Friday 1 September 2017

Two Dimensional Consciousness Awake Physical Awake Astral, Part Three.

In part one and two of this blog i mentioned briefly the physical plane, because we are all used to
this one, and spent more time mentioning the astral plane, as most of us are less aware of it, and many
have not even heard of it! That is the depth of our global ignorance of our evolutionary pathway towards total conscious wholeness and atonement.
A not so wise man, once said there are three types of souls, there are new souls, old souls, and there
are lastly, ass-souls!  i think that i was one of those last mentioned! We all live in this dual expression,
by day we are awake in the physical world, and we go about our business, then when we retire at night and go to sleep, we then enter an entirely different world, that of the astral plane, here everything is very different than the physical plane, here thought and thinking are acted out immediately, whereas in the physical you can hide and mast your thoughts, you cannot do that in
the astral realm, as there we are much more transparent, and we can all see the auras of others, the
aura is basically an electromagnetic field of energy that completely surrounds the being, and it is
coloured by our emotions, thoughts, intentions, so if you try and deceive some one there, it will
immediately show itself in you aura,and anybody close to you will see that you are lying by the colours that emanate from your aura. You cannot hide your thoughts, on the astral plane, like you
can on the physical plane.
There is a veil drawn over our awareness regarding the astral plane, as we awaken in the morning
the memory of our adventures fades very quickly, however it is possible to train yourself to remember
your visits there,what you need to do is to keep a book and pen by your bedside,and as soon as you wake in the morning, begin writing down all you can remember, keep doing this and you will gradually build up a picture of what and where you are going, also you can say to your sub conscious mind, just before you go to sleep, say, I will remember what I am doing in the astral plane, when I wake up, say this three times, to lock the message into your sub conscious mind, you will need to persist with this, and be patient, if you can do that, you will be rewarded with memories of your
experiences while being in the astral plane.
I want to say a word about coming back here to the earth plane, and reincarnation, have we a choice in coming back here or not? The answer to this question is both yes and no,we have first to understand that each one of us is on our own point of our evolution, and some are further along the
path than others, no one is better or worse than another, it is simply that some have been travelling
longer than others, that's all, beyond a certain point in our evolution we have no choice about coming
back here,it is completely automatic, after a certain point in our conscious awareness, we are actually
given a choice, and we can chose to stay where we are, for as long as we want, then if we decide,
we can return here, and be reborn again, there is so much more about this vast subject, but this will
have to do for this time.
warmest regards michael, comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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