
a  loving energy into your surroundings that others would feel and benefit from, so in effect you would be expressing a wholesomeness emanating from yourself, which could in effect be called
perfection.We are all three fold beings, physical, mental, and spiritual.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 7 September 2017

P.E.R.F.E.C.T,I.O.N. Part Two.

The breakdown of the word perfection,which spells out,pulsating,energy,releasing,focused,
ensouling, consciousness, transmitting, into, overshadowing, numinosity, reveals what actually
makes up that which is perfect. Many aspects of unifying forces make the complete representation
of that which is wholly whole, which is perfection itself.
Are we then wholly whole? Are we not then perfect? Many would no doubt argue that we are a long way from being perfect, but does that opinion hold good? Do those that argue that we are not perfect
actually know and understand what perfection actually is? My guess would be no, they do not, so then what would be the reason for not accepting that we are in fact perfect? Do we all display actions
and mannerisms that seem to be far from perfect? Are we not at war with our neighbours? Are we not
killing our fellow humans, because of differences of opinions? All these actions seem to display that
we are far, very far from being perfect,is that the case then? Is there such a thing as degrees of perfection? Can one actually be partially perfect? Can a woman be partially pregnant? There are many questions that need answering here, the full picture is very clouded by our ignorance and
lack of understanding of what theses terms actually mean, is perfection the same as wholeness?
If it is, and we can accept that definition then there are truly whole and perfect beings here on the
earth today.
Although there is much sickness and ill health in this world, there is also many millions who are
fit and well and very healthy,their bodies radiate health and well being, these people could be said that physically speaking they are perfect, their bodies are working perfectly,maybe emotionally
and mentally they are not wholly whole, but physically they are, they could in turn then be described
as being partially perfect, but not wholly perfect.
To express our perfection, perfectly, we would need to align ourselves to the aspects that we display
our expressions through,we would need to further realise that we are all three fold expressions
of intelligent energy that vibrates at different levels within our three fold expression, we are very
basically, physical, mental, and spiritual beings,three fold expressions of life, in the form and shape
of something called a human being!
Therefore we may be expressing ourselves perfectly physically, but not mentally and spiritually,
so in order to balance up the other two aspect of being, we need to take some conscious action in
order to bring about an alignment of the other two aspects of being.
Will explore this more fully in part three.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Wednesday 6 September 2017


This blog is about perfection, and the words in the title of this blog spell out,pulsating-energy-releasing-focused-ensouling-consciousness-transmitting-into-overshadowing-numinosity which
equals the word perfection. What then is perfection? Can it be known? Are we part of it? Will we
ever be consciously aware of what it actually is? So many questions,what are we to make of it all ?
Are we all upon a pathway of evolution that will eventually awaken us into the reality of perfection
or are we already perfect and fail to see the truth of our being?
Have we not all heard the phrase "nobody's perfect" and have all no doubt accepted this phrase as
being valid and true. But is it? If we look out into the universe, and see the order of planetary orbits
around a central star,so accurate that science can say exactly where in the heavens a planet will be
in fifty or even a hundred years time, the times of the tides on earth are exactly known by man, and
again can be accurately forecast long into the future,these exacting laws also apply within our
physical body, and a woman's monthly cycle is in tune with the moons waxing and waning. We
are mostly fairly healthy, and our bodies work perfectly, it is when we interfere with its balanced
symmetry like over eating,taking drugs, and addictions to alcohol and the like, that our bodies break
down, and we invite in pain and illness, there is other things like famine and drought that cause
a break down of our natural health, when we have not enough fuel, food and water, to energise the
The universe seems to work perfectly, and we are part of this whole, therefore why are we not
perfect? Or are we and we know it not? It has been said by some the "God does not make rubbish"
and many of us might think that our life is rubbish, and we are depressed and morose. Does then a state of mind depict our personal awareness of what we feel, expresses into what we think we see?
If someone is in a blissful state of being, they feel that they are completely over joyed accepting all
things as they are,feeling totally whole and at one with all life, that then is perfection within that
blissful unit of energy, we are all just as close to this blissful state,it just that we seem to have lost
the key, that will open up that inner door within us,so we can gain entrance into another level of
consciousness, that is right there within us.
The way that we think,feel, act,and live all have a baring on our state of being, whether we are healthy or sickly, if we think negative thoughts,we therefore attract negative results to us, that is
universal law working, if we think positive thoughts, then positive results will come our way, such
is the law,if we are wise, we will monitor our thoughts very carefully, and make sure they remain positive.What you think, you become, such is the law,if you think you are stupid, then you will act
stupid, if you think loving thoughts to all, that same energy will return lovingly back to you, if you
think hateful thoughts to others, the same will return to you, If you can accept that we all came from
absolute intelligent energy, absolutely perfect, then we must by that very nature reflect that reality
from within us.
In part two will explore this further.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Tuesday 5 September 2017


