Thursday 21 September 2017

Death Is A Illusion Change Is A More Appropriate Word. Part Two.

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that we can ever experience, and all of us experience
it many times throughout our lives, love of course is its polar opposite, and we would all like to
experience this emotion much more than the other.
The fear of death, dying, causes many of us great fear, and we also feel a great loss when a loved one
passes on.
Much of the fear generated about death, is that we know very little if anything about it, we can feel
that it means the complete extinction of our loved on, or vanishing forever into oblivion, and that causes us to despair  and feel great sadness and grief.
Little if any is offered by those employed by religion, I recall many years ago, that a young mother
had just lost her baby to illness, and was begging the vicar for reassurance about her baby, what will
happen now to him she cried! The vicar said your child "is resting in the arms of Jesus" with that the
distraught mother said, Well he must have big bloody arms then, as thousands of babies die every
day!  It perhaps have been better if he had just been honest and said, I do not know.
The good news is that there is no such thing as death, as described above, what occurs is a thing
called change, we leave our physical body, and move into our astral body full time now, as at the
time of departure (death) the silver cord that connects us to the astral body is severed,and then
instead of just visiting the astral plane during sleep, we now enter that plane fully, as we have then
discarded our physical body (vehicle).
The astral planes are vast and endless, there are basically seven planes of expression within the astral
and each plane has seven sub planes or principles, making a total of forty nine planes of expression
each of us will manifest on one of these planes of expression, where you end up depends on your
evolutional point on the arc of ascendance , and what way you have been living in this life, the
saying that "birds of a feather stick together" applies very much here, as they say, like attracts like!
The big difference in the astral realms as opposed to the physical realms that on the earth plane
you can have  say Hitler and  a saint in the same room, that could not occur in the astral, as there
vibrational differences would make that meeting impossible.
This is a vast subject and i haved covered but little of it, in part three i will try and put it all
together as a sort of composite whole, warmest regards michael, comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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