Sunday 10 September 2017

The Universal Law Of Correspondence. Immutable.

The ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great law of correspondence
in its inscription "Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the universe".
This great law also states, as above so below, as below so above, harmony among all realms,
physical, mental, and spiritual, we are all part of this harmony and can never remove ourselves
from it. There is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the physical, mental, and
spiritual realms, there is no separation since everything in the universe, including you, originates
from the One Source.
The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest
star, and vice versa, All is one.
This law states that your outer world reflects your inner world,simply stated,you are destined to
experience what you think about, your world reflects this to you every day,if you want to change
external circumstances in your life, you must change your inner world first.
Those who seek inner peace and clarity, find that their daily lives and routines flow more easily
and harmoniously.
They are better able to cope with life's little upheavals and carry on. Those stuck in anger and
resentment and other self sabotaging emotions and beliefs, find that they tend to draw more chaos
into their lives- and they don't realise they are doing it!
The law of correspondence basically puts us in the drivers seat of our own lives, our outer world
is a direct reflection of out inner world, therefore, we need to accept full responsibility for our
own lives.
This great law also connects to the other great law, that of cause and effect, sometimes called the law
of Karma by some, all the laws connect with each other seamlessly, so as with the law of
correspondence, as you give out, you will also receive back in equal measure, which parallels the
law of cause and effect.
By learning these mighty noble laws of life and expression, we will come to understand that their is
no Mighty Being called God judging us, we are our own judge, jury and executioner , we need to remember and understand that it is by what we do, and not for what we do, that we either get positive
results or negative results, it is the universal law that operates through our actions and reactions, their
is NO BEING that judges us, it is just the law that operates, if we are wise, we align ourselves to it
and thereby invite love, warmth, peace and joy into our life, or if we go against the law, we open ourselves to pain,fear, sickness, and torment, the choice is always ours to make, You pay your money
and you takes your choice!
warmest regards michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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