The power of love is absolute in its essence, love energy is the glue that binds all universal
manifestations together, and that also includes us.The word lotus reversed reveals another secret
hidden from us, because the reverse of lotus is sutol which is another way to spell subtle, and the
secret of the lotus is very subtle indeed.
The bud of the lotus is an exact representation of the bud of a human being, it just the time factor
that is different, the lotus blossoms in weeks, we take many centuries, but the principle of budding
and opening up are exactly the same, just on a different time scale that's all.
And what makes the lotus blossom? The warmth of the sun, which equals love, and what makes us
blossom? Well the sun of course helps, but its our interaction with others, with close and tender
relationships,emotional bonding with parents and friends, this has the effect of enabling us to open
up to the warmth shown to us, and begin the budding process, it just that our time of final blossoming
is a long, long, time coming, unlike that of the lotus, however though, the process is identical.
There are other aspects of our opening up to the inner vibrations that relate exactly with that of the lotus, our chakras are all represented by lotus petals, each chakra having a different number until
you get to the crown chakra, which has a thousand petals within it, so when you understand this
intimate relationship we have with the flower, you can see just how "sutol" it actually is?
All nature is firmly imprinted with the life principle,crystals will grow like ferns and plants when
immersed in a metallic solution , the formation of ice crystals on a glass pane resemble ferns and plants, and human beings when they are opening up spiritually through the practice of meditation
or yoga, start to energise their chakras and the petals open up because of the inner stimulation
and vibrational  changes that occur when one meditates and stills the mind and thoughts.
The power of love is the cement that binds all living expressions of spiritual  formations together
where ever in the universe it exists in.
Love is expansive and all inclusive, hate is constrictive and exclusive, life opens up to love, and
closes tightly to hate and cruelty.
It is up to us to make the most of our lives , if we give out love, then it will return to us, such is the law, and by giving out love, we gradually open up and blossom, just like the lotus.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome face book soul realization.

Monday 4 September 2017

The Ubiquitousness Of The Now Part Three.

Consciousness can expand without any limitation, the only limit is in our ability to merge into
its limitless ocean of wisdom and knowledge.
The now is also  limitless and eternally still, being infinite and all embracing. It is us who are are
all moving through our cycle of evolution.
As mentioned in the previous blog, there are two expressions of reality, one which we are all
fairly familiar with, that being the relative reality, and relative universe, relative here also means
temporal (but here again we need to understand that the very word temporal can seem misleading,
as we are actually talking about billions of years as being temporal!!) The other expression which
is the very REAL one, is the absolute, which the now represents, absolute means stillness, a
utter and complete lack of any motion whatsoever, infinite, eternal, motionlessness.
And the paradox this equates to is that from absolute motionlessness came motion? All motion
is born from stillness, like the eye of a hurricane which is dead calm, still, at its centre, but has
hundred mile an hour winds circulating around this still void, an old occult maxim might help here
which says as above so below, and as below, so above. what happens in the universe also happens
here on earth.
A billion light years from earth on a planet circling an alien sun (star) their now, a billion light
years from us, is exactly the same now that we NOW are experiencing, now enfolds the entire
universe within its presence.
The now for us human beings is like a limitless still ocean, and our evolutionary cycle is much
like the act of us swimming through this now ocean, and as we do so, we gather experience, and
hopefully learn from our experience, and perhaps, share this with others along the way.
We are forever within the influence of the now, even when we die,(change vehicles) we are still
within the now on the astral plane, and we are still on the move as our evolutionary urge is to
gather more experience, learn from our mishaps, and when ready be reborn again on earth to
grow and expand in our conscious awareness, and experience more experiences and open up
the inner door within us all to engage spiritual consciousness and perception.
warmest regards michael comments welcome face book soul realization.

Sunday 3 September 2017

The Ubiquitousness Of The Now Part Two.

In the play Richard III, act 1,  scene 1, by William Shakespeare, the words said are, "now is the winter of our discontent" are we not all in our winter of discontent this very day? A few centuries
have passed since that play was written, but what has really changed in that time? There was fighting
and wars then centuries ago in that now, and here we are in our present state of now, still engaged
in wars and bloodshed, with a possible war occurring in North Korea any day now.
The eternal ever present now, changes not, and it seems that even though we are all moving along
the pathway of evolution, we have not changed much either! There seems to be a stagnation within
us that we seem to be unable to break free from, rampant egotism and greed, still appear to be the main two thrusts that propel our leaders into battles of power over land and minerals. This is a centuries old battle and mentality, we have in fact moved very little over time.
The eternal and the temporal exist within each other, we are both, we are dual, and temporal on the
outside, and eternal and absolute within us, we live in this reality simultaneously being in both
realities or dimensions and only really beginning to understand the outer temporal nature, the inner
eternal nature we know ittle or nothing about.
We all exist within this ubiquitous field, which is called the NOW, some have also called this ubiquitous field, the etheric or the aether or ether, it really matters not what you call it, it is exactly
the same thing, it is this infinite and absolute field in which all motion is contained within, that permits the connectivity of all things, and also answers the questions raised in quantum
non locality,where two particles light years apart can both act together at the same time, they can
do this because they are connected within the NOW, and therefore time,space, and distance are seen
as they really are, which is illusions, they appear to be real, but are not.
Our perspective on the now will reveal how much you are aware of it, the now can be as small as
a point, or as large as a universe, it all depends on your level of consciousness and perspective, the
greater our depth of conscious awareness is the more of now we will be aware of, think of an
astronaut in orbit around the earth, from their perspective they can see both night and day all at the
same time, whereas from your prospective on earth you would have to wait hours to see what they see all at the same time.Consciousness and now are linked together, will explore this in the next blog.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

Saturday 2 September 2017

The Ubiquitousness Of The NOW.

