Thursday 14 September 2017

Universal Law Of Cause And Effect, (Mutable)

Nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws, every action has a reaction or consequence
"we reap what we sow" Ralph Waldo Emerson, said the law of cause and effect is the "Law of Laws"
The most important lesson involving human conduct and interaction is seen in the Cosmic Law of
Cause and Effect. For every action there is an equal and a opposite reaction, every human thought
word, and deed is a cause that sets of a wave of energy throughout the universe which in turn
creates the effect, whether desirable or undesirable. The law states the effect must be a physical
manifestation, this is why good thoughts, words, emotions and deeds are essential for a better world
for all, and create good effects.
With every thought of intention action and emotion that is transmitted from you, a person sets into motion unseen chain of effects which vibrate from the mental plane through the entire cellular
structure of the body out into the environment and finally into the cosmos,eventually the vibration
energy returns to the original source upon the swing of the pendulum.
I would like to bring in here another name for this law of cause and effect, one that is mostly used
in the east, India being a good example, here it is called the law of Karma, and cause and effect are
basically the same thing, the only real difference is that in the east the law of reincarnation is often
associated with it,whereas here in the west we focus mainly on the effects of us in the here and now.
Karma, cause and effect, is universal and all penetrating.
The true meaning of the law of Karma is devastating to the mind, the true activity of this law, the
reality of this law,is something that the mind cannot contain, because the law of Karma is real,it is
the very fabric of this entire existence around you and within you,in a way you yourself are
Karma, and everything you think,feel, and do is Karma.
You may think you can grasp this,you may think Yes, I understand  that Karma is the law of cause
and effect, and if I do something bad then something bad will happen to me.
That is true if you hurt someone, then you will be hurt,it is the function of the law to balance all
action, the law of karma is the law of the scale.
But the true depth of this law, the profound reach of this law, is something that none of us truly
What would happen if we really understood that everything we think,say, and do, creates Karma.
Every single thought!
warmest regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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