I have thought about, meditated about, and talked about the now, for over forty years, and these are
the conclusions that I have drawn from all this study.
The first question to answer is, just what is this thing called now? After meditating on this question
for forty years, I have come to understand that this word we use called now, which I will explain
forthwith, stands for non-local-omnipresent-wisdom=NOW, the now that I see is an ubiquitous
field, that is absolute, further it never moves, the now is basically and fundamentally eternally
motionlessness, if you consider for a moment what motion actually is, the basic implication within
motion is that there is somewhere to motion too? Well the ever present eternal now, is 100 percent
present everywhere within the universe all at the same moment, where could it possibly venture to
that is was not already fully there? The very idea of movement for an ubiquitous  field is absurd,
and a impossibility.
What then moves? Only relativity moves, the absolute is eternally still and motionless, we are on the
outer aspects of our expression, of which we have seven in number, relative, that means motion affects us all the time, our inner being, which is spirit, which is just another name for the LIFE
essence, is forever still.
We are all steeped in duality, and because of that we are presented with what appears as two
realities, that of an relative reality, where things are things, and motion is king, and then there is
absolute reality, where there is zero motion, and no-things either, the outer or relative reality is the
one that we are fairly familiar with, the inner reality that of the absolute, we know very little about.
What then is the purpose of motion?  I have meditated on this question for over four decades, and have finally concluded that the purpose of motion, lies at the root of what we call evolution, evolution
is I believe the sole reason for any motion, wherever it may occur within this universe. we as human
beings are all firmly locked into an evolutionary sequence, which is being slowly outworked as we
read this blog. science has said  rather profoundly that we are all made us from the dust and atoms of
stars long ago burned out, we are all star children in our atoms, evolution and motion are in reality one of the same thing..
What then is the now? The now is I believe the infinite and ubiquitous field that permits all this
activity to occur, and allows all within its infinite embrace to grow, develop, and prosper.
In part two will explore this venture into now further,
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome,face book soul realization.

Friday 1 September 2017

Two Dimensional Consciousness Awake Physical Awake Astral, Part Three.

In part one and two of this blog i mentioned briefly the physical plane, because we are all used to
this one, and spent more time mentioning the astral plane, as most of us are less aware of it, and many
have not even heard of it! That is the depth of our global ignorance of our evolutionary pathway towards total conscious wholeness and atonement.
A not so wise man, once said there are three types of souls, there are new souls, old souls, and there
are lastly, ass-souls!  i think that i was one of those last mentioned! We all live in this dual expression,
by day we are awake in the physical world, and we go about our business, then when we retire at night and go to sleep, we then enter an entirely different world, that of the astral plane, here everything is very different than the physical plane, here thought and thinking are acted out immediately, whereas in the physical you can hide and mast your thoughts, you cannot do that in
the astral realm, as there we are much more transparent, and we can all see the auras of others, the
aura is basically an electromagnetic field of energy that completely surrounds the being, and it is
coloured by our emotions, thoughts, intentions, so if you try and deceive some one there, it will
immediately show itself in you aura,and anybody close to you will see that you are lying by the colours that emanate from your aura. You cannot hide your thoughts, on the astral plane, like you
can on the physical plane.
There is a veil drawn over our awareness regarding the astral plane, as we awaken in the morning
the memory of our adventures fades very quickly, however it is possible to train yourself to remember
your visits there,what you need to do is to keep a book and pen by your bedside,and as soon as you wake in the morning, begin writing down all you can remember, keep doing this and you will gradually build up a picture of what and where you are going, also you can say to your sub conscious mind, just before you go to sleep, say, I will remember what I am doing in the astral plane, when I wake up, say this three times, to lock the message into your sub conscious mind, you will need to persist with this, and be patient, if you can do that, you will be rewarded with memories of your
experiences while being in the astral plane.
I want to say a word about coming back here to the earth plane, and reincarnation, have we a choice in coming back here or not? The answer to this question is both yes and no,we have first to understand that each one of us is on our own point of our evolution, and some are further along the
path than others, no one is better or worse than another, it is simply that some have been travelling
longer than others, that's all, beyond a certain point in our evolution we have no choice about coming
back here,it is completely automatic, after a certain point in our conscious awareness, we are actually
given a choice, and we can chose to stay where we are, for as long as we want, then if we decide,
we can return here, and be reborn again, there is so much more about this vast subject, but this will
have to do for this time.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome, face book soul realization.